Ann Coulter Dems Should Pick Biden ... But They'll Screw It Up!!!

Ann Coulter thinks Democrats have a clear choice if they want to nominate a candidate who can beat Donald Trump in 2020 ... but she's confident their identity politics will derail a slam dunk.

Ann Coulter thinks Democrats have a clear choice if they want to nominate a candidate who can beat Donald Trump in 2020 ... but she's confident their identity politics will derail a slam dunk.

We got America's conservative sweetheart on the Upper East Side ... and she says after watching the Democratic debates, Joe Biden is the only one who can realistically challenge Trump for the White House.

But, Ann says the Dems will totally screw up the nomination ... because she thinks they're fooling themselves into believing Kamala Harris is the chosen one.

Ya gotta hear why Ann is predicting the Dems will go spurn Biden for Kamala ... her reasoning has everything to do with identity politics, and the next step from Barack Obama.

It's pretty interesting to listen to Ann's take on the Dems ... and she also tells us what Republicans should be demanding from Trump with 16 months remaining in his first term.

Marianne Williamson Don Lemon Can't Diminish Me!!! Rips Reparations Question

Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson thinks Don Lemon went low when he asked what makes her "qualified" to tackle the issue of slavery reparations, and says she's not backing down from him or anyone else on the campaign trail.

The Presidential candidate joined us on "TMZ Live" Wednesday after what some call a resounding victory for her in the latest Democratic debate. In particular, she took umbrage with the way CNN's Lemon attempted to grill her about her plan to spend up to $500 billion on reparations.

Williamson admitted Lemon's tone rubbed her the wrong way, and told us his question is a symptom of exactly what's wrong with Presidential politics in America -- namely, toxic arrogance on the part of traditional politicians and political pundits.

If you missed it ... the tension between Don and Marianne was palpable during the debate as soon as he asked the question.

Marianne Williamson Debate

Marianne's unique voice clearly struck a chord with voters Tuesday night -- she was the most Googled candidate during the debate -- and she tells us she refuses to let Lemon "diminish" her viewpoint.

As for why voters, and the other candidates, are now taking Marianne seriously -- the renowned author has an interesting theory about her "skill set."

John Legend Declares War on Trump Racist 'Piece of S***'


John Legend is going to war with President Trump, the gloves are off and it's a full-on street fight ... the singer is calling the President a 'piece of s***' and a canker sore on this country.

The EGOT winner was leaving Peppermint nightclub Tuesday night in WeHo, where he was coming in hot on DT on the way out -- and it's truly something to behold. We know John isn't a fan of the Prez, but we've never seen him swinging quite like this.

He lashes out in a profanity-laced tirade against Trump, and it appears his recent comments about Baltimore and its representative in Congress, Elijah Cummings, is what set him off.

ICYMI ... Trump called Baltimore a "disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" over the weekend, as well as a "dangerous & filthy place" -- criticizing Rep. Cummings for bashing the southern border sitch instead of tending to his own district. He's doubled down since then.

Trump's latest perceived attacks against people of color seems to be the final straw for John -- who absolutely insists to our camera guy ... "We need to get him out of office."

He says instead of trashing downtrodden American communities, we need to lift them up ... and this President is NOT doing that. Them's fighting words!!! The question now ... did John go too far here?

Michelle Obama Shades Trump ... Here's Some Baltimore Magic

Michelle Obama appears to be firing back at President Trump -- not by insulting him for his horrid rant about the city of Baltimore ... but by merely showcasing its talented citizens.

The former First Lady posted a video Saturday, which seems to be in response to Trump bashing Rep. Elijah Cummings and his constituents in Charm City, saying pretty nasty stuff ... calling Baltimore a "disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" and a "dangerous & filthy place" -- all while suggesting Rep. Cummings tend to his own district instead of criticizing the situation at the southern border (people locked in cages, child separations, etc.).

