21 Savage Trump May Be the Reason He Gets Deported

21 Savage may be deported, and not because he's ineligible to stay in the United States ... it's because of Donald Trump.

We now understand MOST of what went down with 21's arrest and looming deportation. Here's how it goes.

Sources directly connected to the case tell TMZ ... the decision to arrest and deport 21 Savage was made months ago by the Atlanta bureau of ICE. At that time, ICE decided it would arrest Savage and hold him without bond until he could be deported.

As for why ICE wanted Savage held without bond, we've learned they incorrectly believed 21 had a felony conviction, which would have disqualified him from being able to post bond. As we reported, 21's 2014 drug conviction was vacated and sealed in the Fall -- which effectively erases it -- but court records weren't updated, so all ICE saw was the conviction.

Now, this is super weird ... we've learned just days ago ICE headquarters in Washington D.C. got involved in the case, and when they did, ICE had already figured out 21 was not a felon and therefore should have been released on bond. Our sources say ICE in D.C. IGNORED the fact that the conviction was erased and doubled down, saying 21 should NOT be released. No one we've spoken to has any idea why D.C. took such a position when it was not supported by the facts.

Keep reading ... we're getting to Trump.

We've confirmed ICE was on the scene with various other local and federal law enforcement agencies when 21 was arrested on Super Bowl Sunday with a plan to arrest him. We're told ATF first took 21 into custody and literally handed him over to an ICE agent on the spot.

Our ICE sources say they had no other involvement in the other arrests at the scene ... they were only there to arrest Savage. It is unclear why ICE needed to be part of that operation ... why didn't they just go to 21's home and arrest him in the months prior to the sting?

As we reported, 21's lawyers went to court Tuesday and convinced a judge to bond 21 out. As for next steps, 21's application to stay in the U.S. will be processed, and it's virtually certain it will be approved because he qualifies on every count. He has dependents in the country, he has no convictions, and he's been here more than 10 years. There are no obstacles in his way ... EXCEPT TRUMP.

Turns out Trump changed the immigration policies from Obama and Bush. We're told Trump's marching orders are to deport people who have a pending visa application -- even if it's a slam dunk -- and they can come back if and when it's approved.

We've learned, before 21 Savage was released Tuesday, ICE agents told him they would drop deportation proceedings if he voluntarily left the country. We're told he passed and will fight to stay.

BTW ... 21 filed his application to stay in the U.S. in 2017 and it takes around 4 years for ICE to process it, so the stakes are high.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez No Shame in a President Smoking Weed


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has some refreshing thoughts on the highest office in the land ... she has no issues with a sitting President lighting up.

We got AOC Tuesday afternoon on Capitol Hill, and the instantly powerful Congresswoman made it clear ... if you don't have a problem with your Prez enjoying a drink, you should feel the same way about weed.

AOC knows a thing or two about liquor ... she's a former bartender. And, AOC is a strong supporter of the legalization of marijuana.

Ganja has been a political hot potato for years, with politicians sidestepping questions about smoking.

2020 Presidential hopeful Kamala Harris made fun of Bill Clinton's famous line about not inhaling when she was on "The Breakfast Club" this week, acknowledging she's partaken in the past ... then quickly adding, it was a long, long time ago. The message ... don't worry, she doesn't smoke.

Seems politicians are still afraid of losing voters over sativa stigmas ... but not AOC!!!

AOC is strong -- no stigma, no shame. Gotta say, she makes some good points.

Michelle Obama Surprise Grammys Drop-In Met With Roaring Reception


Michelle Obama just rocked the house at the 2019 Grammy Awards -- and before she could even get four words out on the importance of music ... she was interrupted by cheers.

The former First Lady made a surprise appearance Sunday at the Grammys alongside Jada Pinkett-Smith, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez and host Alicia Keys. After Jada discussed respecting everyone's voice in the music industry, Michelle took the mic ... but had a hard time getting her speech started 'cause people were losing their minds.

Eventually, after Michelle told folks to settle down, she talked about the wide ranging musical genres that got her through tough moments in life, and reiterated just how impactful music is to pretty much everyone.

In typical Obama fashion, Michelle sounded just as good as ever in her delivery ... and this reception proves she's still one of America's favorite people to hear from.

