Jake Paul Signs Boxer Neeraj Goyat To MVP ... After 'Confrontation'

Jake Paul is keeping his enemies closer -- the Problem Child has signed Indian boxer Neeraj Goyat to Most Valuable Promotions ... this after the two came face-to-face in a heated "confrontation" earlier this week.

32-year-old Goyat -- a three-time WBC Asia title holder -- has been calling out Paul for months ... and it all came to a head when he pulled up on the YouTube superstar in Puerto Rico ahead of his fight against Ryan Bourland.

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The whole thing (which was obviously staged) showed both guys getting into a shoving match before being separated.

It turns out the clip was seemingly meant to hype up the big addition to the company -- its first international signee -- and on Friday, the news was made official.

Neeraj -- who's also an actor -- spoke about joining Paul's company ... saying, "I'm truly honored to be the newest member of the Most Valuable Promotions family. MVP has been making waves in the boxing world, particularly with its commitment to showcasing and uplifting women in the sport since 2021."

"In just 2.5 years, MVP has organized some of the world's most significant boxing events, and I'm excited to work with MVP to elevate the status of professional boxing in India and bring attention to boxers from India globally."

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Joining MVP makes sense -- Goyat has been pro for more than a decade ... and also boasts a large social media following.

MVP -- which also houses Amanda Serrano, H2O Sylve and "Euphoria" star-turned-fighter Javon "Wanna" Walton -- said Neeraj will make his debut for the company this summer ... and many are hoping that opponent is Paul.

Viral Sensation CboysTV Destroy Home With Snowplow ... That Scared Me!!!


YouTube sensation CboysTV is topping their last outrageous stunt with a destructive new video ... and TMZ has an exclusive first look at the upcoming upload.

The Internet group -- a Minnesota-based motorsports collective known for pulling off wild stunts by using outrageous vehicles -- is dropping a new video tonight ... in which a red snowplow is used to help demolish a literal house.

In the new footage above ... the CboysTV crew – which includes Ben Roth, Ryan Iwerks, CJ Lotzer, Micah Sandman, Ken Matthees and Evan Sheff – drives a massive plow into the front of a single-car garage. The infrastructure is no match for the plow ... as it only takes a few collisions to create real damage.

The group -- that boasts 3 million subscribers and 1 billion views -- eventually turns their attention to the nearby house ... which the group owns and was already set to be demolished, for the record. It's not like they were destroying some innocent bystander's home.

In two different shots ... the plow is backed up into the home -- with one member declaring, "That scared me." We on the other hand ... couldn't help but cheer along with the CboysTV crew.

Of course ... this is only a taste of the destruction to come -- with the full upload dropping on CboysTV's YouTube channel tonight at 6 PM PST.

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And, it's safe to say we'll be tuning in to catch the final result!


muy confiada
No Jumper

Sean Evans no tiene ninguna razón para ser tímido acerca de su virilidad, esto de acuerdo a su ex novia, que resulta, es la estrella porno; Melissa Stratton.

Melissa, que empezó a salir con el presentador de "Hot Ones" el otoño pasado antes de su rápida separación el Día de San Valentín, dio una visión sincera de su romance relámpago mientras aparecía en el pódcast "No Jumper" esta semana.

Melissa se mantuvo en silencio cuando le preguntaron acerca del "tamaño de Sean"... ella se aseguró de hacer hincapié en que había una buena razón por la que le gustaba pasar tiempo con él.

La estrella de cine para adultos llegó a dar crédito a sus signos del zodiaco -ella es Virgo y él es Tauro- según ella, esto significa que son el uno para el otro. Es por eso que su abrupto final fue un fastidio para ella, algo que nos enfatizó la semana pasada durante una entrevista.

Sobre la cuestión de cómo se conocieron... Melissa también se explaya. Nos dice que Sean le envió un mensaje en noviembre, el cual era una broma que resulto funcionar.

"¡fue por mi trabajo!"

