U.S. Supreme Court STRIKES DOWN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Universities Can’t Consider Race in Admissions

The Supreme Court just ruled that affirmative action in university admission violates the Equal Protection Clause of the United States Constitution.

All six Republican-appointed justices voted to strike down affirmative action. Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the majority decision.

The impact of the decision is enormous ... no longer can private or public universities in the United States expressly consider race as a factor in admissions. Many supporters of affirmative action fear that higher education in America will now significantly favor white and Asian students, and largely exclude other minority groups.

The Court did say, however, that schools may still consider non-race-based factors such as socio-economic diversity and diversity of experiences, so it is unlikely universities will return to the days of old when they were the exclusive bastion of rich, white kids.

The ruling today effectively overturns one of the most significant cases in Supreme Court history – University of California v. Bakke – in which the Court said that racial diversity among a university’s student body is such a compelling public good, that it justifies admissions systems that favor underrepresented minorities.

NYC Mayor Adams Goes Off on Woman at City Meeting ... Don't Treat Me Like You Own a Plantation!!!

eric adams split

NYC Mayor Eric Adams is raising some eyebrows after comparing a citizen at a community meeting to a plantation owner ... this after the woman got aggressive in addressing Adams over recent rent hikes.

Mayor Adams and company were at Gregorio Luperon High School for Science and Mathematics in Washington Heights Wednesday fielding questions on a broad array of topics.

Everything was cordial until one woman interrupted Adams, calling him out for raising the rent. Adams informed the woman he doesn't control the Rent Guidelines Board, but she continued to attack -- pointing her finger at the Mayor several times while addressing him.

Adams clearly had enough -- telling the woman she needed to show him some respect as the Mayor of NYC -- before saying, "I'm speaking to you as an adult. Don’t stand in front like you treated someone that’s on the plantation that you own."

The statement drew applause from the room as the woman sat down ... and the rest of the meeting seemed to go on without issue.

Donald Trump Bombshell Audio Recording ... In Classified Docs Case

Donald Trump is in deeper trouble than anyone could have imagined in his classified documents case ... this after CNN aired a bombshell audio of him showing classified material he never declassified ... showing it to people who had no business seeing it.

The 45th President was taped casually chatting with his staff about "highly confidential" documents at a July 2021 meeting in Bedminster, New Jersey.


The get-together was supposed to be centered around a writer -- also in the room -- penning a memoir about Trump's former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, but it soon devolved into a conversation about a secret plan against Iran drawn up by Defense Department General Mark Milley.

The two-minute recording, featured Monday night on CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360," starts off with Trump purportedly grabbing the sensitive docs and rustling them in his hands.

Trump then says, "This thing just came up." This was [Milly]. This was the Defense Department and him."

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He then points out the docs are "highly confidential, secret. This is secret information ... Isn't that incredible?"

Then Trump makes an incriminating admission, stating, "See, as president, I could have declassified it, but now I can't."

A woman in the room responds, "Now we have a problem," but she then starts laughing.

In another part of the recording, Trump makes fun of Hillary Clinton and her emails scandal. One of Trump's aides begins by saying Hillary would print out her private emails all the time.

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FOX News

Trump answers, "No, she'd send it to Anthony Weiner." He then called Weiner a pervert, causing everyone to chuckle. Weiner, a former Democratic congressman, was convicted of transferring obscene material to a minor and sentenced to 21 months in federal prison.

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung issued a statement that read "the audio tape provides context proving, once again, that President Trump did nothing wrong at all."

Donald Trump Provides New Classified Docs Excuse ... My Golf Shirt's to Blame

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FOX News

Donald Trump is floating a strange theory for why he didn’t return classified documents to the U.S. government … and it has everything to do with his golf attire.

Trump sat down with Fox News anchor Bret Baier for a wide-ranging interview Monday night ... and the 45th Prez gave an odd response when the questioning turned to why he held on to sensitive materials that belong to the National Archives in D.C.

