Jada Pinkett Smith Dos hombres subieron a su balcón Ella los asustó!!!

Jada Pinkett Smith tuvo un aterrador incidente en su casa de Los Ángeles a principios de esta semana: la policía dice que dos hombres se subieron a su balcón mientras ella estaba dentro.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que los hombres con capuchas intentaron entrar poco antes de las 8 PM pensando que no había nadie en la casa, pero que se asustaron cuando la presentadora de "Red Table Talk" los vio.

La policía se dirigió a la escena, pero nuestras fuentes dicen que los sospechosos se habían ido y no estaban en ninguna parte.

No está claro si Jada era el objetivo o si solo era una banda golpeando casas bonitas alrededor de la zona de Los Ángeles.

Nos dicen que los oficiales hicieron un informe de intento de robo y el caso está bajo investigación.

Jada ha estado separada de su marido Will desde hace unos años, y aunque todavía están en muy buenos términos, especialmente después de la bofetada de los Oscar, es muy poco probable que estuviera con ella en el momento del robo.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

La policía dice que no está claro si ella estaba acompañada de otra persona en el momento o estaba completamente sola.

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Sobre la bofetada en la cara...

La casa de la actriz es la última de una serie de robos en Los Ángeles, entre ellos la estrella de "El Juego del Calamar" Lee Byung-hun, la actriz Lena Waithe, la modelo Abigail Ratchford, y el icono de Hollywood Keanu Reeves.


Jada Pinkett Smith had a terrifying incident go down at her Los Angeles Area home earlier this week -- cops say two men climbed onto her balcony while she was inside!

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ the men wearing hoodies attempted to break in a little before 8 PM thinking the coast was clear -- but we're told they were scared off when the "Red Table Talk" host saw them.

Police responded to the scene ... but our sources say the suspects had long taken off and were nowhere to be found.

Unclear if Jada was the target or if this was just a crew hitting nice homes in and around the L.A. area.

We're told deputies took an attempted burglary report ... and the case is now under investigation.

Jada's been separated from hubby Will for a few years now, and though they're apparently still on pretty good terms, especially in the aftermath of that Oscars slap, it's highly unlikely that he was with her at the time of the break-in.

TMZ Studios

Cops say it's unclear whether she had other company at the time ... or was alone.

Speaking of being alone, Jada said last year she and Will would eventually move back in together. That clearly hasn't happened yet.

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The actress' home is the latest in a series of break-ins in Los Angeles, with "Squid Game" star Lee Byung-hun, actress Lena Waithe, model Abigail Ratchford, and Hollywood icon Keanu Reeves among the recent victims.

Logan Paul System Failed My Late Stalker ... After Apparent Suicide

TMZ Studios

Logan Paul was once in the crosshairs of a man who seemed obsessed with him -- and who even broke into his home -- but he didn't realize the man took his own life ... until now.

We sat with the YouTuber-turned-boxer for a conversation about this dark chapter in his life -- namely, back in 2018 when a guy named Tahj Deondre Speight allegedly trespassed by making his way into Logan's house without authorization, which led to a confrontation.

LP ended up detaining Speight -- and he was ultimately arrested, charged, prosecuted and eventually jailed ... but at some point, he died -- and it appears it was via suicide.

Harvey actually broke this news to Logan in our interview ... and it's clear he was not aware of this development -- with the update hitting him hard on the spot. We ask the question ... did the system fail Speight by not getting him the help or resources he needed?

TMZ Studios

Logan gives an honest answer, and somewhat surprisingly ... he says he has empathy for the man he once wrestled to the ground. It's an emotional response, and a heartfelt one too.

His full chat is part of a new show called 'TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood’s Stalker Crisis' -- the start of a weekly series that hits FOX Monday at 9/8c.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.

Logan Paul El sistema le falló a mi acosador... Después de un aparente suicidio

Les falló el sistema
TMZ Studios

Logan Paul estuvo alguna vez en la mira de un hombre que parecía estar obsesionado con él, y que incluso irrumpió en su casa, pero no sabía que el hombre se había quitado la vida.... hasta ahora.

Nos sentamos con el YouTuber convertido en boxeador para conversar sobre este capítulo oscuro de su vida. Esto es, cuando por allá por 2018, un tipo llamado Tahj Deondre Speight supuestamente entró sin autorización a su casa, lo que llevó a un enfrentamiento.

