President Biden Ending 2023 on a Wing & a Prayer ... Hits Church on St. Croix

President Biden is closing out the year on a one-on-one chat with the man upstairs -- and depending on where you land politically ... this could be interpreted a couple different ways.

Joe's down in the U.S. Virgin Islands right now with his family, where they touched down Wednesday in St. Croix ... and where JB here was seen visiting the Holy Cross Catholic Church in the city of Christiansted Saturday ... popping out with a wave and a smile.

He was being tailed by a ton of Secret Service agents, of course ... a few whom looked like they came straight from MIB headquarters. No sign of Jill or the other Bidens here with him -- although, they were right by his side when they landed last week on Air Force One.

On its face, this is just another holy Biden outing ... nothing all that crazy coming from a guy who's famously religious and who frequents churches quite a bit in his spare time.

Now, on the flip side ... some might see this as a sign that the dude's saying his prayers for a potentially rocky 2024 -- especially as the next presidential election starts to take shape.

So far, it's looking like Joe will face off with Donald Trump again -- that is, unless he isn't convicted and jailed first ... or if he's successfully kept off certain states' primary ballots, all of which remains to be seen at this point. Numbers-wise, DT is far and away the GOP fave.

As for JB and how he's faring in the polls ... it ain't that great -- as there doesn't seem to be too much enthusiasm about a second Biden term, even among people in his own party.

Uncle Joe's had a bit of an up-and-down presidency 3 years in, but the one thing he's got going for him is that he's ... not being prosecuted, on a number of fronts. Still, POTUS has some fires to put out with his base if he's gonna win 'em over come election day in Nov.

In the meantime, here's Biden enjoying another vacation to cap off 2023. See ya in the new year!

Don Lemon Nikki Haley More Dangerous Than Trump

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Don Lemon says the most detrimental presidential candidate Americans could elect isn't Donald Trump ... but rather Nikki Haley.

The former CNN host joined us Friday on "TMZ Live," and said he thinks there's good reason to sound an alarm on Haley's campaign ... saying she's a more dangerous candidate than Trump.


Don says it's a case of the devil you know versus the devil you don't ... calling out Haley for being unclear on her views, flip-flopping on Trump's insurrection and ripping her track record on abortion and racism.

The way Don sees it ... we've already survived one Trump presidency, and Haley presents a new set of unknowns that might end up being worse than anything Trump ever did.

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It's another shot at Haley from Don ... as we reported, he blasted her on social media Thursday for leaving slavery out of her answer on the cause of the Civil War.

Haley's apologized and asked for grace, something Don says is hypocritical.

Remember, Don and Nikki had beef when he was at CNN ... he called her past her prime, and says she showed him no grace for his poor choice of words ... which he's said was just a prime case of misspeaking on live television.

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Don's speaking out on political issues for the first time since leaving his post at CNN ... and he says he can finally speak his mind about all candidates, including Republicans.

While he says he doesn't want Trump back in office, and Haley might be worse ... he tells us why Chris Christie is earning his respect, even though he disagrees with most of his policies.


Don's outspokenness here sounds like a sign of things to come -- he broke some news with us about what he's planning professionally for the immediate future.

Don Lemon Nikki Haley es más peligrosa que Trump

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Trump antes que Nikki

Don Lemon dice que el candidato presidencial más perjudicial que los estadounidenses podrían elegir no es Donald Trump, sino más bien Nikki Haley.

El ex presentador de CNN se unió a nosotros el viernes en "TMZ Live" y nos dijo que hay buenas razones para hacer sonar las alarmas con la campaña de Haley, diciendo que ella es una candidata más peligrosa que Trump


Don dice que es un caso de diablo conocido a diablo por conocer, y critica a Haley por no ser claro respecto a sus puntos de vista, por cambiar de opinión sobre la insurrección de Trump y por su historial sobre el aborto y el racismo.

Desde la perspectiva de Don, ya sobrevivimos a una presidencia de Trump y Haley presenta un nuevo conjunto de incógnitas que podrían terminar siendo peor que cualquier cosa que Trump haya hecho.

