100-Car Pileup in China Icy Roads Caused Massive Accident ... No One Reportedly Dead


The aftermath of a 100-car pileup in China looks absolutely terrifying on camera ... and yet, it seems everyone survived the horrible ordeal.

Chinese state media posted the video, now all over social media, Friday which showed a huge swath of cars rammed into one another at odd angles, with one vehicle even resting atop several others at a near vertical angle.

Debris litters the freeway in the vid, and people can be seen clambering out of cars and looking to help their fellow crashed drivers ... but, local police are saying everyone's pretty much fine with just a few people injured.

Suzhou Industrial Park traffic police posted on social media platform WeChat saying three people were headed to the hospital for their injuries and six suffered minor scratches ... but, according to them, everyone's still alive.

Reuters is pointing to a recent bout of bad weather as the main reason behind this crash ... saying the country's been hit with blizzards and tons of rain.

More people have been on the roads too, the outlet reports, because of the recent Lunar New Year holiday.

BTW ... these huge accidents aren't totally unheard of in China. More than 200 cars were involved in a massive pileup in 2022 caused by heavy fog according to the state-owned Global Times. One person reportedly died in that instance.

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Seems like everyone's pretty much OK here, however ... truly nothing short of a miracle.

UFC Star Sean Strickland Fights Man On Ski Slope ... Makes Him Tap In Flurry Of Snow!!!

Ski Slope Chokehold
Instagram / @stricklandmma

Sean Strickland is apparently taking on all challengers both inside and outside the Octagon these days ... getting into a scrap on Thursday with a man right on top of a mountain!!!

The impromptu wrestling match happened on a ski slope that appears to be somewhere in North America ... after a dude who Strickland may or may not have known asked him for a wrestling match amid a flurry of snow.

Of course, as one of the baddest men in the UFC -- the former middleweight champ accepted ... and seconds later, the two were locking horns.

Initially, Strickland's opponent seemed to hold his own as a group of snowboarders gathered around and cheered on the action ... but it didn't take long for the MMA star to get control.

And, after a few moments, Strickland made the guy tap. Later, he celebrated the unique win on Instagram.

"Always a good time on the mountain!!!!" the 32-year-old said. "Yall need to stop challenging me lmao!!!!!"

Strickland has made a bit of a habit of beating up non-pros lately ... he took on social media star Sneako in a sparring sesh a few days ago, and after toying with him for a few minutes -- he made the influencer bleed.

At some point in the near future, Strickland is expected to get back in the Octagon and challenge for a UFC strap once more. But, until then, keep your eyes peeled and your hands up, normies!!

Disfrutando la nieve Celebridades de vacaciones en Aspen

Es temporada de vacaciones todo el año cuando eres un pez gordo de Hollywood, y este mes el panorama de invierno definitivamente viene con una etiqueta de precio: ASPEN, conocido por sus boutiques de lujo, sus restaurantes de lujo y la exclusiva gente que va a sus pistas. Piérdete en estas fotos de deshielo.

La multimillonaria Kim Kardashian y su hermana Kendall Jenner saben lo que es bueno: ambas estuvieron besando a su muñeco de nieve, mientras el propietario de Aspen, Mauricio Umansky, se deslizaba por las pistas sin camiseta junto a Lele Pons y Anitta, esquiando y bebiendo burbujas en toalla. ¡Arriba los meñiques!

Echa un vistazo a nuestra galería de famosos que viven la buena vida y se divierten en la nieve de Aspen.

Celebs Vacaying In Aspen ... Say It Ain't Snow!

It's vacay season year-round when you're a Hollywood big-shot, and this year's Winter hotspot definitely comes with a price tag: ASPEN ... known for its bougie boutiques, fancy schmancy restaurants and posh people hittin' the slopes HARD! Come get lost in these thaw-dropping shots!

