Donald Trump Tells MAGA Crowd ... Stop 'Bags of Crap' at Voting Booths!!!

Donald Trump's encouraging his supporters to stop people on Election Day that they suspect might be up to no good ... and he's using fecal descriptions to send his message.
The ex-Prez was out campaigning in Iowa Friday -- which is about to kick off its caucus voting on Jan. 15 -- and he made no bones about what he wants MAGA loyalists to do during this presidential election in November ... put a halt to the BS, emphasis on s***.
Check out the clip ... DT ominously tells the crowd that he expects them to roam around election centers and keep an eye out for "bags of crap" that might try to infiltrate.
If the MAGA voters see any of that ... he encourages them to put a stop to it right there at the booths. On its face, it almost sounds like he's cosigning some physical confrontations.
Poop jokes aside, this is pretty serious ... and it comes across as a warning of conflicts to come as we get closer to voting day itself. Already, it's sounding like Trump is stoking the flames of election interference/tampering -- and he's riling up his base right now in January.
Of course, we've seen that story before and how it played out ... namely, Jan. 6, 2021.
It's, perhaps, no coincidence then that Trump was talking this way on the eve of the 3-year anniversary of that. And yes, he continues to insist the 2020 election was "stolen."
Remember, he's the odds-on favorite for the GOP nomination ... so it's shaping to be a rematch between him and Joe again. Here's hoping some ugly history doesn't repeat itself.
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Jodie Foster Ay, Real Talk Though ... Gen Z High-Key Sucks, Bruh!!!
Jodie Foster's crapping on Gen Z, but more specifically how they operate on the job -- which begs the obvious question of ... who the hell is she talking about exactly??? 👀
The 2-time Oscar-winning actress did an interview with The Guardian where she candidly shared her thoughts on these young'ns out here ... and she took aim at the early-20-somethings and teens that she appears to have crossed paths with on movie/TV sets.
JF started on this train of thought by first praising 20-year-old actress Bella Ramsey -- saying she asked her to intro her at an event, noting how she embodies a modern type of womanhood in her appearance/fashion choices, etc. Bella identifies as nonbinary, BTW.
In the same breath, though, Jodie went on to slam other Gen Z'ers at large -- including, apparently, old coworkers of hers, with JF griping ... "They’re really annoying, especially in the workplace. They’re like, ‘Nah, I’m not feeling it today, I’m gonna come in at 10.30am.’"
She continues, "Or, like, in emails, I’ll tell them this is all grammatically incorrect, did you not check your spelling? And they’re like, ‘Why would I do that, isn’t that kind of limiting?’"

