Kim Kardashian Ignores Trump For Freeing Chris Young


Kim Kardashian said "thank you" to just about everybody who helped work to free inmate Chris Young, except one guy ... Donald Trump.

Kim reposted video Sunday of Chris recently arriving at an airport after being released from prison. Trump commuted his life sentence in a last-minute act of clemency -- and her caption shouted out pretty much everyone involved in the effort, except DT.

She writes, "Chris Young is FREE after more than a decade behind bars. Wow My heart is so full! It brings tears to my eyes to see Judge Sharp welcome him home." Kim goes on to explain that Sharp was forced to give Chris life in prison based on sentencing guidelines, and resigned in protest shortly thereafter. The two finally met face-to-face again, and embraced.

Kim adds, "I worked on this case with @msbkb (Chris' attorney Brittany K. Barnett) for years so this victory is so sweet!!! Thank you @alicemariefree @jessicajackson (REFORM Alliance's Chief Analytics Officer) & Judge Sharp for fighting so hard for Chris and never giving up!!!"

It's interesting, considering Kim went to the White House in 2018 and posed for a photo with 45 ... doing the lobbying she mentions here.  The buzz was that Kim was walking a tightrope ... not down with most of Trump's policies, but needing him to accomplish her prison reform goals.

Check out the clip, Chris thanks Barnett, Kim and yes ... even the ex-Prez.

Sky Banner to Trump in Florida 'You Pathetic Loser ...' 'Worst President Ever'!!!

Donald Trump might think he can escape ridicule and scathing criticism at his Florida hideout, but he's wrong ... 'cause someone took to the skies to get a clear message to 45.

A sky-writing plane was spotted in the air Sunday heading toward Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, and it had a banner trailing behind it ... taking direct aim at the former President. One set of letters read, "TRUMP YOU PATHETIC LOSER GO BACK TO MOSCOW."

Another one read, "TRUMP WORST PRESIDENT EVER" ... talk about subtle, huh?

No word on who might've commissioned the fly-over, but what is clear is that not everyone is happy about DT moving into town. He's been at his private club since Wednesday, when he departed D.C. following a farewell rally ... and it looks like he's back to his usual routine.

Photos surfaced this weekend of Trump golfing at Mar-a-Lago with some supporters in tow, who greeted him with signs of encouragement. Trump, donning a white polo shirt and a MAGA hat, waved at the crowd and even flashed some smiles from inside his SUV.

Later, he hit the links and drove his own cart ... and didn't seem too concerned about his upcoming impeachment trial or the looming prospect of criminal prosecution.

While the pro-Trump crowd on the ground could give the impression he's among friends, the big blue sky tells a different story. His stay there won't be all smooth sailing.

Dr. Fauci Opens Up on Death Threats ... Once Covered in Powder from Suspicious Letter

Dr. Fauci has offered up the nitty-gritty about receiving death threats since the pandemic began, and it sounds awful ... especially one time when he got powdered.

The top infectious disease doc in the U.S. told the NYT, during the last year of the Trump Administration, his whole family was getting threats ... "The threats would come directly to my children's phones, directly to my children's homes. How the hell did whoever these assholes were get that information?"

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how'd these assholes find my kids?
Harvard University / YouTube

He says there was lots of online chatter, with people saying stuff like, "Hey, we got to get rid of this guy. What are we going to do about him? He’s hurting the president’s chances," which he characterized as "right-wing craziness."

One of the scariest incidents ... Fauci says he once received a letter in the mail ... "I opened it up and a puff of powder came all over my face and my chest." He says he didn't know what to do, but his security said, "Don't move, stay in the room." A hazmat team came and sprayed him down.

Fauci was fatalistic, saying ... "It had to be one of 3 things: A hoax, or anthrax, which meant I'd have to go on Cipro for a month. Or if it was ricin, I was dead, so bye-bye."

Dr. Fauci also says this ... he has no idea if Trump was ever told about this, nor did he want to alert anyone or make a fuss. He explains, "What good would it be to tell anyone? Also, it was under F.B.I. investigation, and they don’t like you to talk about it."

Fauci and his family have been receiving Secret Service protection since late March ... and clearly, with good reason.

BTW, these threats weren't abstract or coming just from faceless trolls on the Internet -- none other than Steve Bannon suggested beheading Fauci and putting his head on a pike.

New Senate Pro Temp Patrick Leahy 3rd in Line for POTUS ... First in Line for Batman Movies!!!

