Insane Tornado Video Storm Chasers Trapped In Storm Pray to Jesus for Help

Tornados are something to AVOID at all costs ... as proven by this intense clip of storm chasers screaming for their lives while stuck in the middle of a terrifying storm.

The destructive winds touched Lewistown, Illinois back in April, but storm chaser and YouTuber Tanner Charles shared the shocking footage this week.

Tanner and his friends had no choice but to park right in the middle of the tornado's path after powerline poles came down, blocking the road in front of and behind them.

It's pretty horrifying, with the group panicking as the EF-3 tornado got closer to their car -- begging God to keep them stay alive as the windows in their ride got smashed, with loads of debris ripping over them.

Keep in mind, this tornado reached top speeds of 160 mph, so they definitely were feeling the power while right in its crosshairs. The gang somehow survived the brutal storm, and rightfully were extremely grateful to be alive while looking at the aftermath.

4 people were reported injured as a result of the tornado, which traveled nearly 19 miles ... but by some miracle, there were no deaths.

Demencial video Cazadores de tormenta quedan atrapados en un tornado Rezan por su vida...

Los tornados son algo que hay que EVITAR a toda costa, como bien lo demuestra este intenso video de dos cazadores de tormentas que terminan gritando por sus vidas mientras están atrapados en medio de una aterradora tormenta.

Los vientos azotaron Lewistown, Illinois, en abril, pero el aficionado a estos eventos y YouTuber, Tanner Charles, compartió las impactantes imágenes recién esta semana.

Tanner y sus amigos no tuvieron más remedio que aparcar justo en medio de la trayectoria del tornado. Esto, después de que se cayeran los postes del tendido eléctrico, bloqueando la carretera delante y detrás de ellos.

Es bastante horrible de ver cómo el grupo entra en pánico a medida que el tornado EF-3 se acerca a su coche. En el inter tanto, ellos ruegan a Dios para que los mantenga a salvo, mientras las ventanas de su carro quedan empañadas con un montón de escombros.

Hay que tener en cuenta que este tornado alcanzó velocidades máximas de 160 mph, por lo que definitivamente estaban sintiendo el poder de la naturaleza cuando estaban en medio de todo. La pandilla de alguna manera sobrevivió a la brutal tormenta y por supuesto estaba muy agradecida de estar viva al ver las secuelas.

Cuatro personas resultaron heridas como consecuencia del tornado, que viajó a casi 19 millas, pero por algún milagro, no hubo muertes.

Campo de golf de la Copa Ryder Se incendia y estalla en llamas ... Ningún herido

Fuego en el césped
X / @conorN11

¡El campo de juego Marco Simone Golf & Country Club en Italia, anfitrión del prestigioso torneo Ryder Cup celebrado la semana pasada, estalló en llamas el jueves cuando una estructura en el campo se incendió!

El incendio, que se originó en una suite de tres plantas, se produjo menos de una semana después de que cientos de miles de aficionados abarrotaran el campo para presenciar el famoso torneo de golf de Roma, dominado por los europeos.

El humo negro se podía ver a kilómetros de distancia y varios bomberos se apresuraron a llegar al lugar para combatir las llamas.

"Un incendio fue reportado en una de las estructuras temporales del ala derecha de la primera calle en el Marco Simone Golf & Country Club a primera hora de esta tarde", escribió la Ryder Cup Europa en un comunicado.

"Los bomberos locales fueron llamados al lugar de los hechos a las 17:07 hora local y rápidamente controlaron el incendio".

A pesar de lo mal que pintaban las cosas, nadie resultó herido.

Las autoridades también dicen que no hubo daños en el campo de golf, excepto por el edificio temporal que fue envuelto en llamas.

La causa del incendio aún está siendo investigada por los expertos.

Ryder Cup Golf Course Catches Fire, Erupts In Flames ... No One Injured

X / @conorN11

Marco Simone Golf and Country Club in Italy, the host of last week's prestigious Ryder Cup golf tourney, erupted in flames on Thursday as a structure on the course caught fire!

The fire, which started in a three-story hospitality suite, happened less than a week after hundreds of thousands of fans packed the course to watch the famed golf tourney in Rome, dominated by the Europeans.

Billowing black smoke could be seen miles away ...  as multiple firefighters rushed to the scene and began battling the blaze.

“A fire was reported in one of the temporary hospitality structures to the right of the first fairway at Marco Simone Golf and Country Club earlier this afternoon,” Ryder Cup Europe wrote in a statement.

