Tish Cyrus Aparece tras rumores... ¿Supuestamente le robó su marido a Noah?

Tish Cyrus fue vista en medio de las acusaciones que dicen que le robó su tercer marido Dominic Purcell a su hija Noah, con quien se encuentra distanciada.

La mamá de Miley Cyrus fue vista el miércoles en Beverly Hills, saliendo de un estacionamiento en su Toyota SUV después de comer en un restaurante y esquivar las preguntas de los paparazzi que estaban en el camino de salida.

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Guardando el silencio

También parece que el propio Dominic se había unido a ella, ya que fue capturado por la cámara en un carro diferente, mientras se estacionaba afuera del lote.

Tish está siendo acosada por los fotógrafos a raíz de un informe de esta semana que dice que Noah estaba involucrada románticamente con Dominic, y al parecer, antes de que Tish estuviera con él luego de su divorcio con Billy Ray Cyrus en 2022.

Aunque Tish y Dominic están felizmente casados ahora, este informe pone en duda la línea de tiempo de su relación, alegando que Noah Cyrus estaba saliendo con Dom, cuando su madre comenzó a perseguirlo. Supuestamente, Tish sabía que Noah estaba con él.

No está claro en qué momento estaban saliendo Dominic y Noah exactamente, si creemos esta versión, o cuando terminaron las cosas entre ellos y comenzó el romance con Tish. El informe sugiere que puede haber habido alguna coincidencia y teniendo en cuenta que Noah está distanciada de Tish, es seguro asumir que hay un poco de mala sangre y sentimientos fuertes sobre este supuesto triángulo amoroso.

Las afirmaciones también añaden otra capa al drama en el clan Cyrus: los fans han estado sospechando que las cosas no están bien en la familia desde que Miley no mencionó a su padre Billy en el discurso de aceptación de su Grammy a principios de este mes.

Del mismo modo, Noah se saltó la boda de Tish con Dominic, por lo que la familia Cyrus está fracturada.

Tish se deshizo en elogios sobre Dominic en un podcast reciente, diciendo que se besaron durante horas en su primera cita y se dijeron "te amo" al día siguiente. También señaló que le envió un mensaje directo en 2022, luego de recibir uno suyo en 2016, que no vio en su momento.

Mientras Tish está súper enamorada, se dice que Noah está "angustiada" con que Tish le haya "robado" a Dominic.

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Cualquiera sea el caso, Tish no está lista para hacer frente a las acusaciones todavía. Nos contactamos con Tish y Noah para que hicieran comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.


Un primer vistazo a Bill Skarsgård en el remake de "The Crow" ha salido a la luz y los fans están enojados, criticando el arte corporal exagerado y comparándolo con el Joker de Jared Leto.

Reslulta que Bill es el protagonista de un remake del clásico gótico de culto de 1994 y las primeras imágenes de su personaje renovado "Crow" acaba de caer el miércoles a través de Vanity Fair. Hay un montón de fotos del set que tienen ... pero todo el mundo se centra en esta toma de dinero.

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Por si no lo sabías, "El cuervo" sigue la historia de un hombre asesinado que vuelve a la vida para promulgar su venganza contra los hombres que lo mataron a él y a su prometida. Todo esto impregnado de una honda dark/noir. Toda la película es básicamente una película de venganza impregnada con fantasía gótica, y cuenta con un maquillaje y puesta en escena memorables.

En la película original, el personaje -interpretado por el hijo de Bruce Lee, Brandon- llevaba chaquetas de cuero negro y el maquillaje blanco de la cara le hacía parecer más un cadáver, pero en general su aspecto era bastante discreto, especialmente cuando se compara con la versión de Bill. Eso es lo que parece opinar Internet.

Mira las fotos, Bill lleva el cuero y el maquillaje blanco en la cara y el cuerpo, así como una serie de tatuajes indecorosos y un tanto caricaturescos, como un ojo gigante en medio del pecho y la palabra "Lullaby" escrita sobre la ceja derecha.

Todos estos tatuajes han hecho que los fans piensen en otro personaje extravagante... el Joker de Leto en "Escuadrón Suicida", que tenía literalmente escrito "Damaged" en la frente, para que el público no pasara por alto ese rasgo particular del personaje, suponemos.

El punto es que los fans están muy molestos, con algunos diciendo que este concepto del personaje escupe en la cara de la memoria de Brandon.

