President Trump On Joe Biden's Win ... Premature, and I'm Gonna Fight It!!!

President Trump has broken his silence on Joe Biden's projected victory of the presidential election -- saying it's still too early to call, and vowing to fight this to the bitter end.

DT's first remarks since Biden was announced the projected winner by multiple news outlets came in the form of an official statement Saturday, rather than his usual tweet. He's got more than 240 characters-worth of complaints.

The gist of it is ... Trump believes Biden and the media are teaming up against him to have JB "falsely pose as the winner," adding they don't want "the truth to be exposed." He goes on to defiantly say this election is far from over.

Trump points out Biden has not been certified as the winner in any states, especially in contested ones like Pennsylvania, where 45 again claimed fraud and corruption in the count. He makes the obvious point ... which is that votes decide elections, not the media.

The sitting President reaffirmed his intent to start taking legal action on Monday -- insisting on having every legal vote counted. He went on to say that only a party -- like the Dems -- engaged in wrongdoing would resist observers in the count rooms, and ends his rant by asking ... "What is Biden hiding?"

Despite the fact there have been no reports of major irregularities in ANY of the states, Trump seems convinced of the opposite ... and, to this point, without any evidence.

He's gonna die on this hill, it seems -- but at the end of the day, a decision will be made on his allegations one way or another. 'Til then, Trump's not conceding anything to anyone.

USPS Mail Truck Gets Champagne Shower As Biden Crowd Celebrates

unsung heroes

Mailmen and women are getting a huge pat on the back for their part in helping deliver votes in this election -- and, in L.A., they're also getting sprayed down with champagne.

Check out this celebratory scene we captured Saturday in WeHo, where Biden supporters had flooded the streets and tracked down a USPS truck, which seemed more than down to get in on the happy vibes ... as folks literally bowed down to the guy behind the wheel.

Unclear if the dude was stuck at a light, or if people were blocking his path -- but either way, he was in no rush to go anywhere as Angelenos literally popped a bottle of champagne and started hosing down the exterior of his vehicle. It's insane to see ... in a good way!

We also talked to the mailman driver, and he seemed about as happy as anyone outside. You can tell as much by the way he started honking his horn upon departure.

Speaking of champagne ... there was some other guy out there handing out bottles for free ... which the West Hollywood crowd did not turn down. Yeah, they're feelin' themselves.

BTW, the praising of postal workers wasn't just confined to the West Coast -- across the country in Brooklyn, something very similar was happening out there as well ... where a mail truck was getting rained upon with cheers, as the driver reciprocated with jubilant honking.

The USPS has been through a lot in the months leading up to this election ... and yet, despite that adversity, the good men and women in the short shorts soldiered on and delivered those mail-in ballots, which clearly helped put Biden over the hill here.

Unsung heroes, to say the least.

Election 2020 Tale of Two Countries ... Pro-Trump Protests Break Out

It was the best of times for Joe Biden supporters, and the worst of times for Donald Trump supporters -- the latter of whom are taking to the streets to protest, as their counterparts celebrate.

While millions of people who voted for President-Elect Biden are in utter jubilation this weekend, the folks who voted for Trump are none too pleased ... and it's painting a clear picture of how divided America is today.

Take, for example, what's happening right now in front of the Arizona State Capitol in Phoenix where hundreds (if not thousands) of Trump supporters are packed in and seemingly furious at the notion he's lost.

You can see the flags out, the Uncle Sam hats on ... and the anger seeping through their pores as many chanted "U.S.A." Several Trumpers are also marching right now in protest, including in places like Austin, TX, Lansing, MI, St. Paul, MN, and elsewhere ... with many of these demonstrations taking on the moniker of "Stop the Steal," something Trump himself called for on Twitter.

So far, it looks like a lot of these protests are remaining mostly peaceful -- despite reports of counter-protesters coming out to face-off with them in some parts of the country.

With that said, we've seen photos of some folks bringing out weapons in open carry states, and of course ... cops are out and about too, standing by for any action that might pop off.

