Aroldis Chapman Gropes Older Woman's Boobs ... Bizarre Video

Aroldis Complex

MLB star Aroldis Chapman is apparently quite the mama's boy ... 'cause the Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher shared a bizarre video of himself grabbing an older lady's boobs this week -- and many believe it is his very own mother.

The two-time World Series champion posted the disturbing clip to his Instagram story ... showing him cozying up on a couch with a woman who resembles his mom, Maria Caridad De La Cruz.

Chapman -- who's grinning from ear to ear -- is super handsy throughout the vid ... squeezing both boobs as the woman pats his back.

At one point, the woman seemingly tries to get the Cuban Missile to move his hand ... but the groping continues.

Naturally, Chapman -- who signed a one-year, $10.5 million deal with the Pirates in January -- started trending on X shortly after the video surfaced ... with a lot of folks sharing their horror.

The footage is no longer on Chapman's page ... and he has yet to address the backlash, but he'll almost certainly get a few comments from fans in the stands for this one.


pelea en bote

Un propietario de un yate en California ha amenazado de muerte a un trabajador, y su enfrentamiento ha sido grabado por las cámaras, captando un gesto de desnudez muy grosero.

Échale un vistazo al clip, todo se desarrolla cuando el empresario de San Diego -Ajay Thakore- pasa por el elegante Marriott Marquis Marina en su rara $4.5M Tecnomar para Lamborghini 63 yate para recoger a uno de sus empleados, pero las cosas se calientan cuando el trabajador del muelle Joseph Holt le dice que no puede estar allí.

Thakore, el CEO de la empresa de publicidad médica Doctor Multimedia, enloquece con Holt a lo grande, y comienza a lanzar amenazas como: "Te mataré, sabes que te mataré, te mataré".

Y no se detiene ahí, Thakore no encuentra nada mejor que bajarse los pantalones y hacer un "saludo frontal".

La única represalia de Holt fue un tirón de orejas, y más tarde le dijo a CBS8 que era todo lo que podía hacer para mantener la calma y evitar la escalada de la situación.

Holt dice que partes del altercado no fueron capturadas por la cámara, y añade que Thakore no solo amenazó con matarlo, pero también afirmó tener conexiones que podrían arruinar totalmente su vida.

Holt también dice que Thakore sacó billetes de $100 y se los arrojó, incluso tirando algunos al agua.

Por cierto, Thakore ha dado marcha atrás desde el feo intercambio, ahora dice: "La interacción que se produjo ayer fue lamentable. Lo que comenzó como un malentendido menor se convirtió en una discusión, y pido disculpas por mis acciones y para aquellos que fueron testigos del desafortunado intercambio".

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Uno de los empleados de Thakore afirma que todo comenzó porque otros trabajadores del muelle le impidieron abordar el yate.

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Ah, y si ese lujoso yate Lambo te resulta familiar, es el mismo del que Chuck Liddell se cayó recientemente el mes pasado. ¡Ahora es famoso!



A California yacht owner's vicious beef with a dock worker has reached death-threat levels -- and their exchange was caught on camera and included a nude, and very rude, gesture!

Check out the clip ... it all unfolds when San Diego entrepreneur Ajay Thakore swings by the swanky Marriott Marquis Marina in his rare $4.5M Tecnomar for Lamborghini 63 yacht to pick up one of his employees -- but things boil over when dock worker Joseph Holt tells him he can't be there.

Thakore, the CEO of medical advertising firm Doctor Multimedia, flips out on Holt big time ... and starts spewing threats like, "I will kill you, you know I will kill you, I will kill."

And it doesn't stop there -- as Thakore's pulling out of the harbor, he drops trou to make a full frontal salute in Holt's direction. Stay classy, San Diego!


Holt's only retaliation was flipping the bird, and he later told CBS8 that was all he could do to keep his cool and avoid escalating the situation.