Por si n lo sabía, Brandon fue asesinado a tiros en el set de "El Cuervo" después de que una pistola de utilería le disparara un fragmento de bala sin limpiar de una escena anterior. Nadie fue acusado penalmente, pero su madre Linda Lee Caldwell demandó con éxito a los cineastas.

Los fans son bastante celosos del personaje de Lee y su legado y están bastante seguros de que el aspecto de Skarsgård solo va a dañar la memoria de Brandon y "The Crow".

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Tendremos que ver cómo marchan las cosas, ya que la fecha de estreno de la película está fijada para junio, y parece poco probable que el estudio pueda arreglar el problema a tiempo.

Policía de Los Ángeles Golpea a un perro con su porra ... Tras atacar a un caballo de la policía

El Perro versus el Caballo
Instagram/ @deadhomiess._

La policía de Los Ángeles tuvo un inesperado cara a cara con un perro que atacó a uno de sus caballos, lo que llevó a uno de los oficiales a golpearlo, provocando un feroz debate.

Echa un vistazo a este video que se ha vuelto viral: Dos policías son vistos a caballo patrullando Melrose Ave. en Los Ángeles, cuando de repente un perro suelto corre hacia ellos de la nada y comienza a morder las piernas del caballo de la policía.

En respuesta al ataque, el otro policía que estaba en la escena salta de su propio caballo y comienza a agitar su bastón contra el canino, y parece que hizo contacto un par de veces.

El perro intenta esquivar los golpes y continúa tras el caballo, quien empieza a inquietarse. Por supuesto, el oficial que está montado sobre el caballo hace todo lo posible para estabilizar al animal y tenerlo bajo control, pero es una situación difícil, por decir lo menos.

Finalmente, el presunto dueño del perro corre hacia la escena y recoge a su perro. Aunque también tiene dificultades para hacerlo y el oficial en el suelo consigue darle un último buen golpe antes de que él y su dueño huyan. En ese momento, todo se calmó.

Ahora tenemos un poco más de información que esperamos arroje luz y proporcione contexto, como por ejemplo si esto cayó en el radar de la policía de Los Ángeles o qué pasó exactamente al final. Fuentes policiales nos dicen que este incidente en realidad ocurrió hace un buen año o así, a pesar de que el video está siendo viral en este momento.

Nos dicen que el perro y los dos caballos terminaron bien y que los caballos fueron revisados por un veterinario después. Nuestras fuentes dicen que el perro saltó por la ventanilla de un carro a la calle y por eso no llevaba correa... algo raro.

Según nuestras fuentes, el civil/propietario no fue citado por este incidente y nos han dicho que todo se resolvió una vez que las partes involucradas pudieron hablar. También nos dicen que el propietario no estaba enojado.

Eso no quiere decir que Internet no esté enojado con el asunto porque una buena parte definitivamente lo está.

La situación ha provocado reacciones encontradas en la red, y muchos han salido en defensa del policía, sobre todo porque Los Ángeles tiene leyes muy claras sobre las correas. Por si no saben, los dueños de mascotas están obligados a mantener a sus perros con correa en público en todo momento, ya que está prohibido para ellos vagar libremente.

¿De qué lado estás?

Otros, por supuesto, están crucificando al policía diciendo que reaccionó de forma completamente exagerada y que estaba dañando al perro sin una buena razón. Estos son en su mayoría los amantes de los animales y los activistas por los derechos de los animales.

Tuvimos un debate sobre esto en nuestra propia oficina e imaginamos qué argumentos podríamos presentarle a la gente para digerir el asunto. Por un lado, el perro estaba sin correa y causó un problema que podría haber llegado a ser más peligroso.

¿Estaba justificado que el policía golpeara al perro?

Aun así, la brutalidad del oficial se siente demasiado para quienes no soportan ver sufrir a los animales, incluyendo algunos en nuestro propio equipo, que son apasionados de esto.

Suponemos que vamos a plantear la pregunta, ¿quién está equivocado aquí, el policía o el propietario?

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No le digan a PETA sobre esto, estamos seguros de que tendrán algo que decir al respecto, de una u otra manera.