Pasaron a reunirse en persona a finales de 2023, pasando a llevar su romance a Los Ángeles y Chicago. El dúo hizo pública su relación en el Super Bowl de este año en Las Vegas, pero Sean terminó las cosas días más tarde.

Como hemos informado, Melissa dijo que sentía que su profesión como estrella porno fue la razón Sean terminó las cosas, a pesar de que insiste en que estaba bien con él desde el principio.

De todos modos, durante su reciente relación con Adán, Melissa compartió que Sean pidió que las cosas ean disretas, añadiendo que no han hablado desde entonces. En cuanto a Seaa, Melissa le aseguró a los fans que Sean es un buen tipo y no hay resentimientos.

Melissa ya tiene un montón de nuevos pretendientes, señalando que su bandeja de entrada explota de mensajes a diario, y que hay varios nombres notables circulando en su teléfono. Algo nos dice que ambos van a estar bien.

'Hot Ones' Host Sean Evans Has Every Reason To Be Confident in Bed ... So Says Porn Star Ex!!!

No Jumper

Sean Evans has no reason to be shy about his manhood ... this according to his porn star ex, Melissa Stratton.

Melissa -- who started dating the 'Hot Ones' host last fall before their quick split on Valentine's Day -- gave some candid insight into their whirlwind romance while appearing on the "No Jumper" podcast this week.

Melissa stayed tight-lipped when asked about Sean's, erm, size ... but she did make sure to emphasize -- there was a reason why she liked spending time with him!

The adult film star went on to credit their star signs -- she's a Virgo and he's a Taurus -- for their connection ... calling the pairing a total match. That's why their abrupt ending was such a bummer for her ... something she emphasized to us last week during an interview.

On the issue of how they first met ... Melissa gets into that too. She says Sean slid into her DMs in November -- shooting his shot with a bald head joke.


They went on to meet in person at the end of 2023 ... going on to bring their romance to L.A. and Chicago. The duo went public with their relationship at this year's Super Bowl in Las Vegas ... but Sean ended things days later when the cat was outta the bag.

As we reported ... Melissa said she felt her profession as a porn star was the reason Sean ended things -- even though she insists he was cool with it from the get-go.

Anyway, during her recent sit-down with Adam -- Melissa shared Sean called it quits over a brief and final conv ... adding that they haven't spoken since. As for Sean's V-Day dumping, Melissa assured fans that Sean is, in fact, a good guy ... and there's no hard feelings.

Melissa already has plenty of new suitors, BTW -- noting her DMs are getting flooded with several notable names. Something tells us they'll both be just fine.

'Hot Ones' Host Sean Evans Ex Melissa Stratton Says She Got Dumped Over Porn


Sean Evans' ex, Melissa Stratton, says he dumped her once the world caught wind that he was dating a porn star -- something she says he was cool with at first ... but changed his mind later on.

We talked to the model/adult film actress Friday in L.A. just ahead of a podcast she was heading into at the No Jumper store -- more on that later -- and our photog chopped it up with her to get the story on what exactly happened between her and the "Hot Ones" host ... who's quite private.

According to Melissa ... things were going swimmingly between her and Sean for at least a couple months, and she says they were having a great time together as a new couple.

We even asked her about the Super Bowl -- where she was posting tons of pics of him that weekend -- and MS says they were actually going around introducing each other to friends at that point ... which makes the split all the more sucky, 'cause she says she liked him.

As for why things fell apart ... Melissa says her work in the porn biz was ultimately to blame -- and more specifically, how her being in that industry would affect his image.

The way she tells it ... he had a little bit of a flip-flop in opinion over whether he was actually okay with her past and current line of work. Melissa claims he was on board at the beginning -- but suggests that once their relationship fell into the public eye ... he got skittish, which she gets and has no hard feelings about.

Sean, of course, hasn't said crap about it all ... and his team hasn't gotten back to us either.

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The good news for Melissa ... business has been booming for her, and she says she's happy about that. As for this pod she was heading into ... it's with Adam22, so that'll air soon.

Natalie Portman Las estrellas de cine ya no son tan importantes... Los jóvenes solo conocen YouTube!!!

