Kate Winslet Ozempic suena terrible!!! Habla de la manía por el peso

Kate Winslet acaba de enterarse de Ozempic y digamos que no estaba saltando de alegría exactamente cuando dio a conocer sus pensamientos mientras comía un pastel.

La actriz tropezó con todo el asunto de Ozempic mientras hablaba con The New York Times Magazine, donde explicó que había oído rumores sobre "una píldora que la gente está tomando o algo así", pero ella no sabía exactamente lo que era.

Algo a tener en cuenta es que Ozempic es originalmente un medicamento para tratar la diabetes tipo 2, que se usa fuera de indicación en Gran Bretaña, de donde es nativa Kate, pero no es tan popular como lo es aquí en los Estados Unidos.

Como resultado, Kate estaba aparentemente horrorizada cuando se enteró para qué se ha estado utilizando. Dijo que sonaba "terrible" y en su lugar animó a la gente a comer más.

El disgusto de Kate con esta estrategia para perder peso a escondidas tiene sentido total si tenemos en cuenta el escrutinio público al que se ha enfrentado por su propio cuerpo, especialmente desde sus días en Titanic, por allá en el 97.

Ella le dijo al medio que los comentarios sobre su peso llegaron a tal punto que comenzó a luchar contra un trastorno de la alimentación, que se lo guardó para sí misma en ese entonces.

Desgarradoramente, Kate compartió que cuando perdió peso, la gente comentaba lo bien que se veía, reforzando esta idea de que verse bien estaba directamente relacionado con cuánto pesaba.

Hoy en día, cuando la gente trata de hacer comentarios sobre el peso de Kate, ya no engancha para nada y se apresura en llamarles la atención al instante. Es seguro decir, que Kate ha tenido malas experiencias con el tema, por lo que sus sentimientos sobre Ozempic no son tan sorprendentes.

Por cierto, hay que decir que está en minoría en este punto. Más famosos están con Ozempic por estos días que no.


Kate Winslet's just found out about Ozempic, and let's just say she's not exactly jumping for joy about it -- making her thoughts known while munchin' on a pastry.

The actress stumbled upon the whole Ozempic thing while speaking to The New York Times Magazine ... where she explained she's heard murmurings about "some pill that people are taking or something like that" ... but she didn't exactly know what it was.

Something to note here ... Ozempic, originally a type 2 diabetes drug, is used off-label in KW's native Britain, but it's not exactly all the rage there like it is here in the States.

As a result, Kate was apparently horrified when she found out what it's actually been used for ... with the star adding it sounded "terrible," and encouraging people to just eat more food instead.

Kate's disgust at the whole sneaky weight loss method makes total sense when you consider the public scrutiny she's faced about her body ... especially since her Titanic days back in '97.

She told the publication the historical comments about her weight got to the point where she began battling an eating disorder ... but she kept it to herself at the time.

Heartbreakingly, Kate shared that when she did lose weight, people would comment on how good she looked, reinforcing this idea that looking good was directly tied to how much she weighed.


Nowadays, when people try to comment on Kate's weight, she's not having any of it ... quick to call them out on it right then and there. Safe to say, Kate's been through the wringer on this issue ... so her feelings on Ozempic aren't all that surprising.

She's in the minority here, BTW ... more stars are for Ozempic these days than not.

OPRAH LE DICE ADIÓS A WEIGHTWATCHERS Tras admitir que usa un fármaco para adelgazar

Oprah se separa de WeightWatchers después de casi una década, una decisión que viene seguida de las críticas que recibió luego de decir que utiliza una droga para perder peso.

La compañía de pérdida de peso dejó claro en su comunicado oficial el miércoles que no hay mala sangre con Oprah y su salida de la Junta de Directores no se debe a ningún desacuerdo con la empresa o cualquier cosa relacionada con las operaciones de la empresa, políticas o prácticas.

La CEO de Sima Sistani dice: "Aunque yo y el resto de nuestros directores ciertamente la echaremos de menos en nuestras reuniones de la junta tras el final de su mandato actual, ella sigue siendo una voz estratégica, fuerte y colaboradora de WeightWatchers".

Dicho esto, la salida de Oprah se produce unos meses después de confesar el uso de medicamentos para bajar de peso en diciembre. La admisión levantó cejas, sobre todo porque ella había hablado en contra de medicamentos como Ozempic y Mounjaro meses antes.

