CA Governor Gavin Newsom Here's How You Can Help People in Need ... Without Spending a Penny

Gavin Newsom

California Governor Gavin Newsom has a big new idea that he's launching ... and it could be the beginning of a New Deal-like revolution in America.

The Guv came on "TMZ Live" to unveil his latest initiative -- The idea is pretty simple ... jump on the website and you'll be hooked up with someone who will help you figure out how you can best volunteer your time to help people.

It could be delivering food or medicine to a senior's center, or helping feed the homeless. There are a thousand ways to help, and the program matches people's talent with the needs of those who are living on the edge.

You know, when you watch people like Jeff Bezos contribute $10 billion or Oprah plunking down $10 million, a lot of people figure they can't really make nearly that kind of difference, so why bother?

Well, Governor Newsom has an answer to "why bother?" People -- especially young people -- have the energy and unique talents to help others. Think about it ... with everything in our economy changing, what if this becomes like the New Deal and we start turning volunteer work into a profession? So, people who volunteer could make a living and help others live well in the process.

And, one more thing. Crises like the coronavirus pandemic create heroes, and Newsom is among them. He's been a steady, smart leader who has captured national attention by the way he's handled the crisis, and this latest move is just another great initiative by the Governor.

Trump on NY Testing 6% Higher Than Singapore ... Hold Up, That's Not Right

Donald Trump Typo
Fox News

President Trump just did something that rarely ever happens live when he's got a hold of a mic -- he fact-checked himself ... but only to serve his agenda.

DT was doing his daily White House Press Briefing Saturday, and while he was ticking off figures about testing in New York, he compared rates there to those in Singapore ... which he said were 6% higher than the South-Eastern Asian country.

Or, so said his notes, which he paused to correct, while calling out the typo. Trump said the actual number was closer to 67% -- a YUGE difference -- and that 6% didn't "look too good." He also seemingly took a shot at his staff, saying ... "Good job out there."

First off ... the fact that Trump is comparing New York testing rates per capita to Singapore -- which has about a quarter of the population NY does -- is pretty ridiculous, even if Singapore was one of the countries that seemed more prepared for COVID-19 than others.

Also, it's ironic that Trump would point out a typo ... when his tweets are often full of 'em, which get published as is, without correction. Here, when it's to boost his image of how he guides the States he oversees ... he wants to get it right.

Unfortunately, it appears the typo remark was only made to push the narrative that there's more than enough testing going on, and that Democratic governors -- like Cuomo, who's been calling for way more federal help lately -- are simply complaining to complain.

We need more testing, folks ... period!

Deepak Chopra Lay Off 'Trumps of the World' ... Focus on a Better Future

Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra's urging everyone to be kind now -- even to your adversaries -- assuming we all, like Deepak, want the best possible post-pandemic outcome.

The mindfulness expert and holistic health guru specifically calls out people blasting the President, and other "Trumps of the world," because he believes you can't fight darkness with darkness ... and we all need to work together.

Sounds great, but if you're fighting darkness, who represents the light? Chopra suggests it COULD be Joe Biden, but adds he's going to need help from a variety of other progressive leaders.

Watch the video ... Deepak thinks he has a pretty solid game plan for Biden and says the likely Democratic presidential nominee is off to a good start with Barack Obama's endorsement.

Former President Barack Obama waited until the dust settled among all the Democratic presidential candidates, but he's fully throwing his support behind Joe Biden now.

As for whether he'd consider joining the Biden team as a spiritual adviser, Chopra tells us the formality of that situation's not really his thing ... but he's open to a chat.

Deepak also suggests his 21-day meditation plan for help getting through this difficult time. That goes for everyone, not just Biden.

Barack Obama Endorses Biden for Prez Tees Off on Trump

Former President Barack Obama waited until the dust settled among all the Democratic presidential candidates, but he's fully throwing his support behind Joe Biden now.