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Siguiente pregunta

Este es otro tiro de Don hacia Haley, como informamos, el presentador la atacó en las redes el jueves por dejar la esclavitud fuera de su respuesta sobre la causa de la Guerra Civil.

Haley se disculpó y pidió comprensión, algo que Don considera hipócrita.

Recuerden, Don y Nikki tuvieron problemas cuando él estaba en CNN. Don le dijo que había pasado su mejor momento.

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Su cuarto de hora...

Don está hablando sobre temas políticos por primera vez desde que dejó su puesto en CNN. Dice que finalmente puede decir lo que piensa de los candidatos, incluidos los republicanos.

Aunque dice que no quiere Trump de nuevo en el cargo, y que Haley podría ser peor, nos explica por qué Chris Christie se está ganando su respeto, a pesar de que no está de acuerdo con la mayoría de sus políticas.

Próximos proyectos

La franqueza de Don aquí suena como una señal de que vienen cosas para él. También nos dio algunas sobre sus planes profesionales en el futuro inmediato.

Barack Obama Estados Unidos tiene un problema... Dice canción de Beyoncé y Kendrick

¡¡¡¡Barack Obama acaba de compartir su lista de reproducción anual de fin de año y muchos piensan que está abordando el estado de la nación al elegir la última colaboración de Beyoncé y Kendrick Lamar!!!!

El expresidente promocionó la canción de Bey y Kendrick, "America Has a Problem (Remix)" entre sus canciones favoritas de 2023, un jugueteo políticamente cargado donde las dos megaestrellas hacen referencias sutiles a la violencia y las drogas en los EE.UU.

Kendrick se unió a la remezcla en mayo después de que la leyenda apareciera en el mega álbum de Beyoncé "Renaissance" el año pasado. Ambos actuaron juntos también en septiembre para su gira Renaissance Tour.

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Es interesante que BO incluso haya arrojado luz sobre la pista, dado que el presidente Biden, vicepresidente de Obama, está actualmente dirigiendo el país. Los excompañeros de fórmula siguen siendo amigos y Obama ha apoyado enfáticamente a Biden.


Como es habitual, Obama ha seleccionado una amplia gama de géneros musicales: los raperos británicos Dave y Central Cee, las estrellas del country Zach Bryan y Kacey Musgraves y los cantantes de R&B 6LACK y Victoria Monét han pasado el corte final.

Barack Obama America Has a Problem ... Cosigns on Beyoncé & Kendrick's Track

Barack Obama just dropped his annual year-end playlist and many think he is addressing the state of the union with his pick of Beyoncé and Kendrick Lamar's latest collab!!!

The former prez touted Bey and Kendrick's song, "America Has a Problem (Remix)" among his fav tracks of 2023 ... a politically charged romp where the two megastars make subtle references to the violence and drugs in the U.S.

Kendrick hopped on the remix back in May after the OG appeared on Beyoncé's mega album "Renaissance" last year ... and they performed together in September on her Renaissance Tour.

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It's interesting that BO would even shed light on the track, given the fact President Biden -- Obama's Veep -- is currently running the country. The former running mates remain pals, and Obama's emphatically endorsed Biden.


Per usual, Obama selected a wide range of music genres -- UK rappers Dave and Central Cee, country stars Zach Bryan and Kacey Musgraves and R&B singers 6LACK and Victoria Monét all made his final cut.

Estrella de "Dukes Of Hazzard" Quiere que Biden sea ejecutado... "Debería ser colgado públicamente"


1:58 PM PT -- John nos dice que no pretendía hacer daño con su tuit, diciendo: "¿En serio, amigos? No dije tal cosa. A pesar de los titulares que afirman lo contrario, absolutamente no llamé a un acto de violencia ni amenacé a un presidente de Estados Unidos".

La estrella de "The Dukes of Hazzard" John Schneider probablemente tendrá una visita del Servicio Secreto en un futuro próximo, ya que acaba de hacer una amenaza de muerte en las redes sociales contra el presidente Biden.

