Rachel Dolezal Fired from Teaching Job in AZ After People Found Her OF

Rachel Dolezal is without a job after she reportedly got canned from her teaching job in Arizona -- this after people learned she had an OnlyFans account ... which sparked outrage.

The ex-NAACP Washington chapter prez -- who was accused of pretending to be Black nearly a decade ago -- was let go from a gig she had with Catalina Foothills School District in Tucson ... where she was recently working as an after-school instructor.

According to News4 Tucson ... Dolezal now goes by a different name, Nkechi Diallo, and it sounds like the people there in Arizona didn't realize who she was.

More importantly -- the folks there didn't know she had run an OF ... something the rest of us were aware of dating back to 2022, when her racy pics got plastered online.

Anyway ... somebody blabbed to the media, and they went running to the school district -- and now, they're saying Rachel's no longer employed by them.

They told N4T, "We only learned of Ms. Nkechi Diallo's Only Fans social media posts yesterday afternoon. Her posts are contrary to our district's "Use of Social Media by District Employees" policy (attached) and our staff ethics policy. She is no longer employed by the Catalina Foothills School District."

Remember, Dolezal had been embroiled in a major controversy back in 2014/2015 ... when people realized she was a white woman and not Black -- which she'd posed as for years.


That whole thing has come and gone -- but it seems that, lately, more people are up in arms about the fact she's posting skimpy pics online -- which seems to have bitten her here.

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Back to the drawing board, we suppose.

Despiden a una profesora tras descubrir su cuenta De OnlyFans

Rachel Dolezal se ha quedado sin trabajo tras ser despedida de su puesto de profesora en Arizona, después de que se descubriera que tenía una cuenta en OnlyFans, lo que desató la indignación.

El ex-NAACP Washington capítulo prez -que fue acusado de pretender ser afroamericano hace casi una década- fue dejado ir de un concierto que tenía con Catalina Foothills Distrito Escolar en Tuscon, donde recientemente estaba trabajando como instructora después de la escuela.

Según News4 Tuscon, Dolezal ahora va por un nombre diferente, Nkechi Diallo, y parece que la gente de Arizona no se dio cuenta de quién era.

Más importante aún, la gente del lugar no sabía que tenía un OnlyFans, algo que el resto de nosotros éramos conscientes desde 2022, cuando sus fotos subidas de tono aparecieron en línea.

De todos modos, alguien se contactó con los medios de comunicación y fue corriendo al distrito escolar, y ahora, están diciendo que Rachel ya no está empleada.

Le dijeron a N4T: "Nos enteramos de las publicaciones de la Sra. Nkechi Diallo en las redes sociales de OnlyFans ayer por la tarde. Sus publicaciones son contrarias a la política de nuestro distrito sobre el uso de redes sociales por los empleados del distrito (adjunta) y a nuestra política de ética del personal. Ya no es empleada del Distrito Escolar Catalina Foothills".

Recordemos que Dolezal se había visto envuelta en una gran controversia el 2014/2015 cuando la gente se dio cuenta de que era una mujer blanca y no afro, como venía afirmando hace años.

Rachel ha tenido sus idas y vueltas, pero parece que esta vez no se la van a dejar pasar.

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Habrá que tener más cuidado... suponemos.


No such thing as TMI for Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker ... 'cause they're letting us all know how special Valentine's Day was for them last year ... which ended with a baby.

KK shared a slew of IG snaps reminiscing on her Utah getaway with Trav in 2023 ... and while the pics seemed innocent enough, the Blink-182 drummer made it a point to tell fans that baby Rocky was conceived during that very trip.

"We made baby Rocky 🖤," Travis wrote in the comments -- but many fans weren't necessarily charmed ... urging him to keep their intimate deets to themselves.

While some were a little grossed out ... others acknowledged the admission was hardly surprising since there's no way Travis would be able to keep his hands off KK, considering how bangin' she looked in her teeny-weeny bikini. Plus, the timing of the birth makes sense.

