Cedric the Entertainer Giants Owe Kim K. & Kanye West Big ... For World Series Win


Madison Bumgarner is getting all the credit, but Cedric the Entertainer says the San Francisco Giants had 2 other World Series MVPs -- Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.

TMZ Sports spotted the comedian in Calabasas and he admitted he was pulling for the Kansas City Royals ... since the Giants whupped his beloved St. Louis Cardinals.

But Ced is buying into the not-so-widely held theory that Kimye was a good luck charm for San Fran ... considering they got engaged at AT&T Park last year and also attended the Giants' Game 5 victory in SF.

Watch Cedric explain why Kim's the queen of good luck -- gotta love a good backhanded compliment!

San Fran Police: 40 TOTAL ARRESTS 2 People Shot in World Series Madness

The stats are in from the chaotic World Series madness in San Francisco, according to the SFPD, and it's pretty shocking:

-- 40 total arrests
-- 9 police cars damaged
-- 3 officers injured
-- 2 people shot

We're told 29 of the arrests were for public intoxication.

As for the shootings ... the details are minimal, but we're told they both stemmed from the madness that ensued in S.F. after the Giants beat the Royals.

We're told both people who were shot are alive.

In the cases of the injured officers, we're told all 3 were hospitalized with injuries caused by flying glass bottles.

One officer suffered a "severe laceration" to the hand. Another was struck in the shoulder. And the third officer had an arm-wound.

The SF Fire Dept. also had a busy night -- putting out makeshift bonfires all over the city.

Good times.

Madison Bumgarner Hometown to Declare 'Madison Bumgarner Day'

SF Giants hero Madison Bumgarner is about to get his OWN DAY in the town where he grew up ... with officials telling TMZ Sports there's even talk of a parade to honor the World Series MVP.

We spoke with an official from Caldwell County, N.C. -- population just over 80,000 -- who tells us Madison is the talk of the town ... everyone is so proud of their hometown hero after his legendary pitching performance against the Royals.

In fact, plans are already in motion to determine which day of the year will become "Madison Bumgarner Day."

We're told the only thing holding up the date selection is Madison's schedule -- because officials want to select a day when Madison is in town.

Officials tell us there are talks of throwing a parade in Madison's honor -- but those plans are not set in stone yet.

We reached out to Madison -- but as you can imagine, he's a pretty busy guy today.

Meantime, officials have already put up a billboard to honor Madison.

Pretty cool, right?

Floyd Mayweather I Won't Bet On World Series 'Just Not Into Baseball'

Sorry baseball ... Floyd Mayweather is just not that into you.

In fact, Floyd's so indifferent about America's pastime, the legendary gambler is sitting out of one of the biggest sporting events of the year -- the World Series ... TMZ Sports has learned.

As you know, Floyd's quick to drop anywhere from $20k to $1 MILLION on a football game (college or pro) ... but our sources tell us Floyd won't touch the MLB.

And why not? As one source puts is ... "He's just not into baseball."

Don't worry ... basketball season's right around the corner -- and he's all about wagering on the NBA.

Dodgers Star Andre Ethier 'This Town Might Burn Down' ... If We Win World Series


Los Angeles should brace itself ... 'cause if the Dodgers win the World Series, "this town might burn down" ... so says Dodgers superstar Andre Ethier.

The outfielder was out at Madeo last night -- takin' a bunch of people out for a pre-playoff game dinner -- when we asked how he was going to celebrate if when the Dodgers win the Series.

"This town might burn down, eh? But we'll address that when that happens," Ethier joked.

Sure, he was kidding ... but let's get serious -- it's a legit concern ... especially after the Lakers NBA Championship riots of 2000 ... and 2009 ... and 2010.

But it won't happen a 4th time ... will it?

World Series Boston Counter- Terrorism ... In Your Face

The FBI, the Boston PD, the Dept. of Homeland Security ... just about every law enforcement group in the land will be patrolling the Boston area in force during the World Series in an effort to thwart a possible terrorist attack, TMZ has learned.

In the wake of the Boston Marathon bombing back in April, the city is taking every possible measure to make sure people are safe when the Series comes to Beantown on Wednesday.

TMZ spoke with multiple law enforcement agencies ... who told us the Boston PD will be in charge of coordinating the plan to keep the area safe.

The police presence will be huge -- and in your face -- with uniformed and undercover officers, bomb-sniffing dogs, snipers and other counterterrorism measures in place.

Still, cops tell us ... as usual, they count on the people to provide tips if they see anything suspicious. See something, say something.


San Francisco Giants Zoo Names Good Luck Monkey After ...

San Francisco Giants fans got their wish ... the "good luck" monkey -- whose birth coincided with a string of Giants victories -- WILL be named after one of the World Series winning players, and TMZ has learned who gets the honor.

A rep for the SF Zoo tells TMZ, the red-haired Francois' langur monkey will forever be named Romo -- after Giants' closing pitcher Sergio Romo ... who struck out Detroit Tigers' Miguel Cabrera to clinch the WS Sunday night.

Romo (the monkey) rose to fame during the NLCS -- when the Giants went on a 3-game winning streak right after its birth.

Fans claimed Romo's miraculous birth was responsible for the Giants' wins -- and demanded the zoo name the "Lucky Langur" after a current Giants player.

The zoo's rep says they settled on the name because the monkey shares Sergio's "playful spirit."

Fun fact: Romo (the monkey) is actually female.

Detroit Tigers It's All About the Chicken This Year

The Detroit Tigers don't want a repeat of their devastating 2006 World Series loss, so they made a major change in how they do things -- and that change is eating more chicken.

TMZ spoke with a Tigers clubhouse rep who tells us a chef comes in and cooks for the players every day and the menu is pretty expansive -- we're talkin' hamburgers, jambalaya, Chinese food, eggs, fresh fruit, soup, Kobe sliders, mac and cheese ... the works.

But the biggest item on the menu is chicken and lots of it. The rep says chicken breast is always available for breakfast and there's always a baked chicken for lunch too, as a healthy option.

The rep says the major difference between the Tigers' menu during their failed 2006 Series run and this year ... "more chicken."

It better pay off soon ... the Tigers are 0-2 against the Giants.

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