Joe Biden Reportedly Calls Trump 'Sick F***' ... Nearly Said It in Speech?!?
Joe Biden's supposedly has a choice pet name for his likely 2024 opponent ... one you can't really use in polite society -- which he almost said in a speech recently!
A report from Politico released Thursday reveals the current Prez is seemingly disgusted with Donald Trump ... calling him a "sick f***" when talking to close friends and White House aides.
And, it appears he likes to double down on it too ... commenting "What a f***ing a**hole the guy is" on at least one occasion according to the premier political magazine.
While this may seem hard to confirm ... video evidence from a Pennsylvania speech early last month shows "Dark Brandon" seemingly ready to fire off his new catchphrase while railing against the former POTUS for his remarks.
JB said, "At his rally, he jokes about an intruder whipped up by the big Trump lie, taking a hammer to Paul Pelosi's skull and echoing the very same words used on January 6 -- "Where's Nancy?" -- and he thinks that's funny. He laughed about it. What a sick--."
POTUS never finished that statement ... instead the audience laughed and Biden added he thought DT was "despicable" -- pretty clear he wanted to use a more graphic term though.
If you're wondering if the Trump campaign's concerned about Biden's words at all ... it's pretty obvious they're not. Chris LaCivita, a top campaign adviser, told Politico it's abhorrent he'd use such words to describe his predecessor -- though it's "no surprise he disrespects the 45th president the same way he disrespects the American people with his failed policies."
Bottom line ... these fellas don't like each other, and they're not afraid to show it.
Joe also reportedly gets triggered by Don's statements all the time ... with Politico saying he'd expressed distaste for Trump after comments he made about Charlottesville, Vladimir Putin and veterans.
It's gearing up to be a tense election season. Just remember, Joe ... the debates are live -- so leave the potty mouth at home.
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Blueface Warrant Issued Outta Las Vegas ... Alleged Probation Misstep
More legal trouble for Blueface as he sits in a Los Angeles jail cell ... 'cause a judge in Las Vegas wants him arrested and brought to Nevada for an alleged probation violation.
According to new legal docs obtained by TMZ, a Nevada judge issued a bench warrant for Blueface's arrest for violating the terms of his probation. In case you forgot, Blueface is also on probation in NV as part of a plea deal he cut in his Vegas strip club shooting case.
Footage surfaces of Blueface turning himself into the authorities for probation violation. He’s expected to do 1 year in county jail. 😳
— No Jumper (@nojumper) January 12, 2024 @nojumper
As we reported ... Blueface received a suspended sentence in that case, getting hit with 3 years of probation and no jail time if he kept his nose clean. He also had a 2-5 year underlying sentence, meaning a probation violation could get him locked up for a few years.
Now, in terms of what exactly he allegedly did to violate his probation in Vegas -- besides getting locked up here in Cali, of course, which will usually do the trick -- his attorney spoke on it to local media outlets and cited something else, specifically, prosecutors are eyeing.
Blue's lawyer Kristina Wildeveld told 8 News Now the alleged probation violation relates to cell phone video from a Utah performance last December, with the footage appearing to show Blueface bringing a woman on stage and telling his fiancée to "get her" as she attacked her.
It shouldn’t be too hard for law enforcement to track Blueface down ... like we said, he's currently in custody in Men's Central Jail in L.A., where he's been for weeks now ... the result of a separate probation violation for an assault case here in the Golden State.
Blueface isn't technically scheduled to be released from jail until July, and the warrant out of Vegas could mean he then heads to Nevada to serve some time behind bars there as well.
His lawyer told the same outlet Blueface is cooperating with law enforcement and plans to turn himself into Nevada authorities after he serves his time in California.
Blueface already got a warning from the Las Vegas judge ... she reportedly told him she wouldn't hesitate to throw him in prison on any kind of probation violation, and now he's being accused of having one.
If things don't shake out in his favor, he might not be home for a while. Sorry, Chrisean.
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Britney Spears Slams Timberlake Over 'Apology' ... Gonna Cry to Mom Again???
Britney Spears is coming after Justin Timberlake for taking back his apology to her from a few years ago -- and she's going even further back to slam him ... and his skills on the court.