It's no surprise they got it on and conceived a baby in this setting -- from the looks of it, the whole vibe was very lovey-dovey ... and perfect for doing it.

Safe to say, their relationship is rock solid ever since their 2022 marriage ... especially with little 3-month-old Rocky in the mix now.

They're clearly into reminiscing about their love fest -- and lord knows we've seen a lot of it over the years.

Kourt also shared insight into the lead-up to V-Day this year ... which was a joint family occasion with 6 heart-shaped cakes featuring names of both their kids.

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All in all, it's reassuring to know that Rocky's origins stem from a special holiday. We're sure he'll love that fun fact when he's older. 😅

Kourtney y Travis Hicimos a Baby Rocky en San Valentín!!!

No hay tal cosa como demasiada información para Kourtney Kardashian y Travis Barker, pues la pareja le está contando a todo el mundo lo especial que fue el pasado Día de San Valentín para ellos, tan especial que terminó con un bebé.

Kourtney compartió una serie de fotos en IG recordando su escapada a Utah con Travis en 2023 y aunque las fotos parecían bastante inocentes, el baterista de Blink-182 hizo un punto para decirle a los fans que el bebé Rocky fue concebido durante ese mismo viaje.

"Hicimos a baby Rocky 🖤", escribió Travis en los comentarios. Aunque los fans no estaban necesariamente encantados y les pidieron que guardaran los detalles íntimos para ellos.

Aunque algunos estaban un poco asqueados, otros reconocieron que la admisión no era de extrañar, ya que no hay manera de que Travis fuera capaz de mantener sus manos lejos de Kourtney, teniendo en cuenta lo guapa que se veía en su bikini teen-weeny. Además, el momento del nacimiento tiene sentido.

No es raro que concibieran a un bebé en este entorno, por lo que se ve, todo el ambiente parece muy amoroso y perfecto para hacerlo.

Es seguro decir que su relación está sólida como una roca desde su matrimonio en 2022, especialmente con el pequeño Rocky de 3 meses en la pandilla ahora.

Ellos claramente quieren rememorar su romántica celebración y Dios sabe que hemos visto un montón de ellas en los últimos años.

Kourt también compartió información sobre los preparativos para el Día V de este año: una reunión familiar con 6 pasteles en forma de corazón con los nombres de sus dos hijos.

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Con todo, es tranquilizador saber que los orígenes de Rocky se remontan a una fiesta especial. Estamos seguros de que le encantará cuando sea mayor. 😅

Policía de Florida Confunde una bellota con un disparo... Exagerada reacción en video

Exagerada reacción

¡Un oficial de policía de Florida se parece más a un personaje de los dibujos animados de "Reno 911!" cuando confundió la caída de una bellota en su carro patrulla con una bala y se puso a disparar como loco en contra del vehículo!

El video filmado en noviembre, que acaba de ser publicado, muestra al ayudante del sheriff del condado de Okaloosa, Jesse Hernández, deteniendo a un individuo por supuestamente enviar mensajes de texto amenazadores. Hernández y su compañero esposaron al hombre y luego lo metieron en la parte trasera de su carro patrulla.

Todo parecía ir bien hasta que Hernández oyó lo que percibió como un disparo, lo que lo llevó a rodar mientras sacaba su arma y luego a disparar múltiples tiros hacia su carro.

Parece que Hernández descargó todas sus balas mientras Marquis Jackson, de 22 años, estaba indefenso al interior del vehículo policial, desarmado y completamente restringido. Sin embargo, Hernández claramente pensó que este había sido quien inició los disparos contra él desde el interior del coche.

En medio del pánico, su compañera, que no oyó nada parecido a un disparo, parecía confundido sobre su frenética reacción y también comenzó a dispararle al coche.

