President Trump Stay Calm, America ... My Hair Is Real!!!

Here's President Trump interrupting a coronavirus briefing to give Americans a very important message ... his hair is real, and it's spectacular!!! 3/30/20
Fox News

Here's President Trump interrupting a coronavirus briefing to give Americans a very important message ... his hair is real, and it's spectacular!!!

Trump's daily virus press briefing had a hilarious moment Monday at the Rose Garden ... courtesy of Mother Nature, coronavirus testing kits and DT's famous mane.

Ya gotta see the video ... Trump's touting the new FDA-approved 5-minute coronavirus test when a gust of wind sends the test box flying off the podium, and his hair starts flowing in the breeze.

Trump notices the box blowing away, instantly makes a comment, then praises himself and his locks.

The good news ... it seems he's finally getting on roughly the same page as Dr. Fauci.  Trump stressed the need for self-quarantining during the next 30 days. He said private companies are working on developing and manufacturing new tests, respirators and he said a company is working on sterilizing protective masks so they can be reused 20 times.

But, do you actually believe Trump when he says it's real?!?

President Trump Okay, Forget Easter ... Let's Keep This Going to Apr. 30

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Fox News

4:05 PM PT -- Trump just spent 5 minutes talking about how great his ratings are for these daily briefings. He cited news reports -- several times -- that the briefings get higher ratings than "Monday Night Football" or "The Bachelor." He seems to think the ratings are a function of his popularity. Maybe it's just us, but we're thinking people are watching the briefings because they're scared for their lives and the lives of their families and friends.

President Trump is finally listening to the doctors and scientists around him -- doing a hard 180 on his Easter deadline to get back to normal and extending that to the end of the month.

DT made the announcement Sunday from the Rose Garden, telling reporters that the White House would, in fact, keep its social distancing guidelines nationwide until at least April 30, for now anyway. This, he says, will soften the blow of spreading coronavirus cases.

Even more sobering ... Trump says the peak of death rates for the country will actually hit in two weeks (right around Easter) and he doesn't want to declare victory prematurely.

A lot of critics believe Trump was never going to open the country back up on April 12, to begin with -- as he boldly suggested days ago. Some think he was simply bluffing and attempting to breathe optimism into the stock market and the economy. Both have been tanking lately.

Presidents Associates
Fox News

On a related subject, check out this video. Trump has made it clear ... he demands a loyalty oath, OR ELSE. Everyone who spoke at Sunday's news conference heaped praise on the Prez because he said out loud the other day people needed to show him appreciation. And, maybe worst of all, he told the Veep not to return the calls of the governors of Michigan and Washington State because they weren't grateful enough.

Look, we want the feds to save us, but Trump making this about himself and suggesting citizens from Michigan and Washington won't get the care they need because his ego got bruised ... well, that's just appalling. BTW, think about it ... Trump is telling Pence not even to return a call from the 2 governors ... what if people die as a result?

Originally published -- 3:44 PM PT

President Trump Fellow Americans, Stop Panic Buying Relax, Will Ya ... Sheesh!!!

Donald Trump
this ain't shop 'til you drop
The White House

President Trump had a strong message for Americans who are flocking to their local grocery stores and clearing the shelves in a frenzy -- take a chill pill, yo ... please and thanks.

DT and his coronavirus team -- including Pence -- hit up the Press Room Sunday for an update on the global pandemic ... which is spreading by the day here in the States. Trump started with good news for Wall Street ... federal interest rates were just cut to 0%-0.25%!

He then hopscotched to a discrepancy that Google cleared up about a website they're launching for coronavirus related information -- something Trump alluded earlier last week, but which was fact-checked as Google's parent company, Alphabet, handling it.

Google eventually came out and backed Trump -- whom people criticized for spreading, at first, seemingly incomplete info -- and DT hit that point home at the podium.

He did a mic drop of sorts ... you can watch for yourself.

Anyway, then came the directive from POTUS himself straight to the American people ... many of whom are panic buying and stockpiling supplies right now ... while leaving the shopper behind them high and dry. Trump says he's spoken to a bunch of grocery store CEOs ... and they asked him to deliver a message -- STOP BUYING STUFF YOU DON'T NEED!!!