The irony, of course, is that she started out in showbiz at a very young age too. In fact, she was just 12 years old while acting in Martin Scorsese's "Taxi Driver." Perhaps she's using that experience and how she handled herself in ripping on this new, hip generation!
Now, Jodie could just be speaking about Gen Z office/work culture generally or anecdotally -- but it does kinda sound like she might be referring to Gen Z'ers she's crossed with professionally herself ... and if that's the case, there's only a select handful that fit the bill.
We ain't gonna name any names here since she didn't, but to the youthful actors out there ... get your act together. Ms. Foster ain't having it with your tomfoolery and malarkey on set!
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Taylor Swift Associates PO'd Over Piece Speculating on Her Sexuality
Taylor Swift became the subject of an entire article trying to figure out if she was part of the LGBTQ+ community ... and apparently, people in her world are pretty pissed about it.
The NYT recently published an op-ed by writer Anna Marks -- who identifies as queer -- and it's titled, "Look What We Made Taylor Swift Do." The entire premise of the piece is a deep dive into speculation that TS might, perhaps, be something other than straight.
“The first time I viewed ‘Lover’ through the prism of queerness, I felt delirious, almost insane. I kept wondering whether what I was perceiving in her work was truly there or if it was merely a mirage, born of earnest projection,” writes Anna Marks. Read:
— New York Times Opinion (@nytopinion) January 4, 2024 @nytopinion
Marks refers to moments she perceives as Taylor "dropping hairpins" (aka, dropping clues about being LGBTQ+) throughout her career ... writing, "In isolation, a single dropped hairpin is perhaps meaningless or accidental, but considered together, they’re the unfurling of a ballerina bun after a long performance."
She adds, "Those dropped hairpins began to appear in Ms. Swift’s artistry long before queer identity was undeniably marketable to mainstream America. They suggest to queer people that she is one of us." If it sounds like a reach, Taylor's camp seems to feel the same way.
While Taylor has certainly proven herself to be ally to the LGBTQ+ community, she's never explicitly indicated she's into anything but dudes -- in fact, her dating record proves that.
That point was hit home by someone close to Taylor, who told CNN ... "Because of her massive success, in this moment there is a Taylor-shaped hole in people’s ethics. This article wouldn’t have been allowed to be written about Shawn Mendes or any male artist whose sexuality has been questioned by fans."
This person adds, "There seems to be no boundary some journalists won’t cross when writing about Taylor, regardless of how invasive, untrue, and inappropriate it is -- all under the protective veil of an ‘opinion piece.'"
There have, in fact, been think pieces written about male pop stars and their sexuality ... namely, Harry Styles, Bad Bunny, etc. But this point is well taken -- just leave it be, people.
You can obviously be supportive of queer people without necessarily being queer yourself.
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Taraji P. Henson sobre nuevo filme Casi tuve que ir por mi cuenta al set ... Quejas sobre la película
Taraji P. Henson ahora está disparando contra su nueva película "El color púrpura", alegando que fue relegada a un trato de segunda clase durante la producción ... hasta que ella se defendió.
La actriz hizo una crítica mordaz sobre cómo, según ella, fue tratada (al principio) en el set de "El color púrpura", una película de Warner Bros, y cómo tuvo que exigir mejores condiciones de trabajo, incluyendo conseguir alguien que la llevara hasta el propio set.
En una nueva entrevista con el NYT, Taraji revela que tuvo que abogar no solo por sí misma, sino también por sus compañeros de reparto, diciendo: "Nos dieron carros de alquiler y yo estaba como, 'No puedo conducir hasta el set en Atlanta'. Esto es responsabilidad del seguro, es peligroso. Ahora le roban a la gente. ¿Qué aspecto tengo yo, yendo sola al trabajo en un carro de alquiler?".
La actriz añade: "Así que les dije: '¿Pueden llevarme a un chófer o alguien de seguridad? Me decían: 'Bueno, si lo hacemos por ti, tenemos que hacerlo por todos'. ¡Pues háganlo por todos! Son cosas así, cosas por las que no debería tener que luchar. Estaba en el plató de "Empire" luchando por remolques que no estuvieran infestados de bichos".
Danielle Brookes talking about how they didn't have their own dressing rooms or food until Oprah called Taraji
— Maddie's Green Reading Dress (@PoeticJusticeK) January 6, 2024 @PoeticJusticeK
Taraji tenía más quejas que airear sobre la película, como por ejemplo, la afirmación de que el estudio, al parecer, no estaba interesado en llevar al elenco a una gira de prensa internacional, así como quejas porque tuvo que hacer una audición y romperse el culo por su papel en la película.
Ella explica: "¿Qué más tengo que hacer para demostrar mi valía? Ahora que estoy cantando y bailando para ti, y me subí a la mesa 88 veces con mis rodillas nudosas y tuve que ponerme hielo en las rodillas entre toma y toma, ¿qué más tengo que hacer?".

