TIROTEO EN MOSCU MÁS DE 40 MUERTOS Y 100 HERIDOS Aparecen los sospechosos

Parece que los sospechosos del atentado terrorista contra la sala de conciertos de Moscú fueron maltratados durante su detención: estaban gravemente magullados y apenas conscientes durante su primera comparecencia ante el tribunal.

Los presuntos terroristas fueron fotografiados el domingo en un tribunal ruso, donde aparecieron con cortes y magulladuras en sus rostros hinchados mientras se enfrentaron a cargos de terrorismo tras la matanza del viernes. De hecho, Saidakrami Rachabalizoda -un sospechoso de 30 años- entró al tribunal con una venda alrededor de la oreja y varias heridas en la cara.

Dalerdzhon Mirzoyev, de 32 años, también fue fotografiado con un ojo morado mientras se sentaba detrás de un plexiglás para comparecer ante el tribunal. También parecía tener los restos de una bolsa de plástico alrededor de su cuello.

Moscow Terrorism Suspects Beaten & Bruised in Court

Looks like the suspects in the Moscow concert hall terror attack are getting roughed up while in custody -- they were severely bruised, and barely conscious during their first court appearance.

The suspected terrorists were photographed Sunday in a Russian courtroom, where they appeared to have cuts and bruises on their swollen faces as they faced terrorism charges following Friday's carnage. In fact, Saidakrami Rachabalizoda, a 30-year-old suspect, entered the court with a bandage around his ear and several noticeable bruises on his face.

32-year-old Dalerdzhon Mirzoyev was also photographed with a black eye as he sat behind plexiglass for the appearance in court. He also appeared to have the remnants of a plastic bag around his neck.

Vladimir Putin 133 Killed in Moscow Shooting ... Claims Ukraine Involved

The death count in Friday's tragic Moscow mass shooting is much higher than originally believed ... according to Russia's President Vladimir Putin.

The controversial head of state reportedly told the nation during a televised address that 133 people had been killed in the vicious attack at Crocus City Hall, a concert venue on Moscow's Western outskirts.

Putin likens the shooters to Nazis ... saying they killed in an organized fashion, aiming for Russian citizens and even children.

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack, but President Putin laid the blame squarely at the feet of Ukrainian officials ... saying they were working to let the perpetrators cross the border into their country.

Horrifying Footage

FWIW ... an anonymous United States official told The Washington Post there's no reason to doubt the Islamic State's claim.

As we reported ... videos from the tragic shooting went viral -- showing graphic scenes of death and destruction at the music hall. People huddled behind chairs while gunshots echoed around the structure, and initial estimates put the death count at above 40.

Explosives were reportedly used during the attack, resulting in the whole building catching fire.

Officials in Western countries warned their citizens about venturing out to large public gatherings this month in the aftermath of Putin's recent election victory ... warning of possible terror attacks.

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At least one man was detained by police last night ... caught on video being frisked with his hands up against a wall. It's unclear how many people were detained or how many were involved in the mass shooting.

More people were critically injured in the shooting -- and, Russia’s Investigative Committee says they expect the death toll to continue rising.

Tiroteo en Moscú Más de 40 personas habrían muerto, 100 heridos...

Brutal registro

Un aterrador video de un tremendo tiroteo en Rusia se ha vuelto viral en las redes y muestras algunas dramáticas escenas del ataque que ha dejado decenas de muertos y muchos más heridos.

El registro del triste incidente del viernes en el Crocus City Hall, un enorme lugar de conciertos a las afueras de Moscú, capta el sonido de los disparos que resuenan en el lugar.

Otro video muestra a gente tirándose al suelo y acurrucándose detrás de las sillas del vestíbulo mientras el sonido de los disparos reverbera por toda la sala.

Y lo que es peor, a continuación se declara un gran incendio en el edificio, que es fácil de ver desde los alrededores, y según muestra el video grabado desde el exterior del edificio, las llamas parecieron arder con fuerza durante un rato. Los informes dicen se lanzaron bombas y granadas en medio de este baño de sangre.

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En llamas

El Servicio Federal de Seguridad de Rusia -la organización del país encargada de la seguridad interior- afirma que más de 40 personas murieron en el atentado y más de 100 resultaron heridas.

