Prez Trump & Ivanka We're Coming in Hot, Meat Loaf!!! Odd Shout-Out for GA Rally

President Trump's on his way to Georgia ahead of the crucial Senatorial runoff election -- so, of course, he's gotta loop in that famed political operative ... Meat Loaf.

Yeah, the singer.

Actually, it's Ivanka Trump who pulled Mr. "Paradise By the Dashboard Light" into Monday night's political rally. She posted a pic of herself and DJT onboard Air Force One as they jetted down to Dalton, GA.

What's odd is she tagged Meat Loaf, along with Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Sen. David Perdue. The Senators make sense ... the GOP rally is for them, after all, but Meat?

Sure, he was on "Celebrity Apprentice" back in 2011, but the singer hasn't campaigned with the Prez in the past. If he is showing up tonight in Georgia ... Ivanka might have let that cat out of the bag.

Then again, she might've been looking at the President's dinner order while tweeting. Common mistake.

Like we said, she got Loeffler and Perdue right, and as Meat himself would say ... "Two out of three ain't bad."

Donald Trump Jr. Miffed Over 'Amen & Awoman' Prayer ... Congressman Claps Back


1:14 PM PT -- Rep. Cleaver says he's disappointed his prayer has been "misinterpreted and misconstrued" by people like Trump Jr. to "fit a narrative that stokes resentment and greater division among portions of our population."


The Congressman calls his "amen and awoman" line a "light-hearted pun," and says it was "in recognition of the record number of women who will be representing the American people in Congress during this term as well as in recognition of the first female Chaplain of the House of Representatives."


Rep. Cleaver accuses those who criticized his pun of twisting his message and demeaning him, so he claims for his next prayer he will ask God for "strength to overcome these terrifyingly tribal times, and the courage to come together in an effort to heal the nation."

Donald Trump Jr. thinks it's "insane" the opening prayer for the new Congress ended with an "amen" AND an "awoman" -- but he's blaming the apparent case of wokeness gone too far on Democrats, in general.

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver raised some eyebrows by ending his invocation Sunday for the 117th Congress with the gender-inclusive phrasing. Maybe the Congressman was joking -- if he was smiling his face mask covered it -- but the remark had DJT Jr. brushing up on his Latin.

He angrily tweeted ... "amen" simply means "so be it" in Latin -- though its origin is actually believed to be Hebrew -- and says it isn't a gendered word. So, he called out Cleaver for "being insane" with his prayer pun and asked his followers ... "Is this what you voted for?"


Other Republicans are taking shots too, including Rep. Guy Reschenthaler and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich ... who said, "House Democrat prayer ending as House Dems focus on gender security by abolishing virtually every normal gender term like "father. Mother"-the radical madness has begun."

So, there you have it ... please mentally and womentally prepare yourselves for the madness.

Originally Published -- 8:20 AM PT

Electoral College D.C. Bracing for Protests, Unrest When Congress Counts the Votes

It's hard to keep track of how many times Joe Biden's been confirmed as the next U.S. President, but there are still some formalities left to make it official ... and D.C. officials are concerned the next one could lead to more civil unrest.

Congress is set to convene January 6 to officially count the electoral votes and certify the winner of the election ... which ended with 306 votes for Biden and 232 for Trump.

TMZ's learned the nation's capital is preparing for the large scheduled protest by Trump supporters -- starting January 5 -- and ending on the 7th.

Obviously, officials are worried the protests could get out of hand and lead to violent clashes with counter-protesters ... so police are being asked to step up in advance.

Trump has tweeted several times, promoting the main protest -- scheduled for January 6 -- and even teasing an appearance at the event.

Our law enforcement sources tell us ... D.C. cops will not be allowed to take days off from Jan. 5-7, and they're implementing a plan to have a heavy police presence in the area -- both uniformed and in street clothes.

On the political side ... Senator Ted Cruz is among 12 Republican Senators who have announced they'll challenge Biden's win on January 6.

Our sources say the D.C. officials are hopeful things won't get violent ... but they'll be prepared if they do. And, as we told you ... same goes for preparing for Inauguration Day.

The White House Washing Away Trump $127k For Deep Cleaning!!!