Tough act to follow, for sure.

Grammys 2019 Joy Villa's Back ... W/ Barbed Wire Trump Wall Dress

It's Grammy season, which means we're due for another outlandish Joy Villa outfit to grace the red carpet ... this time, she's here dressed as President Trump's border wall.

The alt-rock singer -- who's super conservative -- showed up to the Staples Center Sunday ahead of the big show wearing a silver "build the wall" gown, complete with faux barbed wire on her shoulders and a spiked crown on her head. Lady Liberty would be ... proud?

Joy told reporters that her 'BTW' ensemble was custom made by Designers Allinger of Desi Designs -- and, of course, she wore it to make a political statement, per usual. If her "steel" colored dress didn't tell you that ... her MAGA handbag hits the point home.

This isn't Joy's first rodeo with right-leaning outfits. She showed up to last year's Grammys wearing a pro-life dress, which also had an on-the-nose accessory.

Her 2018 fashion choice was apparently a big hit with DT's fam ... Joy told us that Eric Trump's wife, Lara, gave her rave reviews ... calling her dress "stunning."

Considering Joy has been rockin' MAGA gear to the Grammys since at least 2017, something tells us this is gonna be an ongoing thing as long as Trump's in office.

Hey, at least she's consistent.

Donald Trump Physically Sound for the Duration of Presidency ... So Says the Doc

Donald Trump is going to be in good health for the duration of his Presidency ... this according to his doctor.

Trump's doc, Sean P. Conley, just released the results of the First Patient's physical in broad strokes, and they're one for the history books. Dr. Conley says Trump "is in very good health and I anticipate he will remain so for the duration of his Presidency, and beyond."

So many questions. First, is the doctor predicting good health 2 years or 6 years into the future? Second, what if Trump keeps eating junk food and doesn't exercise? After all, good health today doesn't ensure good health a year from now.

Third, how far is "beyond?"

You may recall ... after last year's physical, Trump's then-physician Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson said the Prez was in excellent health and "might live to be 200 years old" if he improved on diet and exercise.

This whole diet and exercise thing must be highly overrated, right?

Donald Trump Invites Bison To White House ... FCS Champs!!

Move over, Patriots ... here's a team that's JACKED UP to visit Donald Trump's White House to celebrate their championship win -- the North Dakota State Bison!!!

NDSU football just won the FCS title for the 7th time in the last 8 years ... beating Eastern Washington 38-24 last month -- and they wanted a trip to 1600 Penn. Ave. to celebrate.

So, North Dakota state senator John Hoeven just got on the horn with No. 45 ... AND BOOM, THE WHITE HOUSE PARTY IS ON!!!

Hoeven says in a statement, a date for the celebration hasn't officially been set yet ... but it sure sounds like the squad is stoked for the invitation.

"With NDSU’s history of excellence, it is only fitting that they be honored at the White House," Hoeven says ... "and we look forward to working with the President to coordinate the visit.”

Remember, the last college football team to hit the White House for a championship dinner was treated to some fast food burgers and fries.

Good luck topping that when the Bison come town this time around, D.T.!!!

Tom Brady I'm Not Talking Trump ... 'Next Question'

NBC 10 Boston

Tom Brady's not giving up any clues as to whether he'll visit President Trump at the White House with his teammates ... not any verbal clues, anyway.

A reporter from NBC asked Brady point blank Thursday morning if he plans to go to DC. Tom paused, looked at the crowd gathered at a Gillette event and simply said, "Next question."

So, if Tommy Terrific isn't gonna say anything ... his body language might have. He definitely seemed frustrated by the reporter's question -- even though he had to know it was coming.

Remember, Tom passed on the White House visit back in 2017 after he and Trump -- who were previously famous buddies -- had a falling out.

Back then, Brady's wife, Gisele Bundchen, was very vocal about her dislike of Trump and his policies. Brady even admitted after the 2016 election that Gisele had put the kibosh on his politics talk.

Tom Brady Sub NOVEMBER 2016

Although Brady didn't answer today ... sources tell us Gisele's position, if anything, has hardened against Trump since 2017.

We think you just saw the end result of that position -- Tommy ain't talking.

