Israel 'At War' After Hamas Attacks ... Brutality Along Gaza Strip

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Terrorists unleashed a surprise attack in Israel this weekend that has left scores of people dead -- marking what's sure to be the start of a prolonged bloodbath in the Middle East.

The radical group known as Hamas swarmed Israeli territory along the Gaza Strip and surrounding areas early Saturday morning -- this after launching countless rockets at civilian buildings and going around to wreak havoc on the streets thereafter in armed convoys.


There are several videos surfacing from Israel that capture the sheer brutality and horror of what's happening on the ground ... and most of them are far too graphic for publication.

What we can show, however, are key clips of Israelis being taken hostage in this hellish ordeal -- including lots of women and children who are being wrangled by Hamas members and thrown into the backs of their trucks ... getting tossed and thrashed and mistreated.

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As of this writing, the official body count on Israel's side is upwards of 150 ... and it continues to soar as the government scours through the wreckage and aftermath. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said Israel is "at war" following the Hamas incursion -- and promised to retaliate with everything in his power to send a message of deterrence.

Israel has already begun to do that ... firing its own rockets and destroying buildings that are believed to be affiliated with Hamas militants -- and there are aerial strikes happening as well.

The fighting has only escalated since the initial onslaught ... the latest reports say a new wave of rockets have been fired from the Gaza region and are headed toward central Israel, including Tel Aviv. The U.S. is already on its toes in the wake of all this ugly news.

President Biden says he's monitoring the situation closely and prepared to help Israel with as much support as it needs -- while going on to condemn the terror attacks from Hamas.


Si el perro del presidente Biden realmente está recibiendo formación (como la administración ha afirmado) ha estado recibiendo el tipo de entrenamiento equivocado. Esto según un ex oficial del Servicio Secreto que ha tratado con otros perros Primera.

Marshall Mirarchi trabajó en la división K-9 del Servicio Secreto durante una década, cuando Biden era vicepresidente en la administración Obama. Se unió a nosotros en "TMZ Live" el  jueves para explicar por qué no está tan seguro de que commander se haya graduado legítimamente de la escuela de obediencia.

Según Marshall, los perros NUNCA pasan de un punto de no retorno (incluso un reincidente como Commander) cuando se trata de la formación. Dice que siempre se les puede volver a adiestrar, aunque la cantidad de tiempo que tarda un perro en alinearse es otra historia.

En cualquier caso, Marshall cree que todos los indicios apuntan a que Commander no está recibiendo la dirección adecuada y nos dice lo que puede y debe hacerse para que vuelva a estar listo para la Casa Blanca.

También se refirió a lo difícil que es para el personal de la Casa Blanca vivir y trabajar con un perro que es muy impredecible.

Como informamos, Comandante fue expulsado de la Casa Blanca esta semana después de haber mordido a un mínimo de 11 personas, con al menos 1 víctima reciente siendo enviada al hospital.

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todavía hay esperanza

Por cierto, hablamos con Marshall en julio, cuando Comandante había mordido a 7 personas en un lapso de 4 meses, y afirmó una vez más que el perro podría ser reentrenado, pero basado en la larga experiencia de Marshall, parece que alguien aquí cometió un error.

President Biden's Dog Signs Commander Not Getting Proper Training ... Says Former Secret Service Dog Trainer


If President Biden's dog Commander, AKA the White House biter, really is getting training -- as the administration's claimed -- he's been getting the wrong kind ... that's according to a former Secret Service officer who's dealt with other First pooches.

Marshall Mirarchi worked in the Secret Service's K-9 division for a decade -- including when Biden was VP in the Obama administration -- and he joined us on "TMZ Live" Thursday to explain why he's not so sure Commander's legitimately graduated obedience school.

According to Marshall, dogs NEVER get past a point of no return -- even a recidivist like Commander -- when it comes to training. He says they can always be re-trained, although the amount of time it takes a dog to fall in line is a different story.

Regardless, Marshall thinks all signs point to Commander not getting the proper direction, and he tells us what can, and should, be done to get him White House-ready again.

