Tiffany Haddish Pleads Not Guilty in L.A. DUI Case
Tiffany Haddish has pleaded not guilty in her L.A. DUI case -- mirroring her plea to the same charge out in Georgia.
The comedian was arraigned Wednesday, where she entered "not guilty" pleas to two counts brought by the L.A. County District Attorney's Office -- driving under the influence of alcohol and driving with a .08% BAC.

TMZ broke the story ... TH was arrested in Beverly Hills last month, when cops claim they found her asleep at the wheel -- with her car partially blocking the road.
Tiffany joked about it the day after in a stand-up comedy set, but now it looks like things are getting serious ... 'cause she pleaded not guilty to the charges here AND in Georgia, apparently signaling that she's gonna fight.
The Georgia case was actually supposed to go trial this month, but it's been postponed. In court docs for that case, Tiff has reportedly alleged the cops there in GA conducted an unlawful search of her vehicle ... and she's also asked that her blood test result not be allowed as evidence.
In the meantime, another court battle looms ... or so it seems, anyway.
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La "prohibición de las sillas en el plató" de Bradley Cooper no es inusual entre los directores
Bradley Cooper ha recibido algunas críticas por revelar que no permite sillas en los platós de sus películas, pero resulta que no es el único... tanto si se trata de normas para sentarse como de otras prohibiciones.
Es posible que hayas oído hablar de esto, Bradley hizo una entrevista cara a cara con el gran Spike Lee para la serie de Variety "Directores sobre Directores", y desde el principio, Brad dijo que no es un gran amigo de la silla cuando está rodando una película. También parece que no permite que otros lo sean.
Como él mismo dice, odia las sillas en el set y siente que absorben la energía de un actor y de la sala en general. Por lo tanto, las echa a la calle, y presumiblemente hace que casi todo el mundo esté de pie, eso, o los relega a cajas de manzanas.
También dijo que no cree en el modelo de la aldea de video, donde un director está viendo la acción de los monitores a distancia y al parecer le gusta ver actuaciones de cerca.
Spike parecía un poco sorprendido por su enfoque, al igual que el resto de X/Twitter, pero vienen a descubrir que está lejos de ser el único cineasta que hace cumplir las directrices estrictas en el set e incluso para la cuestión de la silla, que está en buena compañía con Christopher Nolan y Zack Snyder.
Anne Hathaway y RDJ han afirmado que Chris no usa sillas y el propio Snyder dice que no se permiten sillas en sus sets. Por lo tanto, no es tan loco como suena, es solo una elección.
Quentin Tarantino, por su parte, es famoso por requisar teléfonos celulares mientras las cámaras están rodando y Martin Scorsese se dice que no permite relojes de pulsera como una manera de "aumentar la inmersión".
La cuestión es que muchos directores tienen sus manías y sus cosas imprescindibles. En el caso de Brad, parece que solo está siguiendo los pasos de los grandes antes que él cuando se trata de echarse una sentadilla.
¡Debería hacer un remake de "Stand and Deliver"!
Bradley Cooper On-Set 'Chair Ban' Ain't Unusual ... All the Greats Have Rules!!!
Bradley Cooper's caught some flak for revealing that he doesn't allow chairs on his movie sets -- but as it turns out, he ain't alone ... whether it's rules for sitting or other bans.
You might've heard about this ... BC did a one-on-one interview with the great Spike Lee for Variety's "Directors on Directors" series -- and right out the gate, Brad said he's not a big chair guy when he's shooting a film. It also sounds like he doesn't allow others to be either.
As he says himself, he hates chairs on set ... and feels like they suck the energy out of an actor and out of the room in general. So, he kicks 'em to the curb -- and presumably makes just about everyone stand for the most part ... that, or they're relegated to apple boxes.
He also said he doesn't believe in the video village model -- where a director is watching the action from monitors at a distance -- and apparently likes to watch performances up close.
Spike seemed a little taken aback by his approach -- as was the rest of X/Twitter -- but come to find out, he's far from the only filmmaker who enforces stringent guidelines on set ... and even for the chair issue, he's in good company with Christopher Nolan and Zack Snyder.
Anne Hathaway and RDJ have claimed Chris doesn't do chairs, and Snyder himself says there are no chairs allowed on his sets. So, it's not as crazy as it sounds ... just a choice.
Quentin Tarantino, meanwhile, is notorious for ixnaying cell phones while cameras are rolling -- and Martin Scorsese is said not to allow wristwatches as a way to "heighten immersion."
The point here is ... a lot of directors have weird little quirks and must-haves (or have-nots). In Brad's case, it sounds like he's just following the footsteps of greats before him when it comes to popping a squat.
Dude should remake "Stand and Deliver" ... 'cause that's how he apparently rolls!
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Anita Baker acusada de ponerse pesada con el público

