Kim Kardashian Stays Quiet On Kate Middleton ... Amid IG Controversy

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Kim Kardashian stayed mum about Kate Middleton's shocking cancer revelation Friday ... this after the reality star created controversy over her recent flippant comments about the princess.


Kim and her son, Saint, tried to make a fast getaway as they were leaving his basketball game in Thousand Oaks, CA -- but they couldn't escape the lenses of the paparazzi.

As they dashed inside their waiting SUV, one of the shutterbugs hurled a question at Kim, asking her for a comment about Kate. Kim didn't even acknowledge the photog before disappearing inside the vehicle with Saint and being driven away.

As you may recall ... Last Sunday, Kim got herself in some hot water when she posted an Instagram image, showing her standing next to her ride while making a small wisecrack about Kate. In the caption, Kim lightly joked that she was on her way to find the Princes of Wales.

This all happened after Kate vanished from the public eye amid her then-secret cancer crisis.

But it didn't matter ... Kim caught heat from commenters, accusing her of trolling Kate for flying under the radar. Now Kim is getting really roasted after Kate's big cancer reveal Friday. The reason? Kim hasn't taken down her Kate post from IG.

Blake Lively 'Sorry Kate' ... Didn't Mean To Poke Fun

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Blake Lively is apologizing to Kate Middleton for mocking the princess' now infamous photoshopped image before Friday's big cancer reveal.

The actress posted a message to Instagram hours after Kate told the world about her cancer diagnosis in a video released by Kensington Palace – the home of Kate and Prince William's family.

Blake started off by saying she needed to get something off her chest even though no one would care considering the atomic bomb Kate had just dropped.

But Blake dove in ... writing she created a "silly post around the 'photoshop fails' frenzy, and oh man, that has me mortified today."

She added, "I'm sorry. "Sending love and well wishes to all, always.”

Of course, Blake was trying to make up for posting a clearly edited image promoting her beverage biz, Betty Buzz, which highlighted an unusually large thumb and a floating lemon.

Blake was referring to Kate's edited "Mother's Day" photo that triggered a hodgepodge of theories about what was wrong with the Princess of Wales.

Blake Lively Lo siento, Kate.... No quise burlarme

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Blake Lively se está disculpando con Kate Middleton por burlarse de la imagen retocada de la princesa antes de que se supiera el gran anuncio de su cáncer el viernes.

La actriz publicó un mensaje en Instagram horas después de que Kate compartiera su diagnóstico de cáncer con el mundo en un video publicado por el Palacio de Kensington, el lugar donde viven Kate y el príncipe William.

Blake empezó diciendo que necesitaba desahogarse, aunque a nadie le importara luego de la gran noticia que Kate acababa de soltar.

Pero Blake siguió de todos modos, escribiendo que creó un "post tonto en torno al frenesí de la foto editada con photoshop", y que eso la tenía "mortificada".

Y añadió: "Lo siento. Les mando mi amor y buenos deseos a todos, siempre".

Por supuesto, Blake estaba tratando de compensar la publicación de una imagen claramente editada, donde promocionaba su negocio de bebidas, Betty Buzz, donde se puede apreciar un pulgar inusualmente grande y un limón flotando en el aire.

Blake se refería a la falsa foto de Kate del "Día de la Madre" que desencadenó una gran cantidad de teorías sobre lo que estaba pasando con la Princesa de Gales.

En el comentario de esa foto, Blake dijo que estaba "muy emocionada" de compartir la imagen de Betty Buzz antes de disparar contra Kate y decir: "Ahora saben por qué he estado desaparecida en acción".

Como saben, Kate desapareció del ojo público en medio de su batalla contra el cáncer, el que fue descubierto durante la cirugía abdominal que se realizó en enero.

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Reveladoras noticias
X / @KensingtonRoyal

En su mensaje de video, Kate dijo que su equipo médico le aconsejó que se sometiera a "quimioterapia preventiva", la que ha comenzado recientemente.

También habló sobre el "gran shock" que significó el diagnóstico y el apoyo que ha significado tener a su marido, Guillermo, a su lado.

Kate también dijo que la parte más importante de esta terrible experiencia era darle la mala noticia a sus tres hijos. Dijo que tenía que hacerlo de una manera apropiada para que se sintieran tranquilos de que su madre iba a estar bien.