Michelle didn't directly call out Trump for what many are calling racist smears against the city, but she did highlight some beauty from the community through the vehicle of sport and dance.

The clip shows off Baltimore's very own Lethal Ladies -- a local STEP team who Michelle says she saw perform in 2017. She wrote of them, "I'm so proud of you all -- and everyone who's dancing today!" Apparently, Saturday is #NationalDanceDay.

What's interesting about the video too is that the girls use Michelle's signature slogan, "When they go low, we go high!" in their dance routine. One of the girls even makes reference to bullying, saying, "we don't stoop to their level." It couldn't be a more clear shot at DT.

As if that wasn't enough of a denunciation, Barack also appeared to respond to Trump's vicious tweets with an op-ed in WaPo, in which he condemns Trump's "go back" attacks.

Battle lines are being drawn, it seems.

Mayor Pete Buttigieg Ugh, If I Had to Choose Trump Or Pence ....


Mayor Pete Buttigieg is undeniably mentally agile, but he really had to think about this one ... who's worse -- Donald Trump or Mike Pence?

The South Bend Mayor appeared Friday on "TMZ Live," and we posed the question in the wake of renewed cries by some Dems to impeach Trump. Obviously, if he were to be impeached and then convicted by the Senate, Pence would become Prez.

For Buttigieg, the choice is distasteful, but he VERY reluctantly seems to pick the one he thinks is the lesser of 2 evils ... or maybe it's more accurate to say he doesn't choose the greater evil.

Check out "TMZ Live" today.

Pete Buttigieg Good that Trump's Trying to Free A$AP, BUT ...

Mayor Pete on ASAP

Pete Buttigieg is happy Donald Trump is trying to free A$AP Rocky from a Swedish jail, but he couldn't be clearer -- that doesn't cancel out the damage the Prez has done to the African-American community.

Mayor Pete stopped by TMZ for an appearance on Friday's "TMZ Live" ... and he bore in on Trump, saying he's done enormous damage to African-Americans, but you still take what you get when you get it.

We asked Buttigieg about all sorts of stuff ... what his "Veep" would look like, whether we can be sanctimonious about Russian interference in the 2016 election when we invaded countries and installed brutal dictators around the world, whether celebs help or hurt candidates and ... his most cherished object.

Check out "TMZ Live" today.

Kim Kardashian West Looking Golden at White House ... Brings Daughter and Grandma for Private Tour

Kim Kardashian West is back at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. looking like she still very much means business in D.C. ... and she brought a couple sidekicks with her for a very special tour.

Kim arrived at the White House front gates Thursday morning in an all-gold getup ... with a shiny top, shoes and purse to go with the suit.

She wasn't flying solo, though -- her oldest kid, North West, left the Four Seasons hotel with her mom and got to tag along.

Kim's been in the nation's capital the past couple days visiting jails to discuss prison reform -- and possibly shooting an Oxygen Network documentary -- and our sources say she had another meeting with President Trump on the issue.

During her visit, we're told she also surprised her grandmother -- who recently turned 85 -- with a tour of the White House.

As we reported ... she and Kanye lobbied President Trump last week to get involved in the A$AP Rocky case in Sweden, and she thanked him and Jared Kushner for trying to free the rapper.

Unfortunately ... it doesn't look like it's going to be a simple task. A$AP was charged with assault early Thursday morning.

Elizabeth Warren I'm Wearing Black to the Debate!!!

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Elizabeth Warren isn't taking any chances when it comes to visuals for the next week's Democratic Presidential debate ... she says she's wearing all black.

We got Sen. Warren, Tuesday, at Reagan National and our photog wanted to know if she's picked out her outfit yet. Warren outsources some fashion advice, then nixes it and says she's going with black pants, a black top and a jacket when she takes the stage next week in Detroit.

And, speaking of nixes ... when it comes to televised debates ... appearance matters.

