Megan Thee Stallion Birthday Suit for Magazine Spread ... Talks Tory Lanez, Music, Etc.

Megan Thee Stallion stripped down for her latest magazine cover -- and while the pictures are grabby in and of themselves ... there's a lot of substance in the actual interview as well.

The rapper debuted on the latest cover of Women's Health Wednesday, showing off her toned body -- which she says is owed to swapping whole meals for smoothies ... nixing soda and juice and switching from cognac to tequila.

Of course, she also says she works out a ton, and that's evident from these gorgeous shots.

Padres de Ethan Crumbley Sentenciados a 10-15 años de prisión... Tras condenas por homicidio

Los padres de Ethan Crumbley van a ir a la cárcel al igual que su hijo. Esto, luego de que un juez los condenara a más de una década tras las rejas después de haber sido condenados de homicidio involuntario.

Padres sentenciados

James y Jennifer Crumbley conocieron la sentencia el martes en un tribunal de Michigan, donde un juez dictó sentencias de 10 a 15 años de prisión para cada uno de ellos. Esa era la pena máxima a la que se enfrentaban e Hizzoner los castigó duramente. Ellos están recibiendo 858 días acreditados por el tiempo servido.

Recuerden, la madre y el padre de Ethan, responsable de un tiroteo masivo en una escuela secundaria, fueron acusados de homicidio involuntario después de que su hijo disparara y matara a 4 personas de su colegio en 2021.

Ethan Crumbley's Parents Sentenced to 10-15 Years in Prison ... After Manslaughter Convictions


12:03 PM PT -- Defense attorney Mark Eiglarsh came on "TMZ Live" Tuesday to weigh in on the Crumbley case -- and he told us this case will serve as a precedent for years to come on this type of scenario.


According to him, this is going to remind parents that they are, in fact, responsible for their children's behavior -- and that moms and dads need to know their kids inside and out in order to prevent another tragedy like this from ever happening again.

Ethan Crumbley's parents are going to prison just like their son -- 'cause a judge just sentenced them to more than a decade behind bars, this after their manslaughter convictions.


Repugnante crimen Video muestra a un joven portando un cuchillo... Antes de matar a su madre

Cuchillo en mano
Polk County Sheriff’s Office

Un estudiante de pre-medicina de la Universidad de Florida está acusado de presuntamente haber apuñalado a su madre más de 70 veces con un cuchillo, todo porque no le caía bien, y los momentos antes del cruento asesinato fueron capturados en video.

Echa un vistazo a esta grabación de la cámara Ring, Emmanuel Espinoza fue visto caminando casualmente hasta la puerta principal de una casa en el Condado de Polk, donde residía su madre Elvia Espinoza.

Espinoza primero intentó abrir la puerta, pero estaba cerrada, así que la terminó golpeando. Nótese el filoso cuchillo empuñado en su mano que esconde en la espalda.

Sickening Slaying Video Shows Son Holding Knife ... Before Murdering Own Mom

Polk County Sheriff’s Office

A University of Florida pre-med student allegedly stabbed his mom over 70 times with a knife all because he didn't like her – and the moments before the savage murder were captured on video.

Check out this Ring camera footage ... Emmanuel Espinoza was seen casually walking up to the front door of the Polk County home, where his mom, Elvia Espinoza, resided.

Espinoza first tried to open the door, but it was locked, so he knocked on it. Notice the sharp knife gripped in his hand behind his back.

Angie Harmon's Deceased Dog Instacart Worker Insists He Was Bitten ... So Say Cops


9:49 AM PT -- Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD is clarifying the deliveryman only told them he had bite marks from the dog. As for whether officers actually saw those bite marks, the cops won't say -- they'll only reiterate they didn't have enough evidence to charge the deliveryman.

Angie Harmon's deceased dog was not as innocent as she claims ... at least according to the cops.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD tells TMZ … they are standing by their decision to not press charges against the Instacart shopper who shot and killed Angie's dog Oliver over Easter weekend.