El actor, conocido por interpretar a Bo Duke en la icónica serie de televisión, publicó el tuit el miércoles, afirmando que tanto Biden como su hijo, Hunter Biden, "deberían ser colgados públicamente". El post completo de John decía: "Señor Presidente, creo que usted es culpable de traición y debería ser colgado públicamente. Su hijo también. ¿Su respuesta es...? Atentamente, John Schneider".

La amenaza de John ha sido borrada desde entonces y fue una respuesta directa al post de Biden sobre Donald Trump, en el que criticaba al ex mandatario acusado.

A juzgar por su tuit, John piensa que Biden es culpable de traición también.

Curiosamente, el miércoles, el mismo día que hizo la amenaza, fue un día bastante agitado para John. También fue revelado como la celebridad secreta que se escondía detrás del disfraz de donut en el programa de competencia de FOX, "The Masked Singer".

La cuenta de John también tiene otras menciones donde se refiere a Biden y la traición y tiene otro post reciente en el que apunta al Dr. Anthony Fauci como "Traicionero".

Por lo tanto, parece que hay un tema aquí, pero se ha intensificado con las amenazas de muerte.

Nos pusimos en contacto con el equipo de John, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

'Dukes of Hazzard' John Schneider Wants Biden Executed ... 'Should Be Publicly Hung'


3:02 PM PT -- He has since expanded his statement, now saying, "Seriously, folks? This is my final comment on this. I neither said nor implied any such thing. Despite headlines claiming otherwise, in my post, I absolutely did not call for an act of violence or threaten a U.S. president as many other celebrities have done in the past. I suggest you re-read my actual post and pay attention to the words before believing this nonsense."

He continues, "It’s my position, which I am entitled to have, that some of our nations leaders in Washington have lost their way, and corruption runs rampant, both on our nation’s borders and abroad. Transparency and accountability must happen in order for our constitutional republic to survive. There is no threat implied or otherwise in that statement."

1:58 PM PT -- John tells us he meant no harm in the tweet, saying, "Seriously, folks? I said no such thing. Despite headlines claiming otherwise, I absolutely did not call for an act of violence or threaten a U.S. president."

"The Dukes of Hazzard" star John Schneider will likely have a visit from the Secret Service in the near future ... because he made a social media death threat against President Biden.

The actor, famous for playing Bo Duke on the iconic TV show, posted on Twitter Wednesday, stating both Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, "should be publicly hung." John's full tweet read, "Mr. President, I believe you are guilty of treason and should be publicly hung. Your son too. Your response is..? Sincerely, John Schneider."

John's threat has since been deleted ... and was a direct reply to Biden's post about Donald Trump, where POTUS took shots at the indicted former president.

Judging by his tweet, John thinks Biden is guilty of treason too.

Funny enough, Wednesday, the same day he sent the threat, was a pretty eventful day for John ... because he was also revealed as the secret celebrity hiding behind the donut costume on FOX's singing competition show, "The Masked Singer."

John's account also has other replies where he mentions Biden and treason ... and there's another recent post ripping Dr. Anthony Fauci as "Treasonous."

So, there seems to be a theme here ... but now, it's escalated to death threats.

We reached out to John's camp ... so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 10:31 AM PT

Mariah Carey La reina de la Navidad visita la Casa Blanca

El reinado de Mariah Carey como la reina de la Navidad continua, ya que viajó hasta D.C. para contagiar un poco de alegría festiva en la Casa Blanca.

En un post compartido en su cuenta de Instagram el miércoles, la cantante fue vista con el Presidente Joe Biden y sus gemelos de 12 años, Moroccan y Monroe.

Vistiendo un mini vestido brillante y una chaqueta recortada a juego, Mariah estaba en su salsa, ya que también se tomó algunas fotos con Kamala Harris y su marido Doug Emhoff.

En el pie de foto de IG, Mariah habló de la gran decoración festiva que vio durante la visita, que tuvo lugar la semana pasada con sus hijos.

