President Biden Quotes QE2 in 9/11 Speech ... The Price We Pay for Love


Queen Elizabeth was top of mind for President Biden during his 9/11 memorial speech ... quoting the late monarch who delivered poignant remarks on the heels of the tragedy.

JB was at the Pentagon Sunday, speaking to a crowd of people on the 21st anniversary of the September 11th attacks ... and at one point, he invoked some famous words QE2 issued right as America was grieving the fall of the Twin Towers and the deaths of thousands.

She said, in part, via an ambassador ... "These are dark and harrowing times for families and friends of those who are missing or who suffered in the attack -- many of you here today."

Queen Elizabeth added, "My thoughts and my prayers are with you all now and in the difficult days ahead. But nothing that can be said can begin to take away the anguish and the pain of these moments. Grief is the price we pay for love Grief is the price we pay for love."

Queen honors 9/11 in '01

The Prez cited that grief line himself and added, "Many of us have experienced that grief, and you’ve all experienced it. And on this day, when the price feels so great, Jill and I are holding all of you close to our hearts."

The timing of this is no surprise -- as we all know, the Queen passed away last week ... and it rocked the world. Biden was fond of her, and is said to be attending her funeral next week ... where we're sure other presidents will also show.

Interestingly enough, Prince William also quoted that line from his grandmother in his own statement on her passing this weekend, writing ... "My grandmother famously said that grief was the price we pay for love. All of the sadness we will feel in the coming weeks will be testament to the love we felt for our extraordinary Queen."

Barack and Michelle Obama White House Portraits Revealed ... 44 Thanks Artist for Making Michelle Look 'Fine'


Barack and Michelle Obama are back in the White House ... this time forever.

The former president and first lady returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Wednesday to unveil their new presidential portraits, which will adorn the White House walls along with their counterparts.

Barack was in a great mood, making everyone laugh and smile ... remarking on how "fine" his wife looks in her portrait.


While Barack mostly kept it fun, Michelle made a powerful speech. She says the Obama portraits -- a biracial kid with an unusual name, and the daughter of a water pump operator and stay-at-home mom -- serve as a reminder there's a place for everyone in America.

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Barack and Michelle want the paintings to inspire folks from all walks of life ... they say if the Obamas made it to the White House, so too can anyone.

President Biden was on hand as well, heaping praise on his former running mate ... and First Lady Jill said revealing the portraits is an honor.

Donald Trump FBI Discovered Empty 'Classified' Folders ... No Explanation Where Docs Disappeared To

The Justice Department has released a more detailed accounting of what was discovered at Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago Club, but it's perhaps what was apparently missing from the property that is most concerning.

According to a new release Friday, FBI agents who searched the property came across several empty folders labeled as "classified."

The inventory list doesn't detail specifically what exactly the classified and other documents seized pertained to, but just the general terms of the 33 boxes taken from the property.

The AP reports, "43 empty folders with classified banners were taken from a box or container at the office, along with an additional 28 empty folders labeled as 'Return to Staff Secretary' or military aide. Empty folders of that nature were also found in a storage closet."

The newly released report does not state a reason for why any of the folders may have been empty.

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The new info comes on the heels of the release of photos from inside Mar-a-Lago from the August 8 raid, where the documents were stored, showing the papers with "Top Secret" markings on them.

Rep. Ilhan Omar Student Debt Forgiveness Shouldn't Piss Off Anyone, Really


President Biden's student debt forgiveness policy has ruffled feathers across the political spectrum -- but Rep. Ilhan Omar says ... turn that frown upside down!

We got the Minnesota congresswoman at Ronald Reagan National Airport and asked what she made about the Debbie Downers who are pissed over JB wiping out millions of dollars in loans for countless Americans ... despite many who've paid their debt fair and square.

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The White House

Watch ... Rep. Omar tells us that those folks simply need to look at this situation with a glass-half-full mentality -- namely, being grateful they could take care of their sitch, and happy others are getting the chance to do the same ... even if it's through a free ride.

The way she puts it -- just because we aren't burdened doesn't mean we shouldn't help those who are. Essentially, it's the greater good argument repackaged with a nice bow.

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The White House

Of course, there are many who probably won't take that medicine sitting down ... but it doesn't matter anymore. What's done is done, and the President has spoken -- upwards of $10,000 per person is going to be cleared from the books whether the public likes it or not.


