Michael B. Jordan Nuevo video muestra al actor compitiendo con otro Ferrari antes de estrellarse
Un nuevo video muestra el violento accidente de carro de Michael B. Jordan en Hollywood y este sugiere que el actor podría haber estado compitiendo con otro vehículo antes de estrellarse contra un carro aparcado.
Echa un vistazo al nuevo clip, el Ferrari azul de Michael aparece acelerando junto a otro Ferrari, y parece que estaban compitiendo hasta que el auto de Michael se desvía hacia un Kia estacionado.
En el video se puede ver cómo su carro se tambalea hacia la izquierda y luego se mueve bruscamente hacia la derecha mientras el actor intentar recobrar el rumbo, pero va demasiado lejos y se termina estrellando contra el Kia.
Hay que decir que ambos carros estaban compitiendo en la concurrida Sunset Blvd. en Hollywood.
Tanto el carro de MBJ y el Kia fueron destrozados. La Policía de Los Ángeles no encontró signos de alcohol o drogas en Michael. En su momento, los policías le preguntaron al actor qué había pasado, pero él no dio ninguna explicación. Ahora lo sabemos.
Chocar durante una carrera puede ser un verdadero fastidio.
BLM denuncia la decisión de Kanye West de usar una capucha al estilo del Ku Klux Klan
Kanye West está cabreando a algunos líderes de la comunidad negra con su última elección de moda. Resulta que ponerse una capucha extrañamente similar a las del Ku Klux Klan no le está sentando bien a Black Lives Matter.
Ye llevaba su capucha negra puntiaguda a principios de esta semana en su fiesta de escucha "Vultures", y está causando indignación en BLM y en la Liga Cívica Nacional.
Black Lives Matter le dice a TMZ: "El shock y la repugnancia que Ye generó deben ser canalizados en el apoyo a los esfuerzos para eliminar esta ideología repugnante de la sociedad".
"Los grupos de odio están creciendo a un ritmo alarmante en Estados Unidos. De la lista de más de 1.200 grupos de odio activos en la sociedad, el KKK es el más grande con cientos de capítulos en todo el país, lo que lo hace más grande hoy que en cualquier otro momento de la larga historia del grupo".
Kanye West x Playboi Carti pic.twitter.com/213zesDdNY
— Kurrco (@Kurrco) December 12, 2023 @Kurrco
En otras palabras, Kanye debería derribar al KKK no darle más visibilidad.
La organización añade que su objetivo principal es "exponer la prevalencia de la supremacía blanca y los ideales anti-negros en los EE.UU., y cómo esos ideales están profundamente arraigados en su fundación. Reconocer esto es el primer paso hacia la acción colectiva para erradicar estas ideologías dañinas".
Mientras tanto, la gente de la Liga Cívica Nacional dice que es un insulto a las víctimas pasadas y presentes de la violencia del KKK.
Como nos dijo el presidente de la NCL, Doug Linkhart: "Cualquier uso de ropa que evoca al Ku Klux Klan es una afrenta no solo a los que han sido blanco del KKK, sino a los valores americanos en general".
La organización reconoce que la expresión artística de Kanye está protegida por la Constitución, pero añade: "El discurso y los símbolos de odio son hirientes y deben ser condenados, no condonados".
Esencialmente, están diciendo que solo porque Kanye es un artista conocido como un provocador, no significa que tenga un pase libre para usar estos símbolos.
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Kanye West is pissing off some Black community leaders with his latest fashion choice -- turns out slipping on a hood eerily similar to those of the Ku Klux Klan, isn't sitting well with Black Lives Matter.
Ye wore his pointy black hood earlier this week at his "Vultures" listening party, and it's causing outrage at BLM, and also the National Civic League.
Black Lives Matter tells TMZ ... "The shock and disgust that Ye generated should be channeled into supporting efforts to eliminate this repugnant ideology from society."
The issue here for BLM ... "Hate groups are growing at an alarming rate in America. Of the list of over 1,200 active hate groups in society, the KKK is the largest with hundreds of chapters nationwide -- making it larger today than any other point in the group's long history."
