JUSSIE SMOLLETT Never Had 'Deal' to Avoid Prosecution ... Special Prosecutor Tells IL Supreme Court

Jussie Smollett doesn't understand the law, and he's barking up the wrong tree with the Illinois Supreme Court ... at least that's how the special prosecutor views the actor's appeal.

Special prosecutor Dan Webb -- who convicted Jussie for lying to cops about the hate crime hoax -- is responding to Jussie's motion to have the IL Supreme Court review his case and overturn the conviction ... and says JS's claim he had an agreement in place to avoid prosecution simply doesn't hold water.

As we reported, Jussie claims he struck a deal with the Cook County State's Attorney's Office -- he would do volunteer community service and forfeit his bond, and in return, prosecutors would drop the charges.

However, Webb says that "agreement" was "imaginary" on Smollett's part, and it did not insulate him from facing charges at a later date. Webb also shoots down Jussie's claim he's a victim of double jeopardy -- pointing out the legal term doesn't apply in this case.

In docs, obtained by TMZ, the special prosecutor says protection from double jeopardy is "triggered only after the accused has been subjected to the hazards of trial and possible conviction."

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Webb says the initial charges were dropped a mere 12 days after Jussie was arraigned ... so, long before there was a jury impaneled, any witnesses sworn in or evidence produced.

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Fox 32 Chicago

Special prosecutor Webb's overall point ... Jussie's case isn't worthy of an IL Supreme Court review. Webb would like to see the high court reject his bid for appeal, opening the door for Jussie to complete his 150-day sentence ... of which he's only served 6, so far.

Princess Love Ray J Divorce Purge Or PR Stunt???


Princess Love put the final nail in the coffin containing her marriage with Ray J by abruptly filing for divorce on Monday ... or did she?

TMZ Hip Hop caught up with Princess out in Bev. Hills shortly after she publicly told the world she and Ray were splitting for the fourth time.

Princess tells us she's still on the up after the latest divorce filing but she wouldn't exactly spill on what prompted her to sign the paperwork.

Their "Love & Hip Hop" fanbase was extremely skeptical of the news and suspected foolishness afoot ... in the form of a classic PR stunt.

Princess had no comment for her critics ... which will likely fuel their suspicion even more, but of course, she has no control over that.

She does guarantee, however, rain or sunshine, the two will always remain friends.

Cam Newton Running Mouth Before Fight ... Coach Claims

The altercation that broke out between Cam Newton and opposing coaches at a youth football tournament was the result of trash-talking gone too far ... so says two men involved in the scrap, who claim things only got physical after the ex-NFL quarterback initiated contact.

TJ and Steph Brown -- coaches for Top Shelf Performance, where Cam used to help out -- shared their side of the scrap on Monday ... and they insist the former Panthers superstar is to blame for the ugly scene.

"It just should never have gotten to that," TJ told Fox News Digital ... adding Cam had been jawing at him throughout the weekend and demanded they place a wager on their game.

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"Cam jumps out of his car and yells, 'Hey, all that sorry s*** ain't gonna work today. What we betting today? What we betting?'" TJ continued. "I'm like, 'I ain't betting you, bro. I already beat you three, four times. You got to beat me first.' He like, ‘What we betting? I got plenty of money. I ain't ever running out of money.' That’s when I told him, 'That's your problem. All you care about is money. You think money is everything. You can't buy me.' And I walk off."

TJ claims just three minutes into their matchup, Cam continued to taunt his old colleagues ... saying, "'Hey, I know that play. That's my stuff. I taught y'all everything y'all know. I'm y'all daddy. I made y'all. I’m the reason for everything y'all got going on.'"

When the coaches confronted the former NFL MVP, TJ said Cam grabbed Steph ... which led him to react by throwing a punch.

"He's just got to understand we're people," he added. "Nobody's just going to let you go around disrespecting and talking crazy to them. I know how to brush it off, but not everybody's like that."

Worth noting -- Cam's C1N Red team was still able to end up with the victory on Sunday ... with Newton congratulating his squad on the 15U championship.