Milagrosamente, ambos fallaron, pero el video de cuerpo de Hernández muestra que su reacción fue completamente exagerada o al menos esa fue la conclusión de la investigación de la Oficina del Sheriff. Los funcionarios de Okaloosa determinaron que su uso de la fuerza no fue razonable. A su compañera se le dio un pase, pues solo siguió sus acciones.

En el curso de la investigación, Hernández se dio cuenta de que el sonido que había escuchado literalmente era solo una bellota cayendo sobre el capó. Hernández terminó renunciando a raíz de todo esto y no fue acusado penalmente.

Por lo que sabemos, Jackson no ha demandado todavía, pero ha dicho a los medios de comunicación locales que estaba "dañado" por lo que pasó.

Una vez que el polvo se asentó, la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Okaloosa dijo esto: "Estamos muy agradecidos de que el Sr. Jackson no resultara herido y no tenemos ninguna razón para pensar que el ex ayudante del sheriff Hernández actuara con malicia. Estamos limitados en nuestra respuesta debido a litigios pendientes. Pero que esto quede claro, entendemos que esta situación fue traumática para el Sr. Jackson y todos los involucrados y hemos incorporado el tiroteo de este oficial en nuestro entrenamiento para tratar de asegurarnos de que nada similar vuelva a suceder."

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Terminaron diciendo: "Aunque sus acciones no estaban justificadas en última instancia, creemos que sintió que su vida estaba en peligro y su respuesta se basó en la totalidad de las circunstancias que rodean este miedo".

Florida Deputy Mistakes Acorn for Shots Fired ... Overreaction on Body Cam


A Florida sheriff's deputy is looking more like a cartoonish cop from "Reno 911!" on body cam footage of him mistaking an acorn hitting his patrol car for bullets ... prompting him to open fire on the vehicle.

The video, which was just released, shows Okaloosa County deputy Jesse Hernandez on the job, detaining a guy back in November for allegedly sending threatening texts. Hernandez and his partner cuffed the man and put him in the back of their patrol car.

All seemed to be going well, until Hernandez appeared to hear what he perceived as a shot being fired -- which catapulted him into a frantic drop and roll as he drew his weapon and started firing multiple shots at his car.

Hernandez seems to unload his entire clip ... and, remember, 22-year-old Marquis Jackson was helplessly sitting inside the patrol car, unarmed and completely restrained -- yet, Hernandez clearly thought Jackson had shot at him from inside the car.

Amid the panic, his partner -- who didn't hear anything like a gunshot -- seemed confused as to why he was freaking out, and also started shooting at their car.

Miraculously, both of them missed Jackson, but Hernandez's body cam video shows he completely overreacted ... which was the finding of the Sheriff's Office investigation. Okaloosa officials determined his use of deadly force wasn't reasonable, and his partner got a pass ... since she only fired based on his actions.

Over the course of the investigation ... Hernandez was made aware that what he thought he heard was literally just an acorn falling on his car's hood. Hernandez ended up resigning in the aftermath of all this ... and was not criminally charged.

From what we can tell, Jackson hasn't sued, yet, but has told local media outlets he was "damaged" from what he went through.

Once the dust settled, the Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office said this ... "We are very thankful Mr. Jackson wasn’t injured and we have no reason to think former Deputy Hernandez acted with any malice. We are limited in further response due to pending litigation. But let this be clear, we understand this situation was traumatic for Mr. Jackson and all involved and have incorporated this officer-involved shooting into our training to try to ensure nothing similar happens again."

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They finished with ... "Though his actions were ultimately not warranted, we do believe he felt his life was in immediate peril and his response was based off the totality of circumstances surrounding this fear."

Selma Blair Sorry For My Islamophobic Comment ... I'll Do Better Next Time!!!

Selma Blair is apologizing for an Islamophobic comment she made on social media ... and she's promising to do better.

Here's the deal ... Selma went viral last week and started catching tons of flak after commenting on an Instagram post about Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Cori Bush voting against a measure banning Hamas terrorists from immigrating to the U.S.

