President Biden Fiery 81st Birthday Cake Spurs Memes and Jokes Galore!!!

President Joe Biden's birthday cake appeared to be on fire this week to ring his 81st birthday -- sparking a ton of jokes.

Joe was celebrating his born day Monday, and it looks like his staff lit up the festivities with a crap ton of candles on a meager-sized pastry for POTUS -- something the Commander in Chief appeared to appreciate.

As you can see, the cake looks to be set completely ablaze ... and people didn't hold back in making cracks and memes on the Internet ... joking about everything from the White House at risk of getting burned down, to comparing it to the state of the country under Joe's watch.

As funny as some of these comparisons were -- several of which were celeb-inspired, in fact -- Joe himself had a joke to top it off, writing ... "Thanks for the birthday well-wishes today, everyone. Turns out on your 146th birthday, you run out of space for candles!"


It's an interesting way to embrace his age -- namely, tongue-in-cheek humor -- as the Prez being a super senior has fallen under intense scrutiny ... especially as 2024 approaches.


For instance, just the other day, he mixed up Taylor Swift and Britney Spears. Obviously, not a huge problem ... but c'mon, man!!!

And yet, he's taking 81 in stride -- rolling with the punches and jabs. Time will tell if it's an effective strategy ahead of the next presidential election ... right now, his poll numbers stink.

Anyhoo ... happy birthday, President Biden. Keep the hilarious content -- whether intentional or not -- coming!!!

Donald Trump Again Denies 'Golden Showers' ... Melania Believes Me!!!


Donald Trump was once infamously alleged to have watched prostitutes pee on a bed in a "golden showers" show -- and even all these years later ... he continues to insist it ain't true.

The ex-Prez was at a campaign event in Fort Dodge, Iowa Saturday night -- and while he was hyping up his crowd ... he waded back into this very old news, just to reiterate his denial and to once again explain why it couldn't possibly be true.

Take a listen ... DT retells the story as it was alleged in a secret dossier -- which claimed he and some "hookers" were at a hotel in Russia back in 2013, and that DT watched these ladies urinate on a mattress that Barack and Michelle Obama had apparently once slept in.

Trump denied this way back in 2017 when the story first started to surface -- and he's doing the same here in 2023 ... this time roping Melania into it, and saying she totally believes him.

As he noted way back when ... he's a total germaphobe, so there's no way this can be true -- something he says the former First Lady also apparently agreed with when he tried to reassure her it was bunk.

Like we said ... nothing really new here. It's just nuts that the dude's still talking about it a whole 6 years later, well after it'd been put to bed. Goes to show what's on his mind!

Rosalynn Carter Former First Lady Dead at 96 ... Days After Entering Hospice

Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter -- who'd long been married to former President Jimmy Carter -- has died ... according to the family's foundation.

The Carter Center broke the news Sunday, writing ... "Our co-founder, former U.S. First Lady Rosalynn Carter, passed away this afternoon in Plains, Georgia." In a lengthier statement, they went on to explain that she passed peacefully at home with her family by her side.

The news comes just a couple days after Rosalynn entered hospice care -- which her husband had actually entered as well earlier this year. She'd also recently been diagnosed with dementia.

Rosalynn served the country well while Pres. Carter was in the White House in the '70s -- and her legacy stands as someone with astute political intuition ... not to mention fine work for the American people while in office, especially in regard to mental health awareness.

By most accounts, she was one of the modern First Ladies to truly step into a public role and help shape an administration -- something all First Ladies have continued since.

Of course, her and Jimmy's humanitarian work post-presidency has been widely praised as well -- she and her hubby were the longest married presidential couple in U.S. history.

She's survived by President Carter, their four children and her grandchildren. Rosalynn was 96.



"no es mi estilo"

Donald Trump estuvo involucrado en una polémica (una de miles), luego de ser visto en un espectáculo de "lluvias doradas", donde prostitutas orinaban en una cama. Han pasado años y él sigue insistiendo en que no es cierto.

El expresidente estaba en un evento de campaña en Fort Dodge, Iowa, el sábado por la noche, y mientras estaba entreteniendo a su público, se metió de nuevo en esta noticia muy antigua, solo para reiterar su negación y para explicar una vez más por qué no podía ser verdad.