The demonstrations and celebrations perfectly illustrate just how hard the work of unification will be for the Biden administration.

For now, tensions are high and people remained riled up on both sides ... which might continue as President Trump digs in his heels for a legal war against the election results.

Special delivery for Joe Biden and co. ... good luck dealing with this!

Joe Biden Wins Presidency USA's Ridin' with Biden

Joe Biden has just been declared the winner of the election, and he'll become the 46th President of the United States ... this according to CNN, NBC, Fox News and BBC ... which have all called the election.

President Trump continues to say it ain't so, but after a new batch of votes in Pennsylvania -- which brought 20 more electoral college votes -- Biden passed the 270 mark of electoral votes to be the projected winner of the 2020 presidential election.

Barack Obama tweeted his congratulations to Biden and Harris, asking Americans to give them a chance, regardless of who they voted for.

The President-Elect is already vowing to govern for all Americans ... including the more than 70 million who did NOT vote for him.

It's an historic victory, in many ways, not the least of which is Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris -- the first woman, first Black person, and first person of Asian descent to hold the second-highest elected office in America.

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It appears she was out for a morning run when she got the victory news, and immediately called her running mate to celebrate.

Shortly after the announcement, CNN contributor Van Jones had an incredibly emotional reaction to the historic moment.


Biden and Harris' victory comes 4 days after Election Day, and required the painstaking counting of ballots in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Arizona. Biden had been trailing in GA and PA until early Friday morning when both flipped from red to blue for Barack Obama's former VP.

He also held on in close races in Arizona and Nevada to give him way more electoral votes than he needed to win the presidency. Battleground states Wisconsin and Michigan were called for him earlier this week.

Worth noting, the Biden-Harris ticket managed to flip 3 states -- AZ, GA and PA -- that President Trump had won back in 2016. The writing had been on the wall for Trump all week ... as mail-in ballots were counted, the President's lead slowly shrunk before Biden overtook him.

Biden addressed the encouraging trend Thursday when he stopped just short of giving a victory speech ... but still sounded very Presidential.


Of course, so many of the state races were incredibly tight -- GA's already declared a recount and PA might be headed for one too.

Trump did win a tight battle in North Carolina, but he's up in arms about the states where he fell short and claims he's been cheated -- although, his team has yet to present evidence of that.

Despite President-elect Biden's win, the 2020 election proved to be another big failure for pollsters who predicted he'd have a relatively easy path to victory. For example, Trump handily won Florida by 3.5 points, but one leading polling site predicted Biden winning it by 2.5 points.

The polling fiasco was even worse than 2016, when polls heavily favored a win for Hillary Clinton ... and we all know how that went.

Likewise, Democrats fell way short of their predicted "blue wave" in House and Senate races. In fact, Republicans picked up at least 7 seats in the House -- practically negating the Dems' gains in 2018 -- and the GOP managed to keep control in the Senate.

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Fox News

President Trump -- a self-confessed bad loser -- is not taking the results well. Just before the race was projected for Biden, Trump once again tweeted defiantly.

Trump has vowed to challenge the result and take his case all the way to the Supreme Court.

Here's the wild card. The High Court decided a PA ballot issue just 2 weeks ago, and the vote was 4-4. That was before Justice Amy Coney Barrett was on the job. If Trump's battle does get kicked up to SCOTUS, she could end up deciding the election.

Joe Biden's German Shepherd Major Will be 1st Rescue Dog in WH ... Joining Brother, Champ

Joe Biden's newest German Shepherd is set to be the first rescue pooch to ever set paws in The White House -- and it's especially great because canines have been dog-sona non grata for the last 4 years.

With JB officially winning the presidency this weekend, that means his two doggos -- Champ and Major -- will join him and his wife, Jill, at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. come January. Champ's been with the Bidens since 2008, and Major joined the party in 2018.