Como ya informamos, Oprah reveló que bajó 40 libras en 2023 y parte de su estrategia implicó la medicación prescrita por los médicos, pero nunca ha revelado el nombre de la droga.

Algunas personas, sobre todo la gurú del fitness Jillian Michaels, criticaron a Oprah por no ser transparente con el hecho de que WeightWatchers invertió en un popular medicamento para perder peso. Se especulaba con que Oprah se beneficiaría enormemente de abogar por el uso de dicho medicamento.

Oprah en realidad está abordando directamente esa crítica al salir de la empresa -WeightWatchers dice que está donando su participación del 1.4% al Museo Nacional de Historia y Cultura Afroamericana para "eliminar cualquier conflicto de intereses percibido en torno a su toma de medicamentos para bajar de peso".

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A propósito, el anuncio de su salida está perjudicando a las acciones de la compañía, las cuales se desplomaron más del 20% inmediatamente después de la noticia que se conoció el jueves por la mañana.

Perder a Oprah nunca es algo bueno para ninguna organización, sin embargo, ella asegura que nunca ha estado mejor en cuanto a salud, tanto física como mentalmente a medida que pierde kilos.

Lo cubrimos todo en el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de pódcast.


Oprah is parting ways with WeightWatchers after nearly a decade ... a decision that comes on the heels of criticism about her proudly revealing she uses a weight loss drug.

The weight loss company made it clear in its official statement Wednesday there's no bad blood with Oprah ... and her departure from the Board of Directors isn't due to any disagreements with the company or anything related to the company's operations, policies, or practices.

WW's CEO Sima Sistani says, "While I and the rest of our directors will certainly miss her in our board meetings following the end of her current term, she remains a strong strategic voice and collaborator with WeightWatchers."

That being said ... Oprah's departure comes a few months after confessing to using weight-loss drugs in December -- the admission raised eyebrows, especially as she'd spoken out against medications like Ozempic and Mounjaro months earlier.

As we reported ... Oprah revealed she dropped 40 pounds in 2023, and part of her strategy involved medication prescribed by doctors -- but she's never revealed the drug's name.

Some people, most notably fitness guru Jillian Michaels, criticized O for not being transparent that WeightWatchers had invested in a popular weight loss drug. The speculation was Oprah stood to profit greatly from advocating for the use of such medication.

Oprah's actually directly addressing that criticism as she leaves the company -- WW says she's donating her 1.4% stake in WW to the National Museum of African American History and Culture to "eliminate any perceived conflict of interest around her taking weight loss medications."

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BTW ... the announcement her bolting from WW is putting a hurting on the company's stock -- it plummeted more than 20% immediately after the news broke Thursday morning.


Wall Street's bottom line ... losing Oprah is never a good thing for any organization -- but Oprah's bottom line is she's in the best place she's ever been health-wise, both physically and mentally as she sheds pounds.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Tom Brady Re-Runs 40-Yard Dash ... Faster At 46 Than At 22!!!

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

Father Time is still clearly losing his battle with Tom Brady ... 'cause the NFL legend just revealed he's actually faster now at 46 years old than when he was at 22!!

The former quarterback decided to re-run a 40-yard dash following a shoot with his new "NoBull" company recently ... just to see if after all these years, he could move a bit quicker than when he was trying to get noticed by NFL teams at the 2000 Combine.

Brady wasn't sure if he could beat his now-infamous mark of 5.28 seconds ... saying prior to the run to his buds, "Let's see if we can level up."

Turns out, though, he does, indeed, have better wheels these days!

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Check out the footage of the sprint ... the two who timed Brady's jaunt had him at 5.18 seconds and 5.12 -- both clear improvements from when he was a little-known signal-caller who had just wrapped up his Michigan career.

Brady's "NoBull" business partner, Mike Repole, could hardly believe the times ... joking with TB12, "If you do that 25 years ago, you get drafted in the third round!"

Of course, being better with age is nothing new for Brady. Four of his seven Super Bowl wins came AFTER he turned 37 years old -- with his final title coming following his 43rd birthday.

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Seems Brady's got his eyes on being even better in 2025 -- saying, "Next year, it's going to be faster!"

Oprah Birthday Beach Run ... I'm Healthy at 70!!!

