New Jersey H.S. Basketball Refs Screw Up Buzzer-Beater Call ... But Can't Fix It!!!

Referees from a New Jersey high school playoff basketball contest are admitting they messed up big time ... saying they wrongfully called off a buzzer-beating bucket at the end of a game -- but they can't do anything about it.

The controversy happened at the New Jersey Sports Interscholastic Athletic Association Group 2 semifinal game between the Camden Panthers and the Manasquan Warriors on Tuesday ... a matchup that came down to the wire.

The Panthers were up by 1 with just under 6 seconds left ... and after Warriors hooper Rey Weinseimer missed a 3-pointer, his teammate Griffin Linstra was positioned perfectly and nailed a put-back right before the clock hit zeros.

Warriors win, right?! That's what everyone in the gym thought ... but after a quick meeting, referees waived off the shot -- reversing the outcome.

The call was shocking, considering footage clearly shows time on the clock (.4 seconds) when the ball left Linstra's hand ... and the officials' mistake robbed the Warriors of advancing to the championship game.

The NJSIAA confirmed the refs were wrong ... but rejected Manasquan's appeal regardless, claiming they could not change the final score.

"So while the officiating crews' reports indicate that a post-game review of footage of the play in question convinced them that the basket should have counted, the results could not then and cannot now be changed," NJSIAA said.

"These are the rules of the game that all schools agree to follow, and which have been upheld on appeal. We apologize to the Manasquan team for the error."

The organization explained because the refs left the "visual confines of the playing court," the outcome was set in stone.

As you can imagine, Manasquan head coach Andrew Bilodeau was furious ... not only for his players -- but the Panthers as well.

"My heart for our kids but it also hurts for Camden. I hate to see their win be tarnished with any controversy. No kids deserve that."

Camden will play Arts High School for the Group 2 title on Saturday at Rutgers University ... where officials will hopefully be on their A game.

Hombre desnudo Se mete al tanque de agua de Burger King... Todo bien, dice la compañía

Espectáculo en un Burger King
Jam Press

Un hombre de Colombia encontró la forma de darse un baño de cuerpo entero en un lugar muy particular, sacándose la ropa y sumergiéndose en un tanque de agua de Burger King.

Un testigo filmó la escena en video, donde se puede ver al tipo saliendo de un contenedor gigante en la parte superior de un Burger King en Envigado, al sur de Medellín. Eso sí, esto sucedió a plena luz del día y el hombre iba por el techo completamente desnudo.

Luego de zambullirse completamente en el agua y salir del tanque, se lo puede ver relajándose un poco en el borde como si no fuera la gran cosa. Por supuesto, esto asustó a los clientes, quienes pensaron que el hombre estaba nadando en agua que Burger King realmente utiliza en sus labores diarias de alguna manera.

Afortunadamente, la compañía se apresuró en decirle a todos que no había riesgo de contaminación aquí. Dicen que estos tanques son solo reservas y no se utilizan en la preparación de alimentos o limpieza de las instalaciones.

Dicho esto, no están tomando ningún riesgo. Burger King cerró temporalmente esta ubicación y trajo a una empresa especializada para manejar el saneamiento y tratamiento del agua.

Más vale prevenir que curar, ¿verdad?

Burger King ha tomado medidas adicionales para evitar que este tipo de cosas vuelvan a ocurrir, sellando el acceso al techo para asegurarse de que esto no se repita.

En su comunicado dijeron: "Nuestra clientela puede estar segura de que esto fue un hecho aislado que lamentamos profundamente y no afecta a la calidad de nuestros productos de ninguna manera, ya que no utilizamos el agua de dicho tanque para nuestras operaciones".

Burger King añadió: "Nuestra principal preocupación siempre ha sido y será el bienestar de nuestros clientes". Hasta el momento, la identidad del buzo de la azotea de Burger King sigue sin resolverse y tampoco está claro si la policía está tratando de perseguirlo.

Aunque los tanques de agua no estén en las operaciones reales de Burger King, la óptica de esto, obviamente, no se ve bien.


