Hot Stars By The Fire Can You Handle The Heat?!

These toasty stars are fired up for the chilly season -- getting cozy by the fire -- and let's face it, nothin' beats sittin' by a fresh fire and hearing that crackle-pop! Well, these flame-fueled photos from the stars have been comin' in HOT non-stop!

Sparkin' some major hotness ... Saweetie turned up with a nice glass of red in front of her marble-lit fireplace, Sam Asghari's washboard abs almost put the fire OUT in his neck of the woods, and leave it to Kourtney Kardashian to sip, sit and look fire-hot in Calabasas.

Blaze through our gallery of flamin' hot stars gettin' lit by the fire!

Estrellas junto al juego ¿Puedes manejar el calor?

¡Estas estrellas están calentando la temporada de frío, pasando un acogedor momento frente al fuego, y seamos sinceros, nada mejor que escuchar los troncos crepitar! Pues bien, estas fotos están llenas de celebridades calentitas junto a las brasas.

Saweetie apareció con un buen vaso de vino tinto frente a su chimenea de mármol, Sam Asghari puso sus abdominales en exhibición para avivar las brasas, mientras que Kourtney Kardashian no se pudo resistir a sentarse y observar el fuego caliente en Calabasas.

Echa un vistazo a nuestra galería de estrellas acompañadas por el fuego.

Bills, Steelers Fans Snow Way We're Missing This Game!!!

X / @C_AdamskiTrib

A little bit of snow -- okay, a TON of snow -- wasn't gonna stop Bills and Steelers fans from making their way to the stadium for Monday's Wild Card game ... with diehard supporters trudging to their seats in time for kickoff.

The playoff matchup was originally slated to go down on Sunday ... but Mother Nature had other plans, as a snowstorm forced the N.Y. governor and NFL commish Roger Goodell to push it back a day.

The Bills pulled out all the stops in hopes of getting Highmark Stadium ready in time for the contest ... even offering folks $20 an hour to help clear out the snow.

Despite the efforts, there was plenty left over from the storm ... but judging by videos of spectators walking through knee-deep piles in order to get to their seats, they didn't care one bit.

In fact, when Buffalo tight end Dawson Knox caught the first touchdown of the game, Bills Mafia made use of the extra snow by throwing it up in the air to celebrate.

All things considered, the field looks damn good for the game ... with not one snowflake in sight.

The Bills -- who are no strangers to uncooperative weather -- have the early lead over Pittsburgh ... but there's still plenty of ball left.

Hot Babes In Cold Snow Guess Who!

These bodacious babes may be ice cold but they sure are keepin' things HOT in the snow -- shedding layers and strippin' down to pretty much nothin'! Put your celeb knowledge to the test and guess which chilly chick is on snow patrol!

Hollywood hotties like Kendall Jenner, Anitta and Kourtney Kardashian will send shivers down your spine with these sexy snow shoots as they drop trout in the dropping temps .... talk about a winter wonderland 😜!

Scroll through our gallery of stripped-down stars in the snow and see if you can guess the frosty babe before they melt away!

Chicas calientes Posando en la nieve Adivina quién es

Estas hermosas chicas pueden estar heladas, pero están seguras de mantener las cosas calientes en la nieve, quitándose capas y desnudándose hasta casi nada. Pon a prueba tus conocimientos sobre famosos y adivina qué chica está de patrulla en la nieve.

Hollywood Hotties como Kendall Jenner, Anitta y Kourtney Kardashian te darán escalofríos con estas sexys fotos en la nieve, ¡hablando de un País de las Maravillas Invernal 😜!

Echa un vistazo a nuestra galería de estrellas casi desnudas en la nieve y ¡a ver si adivinas quién es la nena más sexy antes de que se derrita!

Chiefs vs. Dolphins Arrowhead Stadium Covered In Snow ... 3 Days Before Big Game

Taylor Swift will have to walk herself through a winter wonderland if she wants to watch Travis Kelce play on Saturday ... 'cause Arrowhead Stadium is already covered in snow -- and the forecast for the weekend isn't looking much warmer at all.

The Chiefs shared photos of their home field in Kansas City on Wednesday afternoon ... and as you can see, it's already looking awful chilly three days before their postseason kicks off.

And, according to meteorologists ... it's going to stay that way for the Dolphins game Saturday night, with temps expected to hover right around 8 degrees Fahrenheit.

There's been no official word yet if Swift will indeed make the trek through the snow to catch Kelce's playoff game ... but given that she's been to most of his tilts since September, it seems she'll find enough coats to stay warm while watching her man.

Kelce and the Chiefs, meanwhile, are 4.5-point favorites for now ... though considering the Dolphins play an up-tempo style of ball in weather that's normally closer to 70 degrees -- that number could certainly rise by the time the two squads clash.

First whistle is slated for 5 PM ... getcha popcorn -- and your handwarmers -- ready!!

Los Angeles New Year Off To A Shaky Start ... 4.1 Magnitude Earthquake Hits!

Superstitious Los Angelenos are pulling out their hair right now ... because a 4.1 magnitude earthquake just rocked the city.