Associated Press, citando a medios de comunicación rusos, informa que varios hombres armados entraron al edificio y lanzaron explosivos, lo que provocó el incendio. Al parecer, los hombres que entraron en la sala estaban vestidos de faena y empezaron a disparar contra la multitud que asistía a ver a Picnic, un popular grupo de rock. El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Rusia ha calificado el atentado de terrorista.

Al parecer, algunos videos muestran hasta cuatro hombres armados disparando a quemarropa y parece que la policía detuvo al menos a un posible sospechoso, que fue visto palpando a un hombre en el video con las manos sobre un vehículo.

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En custodia

Por cierto, parece que EE.UU. y otras grandes potencias occidentales podrían haber previsto esto, pues habían compartido advertencias con sus ciudadanos en las últimas semanas, llamándolos a permanecer lejos de las zonas concurridas de Moscú.

Aún no está claro si este ataque fue provocado por motivos políticos, pero las autoridades estatales lo están investigando como un acto terrorista.

Moscow Shooting 40+ Reportedly Dead, 100 Injured ... Music Venue Set Ablaze

Horrifying Footage

Terrifying video from a mass shooting in Russia is going viral online ... and, it paints a dramatic picture of the devastating attack that's left dozens dead and many more injured.

Footage from the chaotic scene Friday at Crocus City Hall -- a huge concert venue on the outskirts of Moscow -- captures the sound of gunshots echoing throughout the cavernous venue.

Another clip shows people hitting the floor, huddling behind chairs in the hall as the sound of gunshots reverberates around the room.

Even worse, a huge fire was ignited at the building -- easy to see from all around the venue -- and the flames themselves seemed to burn strong for a while based on video shot from outside the building. Reports say grenades and or bombs were set off in this bloodbath.

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Russia’s Federal Security Service -- the country's organization in charge of domestic security -- says more than 40 people were killed in the attack and more than 100 were injured.

The Associated Press -- citing Russian news outlets -- reports several gunmen entered the building and threw explosives, causing the fire to break out. Men in fatigues reportedly entered the hall and began firing on the crowd in attendance to see Picnic, a popular rock band. Russia's foreign ministry is calling this a terroristic attack.

Some videos reportedly show as many as four gunmen shooting people at point-blank range ... and it appears police detained at least one potential suspect -- seen on video patting down a man with his hands on the side of a vehicle.

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BTW ... it seems the U.S. and other major Western powers might've seen this coming -- with warnings to their citizens being issued in recent weeks to stay away from crowded areas in Moscow.

It's not yet clear if this attack was sparked by any political motives ... but, state authorities are investigating it as an act of terror.

John Hinckley Jr. 'Cancel Culture' Killing My Music Career!!! Attempted Assassin Grouses

Ya shoot one President, and suddenly ya can't buy a break ... that's John Hinckley Jr.'s gripe, essentially, after his latest folk singing gig got canned.

The man who opened fire on President Ronald Reagan -- and also injured Press Secretary James Brady, a Secret Service agent and cop -- has become a guitar-strumming folk singer, who actually gets booked for concerts, but they tend to get canceled before he gets onstage.

Hinckley's bitching about his latest yanked gig at Hotel Huxley in Naugatuck, CT, where he was supposed to perform on March 30 ... until the venue announced last week it was pulling the plug. He told the NY Post, "I think it's fair to say I'm a victim of cancel culture."

Referring to all of his canceled shows, he added, "It keeps happening over and over again."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Last week Hotel Huxley posted on its IG page, "You Guessed It: Postponed Until Further Notice (They're killin us here)." That last line seems to be a reference to the massive backlash the venue was getting for booking Hinckley -- but also feels distasteful, considering the concert date would've marked 43 years, to the day, since the attempted assassination of Reagan.


Hinckley was found not guilty by reason of insanity, and spent nearly 30 years in a mental health hospital before he was released in 2016.

Since then, he's picked up the guitar and actually released songs on his YouTube channel.

His first concert was booked for Brooklyn in 2022, but again, was canceled due to backlash -- and that's subsequently happened for his other planned shows in Georgia, Illinois and Virginia ... where he now lives in Williamsburg.

Karma. It's a thing.

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BILLY BALDWIN Mellowed Out on Stone Feud ... Better Things to ✍️ About

feeling 1,000 percent

Billy Baldwin's beef with Sharon Stone sounded fiery online -- but in person, the dude doesn't seem to wanna keep the battle going ... 'cause he's turning down the temperature.