The story goes ... Joe and Jill fostered him at first after being flagged to a new litter of puppies needing a temporary home by their daughter, Ashley, which spurred her parents to take one in. One thing led to another, and eventually ... they adopted him from the Delaware Humane Society.

Word is the dog is very well trained -- much like Champ -- to endure major travel and lots of people around. After today, he's really gonna be put to the test now that dad's POTUS

Of course, this will be the first presence of a snout at the People's House since a long 4 years ago -- when Obama's two Portuguese Water Dogs, Bo and Sunny, were residents there ... upholding a long tradition of having man's best friend as part of the First Family.

President Trump and Melania did NOT have dogs -- or pets of any kind that we're aware of. As you might imagine, folks are ecstatic to see some fur roaming the hallways once more.

LeBron James I'm Goin' To The White House ... Once Biden's Prez

LeBron James says his White House boycott is over ... and is 100% down to celebrate the Lakers championship with President-elect Joe Biden.

No NBA team has celebrated a title with President Trump since he took office in January 2017 -- with the Golden State Warriors and Toronto Raptors each opting to celebrate elsewhere.

In fact, the Dubs celebrated with President Obama privately instead of going to the White House when they won in 2017.

King James praised the Dubs for the move ... calling Trump a bum in the process.

Now that LeBron and the Lakers are champions, the question --- will they go to 1600 Penn??

LeBron answered in a Twitter exchange with Draymond Green ... saying now that Biden will be in office, he'll return to the White House!!

Draymond tweeted at LeBron on Saturday ... saying, "Yoooo @KingJames y’all can go to the White House and celebrate y’all title G!"

LBJ responded, "YO we back up in there my G!!! I’m taking my tequila and vino too!"

One thing's for sure ... if the Lakers do end up going to D.C., they won't be served Wendy's and Chick-fil-A on silver platters.

Trump Head Buried in the Sand (Trap) ... Golfs as Biden Wins WH

President Trump has his head in the sand, or more accurately, the sand trap ... because he tried to distract himself from reality by hitting the links just as Joe Biden was declared the next President of the United States.

DT left the White House early Saturday morning en route, at first, to an unknown location ... which, as it turned out, ended up being his own golf club in nearby Sterling, VA to golf with some folks. Seems like he knew what was coming -- he's isolated out there.

Here's the kicker ... the photo above was taken the moment Biden was declared the next President. Trump was teeing off on a chip shot ... all by his lonesome, standing next to a golf cart. SAD!

It's unclear if he's officially heard the news or not -- or if he's turning a blind eye until he absolutely has to. Regardless, he's in for a rude awakening when he gets back into D.C. ... as we've shown you, the streets are lined with people celebrating Biden's victory.

Trying to for(e)get about it won't last forever -- time to wake up and smell the roses.

2020 Presidential Election Coast-to-Coast Celebration ... Trump's Movin' Out and Biden's Movin' In

Getty/@QuickTake Twitter/

A massive crowd gathered at The White House Saturday ... celebrating Donald Trump's impending change of address.

Thousands of people showed up at the fortified gates of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, cheering the news Joe Biden has been declared President. They also marched through nearby DC streets as a flatbed truck drove through blaring "Y.M.C.A."


As the MC onboard the truck put it, "We took his song back." The sitting President made the Village People classic a staple at his campaign rallies.

It's quite the rolling party ... the truck was also carrying a local DC band, "Long Live Go Go."

The DC gathering is all the more meaningful given what happened this past summer, when protesters were gassed and beaten so Trump could have a photo op at a nearby church.

Of course, there was a huge crowd that gathered in Philly, which is what allowed networks to call the election. The celebration was wild.


Moving to the West Coast, Santa Monica Blvd. erupted into celebration on Santa Monica Blvd. early Saturday morning, with folks cheering, honking and otherwise showing glee over the results.


A massive crowd also assembled in New York City's Union Square, where folks celebrated with horn-honking, banging pots and pans, lots of cheering and people literally jumping up and down in the streets. Spike Lee broke out the champagne in a spirited celebration.

