Kanye West New Album w/ TD$ Shopped Around Big Labels Steering Clear

Kanye West apparently has a forthcoming album with Ty Dolla $ign that's all but ready to be released to the masses -- the only holdup now is ... who's gonna help him drop it???

Billboard reports that Ye's got new music on the horizon, including this joint collaboration between himself and TD$ -- which will mark his first big release since his antisemitic saga last year ... which put him on the outs with a lot of big-time Hollywood players.

Apparently, the aftermath of that is affecting KW's ability to get this album distributed right now -- but that's not to say he doesn't have options ... Billboard says he does. According to the outlet, Ye is weighing 5 different offers from smaller/lesser-known distributors.

One of those offers came from a music publishing company called Too Lost -- which launched just a couple years ago and which actually already holds the rights to Ye's music on YouTube. Now, it sounds like they're making a play to go all in on him for a straight-up album.

No word on who the other 4 offers are from, but Billboard says Kanye's going to make a decision soon -- and that the album should be released in the coming weeks ... including on all the big streaming services he'd need help from to reach the biggest possible audience.

Speaking of that ... Billboard says, citing sources, every major label is staying away from Ye right now -- and a big part of that has to do with his anti-Jew rhetoric from 2022, which seems to be at the forefront of record execs' minds considering Israel-Palestine right now.


They do note that his new album with Ty doesn't touch on any antisemitism in the songs -- at least based on what's been heard so far -- but he's still far too polarizing to get behind.

Interestingly enough ... Kanye himself doesn't seem to be over talking about Jewish people -- as he just recently filed for a trademark for the term "YEWS," which he wants to slap on a multitude of products and services. Whether that's the album name ... anyone's guess.

In any case, get ready to hear Kanye in the booth again -- dude's gearing up for a release soon.

Insane Tornado Video Storm Chasers Trapped In Storm Pray to Jesus for Help

Tornados are something to AVOID at all costs ... as proven by this intense clip of storm chasers screaming for their lives while stuck in the middle of a terrifying storm.

The destructive winds touched Lewistown, Illinois back in April, but storm chaser and YouTuber Tanner Charles shared the shocking footage this week.

Tanner and his friends had no choice but to park right in the middle of the tornado's path after powerline poles came down, blocking the road in front of and behind them.

It's pretty horrifying, with the group panicking as the EF-3 tornado got closer to their car -- begging God to keep them stay alive as the windows in their ride got smashed, with loads of debris ripping over them.

Keep in mind, this tornado reached top speeds of 160 mph, so they definitely were feeling the power while right in its crosshairs. The gang somehow survived the brutal storm, and rightfully were extremely grateful to be alive while looking at the aftermath.

4 people were reported injured as a result of the tornado, which traveled nearly 19 miles ... but by some miracle, there were no deaths.

Demencial video Cazadores de tormenta quedan atrapados en un tornado Rezan por su vida...

Los tornados son algo que hay que EVITAR a toda costa, como bien lo demuestra este intenso video de dos cazadores de tormentas que terminan gritando por sus vidas mientras están atrapados en medio de una aterradora tormenta.

Los vientos azotaron Lewistown, Illinois, en abril, pero el aficionado a estos eventos y YouTuber, Tanner Charles, compartió las impactantes imágenes recién esta semana.

Tanner y sus amigos no tuvieron más remedio que aparcar justo en medio de la trayectoria del tornado. Esto, después de que se cayeran los postes del tendido eléctrico, bloqueando la carretera delante y detrás de ellos.

Es bastante horrible de ver cómo el grupo entra en pánico a medida que el tornado EF-3 se acerca a su coche. En el inter tanto, ellos ruegan a Dios para que los mantenga a salvo, mientras las ventanas de su carro quedan empañadas con un montón de escombros.

Hay que tener en cuenta que este tornado alcanzó velocidades máximas de 160 mph, por lo que definitivamente estaban sintiendo el poder de la naturaleza cuando estaban en medio de todo. La pandilla de alguna manera sobrevivió a la brutal tormenta y por supuesto estaba muy agradecida de estar viva al ver las secuelas.

Cuatro personas resultaron heridas como consecuencia del tornado, que viajó a casi 19 millas, pero por algún milagro, no hubo muertes.