Oprah Winfrey didn't throw a huge party for her 70th birthday, and she didn't ask for a bunch of gifts either ... instead, she seemed content with a healthy run along the beach.

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The legendary talk show host celebrated her birthday milestone Monday, posting a video on social media showing her jogging on a California beach with a friend and one of her dogs. Looks like she had a pal (or perhaps a trainer) who was jogging alongside her.

The media mogul captioned her IG post ... "Celebrating 70 with a run on the beach. #healthisthebestgift. Thank you for all the birthday love." The hashtag is probably good news for Oprah's friends and loved ones ... it's gotta be hard to find a gift for a billionaire!

BTW ... Oprah added Jill Scott's timeless song "Golden" to the post ... and she's certainly looking pretty fit in her golden years. That's the bigger point -- O showing off the fact she works out, which is timely considering her recent confession to using weight-loss drugs.

Fact is ... she's caught a little flak of late for what people perceive as "taking the easy way out" -- this after she denounced drugs like Ozempic, before doing an apparent about-face.

Here, however, she seems to be telegraphing something ... namely, she gets active too.

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The beach run obviously dovetails with her latest health transformation ... as we reported, last month Oprah revealed she dropped 40 pounds in 2023, thanks in part to doctors prescribing her some medication.

With this, though ... O seems to be suggesting exercise was part of the drop in poundage. Hard to say if this will appease people like Jillian Michaels -- she seems very anti-Ozempic.

Anyhoo ... happy birthday, Ms. Winfrey. You look great regardless!!! 🎉

Oprah Corre por la playa para celebrar su cumpleaños... ¡¡Estoy sana a los 70!!

Oprah Winfrey no hizo una gran fiesta para celebrar sus 70 años. Tampoco pidió un montón de regalos, en cambio, parecía estar muy contenta con un saludable trote por la playa.

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La legendaria presentadora celebró su cumpleaños el lunes, con un video en las redes sociales donde aparece haciendo una caminata rápida por una playa de California con un amigo y uno de sus perros. Parece que tenía un amigo (o tal vez un entrenador) que estaba trotando junto a ella.

La magnate de los medios subtituló su post de Instagram con el comentario: "Celebrando los 70 con un trote en la playa. #La salud es el mejor regalo. Gracias por todo su amor en mi cumpleaños". El hashtag es probablemente una buena noticia para los amigos y seres queridos de Oprah, ¡tiene que ser difícil encontrar un regalo para un multimillonario!

Por cierto, Oprah añadió el clásico de Jill Scott "Golden" en su post, y ciertamente se ve muy en forma en sus años dorados. Ese es el punto más importante, o quizás el hecho de que está haciendo ejercicio, lo cual es oportuno teniendo en cuenta su reciente confesión de que ha usado medicamentos para bajar de peso.

La verdad es que ella ha recibido algunas críticas últimamente por lo que la gente percibe como estar "tomando el camino más fácil". Esto, después de que denunciara drogas como el Ozempic, antes de aparentemente cambiar de opinión.

Aquí, sin embargo, ella parece estar enviando un mensaje, y es que está activa también.

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El trote por la playa, obviamente, encaja con su última transformación de salud. Como informamos, el mes pasado Oprah reveló que bajó 40 libras en 2023, gracias en parte a que los médicos le prescribieron algunos medicamentos.

Con esto, sin embargo, parece estar sugiriendo que el ejercicio fue parte de la baja de peso también. Es difícil saber si esto apaciguará a las personas como Jillian Michaels, quien parecen estar muy en contra de Ozempic.

De todos modos, feliz cumpleaños, Sra. Winfrey. ¡¡¡Te ves muy bien a pesar de todo!!! 🎉

Dr. Terry Dubrow Jillian Knows Fitness ... But Ozempic Take Not Medically Valid


Jillian Michaels and Dr. Terry Dubrow have been trading shots over Ozempic lately -- and the good doc is the latest to fire back ... telling us she should stay in her lane cause she has no proper medical credentials.

We got the "Botched" star outside Craig's Thursday ... and he doubles down on his initial claims against her ... practically shouting from the rooftops this time that her career as a personal trainer doesn't permit her to dish out medical advice.

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Despite publicly discrediting her PT career yet again, he appears to extend an olive branch ... saying she's actually great at her job -- but it's a back-handed compliment ... 'cause he says she still doesn't have medical validation to influence others against weight loss drugs.

