White House Prez Guest Houses Getting New HVAC ... $2M in Taxpayer Dough!!!

It looks like the White House may finally be listening to a recommendation from the CDC ... it's replacing the HVAC systems in some pretty historic buildings.

According to official documents, obtained by TMZ, Uncle Sam is shelling out $1,956,924.38 to replace HVAC systems at the Jackson Place Townhouse Complexes. The townhouses include the President's Guest House, better known as the Blair House, as well as a slew of other townhouses on the block that begins at 700 Jackson Place ... right near the White House.

The CDC has previously issued guidelines to employers on how to protect staff and others to slow the spread of the virus. Among the recommendation includes improving HVAC systems and/or finding ways to increase the percentage of outdoor air that makes up the air inside buildings. The order for the new HVAC systems, according to the doc, was solicited October 27 and it's slated to be completed around January 2022. It's a huge task.

The Blair House -- reserved for former presidents and other dignitaries when they're in town -- consists of 4 distinct buildings merged into one. The property has 119 rooms ... including 14 guest bedrooms and 35 bathrooms. So, yeah ... the work could take a while.

It should be noted ... it's not the first time some of the townhouses have had work done. There was $24k worth of repairs done last year, including a new HVAC system at 726 Jackson Place. There were other upgrades in 2016 costing around $60k ... but nothing along the lines of the $2 million to repair the HVAC systems for the entire townhouse complexes.

For what it's worth ... the White House itself replaced its 27-year-old HVAC system back in 2017.

President Trump Pardons Michael Flynn ... All is Forgiven, General!!!

President Trump just absolved his former national security adviser and convicted perjurer Gen. Michael Flynn ... which might be the start of a last-minute blitz of forgiveness.

After rumors swirled this week he'd do this, the Prez announced the pardon Wednesday, tweeting ... "It is my Great Honor to announce that General Michael T. Flynn has been granted a Full Pardon. Congratulations to @GenFlynn and his wonderful family, I know you will now have a truly fantastic Thanksgiving!"

It could be the first of several lame-duck pardons to come out of the Oval during Trump's remaining time in office. As we first reported ... Joe Exotic's people say they've gotten word he could be next.

As for Flynn ... the writing's been on the wall. -- the Prez has time and again said Flynn got a raw deal and was rung up on charges over technicalities rather than anything actually wrong or harmful to the nation. Trump even had Attorney General William Barr go to bat for Flynn in court -- with the DOJ filing to dismiss the charges.

Gen. Flynn signed a plea bargain during Robert Mueller's investigation into alleged Russian collusion by the Trump campaign -- admitting he lied to FBI investigators about conversations he'd had with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak during Trump's transition to power. He allegedly told him to tell Putin to chill over Obama's lame-duck sanctions against Russia.

Flynn also lied to Vice President Mike Pence about those convos -- and Pence parroted those to the media. As a result, Trump canned him, but openly denounced the move.

There are a few other Trump campaign people POTUS could bail out if he wants -- Paul Manafort comes to mind.

The last person Trump might still have on his list for a clean slate is ... himself, according to multiple reports. Word is he's discussed granting himself a pardon -- but something tells us that'd land right at the Supreme Court, as it's unprecedented.

White House Gift Shop Out With the Old, In With the New ... Whether Trump Concedes or Not!!!

President Trump still hasn't conceded, but The White House Gift Shop can certainly read the writing on the wall ... it's slashing prices to unload some Trump merch.

The gift shop website is now offering several Trump-centric products at a discount -- some up to 50 percent. Most of the items can be found in the "Our Featured Products" section.

Here's a list of what's on sale ...

The President Trump American Flag Pin, regular price $24.95, is now $15.95. The pin has "45th President of The United States, Donald J. Trump" engraved on the backside.

2018 ornaments -- just in time for Christmas -- are half off. One package which is normally $350 is now available at $175, and a smaller package normally $100 is on sale for $50. In both cases, the ornaments are engraved with "New leadership, new era, new generation, new hope" on the front, and "North Korea peace talks in Singapore,” "Dow at highest levels in U.S. history" and other accomplishments on the back.