Woah Vicky I'm Loving Lil Tay's Return ... Now Let's Collab, Girl!!!


Woah Vicky has nothing but good things to say about Lil Tay's return to the spotlight after being gone for years ... and she's hoping a collab is in their future, just like old times.

Vicky tells TMZ ... she thinks Tay's looking great and is proud of the online sensation for hitting the internet after 5 long years of radio silence with a brand new song.

She's talking about Tay's new track, "Sucker 4 Green," and Vicky's digging the choreography and the beat that brought it all together. She also gives a shout-out to Tay's marketing team ... which has always included members of her fam.

Vicky even admits she thought Tay was just AI when she first saw the music vid ... but now that she's sure it's the real deal, she's hoping the 2 can collaborate on something to re-cement their relationship.

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You'll recall, the girls were homies back in 2018 when Tay was blowing up online for her flexing -- something that perfectly aligned with Vicky's brand.

They hung out quite a bit and were even side-by-side when Vicky got into a brawl with fellow viral star Danielle Bregoli, aka Bhad Bhabie.

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As we reported, Tay went live on IG Saturday, speaking out for the first time about her death hoax and calling out her dad for a slew of alleged wrongdoings.

For more influencer drama, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.


pensé que era ai

Woah Vicky no tiene más que cosas buenas que decir sobre el regreso de Lil Tay al centro de atención después de haber estado fuera durante años y está esperando una colaboración como en los viejos tiempos.

Vicky le dice a TMZ que piensa Tay se ve muy bien y está orgullosa de la idea de volver a internet luego de 5 largos años de silencio con una nueva canción.

Está hablando de la nueva canción de Tay, "Sucker 4 Green". A Vicky le encanta la coreografía y el ritmo, también felicita al equipo de marketing de Tay, que siempre ha incluido a miembros de su familia.

Vicky incluso admite que pensó que Tay era solo AI cuando vio por primera vez el video músical, pero ahora que está segura de que es real, ella espera poder colaborar en algo para volver a cimentar su relación.

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volviendose mala

Recordarás que las chicas eran amigas en 2018 cuando Tay estaba explotando en línea por su flexión, algo que se alineaba perfectamente con la marca de Vicky.

Salieron bastante e incluso estuvieron codo con codo cuando Vicky se metió en una pelea con su compañera estrella viral Danielle Bregoli, alias Bhad Bhabie.

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dejando las cosas claras

Como informamos, Tay hizo un live de Instagram el sábado hablando por primera vez sobre su engaño de muerte y llamando a su padre por una serie de presuntas malas acciones.

Para más drama influencer, sintoniza el podcast TMZ Verified. Todos los jueves en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Infowars' Alex Jones Choked Unconscious By Jiu-Jitsu Champ ... Snores On Podcast 💤


Strange time for a nap ... Alex Jones literally went to sleep while appearing as a guest on Craig Jones' (no relation!) show on Thursday after the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu champ sent the controversial host to La La Land with a super tight rear-naked choke! 😴

49-year-old Jones' was appearing on Craig's "El Segundo Podcast" when the IBJJF world champ got to live out the real-life fantasy of many of Alex's opponents, literally putting the Infowars host to sleep square in his chair on set.

It's unclear what led up to the submission (Alex was clearly down with it) ... and given Craig's one of the best in the world when it comes to strangling people (he coaches Alex Volkanovski and Israel Adesanya), it didn't take him long.

Craig posted video of the incident ... and had some fun with the caption, writing, "The CIA sent me but I couldn’t do my dad like that"

Again, no father-son relation here.

The clip starts with the choke already in deep. After about 8 seconds of pressure, Jones' eyes rolled back, and he was out cold.

Almost 10 seconds later, Alex finally wakes up ... but clearly had no idea what the hell just happened -- common among people who have been choked out.


"What? What'd I just do?" Alex asked, looking around.

Presumably, Craig will drop more videos with Alex when the pod episode debuts.

Of course, if you're a fight fan, you've undoubtedly seen a ton of them done during MMA fights. The choke, which restricts blood to the carotid artery, is one of the very first moves taught in Jiu-Jitsu.

