Elle King De vuelta al escenario, ahora con agua... Tras el tributo borracha a Dolly Parton

Bebiendo agua

Elle King ha vuelto a actuar en vivo en un escenario en Arizona, la primera vez que lo hace desde su debacle en el Grand Ole Opry, cuando estaban celebrando el cumpleaños de Dolly Parton una noche.

TMZ obtuvo estas imágenes del show de Elle el viernes por la noche en Tempe, Arizona, donde fue una de las cantantes que tocó en el Festival Extra Innings.

Los fans notaron que la cantante de country tuvo una botella de agua al alcance de la mano toda la noche y tomó varios sorbos de ella durante su actuación.

La imagen es totalmente opuesta a la última vez que vimos a Elle en el famoso escenario de Nashville, allá por finales de enero. Ella admitió que estaba borracha y que se le había olvidado la letra de una de las canciones de Dolly, lo que no fue lo peor, ¡también se inventó una letra incoherente e increpó al público!

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Se pierde en medio de la canción
Tik Tok / @auctioneergirl

Después de una canción, le ladró al público: "Ni siquiera voy a mentir... todos ustedes compraron entradas para esta mierda, no van a recuperar su dinero".

Días después de aquel s***show, pospuso abruptamente su siguiente concierto en Texas, pero no dio ninguna razón. Desde entonces no había vuelto a aparecer en público.

Elle recibió un montón de apoyo de la propia Dolly, quien le dijo a Extra: Elle es una gran chica que solo tenía un poco demasiado que beber. También instó a los fans a "perdonarlo y olvidarlo y seguir adelante, porque [Elle] se sintió peor que nadie".

Nos han dicho que Elle no hizo ninguna referencia al desastre de Dolly durante su show del viernes por la noche. Sin embargo, cantó canciones sobre la bebida como "Chain Smokin', Hard Drinkin' Woman" y "Drunk (And I Don't Wanna Go Home)". Es una cantante de country, después de todo.

Dicho esto, se mantuvo sobria en el escenario, y por todas las cuentas, sonaba muy bien.

En otras palabras... Dolly tenía razón.

Elle King Back On Stage, Fueled by H2O Now After Drunken Dolly Tribute


Elle King is back to performing live, getting on a stage in Arizona ... her first time since her "hammered" debacle at the Grand Ole Opry during a night celebrating Dolly Parton's birthday.

TMZ obtained this footage of Elle's show Friday night in Tempe, AZ ... where she was one of the singers playing the Extra Innings Festival.

Fans noticed the country singer kept a bottled water within arms reach all night ... and took several swigs of it during her set.

It's a total 180 from when Elle was last seen at the Opry in Nashville back in late January. She was admittedly drunk as she forgot the words to one of Dolly's tunes -- which wouldn't be the worst thing ever, but she followed that up by making up jibberish lyrics and berating the audience.

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Tik Tok / @auctioneergirl

After one tune, she barked at the crowd, "I'm not even gonna f***ing lie … y'all bought tickets for this s***, you ain't getting your money back."

Days after that s***show, she abruptly postponed her next scheduled gig in Texas, but never provided any reason. She's been out of the public eye since then.

Elle was shown a ton of grace by Dolly herself, who told Extra ... Elle is a great girl who just had a bit too much to drink. She also urged fans to "forgive that and forget it and move on, 'cause [Elle] felt worse than anyone ever could."

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We're told Elle did not make any reference to the Dolly disaster during her show Friday night ... however she did sing songs about boozing -- like "Chain Smokin', Hard Drinkin' Woman" and "Drunk (And I Don't Wanna Go Home)" -- she's a country singer, after all.

That being said, she kept it sober on stage, and by all counts sounded great.

In other words ... Dolly was right.

Megan Fox's Ex, Brian Austin Green 'Love Is Blind' Star Can't Compare ... Megan is 'One of a Kind'

Brian Austin Green is officially weighing in on Chelsea Blackwell comparing herself to Megan Fox in the "Love Is Blind" pods -- and even he's cringing over the situation.

