White House There's a Mouse in the House!!! Sends Reporters Into Panic

Mouse In the White House

The leaks coming from the White House are now crossing into the animal kingdom ... because a mouse fell out of a ceiling, sending reporters into a frenzy!!!

The wild scene went down Tuesday morning at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, when a mouse plunged through the ceiling in the press booth and landed in a journo's lap.

Members of the media were obviously shocked by the rodent's rude entrance, with reporters scurrying out of their seats.

A mouse hunt ensued ... and video shows the furry critter darting behind tables and equipment, eluding capture. One reporter even busted out a broom, but the mouse got away.

Mouse In The White House Reaction

By all accounts, the mouse is still on the loose after escaping the office area ... and it was last seen running wild in the White House press briefing room.

Maybe President Trump can grab a pussycat to flush out the mouse.

Robert De Niro on CNN Trump's Probably 'Crazy' And As For Fox News, 'F*** 'Em!!!'

Robert De Niro
CNN's Reliable Sources

Robert De Niro obviously had A LOT more to say about the possible impeachment of President Trump, going on a CNN morning show and dropping f-bombs from the sky.

The actor was on Brian Stelter's "Reliable Sources" Sunday morning as a special guest, where he was asked about the impeachment inquiry opened against DT this past week ... and where he thinks things will go from here. Similar to our question, of course.

You'll recall ... we asked Bob just Saturday about this issue, and he somewhat surprised us by saying he'd actually rather have Mike Pence in office ... if it meant getting Donnie out.

Robert De Niro

Welp, RDN expanded on that a little with the CNN host ... making a pretty serious claim that he believes POTUS demonstrates "crazy" behavior, and he seemed to mean it literally. Stelter asked him if he was saying "crazy" in a medical sense, and Bob said possibly.

Robert De Niro I Can Deal with Pence If It Means Trump Gets Impeached

Robert De Niro

Robert De Niro says he could stomach -- and "deal with" -- VP Mike Pence in the Oval just so long as it means as Donald Trump gets forced out of office and out of D.C. for good.

The legendary actor took a few seconds out of his press tour-de-force Saturday in NYC -- a day after he, Martin Scorsese, Al Pacino and Joe Pesci premiered their new flick "The Irishman" for the NY Film Festival -- to talk Trump and a possible impeachment.

As we've reported ... Nancy Pelosi and the House of Reps. launched a formal impeachment inquiry last week after word got out about DT's call this summer with the Ukrainian Prez ... in which POTUS casually asked him to look into Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.

The White House even released a rough transcript of the call, and it couldn't be any clearer -- Trump asked the guy to get to the bottom of it, with the help of Attorney General William Barr and even his own personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani. Rudy denied wrongdoing, FWIW.

Sean Spicer Seen Crying After 'DWTS' Premiere ... Not Sad, Tears of Joy!!!

Sean Spicer

Sean Spicer was reduced to tears after his big debut on "Dancing with the Stars" -- but he wasn't crying out of sadness ... the guy was actually overjoyed.

We got President Trump's former Press Secretary Monday night sitting in his car outside of Cleo in Hollywood -- shortly after he salsa'd his way into a pretty bad score on the ABC show ... where he was seen wearing a very loud, neon-green outfit alongside his dance partner, Lindsay Arnold.

Sean was getting roasted online, and when we saw him bawling in his ride -- seemingly looking at a screen -- it looked like he was taking in all of the negativity.

Not so, though!!!!

Sinbad on Candace Owens In 'Never Been Great' USA She Has Every Right to Be Dumb As Hell


Sinbad couldn't disagree more with Candace Owens on the idea that this country was ever great -- as President Trump suggests.

You know the famous Voltaire line ... "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." That's not exactly what Sinbad said to us Monday at LAX, but it's close in spirit ... maybe. He notes Candace has every right to spew half-baked theories in the U.S. of A.