El Rey Carlos III, quien también ha sido diagnosticado de cáncer, hizo público un comunicado en el que aplaudió a Kate por su valentía al hablar de su enfermedad.

'RHOP' Star KAREN HUGER Reeked of BOOZE AFTER CRASH ... According to Cops

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Karen Huger was swaying and had a strong odor of alcohol on her breath following her frightening crash Tuesday night in Potomac, MD ... this according to the police report.

According to the report, obtained by TMZ, officers noted the 'Real Housewives of Potomac' cast member also had slurred speech and bloodshot eyes when they arrived on scene -- and they say she didn't answer when cops asked her twice how much she had to drink.

Officers also noted she had 2 closed bottles of the alcoholic beverage Stella inside her vehicle.

The report adds that while cops thought Karen appeared to be intoxicated ... she declined to undergo a field sobriety test or a breathalyzer.

Fire rescue, which also responded to the scene, tried to get her to sit on a stretcher -- but the report says she refused both the stretcher and any medical care.

According to officers, Karen also made it clear she did not wish to be recorded when officers told her she was on their bodycam footage.

She was ultimately arrested for DUI, and driven to the police station where she was issued citations ... and later released to her husband, Raymond.

As we reported ... cops told us Karen hit the median and a street sign late Tuesday night while driving her 2017 Maserati -- and a security guard in the neighborhood called the police after witnessing the whole thing.

Huger hasn't addressed the charges yet.

BTW, we spoke with Karen's 'RHOP' costar Candiace Dillard Bassett ... who filled us in on the folks showing her tons of support following her crash -- as well as what it might mean for Karen's future on the series.

She's Being Supported

Pretty interesting insight from a reality bedfellow ... take a look for yourself.

Michigan State's A.J. Hoggard Uniform Mishap In Tourney Debut ... Your Shorts Are Backward, Bro!!!


A.J. Hoggard's NCAA tournament run didn't get off to the best start -- the dude accidentally played the first few minutes of Michigan State's game Thursday with his shorts on backward!!!

Eagle-eyed fans noticed the wardrobe mishap just seconds into the Spartans' tourney-opening game against Mississippi State ... pointing out that his uniform certainly looked different from his teammates'.

You can see in images from the game's broadcast, while every other MSU player on the floor had a Spartan on the left side of their leg and a design on the right ... but Hoggard's were flipped.

Thankfully, it seems somebody informed the senior of the issue after just a few minutes on the court ... because following a break in the action, the direction of his shorts suddenly changed.

Doesn't seem it had any effect on his game, though ... the point guard balled out in the first half, piling up five points, two rebounds and five assists -- as MSU leads Mississippi St., 31-24, at the break.

Here's to hoping he comes out of halftime with no further uniform issues!

Christian Wood's Ex Yasmine Lopez Yeah, I Keyed A Car ... But I'm Getting Therapy


L.A. Lakers big man Christian Wood's ex, Yasmine Lopez, is opening up on the wild allegations made against her in court documents ... owning up to keying a car and hopping his fence -- but claiming she's seeking help following the incidents.

TMZ Sports broke the story -- Wood accused Lopez of wreaking havoc on his personal life ... abusing and stalking him, damaging his property (including two luxury vehicles) on multiple occasions, and keeping their child from him.

Lopez weighed in on the recent events during an Instagram livestream ... and she expressed her regret with how their business has been thrown into the spotlight.

The influencer and model seemingly defended her actions while speaking with her followers on Wednesday ... saying, "I wouldn't be hopping nobody's fence for no f***ing reason, but I don't condone violence. I don't."

She also claimed the car she wrecked did not belong to Wood, but rather his new girl's vehicle -- regardless, she did go to jail over the February incident.

Lopez revealed she is taking the proper measures in hopes of preventing issues in the future ... including therapy.

"I'm working on myself to become a better woman, a better mom, just all around," she added. "I don't have time for the bulls***."

"The s*** I tolerated in the past, I'll never tolerate again."

Wood was granted a temporary restraining order against Lopez earlier this month ... which expired on Wednesday.

Kate Middleton Casi violan sus registros médicos... Dice un reporte

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Alguien en el hospital donde Kate Middleton estaba siendo atendida a principios de este año supuestamente trató de echar un vistazo a su historial médico, pero fue atrapado según cuenta un nuevo informe.