We're going to update the celebrations all day, so come back soon!!!

President Trump Not Giving Up Election Fight!!! Targets Mail-in Ballots

Right Side Broadcasting Network

President Trump remains defiant, and is vowing to wage legal war against the election results that have made Joe Biden the nation's President-Elect.

Trump's legal team, including Rudy Giuliani held a news conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping in Philadelphia Saturday morning ... just moments after Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris became the projected winners of the election.

Giuliani focused on the mail-in ballots in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and repeated Trump's allegations of fraud connected to them. His main beef is Team Trump was allegedly not allowed to see any of the mail-in ballots or verify their legitimacy.

Rudy says the problem wasn't only in Philadelphia, but also in Pittsburgh ... where he claims 300,000 ballots went completely unchecked by Republicans who had a court order allowing them to observe the count.

He admits they were given access, but as you've heard for a few days now ... team Trump claims they weren't allowed to get close enough to properly observe.

The President and his lawyers say they will file multiple cases on Monday to challenge the vote count. Although they've yet to present any evidence of this ... they claim not every legal ballot has been counted, and far too many "illegal" ballots have been counted.

Presidential Election Amazing 'Avengers' Homage to Biden and Supporters

This has gotta be the best -- THE BEST -- messaging so far in the election ... the reimagining of "The Avengers" ... telling the story of an army of Joe Biden supporters who inspired millions to vote Donald Trump out of office.

It's so good ... you see the sun rise as Stacey Abrams, Barack Obama and Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms emerge from the shadows. As the video's villain -- yes, you guessed it -- urges an end to the vote count, others emerge in their fight for democracy -- Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, Corey Booker, AOC, Nancy Pelosi, Gretchen Whitmer and many, many more.

Writing this does not do the video justice. Just watch ... it's awesome!!!

Joe Biden Bill Maher Calls Race for Biden ... Networks too 'Chicken S***' to Call

Real Time with Bill Maher/HBO

The election has not been called on the news shows, but that didn't stop Bill Maher from stating what is increasingly obvious ... Joe Biden's gonna be the next president.

Bill flat-out declared Biden the winner, and he reveled in the fact he's the only one in the media who's said it out loud for all to hear. He also says Trump's acting like a "whiny little bitch" in challenging the process ... something Bill predicted 3 years ago.

The numbers certainly support Bill's conclusion ... Biden is pulling away from Trump in Pennsylvania and Georgia with a dwindling vote count remaining ... and that would be more than enough to win.

Bill also cautioned during his show ... it's not going to be smooth sailing for Biden, because there are 70 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump, and although Biden has vowed he'll be a president for all Americans -- whether they voted for him or not -- it's going to be a tall order to get them under the tent.

Nevertheless ... Bill celebrated with balloons cascading down from above -- balloons that startled the host in the middle of some pretty great conversations.

So, what's everyone waiting for??!??

Donald Trump New Yorkers Celebrate Trump Defeat ... With 'Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye'

@Dean_Moses Twitter/Reddit

The only thing missing from the streets of New York Friday night was Martha Reeves and the Vandellas ... because there were lots and lots of dancing in the streets, celebrating a presumed Joe Biden win.

A huge crowd gathered in Washington Square Park as the crowd danced as they sang to Donald Trump, "Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye." The street set was followed up with "We Are the Champions," and then "Don't Stop Believin'."

New Yorkers who dislike Trump came out in droves to celebrate in the city Trump is apparently abandoning for Palm Beach.

What's clear ... people aren't waiting for the networks to call the election ... they want to celebrate NOW ... and celebrate they did.

Election 2020 Winner Doesn't Matter ... Inauguration Day's Still Coming!!!

Whether Joe Biden is ultimately declared to be the winner of the 2020 presidential election is irrelevant ... to the construction workers setting up for the inauguration anyway.

The election process has been a stressful slog complicated even more by the allegations of cheating made by President Trump ... but the Inauguration Day show will go on January 20, 2021 regardless.

