Melania Trump Decorating Duty for Christmas ... One Last 'F***ing Time???'

Talk about awkward situations ... Melania Trump's preparing to spread Christmas cheer at the White House while a ticked off President Trump appears to be in full Grinch mode. Good luck!

A rep for the First Lady tells TMZ ... Melania is, indeed, planning on decorating 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. again this year for Christmas, as is tradition. Might seem like a no-brainer -- First Ladies have been doing it for decades -- but the difference now is ... we know it's not one of MT's favorite things.

You'll recall, Melania was recorded in 2018 -- by her then-adviser, Stephanie Wolkoff -- trashing the White House decorating tradition. She said, "Who gives a f*** about Christmas stuff and decoration? But I need to do it, right?"


At the time, the First Lady was frustrated because the media was focusing on child separations at the border, and she apparently felt like no one would give a Fievel's ass about the decorations.

Well, cut to 2020 and there's a new hot button distraction -- her husband seems convinced they're staying put for another 4 years, despite losing the election to Joe Biden.

That begs the question ... does Melania think this will be her final Christmas bow in the White House? It'll be interesting to see her 2020 theme, as it could give some insight into how she's dealing with all this drama.

In light of all that's happened this year, maybe pass on repeating last year's white Christmas. Just a thought.

If she asks the President, we're guessing he'd suggest coal.

Ben Crump Biden Transition Team Ready to Work ... Criminal Justice, Policing


Joe Biden's team is already talking criminal justice reform with civil rights attorney Ben Crump ... who says he's expecting big things in the first 100 days of Biden's administration.

We got Ben Wednesday at Reagan Airport in D.C., where he told us he's been in touch with President-elect Biden's transition team and VP-elect Kamala Harris. He says some of the conversations have been about preventing tragedies -- that became hashtags in 2020 -- like the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery.

The way Crump sees it ... America can and must do better, and it's clear he's counting on Biden's administration to make it happen. He also said it would be really hard to do worse than the current administration.

Interestingly, it sounds like he has some ideas for improving the Dept. of Justice's response to cases where racial bias might be at play.

It's clear from this clip, Crump's ready to get to work with Biden on several criminal justice and civil rights issues ... even before he's sworn in as POTUS in January.

White PA Politician Accused of Posing as Gay Black Man ... 'Real' Guy Comes Forward

A Pennsylvania politician is fighting off accusations that he's been posing as a gay Black man online to drum up support for Donald Trump ... and boy, this story gets weird.

Dean Browning -- a former Republican commissioner in Lehigh County -- tweeted a bizarre message earlier this week that had folks thinking he screwed up and posted something he meant to throw on to an alternative account he allegedly keeps ... maybe for good reason.

The tweet read, "I'm a black gay guy and I can personally say that Obama did nothing for me, my life only changed a little bit and it was for the worse. Everything is so much better under Trump though. I feel respected - which I never do when Democrats are involved."

The reason this raised eyebrows ... Dean's white, so what gives? At first, many believed Dean was tweeting something he meant to put on what's been described as an alleged "sock puppet" account -- AKA, Dan Purdy, a Twitter account that often replies to Dean, and which identifies as a gay Black man. To some, Purdy's tweets come off as a spam account.

After realizing his tweet had gone viral -- and after taking it down -- Browning came out and denied he was posing as a gay Black man, insisting that the message he tweeted had, in fact, been sent to him from one Dan Purdy ... whom Browning claims is a real person.

Soon after that, a Black man claiming to be the real Dan Purdy stood up ... and recorded a video of himself copping to sending Dean the message and backing up the sentiment of the tweet. That video has since been deleted, but many captured it and circulated it around.

Here's the kicker ... a lot of people are saying this guy who says he's Dan Purdy looks an awful lot like singer Patti LaBelle's nephew, William Holt ... who also goes by Byl Holt. Aside from the striking resemblance, Internet sleuths also noticed Dan and Will appear to use the same avatar for different profiles on social media. So ... a few things line up.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

It hasn't been confirmed this is Patti's nephew, but if it is ... what a strange twist to an already confusing situation. Just goes to show (we think) -- don't judge a tweet by its tweeter.