The White House is scrubbing down hard to make sure the new president doesn't come down with the coronavirus like the last occupant ... and it's a pricey undertaking.

After President Trump contracted COVID-19, the feds are taking no chances with President-elect Biden ... Uncle Sam's reaching into his deep pockets for a deep clean at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave ... according to federal financial docs.

We've learned The White House is dropping a little over $127,000 on what's listed as "Inaugural Cleaning." It's a deeper clean than most transitions, what with the pandemic and Trump's bout with COVID and all.

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Remember ... back in October, Trump quickly returned to The White House and shed his face mask after being discharged from Walter Reed Medical Center, where he was pumped full of drugs to combat COVID-19. Uncle Sam doesn't want to see this same script play out with 78-year-old Biden, hence the deepest of cleans.

Oh, and $127,000 for the "Inaugural Cleaning" is just part of the picture ... as we first told you, the government's also spending $44k just to clean carpets at The White House. The carpet cleaning is in a separate procurement document so it seems the $44k is in addition to the $127k.

As they say ... politics, it's a dirty business.

The White House Sprucing Up for Biden's Arrival ... $44k to Clean Carpets!!!

President-elect Joe Biden might be missing out on the usual huge public gathering for his inauguration due to the pandemic ... but at least he'll be moving into nice, clean digs.

Although beefing up security and working to ensure the health and safety of everyone involved with Biden's swearing-in are the top priorities, the government's also spending some dough to tidy up ... according to federal financial docs.

We've learned The White House is dropping a little over $44,000 on what's listed as "Inauguration Carpet Cleaning." It's unclear how many rooms will have fresh carpeting ... the White House has 132 rooms.

So, if you're coming to pay POTUS a visit after January 20 ... you might need to take your shoes off.

As we've reported ... Biden's inauguration is getting scaled back because of COVID-19 concerns, with the ceremony having an "extremely limited" footprint and a "reimagined" parade.

Still, they've been setting up the stage for the event since early November, and aren't sparing any expense in securing it to make sure Biden and VP-elect Kamala Harris are in good hands ... and apparently, everyone in The White House will be walking on good, clean carpets.

President Trump Finally Signs COVID Relief Package ... Promises Big Trade-off

President Trump's folding ... the guy finally put pen to paper on the latest COVID relief package that he shot down last week, which means some cash is one the way to Americans -- plus, a potential trade-off he insists is on the way too.

Trump signed the $900 billion-plus bill Sunday -- also helping fund the government and avoiding another shutdown -- which will get a second round of stimulus checks to adults who qualify ... namely, in the amount of $600 ... plus other assistance.

In a statement to his supporters, he says he's signing the legislation on the condition that Congress look into alleged voter fraud from the election, take up a new bill guaranteeing higher payments and revisit a provision about big tech (and who can sue them).

For now, though, this will have to do ... or so it seems.

The timing is odd ... if Trump was gonna sign anyway, why didn't he just do it Tuesday, when checks could've possibly gotten to folks before the New Year (and before their unemployment benefits lapsed, which happened this weekend because of his delay. Plus, rent is due)?

@realDonaldTrump / Twitter

Remember, 45 made a big stink at the 11th hour ... indicating he'd veto the bill -- which members of his own administration helped negotiate -- because he felt the stimulus money was too low, not to mention the fact the bill was packed with tons of other spending that had nothing to do with COVID. Again, things his team negotiated.

DT demanded $2,000 for individuals and up to $4,000 for families -- something Dems actually praised and were willing to do STAT. Problem is, Trump was nowhere near on the same page as his Republican colleagues on that front ... and the messaging was all off.

Now, after leaving people wondering if they'd get any assistance before Joe Biden takes office ... he's put down his signature, on the basis of supposed promises which may not even come to pass, despite his assertions that it will.

So, all of that waiting was for ... nothing, really. Not just that, but the funds probably won't see bank accounts for at least another week, and Americans needed help yesterday. Thanks!!!

Donald Trump President Threatens to Veto Relief Bill ... Calls Pork Barrel Spending 'A Disgrace'

@realDonaldTrump / Twitter

Donald Trump has stunned everyone by blasting Congress for the relief bill they finally agreed on ... saying $600 checks are disgracefully low, and he wants a drastic reduction in the bill's extraneous spending.