We know many in conservative circles -- including guys like Sen. Ted Cruz -- aren't happy about this ... but it goes beyond just left and right-wing ideology. Cruz said this could have ramifications come election time -- in favor of Dems -- which concerns him greatly.

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Speaking of that, Rep. Omar touches on a Trump campaign in 2024 ... which seems all but certain at this point. She's pretty confident about a blue win in 2 years -- DT or not.

Donald Trump FBI Lays Out Case for Mar-a-Lago Raid

The Justice Department just released a redacted version of the Donald Trump Mar-a-Lago search warrant affidavit in which it claimed to have probable cause to search the estate and seize classified information that the former President allegedly unlawfully maintained.

According to the affidavit, the FBI believed it had probable cause based on documents Trump had previously provided to the National Archives. A review of those materials showed Trump had taken with him from the White House "highly classified records," including 25 documents marked "TOP SECRET." The FBI claims Trump produced many of the documents "unfoldered, intermixed with other records."

The FBI believed, however, based on information obtained from witnesses that there were significant additional documents he had not turned over. The names and information provided by those witnesses are redacted from the affidavit that's been released publicly, so it's impossible to know exactly what information the FBI acted upon.

Since the Mar-a-Lago raid, The DOJ and Trump had been duking it out publicly over the release of the search warrant affidavit, which laid out the government's case for probable cause that a crime was committed.

Trump initially told the media he supported the DOJ release of the warrant -- unredacted. Trump's lawyers, however, never made the argument in court, instead remaining mum on whether or not the affidavit should be released.

In his court order Thursday, Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart ordered the affidavit released, but sided with the DOJ allowing it to redact significant portions of the affidavit because "disclosure would reveal the identities of witnesses, law enforcement agents, and uncharged parties."

Dozens of FBI agents executed the warrant on August 8, descending on Mar-a-Lago and carting away dozens of boxes of potentially classified documents Trump took from the White House after losing the election.

Court documents revealed the boxes contained 11 sets of classified records -- some marked top secret and "sensitive compartmented information". Trump blasted the FBI on his Truth Social platform, grousing that during the search, agents had broken into his safe and searched Melania's closet, leaving it a "mess."

The day he left office, 45 took the boxes of sensitive materials with him back to Mar-a-Lago. Since then, he and his lawyers have been in a tug of war of sorts with the National Archives and Records Administration over the return of the documents to the government.

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At one point earlier in the year, Trump returned 15 boxes of White House records to the National Archives ... launching the Justice Department investigation into what else he might have kept. The National Archives claims, in total, Trump took over 700 pages of classified documents.

U.S. Secretary of Education Student Loan Forgiveness ... Isn't Perfect, But Helps Out Millions

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President Biden's move to let millions of Americans off the hook for student loan debt is certainly drawing some controversy -- but a key cabinet member says it's more positive than not.

U.S. Secretary of Education Dr. Miguel Cardona joined us on "TMZ Live" right on the heels of his boss's big announcement -- and broke down exactly what it means for all Americans.

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The White House

As the Prez said -- and as Secretary Cardona reiterates here -- anyone who's taken out a federal loan and makes less than $125,000/year is eligible for at least $10,000 of forgiveness. If you've taken out a federal Pell Grant, you could receive an additional $10k discount.

Dr. Cardona tells us that equates to 43 million Americans who can get relief ... and about half of those can have their student debt wiped out entirely. That way they can get on with their lives and finally be out of a huge hole that might've otherwise hindered their economic goals.

There are surely many who are celebrating this news ... and, yes, there are countless people who have been stifled because of crippling, seemingly never-ending student loan debt.

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The White House

However, critics are asking, "What about all those folks who've paid off their debt already, or who didn't take on any debt to begin with?" There's also the premise of students with high-paying degrees, who'll make a fortune later, being able to exploit this new system now.

Prez Biden addressed that Wednesday, and essentially it seems to boil down to, tough luck. His Secretary of Education elaborates a bit, though, telling us he understands the concern ... but that this move is going to help more people in need than those who really aren't.

It sounds like a greater good argument, and while some might still take issue with it -- Sec. Cardona is sticking to his guns on this ... insisting the President has done the right thing.

Dr. Anthony Fauci I'm Outtie, Y'all ... Helluva Run at NIAID

Dr. Anthony Fauci is set to retire from his position as one of the country's top Docs ... but will see his duties through 'til the end of the year.