Or something like that ...

The White House Residence Staff 'Walking on Eggshells' ... Nobody Piss off Trump!!!

More than 76 million Americans are looking forward to Joe Biden moving into The White House in January ... including The White House residence staff, which, as sources tell us, is now "walking on eggshells."

Sources with connections to the WH residence tell TMZ ... many of the day-to-day workers -- including the cleaning and maintenance crews and the kitchen staff -- can't wait to see him and his administration go.

We're told these staff members have had enough of the constant commotion and media attention Trump brings to the WH because it's created a more negative and stressful environment ... trickling from the top down.

The biggest concern right now ... incurring the wrath of the President. Our sources say the staff knows, one false move and they're toast. Ya gotta keep in mind residences -- the bedrooms and staff areas -- are in pretty close quarters, all connected by one narrow hallway. It's virtually impossible for staff to avoid the First Family and vice versa ... and with the Prez so angry post-election, we're told the tension among staffers is palpable.

Many of the workers have been there for decades, so they already have a history with Biden during his time as Barack Obama's Veep.

By contrast, we're told many of those in Trump's administration present a much stiffer, cold demeanor ... which has rubbed White House regulars the wrong way. As for the President himself ... our sources say he's not rude, but also not as charming as the Presidents preceding him.

And, there's this -- along with Biden comes Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. We're told the female White House staffers feel this is a game-changer ... and her presence and representation has built a giddy sense of anticipation.

Obviously, the next couple of months could be a rocky transition period, so we're told workers are focusing on performing their duties as usual, being professional, and keeping their opinions to themselves.

Our White House sources say things are tense but quiet right now ... but almost everyone's looking forward to a breath of fresh air.

U.S. Postal Service Worker I Didn't Recant ... WaPo Is Wrong!!!


5:55 PM PT -- The postal worker at the center of the voter fraud allegation is now saying he did NOT recant his original claims of backdated ballots.


Hopkins says on camera, the Washington Post should be the one recanting its story and he says he'll soon share more information on his allegations.

A key piece of evidence the Trump campaign was counting on to prove voter fraud in the election just crumbled ... because the witness is recanting.

A USPS worker who recently claimed he'd overheard a supervisor in Erie, PA tell workers to backdate ballots that arrived after Nov. 3 is now taking it all back, saying he made up the whole thing ... this according to the Washington Post.

The guy's name is Richard Hopkins, and just last week many in the GOP, and beyond, were citing him as a whistleblower. He eventually signed an affidavit about his claim, which is at the crux of much of what Trump's camp has hoisted up as evidence of voter fraud in PA.

Welp, as of Tuesday WaPo says the guy copped to lying during a committee hearing with U.S. lawmakers. The House Oversight Committee tweeted the huge development ... noting it's unclear why he lied in the first place.

Keep in mind, Hopkins' false testimony set off a massive chain of events ... including some of the lawsuits Trump's brought forward, and Attorney General William Barr giving the Dept. of Justice the green light to probe any credible claims of voting irregularities.

All that ... for a lie.

We should note, the Erie Postmaster -- Rob Weisenbach -- flat-out denied the claim early, said Hopkins was full of it, and denied any backdating of ballots at his location whatsoever. He suggested Hopkins was disgruntled, as he'd recently been disciplined many times.

Hopkins' false tale isn't dying easily, though, because ... well it's 2020.

The far-right org Project Veritas claims to have recordings of the guy being intimidated by investigators into taking back his story. We'll see if that comes out, but for now President Trump's voting fraud smoking gun seems to be firing blanks.

Originally published -- 4:38 PM PT

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick I'm Offering $1 Million Reward ... For Voter Fraud Evidence!!!

The Lt. Gov. of Texas is dangling a very expensive carrot in hopes of finding proof of voter fraud ... but what he's really doing is motivating liars to come out of the woodwork.