And, of course -- Trump's red hats. Both the "Keep America Great" and "Make America Great Again" styles are marked down to $34.95 from $37.95.

Meanwhile, the WH shop is also promoting the pre-order of Inauguration Coins featuring the 46th President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

The coin is priced at $100, and it says it will ship on Jan. 1 in advance of the Inauguration on Jan. 20.

So, there you have it -- whether Trump concedes or not, the gift shop has spoken.

Barack Obama Sure, Drake Could Play Me on Film ... My Daughters Approve!!!

Barack Obama has finally given Drake his blessing to portray him in a biopic -- something the kid has openly tried wishing into existence.

The former President was asked about Drake's comments from 2010 ... when he said it was actually a professional goal of his to play BO in a movie, noting he was sure he could do it.

At the time, Drake said he watched all of Obama's national addresses and studied his speaking inflection ... gloating about his impression game.

Welp, Drizzy might wanna start practicing that Obama voice again -- 'cause Barack officially gave his stamp of approval during a sit down with Complex News. He told Speedy Morman that Drake seemed capable of doing anything, and that if he's ready ... why not?!?

He also says his household would approve. Apparently, Sasha and Malia love them some Champagne Papi. Good card to play for Drake's future elevator pitch. BTW, Barack says he's seen clips of flicks that have taken a stab at telling the Obama story ... adding some have done it better than others.

As for Drake, you might recall ... Dude's got a background in acting. He actually started his entertainment career with a role on 'Degrassi.' Sure, the leap from that to playing Obama seems like a giant one, but who's to say it can't be done? Certainly not Obama himself.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Drake's certainly telegraphed his desire to do so over the years ... sometimes not so discreetly either. Looks like the planets are lining up for it to happen. As Obama put it, "That is a talented brother."

President Trump Lame Duck Saves Turkey's Hide ... Final Thanksgiving Pardon


This could be you, Joe Exotic -- President Trump just issued his first lame-duck pardon ... sparing a feathered friend from ending up on someone's Thanksgiving dinner plate.

POTUS emerged Tuesday in the Rose Garden for the annual pardoning of the turkey in advance of Thanksgiving. It's the final time he'll cut a break for a bird -- this one's named Corn -- during his Presidency.

Two turkeys arrived in D.C. for the special event, with Corn getting the honor as the official Thanksgiving Turkey. Standard ops call for there to be a backup ... and Corn's understudy fowl was Cob. Naturally, they both hail from Iowa.

The White House soldiered on with the light-hearted event despite the dark cloud looming -- there were signs of the resurgent pandemic ... the farmers who raised Corn and Cob wore masks, while Trump went mask-free. Again, naturally.

It was a rare public appearance for Trump, who continues to stew over his loss to President-elect Joe Biden -- but he resisted referencing the election results during the ceremony, and at least put on a happy face for cameras.

Corn and Cob will now head home to Iowa ... never to return to the White House or a dining room table. Trump on the other hand? Well, he's still hoping to return.

President Trump Fine, Start the Transition ... Still Not Conceding

President Trump is finally cracking the door for President-elect Joe Biden's administration to begin the transition -- but he's still far from publicly admitting he lost the election.

DT's double-talk came Monday when he announced he'd given the green light to the General Services Administration to bring Biden's team into the fold. At the same time, he reaffirmed the fact he's still fighting the election results.

The clear contradiction -- Trump's finally acknowledging the need for the next POTUS to start taking the reins ... without admitting there will be a new POTUS.

The Prez says he's only relenting because GSA Administrator Emily Murphy is under heavy pressure. He claims, "She has been harassed, threatened, and abused – and I do not want to see this happen to her, her family, or employees of GSA."

He added, "Our case STRONGLY continues, we will keep up the good... fight, and I believe we will prevail!"

Trump might be trying to hedge here, but according to the Biden-Harris transition team ... there's no question about it -- they have been determined to be the winner of the election, and the fact they've been reached out to by GSA signals that.

A rep for the transition team writes, "In the days ahead, transition officials will begin meeting with federal officials to discuss the pandemic response, have a full accounting of our national security interests, and gain complete understanding of the Trump administration's efforts to hollow out government agencies." Ouch!