The guy who's third in line to be Commander-in-Chief of this country is also well-equipped to hit the Bat-signal every now and again ... because he's got quite the movie resume.

Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont -- who was recently voted to become the new president pro tempore of the Senate, replacing Chuck Grassley -- has made cameos in a whopping FIVE Batman movies over the years, even in roles you might vaguely remember.

His appearances date back to 1995, when he first showed up in "Batman Forever," and the hits kept on coming from there ... he starred in 1997's "Batman & Robin," 2008's "The Dark Knight," 2012's "The Dark Knight Rises," and 2016's "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice."

Sen. Leahy also did some voice acting in the Batman animated series in the '90s, so the guy definitely has his spot reserved in Gotham's HOF. He often played politicians in his portrayals, which makes sense. That's kind of his day job.

As for how he got into it ... apparently, his son (an actor) told some Hollywood bigwigs back in the day that his dad was a HUGE Batman fan, so they hooked him up with a cameo ... and the rest is history. All his earnings from the films have been donated to charity.

Like we said earlier, Leahy now is the third person who would step in as POTUS if push came to shove ... behind, of course, VP Kamala Harris and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. He's used to the pressure, he had this gig from 2012 to 2015.

Rapper Kota the Friend Biden, Harris Give Career Boost ... Assist From Lupita Nyong'o

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' inauguration playlist is taking Brooklyn rapper Kota the Friend's career to new heights ... and he's also giving thanks to Lupita Nyong'o.

Kota the Friend's camp tells TMZ ... the independent rapper was blindsided when his track, "Lupita's Interlude," was the first song in the official inauguration playlist, and now he's reaping the benefits of a presidential shoutout.

Ever since Kota was included on the 46-song playlist alongside the likes of Kendrick Lamar, Led Zeppelin and Stevie Wonder, his collab with Lupita has enjoyed a huge spike in listeners on Spotify and Apple Music, with streams increasing over 90% to 2.5 million total.

Not bad for a Kota song that doesn't even feature his vocals ... it's just 1 minute of Lupita reciting a spoken word poem about things that mean everything to her. The track's the interlude to Kota's 2020 album, "Everything."

Kota's reps say he's also getting lots of eyeballs on social media ... over 10,000 new Instagram followers, over 11,000 new likes on his Facebook page and over 13,500 new followers on Spotify.

Hey, it helps to have a ticket with 81 million votes on your side.

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Kota the Friend tells TMZ ... Lupita's moving words must have been the driving force in getting the song on the playlist, and he hopes the healing nature of their work can help the country heal.

AOC Offers Her Office to Nat'l Guard ... After They Got Sent to Freezing Garage

Like many of her colleagues, AOC condemned the decision to force hundreds of National Guard soldiers to take their breaks in a frigid parking garage instead of the warm Capitol building, but she went a step further by offering them her office couch for a nap ... and snacks.

The National Guard members were ordered out of the Capitol Building Thursday by Capitol Police, and told to either take their rest breaks outside or in a nearby parking garage ... which resulted in some truly bad optics and, frankly, shockingly inhumane treatment.

The Guardsmen and women were packed like sardines in the parking garage -- "breathing in exhaust fumes and covid" as one reporter put it -- after spending the past several days in D.C. to protect the Capitol and provide increased security for Joe Biden's inauguration.

Though the reason behind the Capitol Police ordering the Guard to move out Thursday is unclear, it sure seems the reasoning is that they didn't want the building to look like an armed camp.  The move drew condemnation by lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, and some of the guard members said they felt betrayed.

The good news -- AOC's tweet and the outrage of other members apparently forced an about face ... all of the service members were allowed back inside the building for the night.

A National Guard spokesperson shed some light on what went down Thursday, saying ... "As Congress is in session and increased foot traffic and business is being conducted, Capitol Police asked the troops to move their rest area. They were temporarily relocated to the Thurgood Marshall Judicial Center garage with heat and restroom facilities."

Well, there was just one restroom with 2 stalls available to the 5,000 troops who were told to leave the Capitol ... and temperatures dipped into the low 40s by nightfall.

And, if you want to know what it might be like to be exposed to the elements in D.C. ... well, just look at frigid Tom Hanks during the Inauguration show.

The troops will be allowed to take breaks indoors Friday, near the Emancipation Hall.

VP Kamala Harris Blair House Will Be Temporary Pad ... It's Got 119 Rooms!!!

While President Biden's already getting comfy in the White House, Vice President Harris can't unpack just yet ... but her temporary home is pretty rich in history.