This seemingly came out of nowhere. Trump was on the sidelines, silent as Congress negotiated the package. In fact, his aides said as late as Tuesday Trump would sign the bill.

Now, he wants $2,000 for individuals or $4,000 for a couple ... amounts that were never on the table. It took Congress months to reach an agreement, and if Trump is serious about vetoing the bill there's no way relief is coming to Americans until after January 20.

However, in announcing his contempt for the bill, Trump called out Congress for filling the COVID-relief package with billions in relief to foreign countries and domestic programs that have nothing to do with pandemic losses.

For instance, $134 million to Burma, $85.5 mil to Cambodia, $1.3 billion for Egypt, $2.5 mil to count amberjack fish in the Gulf of Mexico, $3 mil in poultry production technology, $566 mil for FBI construction projects and on and on and on.

Trump's point ... spend less on that stuff, and give more to American citizens, restaurants and other small businesses.

Dems jumped on this -- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said they'll bring the $2,000 direct payments to the floor Thursday for a vote by unanimous consent.

While some of his critics see this as Trump throwing a temper tantrum over losing the election, and taking it out on Americans -- he also put Congress on blast by fully exposing the disgusting expenditures that have nothing to do with providing relief to needy Americans.

Joe Exotic Pardon Request Hits Trump's Desk So What's It Gonna Be???

Joe Exotic says he's been reassured his pardon request has finally made its way to President Trump -- and the only thing left to do now is ... wait, but Trump's clearly in the pardoning mood.

The "Tiger King" filed new court docs Tuesday, dismissing his own complaint that he filed just last week ... in which he asked the judge to force the White House Pardon Attorney to get his application in front of DT's eyes for a final decision.

The reason he's reversing course ... Joe says he's now under the belief his pardon petition has, in fact, been received by 45, and that's all he wanted. Now he's got a shot at Trump signing off ... so Joe says there's no longer a need to pursue the legal action.

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For now, Joe's just waiting on Trump to let him know one way or the other if he's gonna spring him from prison. It's something he and his team have been waiting on and lobbying for, literally for months.

Remember, Trump DID tell reporters months ago he'd "take a look" at his case and decide if a pardon was warranted.

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Late Tuesday, Trump granted a stack of pardons -- for 15 people -- and commuted 5 other sentences. Joe's name wasn't on either of those lists, but with the Prez clearly in a forgiving mood ... it could be just a matter of time.

Senator Marco Rubio Gets COVID Shot on Video ... What's with the Pale Arm???

Marco Rubio did his part to show America the COVID vaccine is A-OK ... but how's the Senator from Florida so damn pale?!!

A self-deprecating Rubio said, "I know I looked away from the needle And yes, I know I need a tan But I am so confident that the #Covid19 vaccine is safe & effective that I decided to take it myself."

Members of Congress are among the first in line for the vaccine, given that they need to stay healthy to run the country, even though as a group they have failed miserably for months in coming up with a relief package for struggling Americans.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell have also gotten the vaccine, as did Vice President Pence.


Joe Biden will get the vaccine next week and he will do so on camera. The idea is to show the country the leaders who are advocating vaccinations are walking the walk.

It's a tall order, given that 40% of the country -- possibly more -- is either reluctant or unwilling to get inoculated.

Pfizer COVID Vaccine Millions of Doses in a Warehouse ... Nowhere to Send 'Em!!!

Pfizer says it's sitting on liquid gold -- a warehouse packed with the COVID-19 vaccine -- but it can't get word from the government on where to ship them.

The pharma giant made the shocking revelation in response to allegations it was having issues with production and distribution of its vaccine after successfully shipping the first batch out earlier this week. Nearly 3 million doses have already been sent out, but now Pfizer's pointing a finger at the federal government.

Pfizer says, "We have millions more doses sitting in our warehouse but, as of now, we have not received any shipment instructions for additional doses."

Bizarre, right?

The news comes as Moderna is on the verge of getting the FDA's Emergency Use Authorization, which would put 2 COVID vaccines on the open market.

The more the merrier, obviously, but it doesn't bode well if the government really is having issues coordinating distribution of just one vaccine.