La última actuación en directo de Anita Baker está recibiendo hate luego de que se pusiera irritable con el público en Texas. Parte de esto fue capturado en video.
La legendaria cantante estaba haciendo un show en el Toyota Center de Houston el viernes por la noche para una audiencia bastante sólida, pero en ciertos momentos, durante el concierto, Anita parece haberse ofuscado un poco con algunas personas de la primera fila.
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Hay dos videos circulando en línea en este momento. Uno muestra a Anita diciendole a algunas personas que estaban justo debajo de ella cerca del escenario que dejaran de grabar en medio de una canción.
Hay otro momento en el que se puede ver y escuchar a Anita pidiéndole a los de seguridad que echen a la gente.
I was there so imma speak. People kept rushing the stage and interrupting her and security was just letting it happen. I would’ve done the same thing bc they were messing up other people’s experience who paid money too. It was a sold out arena she can’t just let everyone run up
— André Marcel Harris, MSW (@andreharris89) December 17, 2023 @andreharris89
En general, esto parece haber dejado un mal sabor de boca en el público, con algunos en línea quejándose de que Anita estaba más preocupada por discutir con un selecto grupo de fans que hacer el mejor trabajo que podía en el escenario para todos. Otros afirmaron que parecía haberse saltado algunas letras, y alegaron que su actuación, en general, fue relativamente efímera y algo descuidada.
Ahora, hay un buen puñado de personas que defienden a Anita, diciendo que la gente de la primera fila estaba, de hecho, actuando y provocandola. Otros dijeron que la actuación, en general, fue genial.
Por supuesto, el telón de fondo más grande de esto es la disputa con Babyface de a principios de este año. Donde se metió con él y sus fans en la Twitter-esfera.
Anita tiene otro show esta noche en Dallas, luego viene a California para sus dos últimos. Esperemos que pueda despedirse con éxito porque parece que la gira ha sido un poco accidentada.
Anita Baker Accused of Bickering w/ Houston Crowd ... During Live Tour Stop

