Miles y miles de personas han acudido este fin de semana a la capital de nuestro país para denunciar la guerra entre Israel y Palestina y finalmente han llegado hasta la Casa Blanca para hacer oír su voz.

Una protesta masiva se formó en Washington D.C. el sábado, con más de cien mil (si no más) manifestantes pro/Palestina marchando por las calles de la ciudad y pidiendo un alto el fuego inmediato, mientras que también gritaban constantemente "¡Palestina libre!"

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frente a la casa blanca

Es una de las mayores concentraciones de este tipo que ha tenido lugar desde que estalló el conflicto el mes pasado y está bastante claro que no creen que nuestro gobierno está en el lado correcto de la historia aquí, incluyendo el presidente Joe Biden.

Eso quedó muy claro cuando un enorme grupo de manifestantes finalmente llegó a la Casa Blanca, o en la puerta principal más bien, la cual mantiene a los espectadores bastante lejos.

Sin embargo, su presencia se hizo sentir, tanto es así que atrajeron la atención de los agentes del Servicio Secreto, quienes salieron al césped y se aseguraron de que nadie rompa o cruce la puerta.

La protesta en la Casa Blanca dio un poco de miedo, especialmente cuando un puñado de personas escalaron la verja y ondearon banderas palestinas, sin llegar a cruzarla. También se escucharon cánticos de "F*** Joe Biden", así como "Allahu Akbar", una frase árabe que es la piedra angular de la fe islámica, que significa "Dios es el más grande".

Las reacciones a la protesta están divididas y realmente se reducen a cómo se siente la gente sobre el conflicto de Oriente Medio en este momento. Los que están a favor de Palestina lo vieron como justo y necesario, mientras que otros lo vieron como algo sorprendente que presagia lo peor por venir.

En cualquier caso, esta gente estaba ahí fuera haciendo oír su voz y, aunque se ha informado de algunas detenciones aquí y allá, parece que todo ha transcurrido pacíficamente.

Parte de la razón por la que la protesta pro Palestina podría haber llegado a Washington es la respuesta de Estados Unidos a la actual operación terrestre llevada a cabo por Israel, que sigue avanzando por Gaza en busca de terroristas de Hamás y rehenes.

Por supuesto, no hace falta decir que en el intento de erradicar a Hamás, ha habido muchas víctimas civiles en el camino, con funcionarios palestinos diciendo que el recuento de muertos en su extremo se acerca a la marca de 5 dígitos, algo que ha provocado la preocupación de algunos de los aliados de Israel, incluyendo los EE.UU.

Los informes dicen que los funcionarios estadounidenses, incluido el Secretario de Estado Anthony Blinken, le están pidiendo en voz baja a Israel que haga una pausa, pero no parece que Benjamin Netanyahu esté haciendo caso a su petición.

Este sentimiento contra Israel está creciendo y haciéndose más popular entre las celebridades también. Más y más personas de alto perfil están exigiendo a Israel detener su campaña, insistiendo en que su respuesta es desproporcionada y se está cobrando demasiados inocentes en el proceso.

diciendo la verdad

Macklemore es una de esas estrellas que ha estado hablando, de hecho, él estaba allí en Washington DC el sábado y le habló a un grupo de manifestantes en un discurso apasionado en el que llamó a lo que Israel está haciendo en Gaza "genocidio", y que obtuvo una gran ovación de la multitud.

El tema se ha vuelvto increíblemente divisivo en los Estados, pero a medida que pasan las semanas, estamos viendo más y más gente en las calles y son a menudo pro/Palestina.

Como hemos dicho, Israel, se mantiene firme en su misión. Creen que tienen todo el derecho a entrar y hacer justicia por los 1.400 israelíes inocentes que fueron masacrados.

También están tratando de asegurar la liberación de decenas de rehenes que están en manos de Hamás, pero ha demostrado ser difícil de llevar a cabo la operación sin derramamiento de sangre.