Logan Paul terminó deteniendo a Speight, quien finalmente fue arrestado, acusado, procesado y finalmente encarcelado, pero en algún momento murió y parece que fue a través del suicidio.

Harvey le dio la noticia a Logan en nuestra entrevista y está claro que él no estaba al tanto del suceso y la noticia le golpeó fuertemente. Nos preguntamos... ¿le fallo el sistema al no proporcionarle la ayuda o los recursos que necesitaba?

TMZ Studios

Logan da una respuesta honesta, y algo sorprendente, dice que tiene empatía por el hombre con quien alguna vez luchó. Es una respuesta emotiva y sincera.

Su charla completa forma parte de un nuevo programa llamado "TMZ Investiga: TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood’s Stalker Crisis", el comienzo de una serie semanal que se emitirá en FOX el lunes.

Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está luchando o en crisis, la ayuda está disponible. Llame o envíe un mensaje de texto al 988 o chatee con 988lifeline.org.

Lori Loughlin Daughter Olivia Jade Dredges Up "P" Word

Lori Loughlin's daughter Olivia Jade may want to redub her "prison" comment in a YouTube video she created showing off her amazing kitchen.


Olivia gave everyone a tour of her luxurious Los Angeles home in the 17-plus minute video she shot and uploaded to her YT vlog. But things got weird once she stepped into the kitchen and alluded to Lori's imprisonment for her mom's role in the infamous college admissions scandal.

Check it out ... Talking directly into the camera, Olivia tells her audience she just ordered wallpaper, so the kitchen won't feel so sterile.

She repeats the phrase, "It's not gonna feel like," before she stops and thinks for a moment. Then she delivers the punchline -- "a prison."

Realizing what she just said, Olivia warns her viewers to “Save the jokes. I don’t want to hear it. I set you up and I don’t want you to tee off. OK?”


Of course, the 24-year-old influencer was referring to her mother Lori and father Mossimo Giannulli's federal convictions in the 2021 college admissions case.

Lori and Mossimo pled guilty to paying a fixer half a million dollars to get Olivia and her sister, Isabella Rose, accepted into the University of Southern California under the false pretense they were rowing recruits.

The couple was convicted of federal fraud charges, and both served short prison sentences and paid $400,000 in fines -- but, hey, at the end of the day ... Olivia's got a sweet kitchen.


Famous reptile enthusiast Brian Barczyk has sadly passed away after spending 10 days in hospice care ... following a brave battle with pancreatic cancer.

The announcement was made Monday ... with the folks at his Reptarium Reptile Zoo paying tribute to their "exceptional" visionary, mentor and friend in an emotional IG statement ... where they praised Brian's ability to touch innumerable hearts and minds globally with his fervent passion for reptiles and wildlife.

They added, "For those of us who had the privilege of working alongside him, Brian's absence leaves an immeasurable void. As we navigate this difficult time, we find comfort in the memories and the lasting light of Brian's work. He will be deeply missed but indeed, never forgotten."

Brian received news of his devastating stage four pancreatic cancer diagnosis almost a year ago ... and it looks like he knew what was coming as just days earlier, he shared an emotional goodbye video.

The reptile influencer once said ... "I'm ready, guys. It was a tough year. It was so painful, the pain was incredible, the sickness was incredible, the treatment was incredible, everything about it was so bad" ... while also thanking his "reptile army" for their support.

Brian made a career out of his love for reptiles ... starring on the Discovery Channel's "Venom Hunters" and kickstarting his successful YouTube career in 2016. He had 5.26 million subscribers and collaborated with the likes of Logan and Jake Paul.

As well his Reptarium Reptile Zoo, he was also the founder of Legasea Aquarium.

He also owned the third-largest collection of snakes in the world -- over 30,000, actively participating in venom milking.

He leaves behind his wife Lori and their two children, Noah and Jade. A memorial in honor of Brian will be held on Wednesday by his family in Sterling Heights, Michigan.

He was 54. RIP.

Lil Nas X se disculpa por el video "J Christ" tras recibir críticas


Lil Nas X está tratando de limpiar el caos que su single "J Christ" ha causado en la comunidad cristiana, pero el daño podría estar hecho, si las reacciones de estos artistas significan algo.