Cut Her Some Slack

We got the "Beverly Hills, 90210" alum at Bristol Farms in Woodland Hills, and the 50-year-old actor told TMZ it wasn't wise of Chelsea to compare herself to his ex-wife. He candidly shared, "It seems like you're opening yourself up to criticism."

ICYMI ... when discussing their physical appearance while on the sight-unseen dating show -- Chelsea informed her future fiancé, Jimmy Presnell, she had previously been compared to the "Jennifer's Body" star.

Infamously, Jimmy did not agree with the comparison upon their first meeting out of the pods.

On whether he feels the comparison has any merit ... Brian told us it was tough to say -- since Megan is a "one-of-a-kind beauty," and "possibly the most beautiful woman in the world."

Brian and Megan were married for 11 years between 2010 and 2021, welcoming 3 children together. He is now engaged to "Dancing With the Stars" alum Sharna Burgess, with whom he shares a son, Zane Walker.

Still, Brian thinks critics should give Chelsea a break, especially since MF won't care one iota about the remark. In fact, the "Anger Management" star told us, "I think Megan would be flattered."

Brian, who just launched a free social media app on the Apple Store called Moviac, encouraged Chelsea not to listen to the haters, which is certainly easier said than done.

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He also suggested she avoid making the comparison again. Solid advice, for anyone, really!

Ex de Megan Fox La estrella de "Love is blind" no se debería comparar... Megan es inigualable

Brian Austin Green está oficialmente sopesando la comparación de Chelsea Blackwell con Megan Fox en "Love is Blind" e incluso le parece un poco incómodo.

Dale un respiro

Conversamos con el actor de "Beverly Hills, 90210" en Bristol Farms, en Woodland Hills, y el actor de 50 años le dijo a TMZ que no fue prudente que Chelsea se comparara con su ex esposa. Lo dijo con franqueza: "Parece que te estás abriendo a la crítica".

Por si no se enteraron, al hablar de su apariencia física en el programa de citas a ciegas, Chelsea le informó a su futuro prometido Jimmy Presnell, que había sido previamente comparada con la estrella de "Jennifer's Body".

Infamemente, Jimmy no estuvo de acuerdo con la comparación en su primer encuentro.

En cuanto a si la comparación tiene algún mérito, Brian nos dijo que es difícil de decir, ya que Megan es una "belleza única en su tipo" y "posiblemente la mujer más bella del mundo".

Brian y Megan estuvieron casados 11 años entre 2010 y 2021, y tuvieron 3 hijos juntos. Ahora está comprometido con la ex alumna de "Dancing With the Stars" Sharna Burgess, con quien comparte un hijo, Zane Walker.

De todos modos, Brian cree que los críticos deben darle un respiro a Chelsea, sobre todo porque a Megan Fox no le importa un ápice el comentario. De hecho, la estrella de "Anger Management" nos dijo: "Creo que Megan se sentiría halagada".

Brian, que acaba de lanzar una aplicación gratuita de redes sociales en Apple Store llamada Moviac, animó a Chelsea a no escuchar a los haters, lo que de todas maneras es más fácil de decir que de hacer.

TMZ investiga
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También le sugirió que evitara hacer la comparación nuevamente. ¡Sólido consejo, para cualquiera, de verdad!


Tish Cyrus and Dominic Purcell are battening down the hatches -- refusing to respond to man-stealing rumors involving Noah Cyrus -- but they're also not hiding from cameras.

The married couple was out for a stroll Friday in Toluca Lake, CA, keeping the vibe very casual ... Tish wore a grey hoodie, joggers and a trucker cap -- while the former "Prison Break" star opted for a navy tracksuit.

Tish and Dominic took in some fresh air with a pal ... perhaps attempting to clear their heads from the swirling drama that's come after a wild report this week.

If you missed it ... the story claims Tish swooped in and stole Dominic from her 24-year-old daughter Noah, following her split from Billy Ray Cyrus.