Of course, he's referring to the spirited debate Candace and T.I. got into over the weekend in Atlanta, where Diddy's REVOLT TV held a summit and talked about 'MAGA.' T.I. asked when this country was ever great -- and she was never able to answer.

Sinbad is firmly in T.I.'s corner on the issue, saying that there are way too many bad tendencies Americans seem to go back to time and time again to reach true greatness. Watch ... he makes an interesting point, even saying America has the potential to be great.

As far as Candace goes though, Sinbad's got some harsh for words for her -- as well as other black Trump supporters who parrot GOP talking points. We'll let him speak for himself.

T.I. to Candace Owens When Was America Actually Great?!? Rowdy Debate for Revolt TV


3:40 PM PT -- Killer Mike spoke his own piece about what T.I. and Candace were discussing, and he said they were focusing on the the wrong issues.


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According to KM, he says black people need to stop arguing over who's the best "master" and start organizing their own agenda, with their own goals -- taking the best from each person's point of view -- as well as owning a stake in whatever industry they're participating in ... be it politics, music, business, infrastructure or anything else. He says it best himself, watch.

T.I. had a good question for staunch Trump supporter Candace Owens -- when was America actually great ... and what exactly is DT trying to emulate???

The rapper asked this of Candace Saturday night at a summit held by Diddy's REVOLT TV in Atlanta, where they were discussing why the President's slogan is viewed as racist among many in the black community. Safe to say, things escalated quickly from there.

Moderator Jeff Johnson said Trump has stoked fear into poor whites that their enemy is poor blacks -- to which Candace asked when the Prez said that verbatim. Johnson suggested that the guy's slogan in and of itself was a sign of that fear-mongering.

Then T.I. jumped in ... and s*** hit the fan.

T.I. firmly asked Candace what period in American history is Trump so sure was "great" -- listing examples, like when women couldn't vote ... or when black people were lynched.

Candace suggests Trump is hearkening back to the Reagan years, when the then-presidential hopeful said something to the same effect while on the campaign trail. T.I., however, has his own view of the 80s ... calling it the crack era. He kept pressing, and Candace ultimately wasn't able to get out a straight answer to his initial question.

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Things got worse when Candace invoked slavery -- seemingly suggesting, at first, that America was one of the first countries to free its slaves ... but stopping and quickly pointing out that slavery was worldwide, and not just taking place here in the States.

Folks in the crowd became even more irate about that, and when Candace tried to get her point out ... T.I. was quick to shut her down, saying her beginning premise was "bulls***."

REVOLT TV is bringing its summit to L.A. next month. If the Atlanta event is any indication, L.A. should bring out the fireworks just the same.

Originally Published -- 2:12 PM PT

Chrissy Teigen I Won't Swear in Front of My Kids ... But Trump's an 'Asshole'

Chrissy Teigen

Chrissy Teigen tried so damn hard not to use foul language while talkin' Trump -- and she almost made it ... almost.

We got the supermodel/TV personality mom out Tuesday in L.A. with her kids, Luna and Miles, making a Shake Shack food run and hitting up a kids clothing store, when our camera guy asked some solid questions about her expletive-laced weekend feud with the Prez.

You'll recall ... Trump called out Chrissy -- not by name -- as John Legend's "filthy mouthed wife" ... to which she fired back, calling him a "p***y ass bitch."

So, the question ... will she double down on the "filth?" Chrissy was determined not to use profanities in front of her kids, and you could feel her struggling for restraint as she jawboned with our photog. She made it all the way to her car, when she just couldn't hold back anymore.

Another good question ... if we dare say. How are Chrissy and John super close to Kim and Kanye, when both of whom interact with Trump and may even have an influence over him on prison reform. So, what pray tell does Chrissy think about that?

One thing's for sure ... she's not fearful of a fight with 45.

Village People It's Not Fun to Ripoff 'YMCA'!!! Pissed at Farmers' Spoof, Trump Loves It

Village People Parody

The Village People definitely see a need ... to ... be ... unhappy -- in fact, they're PISSED The White House helped a "YMCA" spoof video go viral, because no one got their permission.