Anita Baker's latest live performance is catching a little heat after she apparently got testy with the audience out in Texas -- parts of which were captured on video.
The legendary crooner was doing a show in Houston's Toyota Center Friday night and playing to a pretty solid-sized audience ... but at certain points during the gig, AB appears to have gotten into it a bit with some folks down in the front row.
There are 2 videos, in particular, that are circulating online right now -- one shows Anita telling some people right below her near the stage to stop recording ... in the middle of a song.
I was there so imma speak. People kept rushing the stage and interrupting her and security was just letting it happen. I would’ve done the same thing bc they were messing up other people’s experience who paid money too. It was a sold out arena she can’t just let everyone run up
— André Marcel Harris, MSW (@andreharris89) December 17, 2023 @andreharris89
There's another moment where Anita could be seen/heard asking for security to boot folks.
Overall, this seems to have left a bad taste in people's mouths -- with some online complaining that Anita was more concerned with arguing with a select few ticket-buyers than doing the best job she could onstage. Others claimed she seemed to miss some lyrics ... and alleged her performance, overall, was relatively short-lived and somewhat sloppy.
Now, there's a good handful of people defending Anita ... saying the folks in the front row were, in fact, acting up and testing AB. Others said the performance, at large, was great.
Of course, the larger backdrop to this is the Babyface feud she was in earlier this year while on the road -- during which she got into it with both him and his fans in the Twitter-sphere.
Anita's got another show tonight in Dallas, then she comes to Cali next for her final two. Here's hoping she can go out with a bang -- sounds like the tour's been a little bumpy.
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Colin Jost Forced to Roast Wifey ScarJo ... During 'SNL' Joke Swap
Colin Jost was strong-armed into making his wife, Scarlett Johansson, the butt of a joke he was forced to deliver on 'SNL' ... and he has his good pal Michael Che to thank for it.
Last night was the sketch comedy series' last show of the year, and every Christmas -- the two "Weekend Update" hosts have a tradition of writing jokes for one another that the other hasn't seen ... but has to read in front of the audience as if it's coming straight from them.
It's one of the better segments on the show these days, and 2023's iteration didn't disappoint -- especially for one crack Che made Colin read ... at the expense of his A-lister spouse.
The premise was highlighting a new NY law that now allows movie theaters to serve booze -- which Colin then said would serve as the only way he can get through ScarJo's "little art movies" ... with a flash to an OTS graphic of her in "Black Widow."
It was a pretty sick burn (from Che) and the audience definitely seemed to notice ... cackling and dropping the collective "OOOOOHHHHHHH" to signify how wild it was that her hubby was saying that.
Of course, it's all in good fun ... and Colin rolled with it, including reading the tail end of Che's edgy joke for him -- in which he said, "I'm kidding, honey. I love all of your movies. And if you ask me, you're an even better Black widow than Coretta Scott King."
The funniest part about all of Colin's jokes -- which were written to be pretty racist against Black people -- is that Che brought out a (fake) civil rights activist to sit next to him while he delivered all of these ... and Che ribbed him about it each and every time.
Definitely got big laughs ... and certainly worth the year-long wait. 'SNL' is back in January.
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Colin Jost obligado a bromear a costa de su mujer Scarlett Johansson, en "SNL"
Colin Jost fue forzado a hacer de su esposa, Scarlett Johansson, el blanco de una broma en "SNL" y tiene que agradecérselo a su buen amigo Michael Che.
Anoche fue el último programa del año de la serie de sketches cómicos, y cada Navidad, los dos presentadores de "Weekend Update" tienen la tradición de escribirse chistes que el otro no ha visto, pero que tiene que leerlos delante del público como si vinieran directamente de él.
Es uno de los mejores segmentos del programa, y este último no decepcionó. La mejor parte fue cuando Che hizo que Colin leyera una broma a expensas de su cónyuge superestrella.
La premisa fue poner sobre la palestra una nueva ley de Nueva York que le permite a las salas de cine servir alcohol. Fue cuando Colin dijo que es la única manera de que Scarlett pudiera sacar adelante sus "películas de cine arte", mientras se proyectaba una imagen de "Viuda Negra".
Fue una broma bastante cruel y el público definitivamente la sintió, dejándose escuchar un gran "OOOOOHHHHHHH". Sin duda fue una broma bastante atrevida para decir siendo un novio.
Por supuesto, todo fue muy divertido y Colin le siguió el juego, incluso leyéndole la parte final del chiste de Che, en la que decía: "Solo es una broma cariño. Me encantan todas tus películas. Y si me preguntas, eres incluso mejor viuda negra que Coretta Scott King".
La parte más divertida de todas las bromas de Colin -que fueron escritas para ser bastante racista contra los negros- es que Che sacó a un (falso) activista de los derechos civiles para sentarse junto a él mientras que él tenía que despachar chiste tras chiste.
Sin duda se rieron mucho y la espera de un año valió la pena. SNL vuelve en enero.
Donald Trump toquetea a la chica del ring en UFC 296
Donald Trump se presentó a ver uno de los nocauts más violentos en la historia de la UFC, pero su atención se desvió por una chica del ring en bikini.

