Ryan Garcia Pays Devin Haney $1.5 Million ... After Losing Weigh-In Bet

Ryan Garcia's three pounds overweight, but his pockets are certainly lighter on Friday -- the boxing star just shelled out $1.5 MILLION to Devin Haney after fulfilling his weigh-in bet.

Garcia placed the wager during the final press conference for their April 20th fight ... saying he would cough up $500K for every pound he's over the junior welterweight limit of 140.


Haney, (31-0) and Garcia (24-1), shook on it ... and even though Ry looked confident, his team was clearly concerned.

Mama June Recurre a las inyecciones para perder peso ... ¡Ha subido 130 libras!

En plan para bajar de peso

Mama June está buscando perder peso a través de las inyecciones, después de que sus propios esfuerzos por perder más de 100 libras fracasaran recientemente.

La estrella de los realities show compartió un clip en su cuenta de IG el martes, desde la clínica donde está recibiendo una dosis de semaglutida, una prescripción aprobada por la FDA comúnmente conocida como Ozempic o Wegovy, que previamente había sido reservada para la diabetes tipo 2 y el tratamiento de la obesidad crónica.

June más o menos admite que las inyecciones son su último intento y que recurrió a ellas después de una larga saga por perder peso, que se inició en mayo de 2015, cuando pasó de pesar 550 libras a 311 libras con la ayuda de la cirugía de manga gástrica.


I've Put On Weight

Mama June is hopping on the weight loss injection bandwagon -- that's after her own efforts to lose 100-plus pounds failed recently.

The reality star dropped an IG clip Tuesday, showing her at the clinic getting a dose of semaglutide -- an FDA-approved prescription commonly known as Ozempic or Wegovy, that had previously been reserved for type 2 diabetes and chronic obesity treatment.

June pretty much admits the shots are her last straw -- turning to them after a long weight loss saga, which kicked off back in May 2015, when she went from 550 lbs down to 311 lbs with the help of gastric sleeve surgery.

Rebel Wilson My Agents Preferred Me 'Fat' ... Roles Paid Much Better!!!

Rebel Wilson is once again stirring the pot -- this time taking shots at her talent agency, claiming her team preferred her when she was plus size.

The actress gets into the weighty subject in her new memoir, "Rebel Rising" ... which has already sparked controversy over claims against Sacha Baron Cohen and Adele. Now, she's coming for her agents, saying they preferred her when she was heavier ... as that meant banking "hundreds of thousands of dollars in commission for each film where [she] played the fat funny girl."

According to Rebel, this left her feeling trapped since there was "a multimillion-dollar pigeonhole" over her body size. Remember, she already claimed, while on the "Call Her Daddy" podcast, she was contractually obligated not to lose weight while filming the "Pitch Perfect" franchise.

Rebel Wilson Mis agentes me preferían gorda... Pagaban mucho mejor!!!

Rebel Wilson está agitando las cosas una vez más, esta vez disparando contra su agencia de talentos tras alegar que su equipo la prefería en una talla más grande.

La actriz abordó el tema en su nuevo libro de memorias "Rebel Rising", que ya ha desatado polémicas por sus denuncias en contra de Sacha Baron Cohen y Adele. Ahora, ella está tras sus agentes, diciendo que la preferían más grande, ya que eso significaba "cientos de miles de dólares en comisiones por cada película en la que [ella] interpretaba a la gorda graciosa".

Según Rebel, esto la dejó sintiéndose atrapada, ya que había "un encasillamiento multimillonario" sobre su tamaño corporal. Recordemos que durante el podcast "Call Her Daddy" ya afirmó que estaba obligada por contrato a no adelgazar durante el rodaje de la franquicia "Pitch Perfect".

Rebel Wilson YEAH, ADELE DEFINITELY HATES ME … Cites Past Size Comparisons

Rebel Wilson claims Adele hates her guts — and it all has to do with size comparisons people used to make about them.

In a new excerpt from RW's upcoming book -- obtained by Us Weekly -- the actress reveals the Grammy winner likely isn't her biggest fan ... as the two were juxtaposed quite a bit over the years.