The pop star just posted a photo of a basketball hoop with the moon in the background that looks like a ball going through. It's a cool shot, but her caption is even more telling -- 'cause she kinda goes scorched earth on her ex after his little stunt last night.
She writes, "Someone told me someone was talking s*** about me on the streets !!! Do you want to bring it to the court or will you go home crying to your mom like you did last time???"
Britney emphatically adds one last dig that's pretty good, TBH ... writing, "I’m not sorry!!!"
Of course, she's referring to JT issuing his non-apology in front of a NYC crowd Wednesday -- when he performed for a one-night show. You'll recall, right before he launched into 'Cry Me a River' -- which is famously known to be about Brit -- he said ... he'd like to take the opportunity to apologize to "absolutely f***ing nobody."
A lot of Britney fans were upset with the fact that he flip-flopped ... especially, seemingly, out of nowhere. Mind you, Britney herself had just recently apologized to Justin about stuff in her memoir.
It's also interesting that Britney is bringing up this basketball stuff again. Remember, she actually crapped on his b-ball ability (or lack thereof) late last year out of the clear blue.
Basically, she says she beat him a ton when they were dating ... and that he sucks. Now, she seems to be implying that he was bent out of shape over it, and maybe even cried.
Weird flex, but okay ... Britney's out here flaunting her stuff. Love to see it!
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Britney Spears arremete contra Justin Timberlake Por retirar sus disculpas
Britney Spears arremete contra Justin Timberlake luego de que el cantante retirara su disculpa. La diva arremete criticándolo a él y sus habilidades en el escenario.
La estrella del pop acaba de publicar una foto de un aro de baloncesto con la luna de fondo. Es una buena foto, pero lo que escribió al pie es bastante revelador.
¡Ella escribe: "Me dijeon que alguien estaba hablando mierda de mí en la calle. ¿Quieres llevarlo al juzgado o te irás a casa llorando con tu madre como hiciste la última vez?".
Britney añade enfáticamente una última indirecta que es bastante buena: "¡No lo siento!".
Por supuesto, ella se refiere a Justin emitiendo su no-disculpa frente a una multitud en Nueva York el miércoles, cuando actuó por la noche. Usted recordará, justo antes de que él lanzó "Cry Me a River" -que es famosa por ser sobre Brit- dijo que le gustaría aprovechar la oportunidad para pedir disculpas a "absolutamente f***ing nadie".
Un montón de fans de Britney estaban molestos, y con razón. Eso sí, Britney se había disculpado recientemente con Justin sobre cosas en sus memorias.
También es interesante que Britney vuelva a sacar el tema del baloncesto. Recordemos que ella realmente se cagó en su capacidad (o falta de ella) a finales del año pasado de la nada.
Básicamente, ella dice que le ganó un montón de veces cuando estaban saliendo y que apesta. Ahora, ella parece estar dando a entender que él incluso lloró luego de perder.
Britney está aquí haciendo polémica y nos encanta.
Denuncian a Target por vender un libro del Mes de la Historia Negra Mal etiquetado
Target está en la mira por vender en sus tiendas material sobre el Mes de la Historia Negra con información incorrecta, es decir, etiquetando erróneamente a los negros americanos históricos.
La inoportuna metedura de pata fue señalada por la TikToker @Issatete, que publicó un video ahora viral de lo que ella dice que encontró en un Target cerca de su casa. En el clip, muestra un libro de actividades de aprendizaje estilo imán llamado "Derechos Civiles".
Se trata de un minorista de productos para niños llamado Bendon, pero este usuario está enojado con Target por la venta de estos libros, los cuales argumenta que tienen nombres de figuras prominentes afroamericanas que no coinciden con sus fotos.
Échale un vistazo... verás de lo que está hablando. Hay por lo menos tres ejemplos de nombres completamente mal etiquetados, e Issa está enojada, llamándolo algo más que un descuido.
El usuario, que al parecer enseña historia de EE.UU., dio un resumen de los errores que notó de inmediato - por ejemplo, la imagen de Carter G. Woodson en este imán-libro es en realidad la activista de los derechos civiles W.E.B. Du Bois.