Pro-Palestine Protest Marchers Flood D.C. ... Gather at White House, Scale Fence

Thousands upon thousands descended onto our nation's capital this weekend to decry the Israel-Palestine war ... eventually hitting the White House to make their voices heard.

A massive protest formed in Washington D.C. Saturday, with upwards of a hundred thousand (if not more) pro-Palestine demonstrators marching through the streets of the city and calling for an immediate ceasefire -- while also consistently yelling "Free Palestine!"

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It's one of the largest such gatherings that has taken place since the conflict kicked off last month -- and it's quite clear they don't think our government is on the right side of history here, including President Joe Biden ... whose name was front and center the whole time.

That became abundantly clear when a huge group of protesters eventually landed at the White House -- or at the front gate rather ... which keeps onlookers quite a ways away.

Still, they certainly made their presence known ... so much so, that it attracted the attention of Secret Service agents -- who came out onto the lawn and made sure nobody breached the gate and made their way onto the grounds, and by the looks of it ... no one did.

Nonetheless ... the protest at the White House got a little scary, especially when a handful of people actually scaled the gate and waved Palestinian flags ... without ever going over. There were also chants of "F*** Joe Biden" that could be heard, as well as "Allahu Akbar" ... an Arabic phrase that is the cornerstone of the Islam faith, meaning "God is most great."

The reactions to the protest are divided, and really come down to how folks feel about the Middle East conflict right now -- those who are pro-Palestine saw it as righteous and needed ... whereas others viewed it as a startling move that potentially portends worse to come.

Either way ... these people were out there making their voices heard -- and while there are reports of a smattering of arrests here and there, it looks to have remained mostly peaceful.

Part of the reason the pro-Palestine protest might've made its way to D.C. is because of how the U.S. is responding to the ongoing ground operation being conducted by Israel ... which continues to move its way through Gaza in search of the Hamas terrorists and hostages.

Of course, it goes without saying ... as they've attempted to root out Hamas, there have been many civilian casualties along the way -- with Palestinian officials saying the body count on their end is nearing the 5-digit mark ... something that has drawn concern from some of Israel's allies, including the U.S.

Reports say American officials, including Sec. of State Anthony Blinken, are quietly asking Israel to hit pause -- but it doesn't sound like Benjamin Netanyahu is heeding his request.

This sentiment against Israel is growing and becoming more popular with celebs as well -- more and more high-profile people are demanding Israel stop their campaign ... insisting their response is disproportionate now, and is claiming too many innocents in the process.


Macklemore is among those stars who's been speaking out -- in fact, he was there in D.C. Saturday and spoke to a group of demonstrators in an impassioned speech ... in which he called what Israel is doing in Gaza "genocide," and that got a big cheer from the crowd.

The issue has become incredibly divisive in the States ... but as the weeks drag on, we're seeing more and more people hitting the streets -- and they're often pro-Palestine.

Like we said ... Israel, thus far, is sticking to its guns on their mission. They feel they have every right to move in and exact justice over the 1,400 innocent Israelis who were butchered.

They're also still trying to secure the safe release of dozens of hostages that are being held by Hamas ... but it's proven difficult to surgically carry out their operation without bloodshed.

Barack Obama Speaks on Israel-Palestine ... Both-Sides Issue

Pod Save America

Barack Obama spoke out about the conflict between Israel and Palestine -- and he says two things must be acknowledged as true ... on both sides of this thorny issue.

The former President was recently speaking at an event, and his remarks were captured by Pod Save America -- which says his full interview is coming out Tuesday. But from the snippet they released, BO says quite a bit ... and fully admits, this is complicated.

Take a look for yourself to see what exactly he says ... essentially, he condemns Hamas and the Oct. 7 terrorist attack on Israel -- but in the same breath, condemns Israel's response.

He says there are innocent people in Gaza who've been wrapped up in this that have nothing to do with Hamas ... and yet, also notes the history of Jews being segregated/persecuted over their identity as a people. In other words, there's validity in each POV here.