Billionaire Kim Kardashian and sis Kendall Jenner know what's up -- blowing kisses to their snowman in the fluffy powpow, while Aspen home-owner, Mauricio Umansky, shredded some gnar shirtless and Lele Pons and Anitta skied and sipped on some bubbly in terry cloth towels ... Pinkies up!

Plow into our gallery of celebs livin' the good life and havin' snow much fun in Aspen!

Muere un futbolista al caerle un rayo durante un partido

Un jugador de fútbol indonesio murió trágicamente tras caerle un rayo en el campo durante un partido y el aterrador momento quedó grabado en video.

El incidente mortal ocurrió el sábado en el estadio Siliwangi, cuando Septain Raharja, que jugaba un amistoso con el FBI Subang, se desplomó repentinamente tras ser alcanzado por el rayo. Compañeros de equipo y otras personas se acercaron corriendo para ayudar.

Rahajra, que sufrió quemaduras graves, aún respiraba tras el golpe y fue trasladado a un hospital local, pero más tarde falleció.

Varios equipos rindieron homenaje a Raharja tras su trágica muerte... guardando un minuto de silencio y compartiendo condolencias en el Instagram de su equipo, entre ellos el futbolista estrella Cristian González.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Esta es la segunda vez que un jugador de fútbol es alcanzado por un rayo en Indonesia en el último año, también ocurrió durante la Copa Soeratin Sub-13, cuando un joven atleta fue golpeado.

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Afortunadamente, sobrevivió.

R.I.P. Septain.

Soccer Player Killed By Lightning Strike During Game

A soccer player in Indonesia tragically died after a lightning bolt struck the 35-year-old on the pitch during a match ... and the terrifying moment was caught on video.

The deadly incident occurred Saturday at the Siliwangi Stadium ... when Septain Raharja, playing in a friendly for FBI Subang, suddenly collapsed after being struck. Teammates and others came rushing over to help.

Rahajra, who suffered a severe burn, was still breathing after the strike and was transported to a local hospital, according to a local report, but later died.

Several teams paid tribute to Raharja following his tragic death ... taking a moment of silence, and sharing condolences on his team's Instagram, including star soccer player Cristian Gonzalez.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

This is the second time a soccer player was struck by lightning in Indonesia in the last year ... it also happened during the Soeratin U-13 Cup, when a young athlete was hit.

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Thankfully, he survived.

R.I.P. Septain.

TMZ Staffers Hit The Deck!!! Desk Ducking During 'Quake


A 4.6-magnitude earthquake just hit L.A. ... and disrupted the hectic TMZ newsroom -- and while some of our staffers knew just what to do, not everyone hit the deck immediately.

According to the CDC ... the first thing to do during an earthquake is to drop to the ground before it knocks you down and crawl underneath a sturdy desk or table to protect yourself from falling objects.

If no such structure is available, get near some low-lying furniture and cover your neck and head. Then, hold on to your makeshift shelter until the shaking stops ... and pray for dear life!

Our own Charlie Neff stood out as a model earthquake expert by the CDC's guidelines ... dropping to the floor and rolling under her desk as soon as the building started to shake.

Charlie, an L.A. native, credits dozens of elementary school earthquake drills for preparing her for exactly this moment.

Her deskmate, Brendon Geoffrion, could probably have used a few more of those drills himself ... 'cause he decided to start wandering around and investigate the ceiling. Pretty much the opposite of the suggested guidelines!

shaken, not stirred

Charles Latibeaudiere didn't hit the ground ... but nearly hit the ceiling with how high he jumped when the quake started. The scary shake definitely gave him a startle --- though he quickly regained composure and checked on everyone to make sure they were OK.

Another camera angle will give you a pretty good idea of how badly the building was shaking ... and our man John Brix knew what was up. Check him out on the right side of the screen, brown beanie on. He disappeared under the desk about as quickly as he could.


The ordeal definitely gave the whole office a jolt ... but don't worry ... everybody's fine, and nothing major seems to have been broken. So all's well that ends well!