Holt says parts of the altercation were not captured on camera, and he adds ... Thakore not only threatened to kill him, but also claimed to have connections who could totally mess up his life.

Holt also says Thakore pulled out $100 bills and tossed them at him, even chucking some in the water.

BTW, Thakore's done some backpedaling since the ugly exchange -- he now says, "The interaction that occurred yesterday was regrettable. What started as a minor misunderstanding escalated into an argument, and I apologize for my actions and to those who witnessed the unfortunate exchange."

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FWIW ... One of Thakore’s employees claims the whole thing began because other dock workers blocked him from boarding the yacht.

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Accidental Plunge

Oh, and if that fancy Lambo yacht looks familiar -- it's the same one Chuck Liddell recently tumbled off just last month. Now it's famous AND infamous!

Novo Nordisk Sued Woman Claims ... Ozempic Busts Your Gut, And You Knew!!!

A woman is taking Novo Nordisk to court over what she claims were negative side effects she experienced after using Ozempic ... alleging the company knew it could jack up your gut.

Caren Elosua just filed suit against the pharmaceutical giant, claiming weight loss meds like Ozempic and Wegovy have long been suspected of being capable of causing serious harm based on studies and trials ... especially in a person's stomach and gastrointestinal system.

In her docs, obtained by TMZ, Elosua says that even with this alleged history of side effects in mind ... she was still prescribed Ozempic to combat her type-2 diabetes.

Elosua says she started taking a dose of 1ml of Ozempic injections weekly starting in April 2021, and goes on to say her dosage was increased by her doc to 2ml a couple years later.

However, toward the end of 2023 ... Elosua claims she started to suffer from symptoms like headaches, vomiting, cramping and severe stomach pain -- so she says she went to see a specialist ... who she says did a stomach emptying test on her to see what was up.

As it turns out, she claims this gastroenterologist diagnosed her with gastroparesis -- which means your stomach muscles get super weak and aren't able to properly digest food -- and she alleges that a second doctor confirmed this diagnosis.

She says her last Ozempic shot was around late January -- but by then, she claims the damage had been done ... alleging she had to be hospitalized due to the constant pain she was experiencing, which she claims has seriously torn up her abdominal area.

Elosua claims Novo Nordisk -- the company behind Ozempic -- knew this miracle drug could screw people up inside, but they cranked it out anyway and made a fortune ... with her claiming it came at the health expense of her and possibly others.

Now, she's seeking major damages. We reached out to Novo Nordisk ... no word back yet.


Billy Baldwin dice que las afirmaciones de Sharon Stone de que un productor de cine le instó a dormir con él mientras trabajaban en una película juntos son falsas.

El actor salió el martes a desmentir una afirmación que Sharon hizo recientemente en un pódcast, donde alegó que el productor Robert Evans le dijo que debería acostarse con Billy para obtener una mejor actuación de él en "Sliver" de 1993, en la que ella actuó junto a Billy.

"mi trabajo es actuar"
The Louis Theroux Podcast

En respuesta a eso, Billy escribió: "¿No estoy seguro de por qué Sharon Stone sigue hablando de mí todos estos años después? ¿Sigue enamorada de mí o sigue dolida después de todos estos años porque rechacé sus insinuaciones?".

Billy continúa afirmando que Sharon le confió a su amiga, Janice Dickinson, que iba a "hacer que se enamorara tanto de mí que le daría vueltas la cabeza". Básicamente, está haciendo parecer que Sharon realmente quería estar con él mientras rodaban.

Billy hace otra alegación sorprendente, escribiendo: "La historia de la reunión que tuve con Bob Evans implorándole que me permitiera "coreografiar" la escena de sexo final en la foto de abajo para no tener que besar a Sharon es una leyenda absoluta".

Sharon sale con esta historia después de años de estar lista para revelar la identidad de un productor que ella dice que era escoria, y ahora, ella está denunciando que Evans fue ese tipo.