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Despite the incident, the two coaches hope to bury the hatchet with Cam and move on ... as they consider him a brother.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

CHUCK LIDDELL ¡CAMPEON DE LA UFC POR LA BORDA! Simplemente se cae del barco

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Chuck Liddell estuvo nadando en San Diego durante el fin de semana, aunque no lo hizo voluntariamente.

TMZ ha obtenido un video de Chuck dando vueltas en un barco, hablando expresivamente con un par de tipos y aparentemente inclinándose hacia adelante para mostrarles un movimiento con el puño cerrado.

Por desgracia, parece que no tenía las piernas firmes y se fue hacia atrás. Los compañeros de Chuck no lo estaban mirando, por lo que no fueron capaces de detener su descenso.

Liddell chapoteo en el agua y las campanas de alarma sonaron con toda la tripulación en modo de rescate para arrastrar a Chuck de nuevo a bordo.

Uno de los chicos del barco salta de la parte trasera y nada hacia Chuck ayudándole a volver a subir. Tiene chicos tirando de sus brazos mientras otro le sostiene la espalda mientras un perrito mira.

Sus compañeros tardaron un rato en subirlo a cubierta -Chuck es un tipo bastante grande- pero al final lo pudieron sacar del agua.

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todo bien

Actuando como el campeón que es, Chuck siguió vibrando en la noche, testigos presenciales dicen que tenía comida entregada a la nave Lamborghini.

También saludó a una colección de fans - aunque no salió de la nave para el resto de la noche.

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Así que parece que Chuck está bien después de su caída, tratamos de ponernos en contacto con él, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Chuck Liddell UFC Champ Overboard!!! ... Falls Off Lambo Yacht

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Accidental Plunge

Chuck Liddell went for a swim in San Diego over the weekend ... though he didn't do it voluntarily, instead slipping off a boat into the bay!

TMZ has obtained video of Chuck hanging around on a Lamborghini yacht, talking expressively with a couple dudes and seemingly leaning forward to show them a move with his fist balled.

Unfortunately, seems like CL didn't quite have his sea legs underneath him 'cause he started to fall backward -- and Chuck's companions weren't looking toward him, so they weren't able to stop his descent.

Liddell made a big splash into the water, and the alarm bells sounded with the whole crew kicking into rescue mode to drag Chuck back on board.

The yacht's owner, Ace Rogers, jumps off the back and swims toward Chuck helping him back up. He's got guys pulling on his arms while another supports his back as a little dog looks on.

It takes a while for his buddies to pull him back up onto the deck -- Chuck's a pretty big dude -- but ultimately they dragged him up out of the water.

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Nice And Dry

Acting like the champ he is ... Chuck -- who was a special guest for the Digital Mastery Mastermind event over the weekend -- just kept on vibing into the evening, eyewitnesses say he had food delivered to the Lambo yacht.

He also waved hello to a collection of fans -- though he didn't leave the boat for the rest of the night.

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So it seems like Chuck's alright after his fall ... but, we've reached out to him to check in. So far no word back.

Shane Gillis Back on 'SNL' After Firing ... Doesn't Tone Down Jokes

Shane Gillis finally took the "Saturday Night Live" stage more than four years after being hired then fired from SNL before his first episode ... and fans are pretty split on his hosting performance.

The comedian stepped out centerstage of Studio 8H in New York City to host the legendary sketch show, and he barely addressed the scandal that got him fired back in 2019 ... instead launching into material that drew the ire of some fans.

SG started, "Most of you probably have no idea who I am. I was fired from this show a while ago. Don't look that up, please. If you don't know who I am, please don't Google that."

Shane Gillis SEPTEMBER 2018
Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast

And, then he just moved on -- not addressing or apologizing for comments he made back in 2018 about Asian-American people that got him axed.

Instead, Shane decided to launch into a whole new set of jokes that seemingly alienated part of his audience.

A Fair One

He performed several minutes on Down Syndrome before using a pair of words pejoratively which have become taboo in recent years. You can check out the clip for yourself to hear what Gillis said.

Shane seemed to feel the tension in the room, mentioning multiple times that he thought certain jokes would get bigger laughs and adding he could see people clearly not enjoying his set.