Donald vuelve a contar la historia tal y como estaba escrita en un expediente secreto que afirmaba que él y unas prostitutas estaban en un hotel en Rusia en 2013, y que vio a estas damas orinar en un colchón en el que Barack y Michelle Obama aparentemente habían dormido una vez.

Trump negó esto en 2017, cuando la historia comenzó a salir a la luz y está haciendo lo mismo ahora en 2023, y esta vez incluyendo a Melania, diciendo que ella le cree totalmente.

Como Trump señaló hace mucho tiempo, le tiene fobia a los gérmenes, por lo que no hay manera de que esto pueda ser verdad.

Como hemos dicho, nada realmente nuevo. Es una locura que el tipo todavía esté hablando de ello 6 años después. Eso demuestra lo que tiene en mente.

Rosalynn Carter Former First Lady in Hospice Care

Rosalynn Carter, the former first lady and wife of former President Jimmy Carter, is in hospice care at the family's Georgia home.

Rosalynn is 96 years old and earlier this year she was diagnosed with dementia. It's been a rough year for the Carters ... back in January, the 99-year-old former Prez also started receiving hospice care.

In a statement Friday, the Carter Center says Rosalynn and Jimmy "are spending time with each other and their family. The Carter family continues to ask for privacy and remains grateful for the outpouring of love and support."

The Carters live in Plains, Georgia ... where they were both born and raised.

Rosalynn and Jimmy have been married for 77 years, they got hitched way back in 1946 ... and she served as First Lady from 1977 to 1981 during Jimmy's 4 years in the White House.

In September, their grandson Josh Carter told PEOPLE Rosalynn and Jimmy were "in the final chapter" of their lives.


Donald Trump puede estar pensando en ir cara a cara con los otros republicanos que le están desafiando por la nominación presidencial, porque hemos descubierto que el Servicio Secreto ya ha explorado el lugar.

El próximo debate está previsto para el 6 de diciembre en el Moody Music Building Concert Hall de la Universidad de Alabama en Birmingham. Será retransmitido en directo por NewsNation. La cadena anunció el pasado jueves que acogerá el debate, y fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que ese mismo día agentes del Servicio Secreto acudieron al lugar y recorrieron las instalaciones por dentro y por fuera.

El único candidato que cuenta con la protección del Servicio Secreto es Donald Trump, quien, como ex Presidente, será seguido de por vida por la Agencia.

Trump ha pasado de los anteriores debates de este año y no ha habido pruebas evidentes de que vaya a cambiar de rumbo, dado que está a años luz de los demás candidatos en las encuestas. Pero el paseo del Servicio Secreto sugiere que está pensando en presentarse.

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sin respeto
FOX News

Lo que es especialmente interesante es que uno de los tres moderadores del debate es Megyn Kelly, quien famosamente se enfrentó a Trump durante un debate republicano en 2015. Las calificaciones se fueron por las nubes para ese debate y Trump está obsesionado con las calificaciones, así que quién sabe.

Estén atentos...

Donald Trump Evidence He Might Debate Republican Candidates ... Secret Service Shows Up at Upcoming Venue

Donald Trump may be thinking about going head-to-head with the other Republicans who are challenging him for the presidential nomination because we've learned the Secret Service has already scoped out the venue.

The next debate is scheduled for December 6 at the Moody Music Building Concert Hall at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. The debate will be carried live on NewsNation. The network announced last Thursday it will host the debate, and sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... that same day Secret Service agents came to the venue and walked the premises ... inside and out.

The only candidate who has Secret Service protection is Donald Trump, who, as a former President, will be shadowed for life by the agency.

Trump has passed on the previous debates this year and there has been no obvious evidence he'll change course, given he's light-years ahead of the other candidates in the polls. But the Secret Service walk-through suggests he's thinking about showing up.

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FOX News

What's especially interesting ... one of the 3 moderators of the debate is Megyn Kelly, who famously sparred with Trump during a Republican debate back in 2015. The ratings went through the roof for that debate, and Trump is obsessed with ratings, so who knows?


Stay tuned ...

RFK Jr. Played Footsie with First-Class Floor ... On American Flight to Dallas

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. let it all hang out during a flight nearly two weeks ago -- and by that, we mean from the ankles down ... where he got very acquainted with a messy aisle floor.