Whether this is Trump conceding or not is now a moot point -- he'll probably never admit he lost, but he's FINALLY doing the right thing.

President Trump First Lame-Duck Pardon ... Turkey Saved from Beheading

A lame-duck is about to come bill-to-beak with a feathered friend ... the first of what promises to be a flurry of pardons before that lame-duck migrates south for the winter.

President Trump is moving forward Tuesday at The White House with the annual pardoning of the turkey ahead of Thanksgiving -- which will mark a rare public appearance from DT since he got beat by Joe Biden.

There'll actually be two birds sent to D.C. for the event ... one will be named the official Thanksgiving Turkey and the other will be an alternate (assuming the first runs away?). No word yet on what the Trump team might name the foul.

Last year, the staff dubbed them Bread and Butter ... Butter got pardoned.

The two birds this year are being selected from the Walcott family farm in Iowa -- the eighth such family from the Hawkeye State to raise birds destined for presidential sparing. After some face-time with Trump, they'll live out the rest of their days at Iowa State University and will be on public display come December.

It's a bit surprising the WH is soldiering on with such a light-hearted event ... y'know ... because of the dark cloud looming over just about everything there these days. Of course, Trump has yet to concede -- and seems more bitter than ever.

It wouldn't be the first time this month Trump cried foul.

Lara Trump Since Dad Can't Win in Court ... Subverting the Electoral Process is On the Table

Fox News

The wheels have fallen off Donald Trump's court challenges, so his daughter-in-law now says they're entertaining the prospect of getting state legislators to subvert the democratic process -- and break the law -- by pressuring them to switch to pro-Trump electors.

It's both shocking and yet not really surprising. Lara Trump went on Fox Sunday and groused about all the alleged fraud and cheating in the election. Thing is ... her in-law had way more than a dozen chances to make that case before a judge, yet he's been thrown out of court left and right ... and schooled by angry judges who say the challenges are a big waste of time -- because Trump and co. presented no evidence of voter fraud.

So now, she's saying going to state legislators to try and overturn the results is an option. It's illegal in most states for legislators to turn on their voters and rig the electoral college system.

Lara Trump says there are 74 million people who voted for Trump who are angry at the results. Well, that's called losing, and we're guessing many of them may be upset but not necessarily inclined to rig the process so the loser becomes the winner.

Fox News

She somehow thinks Joe Biden could not have gotten 80 million votes, because he only had a dozen people at some campaign events. Of course, that's ridiculous, especially because Biden played it safe and coronavirus has ravaged the maskless Trumps.

Lara, who seems to be flirting with a 2022 Senate run in North Carolina, is mimicking her father-in-law, who's spinning voter fraud claims on Twitter. The fatal flaw ... he's got no evidence, and evidence -- not Donald Trump -- is king.

MSNBC's Brian Williams On Trump's 'Rona Response Most Sarcastic Monologue Ever

Dripping with sarcasm

Anyone looking to get schooled in sarcasm, irony or satire ... check out Brian Williams going full Jonathan Swift on President Trump's COVID response, and Geraldo's praise for the Prez.

The MSNBC anchor ended his broadcast Friday night by mocking Geraldo Rivera over-praising Trump's handling of the virus on 'FOX & Friends' ... which Brian then proceeded to piggy-back on and take it to a whole new level of ass-kissing.

If you take BW at his word here, it sounds like he's completely on Trump's side -- but, as his remarks go on ... it becomes clear he's doing nothing but making fun of the Prez, because everything he's saying isn't true. Watch for yourself, it's a riot.

Brian says it's possible we aren't giving Trump enough credit for his FDR-like commitment to eradicating the virus and the relief efforts he's fast-tracked to help people struggling. He also asks where would we be without Trump's constant lecturing to the American people that masks are crucial and must be worn.

Then comes the full farce ... Brian goes on to compare what Trump Steaks did for the hungry, what Trump Water did the for thirsty, and what Trump University did for the uneducated -- comparing all that to what Trump did here with 'rona.