Kanye West x Playboi Carti pic.twitter.com/213zesDdNY
— Kurrco (@Kurrco) December 12, 2023 @Kurrco
In other words, Kanye should be tearing down the KKK not propping them up.
BLM adds ... it's primary goal is "to expose the prevalence of white supremacist and anti-Black ideals in the U.S., and how those ideals are deeply rooted in its foundation. Recognizing this is the first step toward collective action to eradicate these harmful ideologies."
Meanwhile, the folks at the National Civic League says it's an insult to past and present victims of KKK violence.
As NCL President Doug Linkhart put it us ... "Any wearing of clothing that evokes the Ku Klux Klan is an affront to not only those who have been targeted by the KKK, but to American values in general."
The organization acknowledges Kanye's artistic expression is protected by the Constitution, but adds, "Hate speech and symbols are hurtful and should be condemned, not condoned."
Essentially, they're saying just because Kanye is an artist known as a provocateur... he shouldn't necessarily get a pass for flaunting KKK-like attire.
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DeRay Davis Kanye's Musically Back ... But North Will Surpass Him!!!
DeRay Davis is still reveling in the experience that was Kanye West and Ty Dolla $ign's "Vultures" album listening party, and believes a real Ye comeback is imminent ... especially because his daughter's now on the mic!!!
We caught up with DeRay at LAX as he was just getting back from Miami, and he told us his experience wasn't like the rest of the internet's -- the comedian had an up-close look at Ye's controversial black KKK garb, which he thought was more of an "executioner's" outfit.
He also downplayed Ye's "I just f***ed a Jewish bitch" lyrics from the lead single "Vultures." Deray says critics shouldn't linger on that one line, because the rest of the tracks -- and the guest artist performances -- are banging.
He pits the album somewhere between "the old Kanye" with a bit of "808s and Heartbreak" sprinkled in between and praised the Kodak Black and Ty Dolla $ign's contributions ... but predicts North West will eventually be 10x the artist her dad is!!!
North is also an album guest alongside Lil Durk, Freddie Gibbs and Bump J and DeRay says her debut is only the beginning ... and advises fans to invest in her stock before she becomes the headlining act!!!
DeRay and Kanye have been tight from the start. He appeared on skits from Ye's first two classic albums -- he's the guy imitating fellow Chicago legend, the late Bernie Mac -- so, his "Vultures" support was gonna be automatic.
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DeRay Davis elogia el álbum de Kanye
DeRay Davis todavía está disfrutando de la experiencia que fue la fiesta de escucha del álbum "Vultures" de Kanye West y Ty Dolla $ign, y cree que un verdadero regreso de Ye es inminente, ¡especialmente porque su hija está ahora en el micrófono!
Nos pusimos al día con DeRay en LAX cuando acababa de regresar de Miami y nos dijo que su experiencia no fue como la del resto de Internet, el comediante tuvo una mirada de cerca a la controvertida vestimenta negra del KKK de Ye, que pensó que era un traje de "verdugo".
También le restó importancia a la letra de Ye "I just f***ed a Jewish bitch" ("Me acabo de follar a una perra judía") del single principal "Vultures", Deray dice que los críticos no deben quedarse en esa línea y que el resto de las pistas son sobresalientes.
Él pone el álbum en algún lugar entre "el viejo Kanye" con un poco de "808s and Heartbreak" salpicado en el medio y elogió las contribuciones de Kodak Black y Ty Dolla $ign, ¡pero predice que North West será 10 veces el artista que Kanye!
North es también un invitado del álbum, junto a Lil Durk, Freddie Gibbs y Bump J y DeRay dice que su debut es solo el comienzo. Ella tiene un par de padres superestrella y su futuro es brillante.
¡Será mejor que inviertas en sus acciones antes de que se convierta en cabeza de cartel!
DeRay y Kanye han estado muy unidos desde el principio. Apareció en sketches de los dos primeros álbumes clásicos de Ye imitando a su colega leyenda de Chicago, el difunto Bernie Mac, ¡su apoyo en "Vultures" fue automático!