In terms of folks debating this problem, Obama says it can't be hashed out on social media -- and it can't be solved unless everybody tells the "whole truth" about a complex topic.

He also says people have to learn to speak to others on the opposite end and be able to do so civilly ... and encourages everyone to see that there's complicity on all fronts of this. It's a word salad, but if you're wondering what he's actually arguing for now ... you're outta luck.

Barack doesn't really say what he thinks should happen going forward, nor does he specify what exactly he's calling for at this point ... at least not in what's uploaded at the moment. Perhaps we'll hear more from him in the coming days.

Pres. Biden, meanwhile, has called for a "pause" in the fighting .. but Israel isn't budging. Their ground operation into Gaza continues as they seek to hunt down the terrorists.

Mike Pence I'm Out on 2024 Race ... Just Not My Time


Mike Pence is throwing in the towel on his bid for the presidency, 'cause he says it's simply not his time to be commander-in-chief ... but it sounds like politics are still in his future.

The ex-Veep announced Saturday that he was suspending his presidential campaign, which has been going for about 5 months now ... but without much traction, it seems. He dropped the bombshell during a speech he gave for the Republican Jewish Coalition in Vegas.

In MP's remarks, he cites a Bible verse that says "there's a time for every purpose under heaven," adding that after much thought and prayer -- he's realized right now isn't his.

You can kinda hear people in the crowd react with shock ... which changes into cheering.

Fox News

Pence says while he might be exiting the 2024 race, he isn't abandoning his mission of fighting for "principled conservative values" and helping elect GOP leaders. It's a pretty shocking development -- especially considering he was one of the higher-profile candidates.

Pence positioned himself as a traditional Republican ... aka, someone who stood against Donald Trump/MAGA -- even though he was 45's right-hand man in the WH for 4 years.


That allegiance to Trump -- which was strong throughout his entire presidency -- waned toward the end ... when Pence was thrust into the Jan. 6 insurrection as one of the primary targets ... all because he refused to do Trump's bidding in overturning the election results.

In the years since Jan. 6, Pence has come out firmly against his old boss ... but as far as making an impact as a would-be contender -- he never really gained any serious steam.

Time will tell how long the others can hold out -- at this rate, Trump is far and away the favorite to secure the Republican nomination ... no one else is seriously threatening that.

And then there were 6?

Donald Trump Allegedly Asked Melania Bikini It Up For These Fellas!!!

give 'em a show, hun!
60 Minutes Australia

Donald Trump allegedly once asked his wife, Melania Trump, to strut her stuff in a two-piece to entertain some dudes he was hosting ... this according to a new secret recording.

The story comes courtesy of NYT/'60 Minutes Australia' -- which just aired a segment citing conversations that Aussie billionaire Anthony Pratt claims to have had with DT while he was in office ... and some of his anecdotes about 45 were apparently captured on tape.

In one of the audio clips, you can hear Pratt recount a time he claims went down sometime in 2019 -- when Trump was apparently hanging with him and some other business big shots during a dinner. Pratt says Trump told them about once asking MT to walk around a pool in her bikini ... so that all the other men there could get a look at what they were missing.

Unclear when exactly Trump might've made this request or where -- but from the sounds of it ... he said it sometime during his presidency. In any case, Pratt says Melania fired back at her husband ... allegedly saying, "I’ll do that when you walk around with me in your bikini."

It's not all that surprising Trump might say something like that -- but what's somewhat shocking is that he potentially said this while he was serving as POTUS and her FLOTUS.

Of course, Melania comes from a modeling background ... something DT has always taken pride in. But to hear that Melania took his odd request and turned it on her hubby is pretty wild too -- especially when you consider they don't seem to be all that close these days.

Anyway, there are larger bombshells in this report ... including claims Pratt made about DT allegedly spilling state secrets to him very casual-like. The bigger takeaway that the Times notes here is special counsel Jack Smith has talked to Pratt as part of his probe into DT.

As for this Melania stuff ... it's kinda par for the course, really.