While Rebel admits she has never confronted Adele directly about the alleged hate, she does say Adele would avoid her like the plague at industry events … which seems to be why she thinks Adele doesn’t like her.

MILB Team Keeping 'Ozempig' Mascot Name ... Amid Backlash

The Minnesota Twins' AAA affiliate is standing firm on its decision to name its live pig mascot "OzemPig" ... this after a number of fans squealed in opposition.

The St. Paul Saints -- known for their tomfoolery on gamedays -- traditionally employ young pigs to help out with delivering game balls to umpires ... and host an annual contest to come up with a silly moniker for each animal (past winners include Ham Solo, Notorious P.I.G., etc.).

This year's winner beat out candidates like Porky Blinders and Sloppenheimer ... but once the name was announced, some folks felt it flirted with fat-shaming, considering it's a nod to the popular weight loss drug.

Oprah Pasé hambre por 5 meses... Habla de dietas anteriores

Peleando por perder peso

Oprah Winfrey se está abriendo sobre los extremos a los que ha llegado para bajar de peso durante su vida, revelando que incluso pasaba hambre con tal de bajar unas libras.

La leyenda del talk show habló de sus años haciendo dietas en su nuevo especial de ABC, "Shame, Blame and the Weight Loss Revolution", donde compartió que una vez hizo una dieta líquida para perder 67 libras, lo que quedó registrado en un episodio de 1988 en donde salió con un carro lleno de grasa durante su programa de entrevistas.

La revelación que está haciendo en el especial, sin embargo, es que la pérdida de peso duró muy poco. Oprah está admitiendo que comenzó a ganar peso de nuevo casi al día siguiente después de que el programa se convirtiera en objeto del escarnio público.

La pérdida de peso se ha convertido en una parte importante de la marca de Oprah, quien fue embajadora e importante inversora de la marca WeightWatchers.

Todo el mundo se acuerda de su anuncio "Me encanta el pan", ¿verdad?".

A principios de este mes, la presentadora renunció a su cargo en el directorio de WeightWatchers después de casi 10 años, luego de que admitiera que está usando medicamentos para bajar de peso.

Oprah dice que dejó WeightWatchers para evitar un posible conflicto de intereses con este nuevo especial de ABC, ya que ahora la empresa está distribuyendo recetas de medicamentos que ayudan a perder peso.

Ella misma ha elogiado el fármaco que está utilizando, con el cual ha perdido 40 libras.

Oprah I've Starved Myself for 5 Months ... Talks Past Diets


Oprah Winfrey is opening up about the extreme lengths she's taken to lose weight over the years ... revealing she previously starved herself in order to drop some pounds.

The talk show legend discusses her years of yo-yo dieting in her new ABC special, "Shame, Blame and the Weight Loss Revolution," sharing that it took a liquid diet to help her lose 67 pounds -- which she famously marked in 1988 by wheeling out a wagon filled with fat during an episode of her talk show.

The revelation she's making in the special, though, is that celebration of weight loss was extremely short-lived -- Oprah now admits she began gaining the weight back almost the very next day after that show ... becoming the object of public ridicule.

Weight loss has become a major part of Oprah's brand, having previously become a brand ambassador for, and major investor in, WeightWatchers.

Everyone remembers her "I love bread" commercial, right?

Earlier this month, she stepped down from her position on the WW board of directors after nearly 10 years ... following her admission she's now using weight loss drugs.

Oprah says she left WeightWatchers to avoid a conflict of interest while making this new ABC special ... since WW is now doling out weight loss drug prescriptions.


She's praised the weight loss drug she used, crediting it for recently shedding 40 lbs.

Kate Middleton No se ve tan delgada después de la cirugía ... Dice Jillian Michaels

Kate Middleton se veía un poco delgada para algunos en el nuevo video de ella del fin de semana pasado, pero una gurú del fitness está de su lado y esa es Jillian Michaels.