Draymond Green NBA Suspends Him Indefinitely ... For Smacking Jusuf Nurkic
Draymond Green is going to be away from the Golden State Warriors for a while ... the NBA hit him with an indefinite suspension after he smacked one of his opponents in the face.
The NBA says Draymond's "repeated history of unsportsmanlike acts" is playing into his indefinite suspension.
Draymond was ejected from Tuesday's game against the Phoenix Suns ... when he got way too physical with Jusuf Nurkic, whacking him in the head with a hard right hand during a scrap in the third quarter. Draymond was hit with a flagrant foul 2 and booted from the game.
Draymond has been ejected after flagrant foul on Nurkić pic.twitter.com/RmrLU5tdw8
— Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) December 13, 2023 @BleacherReport
It's the second suspension for Draymond already this NBA season ... he was hit with a 5-game ban just last month after putting Minnesota Timberwolves star center Rudy Gobert in a chokehold.
The NBA says Draymond's suspension will begin immediately -- the Warriors play the Clippers Thursday night -- and "he will be required to meet certain league and team conditions" before being reinstated.
"What’s going on with him? I don’t know. Personally, I feel like that brother needs help."
— NBA on TNT (@NBAonTNT) December 13, 2023 @NBAonTNT
Jusuf Nurkic speaks on Draymond Green's ejection pic.twitter.com/qcCKAkT0QL
Draymond is expected to meet Thursday with Warriors brass and his agent Rich Paul to discuss counseling ... according to ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski.
We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.
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Matt Rife aún no se ha disculpado por discutir con su hijo de 6 años
Matt Rife se metió en línea con un niño de 6 años de edad que lo criticó por su reciente especial de Netflix, algo por lo que todavía tiene que hacer las paces, al menos así lo dice la madre del niño.
Así es la cosa, el comediante todavía se enfrenta a reacciones en contra de su especial del mes pasado, que incluía bromas sobre la violencia doméstica, además de bastantes bromas a expensas de las mujeres. Todo esto a pesar de que la mayoría de su público es femenino.
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Rife se encargó de llamar la atención con sus polémicos chistes durante mucho tiempo, y la semana pasada, el hijo pequeño de la TikToker Bunny Hedaya dio su opinión al respecto.
Ella publicó una de las bromas de Rife del especial en la que se burla de las mujeres por confiar en la astrología y conseguir "anillos" que combinen con los planetas. Fue cuando su hijo apareció para corregir al humorista sobre qué planeta en realidad cuenta con anillos... Saturno.
El chico también dijo que Rife era "malo con las chicas". Sabemos que no es una afirmación nada agresiva, pero Rife aparentemente sintió la necesidad de responder... y escribió un comentario que ya ha sido borrado: "Júpiter también tiene un anillo. Y Papá Noel no es real. Tu madre te compra los regalos con el dinero que gana en OnlyFans. Buena suerte". Sí, no es genial, y peor aún, Bunny dice que no ha dicho lo siento.
Ella le dice a TMZ que Rife aún no se ha disculpado. Agrega que solo aceptaría una disculpa a través de un cambio de comportamiento, es decir, un cambio en el tono con el que se refiere a las mujeres. Sin embargo, ella dice que basándose en su comportamiento, no tiene muchas esperanzas.
Bunny dice que Rife no parece el tipo de persona que se responsabiliza de sus actos —véase su respuesta a toda la controversia sobre el "casco para necesidades especiales"— y añade que cree que necesita mirar en su interior para averiguar por qué siente tanta agresividad hacia las mujeres y los niños, y tratar de curarse a sí mismo una vez que descubra la causa.
Para su información, Bunny nos dice que no hizo partícipe a su hijo del insulto de Matt hacia él/ella... diciéndonos que tiene cuidado con exponer a su hijo demasiado en redes sociales debido a su corta edad. Hay cosas que es mejor ignorar.
Matt Rife Hasn't Apologized for Beefing w/ 6-Y-O Says Mother Bunny Hedaya
Matt Rife got into it online with a 6-year-old kid who criticized him over his recent Netflix special -- something for which he has yet to make amends ... according to the boy's mom.