Natalie Portman está viendo cómo el cine está perdiendo popularidad entre los jóvenes, y parece que tiene sentimientos encontrados al respecto cuando se refiere a su responsable.

La actriz se sentó con Vanity Fair a principios de esta semana para una entrevista, donde se abrió sobre la gran influencia que están teniendo las estrellas de redes sociales en los niños en comparación con las estrellas de cine tradicionales, como ella misma.

Portman dice que el cine se siente "mucho más de nicho" por estos días y que si le preguntas a alguien de la generación de sus hijos -ella tiene un niño de 12 años y otro de 7- tienden a conocer mucho más YouTubers y personas virales que actores.

Ahora, Natalie no está diciendo que esto sea necesariamente algo malo. Señala que la libertad para realizar películas en una época en la que el comercio no es la principal preocupación, mientras transitas la delgada línea de no hacer proyectos demasiado elitistas, requiere tener a la audiencia en mente.

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Además, Natalie dice que es genial que los niños de ciudades más remotas y pequeñas tengan acceso a grandes obras de arte en cualquier lugar, lo que ha llevado a que los actores tradicionales sean degradados, haciendo que Hollywood sea más inclusivo.

Esta liberación a la que Natalie se refiere en la industria del entretenimiento no está sentando bien a todo el mundo, sin embargo. Recuerden, Billie Eilish fue pillada hablando mal de los influencers invitados a los People's Choice Awards el pasado fin de semana.

No puedo con estos tiktokers

Por si no lo saben, Eilish estaba hablando con Kylie Minogue y, aunque trató de susurrar, se podía oír claramente que se estaba quejando de la cantidad de TikTokers en el evento. Ella no parecía muy feliz por su participación.

Billie podría querer hacer las paces con la presencia de influencers en eventos como este, pues parece que Natalie está convencida de que están aquí para quedarse, e incluso podrían estar tomando el control del mundo del espectáculo.

Natalie Portman Movie Stars Aren't a Thing Anymore ... Young'ns Only Know YT!!!

Natalie Portman is seeing declining popularity of film with young people ... and it seems like she's got mixed feelings about it -- pointing out the double-edged sword of its downfall.

The actress sat down with Vanity Fair earlier this week for an interview, and she opened up about the increased influence of social media stars on kids when compared to traditional movie stars, like herself.

Portman says film feels "much more niche" these days -- and notes if you ask someone in her kids' generation -- she's got a 12-year-old and a 7-year-old -- they tend to know way more YouTubers and viral people as opposed to actors.

Now, Natalie's not saying this is necessarily a bad thing ... she points out the freedom in making movies in an era when commerce isn't the chief concern, while also walking the fine line of not making projects that are too elitist -- saying ya gotta keep the audience in mind.

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Plus, Natalie says it's cool kids in more remote small towns now have access to great art anywhere, which has led to traditional gatekeepers being demoted -- making H'wood more inclusive.

This liberation Natalie's referring to in the entertainment industry isn't sitting well with everyone however ... remember, Billie Eilish got caught talking some smack about influencers being invited to the People's Choice Awards this past weekend.

talkin' tiktok smack

ICYMI ... Eilish was talking to Kylie Minogue and -- despite trying to whisper -- she could clearly be heard complaining about the number of TikTokers at the event. She seemed none too happy at their involvement.

Billie might want to make peace with influencers' presence at events like this ... 'cause it seems like Natlie's convinced they're here to say, and they may even be taking over showbiz.

N3ON es detenido por vehículo robado Pero parece que fue un error...

Un video de N3on siendo detenido se ha vuelto viral en línea, pero TMZ ha descubierto qué fue lo que exactamente llevó a los oficiales del sheriff a detener a la estrella de redes sociales... y es increíble

N3on -que es un streamer y YouTuber popular entre los Gen-Z- apareció recientemente en un video que muestra a la joven estrella de internet de 19 años de edad con su séquito de siendo detenido por los oficiales en West Hollywood.

empeorando las cosas

Echa un vistazo a la vid ... N3on abre la puerta y comienza a gritar preguntas a los policías acerca de por qué están esposando a su socio - antes de que los oficiales les dijeron que no se movieran y luego le ordenó a él ya sus amigos a poner las manos en los reposacabezas delante de ellos.