Jam Press

A Colombian dude had it his way when he decided to take a full-body soak -- stripping down to his birthday suit ... and plunging into a Burger King water tank on the roof.

An eyewitness recently filmed this wild footage on camera ... and you can see the naked dude emerging from a giant container atop a BK in Envigado, just south of Medellín. Mind you this happened in broad daylight ... and yes, the man here was completely naked.

He chills on the edge for a bit like it's no big deal ... this before completely exiting the water tank and lowering himself down. Of course, this sight freaked customers out ... as they assumed he was swimming in water that this Burger King actually used in some capacity.

Thankfully, Burger King was quick to reassure everyone there was no risk of contamination here ... they say these tanks are just reserves and not used in food prep or facility cleaning.

With that said ... they're not taking any chances. BK temporarily closed this location and they're also bringing in a specialized company to handle the water sanitation and treatment.

Better safe than sorry, right?

Burger King has taken extra measures to prevent this sort of thing from happening again --sealing off roof access to make sure the skinny dipper doesn't stage a repeat performance.

They said this in their statement ... "Our clientele can rest assured that this was an isolated event, which we deeply regret, and does not affect the quality of our products in any way as we do not use the water from said tank for our operations."

BK added ... "Our primary concern has always been and will always be the wellbeing of our customers." So far, the identity of the Burger King rooftop diver remains unsolved ... and it's also unclear if the cops are trying to chase him down.

While the water tanks aren't in the mix of the actual Burger King operations ... the optics of this are obviously not good. Talk about a Whopper of a disaster.

Super Tuesday Voter Not Voting Nikki Haley for Prez ... She Ain't Got No Balls!!!


A Super Tuesday voter has gone viral for his explicit explanation of why Nikki Haley shouldn't be president -- according to him, it's 'cause she' is missing a scrotum.

Check out this video that features a North Carolina resident -- identified as Emmett Martin -- confessing to NBC News that he never even considered the former governor of South Carolina as a candidate over the simple fact that she's a woman.

The way he puts it is pretty rich in misogyny ... he says, she "has no balls to scratch."

Emmett says that since the ex-Gov. didn't have male private parts ... she shouldn't be a contender in the Republican primary race. We're not sure what genitalia has to do with running a country ... but it's clearly important to this constituent.

BTW, it isn't just Nikki that the voter disapproved of ... it's all women, apparently who he said are only good for "having babies and taking care of the house."

He did backtrack slightly -- suggesting that there are women out there who know what they’re doing ... but added they need a bit of guidance from someone like Donald Trump.

Shaquille Brewster -- the correspondent who interviewed Emmett ... said this isn't the first time that voters have told him they wouldn't vote for Nikki based on her gender. However, it is the first time the response was so bluntly said on camera.

Nikki is the only Republican primary candidate left running against Trump -- who is seeking reelection after losing to President Joe Biden in 2020. Although ... her bid for the nomination isn't promising since Trump has 200 more delegates than her.


Dakota Johnson's putting her foot down and swearing off any movie projects similar to "Madame Web" -- this after the flick sensationally crashed and burned at the box office.

The actress kept it real about the Marvel flick not being her cup of tea ... explaining to Bustle, "It was definitely an experience for me to make that movie. I had never done anything like it before. I probably will never do anything like it again because I don’t make sense in that world."

Dakota adds, "It's not nice to be a part of something that’s ripped to shreds, but I can’t say that I don’t understand."

She goes on to reveal why the movie saw the fate it did ... explaining actors frequently get hyped for a project, but then when they're knee-deep in filming -- it turns into something totally unexpected. That's exactly what went down with "Madame Web," according to her.

DJ's also pinning the movie's failure on how the industry works ... explaining the whole movie-making process ain't all glitz and glam, but rather a complicated web of decisions made by committees, who don't know much about the art of filmmaking itself. Yeah, it's a mouthful.

She says execs at the top severely underestimate just how savvy viewers really are ... which leads them to miss the mark with their latest Hollywood projects, including this one.


FWIW ... the 'MW' numbers didn't lie ... the running total for its six-day opening holiday weekend -- beginning Valentine's Day and ending on President's Day -- barely scraped together $25.8 million domestically and fared pretty much the same globally.