Yes, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick made the crazy announcement Tuesday ... saying he "will pay up to $1 million to incentivize, encourage and reward people to come forward and report voter fraud." He says the cash will come from his campaign fund.

There is a catch ... Patrick says any whistleblowers would have to turn over evidence that leads to an arrest and conviction in order to get paid. Each person who does that will receive at least $25,000 -- so, Patrick is clearly planning to hook dozens of tipsters.

Remember ... Republicans have filed several affidavits and complaints in courts across the country alleging potential voter fraud and unfair elections, but so far, no court has reversed any election results or confirmed the allegations.

Make no mistake, Patrick is scoring points with President Trump, who still refuses to concede to President-elect Joe Biden. Patrick says he supports "Trump's efforts to identify voter fraud in the presidential election and his commitment to making sure that every legal vote is counted and every illegal vote is disqualified."

With $25k up for grabs, we're guessing Patrick will get plenty of people claiming to have the evidence he's seeking -- whether they actually have it or not.

Dan Patrick
Fox News

Oh, and BTW, Patrick is the same guy who earlier in the pandemic said old folks should risk death from COVID-19 so the economy could start recovering. It's worth noting, COVID infections and hospitalizations in Texas are skyrocketing.

Rep. Jim Clyburn Here's the Tale of 2 Black Women ... Who Helped Biden Win!!!


Congressman Jim Clyburn's widely credited with saving Joe Biden's Presidential campaign, but he says Joe shouldn't thank him ... the credit goes to 2 Black women who inspired him.

The distinguished gentleman from South Carolina joined "TMZ Live" Tuesday to shed some light on his decision to throw major support behind Biden leading up to the SC primary, which proved pivotal in Joe landing the Democratic nomination.

Clyburn tells us he was already a Biden fan, but he decided to go all out for him to honor his late wife, Emily ... who passed in September 2019. The congressman says his wife absolutely loved Joe, and she made him promise her he'd commit to helping Biden get the nom.

The other Black woman who persuaded Clyburn is anonymous, but his interaction with her was so impactful ... he attributes it to his game-changing endorsement of Biden. The rest, as they say ... is history.

Of course, this all led to Biden becoming President-elect, and Rep. Clyburn seems pretty confident nothing's going to change that ... despite President Trump's efforts.

In fact, Jim seems fed up with all the Trump talk since the election, and reminds us the sitting Prez is just one individual -- one the congressman would like to see put in his place. As he's told us before, if Trump won't leave quietly ... he believes the military will make him.

Finally, on the topic of Georgia and its uber-important Senate races ... Jim has an interesting take on how they could affect Biden's presidency and the Democratic Party as a whole.

Hear him out ... sounds like Georgia is very much on his mind.

Texas GOP Chairman If There's No Fraud, Trump Should Go ... But We Gotta Investigate!!!


President Trump has the right to exhaust every avenue to determine if there was voter fraud in the election, but if nothing turns up, he should exit stage left ... so says the Texas GOP chairman.

Allen West joined "TMZ Live" on Tuesday and said people are getting way ahead of themselves by declaring Joe Biden the President-elect ... not while ballots are still being counted -- or recounted -- in George, Arizona and North Carolina.

West, a former U.S. Congressman and retired Lt. Col., added the voter fraud allegations in Pennsylvania -- so far, unfounded -- also have to play out in court. While West is throwing his support behind team Trump and the audit of ballots, he makes it crystal clear -- if it's ruled a fair and legal election ... Trump has to abide by that.

As for the President-elect moniker, which the media started using for Trump on election night 2016 -- West believes Biden's current situation, in 2020, is much different.

Supreme Court Hears ACA Arguments Anew Mask Mandate Raised by Thomas

Obamacare was on the line Tuesday before the U.S. Supreme Court .... and not only does it seem the justices are inclined to do away with part or all of it -- although there seems to be a good chance the case will be thrown out on technical legal grounds -- there was also talk about another looming issue ... whether the federal government could impose a mandatory mask requirement.