Now, Terry does offer her a solution if she feels an absolute need to continue doing so -- Take her MCAT and go to med school. Savage!

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He also says the article Jillian cited in which he appeared to agree with her anti-Ozempic stance was taken out of context and doesn't hold up her argument -- explaining he was only being interviewed about the dangers of Ozempic ... hence why he was discussing it's side effects.


That's not all ... TD also ain't here for Jillian's claims she's the utmost authority on weight loss ... suggesting if that was the case, then she'd already be aware that diet and exercise alone doesn't cut it when tackling the obesity problem.

He says bottom line, any medication can be dangerous, but drugs like Ozempic are saving lives -- so Jillian needs to mind her own business and leave the advice to those with qualifications.

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For good measure, the doc's wife, Heather Dubrow, jumps in ... saying she's known him for 30 years and he never changes his mind on anything -- an apparent shot at JM to back down and accept defeat.

Though, Jillian's known for being outspoken ... and it's probably a matter of time before she retaliates ... so looks like Ozempic battle between the two will rage on for a while.

JILLIAN MICHAELS FIRES BACK AT DR. TERRY DUBROW ... 'He Also Believes Ozempic is Dangerous!'

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Jillian Michaels gave Dr. Terry Dubrow a taste of his own medicine ... this after he implored people to ignore her anti-Ozempic stance cause she was merely a personal trainer.

We got JM on "TMZ Live" Thursday ... who says, contrary to what Dubrow believes, she's actually the foremost expert when it comes to helping people lose weight -- and says he shared her same views on the drug not too long ago ... pulling out receipts for evidence.

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Jillian cites a July 2023 NY Post interview with the "Botched" star ... where, sure enough, he urged the weight loss community to raise awareness of the dangers of Ozempic ... saying it could cost people their lives.

The article also claims that 3 of TD's patients were hospitalized at the time ... over intestinal problems and pancreatitis linked with Ozempic use.

So, yeah ... Jillian doubles down here on her OG assertion that Ozempic isn't the silver bullet solution for weight loss ... adding if it were the easy way out, she too would be using it.

In fact, she tells us if she believed the drug could healthily cure obesity... she'd also sell it through her weight loss platform/app -- profiting from it both personally and professionally.

The bottom line is she's merely trying to educate people on the side effects of Ozempic -- and clearly thinks Dubrow's attack on her was unwarranted.

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As for TD ... looks like he still needs to make up his mind on where he stands with weight loss drugs. On its face, it seems like he felt one way a while ago ... and changed his tune.

50 Cent No Ozempic For ME Dropped LBs In Da G-G-G-Gym & on Tour!!!

Working The F*** Out!

50 Cent is nipping any notions he’s hopping on the celebrity Ozempic trend in the bud — he dropped pounds the ‘ol fashioned way!!!

The “In Da Club” rapper recently posted an IG flick rocking a noticeably slimmer frame — 43 pounds to be exact — and blew off accusations he binged on the diabetic drug to shred the pounds.

50 told his nosy fans he went from 253 pounds to 210 pounds — gym sessions and his recent Final Lap Tour also provided some much-needed cardio.

Fans mocked 50’s weight during his Super Bowl performance where he joined Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, and Mary J. Blige on stage … and now they’re praising his natural bod from natural means.

Medical experts are still warning the public not to write off Ozempic completely ... Dr. Terry Dubrow recently told TMZ that the drug is still a viable weight loss option ... under a doctor's supervision, that is.

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On the face of it, Fitty seems to be siding with Jillian Michaels on this issue -- namely, if you wanna lose weight, you're better off doing it the old-fashioned way ... with hard work.

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Hard to argue with that, TBH.

Pauly Shore Envía nuevo mensaje a Richard Simmons... Mira el corto con el corazón abierto

Míralo con el Corazón abierto

Pauly Shore todavía espera obtener la bendición de Richard Simmons antes de rodar una película sobre su vida y piensa que su cortometraje es clave.

El actor y comediante estaba en el aeropuerto de Hollywood Burbank este miércoles cuando un fotógrafo le preguntó si tenía algún mensaje para el recluso gurú del fitness. En pocas palabras, Pauly le está suplicando a Richard que vea "The Court Jester" en YouTube y que mantenga el corazón abierto mientras lo hace.