Una de las primeras conclusiones que muchos sacaron al ver el clip de Kate y el príncipe William en el Windsor Farm Shop -a una milla de su casa- es que ella se veía un poco delgada, o más bien, más delgada de lo habitual. Kate Middleton ya es una mujer muy delgada, pero aquí podría verse aún más flaca.

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Paseando con William
TMZ / The Sun

Respecto a eso, Jillian le dice a TMZ que desde su perspectiva Kate se ve muy bien, tanto en términos de peso como de salud en general, sobre todo si se tiene en cuenta que pasó por el quirófano hace solo 2 meses.

En los ojos de Jillian, Kate está en su peso justo para una mujer de su tamaño y también señala que alguien que suele ser más delgado, puede perder algunos kilos al someterse a un procedimiento como el de ella y para Jillian, Kate se ve normal.

En cuanto a las especulaciones sobre su salud, su peso o cualquier otra cosa, Jillian dice que la gente tiene que calmarse y dejarla en paz porque no es de su incumbencia.

Jillian recuerda que los temas de salud son muy personales, y que dado todo el escrutinio al que ha estado sometida Kate últimamente, Jillian dice que todos necesitan perspectiva.

Sabio consejo de Jillian, pero algo nos dice que el público seguirá escudriñando cada pequeño detalle. Recuerden, antes del video que publicamos el lunes, no la habíamos visto desde diciembre, lo que es bastante tiempo.

Por supuesto, ella se sometió a una cirugía abdominal por una condición que no se ha hecho pública y el Palacio de Kensington dijo que no reanudaría sus funciones hasta por lo menos después de Pascua.

Lo que levantó las sospechas de todo el mundo respecto a su paradero y su estado de salud fue la foto que publicó para el Día de la Madre la semana pasada, la que se comprobó que había sido manipulada.

El tiempo dirá si este último avistamiento apaga todo el fervor y la especulación en torno a su vida. Jillian ciertamente espera que sí, porque parece bastante harta del ruido.

Kate Middleton Not Looking Too Thin Post-Surgery ... So Says Jillian Michaels

Kate Middleton came across as somewhat thin to some who saw our new video of her from this past weekend -- but she's got one fitness guru in her corner ... one Jillian Michaels.

One of the first takeaways many had upon viewing the clip of Kate and Prince William at the Windsor Farm Shop -- about a mile from her home -- was that she looked sorta skinny ... or rather, skinnier than usual. KM is already a slender woman ... but here, perhaps more so.

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TMZ / The Sun

To that, Jillian tells TMZ ... Kate looks just fine in her eyes -- both in terms of weight and overall health ... especially when you consider she went under the knife only 2 months ago.

In JM's eyes, Kate is right where she oughta be for a woman of her general size -- even noting to us that someone who's usually a bit thinner might lose some pounds while recovering after a procedure like the one she underwent ... and to Jillian, Kate looks normal.

On the subject of speculating on Kate -- be it her health, her weight or anything else -- Jillian tells us folks need to piss off and leave her alone ... 'cause it's not their business.

She reminds us someone's health journey is very personal -- and considering the type of microscope Kate's been under lately ... Jillian says everyone needs perspective.

Sage advice from Jillian -- but something tells us the public will continue picking apart every little detail. Remember, prior to the video TMZ published Monday ... we hadn't seen her on her own two feet since December, which is quite a long time.

Of course, she underwent abdominal surgery -- for a condition that hasn't been made public -- and Kensington Palace said she wouldn't be resuming her duties until at least after Easter.

What made everyone even more suspicious of her whereabouts and well-being had a lot to do with a photo she released on Mother's Day last week ... which was proven to be doctored.

Time will tell if this latest sighting tamps down all fervor and speculation surrounding her life and condition. Jillian's certainly hoping it does -- 'cause she seems pretty sick of the noise.

SCOTT DISICK COMIENDO ALGO EN L.A. En medio de una notable pérdida de peso

Scott Disick salió para disfrutar de una comida abundante con algunos amigos cercanos en un lugar muy popular de L.A., y podemos percatarnos de que ha perdido mucho peso.

