Bobby Shmurda se pelea en una discoteca de Londres Después de actuar

bobby desatado

Bobby Shmurda se lió a puñetazos la madrugada del domingo en un club de Londres.

Bobby y su séquito estaban pasando el rato en el club nocturno Proud Cabaret alrededor de las 4 AM, y después de interpretar dos canciones, se metió en una acalorada discusión con el promotor del club.

Hubo empujones y en un momento Bobby supuestamente escupió a alguien de la multitud.

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Poco después de la pelea, Bobby y la tripulación salieron del club. La pelea pasó a segundo plano y nadie llamó a la policía y la fiesta continuó. Nos dicen que nadie resultó herido.

La última vez que hablamos con Shmurda fue en junio, cuando dijo que el rap apestaba tanto que solo lo escucha en el club. Por lo visto, también se lo pasa en grande con esas canciones.

Bobby Shmurda Spittin' Mad in London as Fight Erupts in Club

Bobby's Going Wild

Bobby Shmurda got into it in the wee hours Sunday, as fists flew at a London club.

Bobby and his entourage were hanging out at the Proud Cabaret nightclub at around 4 AM, and after he performed 2 songs, he got into a heated argument with the club promoter.

There was pushing, shoving and at one point Bobby allegedly spit at someone in the crowd.

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Shortly after the fight, Bobby and crew said peace out and left the club. The scuffle was soon forgotten, and no cops were called and the party continued We're told no one was injured.

Last time we talked to Shmurda was in June, when he said that rap sucked so bad, he only listens to it in the club. Apparently, he also dukes it out to those tunes too.

John Wayne Gacy HERMANA DE LA VÍCTIMA CRITICA LA NUEVA SERIE ¿Por qué desenterrar un pasado doloroso?

John Wayne Gacy, el famoso "Payaso asesino", será el protagonista de una nueva serie limitada de Peacock, una noticia que fue anunciada esta semana y que ha consternado a uno de los miembros de la familia de sus víctimas.

Lorie Sisterman, hermana de James Haakenson, quien fue identificado como la víctima número 24 de Gacy en 2017, 40 años después de su desaparición, le dice a TMZ que no apoya el proyecto de ninguna manera, forma o modo y no entiende la necesidad de revivir viejas heridas y desenterrar un pasado doloroso.

Para colmo, nos dice que nadie se puso en contacto con ella sobre la serie, que se basa en una docuserie de Peacock "John Wayne Gacy: Devil in Disguise" de 2021.

Lorie reitera que la serie no debería permitirse porque aún hay personas vivas que están de duelo por las acciones de Gacy. Como recordarán, este fue ejecutado en 1994 tras ser condenado por el asesinato de 33 jóvenes y niños durante los años 70. El hombre enterró la mayoría de los cuerpos bajo su casa en Chicago.

Dentro de las víctimas también hay miembros de la familia de Gacy, y Lorie señala que la nueva serie no es justa con ellos tampoco, especialmente con sus hijos, quienes cambiaron sus nombres para comenzar una nueva vida.

Lorie también aborda el tratamiento que Hollywood da a las historias de crímenes reales, señalando que la serie de Netflix protagonizada por Evan Peters "Dahmer - Monster: La historia de Jeffrey Dahmer" debe haber sido igual de horrible para las familias de las víctimas.

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Ella no vio el show de 2022, pero está preocupada de que la serie de John Wayne Gacy lo coloque en un pedestal como a Dahmer.

Con todo, Lorie dice que aunque han pasado varias décadas, Chicago todavía está tratando de superar la tragedia y esta nueva serie es un gran revés para ellos.


John Wayne Gacy, the notorious "Killer Clown," is set to be the subject of a new Peacock limited series -- news announced this week that's appalled one of his victims' family members.

Lorie Sisterman, sister of James Haakenson, who was identified as Gacy's 24th victim in 2017, 40 years after he went missing, tells TMZ she's not supportive of the project in any way, shape, or form ... and doesn't understand the need to rehash old wounds and drudge up a hurtful past.