Oral arguments kicked off Tuesday on the issue of whether the ACA's individual mandate is constitutional anymore since a Republican-held Congress removed the tax penalty in 2017. The justices had said previously that the law was grounded in Congress's ability to tax citizens, but now that there's no longer a tax penalty, some of the justices felt there was no longer a legal basis for the law. The Trump administration wants the whole law 86'd, but others say the justices could declare just the mandatory health insurance provision unconstitutional and save the rest of the ACA.

As the groundwork for that was being laid out at the beginning of the hearing, Justice Clarence Thomas raised an illuminating comparison ... asking if a proposed national mask mandate could, for instance, be challenged if there's no real threat of enforcement.

He seemed to be spit-balling, but the fact he chose to hurl that wad specifically in this context was telling, especially since Joe Biden said he would roll out a national mandate.

Back to the ACA ... Justices Kavanaugh and Alito -- both of whom tend to have strict interpretations of the constitution -- appeared to signal they thought removing the mandate and leaving the rest of law in place was something that could feasibly work.

Alito, for example, compared the mandate to a crucial part of a plane that engineers thought, at first, was necessary to fly. But, if that part gets removed once it's in the air, and if the plane continues to fly ... he asked why is it necessary to take the whole thing down? It was pretty insightful -- but time will tell if or how they actually rule on the subject.

One person who was relatively muted throughout Tuesday's proceedings -- and who didn't really show her cards much at all -- was Justice Amy Coney Barrett, the newbie of the group, and the one who could well be the deciding vote to strike the ACA down, or uphold it.

Her questions were brief, and were mostly buried in legalese ... it was hard to pick up what, if anything, she was signaling on how she felt about the merits of the case.

As this case plays out over the next few months, Justice Thomas' question of masks might be setting up another showdown over the legality of mandated mask-wearing ... something we'll definitely keep an eye out for.

Another hearing over the ACA case is scheduled for the end of the month, and a decision on this is expected to fully come down sometime in the Spring.

Rep. Karen Bass Georgia is Now the Whole Ballgame!!! Senate Races Key for Biden


Stacey Abrams is getting a round of applause from Rep. Karen Bass, who says Georgia wouldn't have gone blue for Biden without Stacey, and now she could help the Dems run the table in D.C.

The U.S. Congresswoman spoke with us Monday on "TMZ Live" and explained why the upcoming run-off elections for two U.S. Senate seats in Georgia are HUGE for her party, and more importantly ... why Abrams deserves a ton of the credit for getting it to this point.

Rep. Bass says Stacey's efforts to register hundreds of thousands in the Peach State, not only helped Biden (who won GA by a hair), but also the Democrat hopefuls looking to replace GOP incumbents.

If Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock beat out their Republican counterparts in a January runoff, the Democratic Party would have the WH, the Senate and the House -- and Biden could push through his agenda without pause.

We also talked coronavirus with the Congresswoman, and while she's happy about Pfizer's claim it has a 90% effective vaccine ... she's also cautiously optimistic.

Rep. Bass had some words for Donald Trump Jr. too, who was all too skeptical about the timing of the vaccine announcement. She thinks his focus should be elsewhere right now ... namely, helping his dad come to grips with reality.

Joe & Jill Biden's Dogs Get Their Own Twitter Accounts We Are DOTUS, Woof!!!

We have POTUS, FLOTUS, SCOTUS and now ... an official title for the First Family's furry friends, DOTUS, which just became Twitter official.

Dr. Jill and President-Elect Biden set up online accounts for their 2 German Shepherds, Major and Champ, with a handle of @First_Dogs_USA. Unfortunately, some troll already snapped up @DOTUS, which is dedicated to "The Don of the U.S." -- so the Bidens settled for this.

Their bio reads, "We are the First Dogs of the USA, Champ and Major Biden,” their Twitter profile said. “You can call us #DOTUS. We love nom noms, snuggles and we can’t wait to explore the WH!”

