Dick Morris Interview Underwear Photobomber Is Wife's Caretaker

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Dick Morris' interview on Newsmax went viral after a man wearing only underwear wandered into his shot without any explanation -- but TMZ has an answer on what the deal was.

ICYMI ... the well-respected political consultant-turned-commentator was in the middle of a conversation about the Iowa Caucus on "Rob Schmitt Tonight" when the door behind him opened and a man, nearly naked from the waist down, entered.


DM didn't miss a beat, continuing his convo with the other guests, but it left fans -- and people on social media -- very confused ... questions and theories (and yes, more than a few less-than-tasteful jokes) popped up all over X in the aftermath.

In terms of who this underwear photobomber is -- Dick tells TMZ ... the man walking into the shot is actually his wife Eileen McGann's caretaker who lives with the couple.

Unfortunately, we're told Eileen had a stroke about 3 years ago and has been incapacitated ever since, and she needs the kind of care only around-the-clock help can provide ... which is where this man comes in. Dick tells us the caretaker actually lives with them full-time.

As for how this impromptu mix-up even occurred -- Dick says it was a simple mistake on his part. He says their caretaker knew Dick was doing a hit on TV and had asked him to angle the camera away from where he'd be at ... but Dick explains he forgot to do that.

There ya go, mystery solved. And next time, Dick, 'memba to get what you want (or don't want) in frame!

Dick Morris El misterioso hombre en ropa interior es el cuidador de su mujer


La entrevista de Dick Morris en Newsmax se hizo viral después de que un hombre vestido solo con ropa interior se metiera apareciera en la escena sin ninguna explicación, pero TMZ tiene una respuesta.

El respetado consultor político convertido en comentarista estaba en medio de una conversación sobre el Caucus de Iowa en "Rob Schmitt Tonight", cuando la puerta detrás de él se abrió y un hombre, casi desnudo de cintura para abajo, entró.

en la retaguardia

Dick no perdió el ritmo y continuó su conversación con los otros invitados, pero dejó a los fans y la gente en las redes sociales muy confundidos, generando muchas preguntas y teorías al respecto (y sí, más de una broma de mal gusto) aparecieron por todo X.

En términos de quién es el misterioso hombre en ropa interior, Dick le dice a TMZ que el hombre es en realidad el cuidador de su esposa —Eileen McGann— que vive con la pareja.

Por desgracia, nos dicen que Eileen tuvo un derrame cerebral hace unos tres años y ha estado incapacitada desde entonces. Necesita atención constante... y aquí es donde este hombre entra en juego. Dick nos cuenta que el cuidador vive con ellos a tiempo completo.

En cuanto a cómo se produjo esta confusión improvisada, Dick dice que fue un simple error de su parte. Él dice que su cuidador sabía que Dick estaba apareciendo en televisión y le había pedido que el ángulo de la cámara estuviera lejos de donde él estaría, pero Dick explica que se olvidó de hacer eso.

Ahí lo tienes, misterio resuelto. Y la próxima vez, Dick, ¡recuerda cuidar que es lo que entra o no entra en el cuadro!

Supermodel Karolina Kurkova -- Belly Baring Bikini

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With her signature missing belly button in tow, supermodel Karolina Kurkova showed off her bikini body at a pool in Italy on Monday.

With or without a navel, the 27-year-old is perfect.

Robert Pattinson -- HAIRCUT!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Like a modern day Samson, Robert Pattinson risked losing his power and has chopped off his signature Edward Cullen messy long locks.

The freshly sheared 25-year-old hung out on the set of his latest non "Twilight" film in Toronto earlier this morning.

Those sounds you hear are the screams and cries of millions of Team Edward fans.

Steven Tyler Puts Up His Daisy Dukes

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Wearing a pair of Haley Reinhart's "American Idol" short shorts, Steven Tyler showed off his 63-year-old smooth legs in Maui on Wednesday.

Dude looks like he's in lady pants.

Arnold Schwarzenegger The Ring Disappears

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Hours before the world knew about his separation ... Arnold Schwarzenegger broke out his street bike and went for a ride with his bodyguard in L.A. yesterday ... sans wedding ring.

But Arnold WAS wearing his ring on Sunday ... the day before the couple announced their split.

Meanwhile, Maria Shriver has been ringless since mid-March ... right after Maria posted a cryptic video on YouTube asking her fans for advice on how to "transition" into the next phase of her life.


As you already know, Arnold and Maria announced their separation last night ... and in their statement, they claimed they've been living apart for several weeks.

Paul McCartney's Fiancee -- The MASSIVE Rock

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Look at your knuckle ... now look at the ring on Paul McCartney's new fianceé Nancy Shevell ... it's the size of HER knuckle. Not too shabby, huh??

Shevell was sportin' her new rock out in NYC this weekend ... and if the rumors are true -- that Paul spent $650k on the ring -- lady needs to get herself a bodyguard, STAT!

Russell Brand -- I Kissed a Dame Helen Mirren

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Russell Brand took time out from his wife Katy Perry and swapped spit with his "Arthur" co-star Helen Mirren at the movie's London premiere on Tuesday.

Sucks to be them.

Michael Lohan Swaps Spit with 'NJ Housewife'

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Michael Lohan sucked the life out of "Real Housewives of New Jersey" wannabe Kim G. with his tongue at a bar in the Garden State on Wednesday.

Are they fur real?

Stuffed Stars -- Zoom View!

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Before you feel guilty for gorging yourself on turkey day -- Check out these stars filling their famous faces with food.

Kanye's Big Bling -- A Closer Look!

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While attending one of Kim Kardashian's 30th birthday parties, Kanye West was seen with a sparkling bracelet, necklace and grill ... which complimented his dainty glass of white wine.

Pinky out!

Famous Faces -- Too Close For Comfort!

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Check out some of your favorite celebrity faces in hi-definition -- but please zoom with caution... there are some things you can't un-see!