Donald Trump Cracked Fat Joke With Golf Legends At Private Ceremony Day After Insurrection

Incredible video shot less than 24 hours after the raid on the U.S. Capitol shows Donald Trump joking around with golf legends Gary Player and Annika Sorenstam ... while the rest of the country was still in shock.

Remember, Player and Sorenstam had each been booked to receive the Presidential Medal of Honor -- the highest civilian award in the country -- from Trump at a White House ceremony set for January 7.

The issue ... the insurrection at the capitol occurred on Jan. 6 -- where 5 people died and many more were injured. Several buildings in the Capitol complex were evacuated and locked down.

Yet, Trump forged ahead with the medal ceremony -- but decided to make it a private affair instead of a big public display.

Footage of the ceremony was captured by reporter Graham Bensinger -- and shows Trump joking around with the golfers as if everything was normal.

"Gary earned the title 'Mr. Fitness,' Trump said ... "He just told me, he said, 'Sir, lose a couple of pounds.' I said, 'Okay, Gary’' ... he said it in front of Annika. That was very rude, don't you think?!! How rude can you be?"

The jokes were met with huge laughs from people in the room -- and both Player and Sorenstam proceeded to praise Trump when they stepped in front if the mic.

"I want to say thank you for all that you've done and the service to our country," Sorenstam said ... "particularly, during the coronavirus crisis. I know it's been very tough and challenging, but many congratulations on the rollout of the vaccine and warp speed."

Player added that Trump's White House has "changed the world for the better."

In the weeks that followed, Trump was impeached -- with officials accusing him of inciting the insurrection.

Bensinger sat down with Sorenstam one month later for his show "In Depth with Graham Bensinger" -- and she admitted she's heard the negative criticism about her decision to accept the award while others like Bill Belichick declined.

"I've received quite a bit of positive feedback from friends and family. But, then there've been some not so positive," Sorenstam said ... "And, I've heard those, and I've listened to those."

Bensinger asked specifically what the negative criticism has been.

"I'm gonna be honest, I haven't been on social media since then. The other things that I've heard, the negativities: not necessarily my achievements, but the timing."

As for Trump, after he was impeached ... the case went to the Senate, where he was ultimately acquitted.

The entire "In Depth" episode airs this weekend.

First Lady Jill Biden Hang in There, Kelly ... My Divorce Was for the Best!!!

Dr. Jill Biden's offering motherly words of wisdom to Kelly Clarkson -- who's going through a divorce -- and there's personal experience behind her message.

The First Lady sat down with Kelly for her first big solo TV interview since Inauguration Day, and was very candid in describing how she believes everything happens for a reason ... including her own divorce.

She says without going through that, she never would have met President Biden and formed her beautiful family, so she's telling Kelly to hang in there and promises her ... time heals all wounds.

It might sound a little cliche, but Kelly really seems to take it to heart.

As we reported ... Clarkson filed for divorce from her husband of nearly 7 years, Brandon Blackstock, back in June and later won primary custody of their kids.

However, he's seeking substantial spousal and child support, and in December she started another legal battle ... by claiming he defrauded her out of millions. Obviously, there's still a lot to be worked out.

In the meantime, Kelly's got the scoop on what Dr. Biden wants to do for some fun as soon as the COVID-19 pandemic is finally over ... and she's totally down to join her.

For more of the interview ... check out "The Kelly Clarkson Show: White House Edition with the First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden" on Thursday.

The Undertaker President Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson ... Could Unite America


America is a fractured country ... but there might be someone who can heal the nation from inside the Oval Office -- Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson!!

That's according to Johnson's longtime friend, WWE legend The Undertaker ... who tells TMZ Sports he'd fully support Johnson running for the highest office in the land -- and won't be surprised if he actually throws his hat in the ring.

"That man works his tail off and he dives in wholeheartedly in everything that he does and if he gets his mindset that he wants to make a run at politics, ya know what? I think he'll do it," Taker says.

Of course, 48-year-old Johnson recently told USA Today he'd "consider a presidential run in the future if that’s what the people wanted.”