DT said he was "very busy" and needed time to sort through the boxes because his personal effects were mixed in with the top secret documents, adding ... "These boxes were interspersed with all sorts of things: golf shirts, pants, shoes."

Baier followed up with ... "Iran war plans?" Trump responded, "Not that I know."

Baier was referring to an audio recording of Trump allegedly saying he wanted to share Iranian war plans with others -- something DT fervently denied, even though it's part of his federal case. Trump also shot down the notion he boasted about having classified docs to guests at his Bedminster, NJ estate ... an allegation also included in the indictment.

Of course, Trump also suggested the feds might have planted some of the classified docs when they raided Mar-a-Lago in August 2022.

Trump told Baier ... "All of a sudden we got raided…what I’m concerned about [is] they took everything. Right? I don’t know what they took."

He continued ... "They could be stuffing it. I don’t know what they put in there. They have never treated a president like this."

As we reported, Trump was arraigned last week in a Miami courthouse on a 37-count indictment charging him with, among other things, willful retention of national defense information, conspiracy to obstruct justice, and withholding a document or record.

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Prosecutors claim Trump squirreled away stacks of boxes containing classified docs in his Palm Beach resort, including on a ballroom stage and next to a bathroom toilet.

The feds say the docs detailed military capabilities of both the U.S. and foreign countries, U.S. nuclear programs, and other highly sensitive information about potential vulnerabilities that could lead to our enemies attacking us.

Pres. Biden Ends Speech w/ 'God Save the Queen' ... Um, Sir ... QE2 is Dead 💀


President Biden ended some remarks he gave this week on a strange note -- wishing health and prosperity on the Queen of England ... even though she's already kicked the bucket.

Joe was at the University of Hartford in Connecticut Friday, where he was giving a keynote speech for the National Safer Communities Summit ... where he was in front of a crowd featuring a ton of gun control activists. All was going well -- until the very end.

Watch ... JB starts to joke around with the crowd, and right before he leaves the podium -- he says, "Alright. God save the Queen, man." The crowd, weirdly enough, loved it.

Unclear why POTUS ended his speech this way -- for 2 reasons. One, he wasn't in England or across the pond, and definitely wasn't talking to a UK crowd. These were just regular old Americans. Of course, more importantly ... Queen Eliabeth II has been dead for months.

A lot of folks are circulating this clip/roasting Joe for it. On its face, it's just another gaffe.

While the Prez had kind words for the late monarch, her son probably would've appreciated Joe's well-wishes ... especially heading into the weekend, where he celebrated his first Trooping the Colour parade -- which is a celebration of his first year as the new King.

Charles was out there in his red military uniform, and even rode on horseback with one of those tall funny hats that cover your eyes. Indeed, he looked very Royal and prestigious.

The people of London packed the streets to see their new King, but in the end ... the spotlight wasn't totally on him the whole time -- thanks in large part to his grandson, Prince Louis. The kid goes viral from time to time for silly poses he does on the balcony.

As the people of Great Britain came to see on Saturday, he was at it again ... soaking in the glory. The little guy was having the time of his life -- and striking a lot of different poses.

When it comes to Joe and his sense of who's alive or dead -- somebody fill him in please!

Unabomber Ted Kaczynski Never-Before-Seen 2009 Letter ... Reveals Twisted Anti-Government Mindset

Unabomber Ted Kaczynski was more than a domestic terrorist mailing package bombs around America -- he was also a staunch proponent of the First Amendment to the Constitution, at least according to the madman himself.

TMZ has obtained a never-before-seen letter he wrote while sitting in federal prison, furious the US government had seized his infamous trove of personal items from his cabin and planned to auction them off to pay restitution to his victims.

In the letter, dated April 3, 2009, the terrorist railed against the system he claimed had wronged him in his multi-year legal battle with the feds over his possessions.

He complained the government had confiscated "every copy of everything I've ever written," and, worse, the court of appeals had already greenlit the auction ... prompting him to reluctantly admit, "I've lost."

But Kaczynski also warned his case should be of "grave concern" to all Americans because it showed the federal courts totally ignored the First Amendment ... in other words, "freedom of expression," as he put it in his letter.