If you paid attention in history class -- or are old enough to remember the 1960 election -- you've probably heard Richard Nixon's drab wardrobe choice cost him dearly in the first televised debate, when he faced off against a dapper looking John F. Kennedy. Some experts say Nixon's drab appearance even cost him The White House.

Warren's going the safe route after wearing purple to the first debate ... can't go wrong with black.


7:57 AM PT -- We also got Bill de Blasio out and pressed him on what kind of suit and tie combo he'll be going with at the debate ... the NYC Mayor was mum.

Originally Published -- 12:40 AM PT

A$AP Rocky N.Y. Rep. Welcomes Trump's Help ... Kim K's Too For That Matter

We'll take it

A$AP Rocky's hometown congressman isn't sure if President Trump is genuine in wanting to help free him -- but he says it doesn't matter ... as long as the end goal is achieved.

We got Rep. Adriano Espaillat in NYC Sunday -- where he represents A$AP's home borough of Harlem -- and asked what he made of Trump saying he'd guarantee Rocky's bail if need be.

As we reported ... Trump tweeted out an update on the legal sitch in Sweden -- where A$AP's been jailed for about three weeks now -- and said he spoke the Prime Minister, assuring him the rapper wasn't a flight risk, and that he'd even vouch for his bail.

Rep. Espaillat says Trump being willing to put his own rep on the line for A$AP's bail is somewhat irrelevant, 'cause as he points out ... money's not really the issue here.

Our guy asks if DT's just using this as a re-election tactic to tap into a new demographic of potential voters come 2020, but the congressman won't go there. He tells us he doesn't wanna speculate on potential motives -- but what he is sure about is that those wanting to get A$AP freed will take any help they can get at this point, including from 45.

Trumps to the rescue

Hard to tell if POTUS' involvement is going to help A$AP, because the Swedish PM says he made it clear that their judicial system is independent and won't be subject to outside lobbying.

Doesn't hurt to have the right people in your ear though. Speaking of that, we ask Rep. Espaillat if Kim K and Kanye's political power is worrisome. Watch ... the guy defends 'em.

Kamala Harris Star-Studded CA Event Crashed by Ari, Demi & Katy!!!

Kamala Harris seems to have Hollywood squarely in her corner as she continues her campaign for POTUS -- and she's got manager-to-the-stars Scooter Braun to thank for it.

The California senator attended a fundraiser that Scooter threw for her on Saturday, which took place at his own home in Los Angeles. Some very famous faces dropped by as well, including Ariana Grande, Katy Perry and Demi Lovato ... two of whom are Scooter's clients.

It was an RSVP event, and was slugged as a "Fireside Chat" with the presidential hopeful.

Scooter posted his own photos of the event, where it appears he and Kamala were seated in front of a crowd of people in the backyard of his place, with microphones in each person's hand. He captioned his pics, "Such as incredible night of supporting our brilliant friend...candidate for President of the United States of America @KamalaHarris."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

He also posted pics of him, Ari and Demi at the shindig, and called them "Fam."

Now, here's where things get interesting -- beyond the celebs just being there, we mean. Scooter's feud with Taylor Swift is coming into the picture, and him hosting Kamala appears to have pissed off a lot of her fans, with tons of Swifties calling Kamala and co. sellouts, and some even vowing not to vote for her come primaries.

As you know ... Scooter now owns the master recordings to Taylor's old catalog of music, which she lashed out at him over last month.

Interestingly enough, Taylor seems to have been pretty down with Senator Harris in the past ... retweeting her here and there. But, she's been an even more vocal supporter of one of Kamala's Democratic rivals ... Cory Booker. Taylor shouted him out when he backed the Equality Act in June.

To make matters even more tangled ... Booker was out in L.A. this weekend as well, and had his own bundle of stars ... like girlfriend Rosario Dawson, Sophia Bush and Tiffany Haddish.

Worlds are definitely colliding.

