Peter Rosenberg's not buying Kanye West's apology for his antisemitic comments ... seconding our observation it reads like something outta an AI chatbot.
We got the radio DJ on "TMZ Live" Wednesday, where he notes Ye's remorse was so inauthentic compared to his usual impassioned messages ... it automatically let him know it was bogus.
In fact ... Peter focuses on the rapper's delayed album "Vultures" ... theorizing he was forced into conjuring up a blanket apology after record execs pressured him into it ... in exchange for clearing some tunes on his album.
Peter blasts Ye further ... telling us his message being written in Hebrew was both intentionally and unintentionally offensive ... as if American Jews could easily read the language without vowels.
Noting his years-long obsession with making offensive comments ... Peter says he doesn't think there'll ever be an apology from Ye that could make people forget the uproar he's caused.
As TMZ first noted ... an AI content detector said there was an 85% chance a computer wrote Kanye's apology.
Strong buzz words usually associated with chat phrases like "sincerely apologize," "It was not my intention to hurt," and "promoting unity" were used -- meaning there's a strong chance it didn't come from his heart.
Even if his remorse was genuine, we totally back Peter's comments ... Ye's done so much damage publicly lashing out at Jews; it wouldn't have been enough ... he'd need a whole apology tour.
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Peter Rosenberg La disculpa de Kanye es falsa... ¡Los ejecutivos lo obligaron a hacerlo!
Peter Rosenberg no se está comprando las disculpas de Kanye West por sus comentarios antisemitas y también cree que parece salida de un chatbot de inteligencia artificial.
Tuvimos al DJ en "TMZ Live" el miércoles, en donde señaló que el remordimiento de Ye sonaba poco auténtico en comparación con sus apasionados mensajes habituales, lo que automáticamente le hizo pensar que era falso.
De hecho, Peter se centra en su retrasado álbum "Vultures" y teoriza que el rapero se vio obligado a inventar una disculpa general después de que los ejecutivos discográficos lo presionaran a cambio de despejar algunas melodías en su álbum.
Peter arremete aún más contra Ye, diciendo que su mensaje fuera escrito en hebreo fue a la vez intencionalmente y no intencionalmente ofensivo, como si los judíos estadounidenses pudieran leer fácilmente el idioma sin vocales.
Considerando su obsesión de años haciendo comentarios ofensivos, Peter no cree que exista una disculpa que pueda hacer a la gente olvidar el alboroto que ha causado.
Como TMZ primero señaló, un detector de contenido AI descubrió que había un 85% de posibilidades de que un ordenador hubiera escrito la disculpa de Kanye.
Palabras de moda por lo general asociadas con frases de chat como "sinceramente arrepentido", "No era mi intención herir", y "promover la unidad" fueron utilizadas, lo que significa que hay una gran posibilidad de que no haya venido de su corazón.
Incluso si su remordimiento es genuino, apoyamos totalmente los comentarios de Peter ... Ye ha hecho tanto daño públicamente arremetiendo contra los judíos, que no parece suficiente. Necesitaría hacer una gira para disculparse.
'Jeopardy!' Champ Austin Rogers Ken Earned Sole Daily Host Duty ... Mayim Should Do Specials
One of the biggest "Jeopardy!" champs of all time says the show is in good hands with Ken Jennings ... but he doesn't want Mayim Bialik to vanish completely.
We got Austin Rogers -- who went on a major hot streak in 2017 -- at Gaf East, a bar he just bought in New York City, and we asked him about Mayim announcing her exit as one of the "Jeopardy!" hosts.
Austin says the show will be just fine with Ken taking on an even larger role. Ken's become synonymous with "Jeopardy!" and AR feels he's a big enough name now to soften the blow of Mayim's departure.
Another "Jeopardy!" champ, Amy Schneider agrees ... telling us Ken is the right choice for the everyday hosting gig, in part because he's a big hit with the contestants.
While Mayim says Sony brass told her she won't be hosting the syndicated daily show, the studio is leaving the door open for her to host special episodes ... like "Celebrity Jeopardy" and other primetime tournaments -- and Austin explains why she's a good fit there.
TMZ broke the story ... Mayim's absence during the writers' strike made Sony execs realize they didn't need 2 hosts, and ultimately her loss was Ken's gain.