He went on to say something about the court's decision being politically motivated ... but didn't further explain that theory.

The convicted terrorist wrote and sent the letter to a journalist with whom he was contemplating doing an interview -- about his belongings and the First Amendment -- but he ultimately decided against discussing it any further.

Two years later, the auction took place and, when it was all over, Kaczynski's personal property sold for $190,000, which went to his victims and their family members. Among the items sold were his personal journals, his handwritten "manifesto" and his hooded sweatshirt and sunglasses, as seen in his iconic police sketch.

As you know ... Kaczynski died by suicide inside his prison cell at FMC Butner in North Carolina last Saturday. TMZ broke the story ... 911 audio revealed first responders were unable to resuscitate him after he hanged himself.

Before his death, Kaczynski was serving 4 life sentences after pleading guilty in 1998 to killing 3 people and maiming 28 others during his nearly 20-year mail bomb campaign.

In his manifesto and other writings, he expressed his disgust for technology -- which he believed was destroying humanity -- and he targeted individuals he thought were advancing modern ideas.

TRANS INFLUENCER ROSE MONTOYA Sorry I Went Topless At White House Pride Event

Trans influencer Rose Montoya is apologizing for taking her top off at a Pride event at the White House ... admitting her actions were unbecoming of an invited guest.

Rose broke her silence Friday, saying she regretted flashing her boobs on the lawn at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ... and uploading a video of the act to social media.

Instagram / @therosemontoya

The apology comes on the heels the White House banning Rose from future events for her stunt. She previously defended her conduct, but that was before the ban.

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Tik Tok/@rosemontoya

As we reported ... Rose was among the hundreds of guests invited by President Biden to a Pride event at the White House, causing outrage when she pulled down her dress to expose her boobs on the South lawn, with the Truman Balcony and a Pride flag in the background.

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Twitter / @therosemontoya

In announcing her ban, the White House ripped Rose's actions as "inappropriate and disrespectful for any event."

Rose seems to agree with that assessment, and she's promising to do better moving forward.

Donald Trump Miami Supporters Left Hungry at Cafe After His Offer to Pay

Donde esta la carne, Señor Trump???

AKA, "Where's the beef?" ... that's what some of Donald Trump's most fervent -- and possibly hungry -- supporters are reportedly asking after his visit to Miami's famed Versailles Restaurant.

Fox News

You'll recall, shortly after his court appearance Tuesday to face the 37-count federal indictment, Trump made a stop at the Cuban restaurant, where he was greeted with cheers and "Happy Birthday" wishes. During his fairly triumphant, all things considered, pit stop, Trump yelled out ... "Food for everyone."

However, according to the Miami New Times, Trump left without picking up a single tab for anyone, outside of his campaign team. Now, it's not a "chew and screw" case, he simply never gave anyone time to order ... according to the report.

A Trump spokesperson has a much different view of what went down, or didn't, that day ... telling the NY Post, "At the end of President Trump’s visit he offered to buy food for the group of attendees inside the restaurant, but when President Trump left, the attendees followed him outside and did not place orders themselves."

Translation: You snooze, you lose! Trump was reportedly only inside the restaurant for about 10 minutes.

BTW ... Trump's senior adviser Jason Miller showed off some of the grub the campaign staff got for the road, boasting on social media, "Takeout, Versailles edition!"

Trump himself reportedly ate McDonald's later. Naturally.

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All in all, nothing worth a fresh Grand Jury -- just a campaign promise that allegedly came up a little short.

Donald Trump Arrested At Miami Court For Classified Docs Indictment

Donald Trump has officially arrived at a court in Miami ... getting arrested and booked for his indictment regarding the droves of classified documents authorities say he stashed away at Mar-a-Lago.

The former President was at the Miami federal courthouse Tuesday, where a crowd of protesters gathered out front earlier in the day -- some in support of Trump's indictment, while others continue to defend his claims of innocence.