Doesn't look like the dogs have a formal Instagram account dedicated to their White House adventures just yet ... which would be a good idea, since more people probably wanna SEE Major and Champ more so than read their canine thoughts and musings. Just a thought!

As of Monday morning, the DOTUS Twitter page has over 94k followers, and counting.

Like we told you, Major and Champ will be the first dogs in the White House since Barack Obama was there with his family's two Portuguese Waterdogs, Sunny and Bo. Not just that, but Major is the first rescue to set its paws down at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

President Trump Personal Chopper is Up for Grabs!!! ... Market Price, OBO

One of President Trump's helicopters is up for grabs -- but, weirdly, he and his team don't seem to be looking for a specific price ... instead, they're putting the ball in a buyer's court.

DT currently owns three Sikorsky S76-B helicopters -- plus other private aircraft not associated with the White House -- and one of those choppers has found its way to an aerial retailer via Aero Asset, which is hawking the thing out of a hangar in New Jersey.

The funny thing ... there's no asking price, the listing just says "Make offer." So, basically, DT appears to have gone the route of Craigslist and will pretty much take what he can get!

Granted, the market value for one of these helicopters of the same year is said to be anywhere between $700k-$800k, with other estimates coming in closer between $1 mil and $2 mil for newer models. All in all, Trump probably wouldn't haul in more than $1.5M at best.

Sources confirmed to TMZ this was, in fact, Trump's Sikorsky -- which he'd been seen riding in the recent past ... including trips made during his 2016 campaign, as well as appearances for "The Apprentice" once upon a time. It even used to bear his last name along the tail.

No word on what sorta offers -- if any -- the person tapped to sell this has received thus far, but it looks like Trump's chopper here has been on sale since at least August, so quite a while. It's also got all the fixings of a typical piece of Trump property, with gold seatbelts and custom flooring and upholstered leather. Still, no one seems to have wanted to bite.

Waiting for your permission to load Vimeo video.

There could be any number of reasons Trump is selling this -- but the fact that his campaign of late has been reported to be fairly cash-strapped in the final stretch before the election ... makes the timing of this interesting. A mil here and there goes a long way, don't it?!?

Trump Campaign HQ Plastered w/ 'President Gore' Newspaper ... Which Never Existed 😅

Here's hoping this is the last we'll have to hear about "fake news" for a long time -- which, ironically enough, is coming to us courtesy of President Trump's own campaign staffers.

The Trump campaign's Communications Director, Tim Murtaugh, tweeted out a photo this weekend that showed the walls of the interior of their headquarters in Arlington, VA completely plastered with copies of a newspaper front page that read, "President Gore."

The paper was supposedly the front page of the Washington Times from 2000 -- Tim was trying to show they got it wrong and called a Gore win prematurely. He wrote, "Greeting staff @TeamTrump HQ this morning, a reminder that the media doesn't select the President."

The problem ... that front page is FAKE, and the outlet actually called him out over it on Twitter -- noting the photos/headline were doctored, and NOT what they ran at the time.

Of course, somebody tracked down the actual front page TWT ran in 2000 after Election Day, and sure enough ... they actually called it for George W. Bush (which, while still premature the day after, ended up being correct in the end). In other words, actual fake news that Team Trump fell for, and taped up in their offices. Murtaugh eventually deleted his post.

It's just a testament that Trump's delusion about this election and his unfounded claims of a rigged system and voter fraud runs deep through his ranks ... which is not a good sign of what's to come.

As we've told you, Trump has remained firm in his stance that he will NOT concede anytime soon, and instead vows to fight these results in court until a judge/judges can weigh in.

Village People Founder 'Y.M.C.A.' is the Song of Both Parties ... Bipartisan Dancing Proves It!!!


You might've heard "Y.M.C.A." being played A LOT lately from both Dems and Republicans -- a testament that it's still got pull on both sides of the aisle ... according to the guy who wrote it.