Donald Trump You Could Demolish His Casino!!!

As if losing the election wasn't enough, folks can stick it to Donald Trump again by pushing the button to blow up one of his old casinos.

Here's the deal ... the former Trump Plaza casino in Atlantic City is scheduled for demolition next month -- pretty close to when Trump leaves the White House -- and for the right price, someone gets to bring down the joint.

The auction is doubling as a fundraiser benefiting the Boys & Girls Club of Atlantic City, and the mayor's hoping the big prize hauls in over $1 million.

Yeah, politicians think people hate Trump that much -- and there are roughly 80 million people who'd agree with that.

Trump's former casino opened its doors way back in 1984, when AC was actually popping, but it shuttered in 2014 and the property has descended into such a bad state that demolition work is already underway.

The rest of the crumbling structure will be demolished Jan. 29 -- 9 days after Trump's Presidential run comes to an end. Boy, January's gonna suck for him.

Atlantic City's got a love-hate relationship with Trump ... the mayor remembers some of the city's iconic moments happening at the Trump Plaza casino, including tons of big boxing matches, but he also didn't forget Trump mocking AC on his way out of town ... so the auction makes sense.

Oh, and the auction ends Jan. 19 -- not coincidentally, we're sure -- Trump's last full day in office.

Joe Exotic Get My Pardon Request to the Prez ... Only He Has Final Say!!!

Joe Exotic's legal team is throwing a Hail Mary in hopes of getting his pardon request in front of Donald Trump before he leaves office -- and they want a judge to force the issue.

The 'Tiger King's' legal team just filed new docs asking a court to compel the Office of the Pardon Attorney -- the wing of the White House that vets pardon requests -- to get Joe's application on Trump's desk for a final decision, as they say only he can make it.

It's kinda technical, but long story short ... Joe's team says they initially filed for a pardon in early September, and also a waiver to be exempt from a rule that says you have to wait 5 years after being convicted before you can ask for a pardon.

Joe was convicted for the murder-to-hire plot against Carole Baskin in 2019 ... so he's very early in his ask.

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Joe's lawyers claim that no more than a few days after Joe filed, the Pardon Attorney's office got back to him with a flat-out denial of his request to get that waiver. No explanation was provided, and the decision was final ... according to Joe's team.

They believe Joe's application never went through the normal screening process ... which would have POTUS weigh-in for a final decision, with the Pardon Attorney's recommendation attached for consideration.

Joe Exotic's new legal team is true to its word -- they hit the road bright and early Monday AM, heading for Washington D.C. ... where they hope to ask President Trump to pardon the 'Tiger King' star.

In their docs, Joe's team cries foul ... claiming the Pardon Attorney overstepped their authority and tried sweeping Joe's application under the rug due to the 5-year rule. In the docs, the team doesn't explain under what grounds Joe should be exempt, but they want his app pushed through to the Oval.

Remember, Joe's team seemed confident earlier this year they'd be able to get Trump's say-so springing Joe from prison. They'd made a couple trips to D.C. and circled the White House in a huge tour bus.

Alas, sounds like that was all done in vain, because the paperwork never even got to Trump.

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Of course, Trump is well aware of Joe Exotic -- since he mentioned him by name in a press conference once -- but it's kinda now or never.

The team seems fed up with getting the run-around, and wants a federal judge to force the Pardon Attorney to do their bidding.

Joe Biden's Inauguration Pricey Security Co. Hired ... Services Show They Mean Business

Joe Biden's inauguration ceremony will be covered by a security company, that Uncle Sam is paying handsomely, to keep the President-elect safe -- and by the looks of everything they're equipped to do, he'll be in good hands.

TMZ obtained federal procurement docs that show the Secret Service has hired a company called Showcall Security Services to help out with the inauguration in January. The company scored a $7.5 million contract for the job ... and it sounds like they'll be worth every dime of taxpayer money.

Turns out, a division of Showcall, named Checkmate, is what'll be deployed here -- and a glance at their specialties shows why they cost a pretty penny. Checkmate boasts "temporary deployable security assets" that create "hardened perimeters," which can stop vehicle-borne threats and attempted weapons hand-offs of people who get past checkpoints

Checkmate also notes they design and provide "robust access control programs and cutting edge surveillance and threat detection systems" that use data analytics -- so top-notch stuff.