Bill Skarsgård Fans Blast 'The Crow' First Look ... Point to Leto's Hokey Joker

A first look at Bill Skarsgård in the remake of "The Crow" is out ... and fans are pissed -- blasting the over-the-top body art, unkindly comparing him to Jared Leto's Joker.

Here's the deal ... Bill's the lead in a remake of the gothic cult classic hit movie from 1994 -- and the first pictures of his revamped "Crow" character just dropped Wednesday via Vanity Fair. There's a lot of set photos they have ... but everyone's focused on this money shot.

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FYI ... "The Crow" follows a murdered man who comes back to life to enact his revenge against the men who killed him and his fiancée -- which is it has this dark, noir-esque vibe. The whole film is basically a fantasy revenge flick ... with memorable makeup/costumes.

In the OG film, the eponymous character -- played by Bruce Lee's son Brandon -- wore black leather jackets and bodysuits, and white face makeup made him look more like a corpse, but overall his look was pretty understated ... especially when compared to Bill's version. That's how the internet seems to feel about it anyway!

Just check out the pics ... Bill's got the leather and white face/body makeup -- as well as a series of unseemly and sorta cartoonish tattoos ... including a giant eye in the middle of his chest and the word "Lullaby" written above his right eyebrow.

All of these tats have fans thinking about another outlandish character look ... namely, Leto's Joker in "Suicide Squad" who literally had "Damaged' written on his forehead -- just so the audience wouldn't miss that particular character trait, we guess.

Point is, fans are super upset ... with some even going as far as saying this concept of the character spits in the face of Brandon's memory.

If you don't know ... Brandon was actually shot and killed on "The Crow" set after a prop gun fired an uncleared bullet fragment from a previous scene at him. No one was criminally charged, but his mom Linda Lee Caldwell successfully sued filmmakers.

Safe to say ... fans are pretty protective of Lee's character and his legacy -- and they're pretty sure Skarsgård's look is only going to hurt the memory of Brandon and "The Crow" -- that's what some are saying about this.

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We'll just have to see how it all comes out ... since the movie's release date is set for June, it seems unlikely the studio can fix the perceived issue now.

LAPD Swings Baton at Unleashed Dog ... After Police Horse Attack

Instagram/ @deadhomiess._

LAPD officers had an unexpected face-off with an unleashed dog that attacked one of their horses -- which ended with one of the officers beating the pooch ... and it's sparked a fierce debate.

Check out this video that's gone viral ... 2 cops are seen patrolling Melrose Ave. in L.A. while on horseback -- when, all of a sudden, an unleashed dog runs into frame out of nowhere and begins to nip at the legs of the police horse, which still has one of the officers on it.

In response to the attack ... the other cop on the scene jumps down from his own horse ... and begins swinging his baton at the canine -- and he seems to make contact a few times.

The dog tries to dodge the hits, and it continues to go after the horse -- which begins to buck and get uneasy. Of course, the officer who's sitting up there is trying his best to steady the animal and get it under control ... but it's a tricky situation, to say the least.

Eventually, the presumed owner of the dog runs onto the scene and collects his pooch -- but he too has trouble with it ... and the officer on the ground gets one last good swing on the dog before it and its owner run off. At that point, everything settles down.

Now, we have some more info here that'll hopefully shed light and provide context -- including whether this fell onto the LAPD's radar at large, and what exactly happened in the end. Law enforcement sources tell us this incident actually happened a good year or so ago ... even though the video is just now making the rounds online.

We're told the dog and the two horses ended up being alright, and that the horses were checked on by a vet afterward. Our sources tell us the dog actually jumped out of a car window there on the street, which is why it didn't have a leash on ... so kind of a freak thing.

Our sources the civilian/owner did not get cited over this, and we're told everything sorted itself out once all the parties were able to talk. We're also told the owner wasn't mad.

That's not to say the internet isn't pissed about this ... 'cause a good chunk definitely is.

The situation has prompted mixed reactions online -- with many coming to the cop's defense, especially since L.A. has pretty clear leash laws. If you don't know, pet owners are required to keep their dogs on a leash in public at all times -- as it's prohibited for them to roam free.


Others, of course, are crucifying the cop here ... saying he completely overreacted and was harming the dog for no good reason. These are mostly the animal lovers/animal rights camps.

We had some debate about this here in our own office ... and we figured we'd present our arguments for people to digest. On the one hand, the dog was unleashed and caused a problem right then and there that could've become more dangerous.