The quake's epicenter hit just off the coast of Palos Verdes at 8:27 AM PT today, but folks all the way up in H'Wood and Pasadena felt a bit of shaking.

As with most earthquakes, it stopped as quickly as it started, but it's a jarring way to wake up people sleeping off late-night revelry.

Colin Hoag

Some wild natural occurrences have battered SoCal recently with huge waves bouncing over a seawall in Ventura last week, injuring eight and causing dozens to flee.

Unclear how much, if any damage, was done by our New Year's tremor, but it was nothing compared to the devastating quakes felt by Japan yesterday.

Three powerful, successive earthquakes hit the island nation on New Year's Eve with the biggest reaching a 7.6 magnitude.

Roads and bridges sustained major damage while tsunami warnings were quickly issued by the government. More than 97,000 people were forced to evacuate according to Reuters.

Lots of earthquakes in the past couple days ... hopefully the chaos dies down for the rest of 2024.

Massive SoCal Waves Monster Wave Injures 8, Sends Dozens Fleeing for their Lives

Colin Hoag

A monster wave crashed over a seawall in SoCal, injuring at least 8 people and sending dozens fleeing in panic.

West Coast weather has caused a surge in waves along the coast ... folks in Northern Cali have marveled at waves as high as 35 feet.


As for this video ... it was shot in SoCal in the city of Ventura Thursday. Curious beachgoers were standing by the seawall, assuming it would protect them ... it did not. They get pummeled by the force of the wave, knocking some folks down and underwater.

They scream as they scurry away in panic, as the water creates a stream along the shopping district.

At least 8 people were taken to the hospital -- it was that serious.

Nearly 300 miles north in the city of Santa Cruz, a dog narrowly avoided being swept into the sea by similarly dangerous waves ... with the current luckily carrying the pup back to shore.

L.A.-area beachgoers are bracing for 15-18 foot waves Saturday. So buckle up, and stand back.

Sur de California Una ola monstruosa deja a 8 heridos y decenas huyen para salvar sus vidas

El Mar no es un juego
Colin Hoag

Una ola monstruosa se estrelló sobre un dique en el sur de California, hiriendo al menos a 8 personas y provocando que decenas huyeran presas del pánico.

El clima de la Costa Oeste ha causado un aumento de las olas a lo largo de toda la costa. La gente en el norte de Cali se ha maravillado con olas de hasta 35 pies.


En cuanto a este video, fue filmado en el sur de California, en la ciudad de Ventura el jueves. Los curiosos bañistas estaban de pie junto al malecón, suponiendo que este los protegería del oleaje, pero no lo hizo. Los presentes fueron golpeados por la fuerza de la ola, que derribó a algunas personas y las sumergió bajo el agua.

En el video se ve cómo gritan mientras huyen despavoridos, a medida que el agua va inundando el área a lo largo del distrito comercial.

Al menos 8 personas fueron trasladadas al hospital... así de grave fue.

Casi 300 millas al norte, en la ciudad de Santa Cruz, un perro se salvó por poco de ser arrastrado por las olas, igual de peligrosas, aunque afortunadamente la corriente trajo al cachorro de vuelta a la orilla.

Los playeros del área de Los Ángeles se preparan para olas de 15-18 pies el sábado. Así que abróchense los cinturones y retrocedan.

Volcán en Islandia Nueva erupción ilumina el cielo ... Obliga a evacuar

Tremenda erupción
Iclandic Coast Guard

Islandia está desplegando un espectacular y peligroso poder volcánico, con la erupción de un nuevo volcán que está lanzando nubes de lava al cielo después de semanas de un aumento en la actividad sísmica.

Se declaró estado público de emergencia el lunes, luego de que el volcán Grindavík explotara justo al sur del Aeropuerto Internacional de Keflavik y la ciudad capital de Reykjavík. Las imágenes muestran cómo las rocas explotan hasta 300 pies en el aire.

La erupción creó una fisura de 2,5 millas, provocando que una corriente de lava fluyera a través de las ciudades aledañas. Cientos de metros cúbicos han corrido a través de la península de Reykjanes.

La Oficina Meteorológica de Islandia situó el momento de la erupción a las 10:17 PM, después de vigilar de cerca la actividad sísmica en la zona por un tiempo.

El flujo se ha desacelerado desde su pico durante la noche del lunes y la intensidad de las erupciones de lava han caído de 300 a 100 pies.

Sin embargo, las zonas evacuadas están todavía fuera de los límites y las autoridades permanecen en alerta máxima, con expertos locales advirtiendo que es posible que varias grietas se abran en el suelo.

El Presidente de Islandia Guðni Th. Jóhannesson ha confirmado que no hay víctimas producto de la erupción, solo grandes daños a los edificios.

ICELAND Volcano New ERUPTION LIGHTS UP SKY ... Forces Evacuations

Iclandic Coast Guard

Iceland is putting on a spectacular, and dangerous, display of volcanic power ... as the eruption of a new volcano throws plumes of lava in the sky, following weeks of increased seismic activity.

A public state of emergency was declared as the Grindavík volcano exploded Monday ... just south of the Keflavik International Airport and the capital city of Reykjavík, and video footage shows molten rock exploding up to 300 feet into the air.