But, wait ... there's more.

Other services Checkmate offers for large-scale events include (but aren't limited to) ... anti-scale fencing, a mobile command post, all types of tactical barriers, golf carts and gators, light towers, traffic control, mobile power generation, tenting and perhaps most useful of all ... portable bathrooms!!!

Of course, we've already heard the inauguration ceremony's gonna be scaled-down compared to years past -- but it's obvious they ain't skimping on protecting the future POTUS.

Kamala Harris Being First Female Veep ... 'Very Big Sense of Responsibility'

answering the call

Kamala Harris knows better than anyone the historic moment that's about to take place after she takes her oath of office -- not just for her, but also for her our nation's first Second Gentleman.

The VP-Elect talked about the emotions she's feeling as she becomes the first woman to hold the office ... and the word that seems to be ringing in her head is "responsibility."

Kamala told Robin Roberts on 'GMA' ... saying she'll be thinking about the responsibility that comes with the job, and also about her mother. She said, "I was raised by a mother who said that to me all the time. She said, ‘You may be the first to do many things, make sure you’re not the last.’ That’s how I feel about this moment."

Kamala also mentioned her husband, attorney Doug Emhoff, is also looking forward to his history-making role, and says the lesson they're both delivering is ... "Don't let anyone put you in a box because of your gender."

Biden's Inauguration Smaller Ceremony, 'Reimagined' Parade ... Watch From Home, Folks

President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration is getting scaled back due to the coronavirus pandemic ... with safety protocols aiming to prevent a superspreader scenario.

Biden's own Presidential Inaugural Committee just announced some of the changes for January's ceremony, which will have an "extremely limited" footprint. The PIC also says the parade following the swearing-in will be "reimagined."

Some traditions are still soldiering on ... the PIC says Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will take their oaths outside the Capitol.

The stage construction is chugging along, but most folks won't be there in person to soak in the historic ceremony when the stage is set ... Biden's PIC is urging the public not to travel to the National Mall for a huge gathering. Instead, folks are being encouraged to participate in inauguration activities from the comforts of their own homes.

So don't anticipate a gathering like the one we saw 4 years ago for Donald Trump ... and it definitely won't look like the first Barack Obama inauguration.

The pandemic's not only the focus of the inauguration's "vigorous" health and safety protocols ... Biden's camp says the inaugural address will lay out his vision for beating the virus, building the country back and bringing Americans together.

Joe Biden Electoral College Seals Presidential Victory

Fox News

5:07 PM PT -- President-elect Biden is preaching unity and a peaceful transition of power, which finally looks like it's going to happen.


Biden addressed the nation Monday after the Electoral College sealed his election victory over Trump, calling on America to set an example for the rest of the world with the peaceful transition.


JB says the road ahead won't be easy because of the virus, but he says the only way to get through the pandemic is by working together.

Joe Biden officially has big plans on Jan. 20, 2021 -- now that all 50 states have officially cast their Electoral College votes to make him the 46th President of the United States.

Electors cast their votes Monday across the country, confirming the winning total for President-elect Biden ... 306 for him, and 232 for now-outgoing President Trump.

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Nevada -- one of the battleground states -- cast theirs first Monday morning, and all the other states followed shortly thereafter ... including Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Arizona -- all states that Trump lost and has fought, unsuccessfully, to overturn the results in court.

Trump and his legal team filed several lawsuits all throughout the country, claiming election fraud, unfair vote counting and invalid ballots ... but failed to present any hard-hitting evidence. Pennsylvania was the one place they had a little bit of steam, but that was sucked away quickly when the Supreme Court refused to hear the case.

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Fox News

Of course, it's been a long and rancorous road getting here -- Trump has refused to formally concede ... and he's sent Rudy Giuliani to do a lot of his bidding on this issue, only to see him come up short and contract COVID in the process.

Trump has said, on camera, that if the Electoral College did its thing, he'd bow out. That might be true, but absolutely no one's expecting him to deliver a concession speech.

Originally published -- 3:08 PM PT