It was so panned by fans and critics alike ... even Sydney Sweeney made fun of it during her opening 'SNL' stint ... joking that nobody saw it. Tough break, for sure.

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existential crisis averted
Magic Radio

One thing's for sure, the movie had no superhero of its own to swoop in and save the day at the box office -- not even Dakota AKA Cassandra Webb ... who BTW hasn't seen the movie herself!

Just like she was on her press run ... Dakota remains unbothered.

Dakota Johnson Le dice adiós a películas como "Madame Web" Nunca más tras el fracaso

Dakota Johnson acaba de decidir que no realizará ningún proyecto cinematográfico similar a "Madame Web", después de que la película fuera un fracaso absoluto en la taquilla.

La actriz fue muy realista al decir que la película de Marvel no era lo suyo, explicando a Bustle: "Definitivamente fue una experiencia para mí. Nunca había hecho nada parecido. Probablemente, nunca vuelva a hacer nada parecido porque no encajo en ese mundo".

Dakota añade: "No es agradable formar parte de algo que se hace pedazos, pero no puedo decir que no lo entienda".

Dakota continúa revelando por qué la película tuvo el destino que tuvo, explicando que los actores a menudo se entusiasman con un proyecto, pero luego cuando están inmersos en el rodaje se convierte en algo totalmente inesperado. Eso es exactamente lo que pasó con "Madame Web", según ella.

Dakota Johnson también achaca el fracaso de la película a la forma en que funciona la industria, diciendo que todo el proceso de creación de películas no es puro glamour, sino más bien una complicada red de decisiones tomadas por los comités, que no saben mucho sobre el arte de la cinematografía en sí. Sí, es un gran comentario.

Dice que los altos ejecutivos subestiman gravemente cuánto saben los espectadores, lo que los lleva a errar el tiro con sus últimos proyectos de Hollywood, incluido este.

Lo que es importante decir, es que los números de "Madame Web" no mienten, en sus seis días de apertura, que coincidieron con un fin de semana festivo, comenzando en San Valentín y terminando el Día de los Presidentes, apenas rozó los 25,8 millones de dólares a nivel nacional y le fue más o menos igual a nivel mundial.

Fue tan criticada por los fans y la crítica que incluso Sydney Sweeney se burló de ella durante su actuación en "Saturday Night Live", bromeando con que nadie la había visto. Mala suerte, sin duda.

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Crisis existencial superada
Magic Radio

¡Una cosa es segura, la película no tenía un superhéroe propio que pudiera salvar la taquilla, ni siquiera Dakota, alias Cassandra Webb, que por cierto no ha visto su propia película!

Tal como estaba durante su rueda de prensa, Dakota sigue sin complicarse.

Chrisean Rock Refuses to Turn Herself In ... Over Oklahoma Warrant

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It's Working Out For Me

Chrisean Rock has no plans to turn herself in over a warrant out for her arrest in Oklahoma -- saying she's got no time for jail ... as she has a son to raise.

In a new IG Live session with her fans, Chrisean addressed the open bench warrant from the Oklahoma Dept. of Corrections ... which says she's wanted in connection to an incident from 2022 there, including drug and traffic charges.

It's been known for a while that Chrisean has this little situation outstanding there halfway across the country -- remember, she's living in L.A. right now while Blueface is in jail -- and now ... she's addressing it on camera ... saying she's working on getting it resolved.

In terms of why she says she doesn't wanna just surrender and do her time ... well, Chrisean says she's got a baby now -- and she simply doesn't wanna be away from him/behind bars.

Sounds like she's not really sweating it either ... Chrisean says it's worked out for her so far.

BTW ... this isn't the only legal woe of Chrisean's -- remember, she's being sued for allegedly assaulting a dancer for Tamar Braxton here in L.A. ... who claim she battered him backstage.

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She doesn't seem worried about that either ... that's her demeanor here in this clip anyway.



Nick Swardson fue expulsado del escenario de su propio espectáculo de comedia este fin de semana después de que empezara a discutir con el público... a la gente no le hizo gracia y se lo hizo saber.