Todo esto sigue a varias semanas de Taraji y otras estrellas de la película discutiendo su bajo salario en Hollywood, y ha sido revelador, especialmente con nombres tan grandes unidos a esta película, incluyendo el de Oprah, que es productora y ha sido una parte clave de la promoción.
Taraji dice que Oprah tuvo que intervenir en su nombre un puñado de veces debido a sus quejas y, finalmente, todo se solucionó, pero parece haber sido una batalla cuesta arriba durante un tiempo. Una vez más, Taraji es una ganadora del Globo de Oro y actriz nominada al Oscar.
Si lo que ella ha estado diciendo es cierto, hablar de un comportamiento patas arriba hacia un A-lister. 🥴
Taraji P. Henson on 'TCP' I Almost Had to Drive Myself to Set ... Complains About Film
Taraji P. Henson is now taking shots at her own new film "The Color Purple," claiming she was relegated to second-class treatment while in production ... that is, until she fought back.
The actress gave a scathing critique over how she says she was dealt with as talent (at first) on the set of 'TCP' -- a WB film -- and how she had to demand better working conditions ... including getting a lift to and from the set itself.
In a new NYT interview, Taraji reveals she had to advocate not just for herself, but for her castmates as well ... saying, "They gave us rental cars, and I was like, 'I can’t drive myself to set in Atlanta.' This is insurance liability, it’s dangerous. Now they robbing people. What do I look like, taking myself to work by myself in a rental car?"
TPH adds, "So I was like, 'Can I get a driver or security to take me?' I’m not asking for the moon. They’re like, 'Well, if we do it for you, we got to do it for everybody.' Well, do it for everybody! It’s stuff like that, stuff I shouldn’t have to fight for. I was on the set of "Empire" fighting for trailers that wasn’t infested with bugs."
Danielle Brookes talking about how they didn't have their own dressing rooms or food until Oprah called Taraji
— Maddie's Green Reading Dress (@PoeticJusticeK) January 6, 2024 @PoeticJusticeK
Taraji had more grievances to air about 'TCP' ... including the claim that the studio, apparently, wasn't interested in bringing the cast out internationally for a press run -- as well as complaints about the fact she had to audition and bust her ass for her role in the flick.
She explains ... "What else do I need to do to prove my worth? Now that I’m singing and dancing for you, and I climbed up on the table 88 times with my knobby knees and had to ice my knees in between takes, what else do I need to do?"

All this follows several weeks of Taraji and other stars of the film discussing their low pay in Hollywood ... and it's been eye-opening to watch -- especially with such big names attached to this film, including Oprah ... who's a producer and has been a key part of promotion.
Taraji says Oprah actually had to step in on her behalf a handful of times over these complaints of hers -- and eventually, everything got sorted out ... but it seems to have been an uphill battle for a while. Again, Taraji is a Golden Globe winner/Oscar-nominated actress.
If what she's been saying is true ... talk about topsy-turvy behavior toward an A-lister. 🥴
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Pánico en Alaska Airlines La ventana de la cabina explota en pleno vuelo ... el avión hace un aterrizaje de emergencia

Un vuelo de Alaska Airlines se vio obligado a realizar un aterrizaje de emergencia en Portland después de que una de las ventanas de la cabina explotara, creando un enorme agujero y succionando las pertenencias de los asustados pasajeros.
El avión comercial lleno de pasajeros despegó del Aeropuerto Internacional de Portland alrededor de las 5 PM del viernes, con destino a Ontario, California, pero tuvo que dar la vuelta rápidamente después de que la ventana estallara.
Mientras el avión regresaba al aeropuerto de Portland, se desató el caos cuando las máscaras de oxígeno cayeron sobre los 171 pasajeros y vientos parecidos a los de un tornado azotaron la cabina, causando un "problema de presurización", según la Administración Federal de Aviación.
Durante los 15 minutos siguientes, los pasajeros grabaron videos de la angustiosa experiencia y los compartieron en sus redes, donde se ve el gran agujero en el lateral del avión, por donde fueron succionados varios objetos, entre ellos teléfonos móviles.
Afortunadamente, el Boeing 737-9 aterrizó sin problemas y nadie resultó herido de gravedad. Una azafata sufrió heridas leves.
Una pasajera, Vi Nguyen, le dijo al New York Times que se despertó sobresaltada por un fuerte golpe durante el vuelo y se volvió hacia su izquierda, cuando vio que "la pared lateral del avión había desaparecido". Y añadió: "Lo primero que pensé fue: 'Voy a morir'".
Su compañera, Elizabeth Le, también habló con el NYT, diciendo que un adolescente había perdido su camisa y su piel estaba roja e irritada mientras estaba sentado con su madre en sus asientos.
Los auxiliares de vuelo intentaron ayudarlos a que se trasladaran a otra sección del avión, dijo Le y recordó: "Fue sinceramente horrible. Estuve a punto de derrumbarme, pero me di cuenta que tenía que mantener la calma".

