Calvin Johnson Roman Reigns Was 'A Badass' At GT ... Legendary WWE Career Not Surprising!!!


Calvin Johnson says it's no surprise to him that Roman Reigns has become one of the most legendary WWE Superstars of all time ... telling TMZ Sports the dude was a total "badass" at Georgia Tech.

Believe it or not, the guys were actually teammates for the Yellow Jackets' football team in the mid-2000s ... and Johnson says he knew right away that Reigns had mega-star potential.

"He was just always like a badass," the Hall of Fame wide receiver explained. "He didn't say much, but when he did say something, you listened."

Reigns went by his real name, Joe Anoa'i, when he was playing defensive line at the time ... and he performed so well alongside Johnson, many believed he had a bright future in the NFL.

His battle with cancer derailed those aspirations, however -- but Johnson said that all clearly ended up being "a blessing in disguise" for him ... as he's now poised to break numerous records in the squared circle.

"My man is killing it out here," Johnson said.

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Of course, Reigns has remembered his time at Georgia Tech with Calvin fondly as well ... telling us back in 2021 Megatron's potential was evident even when he was just a true freshman.

Calvin Johnson dice que Roman Reigns era "un malote" en Georgia Tech

roman es un gran tipo

Calvin Johnson dice que no es ninguna sorpresa para él que Roman Reigns se haya convertido en una de las más legendarias superestrellas de la WWE de todos los tiempos y le mencionó a TMZ Sports el tipo era un total "badass" en Georgia Tech.

Lo creas o no, los chicos eran en compañeros de equipo en el equipo de fútbol de los Yellow Jackets a mediados de la década del 2000 y Johnson dice que supo de inmediato que Reigns tenía potencial de mega-estrella.

"Siempre fue un tipo duro", explica el receptor del Salón de la Fama. "No decía mucho, pero cuando decía algo, lo escuchabas".

Reigns iba con su verdadero nombre, Joe Anoa'i, cuando jugó en la línea defensiva y se desempeñó tan bien junto a Johnson que muchos creían que tenía un futuro brillante en la NFL.

Sin embargo, su batalla contra el cáncer desbarató esas aspiraciones, pero Johnson dijo que todo eso terminó siendo claramente "una bendición disfrazada" para él, ya que ahora está a punto de batir numerosos récords en el círculo cuadrado.

"Mi hombre está arrasando", afirmó Johnson.

033121_roman_reigns_calvin_johnson_kal March 2021
destinado a la grandeza

Por supuesto, Reigns ha recordado su tiempo en Georgia Tech con Calvin con cariño también, diciéndonos que en 2021 el potencial de Megatron era evidente, incluso cuando era solo un verdadero estudiante de primer año.

Hulk Hogan I'm A Brother In Christ!!! ... Gets Baptized

Big moment for Hulk Hogan ... he just announced he's been baptized!!

The Hulkster had the special ceremony at the Indian Rocks Baptist Church in Florida recently ... getting in a large body of water and fully submerging himself as part of the christening process.

70-year-old Hogan spoke about the significance of the baptism ... saying, "Total surrender and dedication to Jesus is the greatest day of my life."

"No worries, no hate, no judgment ... only love!"

Hogan was accompanied by his wife, Sky Daily Hogan ... who also took part in the baptism.

Hulk has previously opened up on his faith ... saying he knew at a young age Jesus Christ was his savior who helped him take the correct path to success.

"I accepted Christ as my savior at 14yrs old," he said back in April, "and the training, prayers and vitamins kept me in the game but now that I am one with God, the main event theme of surrender, service and love makes me the Real Main Event that can slam any giant of any size through the power of my Lord and Savior and so it is, even now brother, AMEN!"

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Congratulations, brother!!

Hulk Hogan se bautiza "El mejor día de mi vida"

Hulk Hogan acaba de anunciar que ha sido bautizado.

Hulkster tuvo la ceremonia especial en la Iglesia Bautista de Indian Rocks en Florida recientemente, donde se sumergió completamente como parte del proceso de bautismo.

Hogan, de 70 años de edad, habló sobre el significado del bautismo, diciendo: "La entrega total y la dedicación a Jesús es el día más grande de mi vida".

"Sin preocupaciones, sin odio, sin juicios, ¡solo amor!".

Hogan estuvo acompañado por su esposa, Sky Daily Hogan, que también participó en el bautismo.