Donald had his own way of putting it, but you get the picture. He says stores will remain open during these crazy times and they'll continuously try to keep restocking products.

Donald Trump I Tested Negative for Coronavirus ... Carson Coughs, Touches Face

Donald Trump finally, if not belatedly, took a coronavirus test ... but he can't shake the habit of shaking hands.

4:29 PM PT -- President Trump has tested negative for coronavirus, according to the White House doctor.


In a letter released to the media Sunday -- just hours after DT said he'd gotten the test and was awaiting results -- the doc says ... "Last night after an in-depth discussion with the President regarding COVID-19 testing, he elected to proceed."


They continue, "This evening I received confirmation that the test if negative. One week after having dinner with the Brazilian delegation in Mar-a-Lago, the President remain symptom-free." So, in other words ... POTUS is in the clear. Phew ...


10:59 AM PT -- Not too long after the President spoke to the media in the Press Room, Veep Mike Pence introduced Dr. Ben Carson to talk about the effects the coronavirus is having in his world -- Housing and Urban Development -- and things immediately went south.

Ben Carson

BC coughed into his hand, touched the podium ... and no more than 5 seconds later, reached up and scratched his face -- all things Trump's administration and scientists at large are telling people NOT to do at all costs. Apparently, old Ben here didn't get the memo.

Donald Trump finally, if not belatedly, took a coronavirus test ... but he can't shake the habit of shaking hands.

Trump took the podium Saturday in the White House Press Room and announced he took the test Friday night. Thing is ... he says he took it NOT to find out if he has the virus but because the media has been on his butt to take the test. He says the results should come in soon -- a couple days -- but he took his temperature today and he's not running a fever.

A reporter asked him about sending "mixed messages" by still shaking hands -- something he did a lot Friday at a Rose Garden news conference. It's a little hard to follow, because on the one hand he says he never liked shaking hands and resisted it, and on the other hand he says it's a hard habit to break.

As for taking the test, 3 people who were at the same function as Trump a week or so ago have tested positive for the virus.

Originally Published -- 9:59 AM PT

Stedman Graham Oprah Won Obama the White House ... But She's No One's VP!!!

Oprah's longtime partner, Stedman Graham, says Barack Obama owes his presidency to O -- so she's got political clout, but she's not about to be a running mate for either Democratic candidate.

Oprah's longtime partner, Stedman Graham, says Barack Obama owes his presidency to O -- so she's got political clout, but she's not about to be a running mate for either Democratic candidate.

We got Stedman in our nation's capital Tuesday afternoon and asked if Oprah should hop on the ticket with Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders -- now that lots of folks are clamoring for the old, white men to choose a minority woman as veep.

That's when Stedman dropped his Obama bombshell. He says Oprah's the main reason Barack was elected Prez in 2008 -- but he also makes it clear, she's got no public office aspirations of her own.

Sure, Oprah endorsed Obama back in the day, but Stedman says that doesn't mean she's political. We asked him if a personal call from Barack would change her mind, though .. and he gave us some insider VP scoop.

Bottom line -- the Dems might wanna look elsewhere. Stedman says Oprah's already found a calling with way more impact than what she could do in DC.

Pete Buttigieg I'm Ready for R&R ... And to Guest Host for Kimmel!!!

Pete Buttigieg

Pete Buttigieg still has big plans for his political future, but for now, he's down to chill out and catch up on sleep ... until he tries his hand as a late-night TV talk show host.

The ex-presidential candidate says his campaign was just the beginning for him, and even though he dropped out of the race he's still hoping to make himself useful down the line ... which we already know means backing Joe Biden to take on Donald Trump.

For now, though, Pete says he's enjoying the slower pace of life off the campaign trail and will be doing some R, R & R ... resting, recuperating and reflecting.

Buttigieg obviously can't relax for too long -- he's set to guest host Thursday on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" and says he'd also love to pop in on "Saturday Night Live."

If he does, he can check out Elizabeth Warren's surprise appearance for some pointers.