Audio de Alaska Airlines: "Tenemos a un tipo que va por la borda"
El CEO de Alaska Airlines, Ben Minicucci, emitió un comunicado el viernes por la noche, diciendo que la compañía está dejando temporalmente en tierra su flota de 65 aviones Boeing 737-9 para una inspección y mantenimiento completo como medida de precaución.
Minicucci también pidió disculpas a los pasajeros del vuelo y confirmó que la Junta Nacional de Seguridad en el Transporte está dirigiendo una investigación sobre las causas del incidente.
Alaska Airlines Freak-Out Cabin Window Explodes Mid Flight ... Plane Makes Emergency Landing

An Alaska Airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing in Portland after one of the cabin windows exploded, creating a gaping hole and sucking out belongings from frightened passengers.
The packed commercial airliner took off from Portland International Airport around 5 PM Friday, heading for Ontario, California, but it had to quickly turn around after the window blew out.
As the plane flew back to Portland airport, sheer chaos ensued as oxygen masks rained down on the 171 passengers and tornado-like winds gusted through the cabin, causing a "pressurization issue," according to the Federal Aviation Administration.
During the next 15 minutes, scared passengers recorded videos of the harrowing experience and posted them on social media, showing the large hole in the side of the plane, where several items, including cell phones, were suctioned out.
Luckily, the Boeing 737-9 aircraft touched down safely and no one was seriously hurt, but a flight attendant sustained minor injuries.
One passenger, Vi Nguyen, told the New York Times ... she was jolted awake by a loud bang during the flight and turned to her left, seeing "the wall on the side of the plane is gone.” She added, “The first thing I thought was, ‘I’m going to die.'"
Her pal, Elizabeth Le, also spoke to the NYT, saying a teenage boy had lost his shirt and his skin was red and irritated as he sat with his mom in their seats.
Flight attendants were trying to help them move to another section of the plane, Le said, recalling, “It was honestly horrifying. I almost broke down, but I realized I needed to remain calm.”

Alaska Airlines Audio, Pilot Went 'Little Overboard' in Attempt to Take Down Plane
Alaska Airlines CEO Ben Minicucci issued a statement Friday night, saying the company is temporarily grounding its fleet of 65 Boeing 737-9 aircraft for full inspection and maintenance as a precautionary measure.
Minicucci also apologized to the passengers on the flight and confirmed the National Transportation Safety Board is spearheading an investigation into what caused the incident.
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Ice Cube Katt's Story Mostly Checks Out ... Except the 'Friday' Rape Scene Stuff!!!
Breaking News

Ice Cube has entered the Katt Williams chat days after the comedian shook up showbiz with his "Club Shay Shay" interview ... and, he's looking to clarify the allegation he tried to make light of a rape scene.
Katt accused Rickey Smiley of lying about being the OG pick for his "Money Mike" role in "Friday After Next" -- and also claimed he saved the character from a bathroom rape scene involving Terry Crews' ex-con character, "Damon."