Un miembro del entorno de N3on se puede escuchar gritando desde fuera del coche ... un movimiento uno de los oficiales dijo que es "empeorar las cosas". Es dramático - y finalmente llegamos al fondo de lo que diablos pasó aquí ... y es bastante tonto, porque básicamente equivale a un error administrativo.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen ... N3on y su equipo fueron detenidos porque su vehículo fue aparentemente reportado como robado, que los lectores de placas en el coche de policía recogido en y marcado.

Se nos dice que los oficiales ordenaron N3on fuera del coche a punta de pistola como parte de una parada de coche delito grave - procedimiento operativo estándar - y fue entonces cuando N3on dijo a los oficiales que el coche había sido robado recientemente y luego recuperado por la policía de Los Ángeles. En otras palabras, fue robado y encontrado antes de que fueran conscientes de la actualización.

perdiendo el tiempo

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que los oficiales verificaron la historia de N3on y se enteraron de que el carro simplemente no había sido sacado del sistema. Nos han dicho que se lo explicaron a N3on -que, según nuestras fuentes, se mostró comprensivo- y lo dejaron en libertad sin más incidentes.

El video publicado por N3on parece confirmar esta versión, aunque, según nos han dicho, los agentes dejaron claro que su seguridad agravó la situación al interferir mientras intentaban hacer su trabajo. N3on hizo una broma al final, una que vamos a dejar que escuches por ti mismo.

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Parece que N3on y los policías se separaron en buenos términos, esto podría haber terminado como un gran problema.

YouTuber N3on Pulled Over in 'Stolen' Vehicle But Just A Clerical Error?!?

A video of N3on getting pulled over has gone viral online ... but TMZ has learned what exactly led sheriff's deputies to stop the social media star mid-stream -- and it's wild.

N3on -- who's a streamer/YouTuber popular with the Gen-Z crowd -- was recently featured in a video posted to Kick ... which shows the internet-famous 19-year-old and his entourage getting stopped by deputies in West Hollywood.

Making It Worse

Check out the vid ... N3on opens the door and starts shouting questions at the cops about why they're handcuffing his associate -- before officers told them not to move and then commanded him and his friends to put their hands on the headrests in front of them.

A member of N3on's entourage can be heard yelling from outside the car ... a move one of the officers said is "making it worse." It's dramatic -- and we finally got to the bottom of what the hell happened here ... and it's pretty silly, 'cause it basically amounts to a clerical error.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... N3on and his crew were pulled over because their vehicle was apparently reported stolen, which plate-readers in the cop car picked up on and flagged.

We're told Officers ordered N3on out of the car at gunpoint as part of a felony car stop -- standard operating procedure -- and that's when N3on told officers the car had recently been stolen and then recovered by LAPD. In other words, it was jacked and found before they were aware of the update.


Our sources tell us deputies verified N3on's story and found out the car just hadn't been taken out of the system. We're told they explained this to N3on -- who our sources say was understanding -- and released him without further incident.

Video N3on posted seems to confirm this account ... although, we're told officers made clear his security inflamed the sitch by interfering while they were trying to do their jobs. N3on cracked an NSFW joke at the end too -- one we'll let you listen to for yourself.

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Seem like N3on and the cops parted on good terms ... this after a little mistake could've ended as a huge problem.

EL YOUTUBER JACK DOHERTY es DEMANDADO POR ASALTO y AGRESIÓN Por el puñetazo de un guardaespaldas

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X / @dohertyjackk

Jack Doherty ha sido demandado por agresión y lesiones por un hombre que afirma que Doherty y otro hombre le dieron una paliza en una fiesta unos días antes de Halloween.