Austin says Mayim was still right to stand in solidarity with the writers, and he hopes she remains involved ... even if it's not on a daily basis.
Ken's not on Alex Trebek's level yet -- but Austin says he's doing a good job filling those massive shoes.
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Hugh Jackman recibe una advertencia del guardia de seguridad del Rockefeller Center
Hugh Jackman se pasó un poco con el espíritu navideño en el Rockefeller Center de Nueva York, porque un guardia de seguridad tuvo que darle una advertencia por saltarse una barrera policial.
El actor estaba disfrutando de las festividades navideñas en el punto de referencia cultural en Manhattan, cuando alguien lo grabó caminando frente a las tiendas de alta gama.
Échale un vistazo al clip que publicó en Instagram... Hugh parece más feliz que nunca en el video que se hizo a sí mismo en la atracción turística.
En un momento, Hugh sonríe y levanta los brazos triunfalmente con el árbol de Navidad del Rockefeller Center detrás de él y luego el video se corta.
Aunque nunca vimos al guardia de seguridad, Hugh escribió en su pie de foto de IG: "Recomiendo encarecidamente levantarse muy temprano en la mañana de Navidad y dar un paseo para ver el árbol de Navidad Rockefeller".
Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.
Y continuó: "Es tan hermoso y no está lleno de gente en absoluto. Me metí en problemas por ir más allá de la barrera, pero el guardia de seguridad fue amable y me dejó ir con una advertencia".
¡Menudo regalo! ¡Feliz Navidad, Hugh!
Hugh Jackman Too Much Christmas Spirit At Rockefeller Center ... Warning From Security Guard
Hugh Jackman got a bit too much in the Christmas spirit at NYC's Rockefeller Center ... because a security guard had to give him a warning for breaching a police barrier.
The actor was enjoying all the holiday festivities at the cultural landmark in Manhattan – while someone was shooting a video of him walking past all the high-end stores outside.
Check out the clip he posted on Instagram ... Hugh looks happier than ever as he, too, films himself at the tourist attraction.
At one point, Hugh smiles and throws his arms up triumphantly with the Rockefeller Center Xmas tree standing behind him. The video then cuts off.
While we never saw the security guard, Hugh wrote in his IG caption, "I highly recommend getting up really early on Christmas morning and taking a walk to see the Rockefeller Christmas tree."
Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.
He continued, "It’s so beautiful and not crowded at all. I did get in trouble for going beyond the barrier but the security guard was nice and let me go with just a warning."
What a gift!!! Merry Christmas, Hugh!!!
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Kanye West Name Written on Israeli Missile ... MMA Fighter Taking Credit
Kanye West's name was written onto an Israeli missile that's apparently going to be used in the war in the Middle East -- and a prominent MMA fighter is taking credit for the stunt.
A photo was posted Sunday by Haim Gozali, an Israeli mixed-martial artist who was once affiliated with Bellator -- and who's been very outspoken on the conflict between Israel and Hamas ... oftentimes mocking the death of Palestinians over these past few months.
He caught heat back in November for writing the names of Muslim UFC fighters onto a bomb that seemed to be on the front lines -- including Khabib Nurmagomedov and others who've expressed support for Palestine. Haim was clearly trying to taunt them.
It's unclear if he himself is the one that's actually writing the names, or if he's having someone else in the IDF do it on his behalf -- but in any case, the guy has owned it all.
Now, a new photo of some missiles apparently in the possession of Israeli soldiers has been posted to his Twitter account -- and he's roping Kanye in ... in very crude and cruel fashion.
Above the pic of the missile -- which looks real -- he wrote, "@kanyewest you don’t like us jewish. So we don’t like you too !!!" The picture itself features a shell with the writing ... "Kanye West Flying to Gaza Haim Gozali." The photo echoes what he'd posted before.
Haim appears to have been recently banned from X, but he's back now ... and reveling in the ability to post again -- with this image being one of the first things he's thrown up.
Of course, the reason he's even invoking Ye has to do with KW's antisemitic rhetoric over the past year or so. He hasn't explicitly talked much about the war, but he has spent a lot of time in that region for the past several months working on and finishing his new album.
Kanye hasn't addressed Haim's call-out, and it remains to be seen if he will.
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Dr. Umar on Joe Budden Pod Em Can't Be Rap G.O.A.T. Because He's Freaking White!!!