Obama opened a video message with an uplifting sentiment about the fight against coronavirus and gave a thank you to those on the frontlines. He then transitioned to the political side ... saying, "That's why I'm so proud to endorse Joe Biden as President of the United States."

Former President Barack Obama waited until the dust settled among all the Democratic presidential candidates, but he's fully throwing his support behind Joe Biden now.

Obama then goes in on Trump and Republicans, saying, "One thing everybody has learned by now, the Republicans running the White House and the U.S. Senate are not interested in progress, they're interested in power."

At one point he mentions the failure of the Trump administration in containing the coronavirus, saying Republicans ignored the science of pandemics just as they ignored the science of climate change ... reminding everyone of the importance of honesty and informativeness from a President.

Biden was obviously thrilled with the endorsement, tweeting just a few minutes later, "Barack — This endorsement means the world to Jill and me. We’re going to build on the progress we made together, and there’s no one I’d rather have standing by my side."

Obama's backing of Biden comes just a day after Bernie Sanders joined Joe on a livestream to offer his endorsement, as well. Sanders dropped out of the race last week, seemingly leaving the nomination to Biden.

Joe told Bernie if he does indeed become the nominee, he's going to need Sanders' help "not just to win the campaign, but to govern."

Biden will certainly need more of Obama's help to defeat Trump, as well. The good news is ... 44 has been getting back out there more lately, mostly on social media to post helpful info about the coronavirus pandemic.

Ya gotta think he'll pivot to pushing his party to vote for Joe now though ... especially since it's been his goal to unite Democrats after all the primary chaos cooled down.

President Trump has yet to respond to Obama's endorsement. Start the countdown.

Joe Exotic's Campaign Manager Tiger Fundraisers Made Bank ... Call Me, Joe Biden!!!

Joe Exotic's former campaign manager wants to do for Joe Biden what he did for the 'Tiger King' star -- raise tons of cash with some wild fundraising parties.

Joshua Dial, who ran Joe's failed campaign for governor of Oklahoma, and was heavily featured in the Netflix docuseries, tells TMZ ... Joe's campaign would regularly rake in $5,000 to $10,000 for tiger parties catering to rich folks.

Joshua Dial, who ran Joe's failed campaign for governor of Oklahoma and was heavily featured in the Netflix docuseries, tells TMZ ... Joe's campaign would regularly rake in $5,000 to $10,000 for tiger parties catered to rich folks.

Joshua says they would load a baby tiger into a cage in the back of a van and haul it off to private parties for rich donors ... who gladly paid top dollar to party the night away and play with the tiger cub.

The tiger fundraiser parties were a huge hit, and Joshua says they organized several of them during Joe's 2018 campaign.

While Joe ran as a Libertarian, Joshua says the party has a lot in common with the Democrats ... and he wants a chance to work his magic for Biden!!!

Sen. Bernie Sanders Ends Presidential Campaign ... 'Struggle for Justice Continues'

Bernie Sanders
Fox News

9:28 AM PT -- In a message to his supporters, Bernie promised he'd work with Vice President Biden to help further his campaign ... Biden also posted a message about Bernie.


9:05 AM PT -- President Trump just chimed in on Twitter, of course, saying ... "Bernie Sanders is OUT! Thank you to Elizabeth Warren. If not for her, Bernie would have won almost every state on Super Tuesday!"


Trump adds ... "This ended just like the Democrats & the DNC wanted, same as the Crooked Hillary fiasco. The Bernie people should come to the Republican Party, TRADE!"

Sen. Bernie Sanders just ended his 2020 bid for President ... leaving Joe Biden a wide open path for the Democratic nomination.

Bernie made the inevitable decision Wednesday from his hometown of Burlington, Vermont after telling staffers he was suspending his campaign. The news, of course, makes Biden the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Bernie tweeted, "Today I am suspending my campaign. But, while the campaign ends, the struggle for justice continues on."

The announcement comes about a month after getting walloped in primaries held in 6 states, but most importantly ... it came during a global pandemic that effectively shut down the U.S.