Hulk se ha abierto previamente sobre su fe, diciendo que a temprana edad sabía que Jesucristo era su salvador y quien le ayudó a tomar el camino correcto para el éxito.

"Acepté a Cristo como mi salvador a los 14 años", dijo en abril, "y el entrenamiento, las oraciones y las vitaminas me mantuvieron en el juego, pero ahora que soy uno con Dios, el tema del evento principal de la entrega, el servicio y el amor me hace el Evento Principal Real que puede golpear a cualquier gigante de cualquier tamaño a través del poder de mi Señor y Salvador y así es, incluso ahora hermano, ¡AMEN!"

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¡Felicidades hermano!

Mike Rotunda Emotional Over Bray Wyatt's Death ... 'Miss Him Every Day'

Wrasslin Talk with Mayor McCall

Bray Wyatt's dad, Mike Rotunda, is opening up on his constant grief following the late WWE Superstar's tragic death ... saying life without his son has been nothing short of a "nightmare."

Rotunda -- who was famous in his own right as a wrestler for decades, most notably as Irwin R. Schuster -- joined the "Wrasslin Talk with Mayor McCall" podcast to discuss Wyatt (real name Windham Rotunda) ... and, understandably, he's still struggling to come to terms with the loss.

"It's been really hard," Rotunda said. "We miss him every day."

"[My kids] would come with me and stay on the road, wherever I was wrestling ... and it's so hard to wake up out of this nightmare and he's still not there."

Rotunda explained Windham was supposed to get married to his partner, Jojo, recently ... making it an especially challenging time for his family.

Rotunda praised WWE for helping his family by giving Windham a Legends contract among other gestures ... which will allow his four children to receive financial help from merchandise sales.

"He was a jolly fellow," Rotunda continued. "He loved to laugh, he was loud, always laughing and he lit up a room. He lit up the wrestling business. People come up to me and have a story with Windham and say, 'He took the time to sit there and bulls*** with me for 10 or 15 minutes when he's supposed to be signing autographs.' So many people come up and support him by wearing Windham's stuff, and they have a story about him. He was that kind of person."

As we previously reported, Windham -- who experienced heart complications leading up to his death -- passed away while taking a nap at his home in August.

He was just 36 years old.

AEW's CJ Perry Hospitalized W/ Finger Infection ... 'Please Keep Me In Your Prayers'

AEW star CJ Perry has been hospitalized for several days with a gruesome infection in her finger that has since spread up her arm ... a complication that has required surgery.

The 38-year-old shared photos with her millions of social media followers this week ... initially saying on Saturday she went to the ER after realizing a problem with her middle finger and arm.

"Please keep me in your prayers I’m at the ER @vphcares," Perry said on X ... explaining the medical emergency is the reason why she has not been competing recently.

"The infection from my small finger has gone up my arm. I am so sorry I had to miss last night and @AEW tonight. I look forward to debuting in Mexico with @AndradeElIdolo. Good luck @ToBeMiro and my client."

Perry -- who went by the ring name Lana during her WWE tenure -- provided an update on Monday ... revealing she had to undergo a procedure to address the ailment.

"The infection has gotten worse and I'm going into surgery tonight," Perry said. "Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I love you all."

Perry joined AEW this year ... making her debut with her husband and fellow wrestler Miro, on September 3 at the All Out PPV event. She's also an AEW manager and signed El Idolo as her first client.

Before All Elite, Perry was a WWE Superstar who also managed other wrestlers like Rusev.

Feel better, CJ!!!

WWE Star Liv Morgan Busted For Weed Possession In Florida ...

WWE Superstar Liv Morgan got smoked by the police ... 'cause she was busted driving with marijuana in Florida and thrown into the pokey, TMZ has confirmed.

Law enforcement sources tell us .... Morgan was cruising down the street in her jeep in Sumter County Thursday night when a sheriff's deputy pulled her over after seeing her swerve across the white and yellow lines.

We're told the deputy walked up to the vehicle, smelled reefer and conducted a search, finding less than 20 grams of marijuana in Morgan's possession.

Our sources say the deputy seized the small plastic bag of weed along with a vape pen containing an "oil-like substance."

Morgan was promptly arrested and booked into the Sumter County Jail for possession of cannabis 20 grams or less. She was later released after reportedly posting a $3,000 bond.

As for her WWE career, Morgan is currently a Raw Superstar, as well as a former Smackdown Women's Champion and two-time Women's Tag Team Champion.

Ric Flair Takes Tackle From UFC's Michael Chandler ... At 74 Years Old!!!