To add insult to injury, she tells us no one reached out to her about the scripted series ... which is based on Peacock's 2021 docuseries "John Wayne Gacy: Devil in Disguise."

Lorie reiterates the series should be off-limits 'cause there are people alive who are still grieving over Gacy's actions. You'll remember ... he was executed in '94 after being convicted of murdering 33 young men and boys during the '70s, burying most bodies under his Chicago-area home.

Among those grieving are members of Gacy's family ... and Lorie notes the new series isn't fair to them either -- especially for his children, who changed their names to start a new life.

Lorie also addresses the Hollywood treatment given to true crime stories, noting that the Evan Peters-starring Netflix series "Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story" would've been equally as horrible for the victims' families.

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She didn't watch the 2022 show ... but she's worried JWG will be put up on a pedestal like Dahmer.

All in all, Lorie says that even decades later, Chicago's trying to move on from the evil tragedy ... but this new series is a massive setback for them.

'Angry Reactions' Oneya Johnson Arrested For Alleged Domestic Violence

Oneya Johnson -- better known as the influencer behind the "Angry Reactions" social media account -- has been arrested for an alleged domestic violence incident ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us the 25-year-old viral star -- famous for his "angry reactions" -- was arrested on the evening of Monday, February 12 in Burbank, California after a woman called from a hotel to report an altercation.

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Cops say Johnson and the woman got into a verbal argument that turned physical at one point. It's unclear exactly what may have happened between them -- but it was enough to land him in jail.

We're told the woman did not need medical attention, but Oneya was still booked on a felony domestic violence charge. He posted $50,000 bail and was released.

Oneya's risen to fame on social media in the past few years because of clips where he reacts angrily to other videos.

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For example, Johnson will film himself watching people cook or perform other weird trends on social media -- for instance, in one clip a man eats a whole corn cob -- and he'll launch into intense rants or simply stare ahead with an angry expression.

It's all in good fun -- in these videos anyway -- and he's incredibly popular ... with Johnson having amassed more than 27 million followers on TikTok since first posting back in 2020.

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Johnson's next court date is set for March 5.

MMA Champ Johnny Eblen Prank Nearly Turns Violent ... 'I'll F*** You Up!'

Say Something Disrespectful
ImReddttv Redd

Johnny Eblen's next fight nearly came sooner than expected ... the Bellator champ found himself squarely in the sights of a popular prankster, and things got heated!

32-year-old Eblen was shopping at a local Home Depot in Florida recently when a social media prankster named ImReddttv approached Johnny and his lady friend wearing the Apple Vision Pro, and things almost instantly got off to a bad start.

"I'll tell you right now, I'm pretty sure I can bag her," Redd said, standing in front of the couple.

Credit to Johnny's spidey senses ... he seemed to instantly feel something was off, and even pointed out a guy in the cut who was surreptitiously holding a camera.

Redd brushed off the dude filming, and carried on with the prank, saying ... "What's up little man?" to the MMA champion.

He continued ... "Sweetheart, you need to be with a real big man like me," before asking Eblen if the woman was "his girl."

That's about when Johnny's patience wore out (he lasted a lot longer than most would've), saying, "If you say something disrespectful I'll f*** you up!"

Eblen and the woman started walking away, and Redd followed. Johnny then stopped and began walking toward the prankster ... and you get the feeling it was about to turn bad for the social media star.

That's when Redd revealed he'd been sent by Brian Butler-Au, Johnny's manager, to troll the fighter. Tension was instantly broken, and Johnny had a good laugh.

Some Big Fights On This Card

Not too long after the prank, Johnny hopped aboard a jet and flew across the world to Saudi Arabia ... where the Bellator middleweight champ is fighting PFL light heavyweight champ Impa Kasanganay on February 24 in Riyadh.

We hadn't yet gotten the hardware store prank video when we talked to Eblen, so we didn't ask him about it ... but there's a bunch on his big title fight!