Victor Willis, writer and frontman for the Village People, tells TMZ ... his group is NOT impressed by the Missouri farmers who threw down their best disco moves -- while standing in corn fields with lots o' chicken, milk and even soy, mind you. The intent of the "USMCA" spoof is to push Congress to pass the new U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement.

No offense to dancing farmers everywhere, but Willis says, "Because the Missouri Farm Bureau failed to obtain a license for use of my song in addition to intertwining my original lyrics with new lyrics, I must decline this specific use of the song in conjunction with the 'USMCA.'"

Legal stuff aside, though ... ya gotta give the farmers credit for giving their all in the parody. Seriously, they worked soy, steel and a bucket of fried chicken into the lyrics! The White House was clearly into it -- President Trump's down with the USMCA, after all -- because it tweeted the video to its 19 million followers.

Still, the Village People took action and reported the infringement to YouTube. The vid's been removed from that platform, and we're told it will be taken down from others Wednesday.

So, to review: there are many ways to have a good time, but singing and dancing in a cornfield while spoofing "YMCA" without permission ... is not one of them, apparently.

Chrissy Teigen to Prez Trump What a 'P***y Ass Bitch' You Are ... John Calls 45 'Exhausting'


12:25 PM PT -- John just directly responded to Trump calling his wife “filthy mouthed” … he says the Prez is downright “exhausting.”

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The singer says there’s not much else to say on the Twitter spat, because everyone already knows this is Trump’s MO.

President Trump got into some name-calling online with John Legend and Chrissy Teigen -- and the latter cranked things up to 10 by calling DT a "p***y ass bitch" in response.

The vulgar insult was fired off Sunday after 45 tweet complained about no one in the Democratic Party giving him props for doing some major work in criminal justice reform -- taking aim at John and Chrissy in the process, but avoiding using Chrissy's name.

The Prez wrote in reference to the First Step Act he signed into law last year ... "But now that it is passed, people that had virtually nothing to do with it are taking the praise. Guys like boring musician @johnlegend, and his filthy mouthed wife, are talking now about how great it is - but I didn’t see them around when we needed help getting it passed."

Well, Chrissy absolutely took notice of the omission -- she's pretty good at this whole Twitter thing, in case you didn't know -- and clapped back at POTUS with a vicious reply.

She wrote back to him, saying ... "lol what a p***y ass bitch. tagged everyone but me. an honor, mister president." Chrissy said she did NOT want #PresidentP***yAssBitch to trend ... sarcastically, of course -- but #filthymouthedwife ended becoming a top-used term, instead. #TeamChrissy is trending now too.

Worth noting, Trump blocked Chrissy on Twitter back in 2017. The federal appeals court has since ruled Trump can't block people from his official Twitter account -- but it's unclear if he has UNblocked Chrissy.

John got in on the mud-slinging as well, begging Melania to basically come get her man ... and give him the attention and praise he's so desperately craving.

Guess who's not gonna be Chrissy's #MCM?

Originally Published -- 7:02 AM PT

Diane Warren Dem. Candidates Can Use My Tunes ... Guess Who Can't???

Dianne Warren
Music of My Party

Diane Warren is offering up her catalog of insanely popular, award-winning music to any candidate running for Prez -- with one BIG exception ... yep, it's you-know-who.

We got the legendary songwriter Tuesday in L.A. and asked if she'd be open to letting some Dems blare her tunes on the campaign trail -- seeing how she's a staunch supporter of the party and all. Turns out, she's declaring open season on her work ... come one, come all!!!

That's right ... Diane tells us that ANY presidential candidate who runs as a donkey is free to use the songs she wrote, if they want a little hype at their public events. She's even got suggestions.

On the Republican side ... not so much. President Trump absolutely CANNOT touch her tracks ... paws off, DT.

Of course, Trump has been asked by several marquee musicians to STOP playing their tracks at his events -- everyone from Pharrell and The Rolling Stones to Prince's estate and pretty much everyone else in between has demanded that their sounds be muzzled at Trump events.