Los gemelos han estado apareciendo mucho últimamente en las aventuras relacionadas con la Navidad de su mamá. Recientemente, también aparecieron en el video musical de la versión actualizada de su clásico, "All I Want For Christmas Is You".

Desde hace años, Mariah se ha comprometido a hacer del periodo previo a la Navidad algo muy especial. Pero su gira festiva terminó el 17 de diciembre y estamos esperando que pueda tomarse un día para relajarse.


Mariah Carey's reign as the Queen of Xmas is only getting stronger ... as she journeyed to D.C. to spread some festive cheer at the White House.

In a post shared to her IG Wednesday, the singer posed with President Joe Biden ... with her 12-year-old twins Moroccan and Monroe in tow.

Wearing a glittering minidress and matching cropped jacket for some extra Christmas flare, Mariah was in her element as she also got snap-happy with Kamala Harris & her hubby Doug Emhoff.

In the caption, Mariah gushed about all the extensive festive decor she saw during the visit ... which took place last week with her brood.


The twins have been popping up a lot lately in their momma's Christmas-related ventures ... most recently in the music vid for the upgraded version of her classic, "All I Want For Christmas Is You."

For years now, Mariah's been committed to making the run-up to Christmas special -- but with her festive tour wrapping on Dec. 17 ... we're hoping she has the day itself to unwind.

Donald Trump Lemonade Jab At Biden's All Fake ... Just An Internet Hoax!!!

Donald Trump's going viral for jabbing President Biden over a couple deaths linked to Panera lemonade ... but someone's putting words in Trump's mouth because it's all bogus.

Here's the deal ... there are a series of screenshots from a recent Trump speech going viral online, and they claim to quote Trump blaming Biden for two deaths linked to a new drink from Panera.

Trump and Biden are easy targets here ... it's not crazy to believe Trump would go after Biden for such a story, but it turns out lots of folks are being duped ... because the quotes are totally fake.

The viral images have made up quotes attributed to Trump, where he's saying ... "Everything is bad under Biden. Even the lemonade is killing people. Did you see that? People drink lemonade and die."

The fake Trump quote is referencing a couple recent deaths linked to Panera's new Charged Lemonade, which is super caffeinated.

Other fake Trump quotes included ... "The lemonade didn't kill you when I was president. It was tasty and fun to drink. We loved the lemonade, didn't we?"

Another falsely quotes as Trump saying ... "We did, but not under Biden. Bacon is more money. Gas is more money. The lemonade is more money and it kills you."

The fourth and final says ... "When life hands you lemons, Joe Biden kills you with them."

The screenshots and fake closed captioning is from Trump's recent speech in Iowa ... but anyone watching the speech will find out there's no mention of lemonade whatsoever.

Social media's rife with fake quotes attributed to politicians, celebs and athletes these days ... but lots of folks haven't caught on yet.

Joe Biden Fundraiser Interrupted By Pro-Palestinian Marchers ... 'No Votes For Mass Murderer'

Joe Biden's L.A. fundraiser was interrupted Friday by screaming pro-Palestinian demonstrators as police in riot gear stood guard, trying to keep the peace.

The 46th Prez arrived by motorcade to last night's political event in Holmby Hills, where dozens of demonstrators had gathered to voice their anger over what they see as the extermination of the Palestinians by Israel.

Scores of Palestinians have been killed since the bloody Israel-Hamas war began in October. At the time, Hamas terrorists invaded the Jewish state and slaughtered 1,400 Israelis, triggering the deadly conflict. Hamas rules over the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.


During Friday's fundraiser, demonstrators threw objects at officers and passing vehicles, while holding up signs that read, "No votes for mass murderer," a reference to Biden's 2024 presidential bid. They were also chanting "Free free, Palestine" and "Long Live Palestine."


LAPD Chief Michel Moore said his officers did not have to use force or make any arrests because the demonstrators eventually dispersed.

