Gunna Mi secreto para estar en forma... Tener sexo!!!


Gunna está llamando la atención últimamente con su aspecto más delgado, el que dice es resultado de un montón de cardio y que ocurre principalmente en su dormitorio 👀

TMZ Hip Hop se encontró con el rapero de "Fukumean", quemando calorías en Beverly Hills, como de costumbre, y nos compartió su secreto para bajar de peso exitosamente.

Primero nos hizo el gesto de que levanta pesas, pero rápidamente aclaró que no son mancuernas las que está levantando, sino que, ¡piernas!

Estar con alguien puede ser la mejor opción, ¡sobre todo cuando estás en libertad condicional!

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Gunna tiene un gran espectáculo en Los Ángeles esta noche, para igualar su reciente concierto en Nueva York, que agotó entradas, y nos dijo que disfruta interpretando hasta la última de sus canciones de su exitoso álbum "A Gfit & a Curse."

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Nada de qué preocuparse

Es tal y como Cuhmunity's AD nos dijo cuando le pedimos que midiera la temperatura de Gunna en el clima del rap actual. Él predijo que L.A. le daría la bienvenida con los brazos abiertos y celebraría su música.

Pero, mientras él esté aquí... parece que la verdadera fiesta tendrá lugar a puerta cerrada. ¡Fitness primero!

Gunna My Secret to Staying Fit ... Sexercising!!!


Gunna's turning heads lately with his new slimmed-down look ... the result of him getting in lots of cardio action, which, he hints, mostly happens in his bedroom!!! 👀

TMZ Hip Hop caught up with the "Fukumean" rapper burning down Bev Hills, per usual, and hit him up for the secret to his weight-loss success.

He gave us the pumping-iron gesture -- but quickly clarified it's not dumbbells he's lifting, instead, he's lifting legs!!!

Hey, sometimes shacking up can be your best bet, especially when you're on probation!!!

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Gunna's got a big show out in L.A. tonight -- to match his recently sold-out concert in NYC -- and told us he enjoys performing every last one of his songs from his hit album "A Gfit & a Curse."

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It's just as Cuhmunity's AD told us when we asked him to gauge Gunna's temp in the rap climate -- he predicted L.A. would welcome him with open arms and celebrate his music.

But, while he's here ... sounds like the real party will happen behind closed doors. Fitness first!

Pauly Shore I Still Want Richard Simmons' Blessing ... Appeals to His Heart for Biopic

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Pauly Shore is determined to get Richard Simmons on board with his plans to produce and star in a biopic ... and he has a new plan to appeal to the reclusive fitness guru.

Pauly joined us Monday on "TMZ Live," and he told us he wants to get the director from the Elton John biopic, "Rocketman" involved ... so they can bring something real to Richard and appeal to his heart.

The way Paul envisions things shaking out ... Dexter Fletcher directs a 10-minute presentation they can take to Richard, so they can show him the biopic is not some joke, but an important story that needs to be told for Richard's legion of fans.


Problem is ... Richard's so far been unreceptive. As we first reported, RS doesn't want to get involved in Pauly's project and prefers to continue living his life in private, remaining out of the spotlight.

Pauly's not giving up so easily though, and sounds confident he can change Richard's mind.

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Richard's been out of the public eye for years ... and last summer TMZ released "TMZ Investigates: What Really Happened to Richard Simmons" on FOX and Hulu, which drew a huge response and led to Richard posting a rare message to his fans.

Pauly's known Richard for decades -- so did his late mother, Comedy Store owner Mitzi Shore -- and he has an interesting theory about what's behind Richard's reclusiveness.

Richard Simmons No está interesado en una bioepic con Pauly Shore... La privacidad es su prioridad

A Richard Simmons le gusta mucho Pauly Shore, pero no está pensando en la idea de Pauly, o de cualquier otra persona, de hacer una película biográfica, a pesar del clamor de la gente en redes sociales por una historia de su vida.

Fuentes cercanas a Richard le dicen a TMZ que es consciente de los esfuerzos que hay por hacer una película, sobre todo encabezada por Pauly, pero él no quiere estar involucrado.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que no es nada en contra de Pauly. Richard conoce al actor y su difunta madre Mitzi, desde hace décadas. Simplemente quiere vivir una vida privada fuera de los focos.

Nos han dicho también que Richard y compañía reciben ofertas y propuestas casi semanalmente, y que él las rechaza todas. Simplemente no quiere estar en la palestra y mucho menos detrás de una gran producción sobre su vida

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En cuanto al lanzamiento de Pauly, nuestras fuentes dicen que alguien del equipo de Pauly se contactó con Richard, pero su representante cortésmente rechazó la oferta.

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¿Qué pasó con Richard Simmons?