El Mirror dejó caer esta bomba el martes, afirmando que fueron informados de que al menos un empleado de The London Clinic habría intentado acceder al expediente personal de Kate, presumiblemente, para ver lo que realmente andaba mal con ella, pero el medio dice que la persona fue interceptada en el acto.

No hay muchos más detalles en términos de cómo se desarrolló esto exactamente, o lo que le pasó al trabajador que hizo esto, por no hablar de quién lo vio y lo contuvo.

En cualquier caso, el Mirror dice que se puso en marcha una investigación interna y que los altos mandos del hospital se pusieron en contacto con el Palacio de Kensington tras descubrir este intento de violación y prometieron llega al fondo del asunto.

The Mirror también informa que otros trabajadores están conmocionados y sacudidos por esto. The London Clinic es un establecimiento médico muy respetado y que trata a personas de alto perfil, incluidos los miembros de la familia real en general.

La Clínica le dijo a Mirror: "Creemos firmemente que todos nuestros pacientes, sin importar su estatus, merecen total privacidad y confidencialidad respecto a su información médica".

No se sabe si esto fue reportado a la policía, pero por lo que parece, no es el caso. La Policía Metropolitana de Londres nos dice: "No podemos proporcionar nada al respecto, ya que necesitamos saber si London Clinic nos lo ha comunicado y, si es así, cuándo".

Recuerden, este es el mismo hospital por donde fue visto el príncipe Guillermo saliendo en enero, poco después de que Kate fuera hospitalizada para someterse a una cirugía abdominal por una misteriosa dolencia.

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Comprando juntos
TMZ / The Sun

Había un montón de preguntas acerca de su salud y su condición en ese entonces, aunque no tanto como las hay ahora, teniendo en cuenta que ha estado desaparecida durante meses ... Recién apareció de nuevo el sábado.

Es por eso que es impactante escuchar esto, suponiendo que sea cierto. A primera vista, parece que al menos un miembro del personal tenía mucha curiosidad por saber qué le pasaba a Kate, tanto que incluso arriesgó su trabajo y su reputación para echar un vistazo a su historial médico, cuando la mayoría de la gente se contentaba con dejarla en paz.

Por supuesto, han pasado muchas cosas desde que Kate dejó el hospital, incluyendo un montón de teorías conspirativas sobre su salud y su paradero, que han alcanzado niveles máximos de absurdidad.

El palacio de Kensington, por supuesto, se ha mantenido bastante callado al respecto. Nos hemos puesto en contacto con The London Clinic y el Palacio a propósito de esta nueva historia, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

La saga continúa ...

Kate Middleton Medical Records Almost Breached By Hospital Staff: Report

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Somebody at the hospital where Kate Middleton was being treated earlier this year allegedly tried to sneak a peek at her medical records, but got caught -- this per a new report.

The Mirror dropped this bombshell Tuesday, claiming they've been told that at least one staffer at the London Clinic had attempted to access Kate's personal file -- presumably to see what was actually wrong with her -- but the outlet says they were intercepted in the act.

There's not much more detail in terms of how exactly this unfolded, or what happened to the worker who allegedly did this ... not to mention who saw them and put a stop to it.

In any case, the Mirror says an internal investigation has been launched at the London Clinic -- and they claim top brass at the hospital contacted Kensington Palace once they became alerted to the attempted security breach, and promised they'd get to the bottom of it.

The Mirror also reports that other workers there are shocked and shaken up by this -- as the London Clinic is a well-respected and usually honorable medical establishment that treats high-profile people ... including members of the Royal family at large.

The London Clinic told The Mirror, "We firmly believe that all our patients, no matter their status, deserve total privacy and confidentiality regarding their medical information."

No word on whether this has been reported to cops either -- but from the sounds of it, it hasn't. The Metropolitan Police in London tells us ... "We can’t provide anything on this, as we need to know if the London Clinic have reported it to us and, if so, when."

Remember, this is the same hospital Prince William was seen leaving in January -- shortly after Kate was hospitalized to undergo an abdominal surgery ... for a mysterious ailment.

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TMZ / The Sun

There was a lot of questions about her health/condition then -- but not nearly as much as there is now considering she's been MIA for months ... only just surfacing again Saturday.


That's why it's shocking to hear this, assuming it's true. On its face, it seems at least one staffer was gravely curious to see what was up with Kate ... risking their job and reputation to steal a glance at her chart at the time, when most everyone was content to leave her be.