The wrestling legend and world's biggest movie star doesn't have any political experience ... but let's be real, almost everyone loves The Rock -- so could he mend the political divide?

"I think so. He's so charming, he's so witty, I think he can be the uniter that people are looking for," Undertaker tells us.

"I know that he has the charisma. Maybe all it would take would be 1 eyebrow, and he'd look at the left, raise the eyebrow. Look at the right, raise an eyebrow and hit 'em with 'the People's Elbow.'"

Taker continues ... "I don't know man, there's so many possibilities and if that's what he chooses to do, I'll support wholeheartedly in his efforts to do so."

But, what would ya call him?? The WWE great has some ideas.

"I think people would still call him Rock, I don't know. I would hope I would have that clout that I can get away with calling him Rock, or Jabroni."

President Jabroni ... let that sink in.

Ghislaine Maxwell Allegedly Revealed Epstein Had Secret Tapes on Trump, Clinton

Ghislaine Maxwell allegedly revealed the late Jeffrey Epstein had secret videotapes of Presidents Donald Trump and Bill Clinton ... now detailed in a new book, claiming to have heard it straight from her mouth.

Former CBS producer Ira Rosen gave the alleged first-hand anecdote in his book, 'Ticking Clock: Behind the Scenes at 60 Minutes,' which just hit the market this past week. According to folks who have reviewed it, Rosen claims he duped Maxwell into spilling the beans.

At some point before the 2016 election, Rosen asserts he arranged a meeting with Maxwell and put on his best poker face to get her to admit there were secret tapes of Trump -- but apparently coming to find out Epstein was in possession of alleged tapes of Clinton too.

He says he told her, "I want the tapes. I know he (Epstein) was videotaping everyone and I want the tapes of Trump with the girls." To that, Rosen claims Maxwell responded she didn't know where they were, to which Rosen emphasized the prospect of Trump possibly winning the presidency if the alleged tapes didn't come to light.

He claims Maxwell then looked him dead in the eyes and said the following -- "I am the daughter of a press baron. I know the way you people think. If you do one side, you must do the other. If you get the tapes on Trump you have to do Clinton."

Rosen claims Maxwell then said it was all pointless, because Hillary was way ahead in the polls at the time, so there was no need for the story to come out. Beyond that, he claims she told him Epstein never disclosed to her where those alleged tapes were, so she couldn't even get to them if she wanted.

Of course, both men have ties to Epstein, and have been pictured with him many times over the years. Clinton has downplayed their friendship, and denied ever flying on Epstein's private jets ... while Trump has also distanced himself from Epstein, and denied any impropriety.

Epstein, of course, killed himself after being arrested on sex trafficking charges ... but some have scrutinized the circumstances surrounding his death, claimed a cover-up and possibly even murder. Maxwell herself is now behind bars, awaiting trial in a separate case related to Epstein ... but hasn't publicly spoken about any tapes of Clinton, Trump or anyone else.

President Biden 1st Dog, Champ, Called Ugly & Old In Weird Newsmax Segment

President Biden's dog, Champ, got skewered as old, ugly and unkempt on a conservative news channel that's grasping at straws ... saying the very good boy is un-presidential.

The segment aired Friday on Newsmax, during Greg Kelly's show ... where he literally hosted a couple of guests to discuss Biden's first German Shepherd, Champ -- who's at least 12-years-old -- and how disheveled they all thought he looked compared to First Dogs past.

They posted a photo of Champ, where he looks ... well, doggish. In GK's eyes, however, he appeared un-brushed, ungroomed and downright gross ... like a junkyard dog, they claim!

Kelly brought on two presidential historians (who are apparently pros in judging dog looks) and asked for their opinion, and one of them hopped on the meanie train ... saying Champ couldn't hold a candle to Reagan's pooch, Victory, or H.W.'s spaniel, Millie.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Aside from the fact the segment is utterly absurd -- almost harkening back to the Obama tan suit "scandal" -- there's another weird development here that's unfolding online.