El comediante -conocido por su trabajo en "Reno 911!" y sus frecuentes apariciones en películas de Adam Sandler- fue filmado el domingo gritando y discutiendo con el público en Beaver Creek, donde fue contratado como cabeza de cartel en el Vilar Performing Arts Center.

Nick parecía decidido a continuar con el espectáculo a pesar de todo. Incluso los enfrentó gritándole a la multitud, "Vamos, una y otra vez, lo cual fue toda una escena.

Durante su actuación -bastante breve- también mencionó al difunto cómico Norm Macdonald, a quien había dicho que echaba de menos en un conmovedor homenaje en Instagram en febrero. Parece que esos sentimientos se derramaron en el escenario, porque Nick recordó a su amigo.

Mientras que algunos asistentes expresaron su malestar por la rutina fallida de Swardson, otros animaron al comediante, pero finalmente lo guiaron fuera del escenario después de cortar su micrófono y apagar las luces. Así es, una imagen bastante triste.

Poco después de la salida de Swardson, el director de operaciones subió al escenario y le informó a la agitada multitud que el espectáculo había terminado oficialmente antes de tiempo. Se disculpó y prometió que habría reembolsos.

No está claro qué es exactamente lo que estaba pasando con Nick, pero algunos han sugerido que podría haber estado bajo la influencia del alcohol o drogas, aunque es difícil decirlo con certeza. Sin embargo, es seguro que algo estaba mal debido a su comportamiento errático.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con sus representantes, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Nick Swardson Escorted Offstage at Comedy Show ... After Arguing with Crowd



2:59 PM PT -- Nick Swardson just addressed Sunday night's debacle, writing ... "Just casually woke up on TMZ. Travel tip: don’t drink and take edibles in high altitude. F****** brain diarrhea. I’ll make it up to you Beaver Creek!"

11:02 AM PT -- TMZ has gotten ahold of the email sent to ticketholders for Nick's show Sunday, and the apology from Vilar Performing Arts Center continued in writing.

The message from them read, "We apologize for the negative experience you may have had at this evening's performance with Nick Swardson. Unfortunately, this show did not meet the Vilar Performing Arts Center's standards as a world-class presenter of the performing arts."

They continued, "Therefore, all tickets will be refunded to the original payment method. Please accept our sincere apologies, and be in touch if there is anything we can do to further assist you." Eyewitnesses tell us Nick got yanked from the stage just 20 minutes into his set.

Nick Swardson got the hook at his own standup comedy show this weekend after he started getting into it with the crowd ... who were not amused, and who made it known too.

The comedian -- known for his work on "Reno 911!" and his frequent appearances in Adam Sandler flicks -- was filmed Sunday shouting at and arguing with the audience in Beaver Creek, CO ... where he was hired as the headliner at the Vilar Performing Arts Center.

Nick appeared determined to continue on with the show -- despite things obviously going not-so-great ... as he shouted at the crowd, "Let's go," over and over again. It was a scene.

During his set, brief as it was, he also mentioned late comedian Norm Macdonald ... who he had said he was missing in a poignant Instagram tribute back in February. Sounds like those feelings poured out here onstage as well, 'cause Nick was reminiscing on his friend.

While some attendees expressed their discomfort over Swardson's unruly display ... others cheered on the comedian -- but Swardson was eventually guided off the stage after his mic was cut and the spotlight turned off, giving a little wave and a shaka sign as he sauntered away.

Shortly after Swardson's exit ... the director of operations made his way onstage and informed the agitated crowd that the show had officially ended early. He apologized, and promised refunds would be issued.

Unclear what exactly was going on with Nick ... but some have suggested he might've been under the influence -- although, it's hard to say for certain. He was definitely off, though.

We've reached out to his reps and the venue for clarification ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 9:41 AM PT 

BHAD BHABIE ES VISTA DISCUTIENDO CON SU NOVIO... Antes de la pelea en West Hollywood

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a los gritos

Danielle Bregoli estaba discutiendo con su novio antes de que una pelea estallara en un restaurante de Los Ángeles este fin de semana y parece que estaba bastante enojada, al menos basándonos de este nuevo video.