Remember ... earthquakes can feel differently to everyone. One of our staff members said she thought someone was shaking her chair while another could've sworn the earthquake was just a heavy gust of wind.

If you're not sure ... the best thing to do is drop, cover and hold -- better safe than sorry.

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BTW for those wondering what our fearless leader Harvey Levin did during all this ... he was actually at the dentist at the time -- here's hoping the earthquake didn't rattle a tooth loose!

Helicopter Rescue LAFD Uses Chopper To Save Man, Dog From Raging L.A. River

Daniel Castillo / LAFD

Daring rescue in the middle of a historic storm dumping tons of rain on Los Angeles ... firefighters used a helicopter to save a man who jumped in a raging river to grab his dog.

The emergency situation played out Monday afternoon in the middle of the flooding L.A. River ... with LAFD crews bringing in a chopper to pull out a man who was stranded in the flowing water.

The guy was trying to bit somewhat of a hero himself ... he was attempting to save his dog, who had been swept away in the rapids during a flash flood.

As you can see, a helicopter hovered over the river and lowered a firefighter who grabbed the guy and pulled him to safety.

The poor pooch was saved too ... with the dog swimming to dry land on its own.

LAFD says both man and dog suffered minor injuries ... the guy was transported to a local hospital and the pup was taken to an animal shelter.

Firefighters are happy to report the dog is "alive and eager to reunite with his human."

As we reported ... the big storm, a Pineapple Express, is wreaking havoc in Southern California ... causing flash flooding, catastrophic landslides, and damage from debris and downed trees.

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Cue Arnold Schwarzenegger ... get to the chopper!!!

L.A. Rain City Pounded by Flash Flooding Major Damage, Wreckage

It never rains in Southern California -- except when it does, it pours ... just like it's doing right now in the City of Angels, and it's causing a major headache, not to mention damage.

Los Angeles is currently on high alert for flash flooding and other extreme weather conditions that are hitting the West Coast -- and yes, that means a helluva lot of precipitation between now and Wednesday ... at least that's what meteorologists predict.

The forecast of heavy showers came true on Monday ... and lo and behold -- it's been wreaking some havoc on homeowners and Angelenos at large throughout the area.

Take a look at these shots of some of the wreckage that's been caused as a result of the storm -- depending on which part of L.A. you're in, you might have it worse than others ... and those that are located on mountainsides or near canyons and such certainly got it bad.

The fast-moving waters have given way to some catastrophic landslides ... sending large boulders and debris careening down the Hollywood Hills.

Many cars are buried in the water right now, while trees have struck down others -- leaving them completely totaled.

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2 deaths have been reported up North -- one in Santa Cruz and another in Yuba County -- but thankfully everyone's still safe in L.A.

Stay dry, folks!

Groundhog Day 2024 P. Phil Ain't Scared to Go Outside ... Early Spring's A-Comin'!!!


An oversized rodent was apparently comfortable taking a look at the outside world this week -- which, according to an East Coast legend, means ... winter's starting to wind down.

Indeed, it's Groundhog Day (again) -- and per usual, the good people of Punxsutawney, PA put on their top hats and old-timey clothing to trot out a literal groundhog -- otherwise known as Phil -- to see how skittish he is in early February.

It's a long-running tradition -- basically, if this animal sees its shadow and goes scurrying away to hide ... that means 6 more weeks of winter. If not, spring is fast approaching.

On Friday, the groundhog apparently was leaning toward the latter ... which means it predicts spring is coming sooner than later. Whether that's actually true or not is anyone's guess -- and if we're being honest, nobody takes the big gerbil's forecast seriously anyway.

With that said ... Phil guessing on an early spring is somewhat notable -- 'cause it's the first time he's landed on that for a while. 2020 was the last time it thought winter was ending soon ... since then, he's been "predicting" longer winters.