He also addressed how difficult it is for WH staffers living and working with a dog that's, up to this point, very unpredictable.

As we reported, Commander was booted from the White House this week after reportedly biting a minimum of 11 people -- with at least 1 recent victim being sent to the hospital.

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BTW, we spoke with Marshall back in July -- when Commander had bitten 7 people over 4 months -- and he claimed again the dog could be re-trained ... but based on Marshall's lengthy experience, it sounds like someone dropped the ball.

Presidente Biden Su pastor alemán es apartado de la Casa Blanca Por seguidilla de mordiscos

El perro del presidente Biden, Comandante, está en la perrera, ya que luego de alcanzar un número alarmante de mordeduras a otras personas ha sido expulsado de la Casa Blanca.

El pastor alemán, de 2 años, ha mordisqueado mucho más que los 11 incidentes que reconoce el Servicio Secreto. Se dice que Comandante ha mordido a agentes, pero también a la gente que trabaja alrededor de la Casa Blanca y en la residencia del presidente.

Como resultado, ya no vive en la Casa Blanca, según CNN. Comandante fue trasladado a otro lugar mientras Joe y Jill intentan averiguar qué hacer con él.

Es parte de una tendencia preocupante para Comandante y ahora se está conociendo mucho más sobre la gravedad de los incidentes, con CNN informando que al menos una de las víctimas tuvo que ser derivada a un hospital y otra requirió atención médica.

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Biden tiene un mordedor

¿La razón por la que solo once mordeduras están oficialmente en el registro? Varios incidentes ocurren sin ser tratados ni reportados.

Recuerden, el Secretario de Prensa de la Casa Blanca dice que Comandante se sentía estresado por la conmoción del lugar y por el hecho de ver a las personas correr de un lado para otro en la residencia de la Casa Blanca y otras áreas también.

Ahora Comandante ha sido oficialmente apartado de Pennsylvania Avenue como su hermano mayor, Major, otro pastor alemán del presi que se metió en problemas por morder.

No está claro si Comandante estará de vuelta en la Casa Blanca en el corto plazo ... Manténganse atentos.

PRESIDENT BIDEN First Pooch Out of White House ... Amid Commander's Biting Spree

President Biden's pooch, Commander, is in the doghouse ... he's been booted from the White House amid an alarming number of biting incidents.

The Bidens' 2-year-old German Shepherd is reported to have chomped down on way more than the 11 incidents the Secret Service acknowledges ... it's said Commander is not only biting agents but also folks who work around the White House and at the president's residence.

As a result, Commander's no longer living at the White House, according to CNN ... he's getting a change in scenery as Joe and Jill try to figure out what to do with their dog.

It's part of a troubling trend for Commander ... and now we're learning more about the severity of the bites, with CNN reporting at least one sent the victim to the hospital, and another required medical attention.

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The reason only 11 bites are officially on the record ... several incidents are going untreated and unreported.

Remember ... the White House Press Secretary says Commander was feeling stressed out by all the commotion and people darting back and forth in the residence of The White House and other areas as well.

Now, Commander's gotten the boot from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue like his older brother, Major ... the prez's other German Shepherd who also found himself in biting trouble.

Unclear if Commander will be back at the White House any time soon ... stay tuned.

SEXYY RED Donald Trump es la persona ¡Que vuelva a la oficina!

Sexyy Red quiere que el expresidente Donald Trump vuelva a la presidencia por numerosas razones, ¡¡¡y asegura que la comunidad está de acuerdo con ella!!!

La rapera de "Pound Town" apoyó oficialmente a Trump en el podcast "This Past Weekend" de Theo Von, e incluso lo perdonó por sus anteriores explosiones de racismo y misoginia.

"Me gusta Trump"
This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

El apoyo de Sexyy no está exactamente arraigado en la política. Cuenta que fue particularmente fan de las concesiones de Trump de clemencia e indultos a una larga lista de presos, lo que fue un gran éxito entre todos los negros.

También dijo que los bonos para incentivar la economía fueron aún más populares en la comunidad porque, ¿¡quién no quiere el dinero gratis!?