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In her since-deleted comment, Selma wrote ... "Deport all these terrorist supporting goons. Islam has destroyed Muslim countries and then they come here and destroy minds. They know they are liars. Twisted justifications. May they meet their fate."

Selma took a ton of heat from folks who said she was a raging, Islamophobic bigot.

In an apology shared Tuesday on IG, Selma says ... "I mistakenly and inadvertently conflated Muslims with Radical Islamists and fundamentalists, a terrible err in my words, and resulted in hurting countless people I never meant to, and I deeply regret this."

Selma says she deleted her comment after she realized she was amplifying hate and misinformation ... and says she now understands why she upset the Muslim community.

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Despite the poor choice of words, Selma says she's "dedicated to tolerance and peace for all who want it -- not hate."

DJ Whoo Kid Throwing Demos at J. Cole Onstage Is INSANE Behavior!!!


DJ Whoo Kid is applauding J. Cole's decision to ignore a CD recently thrown at his dome right in the middle of a performance, because he says there's a time and place ... and that wasn't it!!!

TMZ Hip Hop caught up with the 'Whollywood Shuffle' star at Shaq's Fun House in Las Vegas, where he soaked up the festivities, including Lil Wayne's stage-shattering performance.


Whoo Kid says he can relate to Cole in the worst way possible ... he's had guys pushing tapes on him at the worst times imaginable -- while he's trying to get his mack on!

Which would you choose ... a potential ménage à trois or some guy's hopes and dreams on a hard drive? Whoo Kid says that's a no-brainer for everyone.

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Cole didn't give things much thought last week while performing in support of Drake's "It’s All a Blur – Big As the What?" tour when a burned CD crash-landed onstage, getting the Dreamville rapper's attention.

The fan who threw it was instantly given a wake-up call when Cole quipped, "It’s 2024, n****, USB is okay.”

Some fans took exception to Cole's reaction -- after all, much of his early rhymes focus on cracking superstardom at all costs.

But, not Whoo Kid, whose message is, basically ... learn to read the room, rap hopefuls!!!

Andrew Keegan ¡¿Líder una secta?! ¡¿Yo?! Responde a esos rumores...

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Lo opuesto al culto
Pod Meets World

Andrew Keegan está abordando los rumores de que era el líder de una secta, descartando la suposición como una noticia hecha para obtener clics. También dice que lo único que hizo fue fomentar una comunidad relajada para que la gente se reuniera.

La estrella de "10 cosas que odio de ti" hizo las declaraciones en "Pod Meets World", explicando que decidió iniciar un centro comunitario llamado Full Circle en 2014 para hacer cosas positivas después de sumergirse profundamente en la cultura de Venice Beach cuando se mudó al barrio cuando tenía 30 años.

Sin embargo, sus intenciones han sido malinterpretadas o eso es lo que Andrew Keegan está diciendo. Explica que se sorprendió cuando vio que había sido ungido como líder de un culto por los medios de entonces, después de que varios periodistas lo visitaran para ver qué actividades extracurriculares estaba haciendo en medio de su carrera como actor.

No mucho después, salió a la luz un sorprendente artículo de Vice titulado: "Una de las estrellas de "10 cosas que odio de ti" fundó una religión". En el artículo, el periodista afirmaba que Andrew era reconocido como el líder y la persona que tenía la "última palabra sobre todas las cosas", añadiendo que fueron recibidos por un hombre llamado Tercer Ojo y se toparon con un círculo íntimo de los miembros "iluminados".

Ahora Andrew dice que podría haberse preparado un poco mejor para lidiar con los medios de comunicación en ese entonces, pero es firme en decir que no fue el líder de ningún culto en el pasado. De hecho, dice que era todo lo contrario. La comunidad simplemente era un lugar para que las personas se reunieran y pasaran un buen rato.

No hace falta decir que Andrew todavía recuerda su tiempo en Full Circle con cariño, aunque dice que lo único que lamenta en retrospectiva es el nombre del grupo.