Was the Cop Justified in Beating the Dog?

Still ... the brutality the officer inflicts here just feels like too much for folks who can't stand to see animals suffer -- including some in our own ranks, who are passionate about this.

We suppose we'll just pose the question ... who's in the wrong here, the cop or the owner?

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Don't tell PETA about this ... we're sure they'll have something to say about it, one way or another.

Kanye West Bianca muestra todo para abajo Nada de ropa interior...

La esposa de Kanye West, Bianca Censori, está en el ruedo nuevamente y con eso queremos decir que está de humor para andar desnuda, y esta vez haciendo una declaración de moda entre los franceses.

Bianca y Ye estuvieron en París el martes, donde se está realizando la semana de la moda, y Bianca definitivamente dejó todo al descubierto, al menos de la cintura para abajo, un poco diferente a la forma en la que normalmente anda cuando se desnuda todo para arriba.

No estamos bromeando. Bianca fue de bajo perfil, pero exponiéndose muchísimo a sí misma en este atuendo. Llevaba medias transparentes y, literalmente, nada para abajo, sin ningún tipo de ropa interior.

De hecho, Bianca va completamente desnuda y se puede ver todo.

A Kanye, por supuesto, no parece importarle. Más bien parece que le encanta tenerla arreglada y vestida. Sabemos que Ye ha hecho alarde de su cuerpo muchas veces.

Hemos visto algunos trajes salvajes de Bianca antes, incluyendo un impermeable transparente con nada debajo, pero por alguna razón ... este es más sorprendente.

Recuerden, solo la semana pasada vimos a Kanye y Bianca en Milán pavoneándose en otro evento de moda, por lo que ahora solo se están moviendo alrededor de Europa haciendo lo suyo y posando para las cámaras.

Kanye sigue promocionando su álbum en el extranjero, luego de encontrar dificultades para reservar locales en Estados Unidos. En Europa, parece que es un poco mejor recibido.

Por supuesto, Bianca ha estado al lado de Kanye todo este tiempo, leal y firme.

También ha andado muy, muy desnuda, pero eso es parte del menú ahora. Pareciera un libreto conocido y, sin embargo, sigue impactándonos y sorprendiéndonos.

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Aquí está la "comida" favorita de Kanye en exhibición para que todos la vean.

Kanye West Wifey Shows Off Bare Vagina, Butt ... During Paris Fashion Week

Kanye West's wife, Bianca Censori, is at it again -- and by that, we mean she's in the mood to go nude ... and this time, she's making a fashion statement among the French.

Bianca and Ye were out and about Tuesday in Paris, where it's fashion week there ... and where BC was definitely letting it all hang out -- only here, she was doing it below the belt -- a little different than how she normally rolls when she's baring it all upstairs.

We're not kidding, BTW ... Bianca was low-key exposing herself A LOT in this getup. She's got see-through stockings on here ... and literally nothing else underneath, no undies at all.

Indeed, Bianca is going full commando in these pics ... and you can see everything.

Kanye, of course, doesn't seem to mind -- if anything, he appears to love having her dolled up and dressed down ... we know Ye has flaunted her body a number of times online.

We've seen some wild outfits from Bianca before -- including her in a full-blown birthday suit under a freaking raincoat -- but for some reason ... this one kinda takes the cake.

Remember, it was just last week that we saw Kanye and Bianca in Milan strutting their stuff at another fashion event -- so now, they're just hopscotching around Europe again doing their thing and posing for the camera.

Kanye is still promoting his album overseas ... this after finding it difficult to book venues here in the States for the types of listening events he likes to host these days. In Europe, it looks like he's a bit more well-received.

Of course, this entire time ... Bianca has been by Kanye's side, remaining loyal and steadfast.

She's also remained really, really naked -- but that's sorta par for the course now. Feels like we know a little well at this point -- and yet, she continues to shock and surprise us.

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Here's to Kanye's favorite "meal" on display for all to see ... cheers.

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Don Lemon $24.5 Million Payout ... Upon Exiting CNN: Report

Don Lemon was handsomely compensated after being fired from CNN last year -- in fact, it's almost as if he never left ... 'cause the dude's definitely getting paid like it, per a new report.

According to the Wrap, the former CNN anchor finally reached a deal with his former bosses at the cable news network to finalize his separation from the company -- this after he was canned almost a full year ago.