You'll recall ... the Bidens launched a Twitter account for Champ and Major -- and apparently a second account too, dubbed The Oval Pawffice -- but both seem to have been suspended for some reason. There's still an IG account for the latter, and it went to bat for Champ.

In any case, don't pay 'em any mind, buddy -- you're as handsome as ever 😎

President Biden Getting Dragged Over Student Loans ... You Created This Mess!!!


President Biden helped create the student loan debt crisis facing millions of Americans ... at least in the eyes of his critics, who now wonder why he's balking on coming to the rescue.

Bernie Sanders' former Press Secretary Briahna Joy Gray joined us Wednesday on "TMZ Live" and she dragged Biden for his renewed resistance to forgive $50,000 of student loan debt.

Briahna says Biden's largely to blame for a "toxic slew" of policies saddling millions of graduates with tons of debt, and she's puzzled why he won't just fix the crisis he helped set in motion years ago when he was a Senator.


During Tuesday night's town hall, the President firmly said he was only willing to forgive $10k for impacted students and ex-students. Senate Democrats -- including Sanders and Elizabeth Warren -- want the $50k.

Briahna also ripped into Joe's concerns about disproportionately helping folks who went to Ivy League schools ... and she tells us why she thinks he's taking a page from the GOP's controversial "welfare queen" playbook.

Rep. Adam Kinzinger 11 Family Members Shun Him in Letter ... Call Him Disappointment, Embarrassment

Rep. Adam Kinzinger's not only in a battle with Republicans standing behind former President Donald Trump ... he's fighting with his own family, who've accused him of joining the "devil's army."

In a rancorous letter dated Jan. 8 -- the day after Kinzinger separated himself from his party by calling for the 25th Amendment to be used to remove Trump from office for his role in inciting the Capitol riots -- 11 of the Congressman's family members call him a disappointment "to us and to God" ... accuse him of being brainwashed, and supporting abortion and socialism, which they label "the ultimate sin."

The letter was penned by Kinzinger's cousin, Karen Otto, who according to The New York Times ... sent it certified mail to Rep. Kinzinger's dad to make sure he read it. It was signed by her husband Greg along with 9 other family members, but Karen claims in the letter ... there are more who feel the same way.

Along with calling Kinzinger an embarrassment and saying they are "truly disgusted" by him, the family seems to most offended he went against President Trump ... who they say is not perfect, but claim he is a Christian believer. They say they don't like his "horrible, rude accusations of President Trump!"

The irony in the letter is the line -- "It is not for us to judge or be judged!"

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Rep. Kinzinger told TMZ earlier this month he's leading the push to reclaim the GOP, and get away from the radical, conspiracy-driven beliefs that have been promoted by Trump.

He's one of just a few House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump, as well as strip Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from her committee posts.

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@RepKinzinger / Twitter

Kinzinger's on record saying he's willing to lose his job to do what he's doing because he believes it's right, and clearly ... a letter from his family isn't stopping him.

Stacey Plaskett Trump is 'Embodiment of Evil' ... Deserves Criminal Punishment


Stacey Plaskett -- one of the House impeachment managers for Donald Trump's Senate trial -- clearly isn't pleased with his acquittal, but she thinks he'll face worse punishment ahead.

The Virgin Islands Delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives joined "TMZ Live" Monday in the wake of Trump's second Senate acquittal, and she didn't hold back her feelings, calling the former President straight-up evil.

Now that the Senate trial is over, Plaskett told us she's all for the multiple state and federal investigations that could potentially lead to criminal charges or civil lawsuits against Trump. She strongly suggests he deserves "criminal punishment or otherwise for what he has done."

Plaskett also touches on a recent tragedy that befell her colleague -- lead impeachment manager Rep. Jamie Raskin -- whose son, Tommy, took his own life on December 31.

She says throughout the process of the trial when she'd check in on Raskin, he'd say he could feel Tommy with him. As she told us, that emotion was an important driving force in their efforts to convict Trump.