En otras partes del libro, la imagen etiquetada con el nombre de Du Bois es en realidad el educador y autor Booker T. Washington, mientras que el chasquido de Booker es en realidad Woodson. Menudo lío.
Issa dice que hay que tomar medidas de inmediato, escribiendo en el pie de foto que los errores ocurren, pero solo se necesita una persona para señalarlo y pedir correcciones. Ahora que ella tiene, ella está llamando a Target para eliminar este producto de su inventario.
La indignación continúa en los comentarios de Issa, ya que muchas personas se preguntan por qué nadie se molestó en corregir el libro al menos una vez.
El editor aún no ha respondido a la publicación viral, y aunque algunos van tan lejos como para afirmar que los errores fueron deliberados, tenemos que decir que parece poco probable, porque un error de etiquetado intencional como este es demasiado indignante para comprender.
No es el mejor momento para algo así, estamos en víspera del Mes de la Historia Negra. Difícil comienzo para Target y el editor del libro, sin duda.
Nos hemos puesto en contacto con Target y Bendon para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.
Target Slammed Mislabeled Magnet Book ... Wrong Black History Month Figures?!?
8:18 PM PT -- A rep for Target tells TMZ ... "We will no longer be selling this product in stores or online. We’ve also ensured the product's publisher is aware of the errors."
Target's under fire for selling Black History Month material in their stores with factually incorrect info -- namely, grossly mislabeling historic Black Americans.
The ill-timed snafu was pointed out by TikToker @Issatete -- who posted a now-viral video of what she says she found in a Target near her. In the clip, she shows off a magnet-style learning activity book called "Civil Rights."
It comes from a children's product retailer called Bendon -- but this user is mad at Target for hawking these books, which she says have names of prominent Black figures mismatched to their photos.
Take a look ... you'll see what she's talking about. There are at least 3 examples of completely mislabeled names, and Issa is pissed, calling it more than just an oversight.
The user, who apparently teaches U.S. history, gave a rundown of the mistakes she immediately noticed -- for instance, the picture of Carter G. Woodson in this magnet-book is actually Pan-Africanist civil rights activist W.E.B. Du Bois.
Elsewhere in the book, the picture labeled with Du Bois' name is actually educator and author Booker T. Washington -- while Booker's snap is actually Woodson. Talk about a mess!
Issa says action needs to be taken immediately ... writing in the caption that mistakes happen, but it only takes one person to point it out and ask for corrections. Now that she has, she's calling on Target to remove this product from its inventory.
The outrage continues in Issa's comments as many people are asking why no one bothered to proofread the book at least once.
The publisher's yet to respond to the viral post, and although some are going so far as to claim the errors were deliberate ... we gotta say that seems unlikely, because an intentional mislabeling like this is too outrageous to comprehend.
Whatever happened, the timing couldn't be worse ... on this eve of Black History Month. Rough start for Target and the book's publisher, for sure.
We've reached out to Target and Bendon for comment ... so far, no word back.
Originally Published 4:32 PM PT
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La novia de Blueface se tatúa el culo Para contrarrestar el retrato de la cara de Chrisean
Chrisean Rock no es la única que quiere recordar a Blueface tatuándose su cara... hay otra chica haciendo lo mismo, solo que más bajo.
El miércoles, Bonnie estrenó un tatuaje en su culo. De hecho, publicó fotos y videos acostada con los pantalones caídos y la cara de Blueface inmortalizada en su mejilla izquierda.
Bonnie miembro del elenco original de Blue "Blue Girls Club" -su reality show de corta duración- pero su tinta descarada parece haber sorprendido incluso a su grupo de amigos cercanos, porque están diciendo que es una tonta. Sin embargo, ella ha estado todo el día profesando su 💙 hacia Blue.
Debemos señalar que Bonnie tiene problemas con las otras novias de Blue, incluyendo a Chrisean y Jaidyn Alexis y básicamente todas las otras mujeres en la vida del rapero.
Con este movimiento, Bonnie parece estar tratando de plantar su bandera en Blu, apartándolo para ella cuando salga de la cárcel.