While the cops will not say how they determined the shopper acted in self-defense, they insist the deliveryman, Christopher, did have bite marks on him from the dog.

Rod Wave Arrested for Possession of Firearm ... Attorneys Call BS

Rod Wave found himself in a jail cell this week -- this after cops arrested him on a firearm charge ... even though his attorneys are calling BS.

The rapper was booked into Manatee County Jail Wednesday on two counts of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon -- and he posed for a mug shot on his way in. The exact circumstances that led to RW's bust are still unclear at this point.

In any case -- his attorneys, Bradford Cohen and Mark Rankin, tell us ... "The officers that made the arrest are incorrect. He is not a convicted felon and has never been a convicted felon. We would have hoped additional research would have been done prior to them filing these charges."

Angie Harmon Family Dog Shot and Killed by Deliveryman


7:01 PM PT -- Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD tells TMZ that the delivery driver in question did in fact claim self-defense on this matter ... and it sounds like the cops are letting it be.

They say, "The investigation revealed that a delivery driver arrived at the residence to deliver consumable goods. The driver told officers that a dog attacked him while he was at the residence and that he defended himself by firing a single gunshot, striking and mortally wounding the dog. Another dog was present at the residence but did not attack."

They go on to say that no criminal charges have been filed over this, and that CMPD's Animal Control got in the mix as well. They're not seeking out any other parties either.

Angie Harmon is devastated after her dog, Oliver, was shot and killed by a deliveryman over Easter weekend.

Good Boy
Instagram / @angieharmon

Drake Meltdown Mode On Travis Scott ... Shoots Up Astroworld Tour Prop!!!


Drake's got Travis Scott in his sniper scope, and unloaded fake gunfire on a prop representing him ... putting Trav on the impressive list of rappers -- Kendrick Lamar, Future and Metro Boomin -- he's targeting for revenge.

On Sunday, Drake and J. Cole's "It's All A Blur -- Big as the What?" tour rolled into Penn State University Park ... Drake launched into an angry performance of "Meltdown" ... his most recent collab with Travis from last year's "Utopia" album.

But, he ended the verse screaming at the top of his lungs, and then mimicked gunshots on the giant Travis Scott head -- popularized during the Astroworld era -- which Drake had been using as a tour prop during the performance of the song.

TIROTEO EN MOSCU MÁS DE 40 MUERTOS Y 100 HERIDOS Aparecen los sospechosos

Parece que los sospechosos del atentado terrorista contra la sala de conciertos de Moscú fueron maltratados durante su detención: estaban gravemente magullados y apenas conscientes durante su primera comparecencia ante el tribunal.

Los presuntos terroristas fueron fotografiados el domingo en un tribunal ruso, donde aparecieron con cortes y magulladuras en sus rostros hinchados mientras se enfrentaron a cargos de terrorismo tras la matanza del viernes. De hecho, Saidakrami Rachabalizoda -un sospechoso de 30 años- entró al tribunal con una venda alrededor de la oreja y varias heridas en la cara.

Dalerdzhon Mirzoyev, de 32 años, también fue fotografiado con un ojo morado mientras se sentaba detrás de un plexiglás para comparecer ante el tribunal. También parecía tener los restos de una bolsa de plástico alrededor de su cuello.

Moscow Terrorism Suspects Beaten & Bruised in Court

Looks like the suspects in the Moscow concert hall terror attack are getting roughed up while in custody -- they were severely bruised, and barely conscious during their first court appearance.

The suspected terrorists were photographed Sunday in a Russian courtroom, where they appeared to have cuts and bruises on their swollen faces as they faced terrorism charges following Friday's carnage. In fact, Saidakrami Rachabalizoda, a 30-year-old suspect, entered the court with a bandage around his ear and several noticeable bruises on his face.

32-year-old Dalerdzhon Mirzoyev was also photographed with a black eye as he sat behind plexiglass for the appearance in court. He also appeared to have the remnants of a plastic bag around his neck.