President Biden Woman Arrested Near WH ... Loaded Gun in Car, Letter for 46

A woman was arrested near the White House after reportedly telling cops she had a special delivery for President Biden -- a handwritten letter ... but much more ominous is that she had a loaded gun in her car.

The unidentified 66-year-old rolled toward a checkpoint in downtown D.C. Saturday evening ... close to the White House, which has a wide perimeter set for blocks on end. She was apparently with a man, and told cops they were there to meet Biden.

As for why ... cops say she told them she wanted to give him a letter. That prompted a search of the vehicle, where D.C. Metro says they discovered a loaded handgun. They claim the man she was with also had a BB gun -- but the woman was the only one arrested.

She was booked for possession of an unregistered firearm. The case has since been referred to the Secret Service.

The situation is eerily familiar ... there was another arrest like this back in January, when a Virginia man also drove up to a checkpoint, allegedly with fake inauguration credentials and a loaded firearm as well ... plus a ton of ammo, according to cops.

Just a day later, a woman was arrested under similar circumstances ... coming up to a checkpoint and trying to pass herself as a member of Biden's cabinet. She got busted too.

The National Guard's been in town since Jan. 6, and are set to stay there for a few more weeks. Probably a good idea.

President Biden Plays Mario Kart at Camp David ... Beats Granddaughter Naomi

President Biden got out of town this weekend, opting for a happy virtual drive on Rainbow Road instead of a motorcade drive through D.C.

Joe was at Camp David this weekend -- where some of his family members met him to hang out for some QT with grandpa, including his granddaughter, Naomi ... who says she went head-to-head with 46 in a round of Mario Kart -- with both of them in the driver's seat.

Apparently, there are arcade games at Camp David -- and Mario Kart's one of them. Sounds like Naomi's granddad got the best of her. She says, "Secret Service made an exception and let him drive himself!!!!" Naomi adds, "A little rusty but he still won (barely)."

She also posted a boomerang video of herself rolling around in a human-size inflatable ball in what appears to be a gymnasium.

Camp David's got stuff like this for POTUS getaways -- there are stories and photos of presidents past shooting pool, bowling and watching movies in a full theater there on the grounds. So, it's not surprising that they've got neat attractions like this these days.


Of course, 70 miles away in the nation's capital ... ex-Prez Trump was getting acquitted in his second impeachment trial. Out of sight, but not out of mind.

Donald Trump Acquitted in 2nd Impeachment Trial McConnell Blasts Him Postmortem


1:36 PM PT -- Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell just went scorched earth on former President Trump, saying he WAS responsible for the U.S. Capitol riot and abandoned his duties as POTUS ... but defended his decision to vote not guilty, all over what he considers a technicality in the process.


McConnell addressed the Senate floor after the votes were cast, and said what Trump had done on Jan 6. was disgraceful and a big part of why what happened did. So why didn't he vote to convict then??? In McConnell's eyes, he (and the Senate at large) didn't have the constitutional power to do so ... and he wasn't about to buck that restriction just to send a message.


He argued that the Constitution does not allow for former U.S. officers (like ex-presidents) to be convicted by the U.S. Senate -- and because of that, Trump doesn't qualify for punishment after the fact. That interpretation of the Constitution is up for debate, but his mind was made up ... as were the minds of several other GOP Senators, it seems.


There's also been chatter that McConnell could've called the trial sooner (before Trump left office) as he was in control of the schedule at the time. McConnell addressed that too ... only saying that it was virtually impossible to get it started any sooner than they did.


One last thing ... McConnell seemed to allude to the idea that Trump could still face punishment for Jan. 6 -- but that it would have to happen outside of Congress. He discussed possible criminal prosecution and/or civil litigation, and suggested those would be better vehicles and venues for pursuing justice against Trump

Donald Trump will not have to answer for the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol -- he's been acquitted during his latest impeachment trial ... and thus, can run for federal office again.

The final vote came in Saturday, with a tally of 57 guilty votes to 43 not guilty votes for one article of impeachment -- namely, inciting an insurrection against the U.S. government. There needed to be a 2/3 majority to convict, but fell well below that ... closer to 57%.


