Jill Biden Writer Calls Doctoral Degree 'Fraudulent' ... Bizarre Comments Ignite Outrage

Joe Biden's wife, Jill Biden, should stop insisting on people calling her "Dr." because her doctorate is meaningless ... so argues a writer, who's getting destroyed over his hot take.

Essayist Joseph Epstein penned a bizarre piece for the Wall Street Journal this weekend that's being called sexist, misogynistic, belittling ... and every other name in the book -- and rightly so, because he publicly asks the future First Lady to "drop the doc."

The op-ed is titled "Is There a Doctor in the White House? Not if You Need an M.D." -- and his opening graph is a doozy (in a bad way). Epstein writes, "Madame First Lady -- Mrs. Biden -- Jill -- kiddo: a bit of advice on what may seem like a small but I think is a not unimportant matter. Any chance you might drop the “Dr.” before your name?"

He goes on ... "'Dr. Jill Biden' sounds and feels fraudulent, not to say a touch comic. Your degree is, I believe, an Ed.D., a doctor of education, earned at the University of Delaware through a dissertation with the unpromising title 'Student Retention at the Community College Level: Meeting Students’ Needs.'"

Then the proverbial dagger ... "A wise man once said that no one should call himself 'Dr.' unless he has delivered a child. Think about it, Dr. Jill, and forthwith drop the doc."

Epstein goes on to lay out a theory that folks who get their PhDs and other doctoral degrees in the humanities or social sciences -- and then tack on the "Dr." before their names in correspondence thereafter -- are considered "bush league" in contemporary university circles ... at least from what he's heard.

Not only that, but JE says getting a doctorate degree these days just isn't as hard as it once was -- and, therefore, isn't nearly as prestigious, despite still being hailed as a high achievement. To him, it's pretty darn easy, especially if it's outside the science realm.

He ends his diatribe by saying, "As for your Ed.D., Madame First Lady, hard-earned though it may have been, please consider stowing it, at least in public, at least for now. Forget the small thrill of being Dr. Jill, and settle for the larger thrill of living for the next four years in the best public housing in the world as First Lady Jill Biden."

As for DJB, she has not responded ... but a lot of people are speaking up on her behalf, and basically telling this dude to shove it. She's earned her EdD, and the right to use it.

Sarah Paulson & Beanie Feldstein What a Tripp!!! Flick on Lewinsky Scandal Comes to Life

Sarah Paulson and Beanie Feldstein appeared on set for the first time as Linda Tripp and Monica Lewinsky, and all that's left to say is ... bravo.

Sarah and Beanie unveiled their transformations Thursday in L.A. ... as the stars of "Impeachment: American Crime Story." The resemblances are uncanny -- even with masks -- making season 3 of the franchise that much more must-see viewing.

For the babies who don't know ... Tripp betrayed Monica's confidence by secretly recording her phone calls as Lewinsky unloaded on her long-running affair in 1998 with Bill Clinton ... an affair that began when she delivered a pizza to the Prez when she was a W.H. intern.

Tripp, who died in April, or we should say her recordings, played a pivotal role in the impeachment of Clinton.

Remember ... Sarah was also cast as prosecutor Marcia Clark in 'The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story" and, again, nailed the look. Those wardrobe/makeup folks, man.

Killer Mike Kamala's Race Won't Be Key in 2024 ... It's Progressiveness, for Me!!!


Killer Mike says playing identity politics won't pay off for Democrats and Kamala Harris -- instead, he says she'll have to lean into the progressive movement if she wants the presidency.

We spoke with the rapper and activist Wednesday on "TMZ Live" about the upcoming run-off elections in Georgia that will determine who controls the Senate during Biden's term -- but also about the widely held belief the VP-elect will run for Prez in 2024.

Mike says Dems would be wise to stop worrying about how to frame Harris as a candidate 4 years from now, and focus on the present. He also feels it's clear a progressive agenda -- as championed by his fave candidate, Bernie Sanders -- is actually needed and more widely supported than Dems think.

Pineapple Hill Saloon & Grill/Facebook

He tells us the Pineapple Saloon & Grill owner in L.A., whose plea for help went viral, is the epitome of that -- and says he's looking to make things more equal for all.

Speaking of that, Mike also tells us the pandemic has crystallized the need for healthcare-for-all, and Andrew Yang's universal basic income concept.