The Veep and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff will be living at Blair House ... a 19th-century row house situated across Pennsylvania Avenue from the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. It's also steps away from the White House.

The house -- dubbed The President's Guest House -- is usually reserved for former presidents and other dignitaries when they're in town. It consists of 4 distinct buildings merged into one ... featuring 14 guest bedrooms, 35 bathrooms and a total of 119 rooms.

It's unclear how long VP Harris will be at Blair -- the traditional Vice President's mansion at the Naval Observatory is getting a bunch of repairs -- such as new chimney liners -- at the Navy's request. Once Harris does move in, she'll be the 8th VP to live there since it was built in 1893.

Blair House is also where incoming Presidents typically stay the night before Inauguration Day, just as the Bidens did this week. Another fun fact: President Truman lived there too while the White House underwent renovations after World War II.

Harris and Emhoff own a condo in Washington but for security reasons could not stay there.

Andrew Jackson Biden Removes Portrait From Oval ... Causing Family Rift

Joe Biden's driving a wedge between some of Andrew Jackson's descendants ... there's a split in the family over the new look in the Oval Office.

The rift stems from Biden's decision to remove a portrait of our 7th president from the Oval, replacing Jackson with a painting of Benjamin Franklin. It's a change from the layout during Donald Trump's time in the Oval.

Jackson's great, great, great-granddaughter, Barbara Jackson, tells TMZ ... she approves of Biden's big change, because her relative did some really bad things.

She says Jackson did some good, but she can't get over the fact he was a slave owner and was a fierce opponent of ending slavery.

Jackson's great, great, great-grandson, Andy Jackson, tells TMZ ... he's unhappy and thinks his great-great-grandpa has a rightful place near the resolute desk.

Andy, Barbara's cousin, says President Jackson should be remembered for his accomplishments -- defeating the British in the War of 1812 and increasing suffrage -- even if history doesn't look kindly on his cruel policies on Native Americans.

There's some common ground among Jackson's relatives, who descend from his adopted son Andrew Jackson II ... they both feel the decision was ultimately Biden's to make, and they respect it.

Here's a potential tiebreaker -- Andrew Jackson's Hermitage.

Howard Kittel, the President and CEO of Jackson's former plantation turned museum, tells TMZ ... he was disappointed to see the portrait taken down, but not surprised, given Jackson's ties to slavery.

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There's also a Lincoln bust that was removed from the White House, but it wasn't Biden's doing. It got carried away in the final days of Trump's presidency.

Dr. Anthony Fauci Unchained!!! No More Anti-Science B.S.

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Dr. Anthony Fauci held his breath for months with Donald Trump, but he's now fully exhaled and is having a hard time hiding his glee over the change in administrations.

The infectious disease guru made it clear at the White House coronavirus briefing Thursday ... SCIENCE RULES!!

The good doc made it clear ... there were times working with Trump when he felt uncomfortable -- fact is, you could see it all over his face. He was walking a tightrope because if he disagreed with 45 he could end up getting pink-slipped, which would have been bad for the country.

The best evidence of this, he said, is Trump touting hydroxychloroquine. He didn't want to squarely contradict Trump, because of Trump's temper ... he clearly feels comfortable giving Biden the straight take.

Fauci shaded Trump, by saying the mantra of the Biden Administration when it comes to coronavirus is simple ... "If you don't know the answer, don't guess. Just say you don't know the answer."

Dr. Fauci says getting back to facts and letting the science speak for itself in approaching the pandemic is a "liberating feeling."

As you may know ... President Biden and Dr. Fauci have also already teamed up to rejoin the World Health Organization, restoring ties that were cut by Trump.

Bernie Sanders Gets Baseball Card Treatment After Inauguration Moment

Time to make some room in the binders, collectors ... Bernie Sanders is now getting a baseball card based on his 'fit at Wednesday's inauguration -- and it's pretty amazing!!

The guys at Topps just designed a piece based on the incredibly meme-able shot of Sanders at Joe Biden's historic event ... offering up the one-of-a-kind card for $9.99.

As part of the Topps Now program, collectors have until Jan. 28 to purchase the card ... and Topps will then print off however many were sold and send them out.

The beauty of it all for collectors? Topps says the Jan. 21 to Jan. 28 timeframe is the ONLY times in history they'll produce this card -- so it could make the thing super valuable down the road.

Unique spin on the hobby, right??