Kim & Kanye Lobbied Trump in A$AP's Case ... Kushner, Pompeo Run Point


3:39 PM PT -- Kim just tweeted about the A$AP situation, saying, "Thank you @realDonaldTrump, @SecPompeo, Jared Kushner & everyone involved with the efforts to Free ASAP Rocky & his two friends. Your commitment to justice reform is so appreciated."

President Trump is very much aware of A$AP Rocky's legal sitch in Sweden -- and he's got his team working to get him freed ... thanks in part to Kim K and Kanye West.

That's right ... we've learned Kim and Kanye lobbied The White House to jump in and get involved in the drama across the pond -- where A$AP's been behind bars for more than two weeks now as prosecutors determine if the rapper should be charged with aggravated assault.

Here's how it went down. We're told as soon as Kim and Kanye heard about A$AP's predicament earlier this month ... Kanye urged Kim to get on the horn and talk to Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner -- with whom Kim is very familiar from her previous White House work.

Our sources say Kim filled Jared in on what was happening, and Jared then took the info to Trump himself ... whom, we're told, acknowledged something seemed amiss.

In addition to Kim and Kanye, Kareem Lanier and Pastor Darrell Scott of the White House’s Urban Revitalization Coalition, also played a big role … helping to connect ASAP’s management directly with Kushner through a phone call.

We're told Trump told Kushner he believed A$AP was being held unfairly, and wanted to help. As we reported, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo got involved and unleashed a few deputies in an attempt to get some action. A State Dept. member was supposed to arrive in Sweden Thursday.  We're told the State Dept. is now actively working to get A$AP out of jail, thanks in large part to Kim's efforts.

Asap Rocky
a stain on sweden

However, some feel the State Dept. isn't moving fast enough. Members of the Congressional Black Caucus called Pompeo out for not doing more, though our sources say he's been working tirelessly. Fact is ... Swedish authorities have been unmoved so far ... and our sources say there's now real fear prosecutors might delay their decision beyond the 3 week mark and keep A$AP in custody.

Originally published -- 12:50 AM PT

Aubrey O'Day Yes, Don Jr. is My Soulmate But He Chose Politics Over Me

Aubrey O'day
Lions Share News / BACKGRID

Donald Trump Jr. opted for a life of faux conservatism and mud-slinging politics over a happy ever after with his one true love ... so says his self-described soulmate, Aubrey O'Day.

The Danity Kane singer chopped it up Tuesday night with a photog, who asked about her recent musing about Don Jr. as the one who got away. She confirms what TMZ first reported ... and it sure sounds like she considers him her meant-to-be. 

Aubrey says it point blank ... that she and Don are soulmates, and the dude trumpeting his dad's policies is NOT the guy she knew (and fell in love with) once upon a time.

As you might know, Aubrey and Don Jr. allegedly had an affair back in 2011, when she was a guest star on the "The Apprentice." 

She tells the pap that Donnie probably thinks they're connected as well, but wouldn't ever admit it ... especially now that he's dating Kimberly Guilfoyle and seemingly following in his father's footsteps, possibly even into public service. 

Speaking of that, Aubrey weighs in on potential First Lady title under the pretense they were still together. She says that'd never happen though based on their political differences.

And, if you're wondering whether Don Jr. and Aubrey still stay in touch, watch the clip. Something tells us they just might.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Doubles Down ... Trump's Got a Racist Mind & Heart

If it quacks like a racist ...

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thinks President Trump is splitting hairs by saying he doesn't have a racist bone in his body -- 'cause he's got plenty of other bigoted body parts.

We got AOC Tuesday roaming the halls of Congress on Capitol Hill, just a day after she and 3 other Democratic congresswomen publicly rebuked Trump, again, for telling them to go back and fix the countries "from which they came." 

With the House of Representatives now preparing a resolution to formally condemn his racist remarks ... the Prez defended himself, saying, "Those Tweets were NOT Racist. I don’t have a Racist bone in my body! The so-called vote to be taken is a Democrat con game. Republicans should not show “weakness” and fall into their trap."