El actor reconoce que la comunidad podría haber dado lugar a algunas malas interpretaciones, a pesar de que su mensaje era bastante inocente, según él

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A pesar del escrutinio, Andrew dice que lleva la etiqueta de "líder de culto" como una insignia de honor.


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Opposite Of A Cult
Pod Meets World

Andrew Keegan is addressing rumors he's a cult leader ... dismissing it all as nothing but clickbait and saying all he'd done was foster a cool community for people to gather in.

The "10 Things I Hate About You" star gave the rundown on "Pod Meets World" ... explaining he decided to start a community center named Full Circle in 2014 to do positive things after getting deeply immersed in Venice Beach's culture when moving there in his 30s.

However, his intentions were misconstrued ... that's what AK is saying, anyway. He explains he was shocked to learn he'd been anointed a cult leader in media reports at the time -- this after journos visited him to see what extracurricular activities he was up to amid his acting career.

Not long after, a startling Vice article surfaced, entitled, "One of the Stars of '10 Things I Hate About You' Started a Religion." In the article, the journalist claimed Andrew was known as the leader who had the "ultimate say on all things" ... adding they were greeted by a man named Third Eye and found themselves in the inner circle of "enlightened" members.

Andrew now says he probably could've done with some media training back then, but he's adamant there was no cult-leading going on, as was implied. In fact, he says it was the opposite ... FC was just a place for a bunch of people to get together for a good time.

It goes without saying, Andrew still recalls his time with FC fondly ... although, he says the only thing he regrets in hindsight is the group's name.

The actor acknowledges that Full Circle could've led to some misinterpretations over its intentions ... even though his message was innocent enough at the time, according to him.

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Despite the scrutiny, Andrew says he's wearing the "cult leader" label like a badge of honor.

Kanye West No se retracta de dichos antisemitas... "Vultures" prueba que no puedo ser cancelado

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Aclarando las cosas

Kanye West dice que aún no ha sido cancelado por un par de diferentes razones, y también explica por qué no se retracta de algunos de sus dichos antisemitas.

Nos encontramos con Ye en el aeropuerto de Los Ángeles, después de que regresara de las fiestas del Super Bowl en Las Vegas y el tipo habló con nosotros sobre un montón de temas. Luego de que su esperado álbum "Vultures" fuera finalmente lanzado y alcanzara el #1 en iTunes, el artista se puso a indagar sobre cómo sobrevivió a su "cancelación".

Echa un vistazo, Kanye le dice a nuestro fotógrafo que capeó una tormenta el año pasado y salió del otro lado tal vez incluso más exitoso, al menos desde su perspectiva.

Eso es discutible, por supuesto, porque perdió un montón de negocios, por no hablar de cientos de millones de dólares y, sin embargo, piensa que logró sortearlo bastante bien y aquí explica por qué.

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De la boca de Kanye

Kanye dice que tiene diferentes fuentes de negocios que le han ayudado a seguir siendo popular, incluso a un nivel masivo, y dice que mucho de eso tiene que ver con el hecho de que es increíblemente talentoso, con ideas únicas e interesantes.

Por supuesto, sus devotos fans también adoran su franqueza, algo de lo que Kanye también es consciente. Por eso dice que ha sido capaz de sobrevivir a este intento de derribarlo.

Cita luego su disputa con Adidas y explica por qué estuvo tanto tiempo en Europa el año pasado. Después de todo, era una cuestión más de negocios que de placer.

De todos modos, Kanye dice que el negocio está en auge de nuevo a pesar de los mejores esfuerzos de la industria. Así es como lo ve él.

En esta entrevista se puede ver que está en modo "nosotros contra ellos". Ataca a la industria musical y a los sellos discográficos, afirma que la estructura de streaming no es justa para los artistas y promete hablar de estos temas en nombre de todos los artistas.