Vale la pena señalar que Bonnie acaba de lanzar una nueva pista titulada "That's My Daddy", y es una muestra de toda su competencia con Blueface, y solo una confirmación más de que él la tiene muy lejos, al igual que las demás
TMZ Hip Hop acaba de confirmar con la tienda de tatuajes de Chrisean que su reciente tatuaje es permanente, y al igual que Bonnie, su propia familia piensa que necesita hacerse a un lado.
Hay que preguntarse, ¿habrá más tatuajes de Blueface en el futuro? El tiempo lo dirá.
Blueface's Other GF Kiss My Ass, Chrisean ... And My Blueface Butt Tattoo!!!
Chrisean Rock isn't the only one of Blueface's baddies dedicating their bodies to his mug shot while he's locked up -- there's another gal doing the same ... only lower.
On Wednesday, his admitted side chick, Bonnie, debuted a HUMONGOUS tattoo of her own -- which was being done on her ass. Indeed, she posted pics and video of herself lying down with her pants dropped and her booty with BF's mug stenciled onto her left cheek.
Bonnie's an OG cast member of Blue's "Blue Girls Club" -- his short-lived reality show -- but her cheeky ink seems to have even surprised her close friend group ... 'cause they're saying she's a fool. Nevertheless, she's been doubling down all day, professing her 💙 for Blue.
We should note ... Bonnie has beef with Blue's other girlfriends/baby mamas -- including Chrisean and Jaidyn Alexis -- and basically all the other women in BF's life. That seems to be why she's doing this ... almost as a way to "stick it to them."
With this move, Bonnie appears to be trying to plant her flag on Blue -- with the message being ... he's all mine, once he's released from jail in a few months, of course.
Probably worth noting ... Bonnie just released a new track titled "That's My Daddy" ... and it's a diss to all her competition with Blueface -- and just further confirmation that he has her on lock, just like all the other ladies in his orbit, it seems.
TMZ Hip Hop just confirmed with Chrisean's tattoo shop that her newly planted "Blueface" is indeed permanent ... but like Bonnie, her own family thinks she needs to step aside.
Ya gotta wonder ... are there more Blueface tattoos coming from any other flames??? Time will tell!
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Teri Hatcher fue expulsada de una aplicación de citas La gente pensó que era falsa
Teri Hatcher no va a encontrar el amor en Tinder ni nada que se le parezca, porque dice que ha terminado con las citas en línea, ¡después de que una popular plataforma la expulsara!
La actriz y chica Bond que ha sido durante mucho tiempo un símbolo sexual en la cultura pop, se abrió sobre su salida sin ceremonias del mundo de las aplicaciones de citas durante una aparición en "Getting Grilled con Curtis Stone", explicando que entró a Hinge para encontrar un buen hombre.
No está claro cuándo sucedió esto, pero Teri dice que estaba "abierta y vulnerable", y realmente quiso entrar, pero afirma que el equipo de Hinge no la quiso y de inmediato la expulsaron.
Stone preguntó por qué echaron a Teri de la aplicación y Teri dice que resulta que simplemente no podían creer que Teri Hatcher estuviera usando su humilde aplicación de citas. Los moderadores parecen haber pensado que era falsa y desactivaron su cuenta, eso es lo que ella sugiere de todos modos.
Hatcher señala que más tarde se disculparon, pero para entonces ya era demasiado tarde, la fiebre de citas en línea de Teri ya se había desvanecido. Añadió que tiene una vida ocupada, por lo que no está persiguiendo el amor, aunque felizmente lo aceptará si llegara a conocer a alguien especial.
Ella terminó el tema con una verdad muy real para muchas personas, preguntando ¿quién necesita un hombre cuando tienes un gato?
Teri no es la única famosa que tiene citas en línea y tampoco la única a la que la gente no le ha creído. Sharon Stone detalló recientemente una mala experiencia y dijo que Bumble la echó también... al parecer es un tema común entre las estrellas.
Lo siento, fans de "Mujeres Desesperadas"... ¡parece que han perdido la oportunidad de charlar online con la mismísima Susan Mayer!
Teri Hatcher I Got Kicked Off of Dating App ... They Thought I Was Fake!!!
Teri Hatcher's not gonna find love on Tinder or anything like it ... 'cause she says she's done with the online dating scene -- this after one popular platform apparently gave her the boot!