AOC & Gloria Steinem Trump Trolled Himself ... During State of the Union


2:51 PM PT -- Gloria Steinem has just weighed in on Trump's speech, and she says the country needs a different President!

We got the famed feminist leader at LAX Wednesday, and she tells us Trump did himself no favors by shouting out the new wave of women in Congress ... because she says their election was a reaction against him.

And, wait until you hear Gloria's message to the Prez ... safe to say she ain't a fan of the Electoral College.

Donald Trump missed something big when he congratulated all the women who were elected to Congress ... they are actually there to keep him from ruining America -- such are the sentiments of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

We got the instantly powerful Congresswoman leaving Capitol Hill after her first State of the Union speech, and she wasted no time eviscerating the Prez.

She told our photog Trump got trolled when female Representatives stood and cheered after he applauded their strength in numbers. As AOC says, the women are almost all Democrats who are in a righteous battle against him.

She found the speech "weird" and turned Trump's own fantasy against him. You'll recall, Trump talked about what America would be like if he wasn't POTUS. Well, AOC also has fantasies of what America would look like without Trump.

Our photog, Colin, pivoted and asked about 21 Savage's arrest by ICE, and AOC makes it clear ... the arrest is a symptom of a much larger problem.

Alice Marie Johnson SOTU Was Awesome ... And Here's What's Next for Me


Alice Marie Johnson stole the show during President Trump's State of the Union speech -- but turns out that's not her only show.

The recently-freed prisoner told us about her book deal, her movie deal and her big plans for the future on TMZ Live. And, check out today's show, because turns out she's already dealing with the benefits and pitfalls of being a celebrity.

And, speaking of celebs ... she's clearly become good buds with Kim Kardashian, who is, in large part, responsible for her freedom.


Alice still can't get over the reception she got on the House floor Tuesday night ... it was one of those rare moments when Democrats and Republicans were genuinely like-minded. Fact is ... Alice is an inspiration and now the face of prison reform.

State of the Union Address A Real Snoozefest ... For Joshua Trump

One of the 13 people to receive a special invite to the 2019 State of the Union Address by Donald and Melania Trump took advantage of it in the best way ... by catching up on ZZZs.

Joshua Trump -- the 11-year-old boy who was reportedly bullied by his classmates for his last name -- seemed to fall asleep during the President's speech while he was reiterating his desire for a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border and called illegal immigration "an urgent national crisis."

It's unclear how long Joshua dozed off, but the shots of him snoozing were enough to make Trump opponents hail the kid as a hero.

The Delaware sixth-grader was invited to the SOTU by the First Lady after his mom told reporters his classmates cursed at him and called him an “idiot” and “stupid” for sharing the President’s last name. The bullying prompted his family to pull him from school and begin homeschooling.

As you know, Melania's been an advocate for anti-bullying as part of her "Be Best" campaign.

Joshua was seated next to child cancer survivor Grace Eline at the address.

Van Jones Trump's SOTU Address ... A Bowl of Kool-Aid with Bird Poop!!!


Van Jones wants to give President Trump credit for his State of the Union Address, but he can hardly bring himself to do it ... because he says POTUS also talked way too much crap on immigrants.

We got Van on Capitol Hill Tuesday night after the SOTU and the CNN commentator summed up the night like this -- Trump served a "nice bowl of Kool-Aid with some bird poop in it."

Translation: Trump's nice speech about criminal justice reform was ruined by his rhetoric on immigrants.

Van said he was touched by the compassion Trump showed for Americans wronged by the criminal justice system, and particularly how he praised Alice Marie Johnson, who Trump commuted last summer.

But, Van was NOT down with how POTUS dehumanized immigrants and justifying taking babies away from their mothers at the border.

Plain and simple ... Van was temporarily inspired, but mostly disgusted with Trump's address.

O.J. Simpson My 'Buddy' Trump Might Be Impeached ... Stone's Gotta Man Up!!!


O.J. Simpson has great memories of hanging out with Donald Trump -- who he calls a "fun guy" -- but he's got a warning for him ... messing with Roger Stone might get ya impeached.