Vladimir Putin 133 Killed in Moscow Shooting ... Claims Ukraine Involved

The death count in Friday's tragic Moscow mass shooting is much higher than originally believed ... according to Russia's President Vladimir Putin.

The controversial head of state reportedly told the nation during a televised address that 133 people had been killed in the vicious attack at Crocus City Hall, a concert venue on Moscow's Western outskirts.

Putin likens the shooters to Nazis ... saying they killed in an organized fashion, aiming for Russian citizens and even children.

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack, but President Putin laid the blame squarely at the feet of Ukrainian officials ... saying they were working to let the perpetrators cross the border into their country.

Horrifying Footage

FWIW ... an anonymous United States official told The Washington Post there's no reason to doubt the Islamic State's claim.

As we reported ... videos from the tragic shooting went viral -- showing graphic scenes of death and destruction at the music hall. People huddled behind chairs while gunshots echoed around the structure, and initial estimates put the death count at above 40.

Explosives were reportedly used during the attack, resulting in the whole building catching fire.

Officials in Western countries warned their citizens about venturing out to large public gatherings this month in the aftermath of Putin's recent election victory ... warning of possible terror attacks.

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At least one man was detained by police last night ... caught on video being frisked with his hands up against a wall. It's unclear how many people were detained or how many were involved in the mass shooting.

More people were critically injured in the shooting -- and, Russia’s Investigative Committee says they expect the death toll to continue rising.

Tiroteo en Moscú Más de 40 personas habrían muerto, 100 heridos...

Brutal registro

Un aterrador video de un tremendo tiroteo en Rusia se ha vuelto viral en las redes y muestras algunas dramáticas escenas del ataque que ha dejado decenas de muertos y muchos más heridos.

El registro del triste incidente del viernes en el Crocus City Hall, un enorme lugar de conciertos a las afueras de Moscú, capta el sonido de los disparos que resuenan en el lugar.

Otro video muestra a gente tirándose al suelo y acurrucándose detrás de las sillas del vestíbulo mientras el sonido de los disparos reverbera por toda la sala.

Y lo que es peor, a continuación se declara un gran incendio en el edificio, que es fácil de ver desde los alrededores, y según muestra el video grabado desde el exterior del edificio, las llamas parecieron arder con fuerza durante un rato. Los informes dicen se lanzaron bombas y granadas en medio de este baño de sangre.

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En llamas

El Servicio Federal de Seguridad de Rusia -la organización del país encargada de la seguridad interior- afirma que más de 40 personas murieron en el atentado y más de 100 resultaron heridas.

Associated Press, citando a medios de comunicación rusos, informa que varios hombres armados entraron al edificio y lanzaron explosivos, lo que provocó el incendio. Al parecer, los hombres que entraron en la sala estaban vestidos de faena y empezaron a disparar contra la multitud que asistía a ver a Picnic, un popular grupo de rock. El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Rusia ha calificado el atentado de terrorista.

Al parecer, algunos videos muestran hasta cuatro hombres armados disparando a quemarropa y parece que la policía detuvo al menos a un posible sospechoso, que fue visto palpando a un hombre en el video con las manos sobre un vehículo.

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En custodia

Por cierto, parece que EE.UU. y otras grandes potencias occidentales podrían haber previsto esto, pues habían compartido advertencias con sus ciudadanos en las últimas semanas, llamándolos a permanecer lejos de las zonas concurridas de Moscú.

Aún no está claro si este ataque fue provocado por motivos políticos, pero las autoridades estatales lo están investigando como un acto terrorista.

Moscow Shooting 40+ Reportedly Dead, 100 Injured ... Music Venue Set Ablaze

Horrifying Footage

Terrifying video from a mass shooting in Russia is going viral online ... and, it paints a dramatic picture of the devastating attack that's left dozens dead and many more injured.

Footage from the chaotic scene Friday at Crocus City Hall -- a huge concert venue on the outskirts of Moscow -- captures the sound of gunshots echoing throughout the cavernous venue.

Another clip shows people hitting the floor, huddling behind chairs in the hall as the sound of gunshots reverberates around the room.