Según nuevos documentos judiciales obtenidos por TMZ, un hombre llamado Chase Gardella está demandando al YouTuber y guardaespaldas Kane Kongg -nombre real Justin Goslee- por un incidente que aparentemente fue capturado en un video que muestra a Kane golpeando a una persona directamente en la cara.

Recordemos que en octubre, Jack publicó un clip de una fiesta de Halloween en Los Ángeles, donde parecía que estaba involucrado en un altercado con varios invitados. En el clip, se puede ver a Kane golpear a alguien de pie junto al YouTuber Corinna Kopf, que luego cae en el camino de ladrillo debajo de él con fuerza.

Gardella afirma que estaba en esta fiesta de Halloween el 29 de octubre y estaba hablando con Jack y Kane alrededor de las 12:30 AM. Según los documentos, Jack dijo "Vamos a pelear. Nosotros dos contra ustedes dos, muy bien" -cosa que se alinea con el clip de YouTube- y momentos más tarde, Chase dice que Kongg le dio un puñetazo.

Chase dicie que no consintió en ser golpeado y sufrió lesiones en la cabeza, el cuello y la cara cuando cayó. Gardella afirma que Jack ha publicado varios videos en su cuenta de YouTube en los que sus guardaespaldas intimidan a las personas que reaccionan mal a sus bromas.

También afirma que Goslee ha tenido problemas legales por agresiones en el pasado - como recordarás, informamos de un supuesto incidente anterior en el que fue acusado de noquear a una mujer mientras trabajaba como seguridad para DaBaby.

El abogado de Chase -Greyson Goody- le dice a TMZ: "Esta fue una agresión repugnante y no provocada contra un hombre joven por un boxeador profesional en la dirección de su empleador influenciador de medios sociales. Chase se ocupaba de sus asuntos, disfrutando de una divertida fiesta de Halloween con amigos cuando fue brutalmente atacado por un hombre varias veces más grande que él. Este tipo de comportamiento por parte de Jack Doherty y sus compinches tiene que terminar. Chase sufrió lesiones graves que podrían arruinar su vida y su carrera".

tmz investiga
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Doherty está siendo demandado por asalto, agresión, negligencia y angustia emocional. Gardella está buscando daños y perjuicios no especificados.

Youtuber Jack Doherty Sued For Assault, Battery ... Over Bodyguard Punch

102823-jack-doherty-security-kal OCTOBER 2023
X / @dohertyjackk

Jack Doherty is being sued for assault and battery by a man who claims Doherty and another man beat him up at a party a few days before Halloween.

According to new court docs, obtained by TMZ, a man named Chase Gardella is suing YouTuber and bodyguard Kane Kongg -- real name Justin Goslee -- for an incident that was apparently caught on video showing Kane punching a person squarely in the face.

Remember ... back in October, Jack posted a clip from David Dobrik's Halloween party in L.A. where it looked like he was involved in an altercation with several partygoers. In the clip, you see Kane punch someone standing by YouTuber Corinna Kopf, who then falls on the brick path underneath him hard.

Gardella claims he was at this Halloween party on October 29 and was talking to Jack and Kane at around 12:30 AM. According to the docs, Jack said "We’re gonna fight. Us two versus you two, alright go" -- which lines up with the YouTube clip — and moments later Chase says Kongg punched him.

Chase is saying he did not consent to being punched and suffered injuries to his head, neck and face when he fell. Gardella claims Jack has posted a number of vids to his YouTube account where his bodyguards intimidate people who react poorly to his pranks.

He also claims Goslee has been in legal trouble for assaults in the past -- you’ll recall, we reported an earlier alleged incident where he was accused of knocking out a woman while working security for DaBaby.

Chase's attorney Greyson Goody tells TMZ... “This was a disgusting, unprovoked assault on a young man by a professional boxer at the direction of his social media influencer employer. Chase was minding his own business, enjoying a fun Halloween Party with friends when he was brutally attacked by a man several times larger than him. This sort of behavior by Jack Doherty and his cronies needs to end. Chase suffered serious injuries that could de-rail his life and career.”

TMZ Studios

Doherty is being sued for assault, battery, negligence and emotional distress. Gardella is seeking unspecified damages.