Curiosamente, incluso se pone en el mismo barco que su archienemiga, Taylor Swift. Sí, dice su nombre y no de una manera despectiva.

Sobre el tema del antisemitismo ofrece una disculpa no disculpa por algunos de sus discursos de odio, pero cree que otros comentarios estuvieron bien.

También cita una defensa a menudo utilizada en cuanto a por qué no puede ser antisemita.

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Míralo tú mismo, pero realmente la única disculpa que ofrece es a los niños judíos que tuvieron que escuchar una "conversación de adultos".

Una última cosa, Ye esquiva cualquier posición sobre el conflicto en Israel y Gaza, lo que es sorprendente tal vez, teniendo en cuenta todos sus ataques a los judíos. Pero dice que hay problemas más urgentes en su ciudad natal.

Kanye West I Don't Take Back the Antisemitism ... 'Vultures' Proves I Can't Be Canceled

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Kanye West says he hasn't been canceled yet for a couple different reasons -- and he also explains why he's not backing down from some of his antisemitic statements.

We got Ye Monday at LAX -- after he'd returned from Super Bowl festivities in Vegas -- and the guy talked to us about a bunch of topics. As his finally released new album "Vultures" hit #1 on iTunes, he marked that success by digging into why he survived his "cancelation."

Check it out ... Kanye tells our photog he weathered the storm last year, and came out the other side perhaps even more successful than ever ... at least in his eyes.

That's debatable, of course, because he lost out on a lot of business deals, not to mention hundreds of millions of dollars. And yet, Kanye thinks he's landed on his feet pretty well ... and he explains why.

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Kanye says he's got a few different things in his utility belt that have helped him remain popular, even in a mainstream capacity ... and he says a lot of it has to do with the fact he's incredibly talented with unique, interesting ideas.

Of course, his devoted fans also love that he's outspoken ... something KW's well aware of too. All that is why he says he's been able to survive a modern-day teardown.

He cites his feud with Adidas in making this point, and also lays out why he was in Europe for so long last year. It was actually more business than pleasure after all.

Anyway, Kanye says business is booming for him yet again ... despite the industry's best efforts. That's how he sees it anyway.

You can tell from this interview, he's in full us-versus-them mode right now. He attacks the music industry and record labels, saying the streaming structure isn't fair to artists -- and vows to speak up on these issues on behalf of all artists.

Interestingly, he even puts himself in the same boat as his archenemy, Taylor Swift! Yes, he speaks her name, and not in a disparaging way.

On the subject of antisemitism ... he offers a non-apology apology for some of his hate speech but believes other comments were spot-on.

He also cites an oft-used defense of his as to why he can't be antisemitic.

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Watch it for yourself, but really the only apology he offers is to the Jewish kids who had to hear a "grown-up conversation."


One last thing ... Ye dodges any real position on the Israel-Gaza conflict -- surprising, perhaps, considering all his attacks on Jewish people -- but, says there are more pressing issues in his hometown.

Jermaine Dupri Super Bowl Socks Were LV Swaggy!!! Pharrell Can Vouch For Me

Jermaine Dupri's defending his right to dress up his ankles anyway he sees fit ... after his Super Bowl wardrobe turned into a trending topic coming out of Usher's Halftime show blowout.

Social media relentlessly ribbed JD for his schoolboy uniform getup, complete with the type of ruffled socks that resembled the kind kids wore back in the outhouse days. Some critics suggested all he was missing was an apple for the teacher!!!

On Monday, Jermaine posted proof his footies were certified haute couture ... revealing them to be Louis Vuitton pocket socks worth hundreds of bucks!

The "Money Ain't A Thang" rapper said he was too drunk to combat the jokes in the moment, but has time today ... and also called in for backup from Pharrell, LV's current men's creative director.

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The rich flex didn't help JD's case much -- fans are saying this designer drip should have stayed in the closet.

Usher can't relate to such problems, because his custom metallic Air Jordans won the internet!!!