Unfortunately for them, Trump has the legal right to crank any song he wants, so long as it's in a public space and in the U.S. of A. Mick Jagger explained what a bummer it was.

Unclear if Diane's aware of this loophole -- or if Trump is even into her music at all -- but it's the thought that counts, right? Hell yeah ... nothing's gonna stop us now!!!

BTW, DW gives a pretty strong endorsement for one particular Dem who's been speaking out on an issue she's very passionate about ... animal rights. Any guesses???

'Power' Star Larenz Tate If the People Want it ... Give 'em Obama Ave. at Trump Tower!!!

Larenz Tate
just a block?!

What seemed like a major troll job on President Trump is now picking up steam, which is why Larenz Tate says if NYers want Trump Tower to face President Obama Ave. ... then make it so.

The veteran actor, who's now playing an NYC Councilman on "Power," was outside Facebook Monday in the Big Apple when we brought up the petition demanding the name change for 5th Avenue.

The petition -- which only aims to change the block of 5th Ave where Trump Tower sits -- already has over 430,000 signatures.

Larenz told us the people in power shouldn't ignore the proposal ... especially if citizens continue to show strong support for it. In fact, he's down for the city to go above and beyond the petition's request. Watch.

Petition organizers are aiming to lock up another 20k or so signatures to bring the initiative to Mayor Bill de Blasio and city council.

Larenz knows a thing or two about the process, thanks to his "Power" character. He also knows his own limitations as far as who he can and CAN'T portray on camera, including Barry O.

BTW, the sixth season of "Power" is set to debut this week on Starz -- we'll see how the cast fares now that 50 Cent's character is dead. Gahhhh ... sorry! Spoiler alert?

Offset Cardi's Down with Bernie ... Guess I Am Too!!!


Offset already knows who he's backing for prez, and he's no fool -- he's following his wife Cardi B's lead and supporting Sen. Bernie Sanders.

We got the Migos rapper at LAX Thursday and asked if he's riding with Bernie because CB had a one-on-one meeting with the candidate. Offset tells us he's definitely on the same political page as his wife.

Not that we think 45 was holding out for the Migos vote -- Cardi's made it clear how she feels about Trump.

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As you probably know ... Cardi recently sat down with Senator Sanders, chopping it up about race, the economy and social justice -- and it sounds like he convinced her to stump for him in the race for the White House.

Offset's a smart man ... he knows a happy wife means a happy life, so he's feeling the Bern too. If you're not looking to hear the ATL rapper talk politics, fear not ... how 'bout licking???

Cardi B

Our guy also asked Offset why he can't seem to keep his tongue off his wife's neck and boobs -- and he gave us a simple, yet very tasty answer.

Trump's Director of Immigration Change Lady Liberty Slogan Give Us Non-Public Charge Folks Only

Ken Cuccinelli

President Trump's administration thinks it'd be a good idea to tweak this country's motto on incoming immigrants to something more specific ... self-sufficiency or GTFO.

That's not a stretch from what a prominent member of DT's cabinet said on NPR Tuesday when asked about his boss' new policy change for immigrants that use public benefits ... and how that reflects the Statue of Liberty plaque of taking in anyone and everyone.

According to Ken Cuccinelli -- the acting Director of Citizenship and Immigration Services -- that slogan should be updated to read, "Give me your tired and your poor who can stand on their own two feet, and who will not become a public charge." Seriously, he said that.

ICYMI, Trump and co. wanna make it harder for folks who legally migrated to the U.S. -- but aren't citizens yet -- to obtain permanent status if they receive food stamps, Section 8 housing or Medicaid ... effectively squeezing 'em out. It's called the "public charge" rule.

If you need a refresher on what Emma Lazarus' sonnet says -- here's the most important part ... "'Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!' cries she With silent lips. 'Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!'" It was mounted in the lower level of Lady Liberty's pedestal in 1903.