Sean Evans' "Hot Ones" crown has been handed over to his ex-girlfriend Melissa Stratton ... 'cause searches for the porn star have spiked like crazy following their short-lived romance.

Pornhub tells TMZ that while Melissa was dumped on Valentine's Day, her popularity surged online ... with those looking for some X-rated entertainment flocking to the adult entertainment site to check out her work.

In fact, the PH demand for Melissa was so high on Wednesday, her searches went up a staggering 1,217% compared to her daily average.

While Pornhub didn't have final data for Melissa's searches on Thursday, they're predicting she did even better than V-Day ... estimating a 1,350% increase compared to her daily average. Yup, that's a helluva lot of views!!

TMZ broke the story ... Melissa and Sean were dating and split less than 24 hours after their relationship hit headlines.

We're told Sean wasn't happy with all the media attention they were getting after going public ... which shocked Melissa because he was fully aware of what she did for a living. It's the kinda thing that comes up over dinner.

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He also invited her to loads of Vegas events ahead of the Super Bowl and snapped many photos with her. Sources added that Melissa wasn't happy with how things panned out because she thought they had a genuine spark.

We're told Melissa's sad about the split, and on Thursday she jabbed at Sean by sharing a clip of herself dancing alongside fellow porn star Johnny Sins ... with the caption, "It's ok. I've got a better bald man to get spicy with."


'HOT ONES' HOST SEAN EVANS Breaks Up With Porn Star ... Relationship Too Public?!?

Not the best timing on Valentine's Day ... "Hot Ones" host Sean Evans and porn star Melissa Stratton broke up less than 24 hours after their relationship made headlines.

Sources close to Melissa tell TMZ … Sean called her up on Valentine's Day and broke up with her, telling her he wanted to call it quits because of the media attention they were getting.

We're told Sean expressed to Melissa he wanted to keep his love life more under wraps.

Our sources say Melissa found Sean's reasoning odd for a few reasons ... he knew what she did for a living when they started seeing each other and he invited her to multiple public events in Las Vegas leading up to the Super Bowl, and took photos with her.

TMZ was first to report on Sean and Melissa's relationship after she shared a series of photos with him at Super Bowl LVIII.

We broke the story Monday afternoon, and he broke up with her the following day.

Our sources say Sean was fine with Melissa posting photos of them from their Super Bowl adventures in Las Vegas ... another reason she was caught off guard here.

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We're told Melissa is sad things are over because she believed they really did have a genuine spark ... but she has a hunch Sean was feeling pressure from his side once their relationship went public.

In a sign of the times, Sean and Melissa have both unfollowed each other on IG.

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We reached out to Sean's camp ... so far no word back.

El presentador de "Hot Ones" rompe con la estrella porno Melissa Stratton

No fue un buen Día de San Valentín para el anfitrión de "Hot Ones" Sean Evans y la estrella porno Melissa Stratton. Rompieron menos de 24 horas después de que su relación llegara a los titulares.

Fuentes cercanas a Melissa le dicen a TMZ que Sean la llamó el Día de San Valentín y rompió con ella, diciéndole que quería dejarlo por la atención que estaba recibiendo de los medios.

Nos dicen que Sean le expresó a Melissa que quería mantener su vida amorosa en secreto.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Melissa encontró el razonamiento de Sean extraño por varias razones, él sabía lo que hacía para ganarse la vida cuando empezaron a verse y él la invitó a varios eventos públicos en Las Vegas antes del Super Bowl y se tomó fotos con ella.

TMZ fue el primero en informar sobre la relación de Sean y Melissa después de que ella compartiera una serie de fotos con él en el Super Bowl LVIII.

Dimos la noticia el lunes por la tarde y él rompió con ella al día siguiente.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Sean estaba bien con que Melissa publicara fotos de ellos de sus aventuras en el Super Bowl... otra razón por la que fue sorprendido con la guardia baja.