Instagram / @ricflairnatureboy

Ric Flair wasn't saying "WOOOO" after his recent run-in with Michael Chandler ... it was more like "OWWWW," 'cause the WWE legend was straight-up tackled to the ground!!

Naitch and the UFC star had an "altercation" at a bar recently ... and the footage of their wild trash-talkin' session that turned violent quickly spread on social media.

Of course, many rightfully suspected there wasn't any real bad blood between the two -- after all, they've starred in commercials for Car Shield in the past ... and actually have another spot dropping next week.

But we reached out to Chandler about the whole thing ... and he explained what exactly went down.

"It was a work," the lightweight contender told TMZ Sports. "Ric was teaching me the art."

Regardless, it's still just as funny to see the two get in full character for the clip ... with 74-year-old Flair showing he's still just as good with his lip service, and 37-year-old Chandler slapping him and doing a double leg takedown.

Chandler's expected to take on Conor McGregor at some point in 2024 ... so who better than the Nature Boy to get him ready for that fight!!

Hija de Brock Lesnar Rompe récord de lanzamiento de peso en CSU ... ¡¡¡18.5 metros!!!

Tal como el padre

La grandeza y el atletismo están en la sangre de Brock Lesnar porque la hija de la leyenda de la WWE acaba de hacer historia en la Universidad Estatal de Colorado (CSU), ¡con un récord de lanzamiento de peso escolar de 18,5 metros!

Mya, estudiante de tercer año en el equipo de atletismo de la CSU, lanzó la bola de casi 9 libras durante un encuentro el fin de semana y el momento quedó capturado en video.

"💥18.50m💥", dijo Mya en Instagram. "¡¡¡Un nuevo récord personal y un nuevo récord de la escuela!!!😤 Feliz con el sólido comienzo de mi temporada".

Tal vez el récord no es tan sorprendente si tenemos en cuenta que su padre es uno de los atletas más impresionantes que hemos visto. Brock no solo es una leyenda de la WWE, sino que también fue campeón de los pesos pesados de la UFC y campeón de la NCAA div. 1 de lucha libre en 2000. Lesnar también jugó en la NFL.

¿Qué tal todo eso?

Solo el tiempo dirá si Mya sigue el camino profesional de su padre y se involucra en la lucha libre profesional después de la universidad.

Por ahora, ha competido en 16 encuentros esta temporada y continuará acumulando victorias a su ya impresionante lista de galardones.

De hecho, terminó entre las tres primeras en los campeonatos de atletismo en pista cubierta y al aire libre de 2023. También fue nombrada All-Mountain West.

En cuanto a su padre, Brock no ha luchado desde SummerSlam en agosto y no se espera que vuelva hasta 2024.

Pero no hay prisa, Mya está triunfando por la familia Lesnar. ¡Felicidades!

Brock Lesnar's Daughter Breaks Shot Put Record At CSU ... 18.5 Meters!!!


Greatness and athleticism are in Brock Lesnar's blood 'cause the WWE legend's daughter just made history at Colorado State -- with a school-record-breaking 18.5-meter shot put!

Mya -- a junior on the CSU track team -- launched the near 9-pound spherical ball during a meet over the weekend ... and the historic moment was captured on video.

"💥18.50m💥," Mya said on Instagram. "A new PR and a new school record!!😤 Happy with a strong start to my season."

Perhaps the record-breaking put isn't shocking when you consider her dad is one of the most impressive athletes that we've ever seen. Not only is Brock a WWE legend, but he was also a UFC heavyweight champion and NCAA div. 1 wrestling champ in 2000. Lesnar also had a cup of coffee in the NFL.

How's that for an athletic pedigree?

Only time will tell if Mya follows her dad's career path and gets involved in professional wrestling after college.

For now, Mya, who has competed in 16 meets this season, will continue racking up wins, and adding to her already list of impressive accolades.

In fact, she finished in the top 3 of the indoor and outdoor track and field championships in 2023. She was also named All-Mountain West.

When it comes to her dad, Brock hasn't wrestled since SummerSlam in August ... and the 46-year-old isn't expected back until 2024.

But, no rush ... Mya's holding things down for the Lesnar fam! Congrats!

Jeremy Allen White Efron Inspired Me To Get Shredded ... For 'Iron Claw' Flick


Jeremy Allen White is revealing one major influence on his buff transformation for the upcoming "Iron Claw" movie ... telling TMZ Sports his co-star Zac Efron helped whip him into wrestling shape!!