Eminem cannot be considered the greatest rapper of all time because of his white skin -- at least according to Dr. Umar Johnson ... who claimed as much on Joe Budden's podcast.
The controversial pan-Africanist -- who's mostly famous for his inflammatory online rants and POVs on race, etc. -- was the latest guest to join Joe and co. ... and one segment from their chat is starting to make the rounds in hip-hop circles, 'cause they touched on Slim Shady.
Watch ... Umar is making a point about whites that are allowed to partake in Black culture -- including hip-hop -- which he says is a disservice to African-Americans ... and doesn't go both ways. In the same breath, he name-drops Em -- saying he enjoys too much privilege.
Joe asks if he considers Eminem to be one of the greatest MCs regardless of race ... which sets Umar off on a tirade about how Caucasians should never be considered to be the greatest in something that he feels belongs to Black people ... in this case, rap music.
Umar even goes so far as to claim that putting at the top of the hip-hop list is "white supremacy" ... but you can tell JB clearly doesn't agree. Pretty wild stuff, indeed.
Gotta wonder what Marshall himself thinks about this ... especially considering his affiliation to Joe and Slaughterhouse. With that said, there have been disses throw out in recent years.
Even with their rocky history, Joe seems to be coming to Em's defense here. Interesting ...
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Un sacerdote llama "judío palestino" a Jesús durante una entrevista navideña en la CNN
Un sacerdote católico acudió a la CNN en Navidad para decir que Jesús era un palestino perseguido y que la historia de su nacimiento tiene paralelismos con lo que está ocurriendo en Oriente Próximo.
El padre Edward Beck -un colaborador habitual- se unió a los presentadores de la mañana del lunes para discutir el tema de cómo mantener viva la fe en estas fiestas con todo lo que está pasando en el mundo... esto haciendo referencia a la guerra entre Israel y Hamás con los palestinos atrapados en el medio.
Dijo que la historia de Navidad era en realidad la de un "judío palestino", señalando lo extraordinario que es escuchar esas dos palabras juntas. El Padre Beck continuó diciendo que Jesús nació en un país ocupado y que su madre y su padre (María/José) fueron forzados a huir a Egipto como refugiados, lo cual es técnicamente correcto, en lo que a la Biblia se refiere.
Beck continuó diciendo que el mismo tipo de cosas están sucediendo ahora en 2023 y mientras que él no vino abiertamente como alguien pro-Palestina, así es como sus comentarios fueron percibidos.
De hecho, hay mucha polémica en Internet sobre la sugerencia de que Jesús era palestino y que podría haberse identificado más con la difícil situación actual de los palestinos que con la de los israelíes. Como muchos han señalado en Internet, Palestina ni siquiera existía entonces.
Por otro lado, tampoco existía el Estado de Israel tal y como lo conocemos actualmente, pero lo único que es innegable es que Jesús era judío, valga lo que valga en este encarnizado debate.
El Padre Beck ha defendido en línea lo que dijo en algunos debates. Una vez más, algunos tomaron sus palabras aquí para dar a entender que Jesús era más palestino/árabe que judío, pero Beck dice que sus palabras están siendo tergiversadas y su mensaje iba enfocado a la paz y unidad.
También ha publicado artículos que hacen referencia al uso histórico de la palabra "palestino" y a cómo, al parecer, se ha empleado para identificar a musulmanes, judíos y otras personas que han vivido en esa región durante milenios. En otras palabras, el Padre Beck está reafirmando la noción de que Jesús era palestino y que el hecho de que también fuera judío no lo contradice necesariamente.
Sin duda es una conversación muy interesante y parece que ha encendido la furia de ambas partes. Como el propio Jesús podría haber dicho en términos más elocuentes, ¿no podemos llevarnos bien, chicos?
Catholic Priest JC Was Persecuted 'Palestinian Jew'!!! Sparks Big Debate on Xmas
A Catholic priest came on CNN on Christmas to say Jesus was a persecuted Palestinian -- and that the story of his birth contains parallels to what's going on in the Middle East.
Father Edward Beck -- a regular contributor -- joined Monday morning's anchors to discuss the topic of how to keep faith alive this holiday season with everything going on in the world ... namely, the war between Israel and Hamas, with Palestinians caught in the middle.