He performed in a few noteworthy sketches BTW ... one parodying Donald Trump's new golden sneakers and another alongside cast member Bowen Yang -- the first full-time Asian American on the show who was vocal when Shane was fired.

As for fan reactions ... they're pretty split. Just look up Gillis' name on X. Some people are obviously calling Gillis out for his non-PC comments while others are saying they loved his irreverent set.

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Seems like only one way to settle this ... let us know what you think below!

Shane Gillis' Monologue Was ...

SHANE GILLIS VUELVE A "SNL" TRAS SU DESPIDO ... Y no baja el tono de las bromas

Shane Gillis finalmente subió al escenario de "Saturday Night Live" más de cuatro años después de ser contratado y luego despedido de SNL antes de su primer episodio, y los fans están bastante divididos sobre su actuación como anfitrión.

El comediante salió al escenario de Studio 8H en la ciudad de Nueva York para presentar el legendario programa de sketches, y apenas abordó el escándalo que hizo que lo despidieran en 2019, en cambio, lanzó un material que atrajo la ira de algunos fanáticos.

Shane comenzó: "La mayoría de ustedes probablemente no tienen idea de quién soy. Fui despedido de este programa hace un tiempo. No lo busquen, por favor. Si no saben quién soy, por favor, no lo busquen en Google."

Shane Gillis SEPTEMBER 2018
"ataque al estilo del barrio chino"
Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast

Siguió adelante sin abordar o disculparse por los comentarios que hizo en 2018 sobre las personas asiático-americanas.

En cambio, Shane decidió lanzar un nuevo conjunto de bromas que aparentemente enfurecieron a parte de su audiencia.

A Fair One

Interpretó varios minutos sobre el síndrome de Down antes de utilizar un par de palabras peyorativas que se han convertido en tabú en los últimos años. Puedes ver el clip por ti mismo para escuchar lo que dijo.

Shane parecía sentir la tensión en la sala, mencionando varias veces que pensaba que ciertos chistes conseguirían más risas y añadiendo que podía ver a la gente claramente no disfrutando de su set.

En todo caso, actuó en algunos sketches notables. En uno parodiaba las nuevas zapatillas deportivas de oro de Donald Trump, y en otro junto al miembro del elenco Bowen Yang, el primer asiático-americano a tiempo completo en el show que fue vocal cuando Shane fue despedido.

En cuanto a las reacciones de los fans, son bastante divididas. Solo tienes que buscar el nombre de Gillis en X. Algunas personas están, obviamente, criticando a Gillis por sus comentarios, mientras que otros están diciendo que les encantó su actuación irreverente.

tmz investiga
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¡Parece que solo hay una manera de resolver esto... háganos saber lo que piensa a continuación!

El monólogo de Shane Gillis fue...


demasiado vodka

Wendy Williams lo ha pasado realmente mal, y es más que evidente en el nuevo docu de Lifetime que acaba de estrenarse.

La ex presentadora de 59 años ha sido diagnosticada con afasia y demencia, el mismo diagnóstico que Bruce Willis. En el docu está claro que Wendy tiene problemas con el alcohol, donde se le puede ver tomando una botella entera de vodka.

El programa pone de relieve los efectos de la enfermedad, mostrando un comportamiento errático y frecuentes arrebatos a su personal.

Una de las partes más desgarradoras es cuando Wendy se muestra consciente de que está tratando con una enfermedad que está más allá de su control... se siente una terrible desesperanza.

La bebida fue un tema importante en el programa, con su manager expresando su preocupación al no saber cómo sacarla de la botella.

En el documental queda claro que Wendy está muy avanzada en su deterioro cognitivo.

El programa narra la progresión de la enfermedad. Su chofer da testimonios de lo que cómo Wendy comenzó a perder su capacidad para funcionar.

El programa fue filmado desde agosto de 2022 hasta abril de 2023.

Un juez ha creado una tutela sobre las finanzas de Wendy, aunque los documentos están sellados, por lo que no hay detalles.

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La segunda parte del programa de Lifetime se emite el domingo.

Wendy Williams Lifetime Show Highlights Struggles, Excessive Drinking


Wendy Williams has really gone through it, and it's more than apparent in the new Lifetime doc that just aired.