¡¡¡El dinero no es el único motivo por el que Sexyy apoya a Trump!!! También elogió el entretenimiento que el expresidente trajo a la Casa Blanca, y sobre todo disfrutó, a que no se lo esperan... cuando llamó a la gente gorda.

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Duras acusaciones

Tipos como Chris Christie pueden no estar de acuerdo, pero el comentario de Sexyy definitivamente le trajo un montón de apoyo en las redes de los partidarios de Trump.

Chief Keef también reconoció recientemente que Trump tiene la aprobación de su comunidad, pero confía que estará corriendo en el patio de la prisión, si es condenado en su caso de fraude civil o en cualquiera de los otros tres casos que enfrenta.

Sexyy Red Trump Is the Hood’s Prez ... Get Him Back in Office!!!

Sexyy Red wants former President Donald Trump back in office for numerous reasons, and she’s claiming the hood agrees with her!!!

The “Pound Town” rapper officially endorsed Trump on Theo Von’s “This Past Weekend” podcast -- she even forgave the ex-POTUS for previous blasts of racism and misogyny.

This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

Sexyy's support isn't exactly rooted in policy ... specifically, she was a big fan of Trump's granting clemency and pardons to a long list of inmates and claims that was a big hit amongst all Black people.

She also said the stimulus checks were even bigger in the community ... because, who doesn't love free money!?!?

Money wasn't Sexyy's only motive in stumping for Trump ... she praised the entertainment value he brought to the White House, and most of all, she enjoyed -- wait for it -- when he called people fat!!!

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Guys like Chris Christie might not agree, but Sexyy's commentary definitely got her a lot of love on social media from Trump's supporters.

Chief Keef also recently acknowledged Trump having a hood pass, and said he's confident DT will be running the prison yard, if he's convicted in his civil fraud case ... or any of the other 3 cases he's facing.

DONALD TRUMP logra que le lleven un enorme pedido de McDonald's

Donald Trump parece tener mucho apetito (¿ansiedad?) cuando su juicio por fraude civil por $250 millones se inicia. Una orden masiva de McDonald's se acaba de entregar en la corte.

guardaespaldas big mac
Peter Gerber

El expresidente es famoso por su amor a la comida de la famosa marca y un par de guardias de seguridad fueron vistos el lunes por la tarde trayendo varias bolsas de comida de la franquicia.

Había al menos seis bolsas de entrega de comida de McDonald's que iban hacia la Corte Suprema de Manhattan, donde Trump está apareciendo por primera vez con su imperio de negocios en la línea.

Trump probablemente no es el único que disfruta de las hamburguesas, estuvo en la corte junto a sus abogados; Clifford Robert, Alina Habba, y Christopher Kise por lo que no es de extrañar que Trump necesitara dos guardias de seguridad para llevar todo el pedido.

donald trump en la corte

Como hemos informado, el juicio del lunes se produce un año después de que Trump fue demandado por la Fiscal General de New York Letitia James, quien afirma que el expresidente ha tergiversado su patrimonio neto por miles de millones de dólares.

Los fiscales también tienen a los hijos de Trump, Eric y Donald Jr. y a sus principales ejecutivos en la mira en un supuesto esquema de una década.

Trump se enfrenta a la posibilidad de que le prohíban hacer negocios de nuevo, y se informa de su juicio podría prolongarse durante 3 meses, así que prepárate para un flujo constante de entregas de comida rápida... Trump también es un gran fan de KFC.

Donald Trump Yuge McDonald's Delivery To Court

Donald Trump appears to be working up an appetite as his $250 million civil fraud trial kicks off ... because a massive McDonald's order was just delivered to court.

Peter Gerber

The former president is famous for his love of the Golden Arches ... and a couple security guards were spotted Monday afternoon bringing in several bags of food from the fast food franchise.

There's at least six delivery bags of McDonald's grub going into Manhattan Supreme Court ... where Trump is appearing for the first time with his business empire on the line.