Apparently, they'd been working out the details of his exit package -- and now, word is they finally landed on a number ... which is astronomical. The Wrap says he got $24.5 million.

What's astonishing about that figure is that, per the outlet, this amount of cash is exactly what he would've been paid if he'd been allowed to stay there and finish out his contract -- which they say had another 3.5 half years left on it before his ousting in April.

In other words, he got his full contract's worth of money ... so good on his negotiating team.

Weirdly enough, though, CNN is actually pushing back on the number ... telling People the report of his massive payout is "incorrect." With that said, they didn't elaborate beyond that.

In any case ... it sounds like Don's walking away from this saga a happy camper. Yes, he's no longer on TV -- but he's moved on over to X for a new show, similar to Tucker Carlson.

While he was fuming after getting the boot at CNN, Don ended up with the last laugh ... the guy who fired him, Chris Licht, ended up being shown the door as well not long after. Meanwhile, Don's millions of dollars richer ... and he's in the free speech space now.

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Willy Wonka Atracción en el Reino Unido es un fracaso rotundo ... Padres indignados

Una atracción de Willy Wonka en el Reino Unido resultó ser una total decepción para las familias que pensaban que visitarían la intrincada fábrica de chocolate de su icónico personaje, y las fotos del lugar son reveladoras.

A las familias se les prometió una "deliciosa" fuente de chocolate y "caprichosos" Oompa Loompas en "Willy's Chocolate Experience" en Glasgow, Escocia, pero terminaron en un lugar relativamente vacío, donde fueron recibidos con una triste vista. ¡Echa un vistazo!

Las fotos de la "fábrica" han estado circulando en línea y casi todos están de acuerdo en que esta supuesta experiencia fue totalmente sobre vendida y eso es lo que sienten los padres también.

Como se puede ver, el lugar donde supuestamente iban a pasar un rato increíble no tenía mucho: solo un arco iris inflable, un castillo hinchable solitario, algunas otras decoraciones dispersas alrededor y algunos actores desaliñados por el lugar.

Echa un vistazo a esta foto de uno de los Oompa Loompas contratados para actuar en esta atracción: es una imagen triste. Según algunos informes, los miembros del reparto recibieron guiones la noche anterior y tuvieron que improvisar sobre la marcha.

Uno de los padres, Aileen Butcher, calificó la debacle de "vergüenza absoluta" y declaró al Daily Record que se tardaron un minuto en recorrer la atracción, que también incluía una mesa llena de gominolas. Según se informa, las entradas costaron alrededor de $35.

Otro padre, Stuart Sinclair, contó todo en Facebook, explicando que viajó dos horas solo para que sus hijos se fueran con dos míseras gominolas y un cuarto de una lata de limonada Barr.

Al parecer, se montó un buen numerito en la supuesta fábrica de chocolate. Los actores se pusieron en pie de guerra, al igual que los padres, muchos de los cuales se enfrentaron al propietario y exigieron que les devolvieran el dinero. Al parecer, incluso tuvo que intervenir la policía para calmar los ánimos.

Desde entonces, los organizadores de esta experiencia, House of Illuminati, han pedido disculpas por el "estresante y frustrante" día.

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Reconocieron que si lo hubieran cancelado antes podrían haberle evitado a todos la frustración. Desde entonces han emitido 850 reembolsos. Sí, este definitivamente no era un boleto dorado. 😅

WILLY WONKA Pop-Up Factory Experience a Bust ... Parents Outraged

A Willy Wonka pop-up attraction in the UK turned out to be underwhelming for families who thought they'd be going through an intricate chocolate factory -- and the pics are wild.

Get this ... families who were promised a "delectable" chocolate fountain and "whimsical" Oompa Loompas at 'Willy's Chocolate Experience' in Glasgow, Scotland ended up in a relatively empty warehouse where they were greeted with a sad sight -- just take a look.

Photos of the "factory" have been circulating online -- and most everyone agrees ... this so-called recreated experience was definitely oversold, and that's how parents feel as well.

As you can see ... the space where people were told they'd be treated to an awesome time was scant and pretty bare -- with an inflatable rainbow, a lonely bouncy castle, and a few other half-hearted decorations scattered about, and some frumpy actors on hand too.