The Run the Jewels rapper stresses that it's time for Democrats, in general, and Kamala specifically to step up for the Black community on a number of issues -- because that's how she can secure that support when she runs for the top job.

Overall, a great convo with Mike ... and you have to see why he says having a POC in the Oval Office takes a backseat to having one who is "fair and progressive."

Gayle King Follow Ex-Prezes' Leads on Vaccine ... If They Can, You Can


Gayle King says the fact our top former leaders in the U.S. are willing to get a COVID-19 vaccination -- with the world watching -- should be all the proof people need to feel reassured.

We got the CBS News anchor leaving the studio Tuesday in NYC, where we asked what she made of the fact that the 3 most recent former Presidents (plus soon-to-be-former Prez Trump) have said they're willing to get a COVID vaccine live on camera.

She says she's all for it -- anything that gets people to trust the vaccine, in her mind, is a good thing ... and what better way to convince folks than to get a bunch of Commanders in Chief to partake?

We asked if Gayle would be open to having one administered to herself on her own show, and if she'd be courageous enough to take a gamble. The veteran interviewer flipped it on our guy, and asked an even more poignant question ... about bravery and the COVID-19 vaccines. Well played, GK!

Look, it's clear she supports the science -- not to mention Dr. Tony Fauci -- but Gayle acknowledges people will ultimately have to make up their own minds about taking the vaccine. The decision seems easy for her, though.

Biden's Inauguration Ceremony to Be Mostly Unchanged ... Masks, Distancing & Maybe Testing

One thing the coronavirus pandemic won't dramatically change is President-elect Biden's inauguration ceremony -- although there will be a few COVID safety measures in place ... TMZ has learned.

A rep from the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies -- which oversees the swearing-in process -- tells TMZ, the team is still planning to hold the big event in-person ... not virtually.

We're told the JCCIC is going to require masks and social distancing for everyone sitting on the dais with Biden -- which you'd expect -- but the Committee is also considering imposing mandatory testing for anyone who will be in the Prez-elect's immediate vicinity.

The stage construction is in full swing and, at this point, a pivot to a virtual ceremony or one significantly scaled back on head count is not in the works. However, a lot can change between now and January 20, as far as the pandemic's concerned.

We're told the congressional committee is still weighing how to go about ticketing, hoping to make it safe, but also inclusive.

Now, as far as the folks who wanna gather on the National Mall and watch the inauguration -- the District of Columbia has already laid out ground rules. It's requiring masks and distancing ... which most likely will translate to a limited capacity.

Outside of the Inauguration, DC already has pretty strict regulations for out-of-town travelers ... including negative tests, and a 14-day quarantine if you're coming from certain states.

Regarding the parade that usually follows the swearing-in, we're told that falls on the city as well. The D.C. Mayor's Office tells us they are planning for a parade as well the other inauguration traditions.

There also Biden's own Presidential Inaugural Committee, from which the city will take additional cues on how to proceed.

Jared & Ivanka Trump Buy $30M-Plus Lot of land in Miami ... Keeping NYC Crib

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are apparently looking to become Sunshine State residents like their old man is said to be -- 'cause they reportedly spent a fortune on a plot of land there.

Trump's daughter and son-in-law recently threw down upwards of $30 million to snap up space in the exclusive Miami neighborhood of Indian Creek Island ... this, per Page Six.

The outlet reports they actually purchased a lot of land that used to belong to Julio Iglesias -- and that they got almost 2 acres of dirt to play with which is right on the waterfront. PS says the couple plans to build an estate on the grounds, and that the sale closes in 10 days.

Indian Creek Island is heavily guarded too, BTW -- there's a small police force that works just there, protecting only 29 homes in the community, which boasts neighbors like billionaire Carl Icahn, ex-football coach Don Shula, Adriana Lima, and other CEO and business tycoons who are uber-rich. That's the company Jared and Ivanka will keep while there.

Speaking of that, it doesn't sound like they're planning to permanently establish roots in Florida -- unlike Donald, who's rumored to be getting out of NYC completely and heading off to Mar-a-Lago once his presidency is over.

Page Six reports the couple is planning to keep their Park Ave. apartment in the Big Apple, so this might just be a getaway home for when they wanna visit dad.

President Trump Campaign Sues Biden Directly ... Over Wisconsin Results

President Trump is now directly blaming Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in his quest to overturn the election results -- throwing out a new legal twist that reeks of desperation.