The 59-year-old former talk show host has been diagnosed with aphasia and dementia ... the same diagnosis as Bruce Willis. In the doc, it's clear Wendy has alcohol issues, downing an entire bottle of vodka.

The show highlights the effects of the disease, showing erratic behavior and frequent outbursts at her staff.

One of the most heartbreaking parts of the doc ... there were moments where Wendy is aware she is dealing with an illness that is beyond her control, and it all feels hopeless.

The drinking was a big issue in the show, with her manager expressing concern that he doesn't know how to get her off the bottle.

It's clear from the doc Wendy is well down the road of cognitive decline.

The show chronicles the progression of the disease, with her driver talking about what he saw as Wendy lost her ability to function.

The show was filmed from August, 2022 to April, 2023.

A judge has created a guardianship over Wendy's finances, although the documents are sealed, so no details.

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Part 2 of the Lifetime show airs Sunday.

Director Werner Herzog Vi 30 minutos de "Barbie"... Barbie Land podría ser el infierno

En "Barbie", puede parecer que los ciudadanos de Barbie Land están pasándolo increíble, pero en realidad están viviendo una pesadilla infernal, al menos según un legendario director de cine.

¿Barbie land o el infierno?
Piers Morgan Uncensored

El actor y director Werner Herzog, conocido por su papel como The Client en "Mandalorian", se sentó junto a "Piers Morgan Uncensored" a principios de esta semana, y no se anduvo con rodeos al momento de hablar de la película.

Werner admitió que solo vio unos 30 minutos de la película nominada al Oscar, pero su teoría es que Barbie Land no es un país de las maravillas, sino más bien un sitio con un clima mucho más caliente.

Herzog dijo: "No tengo una respuesta, pero tengo una sospecha. ¿Es posible que el mundo de Barbie sea un infierno? Y, con una entrada al cine, como público puedes presenciar el infierno lo más cerca posible".

Piers le dijo a su invitado que vio toda la película y cree que Werner dio en el clavo.

Las palabras de Werner son quizá la crítica más impactante a la película, que ha encantado al público de todo el mundo y ha recibido muchos premios. Este año opta a ocho premios de la Academia y ha recaudado más de mil millones de dólares en taquilla, lo que no es precisamente una tortura para los espectadores.

Sin embargo, no es que Barbie vaya a ganar todos los premios de esta temporada. Quedó completamente excluida en los BAFTA y solo ganó dos de los nueve Globos de Oro a los que optaba.

Por lo tanto, parece que "Barbie" no está poniendo exactamente a los críticos por las nubes, aunque llamar infierno a la película podría ser ir demasiado lejos.

PARA SU INFORMACIÓN, "Barbie" es candidato a cuatro nominaciones a los premios SAG, que comienza en tan solo unas horas, así que tendremos que esperar y ver si el gremio le otorga sus laureles a la película.

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Pero si Herzog se sale con la suya, "Barbie" podría vivir otra noche decepcionante.

Director Werner Herzog Watched 30 Minutes of 'Barbie' ... Barbie Land Might Be Hell!!!

Barbie Land's citizens might look like they're having a great time in "Barbie," but it turns out they're actually living a hellish nightmare ... at least according to one legendary film director.

Piers Morgan Uncensored

Actor/director Werner Herzog -- known for his role as The Client in 'Mandalorian' -- sat down on "Piers Morgan Uncensored" earlier this week when the biggest flick of 2023 came up ... and Herzog didn't mince words when it came to the movie.

Werner admitted he only watched about 30 minutes of the Oscar-nominated film ... but he's theorizing Barbie Land isn't a magical wonderland -- but somewhere with a much hotter climate.

Herzog said, "I don't have an answer, but I have a suspicion. Could it be that the world of 'Barbie' is sheer hell? And, for a movie ticket, as an audience you can witness sheer hell as close as it gets?"

Piers told his guest he's actually seen the whole flick, and he thinks Werner's spot on when it comes to his assessment.