RUSSELL BRAND NO PUEDE COBRAR EN YOUTUBE En medio de acusaciones de violación

YouTube le está cortando las alas a Russell Brand en respuesta a las acusaciones de violación y agresión sexual en su contra. La plataforma le ha impedido monetizar sus videos.

Un portavoz de YouTube dijo el martes que se suspende la cuenta del comediante convertido en influencer que tiene más de 6,6 millones de suscriptores, lo que significa que no será capaz de sacar provecho de los anuncios que se reproducen antes y durante su biblioteca de videos.

La compañía dice que Brand violó su política de responsabilidad del creador, la cual dice que el comportamiento de un creador fuera de la plataforma que se considera potencialmente perjudicial para los demás puede dar lugar a que YouTube tome medidas.

Esto no sólo afecta al canal principal de Brand, también perjudica a sus otras cuentas tales como: Como despertar con Russell, El fútbol es agradable, y Permanecer libre con Russell Brand.

Como informamos, Brand se enfrenta ahora a las reclamaciones de múltiples mujeres que afirman haber sido violadas, agredidas sexualmente o abusadas por él desde 2006 hasta 2013, con una presunta víctima diciendo que dijo que tenía interacciones tóxicas con él cuando tenía sólo 16 años de edad.

El periodista fue puesto en la picota en dos reportajes publicados el sábado por The Times (Reino Unido) y Channel 4. Brand intentó salir al paso del informe publicando un vídeo el viernes en las redes sociales (incluido su canal de YouTube) en el que decía que todos sus encuentros sexuales habían sido consentidos.

Para tu información, la BBC también ha retirado algunos de los programas de Brand de sus plataformas Sounds y iPlayer después de que las acusaciones salieran a la luz, diciendo que algunos de sus contenidos pasados "ahora caen por debajo de las expectativas del público".

Russell Brand Can't Cash In On YouTube ... Amid Rape Claims

YouTube is cutting off Russell Brand's cash flow in response to rape and sexual assault allegations against him -- the platform's suspended him from making money off his videos.

A YouTube spokesperson said on Tuesday it's suspending the comedian-turned-influencer's account -- which has over 6.6 million subscribers -- which means he won't be able to cash in on the ads that play before and during his library of vids.

The company says Brand violated its creator responsibility policy -- which, in part, says a creator's off-platform behavior that's deemed potentially harmful to others can result in YouTube taking action.

This doesn't just affect Brand's main channel, BTW ... it also puts the kibosh on his other accounts raking in the dough, like Awakening with Russell, Football Is Nice, and Stay Free with Russell Brand.

As we reported, Brand is now facing claims from multiple women who claim to have been raped, sexually assaulted or abused by him from 2006 to 2013 ... with one alleged victim saying said she had toxic interactions with him when she was just 16 years old.

He was put on blast in 2 pieces, published on Saturday through The Times (UK) and Channel 4. Brand tried getting in front of the report by posting a video Friday on social media -- including his YT channel -- saying all of his sexual encounters have been consensual.

FYI, the BBC has also pulled some of Brand's shows from its Sounds and iPlayer platforms after the allegations came to light -- saying some of his past content "now falls below public expectations."

Russell Brand Denies Rape, Abuse Allegations ... Ahead of Explosive Exposé

Russell Brand got ahead of explosive allegations against him -- including claims of rape -- before they hit the news ... taking to his own channel to vehemently deny wrongdoing.

The comedian-actor turned podcaster hopped on YouTube and Twitter Friday night with a video addressing what he said was a couple different stories that were set to be released ... which detailed allegations made by women, some of whom say he'd abused them.

The two pieces were published Saturday -- it was a collab between The Times (UK) and Channel 4 ... and their reporting appears to be extensive with a year-long investigation.

A total of at least 5 women have gone on the record to detail disturbing stories that they claim occurred between them and Russell from 2006 to 2013 -- when RB was at the peak of his fame in Hollywood. They range from outright rape and sexual assault to abuse ... as well as claims of controlling/threatening behavior. One woman, who stayed anonymous, alleged her toxic interactions with Russell started while she was underage ... at just 16 years old.

In anticipation of the pieces being ran, Russell talked to his audience directly ... telling them that he completely refutes the allegations that rise to a criminal level -- seemingly, the rape/sexual assault claims. He says all of his sexual episodes have been consensual.