Bethenny Frankel 'Today' Cohost Role is Honor ... Blasts Kelly Rowland For 'Diva Expectations'

Bethenny Frankel's defending "Today" ... blasting Kelly Rowland for reportedly bailing on cohosting the show because her dressing room wasn't up to par.

Here's the deal ... Rowland was supposed to cohost the popular NBC morning show alongside Hoda Kotb Thursday after being interviewed about her new film "Mea Culpa" when she dropped out at the last minute.

Page Six says sources told them she left because her dressing room wasn't up to snuff. Rita Ora filled in, and the show went on just as planned ... but, Frankel couldn't help herself when she heard the news and filmed a TikTok about the whole situation.

BF started out by saying Kelly's right ... the dressing rooms are tiny, the catering's awful and the makeup area is communal -- before adding none of that matters.


Frankel called the show an "institution in entertainment" and said it's an honor to even be there alongside Hoda ... before ending by saying it was not the moment for "diva expectations."

BTW ... some fans online are pointing out Bethenny did something similar in the past -- posting her own video about the backstage area of "Today" ... though even in that clip Frankel reiterated how grateful she was just to be on the show.

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inside look at the dressing rooms

Bethenny's since taken down her video ... deleting it from her social media accounts, and she's taking a lot of heat online over calling out the former Destiny's Child star.

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Unclear if Rowland's caught wind of Bethenny's comments ... she hasn't said anything about walking off "Today" as far as we can tell.


We've reached out to Bethenny about the vid ... so far, no word back.

Russell Crowe 'Robin Hood' Stunt Fractured Legs ... Didn't Know For Years

Russell Crowe may have given to the poor in "Robin Hood" ... but what he really needed was to take time off for himself -- 'cause he fractured both his legs on set!

The actor sat down with People for an interview published Saturday ... and, he revealed he suffered a pretty serious injury while filming the movie almost 15 years ago.

The way RC tells it ... he was performing a stunt where he jumped off a castle gate onto uneven ground. It was late, and Crowe said they probably rushed the prep before the stunt -- deciding not to bury a crash pad to land on.

Lo and behold, Russell landed and said he felt something akin to an electric shock shoot through his body ... but he managed to struggle through the scene since the epic battle sequence was already in full swing.

And, Russ said he didn't stop struggling on the movie ... saying he had trouble even walking over the final month of shooting for the action-adventure film, though he didn't take a day off.

Fast forward about a decade, and Crowe said some pain in his legs sent him to the doctor ... who X-rayed him and asked when exactly he'd broken his legs 'cause he could see the residual damage in his shin bones.

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Crowe said he thinks a year off he took between finishing "Robin Hood" and training for "Man of Steel" let his legs naturally heal enough to overlook the pain ... proving the man's kinda superhuman himself.

BTW ... Russell's new movie "Land of Bad" came out yesterday -- hopefully, he's not finding out about a couple broken elbows in 2034!!!

George Santos Sues Jimmy Kimmel For Cameo Videos ... Alleges Copyright Infringement, Fraud

George Santos is suing Jimmy Kimmel for using personalized Cameo videos on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" ... TMZ has learned.

According to court documents filed Saturday ... the former member of the House of Representatives is suing Kimmel, ABC, and The Walt Disney Company -- alleging they violated copyright law by broadcasting his Cameo videos on Jimmy's show.

Here's the deal ... back in December, Kimmel aired several segments on his show where he shared videos he solicited from Santos. One showed Santos congratulating someone on winning a beef-eating contest, and another congratulating someone on cloning their dog.

Santos is claiming broadcasting these violated Cameo's terms of service ... alleging the types of licenses users receive when purchasing a cameo does not allow a user to broadcast them nationally.

They're also claiming Cameo's terms of service clearly state that all videos are "wholly owned" by the creator ... in this case, Santos.

Santos alleges that Kimmel violated copyright law by using five Cameo videos on his show. He's also suing for fraudulent inducement ... claiming Jimmy used fake profiles and personas to trick Santos into making the videos.

He's suing Kimmel, ABC, and Disney for damages and attorneys' fees.

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We've reached out to Kimmel's team ... so far no word back.