Meanwhile, Biden delivered a short speech at the celebrity-studded event, calling his 2024 Republican rival, Donald Trump, a threat to democracy. He also talked about his first-term economic successes and the federal judges he has confirmed to the courts.

Among the notable attendees were Jill Biden, Steven Spielberg, Gavin Newsom, Karen Bass, Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff. Rock 'n' roll star Lenny Kravitz also showed up to perform for the crowd.

Joe Biden Evento interrumpido por manifestantes propalestinos "Ningún voto para un asesino"

La recaudación de fondos de Joe Biden en Los Ángeles fue interrumpida el viernes por manifestantes pro-palestinos que gritaban, mientras la policía con equipos antidisturbios montaba guardia y trataba de mantener la paz.

El 46º Presidente llegó en caravana al acto político de anoche en Holmby Hills, donde decenas de manifestantes se habían reunido para expresar su ira por lo que consideran el exterminio de los palestinos por Israel.

Decenas de palestinos han muerto desde que comenzó la sangrienta guerra entre Israel y Hamás en octubre. Entonces, los terroristas de Hamás invadieron el Estado judío y masacraron a 1.400 israelíes, desencadenando el sangriento conflicto.

No pasarás, Joe

Durante la recaudación de fondos el viernes, los manifestantes arrojaron objetos a los agentes y a los vehículos que pasaban, y llevaron pancartas que decían "No votes por un asesino (mass murderer)", en referencia a la candidatura presidencial de Biden para 2024. También coreaban "Free free, Palestine" y "Long Live Palestine".

Protegiendo al presidente

El jefe de la policía de Los Ángeles, Michel Moore, dijo que sus agentes no tuvieron que usar la fuerza ni realizar ningún arresto porque los manifestantes acabaron dispersándose.

Mientras tanto, Biden pronunció un breve discurso en el evento repleto de celebridades, en el que calificó a su rival republicano de 2024, Donald Trump, como una amenaza para la democracia. También habló de los éxitos económicos de su primer mandato, así como de los jueces federales que ha confirmado.

Entre los asistentes destacados estuvieron Jill Biden, Steven Spielberg, Gavin Newsom, Karen Bass, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff. La estrella del Rock n Roll Lenny Kravitz también apareció y actuó para la multitud.

Donald Trump I Promise I'll Be a Dictator ... But Only on Day 1

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Fox News

Donald Trump made an ominous promise Tuesday night ... he promises if he's elected President again he will be a dictator ... but only for a short time.

Trump was front and center at a Fox News town hall when Sean Hannity asked him if he had plans to abuse power if elected. Sounds like a crazy question, but you may recall Trump has been talking about retribution against his enemies if he gets back in The White House.

Trump was clear ... yes, he would be a dictator on Day 1, but not thereafter. And, he said, on Day 1, he would unilaterally close the border and create a clear path for oil drilling.

Here's the thing ... if you look at the history of dictators in the world, they generally don't give up power once they attain it.

The other thing ... when Trump says he'd be a dictator for a day, it's not clear what that means in reference to the border and drilling. If he's talking about executive orders -- something presidents have in their toolbox of power -- that's not dictatorial. So it's interesting he embraced the word "dictator."

One more thing ... during the grievance-filled show, Trump said, "I often say Al Capone, he was one of the greatest of all time if you like criminals. He was a mob boss the likes of which -- Scarface they called him -- and he got indicted once. I got indicted 4 times."


Sorry, Donald, Al's got you beat. Capone was indicted 6 times.

Donald Trump Promete que será un dictador ... Pero solo el día 1

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Dictador el día uno
Fox News

Donald Trump hizo una promesa siniestra el martes por la noche. Dijo que si es elegido presidente nuevamente sería un dictador, pero solo por un corto periodo de tiempo.

Trump estaba al frente y al centro de unos de los principales edificios de Fox News cuando Sean Hannity le preguntó si tenía planes de abusar del poder si era elegido. Suena una pregunta descabellada, pero hay que recordar que Trump ha estado hablando de represalias contra sus enemigos si se llega otra vez a la Casa Blanca.

