Nick Hogan Arrested for DUI ... Same City as '07 Crash

Hulk Hogan's son, Nick Hogan, found himself in a jail cell early this weekend -- 'cause he got arrested for DUI ... and the location is notable.

According to online records, Nick got busted Saturday morning just before 4 AM in Clearwater, FL -- where cops booked him on suspicion of driving under the influence ... noting he allegedly refused to submit to sobriety testing.

The exact circumstances that led up to the arrest are unclear for now, but they're logging this as a misdemeanor -- and they had Nick pose for this mug while he was being processed. As of this writing, he hasn't been released from custody.

On its face, it's a simple DUI arrest ... which, while serious, wouldn't normally be all that big a  deal -- especially if nobody got hurt. However, Nick had previously been involved in a scary car accident way back in the 2000s when he was just a teen ... also in Clearwater, FL.

It was a well-documented saga at the time ... Nick was driving with a Marine friend of his -- John Graziano -- who suffered a serious brain injury from the wreck ... but survived.

Nick, who was 17 at the time, ultimately pleaded no contest to reckless driving involving serious bodily injury. In the lead-up to that plea, cops had alleged alcohol was involved. Nick went on to serve an 8-month sentence behind bars in the aftermath.

Of course, the Graziano family also sued the Hogans over the accident ... and they settled out of court.

Nick doesn't appear to have any reps at the moment -- so we reached out to Hulk's camp for comment ... but no word back yet.

As for what Nick was up to Friday night, his Instagram page suggests he was attending a bikini contest at his dad's restaurant ... which is also in the Clearwater area.

DWAYNE JOHNSON NO TO JOE?!? Says He Knows Dems, NOT Biden Supporters

The Joe Rogan Experience / Spotify

Dwayne Johnson is changing his tune after endorsing President Biden's 2020 campaign -- instead, he's now distancing himself from POTUS in a very public way ... on Joe Rogan's super popular podcast.

The Rock and Rogan were bemoaning the fact most Americans pick their friends based on political affiliation, these days -- but the actor said he doesn't discriminate, and has Trump-lovin' pals and friends who support Biden.

But when Joe asked him if he really does have Biden-backing friends, Dwayne clarified he meant he had buddies loyal to the Democratic party. Basically, he's no longer aligning himself with Joe's leadership!

111623_dwayne_johnson_trevor_noah_kal 11/9/23
What Now? with Trevor Noah

Dwayne has clearly been making quite the impact in politics ... recently divulging on Trevor Noah's Spotify podcast that last year he was approached by several political parties to see if he would run for President. That's following a 2021 poll revealing 46% of Americans would vote for him.

While he said those numbers make him confident that if he were to go down that road, he could be a real contender -- however, he added there's a lot about politics he "hates," and right now he just wants to spend time with his kids.

Dwayne did say he'd reconsider running in the future -- and Wednesday in D.C. he looked every bit like a politician.

He spent the day meeting with several Senators, on both sides of the aisle ... including Chuck Schumer, Jon Tester, Lindsey Graham and Susan Collins.


Dwayne Johnson ¡¿No a Joe?! Dice que conoce a los demócratas, no a los partidarios de Biden

Dejando atrás a Biden
The Joe Rogan Experience / Spotify

Dwayne Johnson está cambiando su tono después de apoyar la campaña del Presidente Biden en 2020. Ahora, en cambio, se está distanciando del mandatario de una manera muy pública en el popular podcast de Joe Rogan.

La Roca y Rogan se estaban lamentando de que la mayoría de los estadounidenses elige a sus amigos en función de su afiliación política por estos días. Aunque el actor dijo que no discrimina y que tiene amigos que aman a Trump y que apoyan a Biden.

Sin embargo, cuando Joe Regan le preguntó si realmente tenía amigos que apoyen a Biden, Dwayne aclaró que más bien tiene amigos leales al partido demócrata. Básicamente, ¡ya no se alinea con el liderazgo de Joe!