El Sr. Montero se expresó en Insta el lunes para pedir disculpas por todas las reacciones, pero también admitió que estaba sorprendido por el nivel de odio que recibió.

Lil Nas X dice que se imaginaba que las masas habrían captado su sátira, es decir, su lucha contra Satanás en el video y su alejamiento del lado oscuro, por así decirlo. Continúa diciendo que la inspiración en Jesús pretendía ser una metáfora de su carrera resucitada.

Admite, sin embargo, que su video promocional quizás llevó las cosas demasiado lejos. Se disculpa por las payasadas, al tiempo que niega ser el anticristo enviado para arruinar los valores familiares.

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A pesar del "lo siento" de Nas X, varios de los principales raperos cristianos de hoy en día no están de acuerdo. Piensan que su nueva campaña "J Christ" se burla abiertamente de su religión y ¡no están de acuerdo!

Dee-1 no es ajeno a llamar la atención a artistas que siente que están llevando a los fans por caminos oscuros, y publicó una foto junto a un mural de Lil Nas X advirtiendo que su sello discográfico —Columbia Records— le estaba permitiendo ser un maniquí de choque para los cristianos.

Dee sugirió que Lil estaba "Herido por la iglesia", siendo rechazado por ser gay.

Lecrae, el primer rapero en ganar un Grammy al Mejor Álbum Gospel, se hizo eco de pensamientos similares e instó a sus seguidores a orar por Lil, argumentando que no es una causa perdida, todavía.

no se juega con el nombre de jesús
Instagram / @hurricanechrisofficial

El huracán Chris —que nos dijo que le dio crédito a Jesús por su veredicto de inocencia tras ser absuelto de asesinato— fue mucho menos indulgente y amenazó con resucitar las Cruzadas y luchar por su Señor y Salvador contra lo que él percibe como el mal en la canción de Nas X.

El tiempo dirá lo sincero que está siendo Lil. A primera vista, suena como si fuera un poco en serio. ¿Es hora de confesarse y buscar penitencia?

Lil Nas X Meant No Disrespect w/ 'J Christ' ... Christian Artists Pile On


Lil Nas X is trying to clean up the mess that his "J Christ" single has caused in the Christian community ... but the damage might be done, if these artists' reactions mean anything.

Mr. Montero hopped on IG on Monday to apologize for all the backlash but also admitted he was surprised by the level of hate he received all the same.

Lil Nas X says he figured the masses would have picked up on his satire ... namely, him combatting Satan in the video and turning away from the dark side, so to speak. He goes on to say the Jesus inspo was aimed to be a metaphor for his resurrected career.

He does admit, however, that his communion promo video perhaps took things too far ... he apologizes for the antics ... while denying he's the anti-Christ sent to ruin family values.

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Despite Nas X's I'm-sorry ... several of today's top Christian rappers may beg to differ ... they think his new "J Christ" campaign openly mocks their religion and they're not going for it!!!

Dee-1 is no stranger to calling out artists he feels are leading fans down dark paths and posted up next to a mural of Lil Nas X ... and warned him his record label Columbia Records was allowing him to be a crash dummy for Christians.

Dee suggested LNX was suffering from "church hurt" -- shunned for being gay but still told him to cut it out.

Lecrae, the first rapper to ever win a Grammy for Best Gospel Album, echoed similar thoughts and urged his following to pray for LNX -- arguing he's not a lost cause, yet.

Don't Play With Jesus' Name
Instagram / @hurricanechrisofficial

Hurricane Chris -- who told us he credited Jesus for his not guilty verdict after being acquitted of murder -- was far less forgiving and threatened to resurrect the Crusades ... and slide for his Lord and Savior against what he perceives as the evil in Nas X's song.

Time will tell how sincere LNX is here ... on its face, it sounds like he's kinda serious. Time to hit confession and seek penance???

YouTuber Arrested for Dumping Poo on Peeps ... Crappy Way to Get Clicks


A prankster was arrested in Europe earlier this month for dumping buckets of dog feces onto unsuspecting metro passengers in Belgium -- all for some clicks on YouTube.

Authorities in Belgium have had enough of his crap ... arresting and charging the individual they named as Y.D. with assault and battery, damage to property using violence and property damage on January 3 -- a day after he reportedly confessed to police about this prank in Brussels.