Sanders' iconic shot at POTUS' festivities won't just be memorialized in a card form, though ... he's also getting a bobblehead treatment!

The National Bobblehead Hall of Fame unveiled Thursday they've created a piece based on Sanders' mask, jacket and gloves for $25 a pop!

Feel the Bern!!

Joe BIden's Inauguration 35,000 Fireworks Light Up D.C.

Those bombs bursting in air for President Biden's Inauguration celebration required tens of thousands of fireworks to ensure his big day ended with a bang.

The company behind Wednesday night's fireworks show that lit up the sky while Katy Perry sang her hit, "Firework," tells TMZ ... a total of 35,000 shells exploded around the Washington Monument.

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Garden State Fireworks owner August Santore tell us work began in earnest last Thursday, with a 25-man crew gearing up for the grand finale of the "Celebrating America" primetime special by setting up launching pads at 14 different locations.

With 35,000 fireworks going off, that's a lot of shells and debris to pick up ... and we're told the cleanup crew is aiming to be done by Saturday if all goes well.

The show went off without a hitch as the new Prez and First Lady soaked it all in from a White House balcony. Uncle Sam's relied on Garden State Fireworks for years, they've scored 8 straight contracts for the annual 4th of July Celebration at the National Mall.

BTW ... those 4th of July firework shows are much bigger than what we saw Inauguration Day, as this show was only 5 minutes compared to the 20-minute variety for Independence Day.

While GSF did most of the heavy lifting, we're told they also worked with a live special events company, Strictly FX, that was hired by the Inauguration Committee.

Teamwork makes the dream work.

Amanda Gorman Two Best Sellers After Inauguration And Books Aren't Out Yet!!!

Amanda Gorman's poem at President Biden's Inauguration didn't just make her a household name, it put her at the top of Amazon's Best-Sellers list.

Hours after reading her poem, "The Hill We Climb" and becoming the youngest inaugural poet in U.S. history, Gorman couldn't contain her joy as she learned her books -- "The Hill We Climb" and "Change Sings" -- clocked in at No. 1 and No. 2, respectively, on Amazon sales.


What's really impressive about that is the books won't even be out until September 21 ... everyone's just pre-ordering now.

That's a massive accomplishment in such a short time especially when you consider this -- Barack Obama's "A Promised Land" is at No. 4, Kamala Harris' "Superheroes Are Everywhere" is at No. 8 and Michelle Obama's "Becoming" is at No. 12.

The 22-year-old West L.A. native and Harvard grad got a HUGE plug from 44 ... who tweeted, "On a day for the history books, @TheAmandaGorman delivered a poem that more than met the moment. Young people like her are proof that 'there is always light, if only we're brave enough to see it; if only we're brave enough to be it.'"

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It should be noted ... Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey and Lin-Manuel Miranda also shared her poem, which scored rave reviews and was trending just seconds after delivering it.

BTW ... Gorman's following on Twitter also grew exponentially. She went from around 50,000 followers on the morning of the inauguration to around 1.2 million followers, and growing.

Steph Curry Rocks Ultra-Rare POTUS Kicks ... To Celebrate Biden's Inauguration

How'd Steph Curry show love to Joe Biden on inauguration day??


The Golden State Warriors superstar busted out his 2-of-a-kind, famous Under Armour Curry 3 shoes for warmups before the Dubs took on the Spurs on Wednesday ... and the sneaks are clearly still as dope as ever.

FYI -- Curry teamed up with UA back in 2017 to make the special shoes -- creating them as a way to honor the end of Barack Obama's 2-term presidency.

Reportedly, only 2 pairs were ever made -- one for Steph and one for Obama -- and they were awesome ... featuring the presidential seal on the tongue as well as other nods to the former president all over them.

Curry hadn't been seen in the shoes since '17 ... but he apparently kept good care of them -- 'cause after Biden had been sworn in Wednesday morning, Steph took the court in the feet heat!

Curry -- who's big-time pals with Obama and a huge supporter of Biden -- laced them up pregame ... before transitioning into another pair of his signature shoes for game time.

Seems the POTUS kicks were good luck ... Curry balled out against San Antonio, scoring 26 points and adding 7 assists in the win.

Somewhere, we're sure Kamala Harris was proud as hell!

Kwame Kilpatrick Detroit's Disgraced Ex-Mayor Released After Trump Commutation

Donald Trump's final piece of Presidential biz has Detroit's imprisoned ex-Mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick, enjoying his first taste of freedom in 7 years.