It also comes a day after Wisconsin controversially held its state elections. Sanders said about the decision ... "holding this election amid the coronavirus outbreak is dangerous, disregards the guidance of public health experts, and may very well prove deadly." The campaign refused to promote any "get out to vote" efforts for that reason.

Furthermore, the math just wasn't there for Bernie as he faced insurmountable odds. Bernie would reportedly have had to win more than 55% of delegates to score a delegate majority. That no longer seemed possible as Sanders badly struggled to make his case in Florida (Biden's shellacking him there, polls show) and Georgia (Sanders lost badly there 4 years ago to Hillary Clinton) ... two states holding primaries in the next couple of weeks.

The senator from Vermont -- whose platform resonated with young voters who were all-in on his push for universal healthcare and free college -- had hoped to pick up crucial wins Tuesday to give his campaign a much-needed boost. But, instead, it was Biden who distanced himself ... scoring victories in Missouri, Idaho, Mississippi, and perhaps most importantly, Michigan.

After a resounding win, Biden spoke to supporters and all but talked like he was the presumptive nominee saying, "I want to thank Bernie Sanders and his supporters for their tireless energy and their passion. We share a common goal, and together we'll defeat Donald Trump."

Once left for dead before the South Carolina primary, Biden's all but officially emerged as the Democratic nominee for president.

Originally Published -- 8:54 AM PT

Coronavirus Trump Muzzles Fauci ... Peddles Unproven Drug

Donald Trump just did something jaw-dropping ... he shut down the leading infectious disease specialist in the United States of America -- stopped him from exposing a dangerous lie the President had just told.
Fox News

Donald Trump just did something jaw-dropping ... he shut down the leading infectious disease specialist in the United States of America -- stopped him from exposing a dangerous lie the President had just told.

Trump held a coronavirus briefing late Sunday and made a long pitch for people to use the drug hydroxychloroquine to battle the disease. He looked in the camera and said, "What have you got to lose?" There's actually an answer -- side effects include mild problems like nausea, but doctors say there's also a risk of stroke and major heart issues.

Fact is ... the drug is unproven. There have been very limited tests and results are a light-year from conclusive, and as you see, the side effects are significant.

A reporter then asked Dr. Fauci about the drug. He's spoken about it before, and there's no way he was on Team Trump, and the President knew it. You gotta watch the video.

Trump ended the briefing by insulting 2 reporters he didn't like, cutting off legit questions ... but watch and judge for yourself.

Donald Trump Calls New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Ungracious

Donald Trump

Forget politics for a minute ... Donald Trump is demanding, of all things, gratitude from New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, despite the fact New York's health care system is about to break without these phantom tests, ventilators and PPE's the President constantly claims are rolling out.

Trump was true to form as he MC'd his daily coronavirus briefing, boasting about the federal response ... something in sharp, sharp contrast to the thousands of doctors and nurses who are now drafting their wills because there's nothing to adequately protect them from the disease.

Trump went in on Cuomo, saying he's given him everything imaginable ... maybe he didn't hear about the broken ventilators, the ridiculous competitive bidding among states for lifesaving equipment, the lack of masks, the lack of tests, and on and on.

Trump said Cuomo should be more like CA Gov Gavin Newsom. Here's the thing ... Newsom's a smart guy, and he, like every other leader at this point, knows Trump's enormous ego needs heavy stroking ... or else. Remember, he told Pence not to even call the governors of Washington State and Michigan because they supposedly lacked gratitude.

Here's what clearly escapes Trump. We want leaders who speak up, leaders who raise their voices when the doctors and nurses in their states are getting infected and dying. We need leaders who will stand up to a federal government that STILL will not recommend that EVERY state impose a stay-at-home order ... which is the most absurd thing in this whole messed up situation.

Trump likes polls, so check ours out today. People think Cuomo is a better leader than Trump by a margin that exceeds 2 to 1.