The votes were mostly cast along party lines -- a majority of Dems voted guilty, and plenty of Republicans held strong on not guilty. There were, however, a few exceptions for the latter group ... including Senators Collins, Burr, Cassidy, Romney, Murkowski, Sasse and Toomey.

Senators Burr and Cassidy came as surprises, as they seemed to be firmly in Trump's camp -- but appear to have had a change of heart during the proceedings, which ended up being a wild ride ... full of viral moments, mockery, jokes (mostly at Trump's team's expense).


The trial lasted less than a week -- things kicked off Tuesday with opening arguments ... and evidence was presented on both sides in favor and against conviction. Democratic House leaders had strong presentations, which documented everything from Jan. 6 and even before ... in terms of the former President riling up his base and inviting them to D.C.

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Fox News

Of course, there's the bombshell video of him on stage on the day of ... where he told them to "fight like hell" and to march toward the Capitol to let Congress know how dissatisfied they were with the certification process that was underway. It seemed clear that he was at least, in part, responsible for unleashing them and their fury -- but enough Senators disagreed.


Trump was slow to publicly call on his supporters to stop, and even when he finally did ... he was light on them, saying stuff like "we love you" and almost excusing the behavior. Eventually, after much backlash, he came out and condemned the riot and violence.

He came out with a new statement shortly after the results came down ... and would you believe -- he called it a "witch hunt" again! Trump says ... "This has been yet another phase of the greatest witch hunt in the history of our Country. No president has ever gone through anything like it, and it continues because our opponents cannot forget the almost 75 million people, the highest number ever for a sitting president, who voted for us just a few short months ago."

He adds, "I also want to convey my gratitude to the millions of decent, hardworking, law-abiding, God-and-Country loving citizens who have bravely supported these important principles in these very difficult and challenging times."

Now that he's been acquitted (twice), the lane is clear for Trump to make another presidential run if he wants to. To be continued ...

Originally Published -- 1:10 PM PT

Trump's Lawyer I Want to Depose Veep in Phileeeeeedelphia!!!


Senators erupted in laughter Saturday morning when Donald Trump's lawyer demanded that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Kamala Harris sit for a deposition, and not on Zoom ... in person -- in PHILEEEEEEEDELPHIA!

Attorney Michael van der Veen got all theatrical when he pushed his demands on the Senate floor. He struggled with Kamala Harris' first name and then just gave up. But, the big moment came when van der Veen mispronounced the home of the Liberty Bell.

The Senate just voted to allow witnesses to testify ... this as word of a damning phone call surfaced between Donald Trump and Rep. Kevin McCarthy. McCarthy reportedly called Trump during the insurrection, pleading with him to call off the rioters. Trump's response -- "Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are." McCarthy, enraged, responded, "Who the f*** do you think you are talking to?!!?"

Rep. Beutler was briefed on the call at the time and the Dems want to call her as a witness. It shows Trump was well aware his people were rioting and he consciously made a decision not to immediately call them off. Nevertheless, it's virtually certain there aren't enough Republicans on board for a conviction.

Dr. Jill Biden My Valentine's Day Message to America

Dr. Jill Biden ❤️'s Valentine's Day ... and it shows.

FLOTUS had a lovely surprise for President Joe Biden and America on Friday morning with a Valentine's Day installation in the North Lawn of the White House .... and it telegraphs the central message of the Prez -- unity.

Jill had the artwork secretly installed Thursday night which encompasses her message ... Strength, Family and Unity. She took the fam -- including Champ and Major -- outside to review her handiwork.


During the morning walk to the North Lawn ... Joe told reporters Valentine's Day is Jill's favorite holiday. He would not, however, play his hand on what he's getting his wife come Sunday.

He also shared a love story about Jill ... but expressed one regret -- not bringing reporters coffee!!! But he makes up for it.

Jill said she installed the cutouts to bring a little hope and joy to the country during some seriously trying times. Her office said this ... "As you may know, the First Lady is known for her sense of humor, love of surprises, and celebrating traditions, especially with her family. Valentine's Day has always been one of her favorite holidays. Sending messages of healing, unity, hope and compassion, this is her Valentine to the country."

