Jillian Michaels has no business pushing out an anti-Ozempic narrative cause she's a personal trainer and not a REAL medical expert -- this, according to Dr. Terry Dubrow.

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We got the "Botched" star on "TMZ Live" Tuesday ... he pops off on Jillian's stance that society will find themselves dependent on the weight loss drug -- saying we should, in fact, be championing something that treats the disease of obesity.

Terry tells us these drugs have been around for decades and are totally safe ... making them a viable option in reducing body fat and lowering the mortality rate.

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In fact, he compares the anti-O argument to life-saving medical treatments ... saying it would be like de-influencing people from undergoing chemo for cancer.

He does agree with Jillian that diet and exercise are critical to staying healthy ... but says belittling weight loss drugs is sending out the wrong message -- urging others to listen to their physicians for proper scientific and medical info.

You'll remember ... last week, JM accused Oprah of hopping on the celeb bandwagon of promoting Ozempic ... claiming she was doing so for financial gain.


It's important to note ... there's no solid evidence that proves this. Bottom line -- Dr. Terry is fine with people who decide Ozempic (or other related drugs) are right for them.

Richard Simmons Dramatic Turnaround Over Pauly Shore Biopic Wishes Pauly 'Good Luck!'

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Well, this is crazy ... just days after Richard Simmons seemed pissed Pauly Shore was doing an unauthorized biopic on his life, RS now seems to be giving the thumbs up to the project.

TMZ obtained this video from the Sundance Film Festival Friday night, where Pauly got onstage to introduce the short film that will eventually become the full movie version of Richard's life.

He began by telling the crowd Richard texted him earlier in the day, wishing him "good luck" with the screening. The audience gave its rousing approval.

It's a total about-face ... just a few days ago, Richard wrote on Facebook, "You may have heard they may be doing a movie about me with Pauly Shore. I have never given my permission for this movie. So don't believe everything you read."

To say he never gave his permission is as much as saying DON'T DO THIS!

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If Pauly is putting yesterday's text in full context, maybe Richard had a change of heart.

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The Wolper Organization, a subsidiary of Warner Bros. that's developing the film, told us -- "While we would love to have him involved, we respect his desire to privacy and plan to produce a movie that honors him, celebrates him and tells a dramatic story."

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Pauly was at the Salt Lake City Int'l Airport Thursday and made it clear ... his intentions are good and thinks RS will like the film.

Richard Simmons Dramático giro sobre la bioepic de Pauly Shore Le desea buena suerte!!!

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Richard le desea lo mejor

Bueno, esto es una locura ... pocos días después de que Richard Simmons parecía enojado con Pauly Shore porque estaba haciendo una película biográfica de su vida, ahora parece estar dando su visto bueno al proyecto.

TMZ obtuvo este video del Festival de Cine de Sundance el viernes por la noche, donde Pauly se subió al escenario para presentar el cortometraje que con el tiempo se convertirá en la versión cinematográfica completa de la vida de Richard.

Comenzó diciéndole a la multitud que Richard le había enviado un mensaje de texto temprano en el día, deseándole "buena suerte" con la proyección. El público reaccionó con una entusiasta aprobación.

Hace solo unos días, Richard había escrito en Facebook: "Puede que hayan oído que van a hacer una película sobre mí con Pauly Shore. Nunca he dado mi permiso para esta película. Así que no se crean todo lo que leen".

Decir que nunca dio su permiso es igual que decir ¡NO HAGAS ESTO!

Si Pauly está compartiendo el mensaje de ayer en todo su contexto, puede ser que Richard tuvo un cambio de corazón.

TMZ investiga
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La Organización Wolper, una filial de Warner Bros. que está desarrollando la película, nos dijo: "Aunque nos encantaría tenerlo involucrado, respetamos su deseo de privacidad y planeamos producir una película que lo honre, lo celebre y cuente una historia dramática".

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Él entrará en razón... yo creo

Pauly estuvo el jueves en el aeropuerto internacional de Salt Lake City y dejó claro que sus intenciones son buenas y que cree que a Richard le gustará la película.