The bombshell actress/Bond girl -- who has long been a sex symbol in pop culture -- opened up about her unceremonious exit from the dating app world during an appearance on "Getting Grilled with Curtis Stone" ... explaining she hopped on Hinge to find a good man.
Unclear when this happened, but TH says she was "open and vulnerable," and really put herself out there ... but then claims the Hinge team didn't care, and promptly 86'd her.
Stone asked why they kicked Teri off the app ...and Teri says it turns out they simply couldn't believe THE Teri Hatcher was using their humble dating app. Moderators seem to have thought she was fake and deactivated her account ... that's what she's suggesting anyway.
Hatcher notes they later apologized, but by then it was too late ... Teri's online dating fever had already faded. She added she's got a busy life, so she's not pursuing love -- although, she'll happily accept it if she happens to meet someone IRL.
She ended the topic with a very real truth for many people ... asking who needs a man when you have a cat like she does?!?
FWIW ... Teri isn't the only celeb online dating -- and also not the only one the people behind these apps don't seem to believe. Sharon Stone recently detailed a ruinous rendezvous and said Bumble booted her from the hive -- seems like a common theme among the stars.
Sorry, "Desperate Housewives" fans ... seems you've missed the chance at an online chat with Susan Mayer herself!
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El nuevo tatuaje Chrisean Rock es 100% real Según la tienda de tatuajes
Chrisean Rock mostró un poco de tinta fresca la semana pasada, revelando la cara de su novio, Blueface, y mientras algunos pensaban que no era real... nos dicen todo lo contrario.
El propietario de la tienda de tatuajes Lakimii -donde Chrisean se hizo este trabajo- nos dice que la estrella de la realidad se acercó para este nuevo tatuaje el sábado pasado y mientras que normalmente tienen una política contra la aguja en la cara de alguien, hicieron una excepción para Chrisean.
Nos dicen que este trabajo tomó alrededor de 4 horas en total para completar, lo cual es evidente en lo detallado y elaborado que es. No se sabe si le cobraron o no, pero el propietario, Timo, nos dice que ya le han hecho tatuajes en el pasado, así que están familiarizados con ella como cliente.
De todos modos, puedes echarle un vistazo al tatuaje con más detalle aquí. Mientras que ha habido algunos creen que es falso, Timo insiste en que es real.
Ciertamente se pueden ver sus poros abiertos y la tinta llenándolos. Además, su cabeza está ligeramente afeitada alrededor de la zona en cuestión, lo que es un signo revelador de que está a punto de hacerse un tatuaje.
Hay un puñado de personas que todavía son escépticos acerca del tatuaje, pero por lo que parece, Chrisean parece haber sido atacada de nuevo, esto después de volver a dedicarse a Blueface, que está actualmente entre las rejas por una violación de libertad condicional en Los Ángeles.
Ella ciertamente está esperando a que sea puesto en libertad y sabemos que Lakimii también está emocionado. Nos dicen que el negocio está en auge para ellos desde el trabajo de tinta que hicieron para ella.
Y escucha esto, nos han dicho que el propio Blue también tiene planes de venir a entintarse, aunque no se sabe cuándo exactamente podría suceder.
Como dicen... la pareja que se tatúa junta, permanece junta... o algo así.
Chrisean Rock New Blueface Ink ... Is 100% Real, So Says Tattoo Shop
Chrisean Rock showed off some fresh ink last week that bared the mug of her on-and-off boyfriend, Blueface, and while some thought it wasn't real ... we're being told otherwise.
The owner of the Lakimii Tattoo Shop in WeHo -- where Chrisean got this job done -- tells us the reality star came by for this new face tat last Saturday ... and while they normally have a policy against needling up someone's face, they made an exception for Chrisean.
We're told this work took about 4 hours in total to complete ... which is evident in how detailed and elaborate it is. No word on whether they charged her or not -- but the owner, Timo, tells us they've done tats for her in the past ... so they're familiar with her as a client.
Anyway ... you can take a look at the tattoo in more detail here. While there've been some who've believed this may have been a henna thing ... Timo insists it's the real McCoy.