“Local fire crews were called to the scene at 5:07 PM local time and quickly brought the blaze under control."

Despite how bad things looked, no one was injured, most importantly.

Authorities also say there was no damage to the golf course ... outside of the temporary building that was engulfed in flames.

The cause of the fire is currently being investigated by experts.

Central Park León marino escapa del zoológico Después de las inundaciones en Nueva York


Un león marino en el zoológico del Central Park hizo un gran escape en medio de las inundaciones en Nueva York, nadando fuera de su recinto gracias a la subida de las aguas.

El video muestra al león marino al otro lado del recinto, nadando en aguas marrones, lo suficientemente altas como para que pudiera salir de la piscina.

Hay otros dos leones marinos nadando alegremente alrededor del recinto, pero uno fue capaz de llegar por encima de la valla. En el video lo vemos relajándose en un lugar normalmente reservado para los seres humanos, al menos cuando no está todo inundado.

Como referencia, así es como se ve normalmente la exhibición de leones marinos. La piscina no es tan grande y el mamífero que se escapó está bastante cerca de una carpa que conduce a otra área del zoológico.

El león marino no se escapó completamente, pero sí se salió de su hábitat y presumiblemente tuvo mucha curiosidad sobre lo que hay más allá de su pequeña piscina.

Como saben, fuertes lluvias están golpeando la Gran Manzana, con inundaciones extremas en toda la ciudad.

Nueva York bajo el agua

El zoológico del Central Park estuvo cerrado al público el viernes debido a las severas condiciones climáticas y los leones marinos parecen estar disfrutando al máximo el día.

Esto no es, sin embargo, "Liberen a Willy", el zoológico dice que las aguas inundadas ya está bajando y que los leones marinos están de vuelta en su recinto.

Central Park Zoo Sea Lion Escapes Zoo Exhibit ... After NYC Flooding


A sea lion at the Central Park Zoo made a great escape amid all the flooding in New York City ... swimming out of its enclosure thanks to rising waters.

Video shows the sea lion on the other side of the exhibit, swimming around in brown water ... which was high enough for the animal to get out of the pool.

There are two other sea lions happily swimming around the enclosure, but one was able to make it over the fence ... with the marine mammal is chilling in a spot normally reserved for humans, at least when it's not underwater.

For reference, here's how the sea lion exhibit usually looks ... as you can see, the pool isn't that big, and the escaped sea lion is pretty close to a tent that leads to another area of the zoo.

The sea lion didn't escape the zoo completely ... but she did get out of their habitat, and she's obviously pretty curious about what lies beyond her little pool.

As you know ... heavy rain is pounding the Big Apple and there's extreme flooding throughout the city.


The Central Park Zoo was closed to the public Friday as a result of the severe weather conditions, and the sea lions seem to be making the most of a rainy day.

This ain't "Free Willy" though ... the zoo says flood waters are going down and the sea lions are back in their enclosure.

New York City Flooding Turns Streets to Rivers ... Cars, Buses Underwater


New York City's looking more like Atlantis after an intense amount of rainfall and some wild videos show New Yorkers struggling to keep their cars, buses and heads above the water line.

NYC's getting slammed Friday with the worst of the storm -- we're talking up to 2 inches of rainfall each hour -- which means flash flood warnings for Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens and city buses taking on water like the freakin' Titanic.

Passengers are posting videos of the water ripping right through the bus aisles and under seats as the bus drivers just try to make it through city streets. The highways aren't any better.

Despite city officials issuing a travel advisory, cars are still on the road ... but several have been stranded in floodwaters, while others are bailing water out of their rides with cups!

The city's subways are perilous too, and the ones that are running are doing so on an "extremely limited" service.

With a total of 5 to 6 inches expected before the storm passes ... the greater NYC area is gonna be drenched for days. Not the greatest TGIF for the Big Apple.

Just sayin'.

Nueva York Inundaciones convierten las calles en ríos Carros y buses bajo el agua

Nueva York bajo el agua

La ciudad de Nueva York se parece más a la Atlántida después de una intensa cantidad de lluvia y algunos videos salvajes que muestran a los neoyorquinos luchando por mantener sus carros, autobuses y cabezas por encima del agua.

Nueva York está siendo azotada con lo peor de la tormenta este viernes. Estamos hablando de hasta 5 cm de lluvia cada hora, lo que significa alertas de inundaciones repentinas para Brooklyn, Manhattan y Queens y autobuses urbanos haciendo agua como el maldito Titanic.