DONALD TRUMP le habría pedido a Melania que desfilara en bikini ¡para otros hombres!

muéstrale tu bikini a trump
60 Minutes Australia

Donald Trump supuestamente una vez le pidió a su esposa, Melania Trump, que le modelara en bikini a algunos tipos... esto de acuerdo a una nueva grabación secreta.

La historia viene por cortesía de NYT / '60 Minutes Australia', que acaba de emitir un segmento que cita las conversaciones que el multimillonario australiano Anthony Pratt afirma haber tenido con Trump mientras estaba en el cargo y algunas de sus anécdotas fueron aparentemente capturadas en la cinta.

En uno de los clips de audio se puede escuchar Pratt recordando anécdotas que ocurrieron en 2019, cuando Trump estaba aparentemente hablando con él y algunos otros peces gordos de negocios durante una cena. Pratt dice que Trump les contó que una vez le pidió a Melania que caminara alrededor de una piscina en bikini, para que todos los demás pudieran echarle un vistazo a lo que se estaban perdiendo.

No está claro cuándo exactamente Trump podría haber hecho esta petición o dónde, pero por lo que parece, lo dijo en algún momento durante su presidencia. En cualquier caso, Pratt le dice Melania que  le respondió a su marido, supuestamente diciendo: "Voy a hacer eso cuando usted camine conmigo en su bikini".

No es tan sorprendente Trump podría decir algo así, pero lo que es algo chocante es que potencialmente dijo esto mientras él estaba sirviendo como Presi.

Por supuesto, Melania viene del mundo del modelaje, algo que Trump siempre se ha enorgullecido. Sin embargo, Melania recibió la extraña petición y la volvió en contra de su marido de manera bastante firme. Por si no lo sabías, la pareja no ha estado muy unida últimamente.

De todos modos, hay polémicas más grandes en este informe. Pratt dice que Trump comentaba secretos de estado de manera muy casual en las conversaciones. Lo más importante que señala el Times es que el abogado especial Jack Smith ha hablado con Pratt como parte de su investigación sobre DT.

En cuanto a este asunto de Melania, es bastante predecible para ser honestos.

American Hostages First Look At Kidnapped Mother & Daughter Safe After Hamas Release

We're getting a first look at the American mother and daughter hostages just released by Hamas terrorists -- both looking alive and well -- escorted by members of Israel's armed forces.

Judith Raanan and her teenage daughter, Natalie, can be seen in a new photo shared by the Israel Defense Forces, while holding the hands of a man in a flak jacket.

As we reported, Judith and Natalie were visiting Israel from Chicago earlier this month to celebrate a family member's birthday and the Jewish holiday season when Hamas attacked.

Hamas said in a statement they released the mother and daughter for "humanitarian reasons" ... claiming it was done to prove to the world that "claims made by Biden and his fascist administration are false and baseless."

President Biden confirmed on Friday that the 2 were in safe hands ... saying in a statement, "Our fellow citizens have endured a terrible ordeal these past 14 days, and I am overjoyed that they will soon be reunited with their family, who has been wracked with fear."

President Biden Must Unite Against Hamas, Putin ... Can't Let The Bad Guys Win


President Biden is urging Americans to support the war efforts in the Middle East and Ukraine ... he says we all have to come together to help defeat terrorists and tyrants.

The Prez just made his case for Congress to approve billions more in military aid to help Israel fight Hamas and Ukraine fight Vladimir Putin ... selling Americans on the battle between good and evil.

In a rare speech Thursday from the Oval Office, Biden says Americans must put their petty differences aside and unite against the bad guys ... he says if the U.S. gives up the fight in Gaza and Ukraine, it will only embolden our enemies across the globe.

POTUS says he's going to ask Congress to approve more military aid to help fight wars overseas ... while reiterating he won't send American troops to fight Russia.

We haven't seen a lot of rah-rah speeches from Biden in office ... and he's pretty animated here, at least by his standards.

The Prez says it's all part of keeping up with America's calling as a global leader ... and he says the world is watching and counting on us to save the day.