It certainly looks like it could be based on what we're seeing -- you can see her pores opened up, and the ink filling them. Plus, her head is slightly shaved around the area in question -- which is a telltale sign that a tattoo is about to take place.
There's a handful of folks who are still skeptical about whether this is fake -- but from the looks of it, Chrisean appears to have gotten blasted again ... this after re-devoting herself to Blueface, who's currently behind bars on a probation violation in L.A.
She certainly seems happy waiting for him to be released ... and we know Lakimii is also stoked. They tell us business has booming for them ever since the ink job they did for her.
And get this ... we're told Blue himself apparently has plans to come and get some fresh ink as well. No word on when exactly that might happen -- he could be locked up for a while.
As they say ... the couple that tats together, stays together. Something like that, anyway.
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'Avatar: The Last Airbender' Netflix's Version ... Is Making Sokka Less 'Sexist'?!?
Sokka from Nickelodeon's 'Avatar' show is going to be a lil' different in Netflix's live-action version when it debuts next month ... and that includes a lot less woman-hating, apparently.
Ian Ousely -- the actor who's been tapped to play real Sokka for the streaming giant's take on the beloved animated series -- spilled the beans to EW this week in terms of clarifying how his iteration of one of the main characters will stand apart from what fans remember.
He explained ... "I wanted to make sure that Sokka is funny. There's more weight with realism in every way." His costar Kiawentiio (who plays Sokka's sister, Katara, in Netflix's show) chimed in to clear up which elements of the cartoon didn't work so well in real life.
She interjected with ... "I feel like we also took out the element of how sexist [Sokka] was. I feel like there were a lot of moments in the original show that were iffy."
To that, Ousley agreed in this interview ... going on to say, "Yeah, totally. There are things that were redirected just because it might play a little differently [in live action]." EW also points out what diehards of the animation already know ... namely, that Sokka is, in fact, very sexist as a character toward the start -- but that, eventually, he outgrows that in his arc.
Sokka being humbled by a tribe of badass women was one the best early episodes
— Neo (@NeoWokio) January 30, 2024 @NeoWokio
What is he supposed to do now?
Emphasis on that last part, specially. You see... Sokka's sexism is a key character flaw that he has to mature past all throughout the OG series ... something fans are keenly aware of, which is why they're pissed that it's now being revealed Netflix is changing this major detail.
You can hop into the "Sokka" trend right now on X to see how angry/disappointed everyone is that the Sokka they know -- imperfect and in need of humbling, which often made for great/hilarious moments in the original -- is not going to be found in this live remake.
That also kinda deflates the excitement fans had with the fact Netflix's version actually *looked* a lot like the cartoon ... which had many believing it'd be more faithful to the source material. Apparently, not that faithful. Seems Sokka was too problematic for Netflix.
Womp, womp ... 😑
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MEGAN THEE STALLION 'MEGAN'S LAW' Line Blasted BY Kanka FAMILY ... Disrespectful & Offensive!!
Megan Thee Stallion's beef with Nicki Minaj has invoked a famous law aimed to protect people from sex predators -- and the father of the girl it's named after isn't happy about it.
Richard Kanka -- whose daughter, Megan Kanka, was murdered in the '90s by a sex predator who, at the time, wasn't legally required to identify himself in his neighborhood, and who Megan's Law is inspired by -- is fuming over MTS casually dropping his daughter's name in "Hiss" ... the diss track that kicked off this new feud between her and NM.
He tells TMZ that Megan dragging his late daughter's name into the expletive-riddled song aimed at Nicki is as disrespectful as it gets, from his POV -- and he notes that MTS actually appearing to shed light on the law, which she does, doesn't change his sour feeling.
Kanka tells us that using his daughter's name in such a graphic/offensive manner was highly offensive to the pain his daughter and family felt ... and while he says he hasn't heard the track with his own two ears just yet, he has read the lyrics -- and it's still a no-go for him.
For the record, the lyrics in question are: "These hoes don't be mad at Megan [referring to herself], these hoes mad at Megan's Law" -- a reference Meg was using to take a shot at Nicki's husband, Kenneth Petty, who is a registered sex offender in New York.
A bit of a morbid history lesson ... the bill that turned into Megan's Law came into effect a month after the brutal murder and rape of Richard's 7-year-old daughter -- devastation Richard still lives with to this day ... so, understandably, it's a deeply sensitive subject.