Está claro que Dwayne ha estado causando un gran impacto en la política. Recientemente, divulgó en el podcast de Trevor Noah, disponible en Spotify, que el año pasado varios partidos políticos se pusieron en contacto con él para ver si se presentaría a las elecciones presidenciales. Esto se produjo después de que una encuesta de 2021 revelara que el 46% de los estadounidenses votaría por él.

Aunque dijo que esos números le hacen confiar que podría ser un verdadero contendor si fuera por ese camino, agregó que hay muchas cosas que "odia" de la política, y en este momento solo quiere pasar tiempo con sus hijos.

No obstante, dijo que reconsideraría postularse en el futuro, y el miércoles en Washington ya parecía todo un político.

Pasó el día reuniéndose con varios senadores a ambos lados del pasillo, incluyendo Chuck Schumer, Jon Tester, Lindsey Graham y Susan Collins.

DWAYNE JOHNSON ESTOY EN EL CAPITOLIO Pero aún no me presento a las elecciones

Dwayne Johnson se está familiarizando con el Capitolio y aunque no se presentará a las elecciones presidenciales ni a ningún otro cargo, se reúne con senadores estadounidenses para hablar de fútbol y el ejército.

La Roca estuvo en Washington el miércoles para una reunión con varios legisladores de alto nivel —según los informes— cortando sobre impulsar el reclutamiento en las Fuerzas Armadas y la XFL ... que es de su propiedad.

Dwayne se reunió con los senadores Susan Collins, Dick Durbin, Lindsey Graham, Mark Kelly, Jon Tester y Todd Young. Junto con su XFL CEO Dany García.

Sen. Tester es el cerebro detrás de la reunión, y dijo a los periodistas Dwayne abogará por la gente a unirse a las fuerzas armadas. La senadora Collins no tuvo reparos a la hora de mostrarse como una fangi, mientras se deshacía en halagos hacia los seguidores de The Rock y admitió que quería tomarse un montón de fotos con la estrella de cine.

La visita de Dwayne al Capitolio también lo vio estrechar la mano con el líder de la mayoría del Senado de EE.UU. Chuck Schumer y se tomó una foto con los agentes de policía del Capitolio.

Según los informes, el Ejército, la Armada y la Fuerza Aérea no están alcanzando sus objetivos de reclutamiento y parece que algunos senadores creen que The Rock tiene la influencia para convencer a más jóvenes a alistarse.

La visita de Dwayne también se produce después de que dijera que los partidos políticos se han puesto en contacto con él para una posible candidatura a la presidencia.

Por ahora, Dwayne dice que se mantiene al margen de la política, aunque está abierto a reconsiderarlo en el futuro porque, ahora mismo, quiere pasar tiempo con sus hijos.

Mientras tanto, nunca está de más que algunos representantes le presionen en el Congreso.

DWAYNE JOHNSON I'm On Capitol Hill But Not Running For Office, Yet

Dwayne Johnson's getting acquainted with Capitol Hill, and while he's not not running for president -- or any other office, yet -- he IS taking meetings with U.S. senators to talk football and the military.

The Rock was in D.C. Wednesday for a sit-down with several top lawmakers, reportedly chopping it up about boosting recruitment in the Armed Forces, and the XFL ... which he owns.

Dwayne met with Senators Susan Collins, Dick Durbin, Lindsey Graham, Mark Kelly, Jon Tester, Tammy Duckworth and Todd Young ... along with his XFL CEO Dany Garcia.

Sen. Tester is the mastermind behind the meeting, and he told reporters Dwayne will advocate for folks to join the military. Sen. Collins had no qualms about fangirling out ... as she gushed about The Rock's following, and admitted she wanted to get a ton of pics with the movie star.

Dwayne's visit to Capitol Hill also saw him shake hands with U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer ... and he took a photo with Capitol Police officers.