Los pasajeros están posteando videos en los que se ve cómo el agua atraviesa los pasillos y los asientos de los autobuses mientras los conductores intentan atravesar las calles de la ciudad. Las autopistas no están mejor.

A pesar de que los funcionarios de la ciudad emitieron un aviso vial, los carros siguen en la carretera. ¡Varios se han quedado varados en el agua, mientras que otros están intentando sacar el agua de su paso hasta con baldes!

Las líneas de metro de la ciudad también están en peligro, y las que están funcionando lo están haciendo con un servicio "extremadamente limitado".

Con un total de 5 a 6 pulgadas esperadas antes de que pase la tormenta, el área metropolitana de Nueva York va a estar empapada durante días. No es el mejor thank God it's Friday para la Gran Manzana.

Estrellas Con Atardeceres ¡Está A Punto De Suceder!

A medida que las noches de verano comienzan a desvanecerse, las estrellas brillantes absorben hasta el último rayo, y con las redes sociales siendo todo un espectáculo soleado para ver. ¡Estas fotos panorámicas harán que tu día algo hermoso! Así que siéntate y observa atentamente a estas estrellas con puestas de sol.

Absorbiendo los dulces escenarios bajo los cielos de algodón de azúcar, verás a celebridades bañadas por el sol como Rob Lowe y Kali Uchis disfrutando de todo Hay un brillo resplandeciente en los ojos de Kris Jenner y Khloé Kardashian debido al cielo rosa y naranja.

Tus hermosas vistas están justo en el horizonte. ¡Observa los lugares con nuestra reluciente galería de estrellas bajo las puestas de sol!

Stars With Sunsets ... It's About To Go Down!

As the summer nights begin to fade, shining stars are soaking up every last ray ... and with social media being quite the sunny sight to see ... these scenic shots will have your day made! So, sit back and look alive at these stars with sunsets!

Soaking up the sweet settings under the cotton candy skies, see sun-lit celebs like Rob Lowe and Kali Uchis taking it all in, and there's a glistening glow in Kris Jenner and Khloe Kardashian's eyes from the pink and orange sky!

Your beautiful views are just on the horizon ... see the sights with our glimmering gallery of stars under sunsets!

Burning Man One Man Dead After Heavy Rains Hit Venue

Burning Man has been calamitous this year ... leading to a death.

The Pershing County Sheriff's Office confirms ... they are investigating a death that occurred as rain poured down over the venue. The Sheriff has not gone into detail, but by the description, it might be rain-related.

As we reported, the event -- which was being held in the Nevada desert -- was flooded Saturday, causing cars and campers to become immobilized. It got so bad, concertgoers were told to shelter in place.


Diplo and Chris Rock fled the event on the back of a truck. Diplo said he walked 5 miles to get the hell out.

It's not looking better for Sunday ... they're expecting even bigger storms with heavy rainfall and hail, as well as 40 mph wind gusts.

Unclear if the plug has been totally pulled ... the gates to Black Rock City are locked up tight. No one can drive in the area except emergency vehicles.

For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

Hurricane Idalia Intense Winds, Flooding, & Rainfall ... As Storm Reaches Florida


Hurricane Idalia has hit Florida in a big way ... and it's bringing the Sunshine State flooding, roaring winds, and certain devastation.

The Category 3 storm made landfall Wednesday morning in the state's Big Bend region -- Meteorologist Jim Cantore shared some shocking sights from Cedar Key -- as gusting winds rip through the city and come straight for nearby houses.

BTW, he gave his followers an update less than an hour later ... and the winds and water levels got worse in no time at all.

Damage from the storm is expected to cover 200 miles, with up to 16-foot surges ... residents would have to get up to the 3rd floor of buildings to stay dry. Wind gusts approached 125 mph.


The Tallahassee area is also predicted to be uninhabitable for several weeks or even months, according to the National Weather Service office.

Officials have said Idalia shows great potential for death and catastrophic devastation, and locals have been told to hightail it out of the area. As of Wednesday, over 240k residents are already without power.

This is the 3rd hurricane to make landfall in FL in the past year, after Ian last September and Nicole a month later. Both storms brought devastation and this one's shaping up to be no different.

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You'll recall, the West Coast was hit with Tropical Storm Hilary earlier this month, causing flooding in Baja, Mexico, and taking at least one life.

50 Cent Sorry PHX, Your Temp's Too Hot For My Tour!!! 🔥

50 Cent's "Final Lap" tour will need to take another run at Phoenix after extreme heat forced the rapper to postpone his show.