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Tish reportedly began connecting with DP in his DMs while he was dating Noah -- and there was also a suggestion of possible overlap ... a period when he was dating both mom and daughter.

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Noah hasn't addressed the whole saga ... and ditto for her mother and, dare we say it, stepdad. In the wake of the report, the rumor is this is why Noah skipped Tish and Dominic's wedding last August.

We've known that Tish is estranged from Noah, but now it also appears her other daughter, Miley Cyrus, is feuding with dad Billy Ray.

Family drama ... no lack of it in the Cyrus fam, these days.

Terrence Howard Ordered to Pay Almost $1 Mil ... To U.S Gov. in Back Taxes

Terrence Howard just got hit with a fat tax bill that he now has to pay back to Uncle Sam -- after ignoring a federal complaint against him ... a judge just ruled he's gotta pay up.

The actor was ordered to pay close to $1 million Friday in a federal tax evasion case out of Pennsylvania that he's been wrapped up in since last year -- when the feds came after him for what they claimed were hundreds of thousands of dollars in back taxes he owed.

Specifically, they were attempting to recoup a huge tab from him in the amount of $578,000 -- amounting to a huge tax bill they claimed had gone unpaid from 5 tax returns between 2010 and 2019.

And now, all this time later ... they finally got a federal judge to throw down the gavel in their favor. The weird thing ... it looks like Terrence blew all this off.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

According to the legal doc, obtained by TMZ, the court notes Terrence failed to appear or otherwise defend himself at all in this case. That's odd ... 'cause he's somewhat active on social media -- posting promotional stuff for projects he's involved in, etc.

As a result ... he's now technically on the hook for $903,114.72. This whopping amount covers the unpaid federal tax income assessments, penalties and interest accrued.

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We've reached out to Terrence ... so far, no word back.


The organizers of the disastrous Willy Wonka experience in the UK have issued an official apology -- that's after nearly a week of pure chaos, anger and rib-tickling memes.

Glasgow-based House of Illuminati -- the team behind the now-viral attraction -- laid it out on FB Friday ... owning up to the fiasco and acknowledging the disappointment and frustration they caused to all those parents who just wanted to show their kids a good time.

That being said ... HOI says that while it takes full responsibility for its decisions surrounding the debacle, anyone who was hired externally is categorically not affiliated with them -- meaning that tossing out allegations against those who didn't have anything to do with the mess can do some serious damage.

They're basically reminding everyone ... get the full story before casting judgment.

The person behind the post also lets us in on a deeply personal matter ... saying that they too are paying the price for the failed venture 'cause their wedding is now off.

Land Of Pure Disappointment

Although, they note ... the ticket sales weren't ever gonna fund it in the first place.

They're also working hard to rectify the situation ... and refunding all 850 transactions of 35 pounds a pop is definitely a step in the right direction.

All in all, they're asking for some sympathy and time to process everything that's happened, adding ... "My intention is to learn from this experience. Your support and understanding during this time mean the world to me."


The official apology came after video surfaced of HOI facing off against some seriously angry parents -- who demanded refunds in a heated clip making the rounds online.


Paul Connell, one of the Wonkas caught up in this viral mess, also spilled the tea to TMZ ... saying the situation spiraled to the point cops had to be called. Adding insult to injury, PC also claimed he still hadn't been paid the 500 pounds (roughly $633) for his part in the event.

Nonetheless, the pissed parents have all rallied together and are reportedly working on putting on their own "Wonka" exhibit.

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So let's hope that'll end up being a sweet success filled with magic, joy, and plenty of chocolate this time round.

PADRE DE BIANCA CENSORI VAMOS A ACLARAR LAS COSAS YE Dice que quiere hablar sobre la ropa

Si la ropa de Bianca Censori te ha llamado la atención, imagina ser su padre... quien ha visto todo y parece que está muy enfadado al respecto.

Fuentes cercanas a Bianca le dijeron a Daily Mail que su padre, Leo, quiere sentarse a charlar con Kanye West para discutir los trajes que su hija está usando.

