Donald Trump 2 Years Were 'Stollen' from Me!!! ... Mmmm, Delicious

Never has a typo from President Trump sounded so tasty as when he misspelled "stolen" to gripe about his presidency ... reminding everyone of a sweet holiday treat in the process.

DT made the hilarious blunder Sunday while going on a Twitter tirade about two years of his presidency that he feels were "stollen" due to Robert Mueller's investigation into potential Russia collusion -- which his team found no clear evidence of, BTW.

On obstruction of justice though ... well, that's a whole other can of worms.

Anyway, folks online seemed to overlook the President's complaint and zero in on the spelling error -- which brought forth an entirely different word in an entirely different context ... sweet, sweet Euro bread.

Stollen is a rich German fruit and nut loaf, usually covered in powdered sugar. You've probably seen it around your relatives' homes during Christmas time ... it's kind of a staple for the holiday.

Clearly, that's not what Trump meant at all -- but the dude hasn't corrected his tweet yet. So, "stollen" bread it is for the time being. The big question now ... will it get as big as his other "words?"

Covfefe and stollen ... now there's a delicious pairing.

Donald Trump Honors NASCAR's Joey Logano ... at White House


Another day, another athlete honored at the White House ... this time, President Donald Trump held a special ceremony for NASCAR champ Joey Logano.

"It's my pleasure to welcome to 2018 NASCAR Cup Series champion Joey Logano and Team Penske to the White House," Trump said on Tuesday.

"Over the course of the 2018 season, the #22 team earned 26 top 10 finishes, led 934 laps, won 3 races and competed against 3 former champions in the playoffs and came out ahead," Trump said.

Trump also shouted out Joey's wife and their son, Hudson -- noting Joey celebrated the championship by placing Hudson in the trophy.

"That was quite a scene," Trump explained.

Logano was stoked to be at the White House -- saying, "It's an honor to be speaking here."

He gifted Trump a track-worn racing helmet from the championship season -- which Trump says he'll put on display in the Oval Office.

Trump says he considers himself a NASCAR fan and says he's been good friends with team owner Roger Penske for years.

Trump referred to the 82-year-old as "one of the truly great people of our world."

At the end of the ceremony, Trump invited the entire NASCAR team to view the Lincoln Bedroom -- and promised to personally give the tour.

No word if he served up fast food when it was all over.

Baylor Women's Hoops Fast Food at White House ... Coach Unimpressed?!

It's becoming a tradition unlike any other -- win a national title, get a fast food smorgasbord from President Trump ... and Baylor head coach Kim Mulkey's face says it all.

The Lady Bears celebrated their title at the White House after beating Notre Dame in the NCAA Tournament earlier this month ... and of course, there was all the Wendy's, McDonald's and Burger King they could eat.

It looks like the players were cool with the menu -- but how did Coach Mulkey feel? Just look at the pic ...

The fast-food feast all started back when Clemson visited the White House during the government shutdown in January ... and at the time, Trump explained the menu by saying, "I would think that's their favorite food."

But, it's become POTUS' "thing" to keep the burger buffet goin' ... and the kids seem to love it, just ask Clemson superstar QB Trevor Lawrence!!

We should note -- Trump hasn't busted out the burger love for EVERY championship team that's come to visit ... the Washington Capitals didn't get ANY food when they rolled through last month.

So, maybe it's just a college athlete thing??

Virginia Basketball Won't Celebrate Title W/ Trump ... We're Too Busy!!!

The college hoops national champions won't be celebrating their title at the White House ... but it ain't a diss on President Donald Trump -- Virginia says it's just too busy to go!!!

Of course, the Cavaliers just won their first-ever men's basketball championship with a thrilling 85-77 overtime win over Texas Tech back in March.

Usually, that's followed by a trip to 1600 Penn .. but Wahoos head coach Tony Bennett says they just can't make it happen.

And, why? Bennett says, "With several players either pursuing pro opportunities or moving on from UVA, it would be difficult, if not impossible to get everyone back together."

He added, "We would have to respectfully decline an invitation.”

Bennett ain't kiddin' ... superstars like Kyle Guy, De'Andre Hunter and Ty Jerome have already moved on to get ready for June's NBA draft. And, without those guys, it ain't much of a party.

White House staff ... time to cancel those fast food orders!!!

Nick Bosa Ain't Talking Politics ... After NFL Draft


Now that he's been drafted ... and the money's coming in ... think #2 overall pick Nick Bosa's ready to remove his virtual muzzle and talk politics again?!