Werner's words are perhaps the most shocking indictment of the film that's charmed worldwide audiences and received a lot of awards buzz. It's up for eight Academy Awards this year and made over $1 billion at the box office ... not exactly torturing viewers.

Still, it's not like Barbie's winning every award this season ... it was completely shut out at the BAFTAs and only won two of the nine Golden Globes awards it was up for.

So, it seems "Barbie" isn't exactly putting the critics in a heavenly mindset ... but to call parts of the movie hell might be taking it a bit too far.

FWIW ... "Barbie" is up for four SAG Award nominations with the show kicking off in just a few hours, so we'll have to wait and see if the guild gives the movie its laurels.

TMZ Studios

If Herzog gets his way though ... "Barbie" might be in for another disappointing night.

Busta Rhymes Seemingly in Physical Altercation ... With Rapper Nizzle Man

Busta Rhymes seemingly got into an altercation at a club last night ... with fellow rapper Nizzle Man, appearing to draw much of his ire.

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Here's the deal ... video of a melee leaked to the popular IG account The Shade Room, and it seems to show Busta getting right in Nizzle Man's face.

Nizzle Man appears to have fallen down the stairs -- whether he tripped or was pushed is unclear -- and Busta's running right after him, grabbing the guy by the wrist to have a word with him.

Not clear exactly what went down ... but BR's not happy with the dude one bit, berating him as a couple other guys drag the 23-year-old rapper down a corridor away from the action.

A few people make to follow after Nizzle and Busta, but several others who look like event security step in front and block them from going any further.

We've checked ... doesn't look like their any pre-standing beef between the two MCs as far as we can tell.


This all reportedly went down at French Montana's album release party in NYC ... the mixtape, "Mac & Cheese 5 (Versions)" is a gigantic project with over six hours of content packed into it -- and French told us all about it in a recent interview.

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We've reached out to Busta's team for comment ... so far, no word back.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Kevin Durant Confronts Fan Who Called Him a 'Bitch'

Phoenix Suns superstar Kevin Durant had a pregame exchange with two fans ahead of Thursday night's game ... confronting the Mavericks supporters after being called a "bitch."

The whole exchange was captured on video ... showing KD running out of the tunnel for warmups -- but coming to a screeching halt after hearing the word hurled his way.

Durant quickly approached the two fans -- who appeared to have great seats for the game -- and they went back and forth for a good 30 seconds before the two-time NBA champ waved his hand in disgust and rejoined his teammates.

Of course, the NBA has a history of kicking heckling fans out of games at a player's request ... and it appeared the pair of Dallas backers were about to be escorted out of American Airlines Center before Durant returned to the scene and intervened.

It's unclear what was said between Durant and the fans ... but according to reporter Jonah Javad, the hooper saved them from getting the boot.

As for the game, Durant finished with 23 points and six rebounds ... but the Suns fell to the Mavs, 123-113.

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So despite the pregame spat, those two fans probably went home happy.

'Love Is Blind' Jeramey Lutinski Alleged Ex-Fiancée Speaks Out ... He Responds to Clarify


2/23 -- 7:54 AM PT -- Jeramey hopped on IG to clarify this whole ex-fiancée thing -- and he noted he was NOT engaged when he joined the show ... nor was it a secret while they were filming.

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He explained it all in a lengthy video ... apparently feeling the need to clear this up even before the reunion episode.

Jeramey Lutinski's looking for love on this season of "Love Is Blind" -- but a woman online has been blasting him as not being forthcoming ... claiming she's his ex-fiancée.

Here's the deal ... Jeramey hit viewers' TV screens on Valentine's Day, and while fans were watching the drama play out in the pods and beyond, it turns out JL might've been hiding some key details about his life -- at least that's what Brittani Mcliverty and her mom have been suggesting on social media.

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Brittani's mother, Jenni, has been sounding off online over the past several days -- claiming Jeramey was previously engaged to her daughter, with whom she says he shared a home ... an alleged detail that hasn't come out in the 9 episodes of the show that have aired so far.

The supposed evidence she's putting out there ... a picture of Jeramey lookin' real cozy with a woman -- who Jenni says is Brittani -- sporting a big ol' rock on her ring finger. The implication here is that he was engaged to her ... and that the timeline for when he actually applied for 'LiB' might've bled into his time with Brittani.