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He was spotted Monday leaving his Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, NJ on his way to Florida -- and he's reportedly going to head back there to give a speech regarding the case later tonight.

Trump was also posting on Truth Social on the way to the Miami courthouse early Tuesday morning -- calling it "one of the saddest days in the history of our country" ... adding it's a "WITCH HUNT!!!"

As we reported, DT's prosecutors claim he stored a ton of classified docs wherever he could at his Palm Beach resort -- photos showed piles of boxes stacked on a ballroom stage, a storage room, and even next to a toilet.

The feds say he housed information regarding defense and weapons capabilities of both the U.S. and foreign countries, U.S. nuclear programs, and other highly sensitive material about potential vulnerabilities of the country and its allies to military attacks.

According to the indictment, Trump's been hit with whopping 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information.

As for the other six counts, he's facing separate charges for false statements and representations, conspiracy to obstruct justice, withholding a document or record, corruptly concealing a document, concealing a document in a federal investigation, and a scheme to conceal.

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We spoke with Loyola Law School professor Jessica Levinson, who told us why his latest indictment shouldn't have the ability to stop his 2024 campaign trail -- and she says he shockingly could even serve as president behind bars.

For those unaware, Trump announced the indictment on Truth Social before the docs were even unsealed -- and of course, he claimed total innocence.

This indictment also comes a little over 2 months after a New York grand jury indicted him over his alleged involvement in Stormy Daniels' hush money case.

Trans Influencer Rose Montoya Banned From White House ... After Going Topless At Pride Event

Trans influencer Rose Montoya won't have another chance to take her boobs out at the White House, she's been banned after flashing her breasts at President Biden's Pride event.

Rose got the boot Tuesday after footage of her going topless at Saturday's Pride party at the White House went viral ... funny enough, she's the one who posted the video.

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Tik Tok/@rosemontoya

In a statement to TMZ, a rep for the White House ripped Rose for the stunt, saying ... "This behavior is inappropriate and disrespectful for any event."

Rose was an invited guest for Saturday's Pride celebration at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ... where she shook hands with Biden and later pulled down her white dress to expose her boobs on the South lawn, with the Truman Balcony and a Pride flag in the background.

In the video, Rose is cupping her boobs ... and she's flanked by a couple of shirtless men.

The footage didn't go over well with the White House, with the rep adding ... "It is not reflective of the event we hosted to celebrate LGBTQI+ families or the other hundreds of guests who were in attendance. Individuals in the video will not be invited to future events."

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Twitter / @therosemontoya

Rose reacted to some social media backlash Monday night, denying her actions were inappropriate and saying folks who have a problem with her going topless are just affirming she's a woman.

It's worth noting ... Rose's defense was posted online before the White House ban.

Trump Org Store Hawking Dad-Day Merch Dress Pops Like a Twice-Indicted Prez

Donald Trump is seen by some as America's #1 man -- but his org is also trying to sell him as #1 dad ... one your own pops can emulate with a bunch of Trump-y gear for the holiday.

The Trump Org is all set for Father's Day, blasting out an email to potential customers who might be inclined to get their Papa Bear a special gift this year ... in the spirit of DT himself. Indeed, they're hawking Trump-inspired merch ... so that your dad can look just like him.

Their campaign is called Dad's the Boss ... and it's full of items that reflect Trump's essence. Of course, they're selling silk red ties (blue ones too) that go for $125 a pop ... plus, a bunch of Trump-branded items like a flask, coasters, mugs and other knickknacks that are all less than $100. As far as actual clothing ... they got polos and pullovers ranging from $80-$100.

There's more ... in addition to the "Boss Dad" collection, there's also other categories called "For the Man Cave," "Gold Dad," "Sporty Dad" and others. All of them contain Trump-inspired toys and trinkets ... with either his name emblazoned, or a straight-up "45."

There's a lot to select from -- however ... this crap ain't exactly cheap! Even something as simple as a rambler is as high as $65. The price point for much of the items is almost on a high-end athletic brand level ... as if they fancy themselves as a Lacoste competitor.