Trump estaba allí para apoyar a uno de sus fans más acérrimos, el luchador de la UFC Colby Covington, que terminó perdiendo por decisión en el evento principal ante Leon Edwards.
— _ (@dajewsdidkillme) December 17, 2023 @dajewsdidkillme
Covington, al más puro estilo Trump, arremetió contra los resultados, diciendo que recordaban a las elecciones "amañadas" de 2020. Luego se puso político sin más, diciendo: "Pueden retrasarnos, pero no pueden negarnos. Él va a hacer que América vuelva a ser grande. Necesitamos fronteras seguras, necesitamos que baje la inflación y necesitamos que América vuelva a ser lo primero. Donald Trump es el único que va a hacer eso de nuevo, ¡Trump 2024!"
Un montón de celebridades estuvieron presentes, incluyendo a Mark Wahlberg, Jared Leto, Mario López, Theo Von, Jack Black, Kyle Gass y Zac Brown.
Josh Emmett just FLATLINED Bryce Mitchell
— 🌴ᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛᴏꜰᴡᴀʀ🌴 (@TheArtOfWar6) December 17, 2023 @TheArtOfWar6
Todos vieron cómo Josh Emmett destrozaba a Bryce Mitchell con un puñetazo que sonó como si hubieran golpeado a alguien con un bate de béisbol.
En definitiva, una velada memorable.
Donald Trump SIts Octagonside W/ Kid Rock At UFC 296 ... In Las Vegas
Donald Trump showed up to watch one of the most violent knockouts ever in the UFC, but his attention got diverted by a bikini-clad ring girl.

Trump was there to support one of his die-hard fans, UFC fighter Colby Covington, who ended up losing by decision in the main event to Leon Edwards.
— _ (@dajewsdidkillme) December 17, 2023 @dajewsdidkillme
Covington, in true Trump fashion, railed on the results, saying it was reminiscent of the "rigged" 2020 election. He then just got political, saying, "You can delay us but you can’t deny us. He’s going to make America great again. We need these borders secure, we need inflation down and we need America first again. Donald Trump is the only one that’s going to do that again — Trump 2024!”
A bunch of celebs were on hand, including Mark Wahlberg, Jared Leto, Mario Lopez, Theo Von, Jack Black, Kyle Gass, and Zac Brown.
Josh Emmett just FLATLINED Bryce Mitchell
— 🌴ᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛᴏꜰᴡᴀʀ🌴 (@TheArtOfWar6) December 17, 2023 @TheArtOfWar6
They all watched as Josh Emmett destroyed Bryce Mitchell with a punch that sounded like someone got hit with a baseball bat.
All in all, a memorable evening.
U.S. Senate Cardin Staffer Ousted ... Sex Tape Filmed in Hearing Room Leaks
A U.S. Senate staffer who was filmed having sex in a high-profile space on Capitol Hill has lost his job after a tape showing the deed leaked -- and now cops are investigating.
The man depicted in the footage -- which was first published by The Daily Caller, and which has been making the rounds online since -- has been identified as 24-year-old Aidan Maese-Czeropski ... an aide to Democratic Maryland Senator Ben Cardin.
Unclear exactly when this sex tape was filmed, but TDC got its hands on it and threw it up on its site. Indeed, it shows Maese-Czeropski having anal sex with another man in a judiciary hearing room within the Hart Senate Office Building ... and reports indicate it's one where confirmations/grillings go down -- including for SCOTUS nominees, etc.
The camera is being held by the man who's doing the penetrating -- he films both Maese-Czeropski in front of him and the empty room that they're in ... capturing lots of angles.
It appears the two men are having sex where Senators themselves often sit ... perched up on the bench and looking down onto the table where witnesses/nominees would normally be.
Once the staffer in question was linked to Cardin ... a spokesman for his office confirmed the guy was no longer working for the lawmaker -- saying, "Aidan Maese-Czeropski is no longer employed by the U.S. Senate. We will have no further comment on this personnel matter."
Aidan himself appears to have also addressed the scandal -- a purported message from his since-scrubbed LinkedIn is being circulated ... and it reads in part, "This has been a difficult time for me, as I have been attacked for who I love to pursue a political agenda."