Trump's "public charge" rule is set to go into effect in October.

Deepak Chopra Marianne Williamson Won't Be President ... Because This Country is Messed Up

Deepak Chopra Marianne Williamson

Deepak Chopra says Marianne Williamson has all the qualities you should look for in a leader ... and that's why her presidential bid doesn't stand a chance.

The alternative medicine guru threw his support behind the Democratic candidate when we got him at LAX, praising her integrity and authenticity ... but Deepak says the political system is corrupt, and that's why Marianne doesn't stand a chance.

Marianne Williamson

Deepak believes Marianne's views don't jive with today's political climate ... and even she recently told us traditional politicians and political pundits are trying to diminish her.

Deepak's written books with Marianne and says they're close friends and he knows she has the goods ... but he's convinced people are so cynical -- politicians so power hungry and divisive -- that she's just out of step. To his point, Williamson did not qualify for the next round of debates.

Bottom line ... Deepak believes Marianne is too pure to be Prez.

Deepak Chopra World's Going to Crap ... And It's Not Only Trump to Blame!!!

President Trump's not the only thug running a country ... he's in good (bad?) company across the globe, so says alternative medicine guru Deepak Chopra.

President Trump's haters might not wanna hear this, but he's not special -- he's just ONE member of a group of "thugs" and "gangsters" destroying the world ... according to Deepak Chopra.

The alternative medicine guru, who's normally all about peace and love, was pretty fired up about the state of our nation when we saw him Thursday at LAX. We asked him what Americans can do to heal after last weekend's mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton.

He isn't wasting time getting philosophical -- instead he's unloading on Trump and several other world leaders. Just watch ... this ain't your father's Deepak. THIS guy is fed up.

Now it wasn't all doom and gloom. Deepak did offer some advice on how we can turn things around -- aaand then threw in one more jab about how the Prez came to power in the first place.

Don Jr. & Eric Trump Full Day of UFC Fights ... Colby Wins, Gives 'Em a Shout-Out


3:12 PM PT -- Colby Covington just beat Robbie Lawler's ass in the Octagon, and won via unanimous decision. When he finally got a chance to gloat on the mic ... he shouted out the Trumps -- which was met with peppered boos from the crowd. It appears to be one of the first signs of semi-rejection the Trump boys were met with throughout the afternoon. 


1:50 PM PT -- Colby Covington now has the full support of all the Trumps, including the President ... who just wished him good luck ahead of his fight with Robbie Lawler. 


Dana White just chimed in as well. Seems like he's down with the Prez's support.

Donald Trump Jr. and his brother, Eric Trump, are getting the early bird special at the UFC fight in New Jersey this weekend -- 'cause they showed up hours before the big bout.

President Trump's sons are sitting cage-side right now at the Prudential Center in Newark for the UFC on ESPN 5 event, where welterweights Colby Covington and Robbie Lawler are facing off for the main event. Colby personally invited DTJ and co. -- they're pals.

Sources connected to the event tell TMZ Sports that Don, Eric and their brood -- which appears to include Don's GF, Kimberly Guilfoyle and at least one kid -- arrived Saturday around 10 AM PT ... an hour after the first fights kicked off at 9 AM.

Kinda interesting if you think about it -- that means the Trumps are going to presumably stick around for a bit until the Covington/Lawler fight at noon ... which makes for a jam-packed day of Octagon action. Five matches have already been decided, so you gotta imagine the Trump crew caught at least two of them, so far.

It also looks like ESPN followed through on their plan to not keep the famous family off camera -- despite backlash it may or may not spark. They're all getting a healthy amount of screen time at the moment on TV, which we were told was expected ahead of the event.

As you know, the UFC is made up of pretty diverse fighters ... and with their pops being labeled a racist of late, the Trump boys' inclusion in this event was expected to be a powder keg of sorts.

No issues so far though, from the crowd or otherwise ... hopefully it stays that way.

Originally Published -- 11:50 AM PT