He said the story of Xmas was actually one of a "Palestinian Jew" -- noting how extraordinary it is to hear those 2 words put together. Father Beck went on to say JC was born into an occupied country, and that his mother and father (Mary/Joseph) were forced to flee into Egypt as refugees ... which is technically correct, as far as the Bible's concerned.
Beck went on to say the same sort of thing is going on right now in 2023 -- and while he didn't outright come out as explicitly pro-Palestine ... that's how his remarks were perceived.
In fact, there's a lot of handwringing happening online over the suggestion that Jesus was Palestinian ... and that he might've identified more so with the current Palestinian plight over that of Israelis. As many have pointed out online, Palestine didn't even exist back then.
On the flip side, neither did the state of Israel as we currently know it ... but the one thing that's undeniable is that JC was Jewish, for whatever's that worth in this raging debate.
You should be ashamed of yourself, distorting what I said like that. Sowing more division.
— Father Edward L. Beck (@FrEdwardBeck) December 25, 2023 @FrEdwardBeck
(And I would think you would know that the “state of Israel” came into existence in 1948.)
Merry Christmas!
Father Beck has defended what he said in some back-and-forths online. Again, some took his words here to imply that Jesus was more so Palestinian/Arab than he was Jewish -- but Beck says his words are being twisted, and his larger message of peace/unity overshadowed.
He's also posted articles that reference the use of the word "Palestinian" historically -- and how it's apparently been employed to identify Muslims, Jews and others who've lived in that region dating back millennia. In other words, Father Beck's doubling down on the notion Jesus was Palestinian ... and that him also being Jewish doesn't necessarily contradict that.
It's a doozy of a conversation, for sure ... and it's ignited a fury on both sides, it seems. As Jesus himself might've said in more eloquent terms -- can't we all just get along, guys???
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Kevin Spacey anuncia su candidatura presidencial como Frank Underwood en una entrevista
Kevin Spacey está de vuelta para su payasada anual de Navidad Frank Underwood, solo que esta vez tiene grandes noticias, burlándose de una carrera presidencial y rompiendo con Tucker Carlson.
El actor apareció en la última entrevista por X de Tucker que acaba de caer el domingo y sí, está completamente en personaje como su ex personaje de "House of Cards" para el video de siete minutos. Mientras que él nunca dice abiertamente que se postula para, ciertamente sugiere que podría hacerlo.
Spacey (como Underwood), dice que no está por encima de entrar en la carrera en esta última hora, explicando que él cree que el país necesita a alguien como él durante este tiempo oscuro.
Tucker le pregunta directamente si se presenta, pero KS no llega a comprometerse.
Como de costumbre, todo es muy extraño, pero es coherente, por lo que suponemos que recibe algunos elogios. Spacey ha estado haciendo todo este asunto de Frank Underwood desde hace unos años, desde que fue efectivamente cancelado durante el movimiento #MeToo, y cada año es raro como el infierno.
Recordemos que el papel de Spacey fue nixed de la temporada final de "HOC" en medio de su escándalo, y ha estado tratando de hacer un regreso desde entonces... aunque con no mucho éxito.
Él ha hecho un buen trabajo en los casos penales y civiles presentados en su contra tanto aquí como en los Estados Unidos y en el extranjero, pero él sigue luchando contra las demandas de los acusadores. Mientras tanto, es obvio que sigue muy comprometido con la actuación, aunque con menos atención.
Melissa Barrera publica un post a favor de Palestina en medio de la salida del director de "Scream 7"
Melissa Barrera está redoblando su apoyo a Palestina mientras habla de las fiestas... recordemos que la franquicia "Scream" está en ruinas.
La actriz publicó un mensaje en su Instagram el domingo, justo antes de Navidad, y de nuevo puso el foco en la guerra en Oriente Medio, que se ha cobrado innumerables vidas en este momento, sobre todo porque Israel sigue tratando de cazar a Hamás.
Ella lanzó una caricatura de Santa en su trineo pasando por un carro que transportaba cadáveres envueltos -como comentario político, sin duda- y añadió un pie de foto muy directo.
Melissa continúa diciendo que exactamente lo mismo les está ocurriendo a millones de palestinos en esa misma parte del mundo, todos estos años después "son bombardeados indiscriminada e implacablemente". Termina su mensaje con un simple y contundente "FELIZ NAVIDAD".