He does admit Megan's music (rap) isn't his cup of tea ... so the only way he found out about it was when one of his kids told him. RK says he still chose not to listen though -- and instead read the "Hiss" lyrics to see what exactly was said about his daughter. Like we said, the guy still takes offense over it ... even though some see MTS's use of it positively.
There's also this ... Richard tells TMZ that the song left such a bad taste in his mouth that he's actually considering looking into his legal options to see if Meg's track went too far.
Unfortunately for Richard ... there's probably not much he can do on that front. Artists have liberties when it comes to wordplay/referencing big moments historically -- which is exactly what Megan did here ... so even though he's mad, a threat of legal action feels empty.
Anyway, this beef has only escalated since Meg threw the first shot -- Nicki's fired back with her own diss track, "Big Foot," and people have mixed reactions to it ... good and bad.
Now, there's a new angry party in the mix ... Megan Kanka's father and he sounds pissed.
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Orlando Brown es expulsado de un restaurante
La cena de Orlando Brown en Los Ángeles tuvo un final caótico, porque el restaurante lo echó luego de que molestara a un miembro del personal.
TMZ ha obtenido un video de la ex estrella de Disney -que interpretó a Eddie Thomas en "That's So Raven"- siendo expulsado del lugar el domingo por la noche, y todo el asunto es bastante dramático, incluso para los estándares de Orlando.
Como se puede ver, Orlando graba a un tipo que trabaja allí y le dice un montón de improperios, incluso le grita hasta que alguien de seguridad lo escoltó fuera de la propiedad.
La gente que estaba allí dice que todo el asunto comenzó con Orlando actuando en su mesa. Nos dicen que le estaba gritando a otros clientes y cuando el personal se acercó a calmarlo, se fue.
Al final, Orlando hizo una gran salida en voz alta, diciendo: "Todo el mundo disfrutó de su noche, lo siento por ustedes... ¡Que se jodan a todos!" Sí, es muy Tony Montana.
Francamente, es una escena triste en general, como hemos informado, la ex estrella de Disney ha luchado durante años contra la adicción a las drogas y las luchas de salud mental. Ha estado dentro y fuera de la cárcel, por no hablar de los centros de rehabilitación.
Por extraño que parezca, ha estado trabajando bastante últimamente, solo el año pasado, Orlando fue un miembro del elenco de la Zeus Network "Bad Boys: Texas", donde ha agitado la olla también.
Orlando se ha convertido en una especie de personalidad extrema los últimos años, pero es bastante obvio que este incidente fue real y para nada orquestado para las cámaras..
Orlando Brown Kicked Out of Restaurant ... Berates Staff on Video!!!
Orlando Brown's night out for dinner in L.A. came to a chaotic end ... because the hotspot restaurant tossed him out when he absolutely flipped out on a staffer.
TMZ has obtained video of the former Disney star -- who famously played Eddie Thomas on "That's So Raven" -- getting booted from TAO Sunday night, and the whole thing is pretty dramatic ... even by Orlando's standards.
As you can see ... Orlando's got his phone out recording a guy who works there, calling him a bunch of names and screaming obscenities before security escorted him off the property.
Folks who were there say the whole scene started with Orlando acting up at his table. We're told he was shouting at other patrons, and when staff came over to calm him down, he went off ... much of which is depicted in the footage we have here.
In the end, Orlando made a grand exit ... loudly telling the restaurant, "Everybody enjoy your night, I'm sorry for f****ing up your s*** ... F*** everybody!!!" Yeah, it's very Tony Montana.
Frankly, it's a sad scene all around ... as we've reported, the former Disney star has for years battled drug addiction and mental health struggles. He's been in and out of jail, not to mention rehab centers -- and at just about every juncture, he's come across as unhinged.
Strangely enough, he's actually been working again of late -- just last year, Orlando was a cast member for the Zeus Network's "Bad Boys: Texas" ... where he's stirred the pot too.
OB has sorta become an over-the-top personality in recent years -- but it's pretty obvious ... this is just how he is now, and he definitely ain't hamming anything up for the cameras.