The Army, Navy and Air Force are reportedly falling short of their recruitment goals ... and it sounds like some senators believe The Rock has the influence to convince more young people to enlist.

Dwayne's visit also comes on the heels of him saying he's been approached by political parties about a potential run for president.

For now, Dwayne says he's staying on the political sidelines -- he's open to reconsidering in the future -- because, right now, he wants to spend time with his kids.


In the meantime, never hurts to get some reps pressing the flesh on the Hill.

AEW's Paul Wight Xavier McDaniel Told Me To Wrestle ... Said I'd Never Make It In Hoops


Paul Wight is returning to the ring Wednesday night ... something that might never have happened if not for former NBA star Xavier McDaniel, the first person to tell the Superstar formerly known as Big Show to go into professional wrestling!

Wight dropped by the TMZ offices on Tuesday and sat down with Babcock on the TMZ Sports TV show -- ahead of AEW Dynamite's Like A Dragon Gaiden Street Fight match -- where the guys discussed the 7-footer's start in the sport to his in-ring comeback.

The Wight the Wrestler origin story is pretty crazy.

Paul was a center on the Wichita State basketball team in the early '90s, but wasn't exactly Shaquille O'Neal on the court.

Because of his play on the hardwood, McDaniel, a Shockers alum who'd become an NBA star after being drafted with the 4th overall pick in 1985, gave Wight some invaluable advice ... and perhaps paved the way for him to become a titan in the wrestling industry.

"X was always pestering me, and he kept telling me I should go into wrestling. I said 'Man, listen, I'm gonna play in the NBA. That's what I've trained for since I was a kid. This is what I do,'" Wight recounted telling McDaniel (this story starts around the 14-minute mark).

"[Xavier] says, 'Man, you're gonna be the only 7-foot dude who gets cut by the Japanese team. He goes, 'I'm telling you what you need to do. You need to go into pro wrestling and be Andre The Giant's son.' He says, 'Man, you look like Andre. That's what you need to do.'"

"Xavier McDaniel saw the vision on the wall long before it ever happened."

Shortly after, Paul linked up with Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff ... and the rest is history.

Now, Wight's wrestling again at 51 years old (it's been a bit since he's performed in the Squared Circle, though he's been signed to AEW since '21) ... and he's teaming up with Kenny Omega, Kota Ibushi, and Chris Jericho to take on Hobbs, Konosuke Takeshita, Kyle Fletcher, and Brian Cage.

How much longer will he wrestle? Check out the full interview -- we asked him.


In addition to Wight's match on Dynamite, AEW Full Gear, a PPV event, is going down this Saturday ... and Paul previewed some of the matches he's most looking forward to!

Logan Paul Shower Time With WWE U.S. Champ Belt ... Check Out My Hardware

Logan Paul turned his U.S. Championship belt into a censor bar this week -- the WWE Superstar posted a completely naked shower snap on social media ... with only his new, shiny addition covering his junk!!

The Maverick -- who won his first wrestling title over the weekend after beating Rey Mysterio at Crown Jewel -- shared a few snaps of his life as the champ on Thursday ... and let's just say he's been getting some quality time with the hardware.

The 28-year-old clearly wouldn't let his new belt leave his side as he went about his daily routine -- spooning in bed with his fiancée, Nina Agdal, enjoying a rooftop stogie, working out ... and even when he was rinsing off!!

A lot of Logan's followers cracked jokes in the comments ... with one person saying, "Nahhh no one is wearing that belt after the last pic 😂" and another going a bit more blunt by adding, "Bro got his meat all up on da belt."

It's been an insane start for Logan's wrestling career -- the dude has fought big names like Roman Reigns, Seth Freakin' Rollins, Ricochet and The Miz over the past year and a half ... and now, he can finally call himself a champion.

WWE might need some disinfectant wipes on deck ... just in case he ever loses the belt.

Logan Paul Becomes WWE Champ After Winning Crown Jewel

Logan Paul is now a wrestling champion, 'cause the dude just won a major WWE event in Saudi Arabia... which saw him raise a gold belt in glory.