Sharon continuó explicando que le dijeron que había problemas de actuación en la película y la estaban culpando a ella, todo porque se negó a dormir con Billy, y agrega que Evans aparentemente pensó que teniendo sexo iban a "salvar" la escena y la película.

Ella dice que había sugerido otros actores además de Billy -como Michael Douglas- a quien ella dice que considera un profesional, así que sí, ella está destrozando Billy.

Por cierto, ya que Billy invocó el nombre de Janice, ella salió el miércoles y dijo que no recordaba de lo que él estaba hablando.


Billy Baldwin is calling BS on Sharon Stone's allegations that a film producer urged her to sleep with Billy while working on a movie together ... suggesting she was actually into him.

The actor came out swinging Tuesday to deny a claim Sharon recently floated on a podcast -- where she alleged late producer Robert Evans told her she should bang Billy to get a better performance out of him in 1993's 'Sliver,' in which she starred opposite Billy.

The Louis Theroux Podcast

In response to that, Billy wrote ... "Not sure why Sharon Stone keep talking about me all these years later? Does she still have a crush on me or is she still hurt after all these years because I shunned her advances?"

Billy goes on to claim that Sharon confided with her friend, Janice Dickinson, that she was going to "make him fall so hard for me, it's gonna make his head spin." Basically, he's making it seem like Sharon actually wanted to get with him while they were shooting.

Billy makes another startling allegation, writing ... "The story of the meeting I had with Bob Evans imploring him allow me to choreograph the final sex scene in the photo below so I wouldn't have to kiss Sharon is absolute legend." He teases spilling some tea one day.

Sharon coming out with this story follows years of her teasing being ready to reveal the identity of a producer she says was scummy -- and now, she's naming Evans as that guy.

Sharon went on to explain that she'd been told the acting issues with the movie at the time were being blamed on her ... all because she refused to sleep with Billy, which she says Evans apparently thought would make their chemistry better and "save" the flick.

She says she'd suggested other actors besides Billy -- like Michael Douglas -- whom she says she considers a professional ... so yeah, she's kinda trashing BB here too.

BTW, since Billy invoked Janice's name here -- she came out Wednesday and said she had no recollection of what he was talking about.


Las ediciones de Kate Middleton con Photoshop tenían al menos 16 errores que los expertos pudieron notar, y con la publicación de una nueva foto, más teorías conspirativas comienzaron a aparecer.

El homenaje del Día de la Madre de la princesa de Galles ha sido analizado en profundidad por varios fotógrafos diferentes del Daily Mail, y en conjunto destacaron más de una docena de errores que Kate cometió durante la manipulación de su polémica foto.

Tras una inspección más cercana de la imagen viral -que muestra a la princesa Kate posando para una foto con sus hijos, el príncipe Jorge, la princesa Carlota y el príncipe Luis- está claro que se cambió bastante después de que al parecer se guardara dos veces en Photoshop.

A continuación tenemos una lista completa de los errores detectados. A Charlotte le falta una parte de la manga izquierda; la cremallera de Kate está torcida; el pelo de Charlotte está cortado; la falda de Charlotte sobresale; las rodillas de Charlotte están borrosas; la manga del jersey de Louis está contorsionada; el pulgar derecho de Louis está borroso; la cornisa está distorsionada; el paso detrás de Louis está distorsionado; el dedo de Louis parece cortado; el jersey azul de George mejorado; la mano de Kate desenfocada; la manga del jersey de George tiene líneas inusuales. ¡Uf!

Con todos estos cambios realizados, muchos se inclinan ahora por una nueva teoría acerca de cuando esta foto fue tomada en realidad y si todo el mundo en la foto estaba realmente ahí cuando se tomó.

Los detectives en línea se remontaron a diciembre, cuando un video fue publicado en el canal oficial de YouTube del Príncipe y la Princesa de Gales, que muestra a Kate y a sus hijos haciendo un trabajo de caridad en trajes que algunos creen que parecen coincidir con esta foto del Día de la Madre.