He adds, "While some of my actions in the past have shown poor judgment, I love my job and would never disrespect my workplace. Any attempts to characterize my actions otherwise are fabricated." Just about all of Aidan's social pages have now been wiped.
BTW, the Capitol Police say they're now looking into this to see if any laws were broken here. Aidan worked for Cardin since 2021 and was a Dianne Feinstein intern before that.
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WWE Star Liv Morgan Busted For Weed Possession In Florida ...
WWE Superstar Liv Morgan got smoked by the police ... 'cause she was busted driving with marijuana in Florida and thrown into the pokey, TMZ has confirmed.
Law enforcement sources tell us .... Morgan was cruising down the street in her jeep in Sumter County Thursday night when a sheriff's deputy pulled her over after seeing her swerve across the white and yellow lines.
We're told the deputy walked up to the vehicle, smelled reefer and conducted a search, finding less than 20 grams of marijuana in Morgan's possession.
Our sources say the deputy seized the small plastic bag of weed along with a vape pen containing an "oil-like substance."
Morgan was promptly arrested and booked into the Sumter County Jail for possession of cannabis 20 grams or less. She was later released after reportedly posting a $3,000 bond.
As for her WWE career, Morgan is currently a Raw Superstar, as well as a former Smackdown Women's Champion and two-time Women's Tag Team Champion.
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Bill Maher Israel-Palestine Land Dispute Old News So Move On
Bill Maher defies most celebrities who straddle the fence and really say nothing when they "speak out" about the Israel-Hamas war ... he has a very strong POV, which involves a heavy dose of reality and reasonable negotiation.
The 'Real Time' host took his audience all the way back to Bethlehem, which is now controlled by the Palestinians. It used to be 86% Christian ... now it's overwhelmingly Muslim. Things change, BM says.
He goes through a litany of countries that became other countries under different control ... things change. A good example is 30 years of carnage in Northern Ireland, which essentially ended with both sides acknowledging a land shift. Things change.
His overarching point ... Israel is going nowhere -- it's staying put, and the chants of "from the river to the sea" he says are pipe dreams not rooted in reality.
Bill seems pretty clear -- negotiating an end to the war without acknowledgment you can't turn the clock back decades is not only unrealistic -- it cuts both ways. So Bill's saying if Hamas doesn't get real and acknowledge there's no negotiation that involves the elimination of Israel, then they're becoming the modern-day Northern Ireland.
Not everyone's gonna agree, for sure, but that's his POV.
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Tommy Lee Sued You Sexually Assaulted Me In Helicopter
Tommy Lee forced himself on a woman in a helicopter cockpit ... groping her, kissing her and penetrating her against her consent ... according to a new lawsuit.
The Motley Crüe rocker is being sued by a woman who says the alleged sexual assault happened way back in February 2003 when she was riding in a chopper with Tommy and another man.
In the lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, the woman says she was friends with the helicopter pilot, and he invited her on a tour of San Diego County ... but when she got to the airfield, Tommy was there, and she was told the plans changed and they would all three be riding up to Los Angeles.
The woman claims she felt pressured to go, and once airborne she says Tommy and the pilot started drinking alcohol, smoking weed and snorting cocaine.