De acuerdo con el informe, Leo quiere preguntarle a Ye a quemarropa cómo es posible que pueda pasear a su esposa con ropa apenas transparente como un "trofeo desnudo de mala calidad", no son exactamente las palabras que cualquiera querría escuchar de su suegro.

Al parecer, Leo también quiere preguntarle a Ye si le parecería bien que sus hijas se pasearan por ahí con ropa igual de transparente cuando crecieran, porque francamente, lo duda.

Como ya hemos dicho, Bianca está sorprendiendo constantemente con su moda y recientemente lo mostró todo usando medias transparentes.

Definitivamente, ha dado de qué hablar, pero no es la primera vez que lleva ropa reveladora, ¿recuerdas cuando estaba totalmente desnuda en un impermeable o los bodys que usó en Italia? Claramente no es de las que se abrigan.

Obviamente, Leo parece pensar que Kanye está forzando a su hija, similar a lo que se comenta en línea.

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abordado en la calle

Leo también tiene muchas ganas de preguntarle a Ye por qué está aparentemente aislándola de su familia, por lo tanto, suena como que el querido papá cree que Ye está controlando a Bianca en múltiples ámbitos de la vida.

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¡Tomaremos incómodas charlas familiares por $800, Alex!

Lo cubrimos todo en el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de pódcast.

Bianca Censori's Dad Let's Rap, Ye ... Reportedly Wants to Talk Bianca's Clothes

If Bianca Censori's racy, barely-there outfits have your eyes popping, imagine being her father ... who's seen all the worldwide attention, and it sounds like he's pretty enraged about it.

Sources close to Bianca told Daily Mail that her dad, Leo, wants to sit down for a chat with Kanye West to discuss the outfits his daughter's wearing ... and these sources are saying he's outright gonna go on a tirade if he does get face time with him.

According to the report, Leo wants to ask Ye point-blank how he could possibly march his wife around in barely-there clothes like some "trashy naked trophy pony" -- not exactly the words anyone would wanna hear from their father-in-law.

Leo also apparently wants to ask Ye if he'd be cool with his daughters walking around wearing similarly sheer clothing when they grow up -- 'cause quite frankly, he doubts it.

As we've told ya ... Bianca's constantly pushing the envelope with her fashion, recently going as far as straight-up flashing her vagina while wearing sheer tights.


She's definitely going further and further with each new outfit, but it's not like this is the first time she's worn super revealing clothing -- remember her being totally naked in a raincoat or all the nude-colored bodysuits in Italy? She's not the bundling-up type.

Obviously, Leo seems to think Kanye's forcing all of these choices on his daughter ... similar to online buzz that sparked up a few months back about Ye taking away his wife's free will.

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Leo's also reportedly keen on asking Ye why he's seemingly shutting her off from her family ... so, it sounds like dear ol' Dad believes Ye's controlling Bianca in multiple arenas in life.

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We'll take uncomfortable family chats for $800, Alex!

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

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Fyre Festival Founder 'Wonka' Team Needs to Make Amends ... Then Come to FF2 For Redemption!!!


The team behind the viral, and failed, Willy Wonka experience has some making up to do, and Billy McFarland -- a guy who's very familiar with that situation -- wants to give them a shot at getting it right.

We talked to the Fyre Festival founder in NYC, and had to ask him about that Wonka disaster in the UK that's captured the world's attention ... and instantly reminded folks of Billy's own failed festival.

ICYMI ... pics from a pop-up Willy Wonka experience in Scotland have been all over X and other social media platforms with people complaining about how truly lackluster and appalling the whole thing was.

And, Billy agrees ... saying right off the bat he thinks organizers need to make amends with the kids for the one-star factory tour ASAP, and IF that happens ... he's offering team Wonka a spot at Fyre Festival II.

Remember, Billy put on a similarly, and legendarily, bad experience in the form of a music festival for high-paying fans back in 2017 in the Bahamas. The set-up was abysmal, and Billy later pled guilty to defrauding investors. He served around four years in prison.