Fue el verano pasado cuando TMZ lanzó "TMZ Investiga: What Really Happened to Richard Simmons", en FOX y Hulu. La respuesta fue tremenda, con miles de personas enviando una tonelada de amor hacia Richard por Internet. Él incluso publicó un mensaje raro agradeciendo a todos por su apoyo.

Escribió en Facebook: "¡Gracias a todos por su amabilidad y amor! ❤️ Con amor, Richard". No hemos sabido nada del gurú del fitness desde entonces. Pero todavía hay mucho amor por el tipo que cambió la vida de tanta gente.

Richard Simmons No Interest in Biopic with Pauly Shore ... Privacy is the Priority

Richard Simmons likes Pauly Shore a lot, but he's not biting on the idea of Pauly -- or anyone else for that matter -- playing him in a biopic, despite a clamoring from folks on social media for a life story.

Sources close to Richard tell TMZ ... he's aware of the effort behind a biopic, mostly spear-headed by Pauly, but Richard just doesn't want to be involved.

Our sources say it's nothing against Pauly -- Richard's known the actor and his late mom Mitzi, for decades -- he simply wants to live a private life out of the spotlight.

We're told Richard & Co. get offers and pitches almost weekly and he turns all of them down. He's just not interested in going public, much less getting behind some big production about his life.

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As for the Pauly pitch, our sources say someone from Pauly's team did connect with Richard's ... but Richard's rep politely turned a thumbs down.

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It was last summer when TMZ released "TMZ Investigates: What Really Happened to Richard Simmons" on FOX and Hulu. The response was huge, with the internet sending a ton of love Richard's way. He even posted a rare message thanking everyone for their support.

Richard took to Facebook to write, "Thank you, everyone, for your kindness and love! ❤️ Love, Richard." We haven't heard from the fitness guru since ... but there's still so much love for the guy who changed the lives of so many people.

Kevin Gates Got Brolic With 🏀 Training ... Thx For the Tips, KD!!!

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Kevin Gates is pumped for his upcoming "Only the Generals" Tour, and he's crediting his new hoops skills ... and the advice of a future Hall of Famer for getting him stage-ready!!!

We linked with Kevin out in Hollywood this week and he gushed about how incorporating basketball into his workout routine has boosted his fitness.

He's been participating in the TCL Crew League and admittedly is more Jason Kidd than Jason Tatum when he's on the court. Even though his shot might not be NBA-ready, Kev says he's loving his time on the hardwood

He counts Kevin Durant, DeMar DeRozan and Chris "Lethal Shooter" Matthews as his favorite pros to shoot around with during his training.

KG says KD told him to always focus on the shot he's taking above everything else, and you gotta see how he's applying that advice to his everyday life.

The additional inspo and energy will come in handy come October 6 when the tour kicks off ... 31 cities in 4 months is quite the cross-country trek!!!

Last time Kevin was on the road, he went viral for jumping high like he could duplicate a KD dunk.

This time, with his newfound skills, he just might 360° windmill!!!

Tim Gunn Heidi Klum Doesn't Eat 900 Cals/Day ... She Snacks That Much!


Tim Gunn is comin' to his pal Heidi Klum's defense after rumors spread her daily intake is a paltry 900 calories ... a number he says she easily hits just between meals!

We got Tim at LAX and we asked him if he could confirm or deny the Heidi's calorie count reports, and he's certainly doing the latter here.

He playfully says one of Heidi's snack breaks would add up to the bogus total folks are claiming ... and applauds the supermodel for keeping her incredible physique while eating normal portions.


For those unaware, Heidi responded Tuesday to the noise on Instagram, denying the 900 calorie allegation. It all started when she got candid online about her weight earlier this week, and she says that's when folks really ran with the phony number.

She also told her followers she's never had to count calories before -- which is a pretty big flex, BTW ... especially considering how great she looks at 50!!!

Arnold Schwarzenegger Son Christopher Looks Jacked!!! Hits Gym on Weight Loss Journey

Arnold Schwarzenegger's son, Christopher, is in the middle of an impressive transformation ... looking super fit as he steps for a workout.

25-year-old Christopher hit up a gym Tuesday in L.A., and while it wasn't his dad's iconic spot -- Gold's Gym in Venice -- it's clear he's been putting in the kinda fitness work for which his dad became famous. Just check the muscles poppin' outta Christopher's sleeves!

Christopher started his weight loss journey back in 2020 ... and while he tends to keep a lower public profile than the rest of his fam, it's easy to see how much more fit he's gotten over the last 3 years.

Arnold congratulated Christopher on his exercise regimen on his 24th birthday, writing, "Between your boxing classes, your weightlifting classes, your stretching classes, your cycling classes, and on and on, I can’t even keep up with you!"

BTW, he and his brothers -- Patrick and Joseph -- have all been working hard on their physique, walking in pops' footsteps.