John Schneider Beyoncé Like Dog Peeing On Tree ... Stay Outta Country Music!!!

Beyoncé’s in the country music doghouse it seems ... at least if John Schneider’s to be believed -- ‘cause he said the star's like a dog takin’ a piss on the genre!

The former “Dukes of Hazzard” star sat down for an interview with right-wing One American News Network to discuss Bey’s recent foray into country music ... and he blasted the Queen for not leaving the genre well enough alone.

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Check out the clip yourself ... Schneider says left-wing entertainers have to “make their mark just like a dog” -- basically, he sees entertainers trying to claim country music as their own.

While he’s probably best known for his work as an actor, Schneider does know a little bit about country music ... John’s actually released a bunch of albums with several reaching impressive heights on the country charts back in the ‘80s.

Beyoncé's used as the example here, but JS is speaking more broadly about pop stars flooding into country music ... and he seems none too pleased about the trend whatsoever.

Artists like Post Malone and Lana Del Rey are also reportedly dipping their toes into the country music pool ... but Bey’s new album’s gotta be the most-anticipated. Her new tracks “Texas Hold ‘Em” and “16 Carriages” got dropped during the Super Bowl and signaled a whole new sound for the Beyhive to jam to.

BTW ... this isn't exactly a new phenomenon. Steven Tyler, Cyndi Lauper and Nelly are just a few big names who have put out country/country-adjacent albums in the past.

Now, if you’re wondering how Bey’s fans took Schenider’s comments ... they weren’t shy about venting their anger, calling his words “disgusting” and pointing out Beyonce’s from Texas -- so country’s kinda in her DNA!

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Bottom line ... John thinks Beyoncé’s trying to mark country as her own -- and it seems her fans are biting back on her behalf.

John Schneider Beyoncé es como un perro dejando su marca... ¡¡Mantente lejos de la música country!!

Beyoncé se está metiendo en la boca del lobo de la música country, al menos para John Schneider, ¡quien dijo que la estrella es como un perro meando en el género!

La ex estrella de "Dukes of Hazzard" se sentó a conversar con la derechista One American News Network para discutir sobre la reciente incursión de Bey en la música country, y el hombre criticó a Queen B por no dejar el género en paz.

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Tiene que dejar su marca

Echa un vistazo a este clip, Schneider dice que los artistas de izquierda tienen que "hacer su marca al igual que un perro", básicamente, ve a esos artistas tratando de reclamar la música country como propia.

Aunque probablemente es más conocido por su trabajo como actor, Schneider sabe algo de la música country. De hecho, ha publicado varios álbumes, algunos de los cuales alcanzaron cotas impresionantes en las listas de country en los años 80.

Beyoncé es utilizada como un ejemplo en este caso, pero John está hablando más en general sobre las estrellas del pop que se están sumergiendo en este género y él no parece estar en absoluto contento con la tendencia.

Dice que artistas como Post Malone y Lana Del Rey también están incursionando en la música country, aunque el álbum más esperado es el de Bey. Sus nuevas canciones "Texas Hold 'Em" y "16 Carriages" fueron lanzadas durante el Super Bowl y marcaron un nuevo sonido para la Beyhive.

Por cierto, este no es un fenómeno nuevo. Steven Tyler, Cyndi Lauper y Nelly son solo algunos grandes nombres que han publicado álbumes country en el pasado.

Ahora, si se están preguntando cómo se tomaron los fans de Beyoncé los comentarios de Schenider, estos no fueron tímidos al expresar su ira, calificando sus palabras de "repugnantes" y señalando que Bey es de Texas, por lo que el country está en su ADN.

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En pocas palabras, John cree que Beyoncé está tratando de marcar el country como propio y parece que sus fans están mordiendo de nuevo en su nombre.

Donald Trump I'm No Fatso ... Those Golf Images Are A.I.!!!

Donald Trump is taking a swing at social media users with his nine iron for posting "fake" A.I. pics of him with a massive beer gut on the golf course.