Nope! Well, at least not yet ...

We spotted the 49ers newest star leaving Nashville early Friday morning and asked if he would get back to tweeting about Donald Trump and all of the other pro-Republican things he used to post about.

Remember, before the draft, 21-year-old Bosa (an outspoken conservative) told ESPN he wiped his Twitter page of all political talk out of fear there could be a backlash in liberal San Francisco.

Back in his college days at Ohio State, the star defensive end tweeted pro-Trump comments and was critical of Colin Kaepernick.

But, Bosa was stone-faced in the airport Friday morning while walking behind his famous father, John Bosa (who also played in the NFL), ... and didn't even crack when we asked if he'd be open to get a drink with former 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick.

So, will Bosa get back to his old tweeting ways? Stay tuned ...

President Trump Labeled 'Putin's Bitch' On Walk of Fame Star


10:28 AM PT -- A rep for The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce tells us they sent out a crew this morning to clean the star off ... it was done at no cost. We're told The Hollywood Historic Trust will be filing a police report for the vandalism.

President Trump's Walk of Fame star got a fresh coat of paint, but he ain't gonna be thrilled about it ... because it was spray paint and it spelled out ... "Putin's Bitch."

Trump's star was attacked again early Wednesday morning, and TMZ has the footage of the vandals in the act. Around 3:40 AM ... one guy -- who appears to have blonde hair -- sprayed a coat of black paint over the star. Then, in white paint, he added his coup de grace.

There was another man with the vandal ... shooting photos and/or video.

The guy's homage to alleged Russian collusion didn't last long -- about 4 hours later, the star was cleaned up and almost as good as new. You can still see black specks on it.

Let's face it ... cleaning up Trump's star has become fairly customary.

The star's been jackhammered, painted, pickaxed ... and even (fake) peed on by George Lopez.

Says a lot about the commitment of Trump's haters that they keep coming back ... even though they're ALWAYS caught on camera.

President Trump's Top Economic Adviser ... Money Tips For NFL Draft Picks!


If Kyler Murray is thinking about using his first NFL paycheck to buy some crazy jewelry ... IT'S NOT A TERRIBLE IDEA!!!

... this according to Donald Trump's chief economic adviser, Larry Kudlow.

Kudlow -- the director of the National Economic Council -- was in D.C. when we asked if he could dish out some financial advice for the football stars about to become millionaires when the NFL Draft kicks off on Thursday night.

Of course, Kudlow encouraged all of the players to get good financial advisers and invest ... but he also got SPECIFIC about where the players should put their money!

"Buy the indexes and hold them," Kudlow said.

"Buy the broad indexes! They're cheap ... don't buy a million, but buy SOME and hold them ... and bet on America!"

As for the jewelry stuff ... Kudlow laughed at first, but then got serious and told us, "Actually, a good portfolio SHOULD have some gold!"

See that, GET THAT BLING!!!

We also asked Kudlow if Russell Wilson buying $12,000 in Amazon stock for all 13 of his Seattle Seahawks linemen is a good idea ... and you gotta hear Kudlow's response.

Remember, Kudlow's boss, Donald Trump, HATES Amazon's top guy, Jeff Bezos -- which makes Kudlow's answer all the more interesting.

Not everyone is a fan of Wilson's gift -- we spoke with actors Michael Ealy and Meagan Good ... and it's clear some people think Russ should have cut BIGGER checks, considering he just signed a $140 MILLION contract.

But hey, a gift is a gift ... right?


President Trump Seizing The Moment After Mueller Let's Raise $1 Million For My Campaign!!!

President Trump is looking to cash in on the Mueller Report ... because he's asking his supporters to buck up for his re-election campaign and send a HUGE message to his haters.

Trump's campaign sent an email Thursday to subscribers, hours after the Prez declared victory and total vindication over the Mueller Report, asking them to help raise a million bucks in 24 hours.

Trump's campaign is taking tons of swipes at the Democrats and "Fake News" media ... asking how many times must he be exonerated before the attacks stop.

We're guessing Trump's campaign staffers didn't read the Mueller Report, because Mueller said he could not exonerate the Prez.

POTUS declared "Game Over" moments after Attorney General William Barr held a news conference saying Mueller found nothing on Trump ... but his campaign says this is just the beginning of the "attacks and lies" as the 2020 election nears.