Bottom line from Biden ... wars require money, but it's a "solid investment."

Presidente Biden Debemos unirnos contra Hamás, Putin... No podemos dejar que los malos ganen

Dejemos de lado nuestras diferencias

El presidente Biden está instando a los estadounidenses a apoyar los esfuerzos de guerra en el Medio Oriente y Ucrania, argumentando que todos tenemos que unirnos para ayudar a derrotar a los terroristas y los tiranos.

El Presidente acaba de hacer su caso frente al Congreso para aprobar miles de millones de dólares en ayuda militar para apoyar la lucha de Israel contra Hamás y de Ucrania contra Vladimir Putin, poniendo a los estadounidenses en una batalla entre el bien y el mal.

En un raro discurso pronunciado el jueves desde el Despacho Oval, Biden dijo que los estadounidenses deben dejar sus mezquinas diferencias de lado y unirse contra los malos ... dijo que si Estados Unidos renuncia a la lucha en Gaza y Ucrania, solo envalentonará a sus enemigos en todo el mundo.

El Presidente añadió que va a pedir al Congreso que apruebe más ayuda militar para apoyar los combates en el extranjero, al mismo tiempo que reiteró que no enviará tropas estadounidenses para luchar contra Rusia.

No hemos visto muchos discursos entusiastas de Biden en el cargo, pero estuvo bastante animado en esta oportunidad, al menos para sus estándares.

El Presidente dijo que todo es parte de mantenerse con la vocación de Estados Unidos como un líder mundial y agregó que el mundo está mirando y contando con ellos para proporcionar una solución.

En conclusión para Biden ... las guerras requieren dinero, pero es una "inversión sólida".

U.S. Presidents Letter With 14 POTUS Signatures Up For Sale ... Guinness World Record!!!

Here's a chance to get your hands on a historic item from the Guinness World Records Book ... a letter signed by 14 U.S. Presidents is hitting the open market ... and it's on sale for 6-figures.

It's the only document in the world with 14 presidential signatures ... and it's been autographed by basically every president from Herbert Hoover on down, save for John F. Kennedy and Joe Biden.

The record-setting presidential parchment is going up for sale through Moments In Time ... with a $175,000 price tag.

The story behind the letter is super cool ... as reported in the Amarillo Globe-News ... it all started in October 1932 when a Texas man named Richard C. Corbyn wrote to Franklin D. Roosevelt about a potential campaign stop in Arizona. FDR wrote back and signed his autograph at the bottom.

Corbyn was 18 years old when he got FDR's response in the mail, and 30 years later in 1962 he realized the letter would have even more value if he could just get other presidents to leave their John Hancock on the same piece of paper ... and he set out to get more signatures.

The second to sign was Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1962 ... and in 1963 the letter added signatures from Harry S. Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson and Hoover.

Corbyn tried to get JFK's autograph ... but the Kennedy assassination derailed those plans ... and he went 12 years before getting another signature until Gerald Ford signed in 1975 while in office.

Jimmy Carter signed in 1976; Richard Nixon signed in 1978; Ronald Reagan signed in 1980; George H. W. Bush signed in 1988; Bill Clinton signed in 1993 and George W. Bush signed in 2002.


Barack Obama proved to be a little more difficult ... it took the Corbyns 7 years to get Obama's signature ... finally getting him to sign in November 2015.

Donald Trump's the last president to sign the letter, leaving his mark in January 2020 ... and it sounds like the Corbyns are good with selling without a signature from Biden.

CARTA CON LA FIRMA DE 14 presidentes a la venta ¡Récord Mundial Guinness!

Una carta firmada por 14 presidentes de los EE.UU. sale a la venta por 6 cifras.

Es el único documento en el mundo con 14 firmas presidenciales y ha sido autografiado por prácticamente todos los presidentes desde Herbert Hoover, excepto John F. Kennedy y Joe Biden.

El pergamino presidencial va a la venta a través de "Moments In Time", con una etiqueta de precio de $175.000.