Of course, a lot has happened since Kate left this hospital -- including lots of conspiracy theories on her health and whereabouts, which have reached peak levels of absurdity.

Kensington Palace, of course, has been fairly mum over just about all of it. We've reached out to the London Clinic and the Palace on this new story ... so far, no word back yet.

The saga continues ...

Elizabeth Hurley 'Liberated' in Sex Scenes ... Because of Son Behind Camera!!!

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Elizabeth Hurley said her director put her totally at ease for a sex scene in her new flick ... and that director's also a member of her fam -- namely, her son Damian.

The mother-son duo sat down for an interview with Access Hollywood released Saturday when they were asked how it felt to work on a very intimate scene together as mother and son.

If you don't know ... Hurley stars in "Strictly Confidential," an erotic thriller not only directed but also written by her son. In the flick, EH reportedly wears a lot of skimpy clothing -- and, gets hot and heavy with another woman.

Obviously, Damian's got a job to do -- directing all this action -- but, Hurley said it actually made her feel more at ease rather than uncomfortable for her son to be right there on set.

The way Elizabeth explains it, it's nice to have a person behind the camera who has your best interests at heart -- and who will look out for you more than family?

Hurley says that familiarity allowed to her feel more open during those scenes ... calling the whole experience liberating -- probably a bit of a shock for other people who might be mortified of their child seeing them naked.

In fact, Hurley says she had such a great time working with Damian that she may just do it again ... perhaps a little mother-son bonding via some intense sex scenes.

As for the 21-year-old, Damian says there was no awkwardness in directing his mom -- 'cause they're showbusiness people, and that's just the world they signed up for.

"Strictly Confidential" is set for release later this year ... and it sounds like everything between the mother and son will be just fine when the movie drops.

Greg Vaughan La estrella de las telenovelas está hospitalizado Líquido en los pulmones


Greg Vaughan se está recuperando después de que una aterradora dolencia lo enviara al hospital y, resulta que todo se debe a que se expuso a demasiada, demasiada altura.

La estrella de las telenovelas, mejor conocido por interpretar a Eric Brady en casi 1.000 episodios de "Days of Our Lives" y Lucky Spencer en más de 600 episodios de "General Hospital", publicó un par de fotos donde aparece conectado a una máquina de oxígeno.

Vaughan le aseguró a los fans que estaba mucho mejor, pero que tuvo que correr a urgencias después de ser golpeado gravemente con el mal de alturas.

El actor dice que llevó a sus hijos a Breckenridge, Colorado para esquiar y hacer snowboard, pero comenzó a sentirse cansado, congestionado y sin aliento, en un día que suponía debía ser divertido y relajado.

Greg dice que hizo estallar algunos NyQuil y bebió una tonelada de Pedialyte, pero eso no solucionó el problema y terminó bajando de la montaña para buscar atención médica.

Aunque pensó que el problema no iba a ser nada grave, Vaughan tiene suerte de no haber intentado resistirse a la enfermedad, porque dice que el nivel de oxígeno en su sangre era de un mísero 54% y que el líquido estaba llenando sus pulmones.

Vaughan dice que le conectaron a un par de vías intravenosas y le dijeron que probablemente era mejor que se dirigiera a una altitud más baja.

En última instancia, Greg está utilizando su experiencia para enseñar y decirle a la gente que las montañas no son una broma, así que tengan cuidado la próxima vez  que vayan a hacer esquí.

De "General Hospital" a hospitalizado, ¡nos alegramos de que te encuentres mejor, Greg!

Greg Vaughan Soap Opera Star Hospitalized ... Fluid in Lungs From Altitude Sickness

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Greg Vaughan's recovering after a scary illness sent him to the hospital ... and, it turns out it's all because he got too high, too fast.

The soap opera star -- best known for playing Eric Brady on nearly 1,000 episodes of "Days of Our Lives" and Lucky Spencer on over 600 episodes of "General Hospital" -- posted a couple photos from earlier this week of him hooked up to an oxygen machine.

Vaughan assured fans he was doing just fine before but had to rush to an urgent care after getting hit with a really bad case of altitude sickness.

GV says he took his kids to Breckenridge, Colorado for a skiing and snowboarding trip, but started feeling tired, congested, and short of breath just a day into what was supposed to be a fun, relaxing vacay.

Greg says he popped some NyQuil and drank a ton of Pedialyte ... but that didn't fix the problem, and he ended up heading down the mountain to seek some medical attention.

