Donald Trump Shiver Me Timbers ... This Courthouse is Freaking Cold!!!

Donald Trump

Donald Trump has another problem with his criminal trial in NYC -- aside from the fact he's being prosecuted and forced to attend daily ... the courthouse is apparently freezing!

The ex-Prez was back in the Big Apple Friday for another day of arguments and witness testimony as the Manhattan D.A.'s Office goes after him over his alleged hush money payments to Stormy Daniels ... and DT's latest gripe is all about the low temperature.

He talked to the press outside of the courtroom before heading in, and Don made it very clear he finds the space to be pretty damn cold ... which he seems to think is on purpose.

Un Tesla atraviesa las inundaciones de Dubai

¿cuál prefieres?
TikTok / @bebesib

Elon Musk no solo construye carros, parece que también está en el negocio de los submarinos... o al menos eso parece luego de ver este video de un Tesla abriéndose  camino a través de varios metros de agua.

Un nuevo video muestra el interior de uno de los vehículos eléctricos de Elon mientras conduce a través de Dubai, mientras el lugar experimenta inundaciones torrenciales y el agua sube más y más alto. En un momento el diluvio cubre todo el parabrisas, cortando casi toda la visibilidad.


En última instancia, son capaces de llegar al otro lado con éxito y el video muestra exactamente lo que pasó.

Dubai Flooding Tesla Nearly Submerged ... Still Able to Drive!!!

TikTok / @bebesib

Elon Musk isn't just building cars -- he seems to be in the submarine business too ... that's what this video of a Tesla driving through several feet of water indicates, anyway.

A new video shows the inside of one of Elon's EVs while it drives through the rain as Dubai experiences torrential flooding ... and, the water climbs higher and higher from the outside. At one point ... the deluge covers the whole windshield, cutting off nearly all visibility.


Ultimately, they're able to get to the other side successfully ... and video of what appears to be the same car cutting through the water is also online, only seen from a bird's eye view.

Aeropuerto de Dubái Inundaciones convierten los aviones en naves acuáticas

Vuelos inundados

¡El aeropuerto de Dubái se parecía más a una marina deportiva, después de que una lluvia equivalente a un año de precipitaciones inundara la metrópoli del desierto en un solo día!

La pista del Aeropuerto Internacional de Dubái, el segundo más transitado del mundo, quedó completamente cubierto de agua el martes, haciendo casi imposible que hasta los aviones Jumbo pudieran maniobrar sus naves. Un avión incluso dejó una estela detrás de él mientras lograba aterrizar por la pista.

La ciudad se inundó con casi 5 pulgadas de precipitaciones, dejando el agua proveniente de las lluvias casi tan alta como los neumáticos de un vehículo de apoyo cercano.

Dubai Airport Massive Flooding Turns Planes into Watercraft


Dubai airport's looking more like a marina, after a year's worth of rain flooded the desert metropolis in just one day!

Check it out ... the tarmac at Dubai International -- the second busiest in the world -- was completely covered in water Tuesday, making it near impossible for even jumbo jets to maneuver. Hell, one plane had a freakin' wake behind it as it taxied on a runway.

The city was inundated with almost 5 inches of rain leaving the storm water almost as high as the tires on one nearby support vehicle.

2024 Solar Eclipse We're in the Dark!!! Watch the Eclipse on Live Stream


11:34 AM PT -- The eclipse is making its way across North America -- and the people of Mexico were absolutely stoked when things went dark ... just check out this video with their reaction.


People could be heard (and barely seen) cheering on the moment the moon perfectly covered the sun. There'll surely be lots of other reactions just like this throughout the U.S.

The eclipse is happening ... the first images of the 2024 eclipse are coming in from Mexico, as totality inches close to the U.S. of A.

Solar Eclipse 2024 Texas Fest Canceled, Severe Weather ... Niagara Crowd Prepares!!!

A music festival in Texas that was entirely dedicated to the solar eclipse is now getting scrapped entirely -- and the reason is a little freaky ... an omen, even, perhaps.

The event is called Texas Eclipse 2024 ... a 5-day get-together in Burnet, TX -- which seems to be very much in the vein of Burning Man ... which you can sense from all their marketing and promotional material, not to mention all the pics and vids they have up on socials.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

All was well for these past few days ... however, on Monday, the festival organizers broke some startling news -- namely, their whole event was just canceled over crappy weather.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Quakes, Eclipse Sign From God ... Urges Americans to Repent

Marjorie Taylor Greene's looking to the heavens for an omen ... and, it seems she's finding them in every natural phenomenon.