BTW, there are other critters around the country that are due to make these sorts of calls today -- in Ohio, they have "Buckeye Chuck" ... and in GA there's "General Beauregard Lee."

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These East Coasters sure do love their quirky customs and rituals. Anyhoo ... happy Groundhog Day to all those who celebrate -- even privately.

Día de la marmota 2024 P. Phil no tiene miedo de salir... ¡¡La primavera se acerca!!

Primavera anticipada!!!

Un roedor de gran tamaño estaba aparentemente tranquilo de echar un vistazo al mundo exterior esta semana, lo que según una leyenda de la Costa Este significa que el invierno está empezando a terminar.

De hecho, es el Día de la Marmota (de nuevo), y como de costumbre, la buena gente de Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, se puso sus sombreros de copa y su ropa de antaño para hacer trotar a una verdadera marmota -también conocida como Phil- para ver cuán asustada estaba de salir al mundo a principios de febrero.

Es una larga tradición y básicamente cuenta que si este animal ve su sombra y sale corriendo a esconderse, significa que hay al menos 6 semanas más de invierno. Si no, significa que la primavera se acerca rápidamente.

El viernes, aparentemente, la marmota se inclinó por esta segunda opción, lo que significaría que la primavera llegará más pronto de lo que se pensaba. Si eso es realmente cierto o no es una suposición, y seamos honestos, nadie se toma en serio el pronóstico de la marmota.

Dicho esto, que Phil esté adivinando que la primavera llegará pronto es algo notable, porque es la primera vez que llega a esa conclusión en un tiempo. La última vez fue en 2020, pero desde entonces ha estado "prediciendo" inviernos más largos.

Por cierto, hay otras criaturas en el país que podrían hacer este tipo de pronósticos, en Ohio tienen a "Buckeye Chuck" y en Georgia está el "General Beauregard Lee".

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A estos habitantes de la costa este les encantan sus extravagantes costumbres y rituales. De todos modos, feliz Día de la Marmota a todos los que lo celebran, incluso en privado.

CU Star Cormani McClain Involved In Car Wreck In Boulder ... Cited By Cops

Colorado Buffaloes cornerback Cormani McClain -- the highest-ranked recruit in Deion Sanders' 2023 CU class -- was issued a citation last week after he was involved in a car crash in Boulder.

TMZ Sports has learned ... the accident happened on Jan. 15 less than a mile away from CU's campus -- after cops say McClain's car "slid into another vehicle when trying to brake for a red light."

Fortunately, a spokesperson for the Boulder Police Department said there were no reported injuries ... and neither car suffered major damage.

We're told, however, McClain was issued a citation for "driving too fast for the weather conditions."

McClain came to Colorado with a ton of fanfare -- he flipped his commitment late in the '23 recruiting cycle from Miami to the Buffs ... and as the No. 1-ranked H.S. cornerback in the entire country, many expected him to thrive under Sanders.

But, his freshman year didn't go quite as planned ... he only totaled 13 tackles in 10 games -- and early in the season, Sanders actually called him out during a press conference.

Coach Prime told reporters he wanted to see McClain "study" and "prepare" more in order to get more playing time.

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"Show up to the darn meetings," the coach added.

McClain is now, though, expected to be a key contributor for the Buffs' 2024 squad ... and CU fans have already noted he's appeared to have put on some size this offseason.

Un camión de bomberos de Missouri protagoniza feroz accidente

Joe Lawson

Un camión de bomberos gira sin control por una calle cubierta de hielo en un gélido barrio de Missouri y choca contra un carro estacionado.

La gente sacó sus teléfonos para capturar el aterrador momento en que el camión perdió el control en una calle residencial que parecía más una pista de patinaje.

fuera de control

No está claro si el camión de bomberos estaba respondiendo a una emergencia antes de que hiciera su aparición, pero los primeros en responder estaban claramente jugando con fuego al intentar avanzar por las calles heladas.