It wasn't just dog feces ... cops say he hurled a mixture of diverse substances such as excrement, oil, beer, water, fallen leaves and paint at innocent bystanders.

Since his arrest, the man's been identified as YaNike on YouTube ... where the prosecutor's office says the incidents can be traced in 7 of his 16 vids.

In his most offending video from November 28, titled "Suprise du chef (6)" -- translated to "Chef's Surprise" -- he dumps a bucket full of the nasty fecal matter onto a horrified train passenger before fleeing.

The victim filed a complaint, according to local outlet Sudinfo ... and a complaint was also filed by the local transportation operator there, STIB, according to Politico.

YaNike only has around 480 subscribers, so he wasn't anywhere near a big name on YouTube ... needless to say, the pressure to do anything for viral fame truly stinks.

For more viral news, check out TMZ Verified available on all podcast platforms.

YouTuber Es arrestado por lanzar un cubo de mierda... Repulsiva forma de conseguir clics

Broma de mierda

Un bromista fue arrestado en Europa a principios de este mes por verter cubos de heces de perro en los pasajeros del metro de Bélgica y todo por algunos clics de YouTube.

Las autoridades de Bélgica han tenido suficiente de su mierda. El chico, al que nombraron como Y.D., fue detenido y acusado el 3 de enero de asalto y agresión y daños a la propiedad utilizando la violencia, un día después de que al parecer confesara sobre su broma a la policía.

No fueron solo las heces de perro. La policía dice que también lanzó una mezcla de diversas sustancias como excrementos, aceite, cerveza, agua, hojas caídas y pintura a transeúntes inocentes.

Desde su detención, el hombre ha sido identificado como YaNike en YouTube y la oficina del fiscal dice que los incidentes pueden ser rastreados en 7 de sus 16 videos.

En su video más ofensivo del 28 de noviembre, titulado "Suprise du chef (6)", el chico vierte un cubo lleno de materia fecal sobre un pasajero de tren horrorizado antes de huir.

La víctima presentó una denuncia, según el medio local Sudinfo y también fue presentada una por el operador de transporte local, STIB, según Politico.

YaNike solo tiene alrededor de 480 suscriptores, por lo que no estaba ni cerca de ser un gran nombre en YouTube. No hace falta decir que la presión de hacer cualquier cosa por la fama viral es realmente apestoso.

George Carlin Daughter Drags AI Take on New Special You Can't Recreate Him!!!

The late, great George Carlin has a new comedy special out -- thanks to the use of AI technology ... but one person who is up in arms about it is his daughter, Kelly.

The producer/screenwriter dished her thoughts on this new AI special, "George Carlin: I'm Glad I'm Dead," that's making the rounds right now ... in which a fake George Carlin -- recreated through an AI program -- cranked out new jokes ... in the vein of the real McCoy.

It sure sounds like GC, and the delivery is the same too -- as are the topics he famously touched on -- like religion, and some new material on Elon Musk, streaming, and more.

Kelly responded, laying it all out there in a statement, saying, "My dad spent a lifetime perfecting his craft from his very human life, brain and imagination. No machine will ever replace his genius."

She says artificial intelligence products are "clever attempts at trying to recreate a mind that will never exist again" -- adding the whole thing "stepped over a line."

Kelly urges folks to let the artist's work speak for itself ... reminding fans that the real George Carlin has 14 specials that are available everywhere -- if ya wanna listen to the actual material.

The bizarre standup set was made as part of the Podcast, Dudesy -- hosted by Will Sasso and Chad Kultgen -- and folks online have been siding with Kelly, thinking the whole thing is just weird.

And we'll say ... however close AI will get to the real thing, it'll never top the perfection that George brought to the stage for decades. Kelly has a point -- this is close, but no cigar.

Strange, strange times indeed.

Lil Nas X Christian College Letter's Bogus ... 'Memba, Thou Shall Not Lie

Lil Nas X's claim of being accepted to a Christian college was a fib of biblical proportions -- at least according to the higher ed institution itself ... who says they've never heard of him.

A spokesperson for Liberty University tells TMZ Hip Hop, "We can confirm that Liberty University did not issue the Montero Hill 'acceptance letter' posted yesterday to social media, and we have no record of Montero Hill applying to the University. Liberty University exists to glorify God by equipping men and women in higher education in fidelity to the Christian faith expressed through the Holy Scriptures."