Bebe Rexha Fix The F***ing Sound Quality ... Storms Off Stage in Vegas


Bebe Rexha decided her performance in Las Vegas last night wasn't "Meant To Be" ... 'cause she bailed in the middle of a performance plagued by technical issues.

The singer-songwriter took the stage at Sports Illustrated The Party Presented by Captain Morgan Saturday night ... and apparently her mic wasn't working well 'cause she blated the poor sound quality.

BR said, "Hold up, hold up. I love you but you gotta figure out the f***ing mic system..." before saying she wanted to put on a "good f***ing show."

Clearly, Bebe didn't think that was possible, 'cause she stomped off the stage instead, putting an end to the whole performance.

It's not clear exactly how much she performed, but we know she did at least a couple songs, 'cause quite a few pics and videos are floating around of her on the stage.


We talked to her on the event's red carpet before the freakout ... and she didn't sound totally ready to hit the stage.


Rexha told us she'd actually gambled away a lot of freakin' money Saturday -- $3,000 in five minutes according to her -- and she was only taking on the performance for the paycheck.

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All of it seemed like a joke at the time ... though with Bebe's pissed-off walk-off, maybe the lost cash was affecting her a little more than she was letting on.

Drake Bettin' Big Money on Kansas City ... $1.15 Mil on Mahomes & Co.

Drake's betting big bucks on Kansas City to take home the Lombardi Trophy ... some harrowing news for Chiefs fans who know about his betting track record.

The singer/rapper shared a picture of his betting receipt to Instagram Sunday morning ... showing he put down $1.15 million on the Chiefs to win it all.

Drake also seemed to be making a shrewd political move by the way ... joking he couldn't "bet against the swifties" -- definitely a fanbase you don't want coming for your head!

Unfortunately for Drizzy, this might leave K.C. fans upset with him ... 'cause the dude's betting track record is pretty suspect.

For those who don't know ... Drake bets big like this quite a bit -- and loses a decent amount too. This has led fans to dub Drake cursed, saying essentially any team he bets on is bound to lose.

Sports fans tend to be an overly superstitious bunch ... but there's quite a bit of "evidence" to back up this claim with teams and players like the Kentucky Wildcats, Alabama Crimson Tide and even Conor McGregor losing pivotal matches when Drake's in their corner.

However, Drake's been a bit more accurate recently ... he hit two bets during last year's NBA finals and won just over $3.5 million when the Chiefs took home the title last year -- so maybe he's actually good luck for K.C.!

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The game's kicking off here in just about 30 minutes ... so we won't have to see much longer if Drake's curse is officially broken or if his affliction remains.

Travis Scott Giving Couple 'goosebumps' ... Fans Have Sex During Show


Travis Scott's music is an aphrodisiac ... at least it seemed to be for one couple who got hot and heavy with their hotel room window wide open.

Here's the deal ... the rapper took the stage at the Hakkasan Nightclub at the MGM Grand Saturday night to perform a few songs ahead of Super Bowl LVIII in Las Vegas.

While busting out a few of his songs, fans there to watch TS got a totally different kind of show ... the kind you usually need to pay big money to see in L.V.

Check out the video ... it appears a couple was getting down and dirty in one of the hotel rooms overlooking the venue, and they weren't shy whatsoever about having an audience.

Unclear if the couple was aware they were so visible ... but it definitely seems like it'd be obvious that everyone could see them -- hotel room windows aren't usually tinted, people!

Some of the performers apparently addressed the erotic display on the mic ... with one of the performers straight up saying, "That boy's a legend."

People on social media, however, were up in arms ... calling the whole thing uncomfortable and expecting people to have a bit more common courtesy when it comes to those intimate moments.

We don't know if the couple's faced any discipline from the hotel or even the police ... but that wouldn't be entirely unexpected given how much the attendees saw.

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You know what they say -- what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas ... unless someone has a camera that is.

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