Check out this photo of one of the Oompa Loompas hired to role-play for this attraction -- it's a sad sight. Reports have surfaced claiming the cast members were handed scripts the night before, and then told to improvise on the spot.

One parent, Aileen Butcher, called the whole debacle an "absolute disgrace" ... telling the Daily Record it took all of one minute to walk through this thing, which also included a lone table strewn with jelly beans. The tickets were reportedly about $35 a pop.

Another parent, Stuart Sinclair, spilled all the beans on FB ... explaining he traveled two hours for the event, only for his kids to walk away with two measly jelly babies and a quarter of a can of Barr limeade.

It was apparently quite a scene in the would-be chocolate factory ... actors were reportedly up in arms, as were the parents ... many of whom confronted the owner and demanded refunds. Cops reportedly even had to get involved in all this to settle everyone down.

Organizers House of Illuminati have since apologized for the "stressful and frustrating day."

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They acknowledged that canceling it earlier might've spared everyone a lot of frustration ... and have since issued 850 refunds. Yeah, this definitely wasn't a golden ticket idea. 😅

Madonna Scraps Vandross From AIDS Tribute ... At Request of Estate

Madonna is nixing a photo of Luther Vandross from the AIDS tribute she puts on during her "Celebration" tour .... because, as his estate has clarified, he shouldn't be there at all.

The Material Girl has made a point to pay tribute to her late friends and famous peers -- including Herb Ritts, Freddie Mercury, and Keith Haring, all of whom died from AIDS-related complications -- with a photo montage amid her performance of "Live to Tell."

During Saturday night's tribute at Madge's Sacramento concert, a photo of the late soul singer was included -- despite the R&B singer's 2005 death previously being attributed to complications from a prior stroke.

In fact ... Luther was actually defensive about this rumor about him while he was alive ... once even going after a British magazine back that tried to pin his weight loss in the mid-80s to the virus. So yeah, it's a sensitive topic.

While Luther's camp acknowledged Madonna's effort to honor those who've lost their lives to AIDS ... they emphasized to Page Six that the late soul singer was never diagnosed with AIDS or the HIV Virus, and it sounds like Luther's estate kindly asked her to exclude him.

Madonna has since scrapped the photo from the tribute ... after Luther's estate reached out to her management team, so all's well that ends well. Seems like an innocent mistake.

For those wondering ... Luther's sexuality has long been speculated on -- but he never came out as anything other than heterosexual ... although, close friends of his have commented on this in the years since and suggested he may have been part of the LGBTQ+ community.

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In any case, his team clearly doesn't want the AIDS narrative to be attached to him, and Madonna has respected their wishes.

MADONNA DESCARTA A VANDROSS DE SU HOMENAJE A petición de sus representantes

Madonna ha eliminado una foto de Luther Vandross del homenaje que tenía que ver con el sida durante su gira "Celebration", porque, según han aclarado sus representantes, él no debería estar allí.

La diva ha querido rendirle homenaje a sus difuntos amigos y compañeros famosos -incluyendo a Herb Ritts, Freddie Mercury y Keith Haring, todos ellos fallecidos por complicaciones relacionadas con el sida- con un montaje fotográfico en medio de su actuación de "Live to Tell".

Durante el homenaje del sábado por la noche en el concierto en Sacramento, se incluyó una foto del fallecido cantante de soul a pesar de que la muerte del cantante de R & B en 2005 se le atribuyó previamente a complicaciones de un derrame cerebral previo.

De hecho, Luther estaba a la defensiva sobre este rumor, sobre mientras estaba vivo. Una vez incluso se quejó con una revista británica que trató de relacionar su pérdida de peso a mediados de los años 80 al virus. Así que sí, es un tema delicado.

Mientras que el campamento de Luther reconoció el esfuerzo de Madonna para honrar a aquellos que han perdido sus vidas a causa del sida, hicieron hincapié en Page Six que el fallecido cantante de soul nunca fue diagnosticado con el virus y parece que los representantes de Luther amablemente pidieron que lo excluyeran.

Madonna ha eliminado desde entonces la foto del homenaje, después de que la gente de Luther se pusiera en contacto con su equipo de gestión, así que todo terminó bien. Parece que solo fue un error inocente.

Para aquellos que se lo están preguntando... La sexualidad de Luther ha sido durante mucho tiempo motivo de especulación, pero siempre se mostró heterosexual, aunque amigos cercanos han emitido comentarios que podrían vincularlo con la comunidad LGBTQ +.