The G-Unit rapper -- along with Tony Yayo, Busta Rhymes, Jeremih and more --- were scheduled to hit the outdoor stage at Talking Stick Resort Amphitheatre Tuesday, but 50 apparently saw the forecast and nipped the show in the bud.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

50 wrote on IG, "Due to extreme heat, the show tomorrow in Phoenix, AZ is being postponed ... For anyone who would like a refund, please go to point of purchase for instructions. I’ll be back in Arizona soon! 116 degrees is dangerous for everyone."

The city has now updated its Extreme Heat Warning to carry on into Wednesday ... but the tour has since moved on to California for several dates.

Phoenix reportedly has had over 90 days with 100-degree temps ... autumn may be the safer bet.

Alaska Airlines Rough Landing During Tropical Storm Hilary ... Sparks Flying From Wing


Passengers on an Alaska Airlines flight in CA had a frightening landing during Tropical Storm Hilary ... the plane took a ton of damage during its descent, causing sparks to fly.

The whole thing went down at Santa Ana's John Wayne Airport Sunday night, as Hilary's rainfall and winds were still going strong.

The pilots were already fighting the strong gusts and downpours, and by the time the wheels hit the ground, the left wing went down with it.

The Boeing 737-800's landing got intense and bumpy ... sparks and smoke can be seen coming out, and some folks onboard can be heard screaming and crying, including a child.

16-year-old passenger Abhi Amineni told KCAL News the aircraft was shaking when it began the final descent and claimed there was no "brace for impact" warning before touching down.

The damage looks pretty rough on the outside of the plane ... and it appears the left turbine fully touched the tarmac while landing, likely where the sparks came from.

You'll recall, the tropical storm was pretty intense for SoCal residents throughout Sunday -- it prompted shutdowns for LAUSD schools, flights in certain airports, and even DoorDash suspended deliveries while the storm passed.

Just another reason why folks leave those windows CLOSED while landing -- who wants to see that?

OnlyFans Model Sells Nudes, Raises $10K For Maui Fire After GoFundMe Banned Her

The OnlyFans model banned by GoFundMe for selling nude photos to aid Maui wildfire relief is still raising tons of money ... all because she took her talents to a different platform.


Mariah Casillas, who goes by Lavagrll on social media, joined us on "TMZ Live" Monday and told us about her fundraising issues with GoFundMe.

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The model says was up to $7,800 in donations on GoFundMe when the platform pulled the plug on her fundraiser, which involved sending one nude for every $10 donated.

As she explains, the nudes were never posted on GoFundMe ... but that didn't stop the crowdfunding giant from shutting her down for violating the website's terms of service, specifically, the "prohibited conduct section."

GoFundMe refunded all the money she raised, meaning displaced folks on Maui were out of luck ... but then she took her nude fundraiser over to OnlyFans and started fresh.

The move paid off, literally ... she tells us she's already raised $10,000 and counting for Maui residents who lost everything in the deadly blaze.

That's a lot of nudes!!!

For more influencer news, tune in to TMZ Verified the podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

Sen. Ted Cruz 'Holy Crap,' Shark Swims L.A. Streets ... Falls For Hurricane Hoax

Sen. Ted Cruz fell victim to a seemingly obvious social media hoax during Hurricane Hilary ... because he truly believed there was a shark swimming through Los Angeles' flooded streets.

The U.S. Senator from Texas quote tweeted an image of a shark cruising through what seemed like a flooded L.A. freeway, and added his own technical assessment ... "Holy crap."

Well, good ol' Ted took the bait, hook, line, and sinker ... he'd reposted a Tweet from Barstool's Dan Katz, who claimed the shark photo was taken by a friend of his driving along L.A.'s 405 freeway.

Problem is ... the image is actually edited, and it's popped up a bunch over the past decade, usually when hurricanes hit the U.S. -- with the initial posting coming back in 2011 when Hurricane Irene slammed Puerto Rico.

Ted spends a lot of time on Elon Musk's app and the shark post went viral Sunday as the storm was dumping tons of water on California, but Ted somehow missed the community note giving context.

Interestingly, the shark photo also went viral during hurricanes in Ted's home state.

Ultimately, Ted realized he had been duped ... though he seemingly explained his thought process by saying, "In LA, you never know ..."

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Yeah, it was a cheap shot at liberal L.A., but he might have a point ... considering an earthquake struck at the same time as Hilary.