Our photog asked the NY Congresswoman about the "racist bone" comment, and she says he's got a lot more problems in that department than just his bones. Watch.

She also gets into the delayed roll-out for the new Harriet Tubman $20 bill design -- which many people thought Trump's cabinet was responsible for slowing, but it's since been confirmed as something that was never gonna happen in 2020, even on Obama's watch. 

AOC says it'd be a huge step in the right direction if Trump makes sure that happens as planned. If that sounds like she's complimenting him, don't panic ... the world isn't ending. She closed with a jab. 

AOC & Dem. Congresswomen Fire Back at Trump ... We're From Here and Not Leaving!!!

Wonder why #RacistInChief is trending today? It's because President Trump suggested some American congresswomen to go back and fix the countries "from which they came."

DT went on an especially viscous Twitter rant Sunday morning, which many people have called out as flat-out racist and xenophobic ... including some prominent members of the GOP like Meghan McCain and even ex-Fox News reporter Geraldo Rivera.

Here's what the Prez said ... "So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run."

He went on ... "Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!"

While Trump did not name anyone in particular, many took his tweets to be aimed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Rep. Ayanna Pressley and Rep. Ilhan Omar ... who've been in the news recently for ruffling feathers within the Democratic party and butting heads with Speaker Pelosi.

It sounds like these congresswomen believe the attack was meant for them too, because all of them directly responded to Trump with some choice words.

Prez Candidate Julian Castro Sports Champs Will Keep Dissing Trump If He Keeps Dividing Nation


Presidential candidate Julian Castro says there's an easy explanation for Megan Rapinoe's standoff with President Trump, and it won't change until 1600 Penn. gets a new resident.

Castro joined us on "TMZ Live" and said there's some pretty clear symbolism to Megan and the U.S. Women's Soccer Team skipping White House photo ops. He says it's simply a byproduct of Trump's "horrendous" and "divisive" policies.

As you know ... team captain Megan made it clear she's not down for a victory lap at the White House to commemorate winning the World Cup

Since Trump took office, 20 major sports teams have been crowned champions ... but only half of them celebrated with POTUS, and one of them -- the NBA's Golden State Warriors -- chose to hang with Obama instead.

Castro's told us he wants teams to be proud again to hang with POTUS -- the way they were when Barack Obama and every other Prez, for that matter, was in office. 

Michelle Obama Black Women in Politics are Feared Same with Me Back Then

Michelle Obama says she had to fight past a barrage of criticism on her way to the White House, which she attributes to the mountain black women must climb to become beloved.

The former First Lady was talking to Gayle King Saturday night at the Essence Festival, and opened up about how she dealt with being labeled an "angry black woman" in the early days of Barack's first presidential campaign ... as well as flak she caught while in office.

Michelle says folks love her and her hubby now that they're civilians, but for a while there ... she says folks from both sides of the aisle were trying to take her out by the knees, politically speaking, because she was seen as an asset for Barack ... and a threat to rivals.

She puts it like this, "The best way to do it (attack me) was to focus on the one thing they knew people were afraid of, (which) was the strength of a black woman." 

Michelle certainly received her fair share of scrutiny right from the jump. During a speech she gave at a gala in Atlanta back in '08, a Clinton supporter said, "Her speech was very long and inappropriate for that occasion." 

Here's a piece of that speech, which was later described by a journalist as leaving some feeling that she had been "condescending, preaching to a group of achievers about the need to achieve." 

Michelle was also lambasted at times for bucking White House tradition, or for being too flashy ... sometimes even upstaging the President -- like in '09 when she wore a sleeveless Narciso Rodriguez dress during Barack's State of the Union address. 

She talks about that too with Gayle, saying people would say she was "emasculating" Barack. In short, the list of examples goes on and on ... and Michelle hasn't forgotten. 

Looks like she overcame those odds by being true to herself though -- as we can clearly see.