La historia detrás de la carta es bastante interesante, como se informó en Globe-News, todo comenzó en octubre de 1932 cuando un hombre de Texas llamado Richard C. Corbyn le escribió a Franklin D. Roosevelt acerca de una parada de campaña potencial en Arizona. Franklin le contestó firmando su autógrafo al pie de la carta.

Corbyn tenía 18 años cuando recibió la respuesta de Franklin por correo y 30 años más tarde, en 1962, se dio cuenta de que la carta tendría aún más valor si pudiera conseguir que otros presidentes dejaran su firma en el mismo trozo de papel... así que se dispuso a conseguir más firmas.

El segundo en firmar fue Dwight D. Eisenhower en 1962 y en 1963 la carta añadió las firmas de Harry S. Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson y Hoover.

Corbyn trató de conseguir el autógrafo de JFK, pero el asesinato de Kennedy descarriló esos planes. Pasaron doce años antes de poder conseguir otra firma. Logró que Gerald Ford firmara en 1975 mientras estaba en la oficina.

Jimmy Carter firmó en 1976; Richard Nixon firmó en 1978; Ronald Reagan firmó en 1980; George H. W. Bush firmó en 1988; Bill Clinton firmó en 1993 y George W. Bush firmó en 2002.

¡todos a bordo!

Barack Obama resultó ser un poco más difícil y le tomó a los Corbyns siete años para conseguir su firma. Finalmente, consiguieron su firma en noviembre de 2015.

Donald Trump es el último presidente en firmar la carta, dejando su marca en enero de 2020. Preciera que a los Corbyns no les importara tener a firma de Biden en lo absoluto.

Israel Americans Go Missing After Hamas Attacks

There's at least half a dozen American citizens who are unaccounted for in Israel following deadly attacks from Hamas ... including a mother and daughter visiting from Illinois.

President Joe Biden says 14 Americans have already died in the Hamas terrorist attack, with the death toll already standing at 1,700 and counting.

Joe Biden

It's unclear if the six Americans reported missing in Gaza are dead or alive, but their families are holding out hope for a safe return ... and Biden says more Americans are likely among those who have been taken hostage by terrorists.

In addition to the Illinois mother and her teen daughter, there's also a 23-year-old who was at the music festival where Hamas attacked and took hostages; a soldier with the Israeli Defense Force; a 35-year-old father of two; and a 66-year-old grandmother.

Judith Tai Raanan and Natalie Raanan traveled from their Chicago-area suburb to Israel last month to visit relatives, and they were reported missing during Saturday's attack and are feared to have been kidnapped by Palestinian gunmen, their family told ABC 7 Chicago.

Natalie graduated from high school this past spring and their Illinois synagogue is praying she and her mother are safe.

Hersch Goldberg-Polin was at the desert music festival that became a target for Hamas terrorists ... and his parents told the Jerusalem Post he texted them Saturday morning saying "I love you" and "I'm sorry" before going radio silent.

Hersch was born in Berkley, CA before moving to Israel with his family in 2008 ... he had just celebrated a birthday before going to the rave, where Hamas killed hundreds of festivalgoers.

Itay Chen's a 19-year-old dual citizen serving in the IDF and he's been "missing in action" from his post in Gaza since Saturday, his father told CNN.

Chen's father says his son basically vanished along with his military unit and the family is hopeful he surfaces in time to make it to his younger brother's upcoming Bar Mitzvah in Italy.

Adrienne Neta, a mother of four and grandmother of seven, is thought to have been taken hostage by Hamas ... her family told Fox News they think she was kidnapped from her home, where she's lived for decades since moving from Fresno, Calif.

Neta's family says they were on the phone with her when terrorists entered her home ... and they heard her screaming.

Sagui Dekel-Chen, a father of two with another baby on the way, was among those in his neighborhood who fought back against a terrorist onslaught before going missing.