Trump's probably not the only one chowing down on Mickey D's ... he's in court sitting next to his attorneys Clifford Robert, Alina Habba, and Christopher Kise ... so it's no wonder Trump needed two security guards to bring in all the goodies.


As we reported ... Monday's trial comes a year after Trump was sued by NY Attorney General Letitia James, who claims DT misrepresented his net worth by billions of dollars.

Prosecutors also have Trump's sons, Eric and Donald Jr., and his top execs in the crosshairs in an alleged decade-long scheme.

Trump is facing the possibility of being banned from ever doing business again, and it's reported his trial could drag on for 3 months ... so get ready for a steady stream of fast food deliveries ... Trump's also a big KFC guy.

DONALD TRUMP A JUICIO POR FRAUDE CIVIL su imprio empresarial en juego

donald trump en la corte

El imperio empresarial de Donald Trump está en juego. Existe la posibilidad de que todo se venga abajo al comparecer ante el tribunal por primera vez para su juicio por fraude civil de 250 millones de dólares.

El ex presidente llegó a la Corte Suprema de Manhattan el lunes por la mañana cuando su juicio se puso en marcha, algo que Trump ha etiquetado previamente como una "caza de brujas" con el objetivo de disminuir su carrera por la presidencia.

Trump estaba sentado junto a sus abogados Clifford Robert, Alina Habba, y Christopher Kise cuando el abogado Kevin Wallace pronunció declaraciones de apertura en nombre de la oficina del Fiscal General.

Wallace dijo que Trump sobrevaloró sus declaraciones entre $812 millones y $2,2 mil millones, alegando que sabía que eran falsas y las usó para su beneficio.

El juicio del lunes se produce un año después de ser demandado por la fiscal general de Nueva York, Letitia James, alegando que tergiversó su patrimonio neto en miles de millones de dólares. Los altos ejecutivos de Trump y sus hijos Eric y Donald Jr. también están en el punto de mira por el presunto esquema de una década.

El juez Arthur Engoron dictaminó la semana pasada que Trump y compañía eran responsables de las demandas de fraude en su contra, cancelando los certificados de empresa del demandado en New York y ordenando que un administrador judicial independiente supervise su disolución.

En otras palabras, James consiguió una importante victoria en los tribunales antes incluso de que comenzara el juicio.

Trump se enfrenta a la posibilidad de que se le prohíba hacer negocios y se informa de que el juicio podría durar hasta tres meses... así que atentos.

Donald Trump In Court For Civil Fraud Trial ... Business Empire At Stake


Donald Trump's business empire is on the line, with the potential for it all to come crumbling down ... as he appears in court for the first time for his $250 million civil fraud trial.

The former president arrived at Manhattan Supreme Court Monday morning as his trial kicked off ... something Trump's previously labeled as a "witch hunt" with the goal of diminishing his run for the presidency.

Trump was seated next to his attorneys Clifford Robert, Alina Habba, and Christopher Kise ... as attorney Kevin Wallace delivered opening statements on behalf of the Attorney General's office.

Wallace said Trump overvalued his statements from anywhere between $812 million and $2.2 billion ... claiming he knew they were false but used them to his advantage.

Monday's trial comes a year after being sued by NY Attorney General Letitia James -- claiming he misrepresented his net worth by billions of dollars. Trump's top execs and his sons Eric and Donald Jr. are also in the crosshairs for the alleged decade-long scheme.

Judge Arthur Engoron ruled last week that Trump and co. were liable for the fraud claims against them -- canceling the defendant's NY business certificates and ordering an independent receiver to oversee their dissolution.

In other words, James got a substantial win in court before the trial even kicked off.

Trump is facing the possibility of being banned from doing business ever again, and it's reported that the trial could go on for 3 months ... so strap in.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman Pulls Capitol Hill Fire Alarm ... Delays Spending Bill Vote

A U.S. congressman pulled a fire alarm on Capitol Hill this weekend right before the House was set to vote on a spending bill in hopes of avoiding a government shutdown.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) copped to the apparent delay tactic Saturday ... with a rep from his office saying, "Congressman Bowman did not realize he would trigger a building alarm as he was rushing to make an urgent vote. The Congressman regrets any confusion."