Kilpatrick got sprung from federal prison Wednesday and reunited with family members at Detroit's airport after Trump commuted his sentence. He had been serving a 28-year sentence for corruption crimes while he was Mayor.

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Though he's a free man now, his 24 felony convictions still stand ... and he's still on the hook for $195,000 owed to the IRS and $1.5 million to Detroit.

If ya don't know ... Kilpatrick was dubbed the city's "Hip-Hop Mayor," but from his first term, he was dogged with scandals -- both accusations of misusing funds and a text-messaging sex scandal with his chief of staff.

Then, in 2013, he was convicted of racketeering conspiracy, fraud, extortion and tax crimes in a scheme the government called the "Kilpatrick enterprise."

Despite all of that, Kwame still had a slew of supporters in the D who felt his sentence was too harsh and pushed for a commutation. Trump came through for him, and in shortening his sentence noted ... "During his incarceration, Mr. Kilpatrick has taught public speaking classes and has led Bible Study groups with his fellow inmates."

The former mayor is one of 143 people who Trump either pardoned or commuted their sentences ... including Lil Wayne, Kodak Black, Chris Young and the co-founder of Death Row Records, Michael "Harry-O" Harris.

President Trump Pardons Lil Wayne, Frees Kodak ... Weezy Gives Thanks


7:43 AM PT -- 1/21 -- Tunechi's publicly showing appreciation for his pardon, tweeting ... "I want to thank President Trump for recognizing that I have so much more to give to my family, my art, and my community."


Lil Wayne also thanked his lawyer for "working so diligently to secure another chance for me."


5:16 AM PT -- Lil Wayne and Kodak Black's attorney, Bradford Cohen was working behind the scenes for a while to lobby for both men's clean slate.


Cohen tells TMZ ... Wayne reached out to him shortly after he was slapped with gun charges in 2020, as they'd previously known each other over the years. Cohen got right to work, filing pardon paperwork for Weezy -- and largely relied on the argument that LW was being unfairly charged, considering he was a non-violent felon with just one previous conviction ... for which he served a great deal of time behind bars.


As for Kodak, Lord knows the guy was lobbying for his client for the longest time now -- and while Trump's staff noted Kodak's charitable work in their official reasoning ... Cohen tells us there were other factors at play too.


Cohen says he highlighted Kodak's horrible treatment while behind bars -- some of which we've documented ourselves -- as well as the fact that Kodak was being treated as a serious threat in a maximum security facility, when really ... he was convicted for a relatively low-risk crime over paperwork. Remember, Kodak was due to get out of prison no earlier than 2022 ... but Trump saw to it that the dude be sprung ASAP, noting he'd completed a good portion of his sentence.

President Trump came through for Lil Wayne with a full pardon that gets him off the hook for a gun charge that could've meant serious prison time, and rapper Kodak Black also got clemency with a commutation of his sentence.

Wayne's pardon announcement included a statement of support by Brett Berish of Sovereign Brands, who described him as "trustworthy, kind-hearted and generous." The pardon statement then reads, "Mr. Carter has exhibited this generosity through commitment to a variety of charities, including donations to research hospitals and a host of foodbanks."

Deion Sanders, also a supporter of the pardon, referred to Lil Wayne as "a provider for his family, a friend to many, a man of faith, a natural giver to the less fortunate, a waymaker [and] a game changer."

Weezy's pardon came just hours before the sun set on Trump's Presidency ... and it's just one of a stack of pardons, including Kodak Black. Black, who was sentenced to 46 months in prison for making a false statement on a Federal document, served nearly half his sentence.

The pardon statement notes he has been charitable in various ways, "such as providing educational resources to students and families of fallen law enforcement officers and the underprivileged." It goes on to note KB has provided funding to daycare centers, helped with food banks and worked with underprivileged children. And, the statement notes Kodak donated $50k to Dave Portnoy's Barstool Fund, which provides financial assistance to struggling businesses in the wake of COVID.

Wayne endorsed Trump in the final days of the 2020 election campaign -- posing for a photo, talking up Trump's criminal justice reform efforts and his proposed "platinum plan" to benefit the Black community.

With the pardon ... Weezy no longer has to worry about his federal gun case. As we reported ... he pled guilty in federal court last month to illegally possessing a loaded weapon while traveling to Miami on a private jet a year earlier.

He hadn't been sentenced, but faced the possibility of up to 10 years. That's all in Wayne's rearview mirror now.

Originally Published -- 3:52 AM PT

President Joe Biden Addressing His Staff ... Respect One Another, Or You're Fired!!!