The Georgia congresswomen tweeted out a warning to her fellow Americans Friday after an earthquake rocked the Northeast -- specifically New Jersey and New York. And let's not forget what happened in Taiwan ... of course, a solar eclipse is happening Monday too.

In her tweet, MTG says God's sending signals to the United States demanding repentance ... and claiming both the earthquake and next week's solar eclipse are signs from above.

Airplane Thunder Bolt Lightning in a Bottle (In the Sky) Quick Hit Before Landing


An airplane was struck by lightning mid-air this weekend up in Northern California -- and while it looks dramatic ... it sounds like the aircraft was able to make a safe landing.

This video was posted by a local X user who was filming a thunderstorm in San Jose, aiming his camera at the sky from his car while rain was coming down. Mid-shot, you can see a plane cruising the sky -- fairly high up too -- and suddenly ... it gets hit by a bolt.

It wasn't a small one either ... this lightning streak was massive, and it tore right through the plane without missing a beat. The plane didn't stop either, of course, and kept on going.

Celebs With Cherry Blossoms Bloom, Baby, Bloom!

There's a fresh floral scent in the air, so sharing these pretty pics of celebs with cherry blossoms is only fair! Budding light pink, dark pink and white flowers, there's been a bunch of famous blooming beauties bragging on the 'gram!

Just beneath these beautiful blossoms, famous faces like Kim Kardashian buddied up with Chicago in the flower's native land of Japan, TikToker Benji Krol sprung into a cherry-packed selfie, and last bud not least, Christina Milian and hubby Matt Pokora snapped a cherry tree selfie in Paris.

Put the pedal to the metal and check out our gallery of celebs with cherry blossoms ... thank you cherry much!

CELEBRIDADES DISFRUTANDO DEL SOL ¡Hollywood se ilumina para el horario de verano!

Es posible que te hayas levantado un poco aturdido y confundido esta mañana -el cambio de hora y todo- pero no te preocupes, porque estas fotos soleadas de celebridades te pondrán en marcha e iluminarán tu domingo.

Famosos de ojos brillantes como Brody Jenner y Tia Blanco comenzaron su día bajo la luz natural, Jennifer López disfrutó de días más largos de luz con una selfie iluminada por el sol para demostrarlo, y Kylie Jenner estaba radiante y se mantuvo fiel a sus raíces: "Rise N' Shine!"

Tu lunes empieza mañana una hora antes, pero no es nada que te quite el sueño... ¡Despierta tus sentidos con estas estrellas soleadas!

Sunny Celebrities ... Hollywood Gets Lit For Daylight Savings!

You may have woken up a tad dazed and confused this morning -- time change and all -- but don't fret, because these sunny snaps of celebs will get you goin' and light up your Sunday!

Bright-eyed celebs like Brody Jenner and Tia Blanco started their day off right under the natural light, Jennifer Lopez enjoyed longer days of light with a sun-lit selfie to prove it, and Kylie Jenner was glowing and stayed true to her roots: "Rise N' Shine!"

Your Monday is starting an hour earlier tomorrow, but it's nothing to lose sleep over ... Awaken your senses with these sunny stars!

Kansas City Chiefs Frostbitten Fans Need Amputations After Freezing Playoff Game

Kansas City Chiefs fans literally sacrificed body parts to watch their favorite football team win an NFL playoff game ... because reports say some of them need amputations now.

When the Chiefs beat the Dolphins in sub-zero temperatures at Arrowhead Stadium back in January -- on their way to a second straight Super Bowl win -- dozens of fans who attended the game reportedly came down with frostbite in the aftermath.

Now, the medical director at the Grossman Burn Center at Research Medical Center in Kansas City says the vast majority of those frostbitten Chiefs fans are now being told to schedule amputations.

Among those frostbitten Chiefs diehards ... a man who took off his gloves for 5 minutes to put up a tent in the parking lot outside Arrowhead. HCA Midwest Health shared images of his injured hand, and it's pretty gnarly.

Remember ... the AFC Wild Card playoff game between the Chiefs and Dolphins was played in -4 degree temperatures ... with a wind chill of -27 degrees at kickoff.