Jillian Michaels Claims Oprah Profits Off Ozempic

Jillian Michaels is floating a serious accusation about Oprah and Ozempic -- suggesting the TV icon is promoting the weight-loss drug 'cause it allegedly lines her own pockets.

The legendary fitness figure did an interview with Page Six this week in which she dished her thoughts on O's stunning body transformation over the past year -- which she recently revealed was tied to a medication she says she's now taking ... without naming Ozempic.

Still, most people assume she's on it -- just like every other celeb in Hollywood these days -- and Jillian thinks there's a big reason Oprah hopped on the bandwagon ... a monetary one.

Jillian points out that Oprah is a significant shareholder in Weight Watchers -- indeed, she has at least a 10% stake in the company -- and notes WW did, in fact, purchase a digital health platform that dabbles in the weight management last year, including Ozempic.

These things are true, and while Oprah might technically be benefitting financially from that deal -- as a shareholder of WW -- JM makes the leap that that's her true motivation here.

Of course, there's no solid evidence that's true as she frames it -- and yet, Jillian's standing firm on her theory.


Jillian's been railing on Ozempic for a minute, BTW.

We will say that Oprah's about-face on these types of medications was surprising -- not too long ago, she was speaking out against them ... but now, she seems all in on the trend.




1:53 PM  PST -- The family just posted a second video of the little girl ... saying despite what the internet might think, they were NOT the ones who gave her the Slim Tea. Instead, they say it was sent from a "supporter" of their video page.

A clip of parents hoping to motivate their young daughter to lose weight -- by gifting her Slim Tea for Christmas -- is repulsing people viewing the clip on social media.

Take a look for yourself -- the excited youngster unwraps the gift to unveil a box of the slimming aid ... she's clearly too young to understand what it is, though her older siblings immediately catch on, and throw their parents looks of disgust.

Despite the siblings knowing the gift is inappropriate for a young child -- the dad behind the camera is undeterred, as he urges his youngest to be grateful for the gift.

The video shared to X drew intense scrutiny ... with one person commenting the parents bullying the girl for her weight was disgusting, as they were the ones responsible for feeding her in the first place.

Others say they've taken her childhood away from her ... making her aware of her body from a young age, and entitling people to comment on it by sharing it on social media.

When it comes to slim teas, the FDA doesn't recognize them as being effective -- and its key ingredients like caffeine and senna, which claim to detox the body, also don't have much evidence in aiding weight loss.

So, the video's disheartening on several levels -- the parents providing misinformation and possibly poor nutrition, but also the psychological impact on their young daughter.

Originally Published -- 9:54 AM PT

Padres reciben críticas Por regalarle a su hija un té para adelgazar

¿En serio?

Un clip de unos padres que le regalan Slim Tea a su hija para Navidad, con la esperanza de motivarla a bajar de peso, está causando repulsión entre los usuarios de redes sociales.

Echa un vistazo tú mismo, la emocionada chica aparece desenvolviendo su regalo hasta que descubre que es una caja de té para ayudarla a adelgazar. Ella es claramente demasiado joven para entender lo que es, aunque sus hermanos mayores inmediatamente se dan cuenta y le lanzan a sus padres miradas de disgusto.

A pesar de que los hermanos saben que el regalo es inapropiado para una niña, el padre detrás de la cámara ni se inmuta e insta a la pequeña a ser agradecida por el regalo.

El video compartido en X atrajo un intenso escrutinio. Una persona comentó que era repugnante que los padres intimiden a la niña por su peso cuando son ellos los responsables de su alimentación en primera instancia.

Otros dicen que le han quitado su infancia, haciéndola consciente de su cuerpo desde ya y dándole derecho a la gente a comentar sobre ella al compartirlo en las redes sociales.

Cuando se trata de tés adelgazantes, la FDA tampoco los reconoce como eficaces y sus ingredientes clave, como la cafeína y el sen, que dicen desintoxicar el cuerpo, tampoco tienen mucha evidencia de que ayuden a perder peso.

Así pues, el video es descorazonador en varios niveles: por la desinformación y la posible mala alimentación de los padres, pero también por el impacto psicológico para su hija.


