L.A. Rain City Pounded by Flash Flooding Major Damage, Wreckage

It never rains in Southern California -- except when it does, it pours ... just like it's doing right now in the City of Angels, and it's causing a major headache, not to mention damage.

Los Angeles is currently on high alert for flash flooding and other extreme weather conditions that are hitting the West Coast -- and yes, that means a helluva lot of precipitation between now and Wednesday ... at least that's what meteorologists predict.

The forecast of heavy showers came true on Monday ... and lo and behold -- it's been wreaking some havoc on homeowners and Angelenos at large throughout the area.

Take a look at these shots of some of the wreckage that's been caused as a result of the storm -- depending on which part of L.A. you're in, you might have it worse than others ... and those that are located on mountainsides or near canyons and such certainly got it bad.

The fast-moving waters have given way to some catastrophic landslides ... sending large boulders and debris careening down the Hollywood Hills.

Many cars are buried in the water right now, while trees have struck down others -- leaving them completely totaled.

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2 deaths have been reported up North -- one in Santa Cruz and another in Yuba County -- but thankfully everyone's still safe in L.A.

Stay dry, folks!

Groundhog Day 2024 P. Phil Ain't Scared to Go Outside ... Early Spring's A-Comin'!!!


An oversized rodent was apparently comfortable taking a look at the outside world this week -- which, according to an East Coast legend, means ... winter's starting to wind down.

Indeed, it's Groundhog Day (again) -- and per usual, the good people of Punxsutawney, PA put on their top hats and old-timey clothing to trot out a literal groundhog -- otherwise known as Phil -- to see how skittish he is in early February.

It's a long-running tradition -- basically, if this animal sees its shadow and goes scurrying away to hide ... that means 6 more weeks of winter. If not, spring is fast approaching.

On Friday, the groundhog apparently was leaning toward the latter ... which means it predicts spring is coming sooner than later. Whether that's actually true or not is anyone's guess -- and if we're being honest, nobody takes the big gerbil's forecast seriously anyway.

With that said ... Phil guessing on an early spring is somewhat notable -- 'cause it's the first time he's landed on that for a while. 2020 was the last time it thought winter was ending soon ... since then, he's been "predicting" longer winters.

BTW, there are other critters around the country that are due to make these sorts of calls today -- in Ohio, they have "Buckeye Chuck" ... and in GA there's "General Beauregard Lee."

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These East Coasters sure do love their quirky customs and rituals. Anyhoo ... happy Groundhog Day to all those who celebrate -- even privately.

Día de la marmota 2024 P. Phil no tiene miedo de salir... ¡¡La primavera se acerca!!

Primavera anticipada!!!

Un roedor de gran tamaño estaba aparentemente tranquilo de echar un vistazo al mundo exterior esta semana, lo que según una leyenda de la Costa Este significa que el invierno está empezando a terminar.

De hecho, es el Día de la Marmota (de nuevo), y como de costumbre, la buena gente de Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, se puso sus sombreros de copa y su ropa de antaño para hacer trotar a una verdadera marmota -también conocida como Phil- para ver cuán asustada estaba de salir al mundo a principios de febrero.

Es una larga tradición y básicamente cuenta que si este animal ve su sombra y sale corriendo a esconderse, significa que hay al menos 6 semanas más de invierno. Si no, significa que la primavera se acerca rápidamente.

El viernes, aparentemente, la marmota se inclinó por esta segunda opción, lo que significaría que la primavera llegará más pronto de lo que se pensaba. Si eso es realmente cierto o no es una suposición, y seamos honestos, nadie se toma en serio el pronóstico de la marmota.

Dicho esto, que Phil esté adivinando que la primavera llegará pronto es algo notable, porque es la primera vez que llega a esa conclusión en un tiempo. La última vez fue en 2020, pero desde entonces ha estado "prediciendo" inviernos más largos.

Por cierto, hay otras criaturas en el país que podrían hacer este tipo de pronósticos, en Ohio tienen a "Buckeye Chuck" y en Georgia está el "General Beauregard Lee".

TMZ investiga
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A estos habitantes de la costa este les encantan sus extravagantes costumbres y rituales. De todos modos, feliz Día de la Marmota a todos los que lo celebran, incluso en privado.