"We continue to pray for America and for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be proclaimed across this land. We welcome all to apply and join us at Liberty University."

LNX posted the phony placard as part of his new song rollout that's hellbent on convincing fans he's not the devil-worshipping dandy that Dave Chappelle made him out to be in his newest Netflix special.

Many people noted the letter he posted was edited/old ... 'cause the ex-Prez whose John Hancock is on there died a long time ago -- so it was easy to spot the fake. Still, now we got LU officially shutting it down ... and sending prayers Nas X's way too to boot.

Of course, this stunt is just the latest LNX has pulled over the past few weeks to plug this new single of his -- 'J Christ' -- which is very much the opposite of his devil song from a few years ago ... "Montero (Call Me By Your Name)." Now, he's trying to seem holier than thou.

Speaking of this new track ... Lil Nas X dropped a teaser of the music video for it on Wednesday -- and there's a bunch of celebrity lookalikes heading up to the pearly gates.

Funny enough, we saw photos of these same actors a couple months ago doing a shoot -- and while we didn't know what this was for at the time ... we certainly do now. You can take a peek and check out the photos yourself to see what was happening behind the scenes.

Montero may not be a holy roller on campus next semester but he's still pumped to take his fans on a divine journey ... judging from his upcoming "J Christ" music video that spoofs several celebrities walking up the stairways to heaven.

We got a hold of some pics from the shoot ... doppelgängers of everyone from Taylor Swift to Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jackson, Kanye West -- even Queen Elizabeth can be seen Nasing it up!!!

He insists the art will contain a deeper meaning ... what that is, we'll just have to wait until Friday, which is when this song's coming out.

Tiger Woods Wins Long-Drive Contest ... From His Knees!!!

Fore Play Golf / Barstool

Tiger Woods is proving yet again why he's the greatest golfer ever ... recently winning a long-drive competition -- from his knees!!

The Big Cat performed the wild feat while messing around on a course with the guys from Barstool Sports' Fore Play Podcast.

Woods was helping the trio with some of the worst aspects of their games -- when he suddenly challenged Riggs to a contest to see who could hit a golf ball farther.

Riggs -- who had just received some pointers from Woods -- went first ... and he striped one right down the middle of the fairway that appeared to easily pass 200-plus yards.

Woods then teed up his ball ... but instead of taking his normal stance, he dropped to his knees -- and then swung his driver.

Of course, the golf legend piped one well past Riggs' despite no real use of his legs ... which left everyone on the course in disbelief.

"You're a sicko," Riggs said. "That was awesome!"

Woods insinuated he had been practicing the shot plenty recently -- obviously due to all the ailments he's suffered in his lower body since his 2021 car crash.

While the swing was incredible, it won't be long before fans can see him really rip it in tournament action ... as he hinted in his breakup post with Nike earlier this week that he'll be in the field for the Genesis Invitational at the Riviera Country Club in February.


Vivek Ramaswamy espera que Jake Paul pueda darle un golpe decisivo en la campaña electoral, por eso se están uniendo para una etapa crucial en su búsqueda de la nominación del GOP.

La temporada de primarias presidenciales comienza el próximo lunes en Iowa… y Jake y Vivek estarán lado a lado el domingo mientras recorren el estado, instando a los jóvenes de la generación Z a salir y votar.

Sintoniza con Vivek

La portavoz de Vivek, Tricia McLaughlin, le cuenta a TMZ… “Estamos muy emocionados de que Jake se una a la campaña y esperamos que pueda motivar a los jóvenes”.

Continúa diciendo que, aunque Vivek está viendo mucho entusiasmo entre los jóvenes votantes, la popularidad de Jake y su capacidad para atraer a una multitud será un gran activo en la víspera de las asambleas de Iowa.

Nos comentan que el dúo viajará en el avión privado de Vivek a eventos en 4 de las universidades más grandes de Iowa, todo como parte del “Compromiso con la concentración.”

Tricia dice que Vivek habló con Jake sobre unirse a la campaña hace algunas semanas, cuando asistió a la pelea de Jake contra Andre August en Florida. Como informamos, Jake consiguió asientos de primera fila para Vivek.