While some of his neighbors were seen being led away by Hamas, his father says Dekel-Chen was not among the hostages and vanished without a trace ... though his wife and kids survived the attack.

Israel Ciudadanos de Estados Unidos desaparecidos en ataques de Hamás

Hay al menos media docena de ciudadanos estadounidenses cuyo paradero en Israel aún es desconocido en Israel después de los ataques mortales de Hamás, incluyendo una madre y su hija de visita desde Illinois.

El presidente Joe Biden dice que 14 estadounidenses ya han muerto en el ataque terrorista de Hamás, con un total de muertes que ya se eleva a las 1.700 y contando.

Joe Biden
Esto es terrorismo

No está claro si los seis estadounidenses dados por desaparecidos en Gaza están vivos o muertos, pero sus familias mantienen la esperanza de que puedan volver seguros a casa. Biden ha comentado que es probable que haya más estadounidenses entre los que han sido tomados como rehenes por los terroristas.

Además de la madre de Illinois y su hija adolescente, también hay un joven de 23 años, que estaba en el festival de música donde Hamas atacó y tomó rehenes, un soldado de la Fuerza de Defensa de Israel, un hombre de 35 años, padre de dos hijos y una abuela de 66 años.

Judith Tai Raanan y Natalie Raanan viajaron el mes pasado desde su barrio de Chicago a Israel para visitar a unos parientes y fueron dadas por desaparecidas durante el ataque del sábado. Se teme que ambas fueron secuestradas por pistoleros palestinos, dijo su familia a ABC 7 Chicago.

Natalie se graduó de la escuela secundaria en la primavera pasada y su sinagoga de Illinois está orando para que ella y su madre estén a salvo.

Hersch Goldberg-Polin estaba en el festival de música que se convirtió en un objetivo para los terroristas de Hamás. Sus padres dijeron al Jerusalem Post que les envió un mensaje de texto el sábado por la mañana diciendo "Te amo" y "Lo siento" antes de desaparecer.

Hersch nació en Berkley, California. Luego se mudó con su familia a Israel en 2008 y recientemente había celebrado su cumpleaños antes de ir al festival, donde Hamás mató a cientos de asistentes.

Itay Chen es un joven de 19 años con doble nacionalidad que sirve en las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel y se encuentra "desaparecido en combate" de su puesto en Gaza desde el sábado, dijo su padre a CNN.

El padre de Chen dice que su hijo desapareció junto a su unidad militar y la familia tiene la esperanza de que salga a la superficie a tiempo para llegar al próximo Bar Mitzvah de su hermano menor en Italia.

Adrienne Neta, madre de cuatro hijos y abuela de siete, se cree que ha sido tomada como rehén por Hamás. Su familia dijo a Fox News que piensan que fue secuestrada de su casa, donde ha vivido por décadas desde que se mudó de Fresno, California.

La familia de Neta dice que estaban al teléfono con ella cuando los terroristas entraron en su casa y la oyeron gritar.

Sagui Dekel-Chen es padre de dos hijos y tiene otro bebé en camino. Él fue una de las personas que se defendió del ataque terrorista en su barrio antes de desaparecer.

Mientras que algunos vecinos fueron vistos siendo llevados por Hamás, su padre dice que Dekel-Chen no estaba entre los rehenes y desapareció sin dejar rastro, aunque su esposa e hijos sobrevivieron al ataque.

Biden Administration Put on Notice ... After Bombshell Iran-Israel News

President Biden's administration may or may not be shocked to hear Iran was supposedly instrumental in the lead-up to the attack on Israel ... the implications of which are dire.

The Wall Street Journal published a bombshell report Sunday, citing multiple sources from within Hamas, Hezbollah and even a European official with knowledge ... all of whom say Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps worked with Hamas in planning the ambush.

This alleged coordination dates back several weeks, apparently ... with talks going as far back as August and several reported meetings taking place in Beirut between all the parties. In addition to Iran being involved, WSJ reports that Lebanon's Hezbollah was in the mix.