McFarland says he wants to give the Wonka folks a chance to do things right at Fyre 2 ... albeit with some guardrails in place to keep everything on track.

Land Of Pure Disappointment

Billy's clearly got the second Fyre Festival on his mind ... saying it's set for some time next year, but his partners will announce the date when they're ready. For now, he's taking on more of a marketing role and trying not to go overboard and do too much.


And, it seems like Fyre tickets are goin' quickly ... with Billy telling the world on Thursday that the Fyre II presale has received applications for around $110 million worth of tickets.

TMZ Studios

Clearly, second chances can be hella lucrative -- so, the 'Wonka' people might wanna look into taking Billy up on his offer!


llamando a los mejores

El equipo detrás de la experiencia viral de Willy Wonka necesita compensar a los niños -según Billy McFarland- quien quiere darle a los organizadores una oportunidad de redención.

Hablamos con el fundador del Festival Fyre en la ciudad de Nueva York el martes y tuvimos que preguntarle acerca de la experiencia Willy Wonka que ha capturado la atención del mundo, mientras que se podría compar con el propio festival fallido de Billy.

Fotos de una experiencia de Willy Wonka fallida en Escocia han circulado por X y otras plataformas de redes sociales con la gente quejándose de lo verdaderamente mediocre y espantoso que fue todo el asunto.

Billy está de acuerdo, diciendo desde el principio que él piensa que los organizadores tienen que hacer las paces con los niños lo antes posible, y luego les ofreció una rama de olivo y un lugar en el Festival Fyre II.

Recordemos que Billy vivió una mala experiencia similar en la forma de un festival de música para los fanáticos de alto pago de vuelta en 2017 en las Bahamas. El montaje fue pésimo, y Billy más tarde se declaró culpable de estafar a los inversores. Cumplió unos cuatro años de cárcel.

McFarland quiere darle al equipo la oportunidad de hacer las cosas bien en Fyre 2, aunque con algunos guardarraíles en su lugar para mantener todo en orden.

"la tierra de la desilución"

Billy claramente tiene el segundo Festival Fyre en su mente, diciendo que está programado para algún momento del próximo año, pero sus socios anunciarán la fecha cuando estén listos. Por ahora, él está tomando más de un papel de marketing y tratando de no ir por la borda y hacer demasiado.


Parece que las entradas de Fyre se van rápidamente, con Billy contándonos que el día que la preventa Fyre ha recibido solicitudes de alrededor de $110 millones de dólares en entradas.

tmz investiga
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Suena como una segunda oportunidad muy lucrativa, la gente de "Wonka" podría interesarse en la nueva oferta de Billy.

'Love Is Blind' Alleged 'Script' Spotted in the Pods ... It Ain't What You Think!!!

"Love Is Blind" is facing a conspiracy theory that the show is staged after a supposed script was spotted in a scene from season 6 -- but TMZ knows the truth ... and it's all live, baby!

A still shot of contestant Jessica Vestal from earlier this season is making the rounds online -- which shows the single mother with a notebook filled with printed-out text sitting on her lap during a pod date with Jimmy Presnell.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Since the notebook was presented like a regular ol' journal ... fans were quick to speculate that the Netflix reality series might be hiding something -- namely, that the whole thing is staged, to be exact, and that Jess wasn't taking notes but rather ... reading lines.

Despite the rampant speculation, a production source with direct knowledge tells TMZ ... the show is absolutely not scripted, and the printouts in question are merely questions the contestants are provided in case they need some ideas on topics to hit in conversation.

For example, we're told some of these questions seen in the journals could be something like ... "What’s your favorite color," or something else personal to keep the vibes flowing.

Our sources tell us that the prompts you see are simply meant to help the contestants get to know each other. Remember, the 'LIB' contestants initially meet with a wall between them -- so a little assistance isn't wildly unexpected, and that's exactly what this is.

Now, whether the contestants are overselling the notion these are just plain old notebooks to scribble things down in -- when there are clearly things written in there ahead of time for them -- is a different story ... because yes, they most certainly do seem to be playing it up.