Los colores de la ropa de cada persona son diferentes de lo que se ve en la imagen en cuestión, pero algunos han sugerido que es justamente ahí donde se encuentran las alteraciones, en los cambios de color.

Hay otra teoría de la conspiración que tiene que ver con la foto que salió a la luz el lunes, la cual muestra a Kate y al príncipe Guillermo en un carro dejando Windsor.

No se puede ver la cara de Kate claramente en este nuevo ángulo, es casi como si ella estuviera mirando hacia otro lado. Debido a esto, algunos han asegurado que la foto está manipulada, a pesar de que nos hemos asegurado de que la agencia que la distribuye es auténtica.

La razón por la que la gente sospecha de esta foto, también es Photoshop, sin embargo, tiene que ver con el hecho de que la apariencia de Kate aquí refleja una foto más antigua que la de 2016, cuando fue fotografiada de pie con Guillermo y el príncipe Harry. Algunos creen que el ángulo y la imagen son idénticas.

Es una teoría interesante, pero el departamento de arte de TMZ intentó comparar las dos imágenes, como muchos ya lo han hecho en línea, y no encajaron perfectamente... específicamente alrededor de las orejas. En otras palabras, es muy probable que estas sean dos fotografías diferentes.

El equipo de arte de TMZ trató de duplicar las ediciones, y por desgracia para los teóricos de la conspiración, no hay coincidencias. Así que... a pesar de la especulación, parecen ser diferentes fotos.

Sin embargo, eso no va a detener a la gente de seguir especulando, y a menos que Kate aparezca a dar explicaciones, la gente no va a detenerse.

¡Puede que sea hora de que el Palacio de Kensington tome otra declaración!

Kate Middleton 16 Editing Errors in Mother's Day Photo ... New Conspiracies Galore

Kate Middleton's Photoshop fail reportedly had at least 16 editing mistakes that experts could see ... and with the release of a new pic, more conspiracy theories are mounting.

The Princess of Wales' UK Mother's Day tribute has been analyzed in-depth by several different photographers who weighed in with the Daily Mail -- who collectively highlighted more than a dozen blunders Kate made while manipulating her controversial pic.

Upon closer inspection of the viral image -- which shows Princess Kate posing for a photo with her children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis -- it's clear that quite a bit was changed after reportedly being saved twice on Photoshop.

Here is a full list of the spotted errors ... Charlotte is missing a part of her left sleeve; Kate's zipper is screwy; Charlotte's hair is cut off; Charlotte's skirt juts out; Charlotte's knees are blurred; Louis' sweater sleeve is contorted; Louis' right thumb is blurry; indent/distortion on the ledge; step behind Louis is distorted; Louis' finger looks cut off; George's blue sweater enhanced; Kate's hand out of focus; George's sweater sleeve has unusual lines. Phew!

With all these changes made ... many are now leaning into a new theory about when this photo was actually taken -- and what everyone in the pic was actually wearing at the time.

Online sleuths went back to December, when a video was posted to the official YouTube channel of the Prince and Princess of Wales -- which shows Kate and her kids doing some charity work ... in outfits that some believe seem to match up with this Mother's Day photo.

The colors of each person's clothing are different than what you see in the picture in question -- but some have suggested that's where the real alterations lie ... namely, color swaps.

There's another conspiracy theory floating around as well ... and this one has to do with the photo that surfaced Monday showing Kate and Prince William in a car leaving Windsor.

You can't see Kate's face clearly in this new shot -- it's almost as if she's looking away -- and because of that ... some have made the leap that even if this photo might be manipulated ... even though we've been assured by the photog/agency distributing it that it's authentic.

The reason people suspect this pic might be Photoshopped, too, though has to do with the fact Kate's appearance here mirrors an older photo she was in from back in 2016 ... when she was snapped standing with Will and Prince Harry. Some think the angle/image are identical.