Cube agreed that Rickey lost the part after Katt embodied the pimp schtick to make "Money Mike" an unforgettable character, but denies he ever wrote a rape scene for the film -- he says that's just not his style.
Cube says the main goal of the scene was to cancel out Katt and Terry's characters, as the film had 3 main villains, including the "Santa Claus" role Rickey ended up filling.

The hip hop legend also took some time out to address the ingrates who've groused over the years about their salaries in the 'Friday' franchise.
Cube explained actors aren't the only ones who need to get paid for movies -- producers, stagehands, even the coffee runners have to get paid every day, while most of the actors he employed were done with their scenes after a couple of days.
He's still an actor for hire ... Cubevision doesn't have to create every classic.
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ESPN Exec Calls Rodgers' Kimmel Jabs 'Dumb' ... But He'll Be Back On 'McAfee Show'
ESPN is distancing itself from Aaron Rodgers' recent comments about Jimmy Kimmel ... chalking his controversial appearance on "The Pat McAfee Show" up to a bad attempt at comedy.
The New York Jets quarterback sparked an intense feud with the ABC late-night host earlier this week ... when he suggested Kimmel could be among the famous names on Jeffrey Epstein's client list.
Kimmel was furious with Rodgers ... firing back by claiming the comments could put his family in danger -- and threatening to take legal action if he continued to bark up that tree.

Mike Foss -- ESPN's senior vice president of digital and studio production -- addressed the whole issue in an interview with Front Office Sports on Friday ... and he said the comments never should have came out of Rodgers' mouth.
"Pat announced today that he’s planning on Aaron joining the show Tuesday," Foss told the outlet. "Aaron made a dumb and factually inaccurate joke about Jimmy Kimmel."

"The show will continue to evolve. It wouldn’t surprise me if Aaron’s role evolves with it."
Based on the latter part of that statement, it certainly sounds like the network won't step in and prevent Rodgers from going back on the show ... but on Friday's show, Pat accused ESPN exec Norby Williamson of sabotaging his program amid the drama.
Pat McAfee just called one of his ESPN bosses, Norby Williamson, a rat on air and said he was actively sabotaging the show. Get your popcorn! No doubt this is true, btw. Definitely some in ESPN attacking PM from inside:
— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) January 5, 2024 @ClayTravis
Of course, the beef between Rodgers and Kimmel is complicated -- McAfee and the TV personality are both in the Disney family and wildly popular in their respective fields.
But as McAfee said on Thursday, it appears everyone involved is looking to move forward in peace -- without going to court.
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Wet n' Wild Man Performs Naked Cannonball INTO BASS PRO Pond

Talk about fishing for attention -- some guy is in serious trouble after stripping naked and jumping into a Bass Pro Shop pond -- and footage from horrified bystanders has captured everything.
You gotta see it to believe it -- the man executes a cannonball from the top floor of the store in Leeds, Alabama Thursday ... cops say the guy, 42-year-old George Owens, performed the stunt just before closing time.
The videos show Owens yelling something to officers as he shamelessly hangs on the edge ... legs spread wide apart and all -- before dramatically hurling himself over the side and onto the wet cement floor, smacking his head and ass in the process.
Cops get Owens into cuffs though he continues to put up a fight. However, he eventually calms down.
At one point, another man covers him with a blanket to spare bystanders the naked sight ... and police slide him away on his belly.
As for what led up to the erratic fish tank display, Police Chief Paul Irwin tells TMZ, Owens was driving in a car with 2 family members around 9 PM when he hit a pole in the store's parking lot.
From there, he decided to get out, strip naked and walk inside the wilderness-themed store.
Chief Irwin tells us that once he was under arrest, Owens kicked one officer in the groin ... and he later kicked in and damaged the back door of their police vehicle.
He's being charged with a hodgepodge of offenses, including criminal mischief and assault on a police officer. He also made vulgar comments to the officers. He was taken to a hospital for psychiatric evaluation.
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Mojado y loco Un hombre se lanza desnudo al estanque de una tienda