JAW is playing Kerry Von Erich in the project about the famous Von Erich family ... and while he was never in bad shape by any means, the dude really bulked TF up for the role.

In fact, he didn't shy from putting his swole figure on display ... dropping the top for a workout back in July.

Naturally, we had to ask JAW all about his new bod outside "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" this week ... and whether Efron -- who's always been chiseled -- motivated him in the gym.

"He definitely did!!" White said.

As for actually wrestling in the future, JAW ain't too sure he can hang with the big boys ... especially considering he was so fresh to the industry when he got the gig.


White added he has a ton of respect for professional wrestlers ... pointing out it's a super athletic sport, so all the haters who trash it due to it being "fake" should listen up!!

Ronda Rousey I'm Not Joining AEW Focused On Mommy Duty!


Ronda Rousey isn't going to AEW, according to the former UFC superstar herself who tells us despite not being signed to WWE anymore, she's focused on being a mom, not arm barring women in the squared circle.

TMZ Sports ran into 36-year-old Rousey in Los Angeles earlier this week ... where we asked her about the rumors she could ink a deal to become All Elite.

"No, no, I don't think so," Ronda responded.

Why not?

Mommy duties! 👶

"Just trying to be home with the family, and be a full-time mom," Rousey answered.

Remember, Rousey parted ways with WWE in October -- after signing with the company in 2018 -- and since has wrestled for Ring of Honor (November 17). ROH is owned by AEW ... hence all the speculation.

But, RR, mother of a 2-year-old baby, La'akea, says it's not happening ... at least not now.

There's much more with the UFC Hall of Famer ... who before wrestling played a critical role in elevating women's MMA to a level once thought impossible.

Hubby Travis Browne's career wasn't too shabby, either ... he was a heavyweight contender who beat the likes of Josh Barnett and Alistair Overeem.

We asked Ronda if she'd allow her and Travis' kids to follow in mom's (and dad's) footsteps and go into MMA, or professional wrestling.

Check out the clip ... Rousey's answer might surprise you!

RONDA ROUSEY NO ME UNIRÉ A LA AEW estoy Enfocada En Ser Mamá

solo una madre

Ronda Rousey no va a participar en la AEW. La misma ex superestrella de la UFC nos dice que a pesar de no estar firmada con la WWE, se centra en ser una madre, así que no está interesada en la acción por el momento.

TMZ Sports se encontró con Rousey, de 36 años de edad, en Los Ángeles a principios de esta semana. Le preguntamos acerca de los rumores de que podría firmar un acuerdo para convertirse en luchadora de Elite.

"No, no, no lo creo", respondió Ronda.

¿Por qué no?

¡Deberes de mamá! 👶

"Solo trato de estar en casa con la familia y ser una mamá a tiempo completo", respondió Rousey.

Recordemos que Rousey se separó de la WWE en octubre —después de firmar con la compañía en 2018— y desde entonces ha luchado para el Ring of Honor (17 de noviembre). ROH es propiedad de AEW, de ahí toda la especulación.

Pero, Ronda —madre de un bebé de 2 años— dice que no va a pasar nada, al menos no por ahora.

Hay mucho más con el Salón de la Fama de la UFC, que antes de la lucha libre jugó un papel fundamental en la elevación de las MMA femeninas a un nivel que antes se creía imposible.

La carrera de su marido Travis Browne no fue tan mala, él tampoco era un contendiente de peso pesado que venció a los gustos de Josh Barnett y Alistair Overeem.

Le preguntamos a Ronda si permitiría que sus hijos y los de Travis siguieran los pasos de mamá (y papá) y se dedicaran a las MMA, o a la lucha libre profesional.

Mira el vide, la respuesta de Rousey podría sorprenderte.

WWE Legend Tammy Sytch Sentenced To 17 Years In Prison ... For Fatal Car Crash


WWE legend Tammy Sytch has been ordered to spend roughly the next decade and a half in prison for her role in a 2022 car crash that killed a 75-year-old man.

Sytch learned her fate inside of a Volusia County courtroom on Monday morning ... three months after she pled no contest to, among other charges, one felony count of DUI causing death.

Sytch -- wearing an orange jumpsuit and shackles on her wrists -- addressed the courtroom for a few minutes during the hearing, which lasted several hours and featured testimonies from people affiliated with the case, including a medical expert who evaluated the former wrestling personality in the spring.