The presidential candidate -- who's running as an independent -- was on an American Airlines plane on Nov. 2 ... where we're told he was traveling from Portland to Dallas for what appears to have been official political business, during which this eye-popping pic was snapped by conservative commentator Justin Haskins.

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In The Tank

Haskins -- who works for a think tank called The Heartland Institute -- took this photo of RFK Jr. getting up and walking to the bathroom ... only he did it completely barefoot!

Indeed ... it's a bit surprising, considering the ground he's treading on isn't all the clean -- at least that's what Haskins said when he and his buddies talked about this on their "In The Tank" pod on Friday. According to him, there was a bunch of food and debris down there.

Listen to how Haskins puts it ... sounds like he was pretty surprised to see Bobby pull this as nonchalantly as he did, and he jokes this might even torpedo his campaign prospects.


Time will tell on that front, we suppose ... but man, talk about getting comfy, huh? 😅


Tucker Carlson is open to playing GOP candidate wrangler for a debate, but the Republicans would have to be down with the parameters he'd demand ... TMZ has learned.

In case you missed this week's debate, Vivek Ramaswamy gave a full-throated endorsement for Tucker to moderate a future Republican debate, predicting it would spark a major ratings boost.

Well, sources with direct knowledge tell us ... Vivek has personally verbalized this wish to Tucker himself, and while the former Fox News firebrand likes the idea of doing it -- he's not keen about doing it on a traditional TV network.

We're told Tucker actually spoke to GOP officials about the role back in the summer, after Fox News let him go ... but he didn't want to fall back in with corporate media, which he thinks is all buddy-buddy with the RNC.

So, the only way Vivek's dream will come true is if the party approves the debate airing exclusively on X. Obviously, Elon Musk would love that, but our source adds the real benefit for the RNC could be finally landing Donald Trump ... who's been absent from previous debates.

The feeling is Tucker's involvement might prompt Trump to participate.

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NBC News

Tucker's potential involvement came about after GOP candidate Vivek took aim at NBC's Lester Holt, Hugh Hewitt, and Kristen Welker during Wednesday night's third battle of Republican candidates.

As it turns out, the journalists got off easy ... relative to Ramaswamy's attack on Nikki Haley, who he called "Dick Cheney in 3-inch heels."

In other words, exactly the kind of discourse Tucker Carlson would love to join!


Tucker Carlson está abierto a ser moderador de un debate, pero el republicano tiene algunas exigencias, TMZ ha indagado.

En caso de que te hayas perdido el debate de esta semana, Vivek Ramaswamy le dio un respaldo a toda voz a Tucker para moderar un futuro debate republicano, prediciendo que provocaría un aumento de audiencia importante.

Fuentes directas nos dicen que Vivek ha verbalizado personalmente el deseo de Tucker a sí mismo, y mientras que al ex incombustible de Fox News le gusta la idea de hacerlo, dice que no está dispuesto a hacerlo en una cadena de televisión tradicional.

Nos dicen que Tucker habló con funcionarios del Partido Republicano sobre su papel en el verano, luego de que Fox News lo dejara ir, pero él no quería volver a caer en los medios de comunicación corporativos.

Por lo tanto, la única manera de que el sueño de Vivek se haga realidad es si el partido aprueba que el debate se emita exclusivamente por X. Obviamente, a Elon Musk le encantaría, pero nuestra fuente añade que el beneficio real para el RNC podría ser finalmente conseguir a Donald Trump, que ha estado ausente en los debates anteriores.

La sensación es que la participación de Tucker podría incitar a Trump a participar.

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encendiendo los ánimos
NBC News

La posible participación de Tucker se produjo después de que el candidato del Partido Republicano Vivek apuntara a Lester Holt, Hugh Hewitt y Kristen Welker de la NBC durante la tercera batalla de candidatos republicanos del miércoles por la noche.

Resulta que salieron bien parados en relación al ataque de Ramaswamy a Nikki Haley, a quien llamó "Dick Cheney en tacones de 3 pulgadas".

En otras palabras, ¡exactamente el tipo de discurso al que a Tucker Carlson le encantaría unirse!