TMZ ha obtenido más imágenes que muestran a Danielle -aka, Bhad Bhabie- gritándole a su pareja: "pronto vas a ser papá de un bebé, Le Vaughn". Todo esto ocurrió el sábado por la noche en West Hollywood, no mucho antes de que sus amigos comenzaron a tener problemas con una mesa vecina, lo cual también fue capturado por la cámara.

"alcansenme adentro"

En este nuevo ángulo, se puede ver a Bhad perdiendo la calma con su hombre, aunque es difícil decir exactamente lo que estaban discutiendo. Fuera lo que fuera, que tenía a Danielle bastante enfurecida.

Recordemos que el representante de Danielle nos dijo que ella y su grupo simplemente reaccionaron a ser provocados por "mujeres borrachas" que supuestamente los estaban acosando, pero esto parece sugerir que algo más estaba pasando, aunque no está claro qué.

En cualquier caso, las cosas se pusieron feas. Algunas de las amigas de Danielle se enfrentaron con otras damas en el restaurante... hasta que las separaron.

Danielle no parece estar directamente involucrada en actos violentos, y mientras testigos afirmaron que ella y Le Vaughn se pusieron agresivos, no hay evidencia que lo respalde, aparte de este clip que los muestra teniendo una acalorada discusión.

Como se puede ver, Danielle está a punto de estallar con el niño de Le Vaughn en su vientre, y no hace mucho tiempo lucían como una pareja feliz durante una reciente fiesta de bebé.

Teniendo en cuenta que están a punto de darle la bienvenida a un bebé al mundo juntos, esperamos lque puedan resolver sus problemas -sea cual sea- y llegar a una solución pacífica.

Ella ha recorrido un largo camino desde sus días de Dr. Phil hasta ahora, y en estos momentos previos a ser madre, te imaginas que quiere alejarse de todo el caos.

Bhad Bhabie Seen Arguing with Boyfriend ... Before W. Hollywood Fight

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Danielle Bregoli was arguing with her boyfriend before a brawl erupted in an L.A. restaurant this weekend -- and it looks like she was pretty pissed ... at least based on this new video.

TMZ has obtained more footage that shows Danielle -- aka, Bhad Bhabie -- screaming at her partner/soon-to-be baby daddy, Le Vaughn, Saturday night in WeHo ... not long before her friends started scrapping with a neighboring table ... which was also caught on camera.


In this new angle, you can see BB losing her cool with her man -- although, it's hard to say exactly what they were bickering about. Whatever it was ... it clearly had Danielle fuming.

Remember, Danielle's rep told us she and her group simply reacted to being provoked by "drunk women" who were allegedly harassing them -- but this seems to suggest something else was going on besides these outside parties recording them all. Again, unclear what.

In any case ... it all came to head with blows from each side -- namely, some of Danielle's friends duking it out with other ladies in the restaurant ... that is, until they were broken up.

Danielle didn't appear to be directly involved in the violence herself here -- and while eyewitnesses claimed she and Le Vaughn had gotten physical amongst themselves ... there's no direct evidence to back that up, aside from this clip of them in a heated exchange.

As you can see, Danielle is just about to ready to pop with her and Le Vaughn's child -- and not that long ago ... they were looking like a happy couple during a recent baby shower.


Considering they're about to welcome a baby into the world together, here's hoping they can work out their issues -- whatever those might be -- and come to a peaceful resolution.

She's come a long way since her Dr. Phil days ... and now that she's going to be a mom -- you figure she wants to pivot away from all the chaos that had followed her early on.

Bhad Bhabie Fight Breaks Out in Restaurant ... Friends Scrap with Diners



1:18 PM PT -- A rep for Bhad Bhabie tells TMZ ... "Danielle was just trying to have a relaxing dinner with her friends as she is very pregnant. The issue was that these drunk women were filming Danielle and her party and then started yelling stuff at them."

Danielle's rep adds ... "Danielle was arguing with her table because her boyfriend was trying to be protective and stop these people from harassing them and filming them. Danielle wanted her friends to just let it go but the restaurant didn't get involved and it escalated."