Hablando de llamar la atención, un hombre está en serios problemas después de desnudarse y saltar a un estanque de Bass Pro Shop, y las imágenes de los horrorizados transeúntes muestran todo el incidente.
Tienes que verlo para creerlo, el hombre ejecutó un salto tipo bala de cañón desde el piso superior de la tienda en Leeds, Alabama este jueves, y la policía dice que el hombre, de 42 años, George Owens, realizó el truco justo antes de la hora de cierre.
Los videos muestran a Owens gritándole algo a los oficiales mientras descaradamente se cuelga del borde, con sus piernas abiertas y todo, y se prepara para su lanzamiento.
A continuación, los policías esposan a Owens, aunque este sigue oponiendo resistencia. Sin embargo, finalmente se calma.
En un momento dado, otro hombre lo cubre con una manta para evitar que los transeúntes lo vean desnudo y la policía se lo lleva boca abajo.
En cuanto a lo que lo motivó a exhibirse de esta forma, el Jefe de Policía, Paul Irwin dice a TMZ, que Owens estaba conduciendo en un carro con 2 miembros de su familia alrededor de las 9 PM cuando chocó contra un poste en el estacionamiento de la tienda.
A partir de ahí, decidió salir, desnudarse y caminar dentro de la tienda de temática salvaje.
El jefe Irwin nos dice que una vez que estuvo bajo arresto, Owens pateó a un oficial en la ingle y más tarde pateó y dañó la puerta trasera de su vehículo policial.
Se le acusa de una mezcolanza de delitos, incluidos los de daños y agresión a un agente de la policía. También hizo comentarios vulgares a los agentes. Fue trasladado a un hospital para una evaluación psiquiátrica.
'Wild 'N Out's King Bobb'e J Katt Said What He Said ... Joke Stealers Need to Be Shamed!!!

Katt Williams can count on at least one comedic ally after his royal roast of Kevin Hart, Steve Harvey and Cedric the Entertainer -- "Wild 'N Out" vet Bobb'e J. Thompson cosigns everything Katt's saying!!!
We linked with Bobb'e in Hollywood to discuss Katt's super-viral sit-down on Shannon Sharpe's podcast as the numbers for the nearly 3-hour chitchat breached 15 million views in just a couple of days.
Many comedians and even rappers such as Ludacris and Trick Daddy, took Katt's unfiltered thoughts as fightin' words.

TD suggested he's ready to get physical, as he reminded Katt he's from the streets.
But, Bobb'e tells us there's never any reason to rumble over a joke ... unless you can fight, and he says Katt has no issues in the fisticuffs department. He also doesn't feel like Katt spoke out a turn, especially in the pursuit of being credited for his work.
I don’t even know why I’m surprised at
— JJ.eth (@jjrichardson_) January 5, 2024 @jjrichardson_
Steve Harvey to be honest, stealing this
Katt Williams joke too, birds of a feather him, Rickey Smiley and Cedric the Entertainer all the same
Cabal of Haters😂
Katt accused guys like Steve and Ced of stealing his material over the years, and even had damning allegations for Michael Blackson ... claiming the Nigerian accent is faker than everything sold on Canal Street.
Bobb'e worked with both Katt and Michael on "Wild 'N Out" and can't confirm or deny Mike's 24/7 speaking patterns ... but does say tensions will arise if a joke gets stolen on the 'WNO' set.
In the meantime, seems like Katt reigns as the people's champ.
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Pasajera de Delta Crisis en el aeropuerto Grita sobre su periodo!!!