CU Star Cormani McClain Involved In Car Wreck In Boulder ... Cited By Cops

Colorado Buffaloes cornerback Cormani McClain -- the highest-ranked recruit in Deion Sanders' 2023 CU class -- was issued a citation last week after he was involved in a car crash in Boulder.

TMZ Sports has learned ... the accident happened on Jan. 15 less than a mile away from CU's campus -- after cops say McClain's car "slid into another vehicle when trying to brake for a red light."

Fortunately, a spokesperson for the Boulder Police Department said there were no reported injuries ... and neither car suffered major damage.

We're told, however, McClain was issued a citation for "driving too fast for the weather conditions."

McClain came to Colorado with a ton of fanfare -- he flipped his commitment late in the '23 recruiting cycle from Miami to the Buffs ... and as the No. 1-ranked H.S. cornerback in the entire country, many expected him to thrive under Sanders.

But, his freshman year didn't go quite as planned ... he only totaled 13 tackles in 10 games -- and early in the season, Sanders actually called him out during a press conference.

Coach Prime told reporters he wanted to see McClain "study" and "prepare" more in order to get more playing time.

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"Show up to the darn meetings," the coach added.

McClain is now, though, expected to be a key contributor for the Buffs' 2024 squad ... and CU fans have already noted he's appeared to have put on some size this offseason.

Un camión de bomberos de Missouri protagoniza feroz accidente

Joe Lawson

Un camión de bomberos gira sin control por una calle cubierta de hielo en un gélido barrio de Missouri y choca contra un carro estacionado.

La gente sacó sus teléfonos para capturar el aterrador momento en que el camión perdió el control en una calle residencial que parecía más una pista de patinaje.

fuera de control

No está claro si el camión de bomberos estaba respondiendo a una emergencia antes de que hiciera su aparición, pero los primeros en responder estaban claramente jugando con fuego al intentar avanzar por las calles heladas.

tmz investiga
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Finalmente, se detuvieron tras golpear un carro estacionado en la entrada de una casa. El camión también se salvó por poco de chocar contra una casa.

El Medio Oeste y el Sur están siendo golpeados con temperaturas bajo cero y este es solo el último de muchos incidentes que ocurren todo el tiempo... recuerde mantenerse a salvo.


Joe Lawson

Here's an alarming sight coming down your block -- a fire truck spinning out of control down an ice-covered street in a frigid Missouri neighborhood, and smashing into a parked car.

Helpless locals in a St. Louis suburb whipped out their phones to capture the terrifying moment the truck lost all grip on a residential road that looked more like a skating rink.


It's unclear if the fire truck was responding to an emergency before it careened down the block -- but, the first responders were clearly playing with fire as they attempted to navigated the frozen streets.

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They finally came to a stop after pummeling a car parked in someone's driveway, and rolling into a yard. The truck just narrowly missed slamming into a house, too!

The Midwest and South are getting hit with sub-zero temps ... and this is just the latest incident reminding all to stay safe out there.


Instagram / @worldmaverik

The moment a monster wave hit an Army base in the Marshall Islands has been captured on camera ... playing out like a scene from a horror movie.

Check it out -- a 3-to-4-ft wave breaks down doors and crashes inside the Army's dining hall in Roi-Namur Saturday, an island at the northern end of Kwajalein Atoll ... knocking people off their feet and sweeping them away.

Some hold onto whatever they can find ... others climb on top of withholding furniture as the powerful stream of water continues surging in.

Then the power goes out ... plunging everyone into darkness as they continue scrambling for their safety before the clip cuts out.

Luckily, Erik D. Hanson says no one was seriously injured in the IG clip's caption ... which he only shared after confirming everyone was OK.

He adds a combination of wind, tides, and swell direction from an off-shore storm was behind the freak waves.

The U.S. Army added in a statement Sunday "a series of weather-induced waves hit Roi-Namur which caused significant flooding in the northern portions of the island" at approx 9 PM on Jan 20.

The damage resulted in the evacuation of all "non-mission personnel" from the island ... while flooding by the waves hit the two airports at Ailinglaplap Atoll ... likely keeping them closed for weeks.

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No deaths were reported at Roi-Namur ... and neighboring islands only reported moderate damage from the flooding.