While he thought the issue wasn't going to be anything too serious ... Vaughan's lucky he didn't try and tough through this illness -- 'cause he says the oxygen level in his blood was at a paltry 54% and fluid was filling his lungs.

Vaughan says they hooked him up to a couple IVs and told him it was probably best he head for some lower altitude.

Greg's ultimately using his experience as a teaching moment ... telling people the Rockies are no joke -- so be careful on your next ski trip.

From "General Hospital" to generally hospitalized ... glad you're feeling better, Greg!

Madonna Fan in Wheelchair Breaks Silence on Concert Callout ... I'm Not Offended!!!

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Madonna called out a woman in a wheelchair for not standing up at one of her concerts -- and while everyone gave her s*** for it ... the lady herself really isn't sweating it.

Vanessa Gorman -- who was the woman Madge called out in Vancouver last month -- tells TMZ ... she was pretty shocked by the concert callout at Rogers Arena -- 'cause she says she was in a bright pink wheelchair and figured Madonna could see it clear as day.


She also says she initially didn't think that Madonna was talking about her when the singer asked why she wasn't standing -- but when it became clear, she was kinda star-struck ... which you can see in this video from her angle, obtained by TMZ.

Watch ... Madonna is seen singling out Vanessa -- who was seated on the floor right by the stage. While the spotlight was technically put on her, Vanessa says she was unfazed by the attention ... and responded by simply shouting her love for the singer. So, no outrage.


Looking back on the exchange, Vanessa -- who is a paraplegic from a motor vehicle accident in 1999 -- doesn't think Madonna was being mean ... defending her idol by saying it was clearly a mistake. For anyone wondering, she is absolutely not offended by the situation.

She adds ... "Some people are in wheelchairs and can stand -- she had no idea I was paralyzed."

The fan applauds Madonna for apologizing right away and into the mic so that everybody could hear it. FWIW, Vanessa says that she went on to enjoy the rest of the concert.

Unfortunately for Madge, this was just the latest headline her world tour has made in recent months. Remember, Madonna was called out by Luther Vandross' estate after the singer was mistakenly included in the AIDS tribute that plays during her performance of "Live to Tell."

Hopefully, Madonna isn't "Hung Up" on the drama ... 'cause Vanessa certainly isn't.

Kristen Stewart Hombre es detenido con su 🍆 afuera Mientras veía su película!!!

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La nueva película de Kristen Stewart es aparentemente bien caliente porque un espectador de Michigan fue arrestado esta semana por presuntamente exponerse durante la película, según ha confirmado TMZ.

Un hombre de 33 años fue arrestado el jueves por la policía en Southgate, Michigan, cerca de Detroit, después de recibir una llamada de que este tipo se había quedado dormido durante la proyección de "Love Lies Bleeding" de Kristen Stewart, con el evidente problema de que su pene estaba afuera y expuesto, ¡y fue fotografiado!

Alguien subió una foto que parece mostrar al hombre en cuestión dormido en su asiento. Parece que esto fue tomado después de que terminaron los créditos y se encendieron las luces.

El testigo afirma que el hombre se masturbó y luego se quedó dormido, pero la policía no llegó hasta ahí. Todo lo que dicen es que el hombre estaba supuestamente intoxicado y se negaba a salir. Por cierto, se puede ver lo que parece ser alcohol en la foto.

La policía de Southgate también afirma que encontraron sustancias ilegales en su cuerpo. Al final, fue fichado por posesión de narcóticos, exposición indecente, alteración del orden público y resistencia a la autoridad.

Si no sabes de qué va esta película, básicamente sigue una historia de amor lésbico entre Kristen y el personaje de Katy O'Brian, con una trama policíaca de cine negro de por medio. Hay un montón de fuertes escenas de sexo en los primeros 45 minutos de la película.

Por lo tanto, tal vez el tipo se entusiasmó en la primera mitad de la película y luego se quedó dormido con el resto, olvidando poner a su amiguito en su lugar, por supuesto.

Kristen ha estado usando algunos trajes fuera de lo común últimamente para promover la película. Hay que imaginarse que la gente se morirá de ganas de verla ahora, aunque esperemos que sin azotar a ningún mono. Dejamos los cines porno en el siglo XX.

¡Actúen bien!