Danielle Bregoli isn't gonna let a little thing like pregnancy tame her Bhad Bhabie ways -- her entourage squared off with another table during a night on the town ... TMZ has learned.

TMZ obtained this video showing the end of the Saturday night scrap ... 2 women come face-to-face screaming at each other, hurling F-bombs with fists up, before one of them is held back and hauled out of Toca Madera, a West Hollywood restaurant.

As heated as things got, there's no visual evidence Danielle ever got involved in the worst of the fight -- but folks in the restaurant tell us what sparked the whole incident.

Multiple witnesses say the rapper was arguing with her boyfriend/baby daddy Le Vaughn while they were eating dinner and allegedly slapped him. While they were arguing, we're told someone at Danielle's table noticed someone at an adjacent table recording BB and Le's dispute -- and that's why the fight, seen in the video, broke out.

At the end of the video, you can see Bhad Bhabie -- who has a short pixie haircut now -- getting up from her table, ironically, very calmly and heading for the exit with her man ... following after their friends who'd been pulled away from the fight.

Danielle announced back in December that she and Le Vaughn were expecting. Seeing how she opted out of an all-out brawl last night ... you'd have to say pending motherhood has mellowed her.


We've reached out to her camp to find out why she was beefing with her man, though.


¡alcánzame adentro!


1:18 PM PT -- Un representante de Bhad Bhabie le dice a TMZ: "Danielle solo estaba tratando de tener una cena relajante con sus amigos, recuerden que está embarazada. El problema fue que estas mujeres borrachas estaban filmando a Danielle y luego empezaron a gritarle cosas".

El representante de Danielle añade: "Danielle estaba discutiendo con su mesa porque su novio estaba tratando de ser protector y detener a estas personas de acosarlos y filmarlos. Danielle quería que sus amigos lo dejaran así, pero el restaurante no se involucró y la cosa pasó a mayores".

Danielle Bregoli no va a dejar que una pequeña cosa como el embarazo apacigüe su actitud de Bhad Bhabie. Ella y su séquito se enfrentaron con otra mesa durante una noche en la ciudad, TMZ ha indagado.

TMZ obtuvo este video que muestra la pelea de la noche del sábado, donde dos mujeres se enfrentaron cara a cara a gritos y luego se lanzaron puñetazos antes de que la cosa terminara afuera del restaurante "Toca Madera", en West Hollywood.

Tan caliente como las cosas se pusieron, no hay pruebas visuales que demuestren que Danielle nunca se involucró en la pelea, pero la gente del restaurante nos dice que pudo haber provocado todo el incidente.

Múltiples testigos dicen que la rapera estaba discutiendo con su novio -Le Vaughn- mientras cenaban y supuestamente le dio una bofetada. Mientras discutían, nos dicen que alguien en la mesa de Danielle se dio cuenta de que estaban grabando la disputa desde otra mesa, y por eso estalló la pelea que se puede ver en el video.

Al final del video se puede ver Bhad Bhabie -que tiene un corte de pelo corto ahora- levantarse de su mesa, irónicamente muy tranquila y en dirección a la salida con su hombre, siguiendo después de sus amigos que habían sido retirados de la pelea.

Danielle anunció en diciembre que ella y Le Vaughn estaban esperando un bebé. Viendo como ella optó por no participar en una pelea anoche, hay que decir que la maternidad pendiente la ha suavizado.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con su gente para averiguar por qué estaba peleando con su hombre, sin embargo no hay respuestas.

L.A. Clippers Teens Break into New Arena, Post Mayhem Vids ... Cops Search for Suspects

TikTok / @shawty_grandmaa

This is not the headline NBA Clippers owner Steve Ballmer envisioned when he sunk $2 billion into building a brand new state-of-the-art arena.

Cops are on the lookout for the 2 male teenagers who broke into the Intuit Dome -- which is still under construction in Inglewood, CA -- and ran around the place like they owned it ... shooting hoops, climbing on scaffolding and spraying fire extinguishers.

They pulled off the brazen caper last week, recording the whole thing ... and proudly posted it on TikTok, which is likely what will get them busted.