La estrella de telerrealidad y ex de una Kardashian llegó a Catch Steak en Los Ángeles el viernes, y a juzgar por las fotos... parece que llegó con un gran grupo.

También parece que Scott ha perdido un poco de peso -más sobre esto a continuación- ya que se paseaba por la calle con su amigo, Jordan Barrett, un modelo de moda muy famoso y muy guapo.

Además, estaba sentado junto a una mujer misteriosa. Ni idea de si hay algo entre ellos, pero Scott es un soltero bastante elegible, por lo que no hay que descartar todas las posibilidades.

Ahora, en cuanto a la pérdida de peso, está claro que Scott se ve mucho más delgado que en el pasado. Él está usando ropa holgada, lo cual podría exagerar las cosas, pero sigue siendo evidente que algo ha cambiado.

Sabemos que Scott ha estado centrado en su peso los últimos meses, un tema que se tocó en la temporada más reciente de "The Kardashians".

en el doc

Recordemos que Khloé Kardashian lo llevó a un médico para hablar sobre su lesión en la espalda, la cual se lastimó durante un accidente de carro bastante intenso en 2022. Le dijo al médico que el accidente le hizo ganar algo de peso y también disminuyó su destreza sexual.

No está claro qué es exactamente lo que ha motivado su pérdida de peso, pero Scott parecía estar disfrutando la noche del viernes, así que todo parece ir relativamente bien.

En cuanto a si su desempeño sexual está al 100%... es posible que tengamos que esperar a otro episodio de "The Kardashians" para obtener una respuesta.

Scott Disick Grabbing A Bite To Eat in L.A. ... Amid Visible Weight Loss

Scott Disick stepped out for a hearty meal with some close companions ... hitting up a popular L.A. hot spot alongside friends -- and it seems he's lost lots of weight.

The reality star and Kardashian ex hit up Catch Steak in Los Angeles Friday, and just check out the pics ... looks like a pretty deep crew chowed down with the father-of-three.

It also seems Scott's lost a bit of weight -- more on that later -- as he cruised down the street with his homie Jordan Barrett ... a pretty famous fashion model and real good-lookin' dude.

He was also seated next to a mystery woman ... no idea if there's anything going on between the two, but Scott's a pretty eligible bachelor, so it's not outside the realm of possibility.

Now as for the weight loss ... it seems clear Scott's a good deal skinnier than he's been in the past. He is wearing some baggy clothes, so it could easily be overblown by the wardrobe, but it's still evident.

We know Scott's been focused on his weight in recent months ... a topic broached during the most recent season of "The Kardashians."


Remember ... Khloé Kardashian took him to a doctor to talk about his back injury -- one he says he sustained during a pretty nasty car crash back in 2022. He told the doc the crash led to him gaining some weight and also diminished his sexual prowess.

Unclear exactly what's motivated the weight loss ... but Scott seemed to be enjoying himself Friday night -- so all seems relatively normal with him.

As for whether his sex game's 100% ... we may have to wait on another episode of "The Kardashians" to get an answer.

Oprah Esta es la razón por la que dejé WeightWatchers ... No era apropiado!!!

No hay conflicto de interés

Oprah Winfrey dice que renunció al directorio de WeightWatchers después de casi una década "porque no era apropiado" y no quería parecer poco ética.

La leyenda del talk show explicó su decisión a Jimmy Kimmel el jueves, donde dijo que su próximo especial sobre medicamentos para bajar de peso jugó un papel importante en su decisión de abandonar la empresa en la que estuvo años como embajadora oficial.

De acuerdo a Oprah, este especial de televisión sobre la pérdida de peso en el que ha estado trabajando era muy importante para ella, por lo que quería deshacerse de cualquier señal que pudiera ser considerada inapropiada.

Específicamente, O dice que no quería que la gente pensara que estaba promoviendo un especial sobre medicamentos para perder peso y asumiera que estaba haciendo dinero por estar vinculada a WeightWatchers, que ahora está en el negocio de prescribir los mismos medicamentos como Ozempic.