Nike Rare Sneakers Designed for Obama Hit Market for $25k!!!

Your friends will be yelling, "Hail to the Chief" if you're rocking the Barack Obamas -- a rare Nike shoe specifically designed for the ex-Prez -- and they'll also know you're rich as hell.

Sotheby's is hosting a one-of-a-kind sale of these Nike Hyperdunks in size 12.5 and designed for 44 back in 2009. Talk about an extremely rare pair of Nikes ... there are only 2 pairs in existence. The others were gifted to Obama.

According to Sotheby's ... these particular shoes -- influenced by the Hyperdunks created for Team USA at the 2008 Olympics -- were not worn by Obama, but they're Nike's only confirmation sample, and in pristine condition.

The price is a modest $25k. If you're inclined to say, "Just do it" ... the sale opens Friday at, yes, 4:44 PM ET.

Is it worth it? Well, the shoe's literally etched in POTUS lore -- official Presidential Seal on the tongue and an embroidered "44" and the insoles include the year "1776."

But man, if someone steps on THESE Nikes!!! 😲

VP Kamala Harris Call Me Rocky!!! Cardio Workout, D.C. Style


Our new Vice President is super fit for office ... Kamala Harris is running stairs like she's Sylvester Stallone in "Rocky." All she needs is the music.

Ya gotta see this video of the Veep showing off her stamina over the weekend at the Lincoln Memorial. She did several laps, running up and down the steps and making it look pretty easy.

Harris passed on her usual Converse Chucks and went with some proper running shoes, AND a face mask for this workout ... which she wasn't doing solo, btw.

Check out the Secret Service agents -- most standing and watching the general area, but at least one was running the stairs to keep up with her.

All the VP needs now is "Gonna Fly Now" to really set the scene.

Just thinking out loud, but maybe a Secret Service agent can bring a Bluetooth speaker next time?

George Shultz Prez Reagan's S.O.S. Dead at 100 ... Ultimate U.S. Statesman

George Shultz -- President Reagan's Secretary of State and one of the most prolific statesmen in American history -- has died.

Stanford University's Hoover Institution broke the news Sunday, saying Shultz had died at his home in California ... no cause of death was revealed. Another S.O.S. and current Director of the Institution, Condoleezza Rice, remembered Shultz as a man of great accomplishment.

She says, "Our colleague was a great American statesman and a true patriot in every sense of the word. He will be remembered in history as a man who made the world a better place."

Shultz is perhaps best remembered as a major player in Reagan's administration, especially as it pertained to keeping the temperature down with then-Soviet Russia ... with whom the U.S. was in the midst of a Cold War that threatened to boil over at a moment's notice.

When Gorbachev became the Russian president in the mid-'80s, Shultz convinced Reagan to play nice and actually talk to the guy ... seeing how U.S.-Russia relations at that point were pretty much broken and non-existent. That advice proved crucial to America and Russia eventually signing the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty, which got rid of a ton of nukes in Europe ... a huge step in achieving peace.

Shultz also served in President Nixon's administration, in a number of posts -- first, Secretary of Labor, later the first director of the Office of Management and Budget, and eventually Nixon's Secretary of Treasury ... where he headed up domestic and international financial policy.

When he finally left public service for good, Shultz went on to consult on a number of political causes, including President Bush's 2000 presidential campaign ... and also sat on a bunch of corporate boards, both economic and otherwise. One of his most famous ventures post-politics was with one-time Silicon Valley wiz Elizabeth Holmes -- who founded the biotech company Theranos, and tapped Shultz as a board member between 2011-2015.

He wasn't in on the scam, but did seem to be mesmerized by what Holmes was selling at the time ... state-of-the-art blood testing that was exposed as phony. Funny enough, his own grandson, Tyler, ended up being the whistleblower that blew up Theranos for good.

Shultz is survived by his five children and several grandchildren. He was 100.