Here's the deal ... the comedian is still facing backlash over his special from last month, which included cracks about domestic violence, and which made women, in general, the butt of a lot of his jokes -- this despite the fact that the vast majority of his fans are women.
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Rife was getting crapped on left and right for a good long while -- something he relished -- and the other week, TikToker Bunny Hedaya's young son got in on the action as well.
She posted a stitch to one of Rife's jokes from the special -- during which he's making fun of women for relying on astrology and getting a "rings" punchline in there with the planets -- and it featured her boy who corrected MR on which planet actually featured rings ... Saturn.
The kid also said Rife was "mean to girls" ... so not a huge burn, but one to which Rife apparently felt the need to respond. He wrote in a since-deleted comment, "Jupiter also has (a) ring. OH!... and Santa isn't real. Your mom buys you presents with the money she makes on OnlyFans. Good luck." Yeah, it ain't great ... and worse yet, Bunny says he hasn't said sorry.
She tells TMZ ... while Rife has yet to apologize, she says she would only accept one through changed behavior -- namely, switching up his tune on how he talks to/about women. However, she says based on what she's seen about him ... she ain't holding her breath.
Bunny says Rife doesn't seem like the type of guy to take accountability -- see his response to the special needs helmet joke controversy -- and she believes he needs to look deep inside himself to figure out why he feels so much aggression toward women and children, and to attempt to heal himself once he figures out the root cause.
FWIW, Bunny tells us she didn't make her son privy to Matt's insult to him/her ... telling us she's careful with exposing him to too much social media at this age. Ignorance is bliss.
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Adam22 le responde a Joe Budden por criticar su matrimonio con Lena The Plug
Adam22 le está respondiendo a Joe Budden luego de que este dijera que su matrimonio con Lena es una farsa, y lo está haciendo hablando de las relaciones pasadas de Joe.
Encontramos a Adam y Lena fuera de su tienda No Jumper el viernes en Melrose, y dijeron que las palabras de Joe son bastante irónicas.
Joe afirmó en su podcast que Adán está en una espiral descendente y está enfocado en mantenerse relevante, citando que deja a Lena dormir con diferentes tipos, incluso piensa que la pareja tiene un acuerdo al respecto.
Adam y Lena dicen que eso está lejos de la verdad y realmente hacen cosas normales como una pareja, por no hablar de que tienen un hijo y viven juntos.
Ahora, en el frente menos tradicional, Adam y Lena acaban de concluir su reality show de competencia, "Por el amor de Lena", que tenía a varios chicos compitiendo por tener un trío con Lena y Adam, ¡y qué trofeo fue a la estrella de cine para adultos Lil D!
Estaba con Adam y Lena el viernes, y le preguntamos cuál era su parte favorita de ganar el concurso. Pista: No necesitas adivinar dos veces su respuesta.
Adam22 Calls Joe Budden Out After Marriage Bashing ... What Does He Know About Healthy Relationships?!
Adam22 is putting Joe Budden on blast for saying his marriage to Lena the Plug was a sham ... and he's doing it by calling out Joe's own past relationships.
We got Adam and Lena outside their No Jumper Store Friday on Melrose, and he says the chatter from Joe is pretty ironic ... and he's got a bold reason why.
ICYMI, Joe claimed on his podcast that Adam's on a downward spiral and is doing a lot to stay relevant, citing letting Lena sleep with different dudes as an example ... he even thought the 2 might just have an arrangement going on.
Adam and Lena say that's far from the truth, and really do a lot of normal things as a couple -- not to mention they have a kid, and freakin' live together, too.
Now, on the less traditional front ... Adam and Lena just wrapped their reality competition show, "For the Love of Lena," which had multiple guys vying to have a threesome with Lena and Adam ... and that unique trophy went to adult film star Lil D.
He was with Adam and Lena on Friday, and we asked him what his favorite part was about winning the competition. Hint: You don't need 2 guesses to figure out his answer.
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Will Smith Hangs Out w/ Curvy Jada Look-Alike ... During Art Basel in Miami
Jada Pinkett Smith might think the Oscars slap saved her marriage to Will Smith -- but hubby seems to be singing a different tune in FL ... where he's rolling with her look-alike.