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En cualquier caso, está claro que su equipo no quiere que se le relacione con el sida y Madonna ha respetado sus deseos.

Reesa Teesa de TikTok Ex estudia acciones legales... Por "Who TF Did I Marry"

El ex de Reesa Teesa está contando su versión de la saga viral que se ha tomado completamente TikTok, y aunque ha sido pintado de una manera, él dice que tiene una historia diferente y que podría terminar en los tribunales.

Jerome McCoy, que se hace llamar "Legion" en la ahora infame serie de videos de Reesa "Who TF Did I Marry", que tiene al menos 50 partes en este momento, le dice a TMZ que todo lo que Teresa Johnson (verdadero nombre de Reesa) declaró sobre él es falso.

Reesa hizo muchas acusaciones contra Legion, incluyendo mentiras acerca de su carrera, su familia y su riqueza, etc., y ahora él está contraatacando con sus propias acusaciones.

Legion afirma que él y Reesa estaban teniendo problemas de confianza en un momento dado y que ella trató de reconciliarse supuestamente con él, amenazando con "exponerlo" si no cumplía. Sugiere que no cedió y es por eso que todo esto está saliendo a la luz.

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No hace falta decir que el ex de Reesa está sintiendo el contragolpe de los videos de TikToks y afirma que está perjudicando su trabajo en el área de las relaciones públicas, que dice que hace para un hospital. En medio de toda esta vorágine, Legion nos dice que se reunió con unos abogados el lunes en el trabajo para discutir la adopción de medidas legales contra Reesa, a primera vista, parece que su empresa cree que podría haber sido dañado por su narración. Legion dice que apoya cualquier movimiento que puedan hacer.

No está claro si está considerando un abogado privado en este momento, pero sin duda está reflexionando sobre sus opciones. En resumen, Legion dice que no es la persona que ha sido retratada por Reesa y siente que ha sido agraviado por la historia que ha dicho.

No se puede negar que los videos de Reesa han sido un gran éxito en Internet. Un video acumula más de 11 millones de visitas en TikTok. La cuenta de Reesa también cuenta con casi 32 millones de "me gusta".

La actriz Danielle Pinnock, de la serie de televisión "Ghosts", ya se ofreció para interpretar a Reesa si la saga viral llega a tener una adaptación para la pantalla chica y algo nos dice que podría convertirse en una película o serie más adelante. De hecho, es así de salvaje.

TMZ investiga
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Conociendo a Hollywood, probablemente alguien ya está trabajando en el guion.

TikTok's Reesa Teesa Ex Weighing Legal Action ... Over 'Who TF Did I Marry'

Reesa Teesa's ex is telling his side of a viral TikTok saga that's taken the internet by storm -- and while he's been painted one way, he's got a different story ... which might end in court.

Jerome McCoy -- who goes by "Legion" on Reesa's now-infamous 'Who TF Did I Marry?' video series, which is at least 50 parts deep at this point -- tells TMZ ... everything Reesa, whose real name is Teresa Johnson, declared about him in her lengthy video series is false.

While Reesa made many allegations against Legion -- including claims that he fibbed about his career, family and wealth, etc. -- he's hitting back with accusations of his own.

Legion claims he and Reesa were having trust issues at one point -- and goes on to claim she attempted to reconcile with him while allegedly threatening to "expose" him if he did not comply ... and he suggests him not budging is why this is all coming out.

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It goes without saying ... Reesa's ex is feeling the backlash of the TikToks going viral and claims it's hurting his job in PR -- which he says he does for a hospital. Amid all this attention, Legion tells us he met with attorneys Monday at work to discuss taking legal action against Reesa -- on its face, it seems his company believes they mighta been damaged by her storytelling. Legion says he's supportive of any moves they might make.

Unclear if he's considering private counsel for himself at this point ... but he's certainly mulling his options right now. Bottom line ... Legion tells us the way he's been portrayed by Reesa is NOT who he is at all -- and he feels he's been wronged by the tale she's told.

There's no denying that Reesa's videos have been a huge hit online ... with one video garnering over 11 million views on TikTok. Reesa's account also boasts nearly 32M likes.