The ex-con-turned-political pundit, was in Las Vegas today when a photog asked him about the President's State of the Union address. Simpson seemed wistful about his days partying with his "buddy," but suggests Trump's totally changed now that he's POTUS.

Then, the topic turned to impeachment ... which Simpson used as a way to tee off on Stone. He recalled his own run-in with the FBI -- a 2001 raid on his Florida home -- and said Stone's got no reason to bitch about his arrest.

Simpson actually laughed off Stone comparing himself to Osama bin Laden -- and told him to quit crying.

However, he offered no tips on prison life.

Beto O'Rourke To Oprah I'll Decide On 2020 Presidential Run 'Before End Of This Month'

Oprah Winfrey Network

Beto O'Rourke is on the verge of making a decision on entering the 2020 Presidential race ... and he went face-to-face with one of the biggest influencers in America ... Oprah!!!

Beto told O during an interview Tuesday for 'SuperSoul Conversations,' he's been thinkin' about running for Prez and he'll decide whether to run before the end of this month.

Oprah Winfrey Network

Beto also told a funny story about a recent conversation with Barack Obama, strongly hinting they talked about running for Prez.

The Democrat also told Oprah, "I'm so excited at the prospect of being able to play that role."

We got Beto rolling into the interview in New York City, but he was mum about his Presidential plans ... but his facial expressions were interesting.


As you know ... Beto got a ton of support and built a national following during his U.S. Senate campaign, before ultimately falling short to Ted Cruz ... and everyone has been talking about Beto possibly challenging President Trump for the White House.

Stay tuned ...

Originally Published -- 3:49 PM PST

New England Patriots Another Player ... Won't Visit Trump's White House

The count is up to two Patriots players who say they will NOT visit the White House to meet Donald Trump -- with a third leaning heavily toward no.

Star safety Devin McCourty told the Associated Press while returning to New England on Monday with the Lombardi Trophy that he will not visit No. 45 if the Pats elect to go.

His twin brother, star corner Jason McCourty, was a little less committal ... but still seems like he'll follow his bro's lead and avoid 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. as well.

"I haven’t thought about it, but I highly doubt it," Jason said.

Of course, New England safety Duron Harmon has already pulled out of the possible event ... telling TMZ Sports after the Super Bowl, "They don't want me in the White House."


Last year ... the Philadelphia Eagles decided not to go altogether -- and Trump famously held a White House party without them.

Patriots' Duron Harmon I Won't Visit Trump's White House


New England Patriots safety Duron Harmon -- one of the key players in the Super Bowl -- says he will NOT be joining the team to visit Donald Trump ... explaining, "They don't want me in the White House."

Harmon was a STUD on Sunday night -- stepping in when Patrick Chung went down with an injury and making two of the biggest plays of the game.

First, he broke up what would have been a TD pass to L.A. Rams WR Brandin Cooks in the 4th quarter -- and later on in the game, he was the guy who forced Jared Goff to throw that final interception.

After the game, we saw Harmon leaving Mercedes-Benz Stadium with his son -- and they were TURNED UP!!

Duron had big celebration plans -- he was looking forward to hanging out with Snoop, Cardi B and Meek Mill -- but he ain't making the trip to Washington D.C.

Harmon said "it would be dope" to follow the lead of the Golden State Warriors and visit Barack Obama instead.

He's not the only one with strong feelings about the President -- Tom Brady didn't make the last Patriots trip to the White House after his wife, Gisele, publicly criticized Trump.

President Trump Reacts to Jussie Smollett Attack 'It Doesn't Get Worse'

ABC News

President Trump has been keeping up on the news about the Jussie Smollett attack, and says it's horrible.

The President spoke Thursday morning from the Oval Office and when a reporter asked him about the "Empire" star's case, he replied, "That I can tell you is horrible. I've seen it ... last night. It doesn't get worse, as far as I'm concerned."

It was a pretty brief response ... he didn't elaborate on any details of the case.

Remember, Jussie says his attackers yelled, "MAGA country" as they fled after beating him, pouring bleach on him and putting a rope around his neck.

Unfortunately, Trump was not asked specifically about the MAGA remark.


Rev. Al Sharpton told us, in no uncertain terms, the Prez should quickly denounce the attackers to send a message, and to separate himself from the alleged violence.