Lil Pump Trump lo saluda en un mitin en Florida

Pump por Trump
Instagram / @lilpump

Donald Trump no se olvida de uno de sus primeros partidarios, Lil Pump, quien estuvo presente en el mitin de Florida del ex comandante el miércoles por la noche, y el rapero "Gucci Gang" recibió algunos elogios públicos.

Trump lo señaló entre una multitud de unos 5.200 asistentes, quienes llegaron hasta el suburbio de Hialeah en Miami, según los informes. Tras el reconocimiento, Pump se puso de pie, recogió sus flores y mostró su orgullo de pies a cabeza!!!

Vuelvan sus calendarios tres años atrás, en 2020, cuando Pump fue extremadamente apasionado en su intento por conseguir que Trump fuera reelegido. Esto, a pesar de no ser un votante registrado.

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Lil Trump

Para Pump, la influencia es lo que cuenta en el largo plazo. Él es un fan de la persona rebelde de #45, al igual que Kodak Black y Waka Flocka.

Trump puede contar con el apoyo de Pump para ganar la nominación del Partido Republicano, pero está por ver si consigue su voto.

Lil Pump Trump Shout-Out At Fl Rally ... '1 Of The Few' To Support!!!

Instagram / @lilpump

Donald Trump doesn't forget his day 1 supporters -- Lil Pump was in attendance at the former commander-in-chief's Florida rally Wednesday night, and the "Gucci Gang" rapper got some public praise.

Trump singled him out in the crowd of 5,200 reportedly in attendance in the Miami suburb of Hialeah ... prompting Pump to stand up, collect his flowers and show off his fit ... head-to-toe MAGA!!!

Flip the calendars back 3 years to 2020 and Pump was extremely vocal in attempting to get Trump reelected ... despite not being a registered voter himself.

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For Pump, it's the influence that counts in the long run. He's a fan of #45's rebellious persona -- as are Kodak Black and Waka Flocka.

Trump can count on Pump's endorsement to win the GOP nomination, but whether he gets his vote remains to be seen.


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Contra los moderadores
NBC News


Más fuegos artificiales entre Vivek y Nikki, esto después de que Vivek atacara a su familia sobre el modo en que usan TikTok, lo que provocó que ella le dijera que mantuviera los nombres de sus hijas alejados de su boca.

Las palabras de Will Smith siguen vivas....

Vivek Ramaswamy salió golpeando en el tercer debate republicano de esta semana, pero no fue tanto a sus rivales políticos sino a los moderadores.

El candidato del Partido Republicano, amigo de la polarización, fue a la ofensiva este miércoles en Miami, después de que uno de los moderadores de la NBC, Lester Holt, le preguntara por qué pensaba que debería ser el candidato republicano en lugar de Donald Trump, el que sigue liderando la carrera por mucho.

En lugar de responder la pregunta directamente, el candidato empezó a despotricar en contra del partido en general, después de algunas duras pérdidas en las elecciones nacionales del martes, y calificó al Partido Republicano de "perdedores."

Culpó a su presidenta, Ronna McDaniel por eso y luego se centró en Lester, Hugh Hewitt y Kristen Welker, todos quienes estaban moderando. Les dijo que no merecían estar moderando esto el encuentro y que Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan y Elon Musk sí.

Yendo a los que nos importa, Vivek ha estado muy cercano a Tucker últimamente y parece ser un fan de Joe Rogan y Elon Musk. Lester terminó cortando la brevísima intervención de Vivek, que quedó claro que fue solo incendiaria.

Finalmente, Vivek fue tras los otros candidatos, incluyendo un golpe a Nikki Haley, a quien caracterizó como un neo-con Dick Cheney-esque en "tacones de 3 pulgadas".

Golpe bajo, sin duda.

Publicado originalmente -- 5:38 PM PT

Vivek Ramaswamy Attacks NBC Moderators ... Wants Tuck, Rogan, Elon Instead!!!

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NBC News


6:08 PM PT -- More fireworks between Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley ... this after he attacked her family over their use of TikTok, which spurred her to tell him to keep her daughters' names out of his mouth.

Will Smith's words live on ...

Vivek Ramaswamy came out swinging at the third Republican debate this week -- but it wasn't so much at his political rivals ... instead, he took aim at the moderators.