Trump fue claro. Sí, sería un dictador el Día 1, pero no después. Y dijo el Día 1, pues cerraría unilateralmente la frontera y crearía una estrategia clara para la perforación petrolera.

Esta es la cuestión, si nos fijamos en la historia de los dictadores en el mundo, por lo general no renuncian al poder una vez que lo alcanzan.

La otra cosa es que cuando Trump dice que sería un dictador por un día, no está claro lo que eso significaría en lo que se refiere a la frontera y la perforación. Si está hablando de órdenes ejecutivas -algo que los presidentes tienen entre sus potestades- eso no es dictatorial. Así que es interesante que haya abrazado la palabra "dictador".

Algo más, durante el programa -que estuvo lleno de agravios- Trump dijo: "A menudo digo que Al Capone, fue uno de los más grandes de todos los tiempos si te gustan los criminales. Era un jefe de la mafia de la talla de, Scarface lo llamaban, y fue acusado una vez. A mí me han acusado 4 veces".

Lo siento, Donald, pero Al te ganó. Capone fue acusado 6 veces.

Flavor Flav I'm Down to Take Taylor Swift College Course!!!


Flavor Flav is all for Harvard University's Taylor Swift course, noting he's 100% open to enrolling ... and acknowledging he's reached super-fandom.

The Public Enemy rapper spoke to TMZ Hip Hop in NYC outside of ABC Studios Thursday where he listed off the many reasons why the English Department at Harvard will win big with the course, "Taylor Swift and Her World."


Professor Stephanie Burt is prepping the TS coursework to be taught for the upcoming spring semester and Flav tells us it's the perfect course for him and other artists.

Flav says he's actively studied Taylor's lyrics which ultimately birthed his fan club membership card -- which got the platinum stamp during the "Eras" tour in earlier this year.

Flav thinks Taylor's music is completely relatable -- just as much as Beyoncé and Mary J. Blige's -- but he isn't just sizing TS up against other singers.

Flav tells us if Taylor was ever to run for president, neither Joe Biden nor Donald Trump would have a chance with her on the ballot ... he's voting Team 1989 all the way!!!


Mark Cuban dice que no hay "ninguna posibilidad" de que esté tratando de hacer campaña para llegar a la Casa Blanca tras las especulaciones de que podría postularse para Presidente en 2024 después de vender una participación mayoritaria en los Dallas Mavericks de la NBA.

Comentarios de la supuesta jugada política inundaron X, aunque el multimillonario le dice a TMZ que una campaña presidencial para el próximo año no está en los planes y añade que "la familia me repudiaría".

Recordemos que después de años de construir su imperio, Mark está poniendo a la familia en primer lugar, anunciando en el podcast de Showtime "All The Smoke" el lunes, que dejaba "Shark Tank" después de 16 temporadas ya que entra en conflicto con su tiempo personal.

Además que convertirse en Presidente —posiblemente el trabajo más ocupado en el mundo— no haría mucho para despejar su agenda.

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Sin embargo, ha entretenido la idea antes, divulgando a Harvey en "OBJECTified" en 2017 que se postularía como republicano para desafiar a Donald Trump. En 2019, Mark nos dijo que su familia "votó en contra" de su serio deseo de postularse a la presidencia en 2020.

La renovada charla política ganó tracción después de que TMZ Sports confirmara que Mark estaba vendiendo su participación mayoritaria, supuestamente valorada en $3.5B, a Miriam Adelson, obteniendo un retorno masivo de la inversión después de comprar el equipo en 2000 por $285 millones.

Él conservará algunas acciones y ser el líder de la toma de decisiones cuando se trata de operaciones de baloncesto, pero la viuda/heredera multimillonaria Adelson, tiene algunos planes propios para los Mavs. Principalmente la construcción de un nuevo estadio y casino, y un proyecto de ley de juego pasa en Texas.

En cuanto a Mark, tendrá mucho más tiempo libre y quién sabe, tal vez el Despacho Oval esté llamando su nombre en 2028.

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