It's an interesting thought, but TMZ's art department tried lining up the two images -- as many have already done online -- but they don't blend into each other perfectly, specifically around the ears. In other words ... it is very likely these are, in fact, 2 different photographs.

TMZ's art team tried duplicating the edits ... and, unfortunately for conspiracy theorists, it doesn't line up. So ... despite the speculation, it does seem to be different photos.

That's not gonna stop the tinfoil hat people from continuing to gossip/speculate though ... and anything short of seeing Kate hop on camera or come out for an actual appearance probably won't appease everyone who's fired up about this.

It may be time for Kensington Palace to drop another statement!!!

Glen 'Big Baby' Davis Apologizes For Resurfaced Sexual Assault Joke

I'm Sorry

Glen "Big Baby" Davis just issued an apology to sexual assault victims ... this after a video of him making a joke about nonconsensual sex resurfaced on Tuesday morning.

The clip was offensive to say the least ... it showed the former NBA star walking out of an elevator and insisting a woman smelled so good, it "almost made me r*** you, girl."

It's unclear when the video was shot ... but in a mea culpa released on his Instagram page on Tuesday afternoon, Davis seemed to imply it was quite some time ago.

In Poor Taste

"First of all, I want to say I'm sorry to all r*** victims -- anybody that felt any type of way about what I said," the 38-year-old said of the clip. "I am a stand-up comedian, I do comedy and sometimes I might say stuff a little bit wrong."

"And I did."

Davis went on to say he hoped no one would be offended by his words ... before he chastised those on social media for bringing the old vid back to light.

"I took that down a long time ago off my page," he said. "Y'all kept that and just decided to use it today. That's ridiculous."

"But I didn't mean no harm," he continued. "I am so sorry if I offended anybody."

KATE MIDDLETON LAS ACCIONES DE ADOBE SE DISPARAN... Gracias a los polémicos retoques

Mientras Kate Middleton y la familia real se recuperan del escándalo de la foto del Día de la Madre, la empresa que les ayudó a conseguirlo está de fiesta, porque Photoshop está de moda en Wall Street.

A pesar de que la Princesa de Gales -o alguien en el palacio- no sabe muy bien como manejar el famoso Softweare, la empresa matriz de Photoshop, Adobe, vio un repunte en el precio de sus acciones después de la negociación del lunes, reafirmando el viejo dicho que asegura que "no existe la mala publicidad".

Aquí está el desglose: Adobe (ADBE), iba por los $551.69 el viernes, aumentó un poco el lunes por la mañana a $552.45, y al final del día, subió  estrepitosamente a $560.42. ¡Los números no mienten!

El experto en negocios, Trung Phan inmediatamente le atribuyó la capitalización bursátil de 3.000 millones de dólares de la compañía a la afirmación de que la princesa Kate había utilizado el producto de Adobe.

Por supuesto, no está claro si la polémica de Kate realmente está detrás de la fluctuación... pero la coincidencia es grande.

También parece que todo el mundo se divierte imaginando a Kate como una persona normal, haciendo clic en Photoshop como el resto de los mortales.

Una persona bromeó en X: "Me gusta la idea de que Kate Middleton consiguió un descuento real en la nube creativa de Adobe y comenzó a hurgar en Photoshop", y otro agregó: "El Palacio ahora va a actualizar a la suite completa de Adobe para arreglar la foto de Kate Middleton".

Sin embargo, mientras que un montón de teorías conspirativas están dando vueltas acerca de por qué la realeza adulteró la foto, la declaración oficial del Palacio de Kensington de Kate afirma que solo hizo un trabajo mediocre con Photoshop para mejorar su foto del Día de la Madre con sus tres hijos.

No hay explicaciones de por qué el Palacio mintió en primer lugar, o de cuándo se tomó la foto, ni hay noticias sobre lo que realmente está pasando con la recuperación de Kate a dos meses de la cirugía abdominal.

Es todo un drama para la realeza, pero al menos la gente de Adobe tiene algo que celebrar.