The director of the NIAID broke the news Monday with a lengthy statement. He says, in part, "I am announcing today that I will be stepping down from the positions of Director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Chief of the NIAID Laboratory of Immunoregulation, as well as the position of Chief Medical Advisor to President Joe Biden."

He adds, "I will be leaving these positions in December of this year to pursue the next chapter of my career." It's unclear what Fauci plans to do next.

Fauci goes on to say what an honor it's been to serve in his role for the past 38 years, not to mention his other 15 years of service at the NIAID before he was a honcho. He's graceful in his statement, writing ... "I have worked with -- and learned from -- countless talented and dedicated people in my own laboratory, at NIAID, at NIH and beyond. To them I express my biding respect and gratitude."

Fauci's career is quite storied ... he has served under multiple presidents, including Lyndon Johnson, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Dubya, Barack Obama, Donald Trump and, of course, JB.

Along the way, Dr. Fauci has helped Americans combat major viruses that have plagued society in the 20th and 21st centuries -- including instrumental research and work in regards to the Ebola and Zika viruses ... not to mention the swine flu pandemic, the bird flu scare and other widespread infectious disease occurrences that hit the world over the decades.

His contributions to HIV/AIDS research can't be overstated ... Fauci was in the trenches in the '80s, and he has said much of his work is defined by that period. Dr. Fauci helped develop treatments -- although the rollout and discussion of it all were heavily criticized at the time.

Frankly, he's been a lightning rod for years now ... often bearing the brunt of widespread outrage and condemnation when it comes to the federal government's response to health-related outbreaks. That was, perhaps, most crystalized of late ... during COVID-19 pandemic.

Many will recall ... Fauci was often battling against his own boss, DT, when it came to discussing the coronavirus -- he wanted people to be cautious and get vaccinated, while Trump usually pushed for the opposite ... making for some heated public clashes.

Still, he stayed the course through it all ... and always maintained his composure. Fauci hasn't always been right from the get-go, but he did always pivot when more information surfaced and updated his recommendations as such. That much nobody can deny.

By far one of the most dedicated public servants we've had in recent history. Well done, sir.

NBC's Ali Vitali Here's Why America Hasn't Elected a Female Prez


NBC's Capitol Hill Correspondent Ali Vitali says our political system was not set up to elect a female president ... but understanding the bias might help the nation finally cross that hurdle.

Vitali joined "TMZ Live" Friday ... to talk about her upcoming book, "Electable: Why America Hasn't Put a Woman in the White House ... Yet," and she's very clear ... a big reason why women haven't inhabited the Oval is misogyny. Fact is ... many countries have had female heads of state -- Germany, Finland, England, Argentina, India, Israel, among others.

Ali says the Hillary Clinton is living proof women are viable candidates .. .but they seem to hit a wall when it actually comes to getting elected.

We ask about one woman in particular ... Michelle Obama, who has said as clear as day she's not interested in the job, but Ali has opinions.

And what if the first female president is a conservative Republican -- would this be celebrated among women and men of a different political persuasion? Ali's answer is interesting...

"Electable: Why America hasn't Put A Woman In The White House...Yet" drops Tuesday.

Jill Biden Tests Positive For COVID ... Weeks After Husband Contracts It

First Lady Jill Biden has tested positive for COVID ... catching the virus just a couple of weeks after her husband caught it.

Her Communications Director released a statement Tuesday, saying she developed "cold-like symptoms" Monday evening, hours after originally testing negative during her normal cadence.

It continues, "She tested negative again on a rapid antigen test, but a PCR test came back positive."

First Lady Biden is double-vaxxed and got boosted twice -- she's also been prescribed some Paxlovid, a pill that was granted an emergency use authorization by the FDA to combat the virus.

She'll remain isolated at a spot in South Carolina until she tests negative 2 consecutive times -- she was spotted riding a bike along the beach with President Biden Sunday while on vacation in SC.

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As you know, this comes on the heels of President Biden testing positive, then negative, then positive again ... when he was isolated he assured everyone he was feeling just fine, with his German Shepherd loyally by his side.

'90 Day Fiancé' Jesse Meester I Didn't Forget About You Joe Exotic!!! ... But Don't Count on a Pardon

Joe Exotic hopes his friendship with "90-Day Fiancé" alum Jesse Meester will get him sprung from prison with a pardon ... but Jesse's not so sure Joe Biden will grant the Tiger King's wish.