The actor's been spotted out in Miami these past few days for Art Basel ... and between Thursday and Friday, this mystery woman has been tagging along with him and his crew -- and yes, she's a dead ringer for Jada ... with kinda the same shaved-head look/'do.
She's a bit thicker/curvier than Jada ... but frankly, we're still not sure who exactly she is. What we do know, though, is that she's been at Will's side lately and acting pretty chummy.
No PDA or anything between 'em from what we can see ... but whoever she is, she's in his orbit. Of course, it's interesting because she looks exactly like Jada -- but more importantly, Jada just said she'd never leave Will after he stood up for her at the Academy Awards.
From Jada's POV ... "so many positive things came after it." If you ask everybody else, though they might say otherwise -- and it's still a bit unclear how WS really feels about it.
Anyway, Jada was not with Will late last week in Miami ... so while she might be saying they're closer and more unified than ever post-slap -- Will appears to be telegraphing something else. He went to Saudi Arabia last week without her ... and now this.
Granted, he did spend Thanksgiving with her and the rest of the family -- so it's hard to say what's really going on. Per usual with them, we're sure it's complicated ... and then some.
Time will tell if this foxy doppelganger's identity is revealed in the near future, and what exactly her connection to Will is. 👀
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Alex Jones Reinstated on X ... After Elon Musk Poll
Alex Jones is back on X (formerly Twitter) after Elon Musk randomly decided to leave it to a vote among users to see how they felt about it ... and as they say, the people have spoken.
The notorious conspiracy theorist -- who infamously questioned the legitimacy of the Sandy Hook shooting, and got taken to court over it -- regained control of his account again late Saturday after being removed from the platform years ago.
Reinstate Alex Jones on this platform?
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 9, 2023 @elonmusk
Vox Populi, Vox Dei.
This all happened back in 2018 when tech companies banned him en masse. At the time, he was embroiled in defamation lawsuits from the families of the Sandy Hook victims ... but that controversy, in and of itself, wasn't why he got banned -- different orgs. cited different reasons, but it all boiled down to what they said were violations of their policies.
For Twitter -- the last social media company to ban him -- they ended up citing abusive behavior by Jones and his account ... similar to what the other companies ended up saying.
The people have spoken and so it shall be
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 10, 2023 @elonmusk
In any case, Musk reversed the decision with a poll. He wrote, "Reinstate Alex Jones on this platform? Vox Populi, Vox Dei." After leaving the poll up for a full day, the results came in -- and out of nearly 2 million people that participated, 70% said he oughta be brought back.
Once the poll wrapped, EM wrote ... "The people have spoken and so it shall be." He also responded to some concerned users who felt Jones could potentially pose a threat on X -- but Elon clarified, "He cannot break the law." So, it sounds like AJ will be monitored.
To show respect to Alex Jones for his triumphant return and to show respect to Elon being a hero - tell a globalist to get fucked today.
— Andrew Tate (@Cobratate) December 10, 2023 @Cobratate
Ill do exactly that and put all the video on https://t.co/NqUx8vowJz
Were so back.
Jones hasn't tweeted any new original content after being reinstated, but he has retweeted a few people who are celebrating his return -- including Andrew Tate, who wrote ... "To show respect to Alex Jones for his triumphant return and to show respect to Elon being a hero - tell a globalist to get f****d today." Jones has retweeted other far-right figures too.
Jones continues to run his InfoWars website and channel, and broadcasts his program from there daily -- but, he doesn't have mainstream distribution on social media or otherwise.
He remains controversial for many reasons, some of which he addressed in a recent interview with Tucker Carlson ... who sat down with Jones for a wide-ranging interview.
Now that he has a big platform again, we'll see what he says ... and if he goes too far for Elon's taste. These days, the guy seems to be embracing a wide range of speech, period.
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Rapper Quando Rondo Busted on Federal Drug Charges
Rapper Quando Rondo was arrested Friday on federal drug charges ... TMZ has confirmed.