Trump, Vice Prez Pence and the Trump Campaign are suing Biden and Harris in Wisconsin -- seeking to set aside the absentee ballots that helped them win in 2 key counties that went blue on Nov. 3 ... Milwaukee and Dane.

In the suit, Trump and co. ask the court to set aside the Board of Canvassers' legal determination that in-person absentee ballots should be counted ... alleging that doing so violates a Wisconsin law requiring written applications for such ballots.

The campaign's argument is the absentee ballots cast for Biden/Harris in those counties did not follow the proper procedure.

As for why Trump's now going after the President-elect and Vice President-elect as defendants, it's not entirely clear. Dozens of Trump's election results lawsuits -- without Biden and Harris as defendants -- have been tossed out by judges all over the country.

On the surface, this seems like a last-ditch effort to get at least one decision in their favor. Time's running out though ... January's right around the corner.

Pete Buttigieg Vetted for Cabinet Posts ... Commerce, HUD, EPA on the Table

Joe Biden said the LGBTQ+ community would be represented in his cabinet, and sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ, Pete Buttigieg is actively under consideration for various posts, but we're told he didn't get his first choice.

Sources privy to the selection process tell TMZ, Buttigieg is being vetted for what could be a significant appointment. We're told the possible appointment includes Secretary of Commerce and HUD. We're told he's also under consideration to head the EPA.

Our sources say another post that has been a subject of discussion is Veterans Affairs. As you know, Pete served in Afghanistan and has a strong connection to the military. We're told, although the V.A. remains a possibility for Pete, it's unlikely.

We're told what Buttigieg really wanted was U.N. Ambassador, but obviously, that position has already been filled.

Buttigieg was a strong supporter of Biden's during the campaign, and we're told he will "almost certainly" be offered a significant position in the Biden Administration.

Rudy Giuliani Positive for COVID ... Reportedly Hospitalized


2:36 PM PT -- According to ABC, Rudy Giuliani has been hospitalized over his COVID diagnosis. The outlet reports, citing anonymous sources, that he's currently at Georgetown Hospital in D.C. -- although his condition is unknown.

Rudy Giuliani is the latest Trump associate to test positive for coronavirus -- and the news was broken by none other than Donald Trump himself.

The President tweeted Sunday, "@RudyGiuliani, by far the greatest mayor in the history of NYC, and who has been working tirelessly exposing the most corrupt election (by far!) in the history of the USA, has tested positive for the China Virus. Get better soon Rudy, we will carry on!!!"

Unclear when Rudy was tested, or how long he's been positive -- but in any case ... it's another one bites the dust in the Trump world. Everyone from POTUS himself to Kellyanne Conway and many others in Trump's immediate orbit have contracted the virus.

Rudy had dodged getting sick until now -- but he's been on the move a lot these past several weeks, defending Trump's election fraud claims all over the country and going to court a lot (and losing) over election fraud allegations filed by the campaign in multiple jurisdictions.

He was oftentimes seen without a mask on too, FWIW ... including just a month ago when he made an appearance at the Four Seasons (landscaping company) in Philadelphia -- where he gathered reporters for a bizarro-impromptu press conference.

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Fox News

Not only that, but RG had another very public hygiene moment recently -- when he was seen sweating profusely during a news conference, which caused his hair dye to start dripping down the side of his face. And sure enough ... he wasn't masked up then either.

Just earlier this week ... Rudy was in Lansing, MI with a bizarre "star witness" who was supposedly gonna blow the lid off of alleged election fraud in Michigan. There too, he wasn't wearing a mask, and neither was she. He even had the gall to ask another one of his witnesses -- who was masked -- to take remove her covering ... but she didn't.

Safe to say, this was bound to happen.

Most everyone in Trump's world who's tested positive has recovered -- and considering Rudy's one of Trump's right-hand men these days, we're guessing he'll get top-notch treatment and come out the other side.

What a year ...

Originally Published -- 12:43 PM PT

Lou Holtz Receives Presidential Medal of Freedom ... Praises Trump


10:21 AM PT -- 12/3 -- Holtz just received the award at a ceremony at the White House on Thursday ... and the college football coaching legend raved about Trump after getting the honor.


"I want to assure you how proud I am not only to receive the award," Holtz said, "but I'm even prouder to receive it from President Donald Trump, who I think was the greatest president during my lifetime."


Holtz had a big smile on his face after Trump adorned him with the medal ... and POTUS gave a little fist pump as they were posing for pics.