The point is, though ... there's no scandal here, and there's no script either. We're told 'Love is Blind' is 100% live reality TV -- and what you see is what you get in terms of interactions.

BTW, this isn't the first time the notebooks have been questioned by viewers.

The journals were actually called out way back in season 3 -- when a similar photo ... this time featuring Cole Barnett -- was posted to X. At the time ... one fan declared they were left with "so many questions" over the journal.

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We're glad to have shut the book on this conspiracy, FWIW.

Lizzo ¡¡¡No rechacé a J Lo para estar en su película!!!

Nadie me preguntó!!!

Lizzo se está oponiendo a la idea de que rechazó un cameo para la nueva película de Jennifer López y suena como que... si hubiera sabido, habría aceptado.

Esta es la cuestión: J Lo reveló todas las celebridades que supuestamente rechazaron papeles en su reciente película "This Is Me ... Now", en un documental de Prime Video sobre la realización de su nuevo álbum, y el nombre de Lizzo apareció como "no disponible".

NEgativa tras negativa...
Amazon Prime Video

Sin embargo, Lizzo está diciendo algo diferente, literalmente. En un post de TikTok, la cantante dijo que nadie le comentó sobre la oferta para esta película. Es más, asegura que nadie le pidió participar en el proyecto.

Pese a todo, Lizzo no tiene ningún resentimiento, mira a la cámara y le dice a J Lo que la quiere. Por lo tanto, no está enojada... pero sí levanta sospechas, sin duda.

Recordemos que en el documental "Greatest Love Story Never Told", J Lo contó su historia de amor desde su perspectiva, aunque parece que el casting estuvo lleno de sorpresas.

Entre las celebridades que según el equipo de J Lo decidieron pasar de la película están Lizzo, Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, Jason Momoa, Jennifer Coolidge, Vanessa Hudgens, Snoop Dogg, SZA, Bad Bunny y Anthony Ramos.

La mayoría de las estrellas tenía conflictos legítimos. Taylor estaba tocando en el marco de su gira "Eras" y Ariana estaba filmando "Wicked" al otro lado del charco. J Lo dijo que Khloé Kardashian se echó para atrás de hacer un cameo a último minuto.

A pesar de que sus representantes están diciendo que un montón de gente pasó del proyecto, dos personas hasta el momento han dicho que eso es falso. Jennifer Coolidge habló con un paparazzi ayer y negó que tuviera algún tipo de conocimiento y ahora Lizzo está diciendo que ella tampoco tenía ni idea de esto.

Por supuesto, J Lo se las arregló para embolsar un par de grandes nombres, incluyendo Sofia Vergara, Jane Fonda, Keke Palmer, Post Malone y Trevor Noah.

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Lo que bien acaba, bien está, suponemos, pero es extraño que haya dos versiones en esto.

Bueno... 🤷🏽‍♂️

Lizzo I Didn't Turn Down J Lo For Movie Role!!!


Lizzo is pushing back on the notion she turned down a cameo for the new Jennifer Lopez movie ... and it sounds like she would've come aboard if she knew about it.

Here's the deal ... J Lo revealed all the celebs who allegedly passed on roles in her recent flick "This Is Me ... Now" in a Prime Video doc about the making of her new album ... and Lizzo's name came up as being "unavailable."

Amazon Prime Video

However, Lizzo's singing a different tune, literally. In a TikTok post, Lizzo claims no one told her about the movie offer. She doubles down, claiming she wasn't asked to be in the flick.

No hard feelings from Lizzo though ... she looks into the camera and tells J Lo she loves her. So, she's not really bent out of shape -- but it does raise an eyebrow, no doubt.

Remember, in the 'Greatest Love Story Never Told' doc, J Lo tells her love story through her eyes ... but it sounds like the casting journey was full of twists and turns.

Among the celebs J Lo's teams said passed on the flick ... Lizzo, Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, Jason Momoa, Jennifer Coolidge, Vanessa Hudgens, Snoop Dogg, SZA, Bad Bunny and Anthony Ramos.