La salida de Oprah de WeightWatchers se supo hace dos semanas, cuando anunció que iba a donar todas sus acciones de la compañía al National Museum of African American History and Culture. Por supuesto, también admitió recientemente que ella misma toma medicamentos para perder peso.

Ahora que ha dado un paso al costado, le dijo a Kimmel que nadie podrá acusarla de estar haciendo esto con fines de lucro, porque no hay nada que ganar en este momento. También dice que para el equipo de WeightWatchers fue muy dura la noticia de su despedida.

En otra parte de la entrevista, Oprah compartió por qué abrazó estos milagrosos medicamentos, diciendo que un doctor le dijo que sus luchas por perder peso estaban vinculadas a su genética y que "la obesidad es una enfermedad." Dice que con los fármacos ha perdido 12 kilos.

El especial de Oprah "Shame, Blame and the Weight Loss Revolution" se emite el lunes.

Oprah Here's Why I Left WeightWatchers ... It Was a Bad Look!!!

No Conflict Of Interest

Oprah Winfrey says she stepped down from the WeightWatchers board after nearly a decade 'cause it was a super bad look ... and she didn't want to come off as unethical.

The talk show legend explained her decision to Jimmy Kimmel Thursday ... sharing that her upcoming special about prescription weight loss drugs played a major factor in her decision to leave the company she's been with for years as an official ambassador.

As Oprah put it ... this weight loss medication TV special she's working on was very important to her -- so she wanted to shed any appearance of impropriety by being involved.

Specifically ... O says she didn't want people to think she was just promoting a special about weight loss meds and assume she was making money off of it by being attached to WW -- which is now in the business of prescribing those same medications, like Ozempic.

News of Oprah's WW exit dropped two weeks ago -- when she announced that she was donating all her shares in the company to the National Museum of African American History and Culture. Of course, she's also recently admitted she's on weight loss drugs herself.


Now that she's taken the step of leaving WW behind, she told Kimmel nobody could accuse her of doing all this for profit ... 'cause there's no money to be made at this point. She also says the WeightWatchers crew took the news of her bowing out pretty hard.

In a separate portion of this interview, Oprah shares why she embraced the miracle drugs -- saying her weight struggles over the years were tied to her genetics by a doc, and she went so far as to say that "obesity is a disease." She says she's lost 40 lbs. on the drugs.

Oprah's special 'Shame, Blame and the Weight Loss Revolution' airs Monday.

Oprah Set to Talk Weight Loss Drug Impact ... In Upcoming TV Special

Oprah is gearing up to tackle a big topic in America in her upcoming TV special ... namely, the impact prescription weight loss drugs are having on society, including herself.

The billionaire TV mogul says she will address medications and their relation to the weight loss revolution in her new ABC primetime special, "An Oprah Special: Shame, Blame and the Weight Loss Revolution" -- which is set to air in a couple weeks.

Oprah's special comes only weeks after she parted ways with WeightWatchers following a nearly 10-year partnership, leaving the weight loss company on the heels of criticism about proudly revealing she uses a weight loss drug.

As we reported ... Oprah says she dropped 40 pounds last year, with the help of doctor-prescribed medication, though she's never revealed the name of the drug she used.

Remember, Oprah using weight loss drugs was controversial because she previously labeled medications like Ozempic and Mounjaro an "easy way out" -- and yet, she turned around and started taking them ... although it's unclear which of these drugs she's on.

The TV special will explore questions and concerns about weight loss medications' intended uses, side effects and their impacts on people living with obesity and diabetes.

In a statement announcing the special, Oprah says ... "It is a very personal topic for me and for the hundreds of millions of people impacted around the globe who have for years struggled with weight and obesity."

Oprah continues ... "This special will bring together medical experts, leaders in the space and people in the day-to-day struggle to talk about health equity and obesity with the intention to ultimately release the shame, judgment and stigma surrounding weight."

The special airs March 18 at 8/7c on ABC and will be available for streaming the next day on Hulu.