The game was the coldest in Chiefs franchise history ... and the fourth-coldest contest in NFL history ... but the weather didn't stop the 70,000-seat stadium from being packed to the gills.

Doctors are advising amputations for about 70% of patients coming into the Grossman Burn Center with frostbite ... while the other 30% have to spend weeks in hyperbaric oxygen tanks.


Travis Scott L.A. Mansion Sitting on Massive Hillside Crack

Travis Scott is in a perilous position, with his Brentwood, CA mansion sitting atop a HUGE fissure in the land below.

The crack formed after record-breaking storms saturated the soil in the L.A. area, and the hills of Brentwood were hit particularly hard.


At least 5 homes are in peril of slipping off the hillside, but no evacuations have been ordered ... at least so far.


The Fire Dept. told local residents the cracks are just on the surface -- about 4 feet of topsoil, but obviously with more rain that could change.

Geologists and the L.A. Dept. of Building and Safety are assessing the area, and they're pretty confident the entire hillside won't come down, but that doesn't mean the homes are safe ... especially because more rain is predicted this week.

Travis' $23.5 million home appears safe -- for now -- but when a hillside develops massive cracks, there is always cause for concern.

TMZ Studios

Aside from immediate peril, cracks like this often have a devastating impact on property values. Think about it ... a prospective buyer sees the fissure and figuratively runs for the hills.

Travis Scott Su mansión en L.A. está sobre una enorme grieta

Travis Scott se encuentra en una posición peligrosa, pues su mansión en Brentwood, California, está sentada sobre una ENORME fisura bajo tierra.

La grieta se formó después de que las históricas tormentas saturaran el suelo en el área de Los Ángeles y las colinas de Brentwood fueron golpeadas particularmente duro.

Peligrosa situación

Al menos 5 casas están en peligro de deslizamiento de la ladera, aunque aún no se han ordenado evacuaciones, al menos por ahora.

El Departamento de Bomberos le dijo a los residentes locales que las grietas están solo en la superficie, alrededor de 4 pies, pero obviamente con más lluvia eso podría cambiar.

Los geólogos y el Departamento de Construcción y Seguridad de Los Ángeles están evaluando la zona y están seguros de que la ladera no se vendrá abajo. Aunque eso no significa que las casas estén seguras, sobre todo porque se prevé más lluvia esta semana.

La casa de 23,5 millones de dólares de Travis parece segura por ahora, pero cuando se producen grandes grietas en una ladera, siempre es motivo de preocupación.

TMz investiga
TMZ Studios

Aparte del peligro inmediato, grietas como esta a menudo tienen un impacto devastador en el valor de la propiedad. Piénsalo bien, un posible comprador ve la fisura y, en sentido figurado, se va corriendo por las colinas.

Choque masivo en China 100 carros apilados a causa del hielo en las carreteras... Ningún muerto

Salvaje choque

Un impactante accidente múltiple en China dejó a 100 carros apilados y parece que todos sobrevivieron a la terrible experiencia, que quedó registrada en video.

Los medios estatales de China publicaron el video, que ahora está por todas las redes sociales, donde se ve una enorme fila de coches embestidos unos contra otros en extrañas posiciones, con un vehículo incluso descansando encima de todos en un ángulo casi vertical.

También se pueden ver escombros sobre la autopista y a la gente saliendo de los carros para ayudar a sus compañeros, aunque la policía local está diciendo que todo el mundo está más o menos bien, con solo algunas personas heridas.

La policía del Parque Industrial de Suzhou publicó en sus redes sociales WeChat que tres personas habían sido derivadas al hospital por sus lesiones y seis sufrieron rasguños menores, pero según ellos, todo el mundo sigue vivo.

Reuters está apuntando al mal tiempo como la principal razón detrás de este accidente, diciendo que el país ha sido golpeado con ventiscas y toneladas de lluvia.

El medio también informa que ha habido más gente circulando por las carreteras debido a las recientes vacaciones del Año Nuevo Lunar.

Por cierto, estos enormes accidentes no son totalmente desconocidos en China. En 2022, más de 200 carros se vieron implicados en un accidente múltiple provocado por la niebla, según el diario estatal Global Times. Según los informes, una persona murió en ese caso.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Parece que todo el mundo está bastante bien aquí, nada menos que un milagro.