The polarizing GOP candidate went on the offensive right out the gate Wednesday in Miami ... this after one of the NBC moderators, Lester Holt, asked why he thought he should be the Republican nominee instead of Donald Trump ... who's still leading the pack by a lot.

Instead of answering the question directly, VR went on a rant bashing the party at large -- this after some tough losses in national elections Tuesday -- and called the GOP "losers."

He blamed the GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel for that, but then turned his focus on Lester, Hugh Hewitt and Kristen Welker -- all of whom were moderating ... saying they didn't deserve to be moderating this ... and that Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan and Elon Musk did.

FWIW ... Vivek's done a lot of sit-downs with Tucker lately -- and he seems to be a fan of JR and EM, too. Lester ended up cutting him short once it became clear he was just bashing.

Vivek did eventually go after the other candidates, though ... including a shot at Nikki Haley -- whom he characterized as a Dick Cheney-esque neo-con in "3-inch heels." Low blow, indeed.

Originally Published -- 5:38 PM PT

Rick Ross Ankle Monitor Beepin' at White House Brings Me Tears of Joy Now!!! 😂

Rick Ross is looking back at the infamous moment his ankle monitor sounded while meeting with President Obama inside the White House -- and, now at least, it brings him nothing but LOLs!!!

Complex's Speedy Mormon asked Rozay to detail the embarrassing moment during his co-interview with Meek Mill to promote their joint album ... and he recalled trying to maneuver around D.C. in spite of being on house arrest at the time.

We broke the story back in 2016 ... Ross was among the hip hop heavyhitters invited to the WH for Obama's Brother's Keeper youth initiative when the ankle monitor went off. He'd been fitted with the device after his 2015 arrest for aggravated assault and aggravated battery.

Rozay remembers hearing the thing beeping outta control, and says he slumped in his seat hoping no one would notice -- but, it's totally the Secret Service's job to notice. He says agents sprung into action seeking out the source of the noise.

Obama totally heard the ankle monitor and commented, but the MMG rapper won't spill the deets on what was said. Although, he seems to think Busta Rhymes, who was also there, will!!!

Also in attendance were J. Cole, Wale, Chance The Rapper, DJ Khaled, as well as Nicki Minaj, who was dating Meek at the time.

Meek says he was also on house arrest at the time ... and learned of the incident after Nicki came home cussing him out that he wasn't capitalizing off the moment.

That story alone was enough to push Ross over the edge to tears!!!

RFK Jr. I Need Protection From Home Intruder, Judge ... No Secret Service For Me!!!


11/7 -- 8:26 AM PT -- Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s attorney, Michael Baum, tells TMZ ... "We needed to take this step because President Joe Biden won't give Mr. Kennedy security protection despite the clear need demonstrated by Jonathan Macht's and others' actions."

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. doesn't have the Secret Service protecting him, as he would like, so he's running to a judge for help after a guy twice tried to unlawfully enter his home.

The 2024 presidential candidate is seeking court-ordered protection from a man named Jonathan Macht, who police previously identified as RFK Jr.'s home intruder.

RFK Jr. beelined it to court Monday and filed for a temporary restraining order against Macht ... according to online records. It's unclear if a judge signed off.

TMZ broke the story ... Macht was arrested last month after cops say he twice attempted to get inside the Brentwood home where RFK Jr. lives with his wife, Cheryl Hines.

Remember ... cops said Macht got over the fence and into the yard before being detained by RFK Jr.'s security until police arrived to arrest him.

Law enforcement said the guy was released from custody, only to come back to the RFK Jr.'s home the following day, leading to another arrest.

What's more, Kennedy's campaign claimed the guy asked to speak with RFK Jr., who we're told was home at the time of both incidents.

Kennedy's team says they've alerted Secret Service about Macht several times in recent months, labeling him an "obsessed" individual.

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But as Cheryl told us on "TMZ Live," Kennedy has struck out in multiple attempts to get Secret Service protection, despite his strong numbers at the polls and his family's tragic history.

With no Secret Service agents, it looks like RFK Jr. wants the courts to help here.

LAPD Threat Management continues to investigate this case.

Originally Published -- 11/6 4:47 PM PT