While Kate Middleton and the royal family dig out from the Mother's Day pic scandal, the company that helped them pull it off is popping bottles -- 'cause Photoshop's suddenly hot on Wall Street.

Despite the Princess of Wales -- or someone at the palace -- having sketchy photo editing skills, Photoshop's parent company, Adobe, saw a spike in its stock price after Monday's trading ... affirming the old adage of any publicity's good publicity.

Here's the breakdown ... Adobe (ADBE) went from $551.69 on Friday, did a little Monday morning stretch to $552.45, and by the end of the day, they were ridin' high at $560.42. The numbers don't lie!

Business writer Trung Phan immediately put the company's $3B market cap to Princess Kate's claim she'd used Adobe's product.

Of course, it's unclear if the Kate saga really is behind the fluctuation -- but the whole thing is a bit of a coincidence.

It also seems like everyone's getting a kick out of imagining Kate as just another regular Joe, clicking away on Photoshop like the rest of us mere mortals.

One person joked on X, "I like the idea that kate middleton got a royal discount on adobe creative cloud and started poking around in Photoshop," ... and another added, "The Palace now upgrading to the full Adobe suite to fix the Kate Middleton pic."

Nonetheless, while a whole set of conspiracy theories are floating about why the royals doctored the pic ... KM's official Kensington Palace statement claims she just did a crappy job using Photoshop to improve her Mother's Day snap with her 3 kiddos.

Her apparent falling on the sword doesn't explain why the Palace lied, in the first place, about when the photo was taken -- nor does it shed any light on what's really going on with Kate's now 2-month-long recovery from abdominal surgery.

For now, it doesn't look like we're gonna get past the royal seal of secrecy ... but at least the folks at Adobe have something to celebrate.

Nicki Minaj Appears to Yell at Her Hair Girl ... During 'PF2' Tour Stop

Super Freakout Girl

Nicki Minaj appears to have chewed out a stagehand during her most recent tour date -- and it was all caught on video.

The rapper is in the middle of her "Pink Friday 2" tour, and on Sunday ... she was out in Seattle for a concert -- where some behind-the-scenes drama unfolded between Nicki and someone on her team, or at least someone on production.

Check it out ... Nicki and this woman -- who seems to be trying to work on NM's hair -- get into a little argument ... and it's mostly Nicki looking exacerbated/frustrated with this lady.

Before the woman can do anything for Nicki's 'do -- her boss side-steps her and shoos her away as she's getting ready to go back onstage ... getting back to business and carrying on with the show.

Some are calling Nicki's reaction a bit dramatic ... but others are actually defending her.

There are reports of her Seattle show experiencing other hiccups -- including apparent missed cues and delayed wardrobe changes. On its face, it would appear there were some hair issues as well. Nicki hasn't addressed this yet ... and hasn't gotten back to us either.

Kobe Bryant Typos Discovered On Statue ... Lakers Vow To Fix


12:06 PM -- The L.A. Lakers say they're already in the process of fixing the typos on Kobe Bryant's statue ... admitting to ABC News on Monday they've known of the issues "for a few weeks."

"We have been aware of this for a few weeks," a spokesperson said, "and are already working to get it corrected soon."

The statue erected to immortalize Kobe Bryant outside of Arena has multiple typos on it ... at least four, to be exact.

The flaws were discovered this week ... on the base of the monument where an image of a signed box score from Bryant's famed 2006, 81-point game was etched in.

You can see Von Wafer's name is mistakenly spelled "Vom Wafer." Jose Calderon's name is also incorrectly listed as "Jose Calderson." The word "decision" in two of the "Coach's Decision" portions of the statue is also wrongfully written as "decicion."

A copy of the box score sold at Goldin Auctions back in 2022 shows none of the errors were featured on the original document.

We've reached out to the Lakers for comment, but so far, we've yet to hear back.