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Nos dicen que Melissa está triste porque ella creía que realmente tenían algo especial, pero ella tiene la corazonada de que Sean se empezó a sentir presionado una vez que la relación se hizo pública.

En un signo de los tiempos, Sean y Melissa se han dejado de seguir en Insta.

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Nos pusimos en contacto con Sean, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

YouTuber muere a los 23 años Se investiga una posible sobredosis

Muudea Sedik -un popular YouTuber- ha muerto... TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que la personalidad de Internet -que tiene millones de seguidores a través de sus diversos canales- fue encontrado inconsciente la noche del martes en su casa de Los Ángeles, esto después de que alguien llamara a los médicos.

Nos informan que el chico estaba desaparecido e incluso faltó a algunas citas. Como resultado, la policía fue a verificar a su casa y fue entonces cuando encontraron su cuerpo, aunque no está claro cuánto tiempo había estado en ese estado.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que había parafernalia de drogas en la escena y el caso está siendo investigado como una posible sobredosis.

Twomad había causado preocupación entre su base de fans las últimas semanas, incluyendo algunos tuits extraños que publicó la semana pasada, por no hablar de un montón de fotos de armas de fuego.

El tipo era un personaje interesante... además de sketches, comentarios sobre videojuegos y retransmisiones en directo, estaba muy metido en la cultura de Internet y tenía una base masiva de fans. Como hemos dicho, millones de seguidores y sus videos también recibían un número significativo de visitas.

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Un meme, en particular, que se le atribuye es el llamado "Goodnight Girl, I'll See You Tomorrow". En él aparece un Twomad sin camiseta caminando hacia la cámara y diciéndole a una chica imaginaria que la verá mañana... solo para resbalar y caer de forma caricaturesca.

También hizo una colaboración con la modelo Belle Delphine OnlyFans.

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Twomad se había visto envuelto en una polémica los últimos meses y parece haber estado fuera del radar el úlltimo tiempo, sin publicar contenido. Su último video en sus 3 canales fue hace 5 meses y ciertamente parecía estar de buen humor en él.

Solo tenía 23 años.


YouTuber Twomad Dead at 23 ... Investigated as Possible OD


2:07 PM PT -- An eerie fact about one of the last things Twomad appears to have been doing before he passed -- according to his Discord page, he was playing 'Overwatch' ... and seems to have not changed his active status for nearly a week.

Twomad was an avid gamer, and on the platform ... you can let people know what you're up to and what you're actively playing -- in the wake of his death, people quickly noticed he's still showing up as playing the game. Even now, it pops up as him still playing.

Muudea Sedik -- a popular YouTuber who goes by Twomad online -- has died ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us the internet personality -- who has millions of followers across his various YT channels and social pages -- was found unresponsive Tuesday night at his Los Angeles-area home ... this after somebody called in to ask for a welfare check.

We're told Twomad hadn't been heard from in several days by concerned parties -- and he even missed some appointments. As a result, the LADP was sent to check on him ... and that's when they found his body, although it's unclear how long he'd been in that state.

Our sources say there was drug paraphernalia found on the scene, and at this point ... we're told this is being investigated as a possible overdose. No foul play is suspected in the death.

Twomad had caused concern among his fanbase in recent weeks -- including some strange, one-off tweets he was posting last week ... not to mention a bunch of photos of firearms.

The guy was an interesting character ... in addition to skits, gaming commentary, and live streams, he was just very into internet culture -- and had a massive fan base. Like we said, millions of followers ... but his videos would also get a significant number of views.

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One meme, in particular, that he's credited with is the one called "Goodnight Girl, I'll See You Tomorrow." It features a shirtless Twomad walking up to the camera and telling some imaginary chick that he'll see her tomorrow ... only to slip and fall in cartoonish fashion.

He also made a splash by once collaborating with OnlyFans model Belle Delphine.

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Twomad was embroiled in controversy of late -- and he seems to have been off the radar in recent months when it came to his content creation. His last video across all 3 of his channels was 5 months ago ... and he certainly seemed to be in good spirits in it.

He was only 23.


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Originally Published -- 2:07 PM PT