The intention in all this, per WSJ, was two-pronged ... Iran apparently wanted to manufacture a "multi-front threat" against Israel -- this as the country grappled with its own internal politics, while disrupting U.S.-brokered peace talks between Saudi Arabia and Israel.

When asked directly about whether the U.S. had any knowledge of Iran's alleged involvement in directing the Hamas-led attack ... Sec. of State Anthony Blinken denied knowing anything about it, saying there was no evidence on their end that was, in fact, the case.

A separate U.S. official said the same thing to the WSJ ... but the outlet is insisting people overseas are saying differently. If what they're saying is true -- it's troubling on many fronts.

100823_gaza_explosions_kal 10/8/23

For one, it would be an indictment on U.S intelligence ... but it would also indicate that a broader conflict in the Middle East is looming -- with Israel having already gone on the record to say they would retaliate if it was found that Tehran sanctioned this Hamas move.

Time will tell if this account is confirmed ... but it sounds like this might the beginning of a volatile situation that's prolonged and ugly, with the U.S. likely getting roped in even further.

OHGEESY Sexyy Red apoya a Trump 👍🏼 PERO hace videos sexuales 👎🏼

ese es su estilo

OhGeesy cree que Sexyy Red tiene un punto cuando se trata de Donald Trump... ¡Obvio no le importaría recibir algunos de los cheques de "estímulo" denuevo!

Nos encontramos con el rapero Shoreline Mafia esta semana en Beverly Hills justo después de que Sexyy mostrara su apoyo a Donald Trump, hablara de su cinta sexual y su colaboración con Drake. Por lo tanto, tenemos su opinión sobre todos esos grandes titulares.

"me gusta trump"
This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

Al igual que Sexyy, OhGeesy nos dice que está a favor de que Trump regrese a la Casa Blanca, él respeta a su "gangsta", y por supuesto, dice el dinero gratis (en bonos) es música para sus oídos.

El ex presi tiene varios casos legales pendientes que podrían frenar su carrera presidencial, pero su apoyo público entre los raperos ha ido en aumento. Sexxy, Chief Keef, Benny The Butcher y ahora OhGeesy le han expresado su apoyo, y suponemos que Lil Wayne y Kodak Black también.

En cuanto a la filtración del vídeo sexual de Sexyy; ella ha negado toda responsabilidad y OhGeesy tiene una solución simple para evitar que vuelva a suceder: "¡No grabes lo que pasa en tu habitación!"

OhGeesy dice que Sexyy tiene las melodías perfectas para ponerle banda sonora al porno, así que su carrera irá bien.

Él debería saberlo, ya que ha estado realizando de dos a tres conciertos por noche para impulsar su álbum "Geezyworld 2".

OhGeesy Sexyy Red's Trump Support 👍🏼 ... But Making Sex Tapes 👎🏼


OhGeesy thinks Sexyy Red has a point when it comes to Donald Trump getting love from the trenches ... hell, he tells us he wouldn't mind getting some of those stimulus checks again!!!

We kicked it with the Shoreline Mafia rapper this week in Bev Hills ... on the heels of Sexyy's dropping her Donald Trump endorsement, her sex tape leak and Drake feature. So, we got his take on all her big headlines.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

Like Sexyy, OhGeesy tells us he's all for Trump returning to the White House ... he respects his gangsta, and, of course, that free money is music to his ears.

The ex-Prez has several legal cases pending that might slow his presidential run, but his public support amongst rappers has been mounting. Sexxy, Chief Keef, Benny The Butcher and now OhGeesy have all voiced their support -- and we're assuming Lil Wayne and Kodak Black still have his back too.

As for Sexyy's sex tape leak ... she's denied all responsibility and OhGeesy has a simple solution to keep it from happening again: Don't film your bedroom capers!!!

OhGeesy says Sexyy has the perfect tunes to soundtrack porn, so her career will be fine.

He should know ... he's been doing 2-3 shows a night in support of his "Geezyworld 2" album to stay competitive -- until some of that economic relief swoops in!!!