Olas monstruosas en una base militar de las Islas Marshall

enfrentando a la naturaleza
Instagram / @worldmaverik

El momento en que una ola monstruosa golpea una base militar en las Islas Marshall ha sido captado en video y es aterrador.

Compruébelo usted mismo, una ola de 3 a 4 pies rompe las puertas del comedor del Ejército en Roi-Namur el sábado —una isla en el extremo norte del atolón de Kwajalein— golpeando a la gente y arrastrándola lejos.

Algunos se aferran a lo que pueden encontrar, otros se suben encima de los muebles mientras la poderosa corriente de agua sigue atacando.

Entonces se va la luz, sumiendo a todos en la oscuridad mientras siguen luchando por sus vidas antes de que se corte el clip.

Afortunadamente, Erik D. Hanson dice que nadie resultó gravemente herido, dijo esto después de confirmar que todo el mundo estaba bien.

La combinación de viento, mareas, y la dirección del oleaje crearon una tormenta perfecta peligrosamente cerca de la costa.

El Ejército de EE.UU. emitió un comunicado el domingo "una serie de olas inducidas por el clima golpearon Roi-Namur, lo que causó inundaciones significativas en la parte norte de la isla" aproximadamente a las 9 PM el 20 de enero.

El daño resultó en la evacuación de todo el "personal que no estaba involucrado en la misión" de la isla, mientras que las inundaciones golpearon los dos aeropuertos en Ailinglaplap Atoll, probablemente tendrán que mantenerlos cerrados durante semanas.

tmz investiga
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No se reportaron muertes en Roi-Namur y las islas vecinas solo reportaron daños moderados por las inundaciones.

Hot Stars By The Fire Can You Handle The Heat?!

These toasty stars are fired up for the chilly season -- getting cozy by the fire -- and let's face it, nothin' beats sittin' by a fresh fire and hearing that crackle-pop! Well, these flame-fueled photos from the stars have been comin' in HOT non-stop!

Sparkin' some major hotness ... Saweetie turned up with a nice glass of red in front of her marble-lit fireplace, Sam Asghari's washboard abs almost put the fire OUT in his neck of the woods, and leave it to Kourtney Kardashian to sip, sit and look fire-hot in Calabasas.

Blaze through our gallery of flamin' hot stars gettin' lit by the fire!

Estrellas junto al juego ¿Puedes manejar el calor?

¡Estas estrellas están calentando la temporada de frío, pasando un acogedor momento frente al fuego, y seamos sinceros, nada mejor que escuchar los troncos crepitar! Pues bien, estas fotos están llenas de celebridades calentitas junto a las brasas.

Saweetie apareció con un buen vaso de vino tinto frente a su chimenea de mármol, Sam Asghari puso sus abdominales en exhibición para avivar las brasas, mientras que Kourtney Kardashian no se pudo resistir a sentarse y observar el fuego caliente en Calabasas.

Echa un vistazo a nuestra galería de estrellas acompañadas por el fuego.

Bills, Steelers Fans Snow Way We're Missing This Game!!!

X / @C_AdamskiTrib

A little bit of snow -- okay, a TON of snow -- wasn't gonna stop Bills and Steelers fans from making their way to the stadium for Monday's Wild Card game ... with diehard supporters trudging to their seats in time for kickoff.

The playoff matchup was originally slated to go down on Sunday ... but Mother Nature had other plans, as a snowstorm forced the N.Y. governor and NFL commish Roger Goodell to push it back a day.

The Bills pulled out all the stops in hopes of getting Highmark Stadium ready in time for the contest ... even offering folks $20 an hour to help clear out the snow.

Despite the efforts, there was plenty left over from the storm ... but judging by videos of spectators walking through knee-deep piles in order to get to their seats, they didn't care one bit.

In fact, when Buffalo tight end Dawson Knox caught the first touchdown of the game, Bills Mafia made use of the extra snow by throwing it up in the air to celebrate.

All things considered, the field looks damn good for the game ... with not one snowflake in sight.

The Bills -- who are no strangers to uncooperative weather -- have the early lead over Pittsburgh ... but there's still plenty of ball left.

Hot Babes In Cold Snow Guess Who!

These bodacious babes may be ice cold but they sure are keepin' things HOT in the snow -- shedding layers and strippin' down to pretty much nothin'! Put your celeb knowledge to the test and guess which chilly chick is on snow patrol!