Most of the stars had legitimate conflicts ... Taylor was doing her 'Eras' tour and Ariana was filming "Wicked" across the pond ... but J Lo claims Khloé Kardashian backed out of a cameo at the last second.

Despite her reps saying a bunch of people passed on the project -- two people so far have come forward to refute that ... JC talked to a pap just yesterday and denied any knowledge, and now -- Lizzo's saying she, too, had no clue about this.

Of course, J Lo did manage to bag a couple big names ... including Sofia Vergara, Jane Fonda, Keke Palmer, Post Malone and Trevor Noah.

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All's well that ends well, we suppose ... but it is weird that there are two different accounts of this.

Oh well! 🤷🏽‍♂️

NFL Prospect Tip Reiman Birds Aren't Real Ever See A Baby Pigeon?!?

Former Illinois football star Tip Reiman had the most memorable quote of the NFL Combine so far ... telling reporters he believes birds are not what they seem!!

For those who aren't in on the joke ... the "Birds Aren't Real" movement made waves a few years ago, when a guy named Peter McIndoe created a satirical conspiracy that winged animals are actually spy drones for the U.S. Government.

A bunch of people joined in on the troll job ... and now, it's even made its way to professional football.

Reiman -- who had 203 yards and three touchdowns last season -- revealed his allegiance with the movement on Thursday ... hitting reporters with several questions that support his stance.

"Have you ever seen a baby pigeon?" Reiman asked, according to Owen Riese. "How do we know that power lines aren't pigeon recharging stations?"

Some people think Reiman is actually serious ... comparing him to Aaron Rodgers, who's been known to rock a tinfoil hat from time to time.

But Reiman's take wasn't the only bizarre statement out of Indy this week -- Texas Tech standout Tyler Owens also told reporters he doesn't believe other planets exist ... adding some flat-earthers have a strong argument.

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Kids these days.

Tish Cyrus Surfaces Amid New Report Allegedly 'Stole' Hubby From Noah?!?

Tish Cyrus was just seen for the first time since being accused of "stealing" her husband Dominic Purcell from her estranged daughter, Noah ... and Mama Bear didn't wanna chat.

Miley Cyrus' mom was spotted Wednesday in Beverly Hills, driving out of a parking garage in her Toyota SUV after grabbing a bite at Soho House ... and dodging questions from a swarm of paparazzi on the way out.

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stepping out, staying silent

It also looks like Dominic himself had joined her ... as he was caught on camera in a different car while parked outside the lot.

Tish is being hounded by photogs in the wake of a report this week claiming Noah was romantically involved with Dominic first -- apparently before Tish got with him following her 2022 divorce from Billy Ray Cyrus.

While Tish and Dominic have since tied the knot and are happily married now, this report casts doubt on the timeline of things -- claiming NC was actually seeing Dom first, when her mom eventually started pursuing him as well. Supposedly, Tish knew Noah was with him.

It's unclear exactly when Noah was dating Dominic -- if this is to be believed -- or when things ended between her and Dom and where a romance started with Tish. The report suggests there may have been some overlap ... and considering Noah's estranged from Tish, it's safe to assume there's some bad blood and harsh feelings over this alleged love triangle.

The claims also add another layer to some perceived drama among the Cyrus clan ... fans have been suspecting things weren't great among the family ever since Miley didn't mention Billy in her acceptance speech at the Grammys earlier this month.

Likewise, Noah skipped Tish's wedding with Dominic ... so the Cyrus brood is fractured.

Tish gushed over Dominic in a recent podcast, saying they made out for hours on their first date and started saying "I Love You" the very next day ... and she noted she DM'd him in 2022 after first getting a message from him in 2016, which she didn't see at the time.

While Tish is head over heels, Noah is said to be "distraught" over Tish "stealing" Dominic away.

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Whatever the case may be, Tish isn't ready to address the claims quite yet. We've reached to Tish and Noah for comment ... so far, no word back.

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