It should be noted ... people at the ceremony were NOT wearing masks.


Both Holtz and Trump have had battles with coronavirus recently.

Ex-college football coach Lou Holtz will receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom on Thursday, the White House announced.

The award is recognized as the "Nation's highest civilian honor," according to the White House ... usually given to someone who has "made especially meritorious contributions to the security or national interests of the United States, to world peace, or to cultural or other significant public endeavors."

So, why Lou? Here's what Trump's team is saying ...

"America recognizes Lou Holtz as one of the greatest football coaches of all time for his unmatched accomplishments on the gridiron, but he is also a philanthropist, author and true American patriot."

83-year-old Holtz is most well known for leading Notre Dame to a 12-0 record in 1988 -- when the Fighting Irish were crowned national champions.

His career record as a college football coach is 249-132-7 -- with 22 bowl appearances (he won 12 of them).

Outside of football, Holtz has been a staunch Trump supporter who campaigned for POTUS ... and even spoke at the Republican National Convention.

In fact, it was at the RNC when Holtz attacked Trump's opponent Joe Biden over his position on abortion -- saying the former Vice President is a "Catholic in name only."

During his presidency, Trump has given the M.O.F. to several sports legends -- including Tiger Woods, Jerry West and Roger Staubach.

Originally Published -- 12/2 9:33 AM PT

John Mulaney Secret Service Agents Were On Me For 'SNL' Trump Joke!!!

John Mulaney's "Saturday Night Live" joke about how Julius Caesar was killed drew the ire of some Donald Trump supporters, but even crazier ... he says it made him the target of a Secret Service investigation.

The comedian's 'SNL' monologue from February included the fact Caesar started leap year to correct the calendar, but then he joked the Roman general was such a "powerful maniac" that a bunch of senators stabbed him to death.

Mulaney then added ... it would be interesting if we brought that back now.

Though he made no mention of Trump, the joke was enough for right-wing sites to call him out for allegedly insinuating a violent act should be done to POTUS ... and Mulaney says the Secret Service contacted him about it.

Mulaney says the agent who questioned him was respectful and quickly determined his joke was harmless and he was not a threat ... but nevertheless, the comedian says he now has an official Secret Service file opened on him.

Go ahead and watch the joke for yourself ... sounds like even John sensed he might be crossing the line.

Joe Biden Suited and Booted ... Emphasis on Das Boot


Joe Biden is giving his broken foot woes the boot ... quite literally.

The President-elect was spotted Tuesday in Wilmington, DE, popping into the Queen Theater to announce new cabinet members, and he was dressed to the nines in his usual navy blue suit ... now accessorized with a walking boot on his right foot.

Doesn't look like the boot was giving JB much trouble ... after exiting his SUV (without assistance) he struck a pose, lifting the boot pretty high, almost like a soldier. When asked how he's feeling, he flashed a thumbs up.

By the looks of it, Biden's probably gonna be just fine ... a vast improvement from how fragile he looked limping out of his doctor's office over the weekend.

Of course, that's not to downplay the seriousness of his injury -- remember, his doctor said he suffered a hairline fracture in his middle foot area when he took a tumble playing with his German shepherd, Major.

Biden will be in a boot for the foreseeable future -- several weeks the doc predicts -- so get used to these images.

Joe Biden Fractures Foot Playing with Dog .... Boot Life for Weeks


5:33 PM PT -- Yikes ... Biden's sprain just upgraded to a fracture, which will have him living the boot life for a good while.


Biden's doctor says that although initial X-rays did not show any obvious facture in his right foot, further imaging from a CT scan confirmed he'd suffered hairline fractures on his lateral and intermediate cuneiform bones ... which are in the mid-foot area.


His doc adds, "It is anticipated that he will likely require a walking boot for several weeks." Oof ...


4:00 PM PT -- Here's Joe Biden leaving his doctor's office after being preliminarily examined, and while there's no fracture or break ... it's clear he hurt himself pretty bad.


The man's walking gingerly with a slight limp. Luckily, there was a waiting car ready to pick him up and take him away. He also some handlers on hand for assistance.


3:11 PM PT -- Looks like Joe's gonna be alright after all -- his doctor says he suffered a sprain in his right foot, but that X-rays showed no obvious sign of a fracture.

President-elect Joe Biden might be limping his way into the White House -- the guy twisted his ankle this weekend playing with his dog ... and is getting checked out just in case.