On Friday, the 45th U.S. President posted a message on Truth Social, blasting everyone who uploaded to their accounts what he claims are Artificial Intelligence-generated photos portraying him as a fatso as he hits a golf ball on the links.

The pic, BTW, appears to be a photoshopped version of golfer John Daly.

Regardless, an infuriated DT wrote, "The Fake News used Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) to create the picture. These are despicable people, but everyone knows that."

He continued, "The other pictures are me hitting Golf balls today to show the difference. Sadly, in our Country, Fake News is all you get!"

Alongside his bloated "A.I." image, DT posted three snaps of a skinnier version of himself supposedly playing golf Friday afternoon.

As you know, the insult could not have come on a worse day for Trump as a New York judge ordered him to pay $355 million in fines after he was found liable in his civil business fraud trial.

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Tough day for DT. No doubt about that.

Austin North es detenido y presuntamente agredido Por el personal de urgencias

Austin North se volvió loco en un hospital en Las Vegas esta semana, atacando a varios empleados de urgencias y hubo que calmarlo... al menos eso dijo la policía.

De acuerdo con el informe de la policía, obtenido por TMZ, los oficiales fueron enviados al Hospital el martes por la noche debido a los informes de agresión que se habían producido en la sala de emergencias, y cuando llegaron, los policías dicen que entrevistaron a las presuntas víctimas.

Según un par de enfermeras y un enfermero, afirman haber sido golpeados por Austin de la nada. El actor estaba lanzando puños y empujando a los tres sin razón aparente.

Se alega que golpeó a una enfermera en la cabeza, empujó la cara de otra enfermera y empujó al enfermero contra una mesa, solo que esta última presunta víctima utilizó una bandeja cercana para golpearlo en la cabeza en defensa propia.

En este punto, los policías dicen que Austin fue contenido por los agentes de seguridad, pero se alega que atacó a una última persona, aunque no está claro en el informe cuál era su trabajo.

En cualquier caso, finalmente lo esposaron a una camilla. Los policías que llegaron para encargarse de esto dicen que le leyeron a Austin sus derechos cuando le dijeron que lo estaban arrestando por agresión y cuando le preguntaron si lo había entendido... afirman que dijo "sí".

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Fue llevado a la cárcel, donde fue fichado por delito grave de agresión y posó para esta foto. Desde entonces, Austin está en libertad bajo fianza. La única cosa que no se aborda en toda esta narrativa es, ¿qué diablos estaba haciendo en la sala de emergencias en primer lugar?

Eso está por verse, pero es un agujero muy extraño en la historia. Curiosamente, Austin estaba un poco documentando su fin de semana en Las Vegas - el tipo tiene toda una compilación en sus redes sociales que muestra todo lo que estaba haciendo, y parece que mucho.

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Nos hemos puesto en contacto con su equipo para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

'Outer Banks' Star Austin North Arrested in Vegas ... Allegedly Attacked ER Hospital Staff


6:26 PM PT -- Austin North just addressed the situation online, and he says he was having a very severe panic attack where he thought he might die ... adding he doesn't remember much of the incident at all.

AN posted a lengthy description of what he says happened that day -- noting he's been dealing with this condition for a long time, and that the attack he endured Tuesday was by far the worst he's ever experienced. He apologizes to the hospital staff, and says he hopes to shed more light on his condition as time goes on.

Austin North went haywire at a hospital in Vegas this week -- attacking several emergency room staffers and needing to be restrained ... so claim cops, anyway.

According to the police report, obtained by TMZ, officers were dispatched to UMC Hospital Tuesday night for reports of an assault and battery that had occurred in the ER ... and when they arrived, cops say they interviewed the alleged victims.

According to a couple nurses and a phlebotomist -- who claim to have been struck by Austin in a bum-rush they say came out of nowhere -- the actor was throwing fists and shoving all three of them in succession ... for no apparent reason whatsoever.

He's alleged to have punched a nurse in the head, shoved the face of another nurse and pushed the phlebotomist into a table -- only for the latter alleged victim to use a tray nearby to smack him in the head in self-defense.