I guess now is as good a time as any to announce I formally exited Scream 7 weeks ago. This will disappoint some and delight others. It was a dream job that turned into a nightmare. And my heart did break for everyone involved. Everyone. But it’s time to move on. I have nothing
— christopher landon (@creetureshow) December 23, 2023 @creetureshow
Por supuesto, su posición no ha cambiado, pero el hecho de que esté hablando en este momento es curioso, sobre todo porque el director que iba a dirigir la nueva película "Scream" de la que fue despedida por sus puntos de vista pro-Palestina, acaba de anunciar que está dejando el proyecto también.
Christopher Landon dio la noticia el sábado, diciendo que abandonó "Scream 7" hace semanas sin explicar por qué. Lo que dijo, sin embargo, fue revelador... "Fue un trabajo de ensueño que se convirtió en una pesadilla. Y mi corazón se rompió por todos los involucrados. Por todos". Y añadió: "Espero que el legado de Wes prospere y se eleve por encima del estruendo de un mundo dividido".
Suena como que podría haber sido a causa de todo este asunto de Israel-Palestina y muchos sospechan que Jenna Ortega también, a pesar de que se citaron otras razones no relacionadas.
En cualquier caso, el nuevo "Scream 7" se ve bastante mal en este momento. Spyglass no solo ha perdido a sus dos grandes protagonistas, sino que también acaba de perder a su director. La pregunta es... ¿y ahora qué?
Kevin Spacey Teases Prez Run (As Underwood) ... Drops News with Tucker
Kevin Spacey is back for his annual Christmas-time Frank Underwood shtick, only this time he has big news ... teasing a presidential run, and breaking it to Tucker Carlson.
The actor showed up in TC's latest X interview, which just dropped Sunday -- and yes, he's completely in character as his former "House of Cards" anti-hero for the 7-minute video. While he never outright says he's running for POTUS, he certainly suggests he just might.
Watch ... Spacey (as Underwood) says he's not above stepping into the race at this late hour, explaining that he believes the country needs someone like him during this dark time.
Tucker asks him directly if he's running, but KS stops short of outright committing to it.
Per usual, it's very bizarre ... but it is consistent, which we suppose he gets some kudos for. Spacey's been doing this whole Frank Underwood thing for a few years now -- ever since he was effectively canceled during the #MeToo movement -- and each year, it's weird as hell.
Remember, Spacey's role was nixed from the final season of 'HOC' amid his scandal ... and he's been trying to mount a comeback ever since, with not very much mainstream success.
He's done a good job of beating criminal and civil cases brought against him -- both here in the States and abroad -- but he continues to fight lawsuits from accusers of his. In the meantime, he's obviously still very committed to acting ... albeit, in a smaller spotlight now.
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Melissa Barrera Pro-Palestine Xmas Message ... Amid 'Scream 7' Collapse
Melissa Barrera is doubling down in her support of Palestine while speaking on the holidays -- and the timing is interesting ... considering the 'Scream' franchise is in shambles.
The actress posted a message to her Instagram Sunday, just ahead of Christmas, and it again put a spotlight on the war going on in the Middle East ... which has claimed countless lives at this point, especially as Israel continues to try and hunt down Hamas.
She threw up a cartoon of Santa on his sleigh passing by a cart carrying dead/wrapped-up bodies -- as political commentary, no doubt -- and she added a very in-your-face caption.
Melissa goes on to say the exact same thing is happening to millions of Palestinians in that same part of the world all these years later ... all while "they are indiscriminately and relentlessly bombed." She ends her message with a simple and blunt "MERRY XMAS."
I guess now is as good a time as any to announce I formally exited Scream 7 weeks ago. This will disappoint some and delight others. It was a dream job that turned into a nightmare. And my heart did break for everyone involved. Everyone. But it’s time to move on. I have nothing
— christopher landon (@creetureshow) December 23, 2023 @creetureshow
Of course, her position hasn't changed ... but the fact she's speaking right now is curious, especially since the director who was attached to the new 'Scream' movie she was fired from over her pro-Palestine views *just* announced that he's leaving the project as well.