Sytch broke down in tears during her speech and apologized for her actions. At one point, the 50-year-old also turned to the victim's family and said, "I know my words are not enough but please know that I think about you every day."

When the judge ultimately sentenced her to 17 years in prison, Sytch appeared stoic -- before she was taken out of the courtroom by officials.

Sytch -- also known as "Sunny" in the ring -- has been locked behind bars since May 2022 ... after prosecutors claimed she drunkenly slammed her car into Julian Lasseter's, killing him during a horrific March 2022 crash in Florida.

According to authorities, Sytch barreled into Lasseter while he was stopped at a traffic light. They alleged that at the time of the wreck, she had a blood alcohol content of .08 or higher.

Sytch was hit with eight total charges over the incident ... and, at first, she pled not guilty to all of the charges, though she changed her pleas in August after reaching an agreement with prosecutors.

Following the plea deal, she had been facing a prison sentence of up to 25 years.

The judge also said during Tuesday's proceedings that Sytch will be required to serve 8 years of probation following her prison sentence ... and her driver's license has been permanently revoked.

The case was not the first time Sytch -- who was elected into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2011 -- had been accused of drinking and driving ... she had previously been arrested at least six times prior for impaired driving.



La leyenda de la WWE, Tammy Sytch, ha sido condenada a pasar casi década y media en prisión por su papel en un accidente automovilístico en 2022 que causó la muerte de un hombre de 75 años.

Sytch conoció su destino dentro de una sala de la corte del condado de Volusia el lunes por la mañana, tres meses después de declararse sin oposición a, entre otros cargos, el delito grave de conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol, ocasionando una muerte.

Sytch, vistiendo un mono naranja y grilletes en sus muñecas, se dirigió a la sala de audiencias durante unos minutos, duró varias horas y contó con testimonios de personas vinculadas al caso, incluyendo un experto médico que evaluó a la ex personalidad de la lucha libre en la primavera.


Sytch se quebró en lágrimas durante su discurso y se disculpó por sus acciones. También se dirigió a la familia de la víctima y dijo: "Sé que mis palabras no son suficientes, pero por favor, sepan qué pienso en ustedes todos los días".

Cuando el juez finalmente la condenó a 17 años de prisión, Sytch lució estoica, antes de ser sacada de la sala por los oficiales.

Sytch, también conocida como "Sunny" en el ring, ha estado tras las rejas desde mayo de 2022, después de que los fiscales afirmaran que chocó su automóvil contra el de Julian Lasseter, matándolo durante un aparatoso accidente en marzo de 2022 en Florida.

De acuerdo con las autoridades, Sytch embistió a Lasseter mientras estaba detenido en un semáforo. Alegaron que al momento del accidente, tenía un contenido de alcohol en sangre de .08 o superior.

Sytch enfrentó un total de ocho cargos por el incidente… e inicialmente, se declaró no culpable de todos los cargos, aunque cambió sus declaraciones en agosto después de llegar a un acuerdo con los fiscales.

Después del acuerdo de culpabilidad, se enfrentaba a una sentencia de prisión de hasta 25 años.

El juez también dijo durante la audiencia del martes que Sytch deberá cumplir 8 años de libertad condicional después de su condena a prisión… y su licencia de conducir ha sido revocada permanentemente.

Este no fue el primer caso en el que Sytch, quien fue incluida en el Salón de la Fama de la WWE en 2011, fue acusada de conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol… anteriormente, había sido arrestada al menos seis veces por conducir alcoholizada.

Hulk and Nick Hogan Working Bikini Contest Before Nick's DUI Arrest


Nick Hogan was working a bikini contest at his father Hulk Hogan's restaurant hours before being arrested for DUI in Florida.

TMZ obtained video from Friday's event at Hogan's Hangout in Clearwater ... and you see Nick working from the DJ booth, playing music and introducing some of the winners.

Hulk was one of the judges, and he was also hosting the bikini contest, which featured $5,000 in cash prizes to three winners ... with Nick serving as MC/DJ.

When the contest started, Hulk announced they were giving out free shots ... which is interesting because ... as we first told you, later that night Nick got busted on suspicion of driving under the influence.

Nick's yet to address his DUI bust ... which comes 16 years after a scary car wreck in Clearwater that left a passenger with severe brain damage ... but now we know what he was doing earlier in the night.

Meanwhile, the mother of the Marine who was injured in Nick's '07 incident -- John Graziano -- is ripping Nick ... Debra Graziano says this latest incident shows NH hasn't learned his lesson.

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