Of course, those are some big shoes to fill -- no one's saying they're heading for Mr. Olympia -- but Arnold's influence on all their fitness goals is clear!

Jeff Lewis Kyle Richards 'Lesbian on Ozempic' Was a Joke ... But Now She's Not Texting Me Back!!!


Jeff Lewis wants to let everyone know he was just havin' some fun when he called his pal Kyle Richards a "lesbian on Ozempic" ... unclear if she's realized that though, because she's leaving his messages on read!

We got Jeff at the Rockefeller Center in NYC Wednesday after he caused some buzz on Andy Cohen's "Watch What Happens Live" with the comment.

Jeff makes it clear, he was only joking, and tells us he wanted to poke fun at the rumors about Kyle and country singer Morgan Wade dating -- something Kyle's denied quite a bit.

Despite it obviously being a goof, Jeff fills us in on some potentially troubled waters -- he shot her a text and she still hasn't responded. 👀

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As we reported, Jeff drew some big laughs when he cracked wise about his friend ... Heather McDonald also jumped in, saying being gay is a side effect of the medication.

Hopefully, all is well between Kyle and Jeff -- just text him back, girl!!!

'Bravo' Star Jeff Lewis Jokingly Jabs Kyle Richards ... She's a 'Lesbian on Ozempic'

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Jeff Lewis called Kyle Richards a "lesbian on Ozempic," and while he was certainly joking ... it's a toss-up as to whether the 'Housewives' star herself is laughing.

The famous interior designer -- known for appearing on Bravo's "Flipping Out" -- made the flippant comment on Andy Cohen's show "Watch What Happens Live" ... where they were running a silly segment called 'Jeff, What's Your Issue?' and flashing through faces of people.

Eventually, they landed on Kyle ... and Jeff made the crack, feigning outrage that she didn't tell him she was into women and that she was taking the diabetes weight-loss medication. You could tell it still had an impact though ... 'cause Andy was left blushing on the spot.

Heather McDonald was also on set for this moment, and she ran with the gag ... joking that one of Ozempic's side effects is that it makes people gay. Jeff, who's gay, kept going with it, and the whole thing was dealt with in a light-hearted manner, all told.

Of course ... Jeff's zing comes on the heels of recent speculation Kyle might be dating female country singer Morgan Wade ... this after spending a ton of time with her on the road, and right around the time she separated from her husband, Mauricio Umansky, no less.

Since then, we've learned that's not the case ... and that the reason Kyle's been hanging out with Morgan so much is because of a documentary she's producing about the artist's life.


Still, people have had their opinions about Kyle and Morgan regardless ... something they're well aware of, and which they leaned into in MW's latest music video -- poking fun at all the rumors.

We'll see how Jeff's remarks land with Kyle, who hasn't responded. Not yet.

Whitney Port Hubby's Worried About My Dramatic Weight Loss

Whitney Port's fans aren't the only ones getting worried about her severe weight loss ... now her husband's concerned, and she's promising to make her health a priority.

The former 'Hills' star finally addressed her weight, saying she didn't really notice a change until her husband, Tim Rosenman, brought it to her attention.

Whitney says Tim has been worried about her, which prompted her to sit down and think about why she's looking so frail nowadays ... and it didn't sink in until she stepped on a scale.

For Whitney, she says she eats to live and not the other way around ... explaining she always feels hungry, but doesn't know what to eat.

She says she's too lazy and too picky to make feeding herself a priority, but now admits those excuses are unacceptable.

Whitney says she doesn't like how she looks and feels ... and she's promising her husband to prioritize her health and not set an unhealthy example for others.

NFL's Russell Okung Loses 56 Pounds In 40 Days ... After Water-Only Diet

Ex-NFL star Russell Okung just revealed he lost more than 50 pounds after going 40 days without food for a SECOND time ... and the results are nothing short of jaw-dropping.

The former sixth overall pick in the 2010 draft has completely transformed his life in retirement ... embarking on a mental and physical journey through long-term fasting.

Okung -- who weighed more than 300 pounds during his playing days with the Seahawks, Broncos, Chargers and Panthers -- went on his first fast earlier this year, in which he lost more than 100 pounds.

The former offensive lineman is now 192 pounds after completing his second round of fasting over the weekend ... but he makes it clear the challenge is not all about losing weight.

The 34-year-old explained his decision to go through with the process for a second time ... saying, "Ultimately, I was still transitioning out of the NFL, I had a lot of questions about the world."

"My entire worldview was completely shifting. There's still a lot of questions that I have. I don't want to say that they went away, but I do want to acknowledge that I have much more clarity, peace and acceptance that there are things that I cannot change," he added.

"There are things that I can change and I am really [interested] in bringing my entire self to every experience that I encounter. I'm very happy 'cause I feel rooted. I feel grounded. I know why I'm here."