3:50 PM PT -- Biden's laying down the law right off the bat with his team at The White House ... letting them know he won't hesitate to fire any one of them if he catches them disrespecting or talking down to a colleague.


The new Prez was swearing in his political appointees when he dropped the hammer and threw some shade at the previous administration at the same time ... saying people getting treated with "decency and dignity" has been missing the past 4 years.


It's kind of ironic ... Biden's threatening to use Trump's old catchphrase -- You're fired! -- if his staff acts in a way he's suggesting is Trump-like.


2:19 PM PT -- President Biden is now at The White House for the first time since taking office, and he shared a hug with his wife, Jill, before walking in with his family.


Biden was accompanied by Vice President Harris and her husband, Doug, and the new Prez is getting to work right away in the Oval Office ... by taking 17 executive actions aimed at addressing the COVID-19 pandemic, and reversing some of Trump's signature policies.


Biden also addressed the note his predecessor left behind for him, calling it "very generous" but saying he's going to keep it private for now.


The Bidens' arrival at their new home was around 4 PM in D.C. as the "Parade Across America" virtual inaugural celebration was going off ... hosted by Tony Goldwyn from "Scandal" and featuring appearances by Jon Stewart and the New Radicals. It closed with an awesome "Dance Across America" montage after honoring many of the country's everyday heroes.


9:16 AM PT -- Joe Biden just delivered his Inauguration speech as the 46th President, and it was all about America's resilience and the need to unite under a new chapter in the country.


Biden laid out the challenges facing the U.S. at large -- including perhaps the most pressing being the pandemic, for which he led a moment of silence and a prayer -- and vowed that his whole soul was in the cause of moving us forward together, to get past the ugliness that's been exposed among so many of us of late.


Biden says we must meet this moment as the UNITED States of America -- adding that America has never failed in that regard. He urged us to start fresh, to listen to one another ... and to respect one another. He also said this ... not every disagreement has to result in war.


He had very telling line at one point, saying ... "We'll lead not merely by the example of our power, but by the power of our example" as he was addressing foreign nations looking to see what the U.S. would do next.


The speech was both realistic, yet hopeful ... and definitely a change of pace from what we've experienced of late. After Joe's remarks, Garth Brooks performed "Amazing Grace," capping off an inauguration that went as well as one could hope.


8:53 AM PT -- Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have officially been sworn in as the 46th President and Vice President of United States, taking their oaths of office from two Supreme Court Justices ... Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Sonia Sotomayor, respectively.


Prior to Vice President Harris taking her oath, Lady Gaga came out and sang the National Anthem in a very unique outfit -- complete with what appeared to be a golden dove broach. After her, Jennifer Lopez came out to sing "America the Beautiful" ahead of Biden's swearing-in ... and both performances went off without a hitch.

White House

J Lo said a part of the Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish, to rousing applause.

It's been a looooong journey, but Joe Biden's big day is finally here -- he'll be sworn in as 46th President of the United States in an inauguration ceremony unlike any other in American history ... and you can watch it live right here.

The President-elect and Vice President-elect, Kamala Harris, are set to be sworn in Wednesday in D.C. shortly after noon, and then Biden will deliver his first presidential address to the nation.

Along the way during the "America United"-themed Inauguration Day, many of the normal ceremonial displays, tributes to the troops, A-list performances and former presidents will be featured, but otherwise ... it will be far from normal.

That's because COVID-19 continues to ravage the country, and because 2 weeks ago ... pro-Trump rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol and wreaked havoc in a coup attempt that resulted in multiple deaths.

For a combination of those reasons, Biden's inauguration will not draw a large crowd -- in fact, his team hopes it's the smallest ever, with folks opting to watch at home -- nor will it be followed up by a series of inauguration balls.

Instead, there will be a heavy police and security presence ... as the threat of more violence continues to loom large following the Capitol riots.

And, of course, Biden's inauguration will be different due to the fact for the first time since Andrew Johnson left office in 1869 ... the outgoing President, Donald Trump, is choosing to skip it. VP Mike Pence will attend, along with past presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton and their former first ladies Michelle Obama, Laura Bush and Hillary Clinton.

If all goes well though, the only other big news of the day will be the performances of Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, Bruce Springsteen and Garth Brooks, a virtual parade ... and the inauguration television special called "Celebrating America" hosted by Tom Hanks.

Hopefully, America gets that lucky.

Originally Published -- 7:20 AM PT