Work on the site of the swearing in of the next president actually began in mid-October, but based on these new photos obtained by TMZ ... it's really starting to ramp up.

It looks like it's gearing up to be as big of an event as ever on the West Front of the Capitol, but with ongoing COVID-19 concerns ... it's hard to tell what it will look like just yet.

According to a spokesperson for the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies ... the mindset is to set it all up like normal, and scale down later if coronavirus makes that necessary.

If Biden does win, based on how he organized COVID-safe campaign events ... he'd be understanding and cooperative with the prospect of scaled-down Inauguration.

Activist Tamika Mallory Black Women Turned Out in Force for Joe ... So Now Give Us Our Due!!!

We Delivered Joe, Your Turn Now

Black voters and especially Black female voters are responsible for what looks like a clear win in Georgia for Joe Biden, so it's about time they get a little more respect ... so says activist Tamika Mallory.

We got Tamika out in NYC Friday, and she made it clear ... Joe Biden will almost certainly become President in no small part because of support from Black voters. True, Donald Trump actually got more Black Georgia voters in his column than in 2016 -- 15% in 2016 and 18% this time around -- but the lion's share went to Biden. Now it's time for Biden and co. to acknowledge their contribution with action.

Tamika echos what many say ... Black women have been the backbone of the Democratic party for decades, yet they have not received their due from the party and candidates they support. Well, she says, that's gotta change ... and now.

She has high praise for Stacey Abrams, who worked tirelessly to combat voter suppression and get people to vote, and she succeeded in spectacular fashion.

Joe Biden Bernie Bros Coming For Him On Day 1!!!


Joe Biden's biggest challenge once he ascends to the Presidency may not be waged by Republicans ... it's more likely the real challenge will come from the Bernie Bros.

Former Bernie Sanders Press Secretary Briahna Joy Gray appeared Friday on "TMZ Live" and made it clear ... from day 1, the Bernie Bros will be pressuring Biden to swing left.

Briahna has already done the math, which complicates things in a big way. The Republicans will control the Senate and they actually gained House seats ... something the pundits never saw coming. Neither did pundits expect the state-by-state races would be incredibly tight. The upshot is that Biden needs to create a coalition, which may not bode well for the progressive wing of the party. Briahna is undaunted, saying they will be coming after him.

Briahna did not seem optimistic her people will get a seat at the table when Biden picks his cabinet. In fact, she's frustrated Biden has promised to include Republicans in his cabinet. She says Trump would never have picked a Dem, so why be more generous than him?

She thinks Biden doesn't understand ... the majority of Americans want measures like health care for all. In short, Biden's gonna be walking a tightrope.

Check Out Briahna's "Bad Faith" podcast ... she has a lot of really interesting things to say.

NBA's Trae Young Buys Lunch for ATL Election Workers ... 'Thanks for All You Do'

Trae Young with the assist!!!

The Atlanta Hawks superstar did a VERY cool thing on Friday -- splurging for lunch for the people counting ballots at State Farm Arena ... and they couldn't be happier about it!

The 22-year-old NBA sensation's rep hit up Jason's Deli in midtown Atlanta -- and told the crew Young wanted to do something nice for everyone helping out with the election process.

Young ended up buying 50 boardroom box lunches -- complete with sandwiches, chips, a pickle and a cookie. He also sprung for extra fruit side items for all. Way to keep it healthy!

Total cost -- $670 plus a nice 20% tip.

Obviously, Young can afford it -- he's super-rich, but this is more about the gesture than the price.

The Fulton County election workers were stoked when the food arrived with a note from Young that read, "Thanks for all you do!"

Fulton County thanked Young and the ATL Hawks -- noting the NBA team has "supported us throughout this election process."

There's a ton of pressure on the election workers in ATL right now -- as the votes in that area are playing a pivotal role in the presidential election.

Props to Trae -- and obviously shout out to all the patriots helping to count the ballots during this crazy time!