No hay duda, Ramaswamy necesita un impulso importante. Las encuestas recientes muestran que está muy por debajo del 10 por ciento de los posibles votantes de las asambleas del GOP en Iowa… pero la campaña de Vivek insiste en que están llegando a un grupo de votantes que no se tiene en cuenta en esas encuestas.

Ya sea en redes sociales o en el boxeo, Jake ha demostrado que sabe cómo atraer a una multitud, pero ahora veremos si puede hacer que la gente vote por Ramaswamy.


Vivek Ramaswamy is hoping Jake Paul can deliver a knockout punch for him on the campaign trail ... which is why they're teaming up for a critical stretch in his bid for the GOP nomination.

The presidential primary season starts next Monday in Iowa ... and we're told Jake and Vivek will be side-by-side on Sunday as they travel around the state urging Gen-Zers to come out and vote.


Vivek's spokesperson, Tricia McLaughlin, tells TMZ ... "We're very excited Jake's joining on the campaign trail and we're hoping it can really drive out younger people."

She goes on to say that while Vivek is seeing a lot of enthusiasm from young voters, Jake's star power and ability to command a crowd is going to be a major asset on the eve of the Iowa caucus.

We're told the duo will travel in Vivek's private plane to events at 4 of the biggest universities in Iowa ... all as part of the "Commit to Caucus Rally."

Tricia says Vivek talked to Jake about joining the campaign trail a few weeks ago ... when he attended Jake's fight against Andre August in Florida. As we reported, Jake hooked up Vivek with ringside seats.

Make no mistake, Ramaswamy needs a big spark. Recent polls show he's well under 10 percent of likely Iowa GOP caucus voters ... but Vivek's campaign is adamant they're tapping into a group of voters that isn't accounted for in those polls.

Whether it be social media or boxing Jake has proven he knows how to draw a crowd -- but now we'll see if he can draw folks to cast a vote for Ramaswamy.

Logan Paul compra los NFT de CryptoZoo por 2.3 millones de dólares

Logan Paul dice que está comprometiendo más de 2.3 millones de dólares para corregir los errores de su fracasado CryptoZoo y también está presentando una demanda contra la gente que afirma que descarriló su juego.

Logan está cumpliendo su promesa de volver a comprar Base Egg y Base Animal tokens no fungibles de CryptoZoo, por su precio de compra original a través de un sitio web donde los inversores pueden presentar reclamaciones.

Recordemos que Logan anunció el juego CryptoZoo en 2021, facturando el proyecto animado NFT como "un juego muy divertido que hace dinero." Según se informa, el juego se inspiró en Pokémon y a las personas que pagaron $1.100 se les dijo que podían incubar, criar, coleccionar y comercializar híbridos de animales exóticos en la blockchain. La primera tanda de 11.000 NFT se agotó rápidamente, pero CryptoZoo nunca llegó a comercializarse.

Logan dice que tenía "las mejores intenciones" para CryptoZoo y "nunca ganó un solo centavo con el proyecto". Dice que gastó $400K desarrollando el juego y dice que se completó a principios de 2023, pero no fue lanzado debido a "obstáculos con la regulación que no comprendía realmente en un principio".

Logan añade: "Al igual que usted, yo estaba muy decepcionado porque el juego no fue entregado".

Logan dice que su programa de recompra de 2.3 millones de dólares "no está destinado a compensar a aquellos que apostaron en el mercado de criptomonedas y perdieron".

Además de la recompra de NFT, Logan también está tomando medidas legales, alegando en una nueva demanda que el desarrollador principal de CryptoZoo —Eduardo Ibáñez— y el "Crypto King" Jake Greenbaum son los culpables del fracaso del juego y no él.

En los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, una de las primeras banderas rojas en el proyecto ocurrió justo después del día de lanzamiento, con la actividad comercial sospechosa sucediendo, donde parecía docenas de personas ajenas al proyecto que de alguna manera obtuvieron información de la existencia del nuevo mercado de ZOO Tokens.

La demanda afirma que la actividad comercial poco clara hizo que la capitalización de mercado de ZOO Tokens cayera de unos 130 millones de dólares a 26 millones de dólares.

En cuanto al CryptoZoo, Logan dice que el juego no se lanzará, pero todavía podría haber una oportunidad para que él consiga un poco de justicia en los tribunales.