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Russell shared a video of his first meal on Sunday ... and he was overcome with emotion as he sipped juice.

"Oh my goodness, this feels amazing."

Bebe Rexha Puts Boyfriend On Blast ... For Weight Gain Text

Bebe Rexha is putting her boyfriend on blast for fat-shaming her while they were texting.

The singer posted a message on her Instagram Sunday, containing a screenshot of Keyan Safyari's text, critiquing her body in the most unflattering way. Keyan told Bebe she was beautiful and he loved her, but that he would always be honest because he cared about her.

Then he wrote, "Would you rather I lied to you? You gained 35 pounds obviously you gained weight and your face changes?" Keyan then justified his hurtful words by saying Bebe calls him "chubbs" whenever he packs on 3 pounds.

Keyan also encouraged Bebe to seek out a therapist and do the "retreat thing" to get to the root of the possible issues in their relationship.

The couple started dating in 2020, but their current status is unclear. And they don’t seem to be in a good place.

We covered the drama in a recent episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

'BOTCHED' STAR TERRY DUBROW Lisa Marie Presley's Death Should Be Weight Loss, Ozempic Warning ... Here's How It Killed Her


Dr. Terry Dubrow says weight loss surgery ultimately turned out to be a fatal decision for Lisa Marie Presley ... offering a warning to everyone in Hollywood, and beyond.

The "Botched" surgeon joined us on "TMZ Live" and explained how bariatric surgery eventually spelled doom for Elvis Presley's only child.

The good doc says Lisa Marie's weight loss procedure resulted in tons of scar tissue that ultimately blocked her small intestine -- which as we first reported, is her official cause of death.

Although there's no evidence LMP was taking Ozempic, Dr. Dubrow warns of issues with sudden weight loss.

And, get this ... Terry says Lisa Marie's digestive system was in such bad shape before she died, over 30 feet of her small intestine was already dead before she was rushed to a hospital.

Terry tells us Lisa Marie's health issues are widespread in America ... he says tons of folks are having weight loss surgeries, and many others are using Ozempic to manage their weight, a practice he says is prevalent in Hollywood.

The doc's sounding the alarm here ... he says Ozempic and similar drugs are part of a perfect storm of problems that are already landing some of his patients in the ICU.

Eric Andre Drops 40 lbs., Shows off New Bod ... Jokes Dieting Not Worth it!!!

Eric André has a brand new look after shedding 40 pounds, and while he's opening up about all his sacrifices to get a ripped body ... he's less than thrilled with the process.

The comedian says he went from 213 pounds to 173 pounds, and less than 9% body fat over the span of 6 months! Impressive, no doubt, but Eric told GQ, it the changes he had to make weren't worth the end result.

He's definitely, at least partially, joking ... saying things like, "There is a reason skinny people are bitches and fat people are jolly" -- and adding, "Skinny people have f**king attitudes because they’re f**king starving."

At one point he frankly said, "I say stay fat. If you’re fat or chubby, stay that way. I felt great ... but it wasn't worth cutting out French fries."

So, why the hell did he go through with it? Eric says suffered through "boring" foods and cut out boozing with friends ... so he could slim down for the new season of "The Eric André Show," which premiered Sunday.

On his IG, he reflected on all the major diet and lifestyle changes he's made ... saying, "I'll never do a body modification again! That shit was brutal for both season."

Whether he's serious or not, there's no denying the huge transformation and his toned abs.

Kyle Richards This is Not Ozempic Face or Bod!!! I'm Too Afraid to Take It

Kyle Richards is setting the record straight about how she obtained her toned body ... saying she's never used the diabetes drug Ozempic, instead, she's putting the work in herself.

The "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star says she's never even tried the drug, when it comes to her astounding weight loss results ... claiming, she couldn't bring herself to do it if she wanted.

She told Page 6, “I’m not on any weight loss drug. If you know me, you know I have terrible anxiety so that would scare me to death. I have never, ever ever taken it.”

ICYMI, Kyle has been posting away and showing off her toned body on social media the last few months ... prompting fans to speculate she might have taken the drug, to achieve her slim body -- just as some other celebs and 'Bravo' stars have admitted to doing.

On the other hand, Kyle has voiced her frustration with these rumors, maintaining she's done it all herself by changing her lifestyle and habits ... and now we have a better idea of how she got started.

Kyle says her new bod is homemade, thanks to grueling workouts with her personal trainer Cory Gregory, whom she met through singer Morgan Wade.

BTW, some of the dietary changes include cutting out alcohol, sugar, pizza and carbs.

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The use of Ozempic for weight loss has become widely popular across the U.S. and has even caused shortages of the drug for those who have Type 2 diabetes ... despite some experts warning against it.

Kylie Richards Loren

But, for Kyle, the bottom line is ... she's not on that trend!