The YouTuber-turned-athlete competed Saturday in WWE's Crown Jewel over in Riyadh against Rey Mysterio ... and he ultimately emerged victorious from after taking a pummeling in the ring.

There was a lot of back and forth between and RM ... and a lot of body slams. In the end, Logan won by "punching" Rey after he jumped toward him from the ropes -- which knocked Rey out cold. The reason ... LP had quickly/stealthily thrown on a pair of brass knuckles.

Once Rey was down, Logan went to pin him ... and he successfully held him for 3 seconds.


It's a big moment for Logan, especially considering he's relatively new to the wrestling biz -- remember, he only officially joined in 2022 ... and now, he's already a straight-up champ. Of course, all this WWE stuff is completely preordained/staged ... so, impressive to a point.

Still, we're sure Logan's stoked about it ... 'cause him winning big now means he'll probably have a long, storied future in the promotion, assuming his body can hold up. All these storylines might be bogus -- but the damage pro wrestlers endure is most certainly real.

FWIW, there's also his boxing career that's running parallel to all this ... and there, too, he's finding quite a bit of success. Remember, he's fresh off a win against Dillon Danis.

Sounds like the deck is clear for Logan to focus on the WWE for now ... WrestleMania is half a year away, and as of now -- he doesn't have any major fights scheduled in the near future

Logan Paul Se convierte en campeón de los EE.UU. en la WWE

Logan Paul es ahora un campeón de lucha libre, porque el tipo acaba de ganar un importante evento de la WWE en Arabia Saudita, donde lo vimos levantar un cinturón de oro en la gloria.

El YouTuber convertido en atleta compitió el sábado en el evento Crown Jewel en Riad contra Rey Mysterio, una de las batallas más atractivas del show, del cual salió victorioso después de recibir una paliza en el ring.

Hubo un montón de idas y venidas entre ambos luchadores, además de un montón de golpes. Al final, Logan ganó tras darle un "puñetazo" con una manopla a Mysterio después de que este saltara hacia él desde las cuerdas. Después de este golpe ilegal, Mysterio quedó noqueado.

Una vez que Rey quedó en la lona, Logan lo cubrió exitosamente en el suelo durante 3 segundos.

Es un gran momento para Logan, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que es relativamente nuevo en el negocio de la lucha libre. Recuerden, que el luchador se unió oficialmente en 2021 y ya es un campeón directo. Por supuesto, todo esto de la WWE está completamente preestablecido /escenificado, así que impresionante hasta cierto punto.

Aun así, estamos seguros de que Logan está muy emocionado porque ganar a lo grande significa que probablemente tendrá un futuro largo y lleno de historia en la promoción. Esto, suponiendo que su cuerpo lo aguanta. Todas estas historias pueden ser falsas, pero el daño que sufren los luchadores profesionales es ciertamente real.

Lo que es importante, Logan Paul también tiene una carrera de boxeo en paralelo, donde también está consiguiendo algunos logros. Recuerden que acaba de ganarle a Dillon Danis.

Parece que la cubierta está despejada para Logan para centrarse en la WWE por ahora. WrestleMania está a medio año de distancia y por ahora no tiene ninguna pelea importante programada en un futuro próximo.

Alexa Bliss, LA Knight, Wrestlers Promote John Cena's New Movie While He Can't Over Strike!

John Cena's new movie, "Freelance," comes out this week, but actors are still on strike, and that means the WWE legend cannot do press to promote the film.

Enter the 16x WWE champion's friends -- including Alexa Bliss, LA Knight, and TMZ Sports' own Mojo Muhtadi, in addition to a bunch more -- who in place of Cena, attended a premiere of the movie at Regal Waterfod Lakes in Orlando.

Of course, SAG-AFTRA, the union representing actors, is still at odds with the Hollywood studios. As part of the strike, actors cannot do media to promote a project ... and if you did, that'd be crossing the picket line.