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Finalmente, se detuvieron tras golpear un carro estacionado en la entrada de una casa. El camión también se salvó por poco de chocar contra una casa.

El Medio Oeste y el Sur están siendo golpeados con temperaturas bajo cero y este es solo el último de muchos incidentes que ocurren todo el tiempo... recuerde mantenerse a salvo.


Joe Lawson

Here's an alarming sight coming down your block -- a fire truck spinning out of control down an ice-covered street in a frigid Missouri neighborhood, and smashing into a parked car.

Helpless locals in a St. Louis suburb whipped out their phones to capture the terrifying moment the truck lost all grip on a residential road that looked more like a skating rink.


It's unclear if the fire truck was responding to an emergency before it careened down the block -- but, the first responders were clearly playing with fire as they attempted to navigated the frozen streets.

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They finally came to a stop after pummeling a car parked in someone's driveway, and rolling into a yard. The truck just narrowly missed slamming into a house, too!

The Midwest and South are getting hit with sub-zero temps ... and this is just the latest incident reminding all to stay safe out there.


Instagram / @worldmaverik

The moment a monster wave hit an Army base in the Marshall Islands has been captured on camera ... playing out like a scene from a horror movie.

Check it out -- a 3-to-4-ft wave breaks down doors and crashes inside the Army's dining hall in Roi-Namur Saturday, an island at the northern end of Kwajalein Atoll ... knocking people off their feet and sweeping them away.

Some hold onto whatever they can find ... others climb on top of withholding furniture as the powerful stream of water continues surging in.

Then the power goes out ... plunging everyone into darkness as they continue scrambling for their safety before the clip cuts out.

Luckily, Erik D. Hanson says no one was seriously injured in the IG clip's caption ... which he only shared after confirming everyone was OK.

He adds a combination of wind, tides, and swell direction from an off-shore storm was behind the freak waves.

The U.S. Army added in a statement Sunday "a series of weather-induced waves hit Roi-Namur which caused significant flooding in the northern portions of the island" at approx 9 PM on Jan 20.

The damage resulted in the evacuation of all "non-mission personnel" from the island ... while flooding by the waves hit the two airports at Ailinglaplap Atoll ... likely keeping them closed for weeks.

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No deaths were reported at Roi-Namur ... and neighboring islands only reported moderate damage from the flooding.

Olas monstruosas en una base militar de las Islas Marshall

enfrentando a la naturaleza
Instagram / @worldmaverik

El momento en que una ola monstruosa golpea una base militar en las Islas Marshall ha sido captado en video y es aterrador.

Compruébelo usted mismo, una ola de 3 a 4 pies rompe las puertas del comedor del Ejército en Roi-Namur el sábado —una isla en el extremo norte del atolón de Kwajalein— golpeando a la gente y arrastrándola lejos.

Algunos se aferran a lo que pueden encontrar, otros se suben encima de los muebles mientras la poderosa corriente de agua sigue atacando.

Entonces se va la luz, sumiendo a todos en la oscuridad mientras siguen luchando por sus vidas antes de que se corte el clip.

Afortunadamente, Erik D. Hanson dice que nadie resultó gravemente herido, dijo esto después de confirmar que todo el mundo estaba bien.

La combinación de viento, mareas, y la dirección del oleaje crearon una tormenta perfecta peligrosamente cerca de la costa.

El Ejército de EE.UU. emitió un comunicado el domingo "una serie de olas inducidas por el clima golpearon Roi-Namur, lo que causó inundaciones significativas en la parte norte de la isla" aproximadamente a las 9 PM el 20 de enero.

El daño resultó en la evacuación de todo el "personal que no estaba involucrado en la misión" de la isla, mientras que las inundaciones golpearon los dos aeropuertos en Ailinglaplap Atoll, probablemente tendrán que mantenerlos cerrados durante semanas.

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No se reportaron muertes en Roi-Namur y las islas vecinas solo reportaron daños moderados por las inundaciones.