Even worse, a huge fire was ignited at the building -- easy to see from all around the venue -- and the flames themselves seemed to burn strong for a while based on video shot from outside the building. Reports say grenades and or bombs were set off in this bloodbath.

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Russia’s Federal Security Service -- the country's organization in charge of domestic security -- says more than 40 people were killed in the attack and more than 100 were injured.

The Associated Press -- citing Russian news outlets -- reports several gunmen entered the building and threw explosives, causing the fire to break out. Men in fatigues reportedly entered the hall and began firing on the crowd in attendance to see Picnic, a popular rock band. Russia's foreign ministry is calling this a terroristic attack.

Some videos reportedly show as many as four gunmen shooting people at point-blank range ... and it appears police detained at least one potential suspect -- seen on video patting down a man with his hands on the side of a vehicle.

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BTW ... it seems the U.S. and other major Western powers might've seen this coming -- with warnings to their citizens being issued in recent weeks to stay away from crowded areas in Moscow.

It's not yet clear if this attack was sparked by any political motives ... but, state authorities are investigating it as an act of terror.

John Hinckley Jr. 'Cancel Culture' Killing My Music Career!!! Attempted Assassin Grouses

Ya shoot one President, and suddenly ya can't buy a break ... that's John Hinckley Jr.'s gripe, essentially, after his latest folk singing gig got canned.

The man who opened fire on President Ronald Reagan -- and also injured Press Secretary James Brady, a Secret Service agent and cop -- has become a guitar-strumming folk singer, who actually gets booked for concerts, but they tend to get canceled before he gets onstage.

Hinckley's bitching about his latest yanked gig at Hotel Huxley in Naugatuck, CT, where he was supposed to perform on March 30 ... until the venue announced last week it was pulling the plug. He told the NY Post, "I think it's fair to say I'm a victim of cancel culture."

Referring to all of his canceled shows, he added, "It keeps happening over and over again."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Last week Hotel Huxley posted on its IG page, "You Guessed It: Postponed Until Further Notice (They're killin us here)." That last line seems to be a reference to the massive backlash the venue was getting for booking Hinckley -- but also feels distasteful, considering the concert date would've marked 43 years, to the day, since the attempted assassination of Reagan.


Hinckley was found not guilty by reason of insanity, and spent nearly 30 years in a mental health hospital before he was released in 2016.

Since then, he's picked up the guitar and actually released songs on his YouTube channel.

His first concert was booked for Brooklyn in 2022, but again, was canceled due to backlash -- and that's subsequently happened for his other planned shows in Georgia, Illinois and Virginia ... where he now lives in Williamsburg.

Karma. It's a thing.

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BILLY BALDWIN Mellowed Out on Stone Feud ... Better Things to ✍️ About

feeling 1,000 percent

Billy Baldwin's beef with Sharon Stone sounded fiery online -- but in person, the dude doesn't seem to wanna keep the battle going ... 'cause he's turning down the temperature.

We got the actor out in L.A. Wednesday, where our photog asked him about a number of things -- including what happened to his left eye. If you can't quite see, he's got a little nick there ... and Billy tells us exactly how it happened.

The Louis Theroux Podcast

Eventually, we get to what everyone wants to know ... namely, whether his feud with Sharon -- whom he eviscerated online last week after she name-dropped him -- was alive and well.

Check it out ... Billy seems to have moved on from all that, refusing to further trash Sharon here on camera. Although, when we asked if he was still writing a book -- like he suggested he might do when he was first crapping on Sharon -- BB tells us what he'd put in it.

A would-be book wouldn't include any bad-mouthing or tea -- like he teased on X ... instead, he says it'd include all the positive things in his life, like his family and his career.

Good to see that Billy's not holding a grudge against Sharon ... 'cause like we said, he was fired up when she first invoked his name last week during a podcast interview, in which she alleged that a producer on a film they both worked on tried pushing her into banging him.

All's well that ends well ... Bill's waiving the white flag.

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