One message is absolutely clear ... Trump's campaign wants your money!!!

Prez Trump on Mueller Report Dems Like 'GoT,' Right? Well, 'Game Over!!!'

9:54 AM PT -- HBO has responded to Trump's tweet, saying, "Though we can understand the enthusiasm for 'Game of Thrones' now that the final season has arrived, we still prefer our intellectual property not be used for political purposes."

Jon Snow's got nothing on President Trump ... just ask 45, who's using "Game of Thrones" again to celebrate the release of the Mueller Report and what he considers total vindication.

POTUS was on his Twitter game moments after Attorney General William Barr held a news conference to say Mueller found nothing on Trump. The Prez posted a 'GoT' styled meme, stating, "Game Over." He included a pointed jab, "For the haters and the radical left Democrats."

Trump was ripped by HBO when he did this same thing back in November to bark about imposing sanctions on Iran. The cable network was pissed he ripped their font for his "Sanctions are Coming" meme.

It's a good bet, Trump really doesn't give a crap what HBO thinks this morning (or any morning, for that matter) ... he's in victory lap mode.

Fun Fact: "Game over" is also the calling card of Jigsaw from the "Saw" horror movies ... not that we're making any comparisons.

Originally Published -- 7:32 AM PT

Pete Buttigieg If I Become Prez, Call This Band ... To Play My Inauguration


We know Mayor Pete Buttigieg likes to rock out, and if he wins the presidency in 2020 ... sounds like he's down to jam for an extended amount of time after he's sworn in.

Buttigieg was leaving NBC's 30 Rock in NYC Thursday morn when we asked who his dream performers would be at his inauguration ... seems he hasn't really thought about it too much. TBH, that IS a looooong ways down the road.

Still, our guy makes a suggestion -- based on what we know about Pete's musical preferences -- and we're thinking it'll get some fans phired up. If the band's interested, Buttigieg is too.

BTW -- Mayor Pete's been blasting some Phish tracks on the campaign trail ... including the deep cut "Tweezer - Reprise" from their 1992 album "A Picture of Nectar." It's a good jam.

Speaking of the campaign, Buttigieg tells us he knows there are some folks out there who would never vote for him, purely because he's gay ... but he's still going to try to win them over.

Ivanka Trump Ethiopian Dancing Machine!!!


Ivanka Trump's doing her best to blend in with locals in Ethiopia, and that means busting out her best dance moves -- and, so far, the locals seem impressed! Or, maybe they're just being polite.

Ivanka touched down in the East African nation Monday and during a reception, she didn't hesitate to get loose on the floor -- putting her hips, shoulders and arms into it as she danced with one energetic guy -- and, at least, seemed to be having a great time.

President Trump's senior adviser, and daughter, is on a 4-day trip to Africa -- hitting Ivory Coast as well as Ethiopia -- to promote a global women's project for economic development. While the trip got off to a fun start gotta wonder if her father's infamous words will come up at some point.

You'll recall, the Prez once used the term "shithole countries" to describe African nations.

Ivanka might wanna work on her tap dancing too.

'ANTM' Star Miss J LGBTQ Fam Has Mayor Pete's Back ... I Hope He's Got Ours!!!


J Alexander, aka Miss J, is ready to throw support behind Mayor Pete Buttigieg, but wants him to know the LGBTQ community expects his in return ... on every level, with no excuses.

The "America's Next Top Model" coach was at the Strand Book Store in NYC Tuesday when he told us his thoughts on the rising star in the Democratic primary field, who happens to be openly gay.

Miss J believes Pete's got what it takes to win votes -- even from anti-gay voters -- but strongly hopes he does it by continuing to be inclusive and do work on behalf of all LGBTQ folks.

J even calls for his people to "band together" for the South Bend, Indiana mayor, because he believes if they get him in the White House ... real differences can be made.

Meanwhile, Mayor Pete got a dose of homophobia Tuesday in Iowa from a couple of protesters, including one chanting "Remember Sodom and Gomorrah!" You'll recall Pete told us he was prepared to handle these sorts of attacks during the campaign, and he did just that.

Miss J should be encouraged by how the situation played out -- Buttigieg's supporters shouted them down and Pete was unfazed ... simply reminding the crowd the Iowa caucuses are up to all of them.

Michelle Obama Ripped for Comparing Trump to Divorced Dads

The Independent

Michelle Obama condemned President Trump but in doing so took a swipe at divorced dads ... and she's catching heat for it.