Obviously a big no-no (ask Drew Barrymore).

So, Cena's buds did the next best thing.

As for the movie, it's got an impressive cast ... with Alison Brie and Christian Slater also starring in the movie, which the studio described like this:

An ex-special forces operative takes a job to provide security for a journalist as she interviews a dictator, but a military coup breaks out in the middle of the interview, and they are forced to escape into the jungle where they must survive.

While he undoubtedly was bummed he couldn't be at Orlando showing, we're told Cena was seriously touched by his friend's show of support!

The movie hits theatres on Friday.

LIL WAYNE Lo Siento Museo de Cera... ¡Lo intentaste Y FALLASTE!

lil wax?

Lil Wayne está de acuerdo con la gente, la figura de cera que intentaron hacer a su semejanza no se parece mucho que digamos al rapero.

Una imagen de una estatua de Weezy F. Baby del Museo de Cera de Hollywood en Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, se volvió viral el lunes y las bromas al respecto no se hicieron esperar.

Acertaron con los tatuajes de Wayne, pero realmente no pudieron con su cara. Muchos pensaron que se parecía más a Toosii con rastas que al jefe de Young Money.

"Lo siento, museo de cera, pero esa mierda no soy yo. Lo intentaron y  les agradezco el esfuerzo", escribió Wayne a los conservadores en Tuiter.

No solo Wayne... tambien hubo mucha conversación respecto a la estatua de aspecto extraño de Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson a principios de esta semana.

La leyenda de Hollywood/WWE incluso le ofreció al museo, este en concreto situado en París, a ayudar personalmente a arreglar la corrección.

No se sabe si Wayne está dispuesto a hacer lo mismo, pero es mejor dejarle estas cosas a los profesionales del Madame Tussauds.

Lil Wayne Sorry Wax Museum, You Tried AND FAILED!!!


Lil Wayne agrees with the masses ... a wax figure with his likeness did a TERRIBLE job capturing his details.

An image of a Weezy F. Baby statue from the Hollywood Wax Museum in Pigeon Forge, TN began to explode across social media Monday ... with many recognizing the figure intended to resemble Wayne, it was close but no cigar.

The figurine nailed the details of Wayne's tattoos but couldn't really nail his face. Many thought it looked more like Toosii with dreads than the Young Money boss.

"Sorry wax museum but dat shit ain’t me! You tried tho and I appreciate the effort," Wayne wrote to the curators on Twitter.

Social media users were far less forgiving than Wayne -- equally merciless as the dragging they gave the weird-looking statue of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson earlier this week.

The Hollywood/WWE legend even offered to the museum, this particular one being located in Paris, personal hands-on help to fix the correction.

No telling if Wayne is down to do the same ... but these things are probably best left to the pros at Madame Tussauds at this point.

DWAYNE 'THE ROCK' JOHNSON Está trabajando con el Museo de Cera de París Luego de que los trolls cuestionaran su figura

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson se está poniendo a trabajar en su nueva figura de cera, la misma que la gente asegura que no se parece en nada a él, y para eso se ha asociado con el equipo del museo de cera para hacer algunos cambios serios.

El actor respondió al ruido sobre su nueva figura el domingo, riéndose de lo ocurrido mientras le decía a sus fans que su equipo se iba a contactar con sus "amigos del Museo Grévin, en París, Francia" para hacer los cambios.

Obviamente, los usuarios de Internet no fueron los únicos en pensar que había diferencias entre la figura y la persona real. El mismo Johnson agregó que trabajará con el museo para arreglar "detalles importantes y mejoras - empezando por su color de piel 🤣".

Uno más del montón
Instagram/ @jamesjeffersonj

Un portavoz del Museo Grévin le dice a TMZ que efectivamente están trabajando con Dwayne para corregir el error, añadiendo que van a "remediarlo lo más rápido posible y que le van a enviar nuevas fotos una vez que esté completado."