Christina Aguilera was a sight to behold during the opening night of her Las Vegas residency -- showing off an incredible 40 lb. weight loss.

The singer belted out her catalog of hits Saturday from The Voltaire at The Venetian, Xtina's strong and slender figure was front and center in a series of tight leotards and thigh-high boots.

After years of scrutiny for her fluctuating weight, XTINA's maintaining a healthy physique ... previously admitting she hated being skinny and loved her booty.

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She's clearly now found the secret to maintaining those curves ... and says it's helped with a balanced diet and dedicating herself to boxing, strength training and cardio workouts.

It wasn't all smooth sailing though ... she restricted her daily food intake to 1600 calories on the Rainbow Diet after welcoming her son Max in 2008.

However, in a turn in 2020, she said she was dunzo with dieting ...  focusing on clean eating and consuming fewer sugary snacks.

No doubt, her high-energy residency performances will also help keep her in shape.

Christina Aguilera Luce 40 libras menos ¡¡Viva Las Vegas!!

Christina Aguilera fue un espectáculo para la vista durante la noche de apertura de su residencia en Las Vegas, mostrando una increíble pérdida de peso de 40 libras.

La cantante cantó su catálogo de éxitos el sábado desde The Voltaire en The Venetian. La cantante lucía una figura fuerte y delgada mientras estaba en el escenario, con unos pantalones de tipo leotardos ajustados y botas hasta los muslos.

Después de años de escrutinio por su fluctuante peso, XTINA está manteniendo un físico saludable, admitiendo previamente que odiaba ser delgada.

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Está claro que ahora ha encontrado el secreto para mantener esas curvas y dice que le ha ayudado tener una dieta equilibrada y dedicarse al boxeo, a hacer entrenamiento de fuerza y ejercicios de cardio.

Sin embargo, no todo ha sido miel sobre hojuelas. En 2008, restringió su ingesta de alimentos a 1.600 calorías cada día, siguiendo la Dieta Arco Iris, después de dar la bienvenida a su hijo Max.

No obstante, en 2020, dijo que no quería saber más de la dieta y que se iba a centrar en una alimentación limpia y en consumir menos bocadillos azucarados.

Sin duda, sus actuaciones también ayudará a mantenerla en forma, ya que demandan una gran energía.

Zion Williamson Gets New Tat ... Huge Cross On Chest!!!

Zion Williamson just got some fresh ink to prep for the start of the new year -- getting a giant cross tattooed on his chest!!

The NBA star hit up Onder Ink's Andres Ortega just a few weeks ago to get the piece done -- and as you can see, it came out awesome.

The tat features a cross with an image of a snarling gorilla inside of it -- and it appears to be strategically positioned more toward his heart.

Unclear what the exact significance of the image is for Williamson -- but Ortega tells TMZ Sports it all took about three hours during a session in New Orleans to complete.

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It's, of course, been a busy few weeks for the Pelicans forward ... because outside of getting some permanent ink placed on his body -- he also helped welcome his baby into the world in November as well.

His recent play on the court has been the focus of many too -- as basketball pundits have criticized his weight and conditioning amid an up-and-down start to the NBA season.

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To his credit, though, Williamson has shrugged off all the noise -- recently thanking his fans for sticking by him.

Sam Asghari No Ozempic Needed to Drop 40 lbs.


Sam Asghari dropped several dozen pounds following his split from Britney Spears ... and while lots of folks in Hollywood are using meds to shed weight, Sam's not hopping on that trend.

We got Britney's ex leaving Equinox gym, and our photog asked him about his dramatic weight loss and his secret to losing 35 to 40 pounds.

Sam says his body transformation is NOT the result of Ozempic ... a prescription diabetes medication that's becoming widely popular among celebs and average folks as a diet drug.

Even Oprah recently admitted she's using meds to lose and maintain weight, and she refuses to be shamed about it.

But, Sam says he's been putting in work at the gym and watching what he eats -- telling us fitness often comes down to diet.

Sam's Workout Plan

Sam's always been fit, but now he looks more toned and cut than ever and he says being in shape's always been a priority for him ... which is evident to anyone with eyes.