Capitol Police released a photo to the public, which appears to show Bowman pulling down the lever inside the Cannon House Office Building -- adjacent the Capitol itself -- which obviously set off a siren in the building and evacuation to follow. He's now under investigation for the stunt ... and Republicans are slamming as unpatriotic.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said he was appalled that Dems would resort to something like this ... accusing them as a party of trying to force the federal government into a freeze.

Now, as for the actual vote itself ... it eventually continued, and a bill proposed by House Republicans actually got enough votes to pass -- which will now get kicked over to the Senate. They gotta vote on it soon ... come midnight, the shutdown goes into effect.

The bill -- which was voted in as a bipartisan, 45-day stopgap -- has a lot of disaster relief funding in it ... but no extra cash for Ukraine, which is something Dems were seeking.

The White House says this House bill should do the trick for now, but they expect McCarthy to bring a separate bill "shortly" to address the Ukraine issue. Time will tell if he does.

If the Senate fails to pass the House's bill, we'll go into a shutdown until Congress reconvenes on Monday. A prolonged shutdown is no bueno for federal workers, not to mention the economy at large. It's happened before, and it could well happen again.

RFK Jr. ¿Va independiente? Al parecer se está preparando

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ha tenido un duro intento de presentarse a las elecciones presidenciales como demócrata, por lo que ahora parece que va a intentar otra manera... como candidato independiente.

La figura política, que ha causado un gran revuelo tratando de desafiar a Joe Biden por la nominación demócrata en los últimos meses, puso los rumores en marcha el viernes con un teaser de su gran anuncio el 9 de octubre, cuando dice que va a tener grandes noticias.

RFK Jr. dará un discurso en Filadelfia ese día y basándonos en lo que está señalando aquí, de seguro suena que va a probar suerte lejos de los demócratas y los republicanos, y seguir su propio camino.

Por cierto, hay informes que sugieren que eso es, de hecho, lo que va a suceder. En cuanto a por qué, bueno, no es ningún secreto... el tipo se ha sentido muy frustrado con el Comité Nacional Demócrata.

Kennedy ha estado pidiendo un debate entre él y Biden desde hace un tiempo, pero el equipo de Joe no ha dado luz verde a la solicitud, al igual que Comité Nacional. La sensación es que no se están tomando en serio su candidatura, pero RFK Jr. insiste en que Joe Biden (el actual presidente) debería ganarse la reelección, pasando primero por él. Ahora, ha encontrado una manera indirecta de irrumpir.

El hecho es que como independiente, Kennedy podría potencialmente hacer daño a la campaña de Joe desviando votos de personas que no necesariamente quieren votar por Biden y prefieren una tercera opción a la de Bernie Sanders, que en realidad nunca hizo lo que RFK aparentemente está a punto de hacer.

Arrestando al impostor
Tik Tok/@teamkennedy2024

Por la misma razón, la independencia de RFK Jr. también podría perjudicar a Trump, porque hay un montón de conservadores a los que les gusta el tipo, así que no está claro a quién podría afectar más.

En cualquier caso, es el último desarrollo en una campaña que ya ha tenido algunos dramas aquí y allá. Un hombre fue arrestado por tratar de infiltrarse en uno de los eventos de RFK como un falso policía y las implicaciones de eso eran aterradoras, teniendo en cuenta su historia familiar personal.

Permanezca atento.

RFK Jr. Going Independent??? Reportedly Gearing Up

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has had a tough go at running for president as a Democrat -- so, now, it sounds like he's gonna try another way ... as an independent candidate.

The polarizing political figure -- who's caused a stir trying to challenge Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination over the past several months -- kicked the rumors into high gear Friday with a teaser to his big announcement on Oct. 9 ... when he says he'll have big news.

RFK Jr. will make a speech in Philly that day -- and based on what he's signaling here ... it sure sounds like going to pivot away from Dems and Republicans, and go his own way.