Joe shocked the Internet Monday when he posted a shirtless pic of his "amazing dear friend" Jesse, saying Jesse was going to help get the favor from Biden. Jesse commented on the post, "It’s sad that the backstabbing and lying has become the norm [in] this society. Time to unite and fight back to get you out."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Jesse, who dated Darcy and Jennifer on the TLC series, says he struck up a friendship with the Tiger King through a fan online, who saw his social media posts supporting Joe and connected them. He then made some friends in The White House a few years back after then-President Trump re-tweeted him and had hope for a pardon for Joe. With Joe Biden now in office, despite what Joe might believe, the pardon seems unlikely.


Jesse now thinks Joe's best shot of getting free is through the legal system ... based on all the new evidence he claims they've received. Jesse's now using his social media to help raise awareness and fundraise for Joe's legal expenses.

Joe's attorney, Autumn Blackledge, tells TMZ ... “Joe is always thankful to have the support of someone who desires to help him and as his attorney, welcome the public support from someone who only has Joe’s best interest in mind.”

Jon Stewart Attends Biden's Signing of Vet Bill ... Props from Prez

Jon Stewart's efforts to get health benefits to veterans came full circle Wednesday ... he was on hand to watch President Biden usher in a bill guaranteeing exactly that, with a shout-out from POTUS himself.


The former 'Daily Show' host was one of several people in attendance at the White House to watch 46 sign the PACT Act into law ... and you could tell he was emotional to see it reach the finish line after a hard-fought battle. The Prez made sure to acknowledge his good work, saying the bill wouldn't be before him if it wasn't for everything he'd done.

JS took it all in humbly, and throughout the ceremony ... was also hugging vets who were able to make it in person, rubbing shoulders with politicians in the room, and getting pats on the back by pretty much everybody around. It's well deserved.

As we all saw over these past couple weeks, Jon was on the front lines in getting U.S. Senators to vote for PACT -- even after many of them, mostly Republicans, flip-flopped at crucial points in the legislative process ... nearly torpedoing it all together.

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There was a lot of handwringing over verbiage -- including claims that Dems were trying to play a budgetary game in terms of the type of spending this would fall into long-term -- but Jon always stuck to his guns and called out misinformation left and right in a variety of ways.

He spoke directly to reporters in very impassioned terms a few times on Capitol Hill ... and even got into some shouting matches with people he considered trolls acting in bad faith.

Of course, Jon also used social media pretty creatively -- and in the end, it paid off. Just goes to show ... the guy knows how to get stuff done in D.C. when he puts his mind to it.

The question ... will he ever aim higher and possibly run for office? Time will tell ...

Jared Kushner & Ivanka Trump Dinner Date Night After Dad Gets Raided

Not long after former President Donald Trump was raided in Florida -- his daughter was seemingly having a ball in Minnesota -- grabbing dinner and flashing a smile with her hubby.

Ivanka Trump, DT's former senior White House advisor, was out in downtown Rochester Monday night with Jared Kushner ... about 2.5 hours after her pops got an unwelcome visit from the FBI at Mar-a-Lago, where they executed a search warrant.

In photos obtained by TMZ, you can see IT and JK departing Bleu Duck Kitchen, we're told -- where witnesses say they had a table to themselves and apparently a bit of vino. Both looked to be in great moods, despite what was happening with 45.

The couple mostly kept to themselves as patrons looked on, but no one bothered them. We're told they were being watched over by one security guard before leaving and taking a stroll down the street.

FBI Raid Trump Supporters Protest at Mar-a-Lago After FBI Raid's Ex-Prez's Home

The FBI raid on Donald Trump's home immediately turned political ... with pro-Trump protesters gathering in front of Mar-a-Lago ... claiming it was a witch hunt.

As we reported, the FBI descended on Trump's home Monday ... on the hunt for classified and unclassified materials that Trump allegedly took from The White House when he left ... materials that should have ended up at the National Archives.


Trump improperly and allegedly illegally took a slew of materials that should have stayed in D.C., and months ago surrendered 15 boxes of stuff, but the feds believe he didn't turn over all of it.

A judge signed a warrant after determining there was probable cause the former President committed a crime by withholding the materials, which allowed the FBI to conduct the search. It's the first time in American history the feds raided the home of a former president.