Russell does acknowledge that he was very promiscuous once upon a time and that he's had a lot of partners -- but also says he's been very open about all of this in the years since.

Eventually, he goes on to suggest that he's being targeted by mainstream media agendas ... and that the reason might lie in his recent stances and politics, on which he's been vocal.

If you haven't followed Russell's journey lately, the dude is very much leaning right these days -- and has espoused strong opinions on everything from COVID to Ukraine and beyond. He's very much so in the Joe Rogan field of POVs ... and thinks that's at the root of this.

It doesn't sound like anything formal has been done as it pertains to the allegations -- including police reports or lawsuits -- but he says he's going to look into all of them.

FWIW, Russell doesn't seem to have any acting projects on the horizon at the moment.

Russell Brand Niega acusaciones de violación y abuso

Russell Brand se adelantó a las explosivas acusaciones en su contra antes de que llegaran a las noticias, haciendo uso de su propio canal para negar vehementemente haber cometido un delito.

El comediante-actor convertido en podcaster saltó a YouTube y Twitter el viernes por la noche, para abordar en un video un par de historias, a su juicio, "diferentes" que estaban a punto de ser publicadas. Estas detallan las acusaciones hechas por las mujeres, algunas de las cuales dicen que él abusó de ellas.

Las dos piezas fueron publicadas el sábado, en una colaboración entre The Times (Reino Unido) y Channel 4, y la información que contiene parece ser extensa con investigaciones de hasta un año.

Un total de al menos 5 mujeres hablaron con los periodistas para detallar historias perturbadoras entre ellas y Russell, desde 2006 hasta 2013, cuando el rapero estaba en la cima de su fama en Hollywood. Estas van desde la violación directa y la agresión sexual hasta el abuso, así como acusaciones de comportamiento controlador y amenazante. Una mujer, que se mantuvo en el anonimato, alegó que las interacciones tóxicas con Russell comenzaron cuando era menor de edad, con solo 16 años.

Anticipándose a la publicacion de las piezas, Russell habló directamente a su audiencia, diciéndoles que refutaba completamente las acusaciones que se elevan a un nivel criminal, que aparentemente, corresponden a las alegaciones de violacion/agresion sexual. Dice que todos sus episodios sexuales han sido consentidos.

Russell reconoce que fue muy promiscuo en el pasado y que ha tenido muchas parejas, pero también dice que ha se ha referido abiertamente a esto sobre todo esto en los últimos años.

Finalmente sugiere que su persona se encuentra en la mira de los medios de comunicación, y que la razones podrían deberse a sus posturas y políticas recientes, en las que se ha hecho oír.

Si no has seguido la trayectoria de Russell últimamente, el tipo está muy inclinado a la derecha en estos días y ha adoptado fuertes opiniones en temas que van desde COVID hasta Ucrania y más allá. Él está muy en el campo de Joe Rogan ... y piensa que eso está en la raíz de todo esto.

No suena como que esté haciendo nada formal en lo que respecta a las acusaciones -incluyendo informes policiales o demandas- pero él dice que va a mirarlos.

Lo que es importante subrayar es que Russell no parece tener ningún proyecto como actor en el horizonte por el momento.

Jake Paul TikTok Dancin' with Vivek Ramaswamy ... Endorses Him, Drags Other Candidates


Jake Paul is showin' his support for Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy on the platform that just might decide the 2024 election -- yep, one little TikTok dance can go a long way.

The boxer shared their collab Wednesday, taking a stab at a viral dance made popular by Houston Rockets' Dillon Brooks ... something that's kinda blown up online.

Jake drags politicians for not reaching out to the youth through social media, saying those trying to garner the attention of young voters are missing out on a practically untapped market. He says Vivek is all about these types of connections, however.

BTW, Vivek also spoke about the lack of social media interaction from his fellow candidates, claiming they're all just scared because of the unscripted factor.

Jake and Vivek's video has gained a lot of attention online, but not everyone's as supportive of Jake's endorsement -- one commenter called the video "a terrible idea," while a handful of others claimed Vivek lost their vote just because he worked with Jake.

Haters. Just part and parcel of the social media landscape.