Pauly dice que cree que tiene una oportunidad de convencer a Richard si ve el corto, que se estrenó en Sundance el viernes por la noche. Pero no quiere que lo descarte de antemano.

Ahora, tampoco va a rechazar la crítica constructiva. Pauly dice que quiere la retroalimentación honesta de Richard y que estaría dispuesto a hacer cambios.

Curiosamente, Pauly dice que quiere a Richard a bordo como un colaborador a tiempo completo para la película biográfica. Él incluso se los imagina sentados en el set con sillas de director a juego con la palabra "Richard".

En resumen, dice que está avanzando con el proyecto, pero hay un montón de espacio para Simmons si está interesado en salir a la superficie, lo que dudamos mucho.

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Él cambiará de opinión... creo

Esta saga ha estado haciendo sudar a los fans durante un par de semanas. La semana pasada, Richard dejó claro que no estaba de ninguna manera involucrado con el proyecto de Pauly y para hacer su punto incluso rompió su silencio público a través de Facebook, lo que ha hecho solo dos veces en una década.

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Pauly claramente no se desanima por la condena de Richard. Ha insistido en que Richard podría cambiar de opinión, y la semana pasada, antes del estreno de "The Court Jester", sugirió que el icono de 75 años se estaba ablandando.

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Richard nos desea buena suerte

Afirma que Richard le envió un mensaje de texto a primera hora del día para desearle "buena suerte" en Sundance.

Por cierto, "The Court Jester" está ganando audiencia en línea. Ya acumula 886k visitas en YouTube en menos de una semana y Pauly está instando a todos, pero especialmente a Richard, a que hagan clic y lo vean por sí mismos.

Pauly Shore New Message to Richard Simmons ... Watch Short Film with Open Heart


Pauly Shore's still hoping he'll get Richard Simmons' blessing before shooting a feature film about his life ... and he thinks his short film's the key to securing it.

The actor/comedian was at the Hollywood Burbank Airport Wednesday when a photog asked if he had a message for the reclusive fitness guru. In a nutshell, Pauly's pleading with Richard to watch "The Court Jester" on YouTube and keep an open heart while he does it.

PS says he thinks he's got a shot at convincing Richard if he sees the flick -- which premiered at Sundance on Friday night -- but he just doesn't want him to flat-out dismiss it beforehand.

Now, he's not going to turn down constructive criticism ... Pauly says he wants Richard's honest feedback, and he's willing to make changes.

Interestingly, Pauly says he wants Richard on board as a full-time collaborator for the feature-length biopic -- he even envisions them with matching "Richard" director chairs on the set.

Bottom line ... Pauly says he's moving forward with the project -- but there's a whole lotta room for Simmons' touch if he's interested in surfacing ... which we highly doubt.

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This saga's been making fans sweat for a couple weeks -- last week, Richard made it clear he was in no way involved with Pauly's project ... and to get his point across he even broke his public silence via Facebook, which he's only done twice in about a decade.

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Pauly's clearly not deterred by Richard's condemnation ... he's insisted Richard might just change his mind -- and last week, before the 'Court Jester' premiere, he suggested the 75-year-old icon was softening.

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He claims Richard texted him earlier in the day to wish him "good luck" at Sundance.

BTW 'Court Jester' is gaining an audience online, racking up 886k views on YouTube in less than a week -- and Pauly's urging everyone, but especially Richard, to click and see for themselves.


Jillian Michaels has no business pushing out an anti-Ozempic narrative cause she's a personal trainer and not a REAL medical expert -- this, according to Dr. Terry Dubrow.

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We got the "Botched" star on "TMZ Live" Tuesday ... he pops off on Jillian's stance that society will find themselves dependent on the weight loss drug -- saying we should, in fact, be championing something that treats the disease of obesity.

Terry tells us these drugs have been around for decades and are totally safe ... making them a viable option in reducing body fat and lowering the mortality rate.

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In fact, he compares the anti-O argument to life-saving medical treatments ... saying it would be like de-influencing people from undergoing chemo for cancer.

He does agree with Jillian that diet and exercise are critical to staying healthy ... but says belittling weight loss drugs is sending out the wrong message -- urging others to listen to their physicians for proper scientific and medical info.

You'll remember ... last week, JM accused Oprah of hopping on the celeb bandwagon of promoting Ozempic ... claiming she was doing so for financial gain.