It's a master class in tongue-in-cheek humor -- but honestly, Brian's tongue might be tearing out of his cheek with this one. 😝

Donald Trump Jr. Gets COVID-19 Currently in Quarantine

Well, this seemed inevitable ... Donald Trump Jr. has contracted the coronavirus.

President Trump's son reportedly tested positive for the potentially deadly virus earlier this week and has been quarantining at a private location. According to Bloomberg, which first reported the news, DTJ is following all medically recommended COVID-19 guidelines.

The news comes just weeks after Jr. was seen without a mask at a Trump rally in Georgia. The vast majority of people who attended that rally were also not wearing masks. He's the latest in a long line of Trump family members to get infected with the 'rona. As you very well know by now ... POTUS also was infected as was the First Lady Melania Trump and her son, Barron. DTJ's girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, also tested positive last month.

Also on Friday ... Rudy Giuliani's son, Andrew, a special assistant to POTUS, also announced he contracted the virus. Earlier this month ... VP Mike Pence's aide, Hannah MacInnis, also tested positive. That positive test comes after the Veep's press secretary and chief of staff contracted the virus.

Ex-RNC Chair Michael Steele Trump's Got His Claws in the GOP ... No One to Declaw Him!!!


Michael Steele's ready to get the Republican Party he knew and loved back from the President, but he thinks it's going to be a major challenge because so far ... nobody's stepping up to dump Trump.

The former head of the Republican National Committee tells us the battle between the GOP's "fair-minded patriots" -- his words -- and staunch Trumpers isn't dying down ... because there's no chance Donald goes away.

Steele says it's not complicated -- Trump will continue to assert his influence on the party and rally his base to maintain power. So the question ... who's gonna run against him in 2024???

Based on Steele's answer, he has zero confidence any current prominent Republicans are up to the task. He says whoever it is can't give a damn about pissing off Trump ... and, as he sees it, they're all too afraid.

As for how 45's current term in office is going to end, there are plenty of wild predictions ... though, they seem more plausible each. day. However, Steele says you can bank on a couple things Trump absolutely won't do.

Ryan Seacrest Claudia's 'Idol' Journey ... It's on Talent, No Freebies (i think)

111820_ryan_seacrest_kal NOVEMBER 2020

Kellyanne Conway's teenage daughter isn't gonna be getting any breaks on her 'American Idol' journey ... according to Ryan Seacrest, who says it's talent or bust.

We spoke to the 'AI' host Wednesday in NYC, and asked if Claudia Conway had gotten a free pass to be on the show (or a shot at it, at least) because of her family name and clout ... on TikTok and elsewhere.

Ryan tells us that's not the case -- or not to his knowledge, anyway. He does concede there was a lot to talk to her about because of her history and ties to Donald Trump ... but when we pressed, RS says however far she goes should be on merit.

@claudiamconway / TikTok

With that said, he did kinda throw up his hands ... noting that he's just the host of the show and doesn't have a whole lot of say on her advancement. That'll ultimately be up to her, the judges, the audience ... and probably a lot of executive producers.

Another little tidbit he shared about his time with the kid ... her dad, George Conway, is apparently the one who was with her for this 'Idol' audition she went to recently. Ryan even says Claudia called her pops a great coach -- how 'bout that?!?

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

Claudia already put a spotlight on George during her trip, and he seemed more than game to get on one of her TikToks and play along with the lip-syncing and dancin'. So yeah, it's clear he supports her all the way -- no word if Kellyanne's on board.

Anywho ... when we tried opening the convo about what Claudia's 'Idol' audition might mean for her mom and Trump supporters, Ryan wisely bid us adieu 👋🏽.

Sen. Lindsey Graham Take Kamala Fist Bump as Good Omen ... IF Trump Loses 😑


Sen. Lindsey Graham says his fist bump seen 'round the world -- with VP-elect Kamala Harris -- oughta prove he won't treat the incoming administration as enemies ... with one huge caveat.

We got the South Carolina Senator Wednesday on Capitol Hill, and he dished on that viral moment captured between Harris and him on the Senate floor Tuesday ... her first day back after her successful campaigning with President-elect Joe Biden.

While many found their brief, quasi Covid-safe exchange shocking ... Graham tells us the American public's got it all wrong. He says the notion he wouldn't work with a Biden-Harris administration just because they're Dems is nonsense.