The former First Lady was promoting her new memoir "Becoming" in London when she struggled to find a metaphor describing America's fascination with Donald Trump -- a fascination that turned bad.

You hear Stephen Colbert -- who moderated Michelle's chat -- tee off first, and then she launches, equating America's troubles with that of a teenager who spends the weekend with his/her divorced dad who makes things fun at first and then gets the youngster sick.

The fallout from the video -- obtained by The Independent -- was immediate as people, especially divorced dads, took offense at the intimation divorced dads are somehow lesser than divorced moms.

Someone tweeted, "I admire @MichelleObama, but I really wish she wouldn't use divorced dads as a metaphor for Trump. I hear some of them are quite awesome." Someone else said, "As a divorced dad, I do my best to raise my son into a kind of man of which we all can be proud. Your comment doesn't help people see that I'm conscientious and competent to do a good job."

It gets worse ... someone who actually liked Obama and disliked Trump said, "You've shown that you can say just as rude and insensitive comments as Trump."

Michelle Obama Dinner Cruise Vibes Turn to Concern During Notre Dame Inferno

Michelle Obama was living the good life -- sipping wine on a dinner cruise in Paris -- when the Notre Dame Cathedral fire totally changed the mood ... and the course of the cruise.

The former First Lady was smiling as she boarded the Ducasse sur Seine Monday night -- just across from the Eiffel Tower -- for a dinner cruise experience along the Seine River with famous chef Alain Ducasse and others.

Michelle looked fit for a fancy, fun night on the luxury ship ... but things took a turn for the worse when word got around Notre Dame was going up in flames. As you can see in the pics ... everybody's happy faces turn concerned for the famed cathedral and the people of Paris.

We're told the boat's captain ultimately made the decision to take a different route than planned for the cruise to avoid the Notre Dame fire ... and dinner was still served.

As we reported ... the cathedral is still standing after the massive fire, but the restoration process will be long and difficult.

BTW -- Michelle was in Paris for a conference at the AccorHotels Arena ... as part of her book tour for her best-seller, "Becoming."

Mayor Pete Buttigieg Celebs Offering Early $upport ... Donations Rolling In

Mayor Pete Buttigieg is already getting tons of support from Hollywood in his bid for the White House ... celebs are donating to his Presidential campaign right out of the gate.

We sifted through 2019 Federal Election Commission filings to see which celebs are opening their wallets for Mayor Pete and found contributions are pouring in since he officially announced his candidacy over the weekend.

Jane Lynch is leading the way after throwing down $2,700 ... while Mandy Moore and Bradley Whitford each plunked down $2,000 and Pedro Pascal tossed in $1,500.

Ryan Reynolds is also backing Mayor Pete from the jump ... the A-list actor chipped in $250. We haven't seen Ryan publicly support the South Bend Mayor, but his donation proves he's at least curious about what he's selling.

Ditto for one of the famous Kennedy clan. We found three separate $250 donations from Caroline Kennedy ... daughter of President John F. Kennedy and Jackie Kennedy Onassis.


The openly gay mayor is also getting some financial support from the LGBT community ... openly gay comedian Guy Branum cut a $500 check and Chaz Bono made 3 donations totaling $650.

We gotta say ... Pete's celebrity backing is impressive, considering the crowded field and the fact he's arguably 2020's most unlikely candidate.

Donald Trump Awarding Tiger Woods Presidential Medal of Freedom

President Donald Trump was so impressed with Tiger Woods amazing performance at The Masters -- he's giving the golfer the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

The Medal is the highest award that can be awarded to a civilian in the United States and has previous recipients include Michael Jordan, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Pope John Paul II, Bob Hope and more.

According to the White House, the Medal "recognizes those individuals who have made 'an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.'"

In his announcement (read: tweet), Trump said, "Spoke to @TigerWoods to congratulate him on the great victory he had in yesterday’s @TheMasters, & to inform him that because of his incredible Success & Comeback in Sports (Golf) and, more importantly, LIFE, I will be presenting him with the PRESIDENTIAL MEDAL OF FREEDOM!"

Trump and Tiger have been friends for years -- Tiger recently golfed with the President back in February at Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter, Florida.

Of course, Tiger's victory wasn't just impressive on its own -- but is being hailed as one of the greatest professional comebacks in all of pro sports considering he hadn't won a Major in over 10 years.

Story developing ...