The eruption created a 2.5-mile fissure, which sent a stream of lava flowing through the surrounding towns ... while hundreds of cubic meters spewed across the Reykjanes peninsula.

The Icelandic Meteorological Office listed the time of eruption at 10:17 PM ... after closely monitoring seismic activity in the area for a while.

The flow has slowed since its peak on Monday evening ... and lava fountains have fallen from 300 to 100 ft.

However, evacuated areas are still off-limits, and authorities remain on high alert ... with local experts warning it's possible several more cracks could open in the ground.

Iceland President Guðni Th. Jóhannesson has confirmed there are no casualties from the eruption -- only extensive damages to buildings.

Kansas City Chiefs Fans Line Up Hours Before Eagles Game ... Battle Near-Freezing Temps To Tailgate

It might be Monday morning, raining and nearly freezing in Kansas City ... but Chiefs fans are still pouring out in droves to support their team before their huge matchup with the Philadelphia Eagles.

According to reporters at Arrowhead Stadium, Patrick Mahomes fanatics showed up to the site of arguably the biggest game of the NFL's regular season some 12 hours before it began ... this despite it being a workday with some pretty crappy weather.

You can see in images taken by KCTV5's Nathan Brennan, a line of cars filled with Chiefs fans stretched all the way into the street outside the stadium -- even though it's about 40 degrees out.

Plenty more are expected to be on their way soon, too.

Of course, it's hard to blame them for the excitement ... after all, the "Monday Night Football" matchup features two of the best teams in the league -- and it's also a rematch of Super Bowl LVII.

The Chiefs are currently 2.5-point favorites ... though many believe the Eagles -- who are 8-1 this season -- are the better squad.

Kickoff is slated for 8:15 PM local time ... getcha popcorn -- and, for those in K.C., your umbrellas and mittens -- ready!!

Taylor Swift Gasps For Air During Sizzling Hot Concert In Brazil

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Taylor Swift was seemingly gasping for air during her sweltering hot concert in Brazil, freaking out some of her fans.

The pop superstar performed for hours in nearly 100-degree heat Friday night at Estadio Olímpico Nilton Santos stadium in Rio de Janeiro -- and the video shows how much the soaring temperature impacted Taylor.

Keep in mind, this was the same night one of Taylor's fans, Ana Clara Benevides, died right before the show kicked off.

Video of Taylor’s scary moment was posted to X … it starts with Taylor wrapping up a song with her back to the packed crowd. She then turns to the audience, huffing and puffing as if she’s struggling to breathe. The 12-second clip ends with Taylor closing her eyes.

Her worried fans responded to the video post, sharing their concerns. One wrote, "OMG… this breaks my heart in so many levels. She’s so professional but watching her like this, my best wishes go to her.”

Another pointed out, “She is only 33 and in incredible physical shape. That she was struggling that much is really scary," while a third person remarked, “Taylor was struggling to breathe as well!!”

Due to the extreme temps, Taylor announced she was postponing her Saturday concert in Rio because the “safety and well-being of my fans, fellow performers, and crew has to and always will come first.”

Benevides complained she wasn't feeling well right before Friday night's show began, and was reportedly taken to a hospital where she died. The official cause of death hasn't been determined.


As of now, Taylor is scheduled to perform Sunday night in Rio, but, obviously, those plans could change as well.

Thigh-High Hotties Guess Who!

Fall so hard for these luscious ladies showin' off their long legs who are bound to catch you way off guard! These boots were made for walking guessing, so kick off your weekend with famous chicks in thigh-high kicks!

From actresses to singers to models and everything in between, strut into our gallery where you'll see bountiful baddies in boots. And, while these famous faces may not be wearin' much ... their gorgeous gams are definitely kept cozy and covered!

Before these boots walk all over you, put your celeb knowledge to the test and guess the celeb in the pic!

Celebs Full Of Fall Foliage ... Don't Stop Be-leaf-ing!

The magic and beauty of Fall festivities have fallin' onto the famous folks of Hollywood, and you oughta autumn check out nature's finest and see for yourself! Celebs have taken a leaf of absence from their day jobs, and the proof lies in these colorful piles of leaves.

Stars like Becca Tilley, Jessie James Decker and Billie Eilish are leaf-ing on the edge in their festive photos, and the trees were turning for the Giudice girls who took a leaf of faith for a picturesque shot in chilly Michigan.

Don't leaf these stars hanging ... check out our gallery of stars fallin' it up in foliage!

Celebridades Rodeadas del follaje otoñal

¡La magia y la belleza de las fiestas de otoño han caído sobre los famosos de Hollywood! Echa un vistazo a lo mejor de la naturaleza por ti mismo. Las celebridades se han ausentado de sus trabajos cotidianos y la prueba está en estos coloridos paisajes.

Estrellas como Becca Tilley, Jessie James Decker y Billie Eilish están disfrutando de la temporada con sus fotos festivas, mientras que las chicas Giudice no quisieron perder la oportunidad de tomarse fotos bajo los árboles.

¡Echa un vistazo a nuestra galería de estrellas entusiasmadas con el otoño!