Christopher Landon broke the news Saturday, saying he exited 'Scream 7' weeks ago without explaining why. What he did say, though, was telling ... writing, "It was a dream job that turned into a nightmare. And my heart did break for everyone involved. Everyone." He added, "I hope Wes’ legacy thrives and lifts above the din of a divided world."
Sounds like he might've bounced over this whole Israel-Palestine issue too -- and many suspect Jenna Ortega did as well ... even though other unrelated reasons were cited.
In any case, the new 'Scream 7' is looking pretty rough at this point. Not only has Spyglass lost their two big leads, but they also just lost their director. The question ... what now?
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Sports Commentator Mark Rycroft Drinking Out of Tobacco/Saliva Cup is a Gag!!!
Pro sports analyst Mark Rycroft may want to start checking what's in his cup before taking a sip ... 'cuz he accidentally guzzled tobacco and spit!
The gross – yet funny – moment was captured on video while Altitude TV's Avalanche team with host Vic Lombardi was broadcasting a recent sports event in Colorado.
In the clip, Rycroft is seated next to play-by-play announcer Marc Moser, who is standing in the booth with a coffee cup on a desk in between them.
Rycroft seems preoccupied with work when he reaches over and grabs the cup, raising it to his lips and taking a big swig from the opening in the top.
Based on his putrid reaction, the flavor didn't appeal to him one bit. In fact, Rycroft scrambles to spit out all the tobacco and saliva. Nasty indeed!!
But, it looks like everyone got a laugh out of it in the end. Lombardi posted the video to X, making light of the whole situation.
He wrote, "This video has been under lock and key for several weeks. But, it’s time. As a form of penance for @RadioMoser, we finally release the video of @RycroftMark taking a swig from Moser’s chew spitter DURING an Avalanche game."
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Lil Uzi Vert I'm Quitting Rap to Make Women's Clothes!!!
Lil Uzi Vert says a career change is inevitable ... he's done feeling the pressure of making albums and feels a life of creating women's clothes is his new calling.
Those were Uzi's sentiments when we talked to him at Terminal 27 this week ... just a few months from the last time we spoke to him. Perhaps it was the L.A. rain, but Uzi sounded pretty somber confirming to us that "LUV Is Rage 3" will be his final album.
Uzi says he still loves making music, but has lost his love for the craft. It makes sense ... if you recall, it took tooth and painted nail to get his latest album off the ground.
He tells us construction for his clothing company's home office has already started, but it doesn't sound like his girlfriend JT will be involved in the creative direction -- Uzi says she has her own fashion brand to promote.
If Uzi's really calling it quits, it'll be at the top of his game -- he was part of two colorful No. 1 albums this year -- his own "Pink Tape" and Nicki Minaj's "Pink Friday 2" ... and he won't fully retire until they deliver a video for their "Everybody" collab.
All Nicki's songs sound golden to Uzi's ears ... maybe she's the one who will help to convince him to keep going.
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Lil Uzi Vert ¡¡¡Voy a dejar el rap para hacer ropa de mujer!!!
Lil Uzi Vert dice que un cambio de carrera es inevitable, que ha dejado de sentir la presión de hacer álbumes y que siente que una vida dedicada a crear ropa de mujer es su nueva vocación.
Estos fueron los sentimientos de Uzi cuando hablamos con él en la Terminal 27 esta semana, solo unos meses desde la última vez que conversamos. Tal vez fuera la lluvia de Los Ángeles, pero Uzi sonaba bastante sombrío al confirmarnos que "LUV Is Rage 3" será su último álbum.
Uzi dice que sigue amando hacer música, pero que ha perdido el amor por el oficio. Tiene sentido. Si ustedes se acuerdan, le costó muchísimo poder ver su último álbum en tierra firme.
Él nos dice que la construcción de las oficinas de su empresa de ropa ya ha comenzado, pero no suena como que su novia JT estará involucrada en la dirección creativa. Uzi dice que tiene su propia marca de moda para promover.
Si Uzi realmente desea retirarse, lo hará en la cima de su carrera. Fue parte de dos coloridos álbumes No. 1 este año, su propio "Pink Tape" y junto al "Pink Friday 2" de Nicki Minaj, y no se retirará por completo hasta que entreguen un video para su colaboración en "Everybody".
Todas las canciones de Nicki suenan como el oro para los oídos de Uzi. Tal vez ella sea quien lo ayude a convencerse de seguir adelante.