El portavoz del museo nos dice que la figura será arreglada durante la noche, por lo que permanecerá en exhibición por el momento. Asegura que su equipo no haya la hora de que Dwayne viaje a París para celebrar el nuevo aspecto de la figura con un poco de champán, ¡un movimiento con clase, Grévin!

Como ya informamos, los fans han estado comentando todos los defectos de la estatua de cera, desde el traje de padre que lleva hasta su tono de piel. ¡Algunos incluso pensaban que se parecía más a Vin Diesel!

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Working With Paris Wax Museum ... After Internet Trolls Questionable New Figure

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is getting to work on his new wax figure that people said looks nothin' like him ... by teaming up with the wax museum to make some serious changes.

The actor responded to the noise about his new figure on Sunday -- having a good laugh while telling his fans he's going to have his team reach out to "our friends at Grévin Museum, in Paris France" to make the changes.

Obviously, folks online weren't alone in thinking there were differences between the figure and the man himself ... he added he'll work with the museum to fix "important details and improvements -- starting with my skin color 🤣."

Instagram/ @jamesjeffersonj

A spokesperson for the Grévin Museum tells TMZ they indeed are working with Dwayne to right the wrong ... adding they'll "remedy it as quickly as possible and send him new photos once completed."

The museum's spokesperson tells us the figure will be fixed during the night, so it'll stay on display for the time being ... noting their team can't wait for Dwayne to come to Paris to celebrate the new look with some champagne -- classy move, Grévin!

As we reported, fans have been chiming in with everything wrong with the wax statue -- from the dad outfit it's wearing to its light skin tone ... some even thought it looked more like Vin Diesel!

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson New Wax Figure Has Fans Confused ... What The Hell Is This?!

A new wax figure of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has fans questioning what the artist was thinking when they made it ... with many taking to social media to voice their concerns.

Here's the deal, Dwayne's been memorialized -- or, maybe not so much -- in a new wax figure that's going on display at the Grevin Museum in Paris ... but fans of the actor have been left pretty disappointed by the way it looks.

Some say the choice to put Dwayne in an outfit that screams "dad" was a bad call ... while many pointed out how the skin tone isn't accurate -- one simply wrote, "Bro is white."

Apart from Mr. Clean and Pitbull being a couple of names folks have compared it to, there's another person folks on X have said it resembles more -- Vin Diesel, his costar from the 'Fast & Furious' movies.

As we reported, the 2 have had on-set beef in the past, which even led to Dwayne leaving the series for a hot minute ... so some online have pointed out how pissed Dwayne's gonna be when he finds out it looks more like Dom Toretto than him.

Making wax figures ain't easy ... but this one seems to have missed the mark more than most.


Una nueva figura de cera de Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson tiene a los fans preguntándose en qué diablos estaba pensando el artista cuando hizo el trabajo, y muchos están usando sus redes sociales para expresar sus preocupaciones.

Esta es la cuestión, Dwayne ha sido hornado -o, tal vez no tanto- en una nueva figura de cera para el Museo Grevin de París, pero los fans del actor se han quedado bastante decepcionados por la forma en que se ve.

Algunos dicen que la idea de poner a Dwayne en un traje que grita "papá" fue una mala decisión, mientras que muchos otros aseguran que el tono de piel no es exacto... uno simplemente escribió: "Bro, es blanco".

Aparte de Mr. Clean y Pitbull, dos rostros con los que ha sido comparada esta nueva figura, hay otra persona con la que sus seguidores en X dicen que se parece más: Vin Diesel, su coprotagonista en las películas de "Fast & Furious".

Como ya les contamos, los dos han tenido problemas en el set en el pasado, que incluso llevaron a Dwayne a dejar la serie, por lo que algunos están augurando lo enojado que estará cuando se entere de que se parece más a Dom Toretto que a él mismo.

Hacer figuras de cera no es fácil, pero esta parece haberse desviado más que la mayoría.

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