The Savannah rapper was taken into custody Friday without incident. Cops say Quando was a passenger in a car that was pulled over. The vehicle was pulled over with the intention of arresting Quando and not because of a traffic violation. None of the other occupants in the car were taken into custody.
Quando -- real name Tyquian Terrel Bowman -- was indicted back in June along with 18 others on state gang and drug charges. He's accused of violating the Street Gang Terrorism and Prevention Act over his involvement with the Rollin' 60s street gang.
Prosecutors claim the "ABG" rapper instructed another defendant to negotiate weed prices and then traveled to Macon, GA to pay the supplier.
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Israel/Hamas War Pro-Palestinian Plants Flag on Menorah
12/11 4:02 PM PT -- Yale President, Peter Salovey, has released a statement on the incident ... claiming it's still unknown if the perpetrator was an actual student at Yale, and correcting information floating around stating the incident happened on campus.
Salovey's statement reads, "Yale condemns in the strongest possible terms the desecration of a menorah on the New Haven Green during the religious holiday of Chanukah. The placement of a Palestinian flag on the menorah conveys a deeply antisemitic message to Jewish residents of New Haven, including members of the Yale community."
He continues, "Yale’s regulations reach conduct occurring on or off campus that imperils the integrity and values of the University community, and if such conduct is committed by a member of the Yale community, we take action. Yale has asked the New Haven police to investigate this incident and Yale may conduct its own investigation. Desecration of property such as a religious object is a crime under Connecticut law."
Salovey says the school does not yet have any info on whether or not the suspect is a member of the Yale community.
A pro-Palestinian student at Yale tried to co-opt the symbol of the current Jewish holiday by planting a Palestinian flag on a menorah.
The student climbed the oversized menorah, the symbol of Hanukkah, as others screamed, "Get the f**k down!," and "It looks bad for us" ... as seen in viral video posted by attorney Jake Dressler.
One student is seen climbing the menorah to 86 the flag. The flag has now been removed.
It's the latest skirmish on college campuses around the country -- especially elite colleges and universities. As you know, the President of the University of Pennsylvania resigned Saturday after a torrent of criticism over her testimony in Congress Monday, where she would not squarely say calling for the genocide of Jews was bullying or harassment.
We had a free speech advocate on "TMZ Live" Friday, who agreed with the President of Univ. of Penn., but seemed to have a different opinion if the protesters were members of the KKK with a similar message against Black people.
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Jada Pinkett Smith Oscar Slap Saved My Marriage
Jada Pinkett Smith says she and Will may have been completely dunzo by now, were it not for literally having some sense slapped into them ... indirectly, of course, because poor Chris Rock was the actual target.
Jada further opened up about the famous slap to Daily Mail, saying, "I nearly didn't even attend the Oscars that year, but I'm glad I did," adding, "I call it the 'holy slap' now because so many positive things came after it."
Jada said, "After all those years trying to figure out if I would leave Will's side, it took that slap for me to see I will never leave him."
As Jada revealed in her memoir, she and Will have been separated since 2016, but judging from their public statements since the book's release, they're back on track, although the scope of their relationship is still a mystery.
Will had previously cosigned on his wife's take, saying back in October ... “We have had a very, very long and tumultuous [relationship]. We call it ‘brutiful.’ It was brutal and beautiful at the same time.”
Wonder how Chris Rock feels about it?
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William and Kate Sometimes Things Are Black and White Casual and Serene XMAS Card
Two takeaways from Prince William and Princess Kate's family XMAS card -- they've scaled down the whole Royal look, and them kids are all grown up!!!
The card's in black and white and jeans seemed to be the standard issue for at least some of them, including Kate.
Now the kids ... who knew they grow up so fast? Prince George is 10, Princess Charlotte is 8 and Prince Louis is 5. They were all matchy matchy for the shoot.
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The card makes the fam look serene ... but there's a lot going on behind the scenes in the wake of Omid Scobie's scorcher, which claims, among other things, Kate and King Charles were the ones who raised concerns over the skin color of the soon-to-be-born first child of Meghan and Harry.
Kate and William have been mum on Scobie's book, but there are reports they might be considering legal action.
Merry XMAS!!!