Una pasajera de Delta se fue en una diatriba de improperios, que incluyó comentarios sobre su período, causando no solo una escena, sino que el vuelo se retrasara en una hora.
Mira a la mujer perdiendo completamente el control en estas imágenes capturadas el lunes en el Aeropuerto Internacional Hartsfield-Jackson en Atlanta. En ellas se ve cómo irrespetuosamente apoda a uno de los miembros del personal como 'estúpida put****' después de que supuestamente fuera expulsada del vuelo con dirección a Rochester, NYC.
La mujer estaba visiblemente enfadada, golpeando repetidamente su bolsa contra el mostrador y exigiendo hablar con el gerente y ordenando que llamasen a la policía.
Después de seguir lanzando groserías descaradamente, la mujer se da la vuelta y le declara a todos que está "en pañales y sangrando" porque es su momento del mes.
Un hombre detrás de ella, entonces, llama su atención y ella da marcha atrás y le ladra: "¡Estoy con la regla! ¿Sabes lo que es un útero? Estúpido idiota, comadreja".
Continúa haciéndole preguntas sobre lo que significa tener un útero hasta que finalmente es llevada afuera por la policía, lo que provocó vítores de otros pasajeros.
No está claro por qué fue expulsada del vuelo en primer lugar.

A Delta passenger went on a foul-mouthed tirade, which included remarks about her period ... not only causing a scene, but also delaying the flight for an hour.
Watch the unidentified woman completely lose it in the shocking footage captured Monday at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport ... as she disrespectfully dubs one of the female staff members a "stupid b****" after she was allegedly kicked off the flight she was hoping to take to Rochester, NYC.
The woman was visibly vexed, repeatedly slamming her bag on the counter ... demanding to speak to the manager, and ordering Delta staffers to call the cops.
After continuing to hurl expletives shamelessly, the woman then turns around ... declaring to everyone in the gate area she's "in a diaper and bleeding" cause it's her time of the month.
A man behind her then grabs her attention ... and she marches over, barking: "I'm on my period! Do you know what a uterus is? You stupid little prick, you little weasel!"
She continues to quiz him on the definition of a uterus ... before finally being led out by police ... prompting cheers from other passengers.
It's unclear why she was kicked off the flight in the first place.
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B.G. Says Lil Wayne's a Bitch!!! On Finesse2Tymes Collab
B.G.'s homecoming from prison hasn't ignited the Cash Money Hot Boys reunion, and his new diss in Lil Wayne's direction probably means it's definitely not happening!!!
On Finesse2Tymes' new track "Gangstafied," B.G. unloaded on Wayne ... "My n**** Weezy steady torn/Touring ... but he's a bitch and it's showing!!!" 😱
No clue why B.G. set out to embarrass Wayne on the track, but they haven't been spotted together like fans had hoped they would after B.G.'s release.

B.G. got out of prison last September after serving 11 years for gun possession and was immediately greeted by Birdman, sparking talk of a Cash Money reunion.

Turk told TMZ Hip Hop, at the time, an HB comeback was inevitable, but addressed his followers with a completely different tone after B.G.'s Wayne slander was unleashed to the public.
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Nikki Haley is digging a deeper hole for herself as she continues her apology tour to rectify her comments on the Civil War -- because she's playing the ol' "Black friends" card.
She was asked about her thoughts over the backlash to her blunder during CNN's town hall in Des Moines Thursday night ... the Republican presidential hopeful told host Erin Burnett she should've said slavery was a catalyst for the Civil War straight off the bat.
Nikki elaborated, though, saying she believed the slavery part of it was obvious to her, because South Carolinians grow up talking about the topic -- and not-so-subtly slipped in the line, "I had Black friends growing up ... it is a very talked about thing."

She emphasized that she's always associated the Civil War with slavery ... and with her response, she was merely trying to highlight the lesson learned going forward.

The controversy kicked off Dec 27 at a campaign stop in Berlin, NH, when Haley left out the fact that slavery triggered the bloody conflict between the Union and the Confederacy in the 1800s.

Haley was criticized by the media and pretty much everyone else -- including ex-CNN anchor Don Lemon who blasted her apology tour, saying she didn't show him any grace when he said she was past her prime during a live TV broadcast.