The other thing to consider here ... the more Trump gets criminally indicted -- twice now already, FWIW -- the more it feels like trying to match his style is a losing man's game.

To each their own, we suppose. They wouldn't be peddling these things if people weren't buying them -- and as we know, there are many in this country who are fiercely loyal to the ex-Prez ... and continue to be despite the mounting charges and scandals ahead of 2024.

So, if you like what you see on the big guy himself ... now you can try it on for size with your own daddy.

Pres. Biden Social Media Conservatives Say He Violated U.S. Flag Code Recs ... With WH Pride Flag Display

President Biden and the rest of the White House celebrated Pride this weekend -- but conservatives are crying foul, claiming JB broke the law in doing so ... flag law, specifically.

Here's the deal ... Joe and co. were hosting a Pride event outside the WH Saturday, where he spoke passionately about protecting individuals who identify as LGBTQ+ ... especially transgender children, whom he said were seen, heard and most definitely belonged.

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Twitter / @POTUS

His remarks were embraced by the LGBTQ+ community and their allies -- but, of course, they also came under fire by right-wingers who felt he was playing a dangerous game.

Eventually, they found something on the grounds to pin their outrage to ... a flag display hanging from the White House itself, with the Pride rainbow flag slotted in between two U.S. flags.

You see, some were citing a certain part of the U.S. Flag Code -- which, yes, is indeed real -- and asserted JB was in violation of section 7, article (e) ... which discusses how U.S. flags should be displayed in public. There are 15 articles dissecting this whole topic, BTW.

Article (e) reads, "The flag of the United States of America should be at the center and at the highest point of the group when a number of flags of States or localities or pennants of societies are grouped and displayed from staffs." Basically, the red, white and blue oughta take precedent and be most prominent among an assortment of flags -- that's the "rule."

In response to how the WH arranged the flags here, one conservative -- echoing many others -- writes, "To advance revolutionary transgender agenda targeting children, Biden violates basic tenet of US Flag Code and disrespects every American service member buried under its colors." Some are even calling on Biden to apologize and/or be held to account.

The reality ... nobody is going to do squat about this -- because, frankly, it's not a big deal. More importantly, though, the U.S. Flag Code (while technically a federal law) is not enforced at all ... and operates more as a recommendation on proper decorum/custom than anything.

In other words, it's much ado about nothing ... but some are making a mountain out of a mole hill regardless. We got a long month ahead of us.

Ben Affleck & Matt Damon Shut Down Trump For Using 'Air' Clip in Fundraising Video

Donald Trump thought he could use Matt Damon's voice to help raise some dough for his campaign, but the famous actor and his buddy Ben Affleck aren't gonna let it fly.

Trump pushed out a fundraising video on Truth Social last week which was almost entirely centered around a monologue from Damon's character in the film "Air." Among some of the lines from Damon, “Money can buy you almost anything, but it can’t buy you immortality."

trump damon ad
Truth Social / @realdonaldtrump

Turns out, Trump didn't have permission to use the Damon audio, and Artists Equity, the company co-founded by Damon and Affleck that produced "Air" didn't hold back.

AE released a statement, saying, "We had no foreknowledge of, did not consent to and do not endorse or approve any footage or audio from Air being repurposed by the Trump campaign as a political advertisement or for any other use.”

The statement continues, “Specifically in terms of any & all rights available to us under U.S. copyright and intellectual property law, we hereby, expressly give notice that in the case of any use of material from Air by the Trump campaign where approval or consent is required, we do not grant such consent.”

"Air" is a film about the rise of Nike, and highlights the company's pursuit of Michael Jordan in what became the biggest footwear deal of all-time. Damon plays Nike exec Sonny Vaccaro.

Of course, it's not the first time Trump's gotten in trouble for using material he didn't get permission for in promoting himself ... he's gotten hammered for using songs like "Hallelujah," Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It" and Tom Petty's "I Wont' Back Down."


Most recently, he was scolded for using the song and image of The Village People's "Macho Man" during an event at Mar-a-Lago.