Village People founder Victor Willis -- the cop in the group -- tells TMZ ... he just loves the fact his band's iconic earworm has seeped into the political arena this election cycle -- even if that means it was heavily kickstarted by Donald Trump at rallies.

In case you hadn't noticed, Trump was big into incorporating "Y.M.C.A." as a go-to tune during his final blitz across the country -- often dancing to it on stage, which actually got made into a 2-minute long compilation clip in sync with the song. So, yeah ... it's been revived.

Of course, on Saturday ... the song was sorta hijacked by Biden supporters in Philly who danced to it while trolling Trump supporters from across the street (who were actually playing it) ... this as Joe Biden was announced as the projected winner of the 2020 election.

On that front, Victor tells us that's A-OK too ... everyone's invited to sing it. So long as the track continues to get play -- not to mention climb back up on the charts, which it's also doing for the first time in literally decades -- he's good with anybody getting down to "Y.M.C.A.'

As we told you, Victor had already signaled it was cool for DT to use the track -- and he reiterated that here with us as well ... saying he had no plans to sue Trump or his campaign.

If anything, it sounds like Victor is grateful to Trump for resurrecting not just "Y.M.C.A" ... but also "Macho Man," another Village People classic. Alec Baldwin even sang a rendition of it on 'SNL' this weekend, so it's all Village People all the time, it seems, these days.

To Victor, that just speaks to the universality of his music -- and the message of overcoming obstacles that apply to just about any and everybody who's going through adversity.

BTW, he tells us he voted for Biden ... but he ain't mad at Trump over this boon of good fortune.

Donald Trump These Election Officials Are 'Thieves'

It's pretty incredible that Alec Baldwin's Donald Trump character is not really a caricature ... because he's really like that.

Trump flew off the Twitter handle again, lashing out at voting officials in big cities, saying, "We believe these people are thieves. The big city machines are corrupt. This was a stolen election."

Trump tweeted this before heading out for his second day of golfing in a row.

Trump goes on to quote a British pollster, whom he says also called it a stolen election, adding, "it's impossible to imagine that Biden outran Obama in some of these states." Of course, a pollster from Great Britain doesn't know the mechanics of vote processing in America.

As you know by now, Trump has offered no concrete evidence of fraud and has been booted out of court. True enough ... he could probably get this before the U.S. Supreme Court, but even with the addition of Amy Coney Barrett, it's highly unlikely the Court will overturn election results. Above all else, the SCOTUS cares about its legitimacy, and by siding with Trump on flimsy to no evidence, the justices know it would result in an uprising and almost certainly court-packing.

And, there's this ... Trump has a voter fraud hotline which has been inundated with prank calls from Biden supporters. The Biden folks would call in, laughing and gloating over Trump's loss ... this according to ABC News.

The sad fact ... Trump's never going to concede or help Biden in the transition. Well, Biden already knows his way around the West Wing, so it's not gonna be a problem.

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris We're About Unity, Hope and Action!!!


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris both gave rousing speeches to an enormous crowd as they declared victory in the 2020 Presidential election.

Biden sprinted to the podium, then told the crowd his victory was clear and convincing. He was clearly messaging that Donald Trump's challenges will amount to nothing.

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He then got presidential, telling the crowd he will restore respect for America around the world. He said he was heartened by the joy he's observed today all over the world.

Biden then laid out the work ahead, starting with subduing the COVID pandemic, restoring the economy, and on and on.


Kamala Harris introduced Biden. She came out to thunderous cheering and honking, to Mary J Blige's "Work It,"and began her speech by referencing the late John Lewis, who said ... "Democracy is not a state. It's an act." As Harris explained, there's no guarantee that democracy will endure ... it's all about action.

Harris took some oblique shots at Trump, saying voters chose hope, unity, decency, science and truth. But, most of what she did was inspirational, talking about her historic rise and her late mother's mantra that anything is possible.

Her most memorable line ... "I may be the first [female Veep] in this office. I will not be the last."

It was fascinating ... all of Donald Trump's threats seemed to disappear in the moment.