The Bryant sculpture was first put up at the arena back on Feb. 8 ... at a star-studded event. Phil Jackson, Stu Lantz, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Derek Fisher and Lakers owner Jeanie Buss were all there ... as was Vanessa Bryant, who helped introduce it with an emotional and, at times, lighthearted speech.

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Spectrum SportsNet

"For the record," Vanessa said before the public saw the carving for the first time, "Kobe picked the pose you’re about to see. So if anyone has any issues with it, tough s***."

At the ceremony, it was also announced the Lakers would unveil two more tributes to Bryant at their arena at a later date.

Originally Published -- 10:00 AM PT

KATE MIDDLETON Mother's Day Pic ... Photoshop Fail More Likely Than AI

Kate Middleton's Mother's Day photo appears to be littered with Photoshop edits -- and upon closer inspection ... we think we've pinpointed all the major ones, and they're noticeable.

The Princess of Wales has already copped to altering the picture seen round-the-world -- but neither she nor Kensington Palace have clarified what exactly was doctored and how. According to Sky News ... metadata for the original photo -- which they seem to have obtained -- shows the picture was taken at their Adelaide Cottage home in Windsor.

They also report that the metadata shows it was taken with a DSLR camera ... and more importantly, it was apparently saved twice in Photoshop on an Apple MacBook -- once on Friday night and again on Saturday morning before it was released to the public by the Palace.

Remember, when it first went up on social media -- Prince William was credited as the photog -- and they said this snap was taken last week sometime ahead of Mother's Day.

Now, though, in light of the photo being reported to be manipulated -- and Kate falling on the sword as the one to blame -- everyone is picking this photo apart and analyzing it to see exactly how it may have been tweaked ... and we actually have some ideas of our own.

Take a look at what graphic designers in our own building say are apparent Photoshop edits ... or more accurately, Photoshop fails. The big red flag everyone has been pointing out is Princess Charlotte's hand overlapping with Kate's left hand ... where you see a blur.

Our own experts say this seems to be a bad use of the stamp tool in Photoshop ... that, or a possible flub in duplicating layers of two different images and not lining them up correctly.

In terms of Kate missing her wedding ring -- we know magazines are notorious for editing stuff like that, including copying/pasting body parts ... and our team here says that may well have been what happened with Kate's hand here. Basically, that whole section looks edited.

There's also the issue of Prince Louie's sweater pattern not lining up -- something our team noticed -- and Kate's jacket zipper seemingly disappearing and reappearing in the shot.

Even Kate and Charlotte's awkwardly overlapping appears to be a Photoshop mistake ... that's our own team's take anyway. It's just a handful of apparent mistakes we honed in on -- but there are certainly more others have picked up on ... and the conspiracies are flying.

Some are suggesting that Kate's face here is actually cropped from a Vogue cover -- but according to our graphic designers ... that doesn't seem likely since the lighting is all off.

The Palace isn't explaining itself here ... at least not fully. We've reached out to them for further explanation on what exactly was changed here -- but haven't heard back yet.

There's more intrigue ... with a new photo of Kate riding with Prince William as they drove to a private appointment -- and here, too, she's heavily obscured ... shying away from cameras.

It's the latest shot paps have gotten of her outside of Windsor ... but it's hard to really see her.


At this point ... people are calling for Kate to just come out and address the public -- because anything short of that won't appease everyone's curiosity or suspicions. With the fake photo being put out ... it's quite clear that Kensington Palace was okay with trying to pull a fast one -- or at the very least, wanted to make her seem like she's doing better than she is.

One last thing ... a lot of people have suggested AI is afoot in this Mother's Day pic -- but we talked to AI expert Paul Dawes -- CEO of More.Ai -- and he tells TMZ ... this photo appears to be more Photoshopped than AI-generated ... although it's possible it could be.

Dawes says an AI tool may have been used to edit real photos -- but this image does appear to be thrown together with actual photographs of real people ... that's his take.