Tommy Lee Used to Drink 2 Gallons of Vodka a Day, Shocked He's Healthy
In the docs, the woman says the men pressured her to come up to the cockpit and sit on Tommy's lap ... and as soon as she obliged, she says Tommy forced himself on her.
The woman claims Tommy began groping and kissing her, but when she tried to pull away he became more forceful. She claims he penetrated her with his fingers while fondling her breasts.
In the suit, the woman claims Tommy also pulled down his pants and attempted to force her head down towards his genitals.
She says, when they got to Los Angeles, Tommy hugged her and bounced and then the pilot flew her back to San Diego in silence.
In the docs, she says the alleged incident left her feeling shock, distress, humiliation, shame and guilt ... claiming she didn't go to the cops because she didn't think she would be taken seriously.
Since the alleged incident, the woman says she's suffered from anxiety, depression, PTSD and other physical and psychological harms ... and she's going after Tommy for damages.
We reached out to Tommy's camp ... so far no word back.
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Britney Spears Sin faltarte el respeto J, pero... Llorabas cuando te di una paliza de baloncesto!!!
Britney Spears está disparando contra Justin Timberlake y lo que ella considera su falta de habilidades en el baloncesto, afirmando que era un mal perdedor cuando ella lo derribaba en la cancha.
La estrella del pop usó su Instagram el viernes para molestar un poco al cantante de "Suit & Tie". Sin dar nombres, dijo: "Nunca mencioné cómo le gané en el baloncesto 🏀 y él lloraba... sin faltar el respeto 🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️ !!!"

La frase de Britney no es una coincidencia. Como recordarán, Justin abordó la controversia que lo rodea a partir del libro de memorias de Britney, "The Woman In Me", durante su actuación en Las Vegas el miércoles por la noche.
Justo antes de cantar "Cry Me a River" Justin miró a la multitud y dijo: "Sin faltar el respeto", y la canción había sido criticada por Britney por estar relacionada a su fallida relación. Se piensa que Justin la escribió después de descubrir que Britney lo engañaba.
Así que sí, Brit hablando de Justin llorando después de perder un juego, dos días después de que él interpretara "Cry Me a River". El enigma está prácticamente escrito en la pared.
Perfect day to shoot some hoops 💪🏀
— Britney Spears 🌹🚀 (@britneyspears) March 8, 2017 @britneyspears
Por cierto, Britney estaba en el equipo de baloncesto cuando iba a la escuela y ha demostrado sus habilidades antes, por lo que es posible que Justin haya perdido contra ella durante su tiempo en las canchas.
Britney Spears No Disrespect to JT, But ... He'd Cry When I Whooped Him On The B-Ball Court!!!
Britney Spears is firing a shot at Justin Timberlake and what she considers his lack of basketball skills, claiming he was a sore loser when she'd take him down on the court.
The pop star took to Instagram Friday to throw some shade at the "Suit & Tie" singer ... without naming names, she writes, "I never mentioned how I beat him in basketball 🏀 and he would cry … no disrespect 🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️ !!!"

Britney's phrasing is no coincidence ... you'll recall, Justin addressed the controversy surrounding him and Britney's memoir, "The Woman In Me," during his performance in Las Vegas Wednesday night.
Right before singing, "Cry Me a River," JT looked to the crowd and said, "No disrespect" ... and the song was one Britney slammed for the connection to their broken relationship. It was alleged Justin wrote it after he had caught Britney cheating.
So yea ... Brit talking about Justin crying after losing a game, two days after Justin performed "Cry Me a River" -- the writing's practically on the wall.
Perfect day to shoot some hoops 💪🏀
— Britney Spears 🌹🚀 (@britneyspears) March 8, 2017 @britneyspears
BTW, Britney was on the basketball team in high school and has shown off her skills before ... so it's possible JT took a few Ls during their time on the court together.
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Michael B. Jordan New Video Shows Actor Racing another Ferrari Just Before Crash

New video shows Michael B. Jordan's violent car crash as it unfolded in Hollywood ... and it appears the actor may have been racing another car before smashing into a parked car.
Check out the new clip -- Michael's blue Ferrari is speeding down the street next to another Ferrari, and it looks like they were racing as Michael's car veered into a parked Kia.

You see his car lurch left, and then move sharply to the right as MBJ appears to try and correct, but he goes too far and careens into the Kia.

Mind you .... they were racing on busy Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood.
Both MBJ's car and the Kia were mangled messes. LAPD found no signs Michael was impaired by drugs or alcohol. At the time. cops asked Michael what had happened but he didn't offer an explanation. Now we know.
Crashing during a race can be a real drag.
We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.