This all didn't sit well with Trump supporters, who were weirdly celebratory as they encircled Mar-a-Lago. They played dance music ... not exactly the sign of angry protesters.

As for Trump ... he reportedly told his fans, "Another day in paradise."

Trump actually broke the news about the raid, complaining the feds broke into his safe.

Post Roe v. Wade Kansas Votes Overwhelmingly for Abortion Rights

Kansas shocked Republicans and Democrats alike Tuesday night ... as voters in the conservative, deep red state hit the ballot box to PROTECT a woman's right to an abortion.

You heard it right. Scores of Kansans voted overwhelmingly to nix a proposed amendment that could have erased reproductive rights in the state. In doing so, they delivered a HUGE victory to pro-choice advocates.

The amendment was the first opportunity for any voter in the country to weigh in on the issue since the overturning of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court back in June.

Tuesday's ballot question, dubbed the “Value Them Both Amendment,” required Kansas voters to decide if their Constitution should continue protecting abortion rights or just get rid of it.

Those who voted “yes” wanted to kill abortion rights and send the issue back to the state legislature. A “no” vote would keep abortion rights on the books in the state. Both sides spent millions blanketing local media with ads promoting their clashing viewpoints.

As a result, voter turnout was incredibly high. At last count, 534,134 people voted "no" to the amendment as opposed to 374,611, who voted "yes," with 95 percent of the ballots counted, according to the New York Times.

President Biden hailed the victory, saying it “makes clear what we know: the majority of Americans agree that women should have access to abortion and should have the right to make their own health care decisions.”

A recent Gallup poll showed 55% of Americans support abortion rights.

Score one big one for pro-choice.

President Biden I Got Covid Again ... After Days of Being Negative


2:48 PM PT -- There's a lot of hoopla surrounding the COVID announcement regarding Biden, but he wants the world to know he's doing A-OK ... by posting this video of him and his dog.


Check out this video posted to Joe's social media page, where assures everyone that's he's feeling fine and that he'll be working from home for the time being. His German Shepherd, Commander, is right there by his side ... so this diagnosis isn't as dire as some are making it out to be.

President Biden has contracted COVID-19 again -- this after several days of testing negative for the virus and seemingly entering the recovery lane, with any illness in the rearview.

JB announced he'd tested positive once more on Saturday, taking to Twitter to write ... "Folks, today I tested positive for COVID again. This happens with a small minority of folks. I’ve got no symptoms but I am going to isolate for the safety of everyone around me. I’m still at work, and will be back on the road soon."

His White House physician, Dr. Kevin O'Connor, supplemented the news with a bit more information and context, publishing a letter that further described Biden's renewed case.

Dr. O'Connor described this as a "rebound" effect, something he says happens with a small percentage of people who catch COVID and are treated with something called PAXLOVID -- which seems to be a medication POTUS was given to help combat the virus and symptoms.

His letter goes on to say Biden tested negative on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday -- but despite this, an antigen test administered on Saturday morning proved to be positive. The doc notes, "The President has experienced no reemergence of symptoms, and continues to feel quite well."

It continues, "This being the case, there is no reason to reinitiate treatment at this time, but we will obviously continue close observation." Even though he won't go on any more meds for COVID, Biden will re-enter isolation procedures out of precaution, just like before.

Earlier this week, he made his official return to work and did a public appearance in the Rose Garden. He'd also told the press he was "feeling great" and was ready to get back to it.

Originally Published -- 12:25 PM PT

Jeff Ross Jon Stewart Feels the Pain of Veterans ... He Really Should Run for Prez!!!


Jeff Ross isn't surprised -- isn't surprised at all -- at Jon Stewart's overflowing emotion after the Senate turned thumbs down on a critical bill to help our veterans ... because he says comedians feel pain more than most.

We got Jeff Thursday in Bev Hills at Judi's Deli ... and he could not have been more supportive of his fellow comedian. Part of Jeff's admiration seems to be rooted in Jon's character, but there's also the DNA of comedians ... to feel and project not just their own pain but the pain of others.

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Jeff says he's totally down with Jon running for President in 2024 -- something that's kinda become a thing online and elsewhere ... despite Jon flatly rejecting the idea.

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Nonetheless, it seems that Jeff thinks lobbying Jon to run wouldn't be a bad idea.

BTW ... Jeff compares Stewart to Zelensky, but with one important difference!