He's also got some tips for anyone looking to lose a few pounds -- in his eyes you don't have to resort to meds as long as you keep your hands out of the cookie jar.

Sage advice.

'Botched' Dr. Terry Dubrow Praises Oprah For Weight-Loss Meds Honesty ... No More Ozempic Shaming!

"Botched" star Dr. Terry Dubrow is over the moon about Oprah opening up about using weight-loss medication ... 'cause, in his eyes, it's a move that could save lives.

Dr. Dubrow joined us Thursday on "TMZ Live," singing Oprah's praises for admitting she's used meds as part of her weight loss journey ... and telling us the trend of shaming folks for using medication like Ozempic needs to stop.


He says celebs have been hesitant to be as honest as Oprah was ... often attributing their weight loss to working out or hormones, but in the doc's eyes, it's time they felt comfortable to speak candidly.

Dr. Dubrow thinks a really popular celeb, like O, opening up the discussion could start a trend -- or at least a discussion -- that leads to the general public warming to the use of these meds to combat obesity.

As he points out, we wouldn't shame people who take insulin for diabetes ... so doing so for someone who needs it to lose weight is equally ridiculous.

As we reported, Oprah lost 40 lbs this year and told PEOPLE the medicine she was prescribed was a healthier alternative for her -- this after she realized her struggles with weight loss were less about willpower and more about the brain.

Sounds like Oprah's got another doc in her corner ... one who's hoping she changes public attitudes on these kinds of meds.

Dr. Terry Dubrow Elogia a Oprah por su honestidad con los remedios para adelgazar

La estrella de "Botched", el Dr. Terry Dubrow, está encantado con la honestidad de Oprah al decir que usa medicamentos para bajar de peso, ya que desde su perspectiva, se trata de una medida que podría salvar vidas.

El Dr. Dubrow se unió a nosotros el jueves en "TMZ Live", para elogiar a Oprah por admitir que ha usado medicamentos como parte de su viaje para perder peso y nos dice que la tendencia de avergonzar a la gente por usar remedios como Ozempic tiene que parar.

Es cuestión de tiempo!!!

Él dice que las celebridades han sido reacias a ser tan sinceras como Oprah y a menudo atribuyen su pérdida de peso a las hormonas o al ejercicio, pero en los ojos del doctor, es hora de que se sientan cómodas de hablar con franqueza.

El Dr. Dubrow cree que una celebridad tan popular como Oprah Winfrey podría iniciar una tendencia -o al menos un debate- que lleve al público en general a abrirse al uso de estos medicamentos para combatir la obesidad.

Como señala, no avergonzaríamos a las personas que toman insulina para la diabetes, por lo que hacerlo para alguien que lo necesita para perder peso es igual de ridículo.

Como informamos, Oprah perdió 40 libras este año (unos 18 kilos) y le dijo a la gente que el medicamento que le habían recetado era una alternativa más saludable para ella. Esto, después de que se diera cuenta de que sus luchas con la pérdida de peso tenían menos que ver con la fuerza de voluntad y más con el cerebro.

Parece que Oprah tiene a otro médico de su lado, uno que espera que ella ayude a cambiar la actitud del público sobre este tipo de fármacos.

Report: Zion Williamson Pels Want Him To Get In Shape ... He 'Doesn't Listen'

The New Orleans Pelicans are trying like hell to get Zion Williamson to work on his fitness, but the franchise player is tuning them out -- this according to a new report.

The 2019 No. 1 overall pick appeared gassed throughout the Pels' In-Season Tournament semifinal game against the Los Angeles Lakers on Thursday ... something many analysts pointed out as a reason why it was a 133-89 blowout in favor of LeBron James and Co.

Of course, Zion's size has always been a hot topic since he entered the league ... and the team even reportedly implemented a weight clause in the five-year extension he signed last season that would penalize him if the sum of his weight and body percentage surpassed 295.

FYI -- Zion reportedly weighs in at 284.

According to Christian Clark of NOLA.com, the Pelicans have continuously told Williamson he has to work on his diet and conditioning ... but simply put -- he "doesn't listen."

Zion admitted after the Pels' loss that he needs to be more aggressive on the court ... but it certainly sounds like the team is expecting improvement off it, too.