So ya ... lots of headaches lately for the Trump legal team.

Megan Fox Defends Herself Against 'Child Abuse' Claim Takes Aim At Accuser

Megan Fox unleashed her fury on the guy who floated a now-debunked online rumor about her and her 3 kids, ripping him a new one for trying to capitalize on her celebrity and use her for political gain.

The actress took to Instagram Saturday and posted a vicious screed directed at Robby Starbuck who she says falsely claimed Megan was a child abuser for dressing her adolescent sons as girls, causing two of them to break down in a public park.

Starbuck's Twitter message was accompanied by a photo of Megan with the 3 boys she shares with ex Brian Austin Green, who categorically denied the story to TMZ.

In her IG post, Megan first called Starbuck a "clout chaser" who was desperate to "acquire wealth, power, success, or fame."

But, Megan warned Starbuck -- who unsuccessfully ran for a 2022 Tennessee congressional seat -- to "never use children as leverage or social currency, especially under malevolent and erroneous pretense."

As we reported, Megan's ex, and the father of the kids, Brian Austin Green, also went after Starbuck Saturday, telling us, "This person trying to claim this is true is a perfect example of someone with selfish motives that does not care about negatively affecting a parent-child relationship."

Megan went on to say ... "exploiting my child’s gender identity to gain attention in your political campaign has put you on the wrong side of the universe."

Megan also reminded Starbuck she has been "burned at the stake" by many "narcissistic" men, but she has nevertheless endured.

She ended with this ... "You f--ked with the wrong witch."


Prince Archie 4th Bday Gift Has Him Rolling ... Harry, Meghan Send Thank You Note

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle shunning the royal family isn't stopping their firstborn from getting a little royal treatment -- turns out Prince Archie's got a sweet gift for his 4th birthday, simply because of his bloodline.

Archie's big surprise arrived on the doorstep of his parents' Montecito home ... a brand-spanking new bike complete with training wheels.

The little prince's birthday was May 6, and he loved the bicycle so much, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex decided to send thanks to the Montecito shop that sent it to him.

Their assistant, Harrison Colcord, typed a letter on behalf of Harry and Meghan and mailed it to the owners of Mad Dogs & Englishmen Bike Shop. If the name doesn't make it obvious ... yes, the owners are British.

It read, "On behalf of Prince Harry and Meghan, The Duke, and Duchess of Sussex, please accept their sincere thanks for the thoughtful gift you sent to Prince Archie for his fourth birthday. The bike has brought much joy and is most appreciated by the family."

Archie's 4th birthday was not without drama. You might recall, Harry was treated like less-than-royalty when he attended last month's coronation of King Charles and Queen Camilla in London amid his ongoing feud with the Royal Family. Harry hightailed out of town to get back to California for Archie's birthday.

According to People ... the bike shop owner told Harry and Meghan's security he's "just a British business in town that wanted to give Archie a gift."

Even all the way in California, that royal lineage is paying dividends for Prince Harry's kids. It's not a silver spoon, but sounds like Archie's digging the bike, nonetheless.

Christian Evangelist Pat Robertson Dead At 93

Pat Robertson, the legendary Christian philanthropist and radio broadcaster who once ran for President, has died.

According to a press release issued by the Christian Broadcasting Network ... Robertson passed away Thursday in his Virginia home as family gathered around him. His cause of death was not disclosed.

Robertson enjoyed a long illustrious career in TV, politics and religion. Decades ago, he first launched a small TV station and soon transformed himself into one of the most influential Christian commentators in the nation. He became known as both a religious leader and culture warrior.

Over the years, he founded the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), which was home to the immensely popular "The 700 Club." He also created the Christian Coalition, which was credited with helping bring American evangelicals to the modern Republican Party.

Robertson became a household name when he ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 1988, but lost to George H.W. Bush, who went on to become the commander in chief. Still, Robertson stayed close to politics, getting conservative Christians behind H.W.'s son, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump for their Presidential bids.

Robertson was 93.