Biden was injured Saturday while playing with his German Shepherd, Major. He slipped and twisted his ankle in the process. Out of an abundance of caution, his team says he'll be examined by an orthopedist Sunday afternoon.

Reporters weren't allowed to view Biden going in or out of the doctor's office, per his team's request.

First of all, ouch. Second ... the news is both awesome and somewhat scary. It's great that Biden is active and able-bodied enough to play with his dog, and apparently feisty to the point that he could actually hurt himself ... even slightly.

It'll be cool having a Prez that gets out and there and ruffs it every now and then -- unlike Trump, whose only physical activity is golf ... which is pretty static.

On the other hand, Biden is an older guy ... he's 78. A sprained ankle isn't gonna make or break anything (we hope), but maybe take it easy out there, JB. We're gonna need ya intact for at least 4 years ... so tell Major (and Champ) to cool it.

Get well soon.

Originally Published -- 1:40 PM PT

Donald Trump Of Course I'll Leave The White House, But ...

Sure, I'll move out

Donald Trump seemed to concede something that has Bill Maher and many others worried sick ... that he won't leave The White House on January 20.

Trump now says he will indeed leave 1600 Pennsylvania if the Electoral College declares Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 presidential election. There were certainly signs he would not vacate, especially since he has refused to concede the election.

He's still claiming massive voter fraud -- without evidence -- so that's why his declaration is significant. He even compares the U.S. to a third world country.

As for attending Biden's inauguration ... he wouldn't commit, but listen to how Trump frames his answer. He seems to say he might attend, but emphasis on "seems." If Trump does show up on the Capitol steps, it would be pretty shocking given what he's said about the results and Biden himself.

Kamala Harris Not a Shoo-in for '24 w/ Black America Per Activist Tamika Mallory


You'd think Kamala Harris would have widespread support among African-Americans if she runs for President in 2024 -- but that's no guarantee ... so says Tamika Mallory.

We spoke to the world-famous activist -- whose speech about George Floyd stirred the nation just a few months back -- and she was clear ... Vice President-elect Harris doesn't get the Black vote just because of the color of her skin.

Tamika says Kamala will have to earn the Black vote by living up to the promises she and Joe Biden have been making to African-Americans ahead of this year's election --  an election she says was do or die to get Trump out of The White House.

Bottom line for TM ... 2024 will be a normal primary cycle, and she says Black America will have a better chance to vet a candidate that best serves its interests ... regardless of identity politics. If that's Kamala, great -- but don't bank on it.


We've heard this logic before -- Ice Cube was saying something similar not too long ago regarding his "Contract with Black America." Sounds like Tamika has a hard-line she won't cross when it comes to DT, but the sentiment is similar.

We should also note -- Tamika is wishing Biden and Harris all the success in the world, and seems to genuinely hope they can follow through. Fingers crossed ...

Joe Exotic Sends Thanksgiving Wishes ... Now Lobby Congress and Get Me Outta Here!!!

Joe Exotic is making a plea to Americans -- enjoy Thanksgiving, and then tell your rep in Congress to pressure the Prez to spring him from the big house.

Joe wrote a long Thanksgiving message, telling folks to enjoy Thanksgiving Day but on Black Friday ... " ... please think about the last 3 holidays I have spent in here while all the people that lied to put me here and the people that made money off of films, products and so on with the people that put me here under false pretense enjoy their freedom and their families during the Holidays."

That said, Joe then makes his pitch ... "Please pick up a phone on Monday and call your congressman and ask everyone you know to support asking President Trump to sign my Pardon and make this right so I don’t have to miss another Christmas without my loved ones just as you wouldn’t want to. I would love for some of you that has the power to pick up a phone and contact some pretty influential people to do so, so I could go home before something happens to my father or Dillon."

we're pleading with you trump

TMZ broke the story ... Joe's legal team traveled to D.C. recently to file their pardon application, and the team leader, Eric Love, says they've been getting encouraging words back from folks in the seat of power.

Trump's in a pardoning mood ... he just spared Michael Flynn from serving his prison sentence.

Eric says he's grateful to Trump and even suggests he and Joe have a lot in common ... he's asking for a pardon, and stat.

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As for Joe, he says, "I have faith in my President," adding, "Those of you who work day and night to get me home, I will owe you my life ... I have faith in my God that some how some way this will end."