It's unclear if what this Jenni woman claims is true -- Jeramey himself hasn't explicitly addressed her allegations ... and considering the show's currently airing, he probably won't.

Jenni has also gone on to claim that Jeramey and Brittani sold their home around the same time -- which lines up with a detail about his life that Jeramey actually did share on the show ... telling the woman he got engaged to, Laura, the exact same thing.

BTW ... the alleged fiancée here ain't sittin' on the sidelines either. She's dropped a few comments on one of Laura's IG posts, asking her point blank if Jeramey ever mentioned her -- and telling her and Sarah Ann, another contestant on the show, to DM her for more info.

Jeramey's sorta in the middle of a complicated situation on the show right now ... 'cause he ended things with Sarah Ann in the pods -- someone he seemed to have a connection with -- to propose to Laura ... basically dumping one for the other.

Now, Jeramey's made a cryptic statement in the past 24 hours. He took to Instagram to decry all the hate he and his castmates are getting this season.

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One noteworthy line ... "Everyone will get their chance to speak when the time is right. Until then we all get it." He might just be waiting for his opportunity to speak out ... but that won't happen until they film the reunion episode -- which won't be for a little while.

We should note ... Jenni and Brittani aren't saying Jeramy was engaged while on the show, but they are claiming he was engaged shortly before getting on there -- insisting he broke things off with Brittani at the end of 2022. If true, he's not technically doing anything wrong.

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Anyway, the season finale's set for next Wednesday ... and we're sure all of this will be addressed then.

Originally Published -- 2/22 -- 2:56 PM PT


Mel Gibson estaba en la lista de candidatos para el papel protagonista de "La lista de Schindler", pero a pesar de su interés, el director nunca iba a elegirlo.

Cuando los productores estaban haciendo el casting para el papel principal de la icónica película de 1993, el nombre de Mel salió a relucir, según el agente de Hollywood y cofundador de CAA Michael Ovitz, que ayudó a hacer la película.

Ovitz dijo a The Hollywood Reporter que Mel estaba interesado en el proyecto y su agente trató de conseguirle el papel, pero dice que el director -Steven Spielberg- estaba buscando una estrella "no cinematográfica" como protagonista.

Mel era, y sigue siendo, un gran nombre en Hollywood y en 1993 acababa de protagonizar su tercera película "Arma Letal" y ya tenía un montón de créditos populares a su nombre.

Finalmente, Liam Neeson fue elegido para el papel de Oskar Schindler y ayudó a la película a ganar 7 Oscars en la entrega de premios de 1994, incluyendo Mejor Película.

La ironía, es que informamos por primera vez sobre los comentarios racistas y antisemitas de Mel durante su arresto por conducir ebrio en 2006. Así que es extraño que fuera considerado para esta película en ese entonces... que es, obviamente, sobre el Holocausto.

tmz investiga
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Es justo preguntarse si Steven siente que esquivó una bala con Mel.

Mel Gibson Wanted To Star In 'Schindler's List' ... But He Was Too Famous

Mel Gibson was on the shortlist for the leading role in "Schindler's List" ... but despite his interest, the director was never going to pick him.

When the producers were casting the lead role in the iconic 1993 movie, Mel's name came up ... according to Hollywood agent and CAA co-founder Michael Ovitz, who helped make the film.

Ovitz told The Hollywood Reporter Mel was interested in the project and his agent tried to land him the part ... but he says director Steven Spielberg was looking for a "non-movie" star as his leading man.

Mel was, and still is, a huge name in Hollywood ... and by 1993 he had just starred in his third 'Lethal Weapon' movie ... and already had a bunch of popular credits to his name.

Ultimately, Liam Neeson was cast as Oskar Schindler ... and he helped the film win 7 Oscars at the 1994 award show, including Best Picture.

The irony here ... we first reported on Mel's racist and antisemitic comments during his 2006 DUI arrest. So it's wild that he was considered for this film back then -- which is obviously all about the Holocaust.

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Fair to wonder if Steven feels like he dodged a bullet with Mel.

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