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Vivek and Jake's criticism of the other candidates doesn't apply to at least one Democratic hopeful -- Marianne Williamson recently told us why moving to TikTok is helping her overcome what she sees as a blatant bias on TV.

She claims the cable media outlets won't give her airtime because she's running against President Biden.

As for Vivek, it'll be interesting to see if an endorsement from Jake will really make a difference in the polls -- don't forget, he got a stamp of disapproval from Eminem last month, who blocked Vivek from using his songs at his campaign events.

This came after Vivek was rapped along to "Lose Yourself" at the Iowa State Fair. His flow got a mixed reaction online, and it looks like his TikTok dance moves are getting much of the same for now.

Dr. Mike Aaron Rodgers Can Come Back, But ... Details Recovery Process


It's going to be a long road to recovery for Aaron Rodgers, according to physician and YouTube star, Dr. Mike ... who detailed the superstar quarterback's path back to the gridiron after the devastating injury he sustained Monday night.

Achilles tears are always serious, but they get even harder to rehab as an athlete gets older, according to Mike ... and Rodgers will soon celebrate his 40th birthday (December).

"To have it at the age of 39 is really rough because it makes the road to recovery that much more difficult," Dr. Mike told TMZ Sports' Mojo Muhtadi.

Mike says the average recovery time is 10-12 months ... but there are instances where recovery has been much quicker (up to 6 months -- this is very uncommon), as well as longer.

It's not a rare injury ... in fact, Mike says around 1 in 4 athletes sustain an injury to their Achilles, and it's not something that only affects football players.

"We even saw this injury with a late Kobe Bryant when he had this injury and also in his mid-30s. And he came back from it, but he was never quite the same. He didn't have that explosiveness," Mike explained.

Assuming Rodgers wants to continue playing, there's some question about how effective he could be as a player.

"I think it's safe to say his mobility will be limited even if he does come back. But the explosiveness is what suffers because it's hard to regain that strength. Although this day and age, we have some pretty cool technologies to help athletes heal faster and better than we did even 10 years ago."

And, Mike is pumped to see what the most modern medical tech can do for Rodgers.

"I'm excited to see the protocol that Aaron Rodgers goes through on this because I think it's going to be not only exciting as a sports fan but also as a doctor to see how the technology helps someone of his stature come back."

Bottom line -- Rodgers is one of the most talented and determined athletes to ever put on a helmet, and if he's intent on returning, Dr. Mike isn't going to count him out.

"At age 39, it's going to be very difficult, not impossible. I'm excited to see what the future holds for the great Aaron Rodgers."

Demandan a los nelk boys por broma fallida de youtube Sobre laboratorio de metanfetamina falso

Los Nelk Boys están siendo arrastrados a los tribunales por una broma de YouTube que salió mal. El conductor de entrega de marihuana que trataron de engañar los sorprendió con una demanda muy real.

Según los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, un hombre llamado Nicholas Aliff afirma que él es el repartidor de hierba en la broma del falso laboratorio de metanfetamina de los youtubers. En el vídeo no estaba contento con la broma y amenazó con demandar, y ahora parece que va a seguir adelante.

Aliff afirma que los Nelk Boys pidieron hierba y él acabó entregando la mercancía en un almacén cerca de Los Ángeles, donde los bromistas de YouTube habían montado un falso laboratorio de metanfetamina y contratado a un actor para que interpretara a un policía que empieza a hacer una redada antidroga antes de aceptar un soborno.

El hombre dice que pensó que el actor era un policía de verdad y que no sabía que le estaban gastando una broma hasta que los Nelk Boys le dijeron que era una broma. Dice que razonablemente se enfureció por la broma y empezó a gritar a los chicos, cuando su seguridad lo agarró por detrás y lo estranguló, causándole lo que afirma son graves lesiones físicas y emocionales.

Aliff afirma que los Nelk Boys lo atrajeron como a un cordero al matadero hacia su falso laboratorio de metanfetamina con la intención de asustarle y captar su reacción de sorpresa ante la cámara. Dice que le pareció tan real que pensó que el falso policía podría dispararle.

Ha interpuesto una demanda por agresión con lesiones, detención ilegal e imposición de angustia emocional, y va a por los Nelk Boys por daños y perjuicios.