At this point, cops say Austin was restrained by security officers ... but he's alleged to have attacked one last person -- although it's not clear from the report what her job was.

In any case, they finally cuffed him to a gurney there in the hospital. The cops who arrived to deal with this say they read Austin his Miranda rights when they told him they were arresting him for battery, and when asked if he understood ... they claim he said "yes."

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He was hauled off to jail, where he was booked for gross misdemeanor battery ... and posed for this mug shot. Austin has since bonded out. The one thing that isn't addressed in this whole narrative is ... what the hell was he doing in the ER in the first place???

That remains to be seen ... but it's a very bizarre hole in the story. Interestingly enough, Austin was kinda documenting his weekend in Vegas -- the dude has a whole compilation up on his social media page that shows off everything he was up to ... and it looks like a lot.

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We've reached out to his team for comment ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 3:40 PM PT

Chilli Brushing Off Usher Proposal Story ... Focused on Current Man!!!

Chilli isn't letting Usher's bombshells ruin her good mood -- 'cause she's moved on with Matthew Lawrence, and couldn't care less about her ex's harsh feelings over a rejection.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the TLC singer-songwriter isn't giving a second thought to a new story that came out today, where Usher revealed he proposed to Chilli way back in the day -- while they were still dating -- and instead ... she's enjoying a vacay in Jamaica with her new man, celebrating his 44th birthday.


We're told Chilli and Matt are down in Sandals Dunn’s River where they hit up local hot spots, enjoying the island's natural beauty and even partaking in an intimate candlelight dinner. Check out these videos, obtained by TMZ, that shows 'em cuddling, laughing and even smooching ... clearly, these two are very much in love.

More importantly, her mind is a world away from all this Usher stuff. Speaking of which, our sources tell us that Chilli, generally, takes marriage very seriously ... and she's not just going to hop into a commitment like that until she's totally convinced she and her partner are both ready for marriage.

So, even when it comes to Matt -- who she's been with for a couple years now -- it's pretty obvious she takes her time and won't just say yes to anyone.

Clearly, she didn't feel Usher was the one to say "I do" ... 'cause he told People he got his heart smashed by Chilli two decades ago after she rejected him when he asked for her hand in marriage -- something he said gave him trust issues when it came to women.

It seems Usher's over those issues though ... as tied the knot with his longtime partner Jennifer Goicoechea on Super Bowl Sunday with his mother acting as a witness.

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As for Chilli ... she and Matthew Lawrence are pretty dang serious at this point -- with Chilli telling us last March that she was really hoping to marry ML ... but they ain't there just yet.

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Chilli may want to ring Usher ... he might be able to get her a deal on her own Vegas wedding!!!

LSU RB Trey Holly Arrested ... Booked On Attempted Murder Charge

LSU running back Trey Holly -- who played in three games for the Tigers last season -- was arrested on Thursday in Louisiana and booked on several felony charges ... including attempted second-degree murder, TMZ Sports has confirmed.

Union Parish Sheriff Dusty Gates tells us ... Holly turned himself in to authorities with his attorney at around noon -- and in addition to the attempted murder charge, he was also booked for felony aggravated criminal damage to property and felony illegal use of a weapon.

Gates said the arrest was related to a shooting that Holly was allegedly involved in back on Feb. 9. The sheriff said the incident took place at an apartment complex following "a disturbance" at a previous location ... and left two people -- one male and one female -- hospitalized.

Gates said investigators identified Holly and three others as the shooting suspects after interviewing eyewitnesses. We're told Holly is now being held on a $512,000 bond.

LSU said in a statement shortly after Holly was thrown behind bars that it was "aware that a student-athlete has been arrested in relation to a shooting in Union Parish. This student-athlete has been suspended indefinitely from all team activities, in accordance with departmental policies. Out of respect for the judicial process, we will have no further comment.”

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Holly -- regarded as one of the best high school running backs in the nation -- was used sparingly in his true freshman season with the Tigers in '23 ... although he did record 11 carries for 110 yards and a touchdown in his limited snaps.

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