It's important to note ... there's no solid evidence that proves this. Bottom line -- Dr. Terry is fine with people who decide Ozempic (or other related drugs) are right for them.

Richard Simmons Dramatic Turnaround Over Pauly Shore Biopic Wishes Pauly 'Good Luck!'

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Well, this is crazy ... just days after Richard Simmons seemed pissed Pauly Shore was doing an unauthorized biopic on his life, RS now seems to be giving the thumbs up to the project.

TMZ obtained this video from the Sundance Film Festival Friday night, where Pauly got onstage to introduce the short film that will eventually become the full movie version of Richard's life.

He began by telling the crowd Richard texted him earlier in the day, wishing him "good luck" with the screening. The audience gave its rousing approval.

It's a total about-face ... just a few days ago, Richard wrote on Facebook, "You may have heard they may be doing a movie about me with Pauly Shore. I have never given my permission for this movie. So don't believe everything you read."

To say he never gave his permission is as much as saying DON'T DO THIS!

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If Pauly is putting yesterday's text in full context, maybe Richard had a change of heart.

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The Wolper Organization, a subsidiary of Warner Bros. that's developing the film, told us -- "While we would love to have him involved, we respect his desire to privacy and plan to produce a movie that honors him, celebrates him and tells a dramatic story."

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Pauly was at the Salt Lake City Int'l Airport Thursday and made it clear ... his intentions are good and thinks RS will like the film.

Richard Simmons Dramático giro sobre la bioepic de Pauly Shore Le desea buena suerte!!!

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Richard le desea lo mejor

Bueno, esto es una locura ... pocos días después de que Richard Simmons parecía enojado con Pauly Shore porque estaba haciendo una película biográfica de su vida, ahora parece estar dando su visto bueno al proyecto.

TMZ obtuvo este video del Festival de Cine de Sundance el viernes por la noche, donde Pauly se subió al escenario para presentar el cortometraje que con el tiempo se convertirá en la versión cinematográfica completa de la vida de Richard.

Comenzó diciéndole a la multitud que Richard le había enviado un mensaje de texto temprano en el día, deseándole "buena suerte" con la proyección. El público reaccionó con una entusiasta aprobación.

Hace solo unos días, Richard había escrito en Facebook: "Puede que hayan oído que van a hacer una película sobre mí con Pauly Shore. Nunca he dado mi permiso para esta película. Así que no se crean todo lo que leen".

Decir que nunca dio su permiso es igual que decir ¡NO HAGAS ESTO!

Si Pauly está compartiendo el mensaje de ayer en todo su contexto, puede ser que Richard tuvo un cambio de corazón.

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La Organización Wolper, una filial de Warner Bros. que está desarrollando la película, nos dijo: "Aunque nos encantaría tenerlo involucrado, respetamos su deseo de privacidad y planeamos producir una película que lo honre, lo celebre y cuente una historia dramática".

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Él entrará en razón... yo creo

Pauly estuvo el jueves en el aeropuerto internacional de Salt Lake City y dejó claro que sus intenciones son buenas y que cree que a Richard le gustará la película.

Jillian Michaels Claims Oprah Profits Off Ozempic

Jillian Michaels is floating a serious accusation about Oprah and Ozempic -- suggesting the TV icon is promoting the weight-loss drug 'cause it allegedly lines her own pockets.

The legendary fitness figure did an interview with Page Six this week in which she dished her thoughts on O's stunning body transformation over the past year -- which she recently revealed was tied to a medication she says she's now taking ... without naming Ozempic.

Still, most people assume she's on it -- just like every other celeb in Hollywood these days -- and Jillian thinks there's a big reason Oprah hopped on the bandwagon ... a monetary one.

Jillian points out that Oprah is a significant shareholder in Weight Watchers -- indeed, she has at least a 10% stake in the company -- and notes WW did, in fact, purchase a digital health platform that dabbles in the weight management last year, including Ozempic.

These things are true, and while Oprah might technically be benefitting financially from that deal -- as a shareholder of WW -- JM makes the leap that that's her true motivation here.

Of course, there's no solid evidence that's true as she frames it -- and yet, Jillian's standing firm on her theory.


Jillian's been railing on Ozempic for a minute, BTW.

We will say that Oprah's about-face on these types of medications was surprising -- not too long ago, she was speaking out against them ... but now, she seems all in on the trend.