Nos pusimos en contacto con los Nelk Boys, hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

YouTube's Nelk Boys Sued For Assault and Battery ... Over Fake Meth Lab Prank


5:58 PM PT -- 9/13 -- The prank video at the heart of the lawsuit drew a police response ... and a police report was filed with investigators, but everyone involved declined to pursue criminal charges and the case was ultimately dropped ... law enforcement tells TMZ.

The Nelk Boys are being dragged to court over a YouTube prank video gone wrong -- the marijuana delivery driver they tried to trick is flipping the script on them with a very real lawsuit.

According to docs obtained by TMZ, a man named Nicholas Aliff claims he's the weed delivery guy in the YouTube stars' fake meth lab prank. In the video, he wasn't happy about being pranked and threatened to sue ... and now it looks like he's following through.

Aliff claims the Nelk Boys ordered weed and he ended up delivering the goods to a warehouse near Los Angeles, where the YouTube pranksters had set up a fake meth lab and hired an actor to play a cop who starts to make a drug bust before ultimately accepting a bribe.

The guy says he thought the actor was a real police officer, and he had no idea he was being pranked until after the fact, when the Nelk Boys told him it was all a joke. He says he reasonably became irate over the prank and started yelling at the guys, when their security grabbed him from behind and put him in a chokehold ... causing what he claims are severe physical and emotional injuries.

Aliff says the Nelk Boys lured him -- like a lamb to slaughter -- into their fake meth lab with the intention of frightening him and capturing his shocked reaction on camera. He says it felt so real, he thought he might get shot by the fake cop.

He's suing for assault and battery, false imprisonment, and infliction of emotional distress ... and going after the Nelk Boys for damages.

We reached out to the Nelk Boys ... so far no word back.

For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

Originally Published -- 9/12 1:20 PM PT

Jake Paul I'm A Wax Man!!! Grabs Fake Jutta's 🍑


Jake Paul took matters into his own hands to make sure his girlfriend's wax figure is just like the real thing ... cupping its ass and comparing it to the human Jutta Leerdam right on the spot!!

The Problem Child just posted footage of his visit at Madame Tussauds in the Netherlands this week ... where he got a truly up-close look -- and feel -- of his superstar athlete GF's recently opened exhibit.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Jake walked right up to the figure, squeezed its behind and then turned to the real Jutta ... and proceeded to grab her tush as well.

The Olympian laughed and pulled his hand away ... but you can tell she appreciated his dedication to the cause.

If the video wasn't enough indication that Paul's a big fan of the completed project, he even rapped about it on his newest song, "Witness" ... saying, "Madame Tussaud’s wax figure of my girl do that mean I got 2 oooo?"

Paul and Leerdam have been enjoying their time together in her home country following his big win over Nate Diaz ... and the boxer's even been hitting up her recent training sessions.

Whether it's the real Jutta or the wax version, it's safe to say Jake is in love!!

Logan Paul Danis Won't Ruin My Relationship ... Laughing Off Troll Job

Logan Paul is taking Dillon Danis' incessant trolling in stride ... giving his nemesis props for targeting his fiancée on social media -- but making it clear his relationship with Nina Agdal is rock solid.

The Maverick addressed Danis' Twitter X fingers during his appearance on Andrew Schulz's "Flagrant" podcast this week ... admitting there actually were a few memes of Nina that made him laugh.

"Some of them were really funny," the 28-year-old YouTuber-turned-boxer-turned-WWE Superstar said. "I'll be honest, they're all really good. The guy is so f***ing good at Twitter. It's top-tier trolling."

Paul said he had no idea Danis would go so hard on social media, but he doesn't mind it -- considering it helps promote the fight.

When Schulz asked if Danis posting pics of Nina's famous exes has caused a rift in his relationship, Paul was adamant it would have zero impact.

"Me and Nina are so f***ing open with each other, I knew she had long-term relationships her whole life," he added. "I knew some of them were very public. She's been famous for her entire adult life, like 11 years she's been paparazzied, so none of this surprised me."

"I know what kind of person she is, she knows what kind of person I am ... some f***ing internet troll posing as a fighter is not gonna get between us."

Logan added Nina is handling the whole attack like a champ ... and he'll compensate her very well with the money he makes off the fight, which goes down Oct. 14.