Kristen Stewart Man Busted w/ 🍆 Out at Her Movie Asleep as Credits Roll!!!

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Kristen Stewart's new film is apparently pretty hot -- 'cause a Michigan moviegoer was arrested this week for allegedly exposing himself during the flick ... TMZ has confirmed.

A 33-year-old man got busted Thursday by cops in Southgate, MI -- near Detroit -- after they got a call that this dude had fallen asleep in a theater during a screening of KS' "Love Lies Bleeding" ... with the obvious problem being that his penis was out and exposed, which was photographed.

Somebody uploaded a pic that appears to show the man in question passed out in his seat at the theater -- and it looks like this was taken after the credits rolled and lights came on.

The eyewitness claims the man masturbated and then fell asleep -- but cops didn't quite go there. All they're saying is that the guy they arrested was allegedly intoxicated -- BTW, you can see what seems to be booze in the photo -- and that he was refusing to leave.

Southgate PD also claims they found illegal substances on him. In the end, he was booked for possession of narcotics, indecent exposure, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

If you're unfamiliar with what this flick is all about -- it basically follows a lesbian love story between Kristen and Katy O'Brian's character ... with a noir crime plot in between. There's a lot of strong sex scenes in the first 45 minutes of the movie, but none really after that.

So, perhaps this guy got a little happy in the first half of the film -- and then started snoozing as the rest of it played .. without putting his little friend away, of course.

Kristen has been wearing some out-there outfits lately to promote the film ... but you just can't buy this type of publicity. Ya gotta figure folks will be dying to see it now ... hopefully not spanking any monkeys, though. We left porno theaters back in the 20th century, y'all.

Act right!

Missing College Student Booted from Luke Bryan Bar Surfaces on Surveillance Video

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A college student who's been missing since Friday -- this after getting asked to leave Luke Bryan's Nashville bar -- wandered the streets aimlessly ... now seen on surveillance video.

22-year-old Riley Strain was in town last weekend, visiting with friends from the University of Missouri for a convention in Nashville -- and they went out drinking Friday night ... hitting up Luke's famous 32 Bridge bar, where cops say he got kicked out after being overserved.

Strain reportedly told his friends he'd just walk the 5 blocks back to their hotel and meet them there afterward ... but his buddies say he never turned up, having totally vanished.

Now, the police are on the case ... and they're asking the public to help locate Riley since he still hasn't turned all these days later. Nashville PD also posted some surveillance video that was captured that night, which they say shows Riley stumbling around all by himself.

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The guy's said to be well over 6 feet, so he's hard to miss -- and in these videos, you see him cruising the streets almost without much direction or purpose. In one video, you see him cross the street alongside a group of people ... and he comes across as out of control.

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In another video, you can see him running, and even falls briefly. On its face, it appears he's under the influence -- which his why him going missing like this is all the more horrifying.

As for Luke himself ... he's addressed this story, taking to social media to write, "Y'all This Is Scary. Praying For His Safe Return." LB also noted his bar was cooperating with the authorities in their investigation, while also sending their thoughts and prayers to his fam.

The story has started to get national attention, and billboards in the area have already gone up advertising his disappearance. His parents have said they're incredibly worried about his well-being, calling this whole ordeal an utter nightmare. There's no question, it 100% is.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Anyone with info on Riley's whereabouts can call cops at 615-742-7463.


el bizarro momento

La estrella de la MLB Aroldis Chapman es aparentemente un niño de mamá, porque el lanzador de los Piratas de Pittsburgh compartió un extraño video agarrando los pechos de una señora mayor esta semana... y muchos creen que es su propia madre.

El dos veces campeón de la Serie Mundial publicó un perturbador clip en su historia de Instagram, que lo muestra acurrucado en un sofá con una mujer que se parece a su madre, María Caridad De La Cruz.

Chapman -sonriendo de oreja a oreja- aparece manoseando y apretando los pechos mientras la mujer le acaricia la espalda.

En un momento dado, la mujer aparentemente intenta que el "misil cubano" mueva su mano, pero la cosa continúa.

Naturalmente, Chapman -que firmó un contrato de un año por $10.5 millones con los Piratas en enero- fue tendencia en X poco después de que el video saliera a la luz... y un montón de gente compartió su horror.

Las imágenes ya no están en la página de Chapman. Todavía tiene que hacerle frente a algunas reacciones, y seguramente tendrá que escuchar comentarios desde las gradas.