Ditto for AI expert Mike Gioia of Pickaxe, who says this picture is likely more Photoshopped than tinkered with AI. He tells us the teeth, hands and eyes all seem fairly normal (or human) ... and he would know, as those are telltale signs of whether AI created it, or if it's the real McCoy. In this case, he says he thinks these features look more authentic than not.

Gioia does say this might've been created with the help of something in Photoshop these days called Generative Fill ... which uses AI to pop in generic images. It's just hard to tell.

Bottom line ... this is a bad Photoshop job -- but the question remains ... WHY??? Kensington Palace has been tight-lipped ... and they're letting Kate herself take the heat.

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Pistons GM Troy Weaver Invovled In Heated Tiff With Fan ... 'Lucky I Don't Beat Your Ass'

TikTok / @psharma112

The Detroit Pistons' lousy season somehow just got even lower ... the team's GM, Troy Weaver, was filmed getting into a heated spat with an angry fan at a game on Saturday.

The incident reportedly happened in the fourth quarter of Detroit's blowout loss to the Dallas Mavericks at the Little Caesars Arena ... when a man decked out in Red Wings gear seemed to confront Weaver at his seat.

You can see in a video posted to TikTok on Sunday ... Weaver appeared to yell at the fan, "You're lucky I don't beat your ass" -- before the man can be heard responding, "You suck at your job."

Weaver then motioned for a security guard to take the guy away from the area. The video then cut out.

A season ticket holder who claimed to have witnessed the interaction told the Associated Press on Sunday the tiff was actually the second time the man had gotten into it with Weaver at the game.

"The guy that was in the incident, with the Red Wings stuff on, came over and was pointing at the scoreboard earlier in the game,” Jeffrey Calloway told the AP. "Troy Weaver just shrugged his shoulders and said, ‘OK,’ and the guy went back to his seat."

"When [Jalen] Duren got ejected, the guy came back and told him that he was terrible at his job. Then, Troy Weaver was telling the fan he had to leave and that's when ushers or security walked over."

Weaver -- Detroit's GM since 2020 -- has yet to publicly comment on the matter.

The Pistons, meanwhile, currently hold the worst record in the NBA at 10-53. They're slated to play next on Monday night against Charlotte.

Kate Middleton Mother's Day Photo Yanked ... Agencies Say It May Be Fake

A photo of Kate Middleton and her kids sent around by Kensington Palace Sunday to celebrate Mother's Day in the U.K. is now being accused of possibly being fake.

Multiple photo and new agencies -- like the Associated Press, Getty Images, etc. -- have yanked the picture in question, and AP even handed down a kill notification to journos worldwide ... letting them know they have reason to believe this photo may be manipulated.

Part of that message read ... "At closer inspection, it appears that the source has manipulated the image. No replacement image will be sent. Please remove it from all platforms, including social, where it may still be visible."

The hesitation follows a wave of skeptics online and elsewhere, who suggested the pic looked sorta AI-generated ... and did not at all seem authentic -- this despite the fact palace officials insisted it had been taken by Prince William himself at their cottage in Windsor.

On paper, this has been presented as the real McCoy -- but reputable news outlets are now distancing themselves and refusing to circulate it ... casting serious doubt on its legitimacy.


As of now, Royal officials have yet to comment on this, even to reporters across the pond ... and the photo is still on the Prince and Princess of Wales' official social media accounts.

If true, obviously it's scandalous ... and will only add fuel to the fire over Kate's condition as she continues to recover from abdominal surgery earlier this year ... which has sidelined her for a while. Photos of her that surfaced last week were also called into question.

Kensington Palace has attempted to tamp down rumors and speculation about all this -- but the Internet has been having a field day with memes, jokes and gossip regardless. This latest apparent Snafu ain't gonna help ... if anything, it'll kickstart a fresh wave of inuendo.

If Kate isn't, in fact, ready to surface just yet ... ya gotta wonder, why wouldn't the Palace just come out and say so? Strange stuff, indeed.