BTW, there are reports suggesting that is, in fact, what's going to happen. As for why -- well, it's no secret ... dude's been very frustrated with the Democratic National Committee.

Kennedy has been calling on a debate between himself and Biden for a while now ... but Joe's team has brushed the request off, as has the DNC. The feeling is -- they're not taking his candidacy seriously ... but RFK Jr. insists JB (the incumbent) should have to earn re-election by having to go through him first. Now, he's found a roundabout way to disrupt.

Fact is ... as an independent, Kennedy could potentially do damage to Joe's campaign by siphoning away votes from people who don't necessarily wanna vote for Biden and prefer a 3rd option ... a la Bernie Sanders, who never actually did what RFK's apparently about to.

Tik Tok/@teamkennedy2024

By the same token, RFK Jr. going independent could also ding Trump -- 'cause there's tons of conservatives who like the guy ... so it's a bit of a toss-up over who it could hurt more.

In any case, it's the latest development in a campaign that's seen some drama here and there -- a man was arrested for trying to infiltrate one of RFK's events as a fake cop ... and the implications of that were scary, considering his personal family history. Stay tuned.

Bill Maher Biden no debería postularse nuevamente "Hay un periodo para Joe Biden, pero no 2"

Bill Maher tiene una gran estima por el presidente Biden, dice que ha hecho un buen trabajo y que ha traído un poco de normalidad de nuevo a la Casa Blanca, pero que ahora tiene que pasar la antorcha a otra persona o Trump será reelegido.

El presentador de "Real Time" volvió con fuerza tras la huelga de guionistas y no puede estar más entusiasmado con lo que viene en 2024. Bill dice que Donald Trump debe ser derrotado o la democracia seguramente morirá, pero cree que Biden no puede vencerlo porque los votantes tienen temor respecto a su edad, así como su agudeza física y mental.

Maher dice que ya no importa en este momento si Biden es lo suficientemente perspicaz para un segundo mandato. Incluso los demócratas tienen profundas reservas y la percepción es ahora la realidad.

Maher dice que la edad no debe ser un descalificador automático, que eso debe revisarse caso a caso. Y hablando de eso, tienen que oír Bill hablar de Mitch McConnell, quien se ha quedado petrificado varias veces en público.

En cuanto a Trump, dice que a pesar de que tiene más o menos la misma edad que Biden, de alguna manera parece más vibrante: "Trump es como KISS. Se pone la pintura en la cara y la peluca y ¡se parece al mismo de 1978!".

Y hablando de Trump, Bill hilarantemente tiene algunos consejos para el futuro posible compañero de celda del expresidente. Tienen que verlo.

Cuento corto, Maher dice que Joe no debe aspirar a convertirse en Ruth Bader Biden, cree que uno debe saber cuándo decir adiós.

Bill Maher Biden Should Not Run Again ... 'There's a term for Joe Biden, But Not 2'

Bill Maher has high praise for President Biden -- he says he's done a good job and has brought some normalcy back to The White House -- but he needs to pass the torch now, or Trump will get reelected.

The 'Real Time' host is back in full force after the writers' strike settled, and could not have been more fired up about 2024. BM says Donald Trump MUST be defeated or democracy will surely die, but he believes Biden can't beat him ... because voters are scared about his age, as well as physical and mental acuity.

Maher says, it doesn't matter at this point whether Biden is sharp enough for a second term -- even Dems have deep reservations, and perception is now reality.

Maher says age should not be an automatic disqualifier ... it should be case by case. And speaking of ... you gotta hear Bill talk about Mitch McConnell ... that the freezing episodes looked like Mitch was in a "buffering state."

As for Trump ... he says even though he's around the same age as Biden ... somehow he seems more vibrant -- "Trump is like KISS. He puts on the face paint and the wig and he looks like he did in 1978!"

And speaking of Trump ... Bill hilariously has some pointers for the future possible cellmate of the former Prez ... you gotta watch.

Short story ... Maher says Joe shouldn't want to become Ruth Bader Biden ... he says you gotta know when to say goodbye.