Se revela la causa de muerte de Brandi Mallory estrella de "Pérdida de peso extrema"

Brandi Mallory murió de complicaciones debido a la obesidad, esto de acuerdo a su informe oficial de la autopsia.

TMZ obtuvo el documento del médico forense del condado de Fulton, y no arroja demasiados detalles sobre lo que fue lo que sucedió exactamente para causar la muerte de la estrella "Extreme Weight Loss". El hecho fue muy repentino y se cita su peso como el factor principal.

El papeleo dice que no había señales de una lesión reciente y no había razón para sospechar de juego sucio tampoco. El informe señala que había rastros de marihuana y alcohol en su sistema, pero el forense dice que no tuvieron implicancia en su muerte.

Esto es lo que dicen en la autopsia: "Es mi opinión que Brandi E. Mallory murió de complicaciones relacionadas con la obesidad, la cual se consideró una condición significativa respecto a su muerte". También enumera su muerte como natural cuando se trata de la forma.

TMZ publicó la historia, Mallory fue encontrado muerto en un estacionamiento del centro comercial de Atlanta después de una carrera de comida rápida de la noche anterior. Ella entró en el establecimiento, salió con su comida, y luego entró a su vehículo, pero nunca volvió a salir después de eso.

Un transeúnte preocupado llamó al 911 y dijo que sospechaba que había un cuerpo en el carro, ya que se dio cuenta de que no se había movido durante mucho tiempo.

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audio del 911

Mallory concursó en la cuarta temporada de la serie de ABC allá por 2014 y participó en el programa hasta 2018.

Solo tenía 40 años.

'Extreme Weight Loss' Star Brandi Mallory Cause of Death Revealed ... Obesity Complications

Brandi Mallory died from complications due to obesity -- this according to her official autopsy report.

TMZ obtained the document from the Fulton County Medical Examiner, citing the "Extreme Weight Loss" star's weight, an enlarged heart, and some elevated blood indicators suggestive of prediabetes all as factors in her overall health.

The paperwork says there was no sign of a recent injury and there was no reason to suspect foul play either. The report does note there were trace amounts of marijuana and alcohol in her system ... but the coroner says neither played a role in her death.

Here's how they put it in the autopsy ... "It is my opinion that Brandi E. Mallory died of complications of obesity was considered a significant condition contributing to the death." It also lists her death as natural when it comes to the manner.

TMZ broke the story ... Mallory was found dead in an Atlanta strip mall parking lot after being seen entering her car the night before. A concerned bystander called 911 and said he suspected there was a body in the car, as he noticed it hadn't moved for a long time.

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Mallory competed on Season 4 of the ABC series back in 2014, and had been involved with the program as recently as 2018.

She was only 40.


Olympics Star Suni Lee I Gained 45 Pounds ... Due To Kidney Illness

Suni Lee -- the Olympics star who won gold in Tokyo in 2020 -- just revealed her kidney issues this year caused her to gain 45 pounds.

The 5-foot gymnast made the revelation in an interview with USA Today this week ... just a few months after she left Auburn to get a handle on the ailment.

"I couldn't fit into any of my clothes," Lee told the outlet. "My eyes were swollen shut. It was just so scary."

Thankfully, Lee says she's doing better now ... and, according to USA Today, she looks "very much like the gymnast" who competed in the Games nearly three years ago.

"I haven't had a really bad day in a while," Lee said. "But in the beginning it was like I was waking up swollen. My fingers were so swollen they wouldn’t fit into my grips and I couldn't hold on to the bar."

She added, "My whole body was swollen because I was retaining water, so I couldn’t do a flip. … So it was really different and I had to learn how to work through it."

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Lee said she's made some changes to her diet -- eliminating a lot of her sodium intake -- which has allowed her to reignite her pursuit of more medals at the 2024 Olympics in Paris.

"We're still working on trying to figure out how to balance all of it because I do have good days and bad days," Lee said. "But with the good days I just take advantage of what I'm able to do, and on the bad days I just do basics and try and stay as safe as possible."

The Olympic trials begin in June in Minneapolis.

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