The video shows them climbing a construction crew's ladder at night to gain entry, and then strolling around the empty hallways and bleachers. When they found an unfinished basketball court, they decided to take a few shots.

They did all of this while showing their faces, and, as a result, Inglewood Mayor B has since identified the pair and their parents. Butts told ABC 7, "It will be very clear to these young men -- and to people who are TikTok followers -- that you have a moment of TikTok greatness followed by a little bit of misery. And so we don’t play around with these things.”

It's unclear if cops have made contact with the suspects yet, or what their punishment might be.

TMZ Studios

The Clippers started work on the dome in September 2021, and it's set to open in August ... and in addition to being the Clippers' new home court, it will be a concert venue. In fact, Usher is slated to be the first performer this summer.

Estudiantes de Oklahoma Un video los muestra lamiendo los pies... Escuela bajo la lupa

Dándolo todo
Fox 25

Un video de una recaudación de fondos de una escuela secundaria muestra a unos estudiantes lamiéndole los dedos del pie a otras personas y el viral video tiene a los padres enojados, mientras se inicia una investigación al respecto.

Esta es la cuestión: durante una recaudación de fondos de Deer Creek High School en Oklahoma a principios de esta semana, varios estudiantes aparecieron boca abajo y lamiendo mantequilla de maní en los pies de otros estudiantes.

Echa un vistazo al video obtenido originalmente por Fox 25, es bastante asqueroso: algunos niños están en el suelo en la cancha de baloncesto, mientras que otros están relajados, levantando los pies y dejando que se los chupen.

Todo el video ha causado un tremendo revuelo línea, con un montón de gente criticando a los organizadores por permitir algo así en primer lugar.

Entre los usuarios molestos de X, el Superintendente del Estado de Oklahoma, Ryan Walters, publicó un tweet dejando a sus seguidores saber que su agencia investigará exactamente que pasó.

Deer Creek High no está lidiando con ningún delito aquí, por cierto, y ha dicho en un comunicado que todos los estudiantes se ofrecieron voluntariamente a hacer esto y no hay miembros de la facultad o del personal que hayan estado involucrados en el juego.

La escuela también señaló los más de $150k que recaudaron para una organización benéfica local y aparentemente dicen que el dinero es una buena razón para dejar atrás los controvertidos juegos.

Una declaración anónima de un padre cuyo hijo va a la escuela lo resumió muy bien en FOX 25, diciendo que la suma de dinero es importante, pero la escuela tiene que admitir que probablemente esta no es la mejor manera de recaudarlo.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

En pocas palabras, la escuela sigue firme con lo que pasó, pero mucha gente parece querer que alguien con autoridad haga algo al respecto.

Oklahoma H.S. Fundraiser Video Shows Students Licking Toes ... School Under Investigation

Fox 25

Video from a high school fundraiser of students licking toes has gone viral online ... and it's got parents up in arms while an investigation seems to be startin' up.

Here's the deal ... during a fundraiser earlier this week at Deer Creek High School in Oklahoma, several students appeared to get on their stomachs and lick peanut butter off the toes of other students.

Check out the vid, originally obtained by Fox 25 ... it's pretty gross stuff -- some kids are down on the basketball court while others are laid back, kicking their feet up and letting them lick away.

The whole video's caused a firestorm online ... with tons of people on social media calling out organizers for allowing a stunt like this to go down in the first place.

Among those upset X users ... Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters who posted a tweet letting his followers know his agency would be investigating exactly what went down.

Deer Creek High isn't copping to any wrongdoing here BTW ... saying in a statement that all the students volunteered to do this and no faculty or staff members were involved in this particular game.

The school also pointed to the more than $150k they say they raised for a local charity ... seemingly saying the money's a damn good reason to move past the controversial games played.

An anonymous statement from a parent whose child goes to the school to FOX 25 sums it up well ... with the parent saying the money's great, but the school needs to admit this probably wasn't the best way to go about it.

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Bottom line ... the school's sticking by what happened, but lots of people seem to want someone to put their foot down on this kinda behavior.

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