Actress Danielle Pinnock -- from the TV show 'Ghosts' -- has already pitched herself to play Reesa if the viral saga ever gets a small screen adaptation ... and something tells us this thing might just get made into a movie or show down the line. Indeed, it's that wild.

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Knowing Hollywood ... someone is probably already working on the screenplay.

Taylor Swift Dad Scott Under Investigation ... Allegedly Attacked Pap


4:17 PM PT -- A rep for Taylor tells TMZ ... "Two individuals were aggressively pushing their way towards Taylor, grabbing at her security personnel, and threatening to throw a female staff member into the water."

Taylor Swift's father, Scott, has been accused of attacking a paparazzo in Australia -- and now cops are looking into it ... and some of this appears to have been caught on camera.

New South Wales Police Media Unit tells TMZ ... cops there are investigating an alleged assault that was reported to them on Sydney's North Shore very early Tuesday morning local time -- this after a photographer named Ben McDonald filed a complaint claiming just that.

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We're told police there were informed that a 71-year-old man -- believed to be Scott -- allegedly got into a physical confrontation with a 51-year-old man (McDonald) at Neutral Bay Wharf at about 2 AM Tuesday as he was exiting the area.

NSWPMU tells us the alleged victim reported this, and now ... it's on the radar as they probe what exactly happened, and whether a crime was committed. The cops here note ... the alleged victim did not require medical treatment.

Now, in terms of the alleged evidence here ... McDonald actually seems to have captured at least a piece of this altercation -- although, it's a bit unclear what exactly you can see here.

You can see and hear Ben manning the camera as Scott and a bunch of security guards clear the path for him as he makes his way from the dock area, and as Scott gets closer, one of the guards with an umbrella -- who seems to be trying to obscure the view of McDonald -- gets awfully close ... and you can hear what sounds like a scuffle ensue.

From the looks of it, Scott doesn't appear to be directly involved -- but again, it's hard to tell for sure. In any case, McDonald has gone running to cops to accuse him of assault.


McDonald told the Daily Mail that Taylor was with Scott here -- and that they were arriving from Homebush on a yacht when all this went down. Photos of their arrival were captured by paps on the ground -- including McDonald -- and you can actually see Taylor walking through with an umbrella over her entire torso as Scott guides her through the pap crush.

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Taylor and Scott haven't addressed the incident just yet ... we've reached out to her camp for comment, so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 3:31 PM PT

Joe Manganiello GF Shows 'Today' Show Makeup Room After Kelly Rowland Drama

The Kelly Rowland dust is just now settling -- but now, Joe Manganiello's girlfriend posted a shot from behind the scenes at 'Today,' including what may be one of the rooms Kelly got pissed about.

Here's a look inside one of the backstage rooms on the set of "Today" ... which Caitlin O'Connor posted on her social media account Monday showing support at Joe's appearance-- this as Joe was plugging his new "Deal or No Deal Island" show, on which he's the host.

Anyway ... here's a glimpse of what 'Today' looks like behind the scenes for talent and friends of talent. We're told this is a makeup room there -- so, not necessarily a dressing room, it seems, but probably pretty close. That jibes with what we've heard about these rooms ... namely, they kinda suck -- which is proven here in the bare-bones environment COC's in.

Worth noting ... we're told Joe was in a different room than the one Caitlin posted from -- so, unclear if it was worse or better than this. Based on what we've heard about Kelly's walk-out, it probably ain't much better ... and that's saying something based on what we see here.

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Based on Caitlin's photos, the makeup room doesn't look all that glamorous ... and it comes off as cramped. There's a chair, bulletin board, and some storage units and that seems to be it, at least going off what's in the frame.


As you know, the 'Today' makeup and dressing rooms are under the microscope because Kelly stormed off the set earlier this month, a result of what her team says were issues and complaints with her dressing room.

Kelly has pretty much refused to talk about the incident, which is why folks are still interested in what went down.

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inside look at the dressing rooms

Bethenny Frankel's already ripped Kelly for being a drama queen ... she says it's no secret the dressing rooms at 'Today' aren't super glamorous, and she showed them off in an earlier video. According to Bethenny -- this is something that comes with working on 'Today.'

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Now, we're getting a different angle from Joe's GF ... and it doesn't look all that better, TBH.

The dressing room saga continues ... and we're getting one step closer to seeing these things with our own eyes. To be continued, we're sure.

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