Hollywood hotties like Kendall Jenner, Anitta and Kourtney Kardashian will send shivers down your spine with these sexy snow shoots as they drop trout in the dropping temps .... talk about a winter wonderland 😜!

Scroll through our gallery of stripped-down stars in the snow and see if you can guess the frosty babe before they melt away!

Chicas calientes Posando en la nieve Adivina quién es

Estas hermosas chicas pueden estar heladas, pero están seguras de mantener las cosas calientes en la nieve, quitándose capas y desnudándose hasta casi nada. Pon a prueba tus conocimientos sobre famosos y adivina qué chica está de patrulla en la nieve.

Hollywood Hotties como Kendall Jenner, Anitta y Kourtney Kardashian te darán escalofríos con estas sexys fotos en la nieve, ¡hablando de un País de las Maravillas Invernal 😜!

Echa un vistazo a nuestra galería de estrellas casi desnudas en la nieve y ¡a ver si adivinas quién es la nena más sexy antes de que se derrita!

Chiefs vs. Dolphins Arrowhead Stadium Covered In Snow ... 3 Days Before Big Game

Taylor Swift will have to walk herself through a winter wonderland if she wants to watch Travis Kelce play on Saturday ... 'cause Arrowhead Stadium is already covered in snow -- and the forecast for the weekend isn't looking much warmer at all.

The Chiefs shared photos of their home field in Kansas City on Wednesday afternoon ... and as you can see, it's already looking awful chilly three days before their postseason kicks off.

And, according to meteorologists ... it's going to stay that way for the Dolphins game Saturday night, with temps expected to hover right around 8 degrees Fahrenheit.

There's been no official word yet if Swift will indeed make the trek through the snow to catch Kelce's playoff game ... but given that she's been to most of his tilts since September, it seems she'll find enough coats to stay warm while watching her man.

Kelce and the Chiefs, meanwhile, are 4.5-point favorites for now ... though considering the Dolphins play an up-tempo style of ball in weather that's normally closer to 70 degrees -- that number could certainly rise by the time the two squads clash.

First whistle is slated for 5 PM ... getcha popcorn -- and your handwarmers -- ready!!

Los Angeles New Year Off To A Shaky Start ... 4.1 Magnitude Earthquake Hits!

Superstitious Los Angelenos are pulling out their hair right now ... because a 4.1 magnitude earthquake just rocked the city.

The quake's epicenter hit just off the coast of Palos Verdes at 8:27 AM PT today, but folks all the way up in H'Wood and Pasadena felt a bit of shaking.

As with most earthquakes, it stopped as quickly as it started, but it's a jarring way to wake up people sleeping off late-night revelry.

Colin Hoag

Some wild natural occurrences have battered SoCal recently with huge waves bouncing over a seawall in Ventura last week, injuring eight and causing dozens to flee.

Unclear how much, if any damage, was done by our New Year's tremor, but it was nothing compared to the devastating quakes felt by Japan yesterday.

Three powerful, successive earthquakes hit the island nation on New Year's Eve with the biggest reaching a 7.6 magnitude.

Roads and bridges sustained major damage while tsunami warnings were quickly issued by the government. More than 97,000 people were forced to evacuate according to Reuters.

Lots of earthquakes in the past couple days ... hopefully the chaos dies down for the rest of 2024.

Massive SoCal Waves Monster Wave Injures 8, Sends Dozens Fleeing for their Lives

Colin Hoag

A monster wave crashed over a seawall in SoCal, injuring at least 8 people and sending dozens fleeing in panic.

West Coast weather has caused a surge in waves along the coast ... folks in Northern Cali have marveled at waves as high as 35 feet.


As for this video ... it was shot in SoCal in the city of Ventura Thursday. Curious beachgoers were standing by the seawall, assuming it would protect them ... it did not. They get pummeled by the force of the wave, knocking some folks down and underwater.

They scream as they scurry away in panic, as the water creates a stream along the shopping district.

At least 8 people were taken to the hospital -- it was that serious.

Nearly 300 miles north in the city of Santa Cruz, a dog narrowly avoided being swept into the sea by similarly dangerous waves ... with the current luckily carrying the pup back to shore.

L.A.-area beachgoers are bracing for 15-18 foot waves Saturday. So buckle up, and stand back.

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