He added he actually likes Kamala a lot ... and told us why. However, he also dropped a big IF on us as far as reaching across the aisle.

Sounds like Sen. Graham and co. are holding out hope President Trump can still overturn the election results ... even though Trump's string of failed lawsuits make it all but a done deal.

With that said, LG seems to be signaling he'll have an open mind once the drama comes to a final conclusion.

Sounds good, but like everything in D.C. ... we'll believe it when we see it.

Trump Tower NYC Realtors Expect a Rebound If The Donald Moves to Florida

Donald Trump's possible exit from NYC and his famous Trump Tower could be the exact thing that helps rebound prices in the building ... so say the people trying to sell them.

We spoke to a number of NYC-based real estate agents familiar with the President's signature building and home base for years, and they gave it to us straight ... real estate valuations across the board have, by and large, dipped since 2016.

For instance, two TT units that were worth $4.3 mil and $3.5 mil before Trump's run are now valued at just $2.495 mil and $3.3 mil, respectively. We're told it's a similar story for units elsewhere in the high-rise.

The agents say the losses can be chalked up to any number of things -- like a poor market in the City, the pandemic, or ... disdain for POTUS.

The agents we spoke to think if Trump does move out of NYC after his Presidency -- as he vowed -- the TT market could rebound.

If Donald leaves, building security will loosen up big time -- something these realtors say turns people off when they're looking at the property. Building access is a hassle ... cops blocking off streets, not being able to hail a cab, and all the red tape for guests who enter the building.

If Trump scrams ... most, if not all, of that goes away -- which our sources say would help in bringing prices back up. Moreover, we're told there's a clear divide with who will and won't consider snapping up property in Trump Tower nowadays.

Fact is ... some folks won't even bother with TT because of the affiliation. On the flip side, there's a whole new demographic that we're told would love to live in their hero's former home -- so, a new dynamic of future residents, it seems.

Joe Exotic Tiger Team Expecting Pardon ... Limo Ready For Celebration

Joe Exotic's team is so confident the 'Tiger King' star will be pardoned by President Trump, they've got a stretch limo waiting to scoop him up from prison!!!


The Tiger Team leader, Eric Love, tells TMZ ... Joe's legal team received several calls from Washington D.C. Tuesday regarding his pardon, and the team is feeling really good about Joe's chances of getting out from behind bars.

In fact, Eric tells us the Tiger Team already entered an agreement with a limo company out of Dallas, and they're keeping a Dodge Ram pickup truck stretch limo on standby 24/7 so it's ready just in case Joe gets sprung from prison.

Check out the gallery ... the stretch limo comes with all the bells and whistles, and it looks like it's ready for a massive celebration. Yeah, this would make for one helluva ride home from prison.

TMZ broke the story ... Joe's 257-page case argues several reasons why Trump should pardon him from his 22-year murder-for-hire sentence, even claiming Joe was sexually assaulted behind bars.

Joe and the Tiger Team are up against the clock though ... Trump doesn't have much time left in office.

Keep the champagne on ice, and the limo fueled up!!!

Barack Obama to Oprah What I Miss About Being President ... Oval, Music & Travel!!!


Barack Obama was feeling nostalgic talking to Oprah about his new book -- reminiscing on what he missed most about being President ... and his answers might surprise you.

44 sat down for a chat with O on her Apple TV+ show, "The Oprah Conversation," in which they discussed his latest written project -- "A Promised Land" -- and also took a trip down memory lane about the perks that a Commander in Chief gets to enjoy.

He admitted flying on Air Force 1 and Marine 1 is an unmatched experience -- and one he sincerely misses -- because of the exceptional staff, and not having to wait around to get somewhere.

Barack also said he always took joy walking into the Oval Office -- where he says he could feel the ghosts of Presidents past all around him -- and he revealed his favorite view from the White House.

And, of course, BO says he got a kick out of the intimate White House performances they'd put on every now and then for free -- with some marquee acts swinging by, like Paul McCartney ... who famously sang The Beatles' "Michelle" to the First Lady in 2010.

Good times and good memories.