We got the actor out in L.A. Wednesday, where our photog asked him about a number of things -- including what happened to his left eye. If you can't quite see, he's got a little nick there ... and Billy tells us exactly how it happened.

The Louis Theroux Podcast

Eventually, we get to what everyone wants to know ... namely, whether his feud with Sharon -- whom he eviscerated online last week after she name-dropped him -- was alive and well.

Check it out ... Billy seems to have moved on from all that, refusing to further trash Sharon here on camera. Although, when we asked if he was still writing a book -- like he suggested he might do when he was first crapping on Sharon -- BB tells us what he'd put in it.

A would-be book wouldn't include any bad-mouthing or tea -- like he teased on X ... instead, he says it'd include all the positive things in his life, like his family and his career.

Good to see that Billy's not holding a grudge against Sharon ... 'cause like we said, he was fired up when she first invoked his name last week during a podcast interview, in which she alleged that a producer on a film they both worked on tried pushing her into banging him.

All's well that ends well ... Bill's waiving the white flag.

'Selling Sunset' Christine Quinn Husband Arrested for Assault with Deadly Weapon


12:40 PM PT -- Law enforcement sources tell us Christine Quinn was offered an emergency protective order against Christian Dumontet. Sources with direct knowledge tell us she accepted this protective order, which will be in effect for 7 days.

11:38 AM PT -- TMZ has confirmed that Christine and Christian's 2-year-old son was, in fact, transported to the hospital Tuesday via ambulance -- and we're told Christine went with him.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us that an ambulance arrived on the scene to treat the child -- and in the end, we're told first responders thought it'd be best if the kid went to the hospital ... so they took him.

Christine Quinn's husband was arrested this week -- and the charge he was booked for is incredibly serious ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tells us Christian Dumontet was taken into custody Tuesday afternoon near his L.A.-area home -- where he was seen wearing a bathrobe -- and hauled away by cops, who put him in a cruiser and took him to jail.

We're told a call for a domestic incident is what spurred officers to show up. In terms of what allegedly happened -- our sources tell us there was a verbal argument between Christian and Christine ... and Christine told cops Christian threw a bag with glass in it at her.

We're told the bag missed Christine and it actually struck their young child, a 2-year-old, and at this point ... our sources say the call to 911 was then placed. We're told that an ambulance arrived, but the toddler didn't need to be transported ... getting treated at the scene.

We're told Dumontet was booked for assault with a deadly weapon, a felony. As of this writing, he appears to still be behind bars on $30,000 bail. His arrest was first posted by Page Six.

She and Christian have been married since 2019 -- and he's also been featured on "Selling Sunset" ... although, his involvement has been minimal as he's mostly behind the scenes. Their December wedding was well-documented on the show at the time.

In terms of his background, Christian comes from the tech world ... and fancies himself as an entrepreneur these days. He and CQ share one kid together ... a son also named Christian.

On its face ... there was never any real drama between them that was captured on camera.

We've reached out to Christine's camp for comment ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 10:23 AM PT



12:40 PM PT -- Fuentes policiales nos dicen que a Christine Quinn le ofrecieron una orden de protección de emergencia contra Christian Dumontet. Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que ella aceptó esta orden de protección, la cual entará en vigor durante 7 días.

11:38 AM PT -- TMZ ha confirmado que el hijo de 2 años de Christine y Christian fue, de hecho, transportado al hospital el martes en ambulancia, y nos dicen que Christine fue con él.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que una ambulancia llegó a la escena para tratar al niño, y al final nos dicen que los socorristas pensaron que sería mejor si el niño fuera al hospital, así que lo llevaron.

El marido de Christine Quinn fue detenido esta semana, y el cargo es increíblemente grave... TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que Christian Dumontet fue detenido el martes por la tarde cerca de su casa de Los Ángeles, donde fue visto con una bata de baño y capturado por la policía. Lo pusieron en un carro patrulla y lo llevaron a la cárcel.

Nos dicen que una llamada alertando de un incidente doméstico es lo que estimuló a los oficiales a aparecer. En términos de lo que supuestamente sucedió, nuestras fuentes nos dicen que hubo una discusión verbal entre Christian y Christine, y Christine le dijo a la policía que Christian le arrojó una bolsa con vidrios.

Nos dicen que la bolsa golpeó accidentalmente a su hijo de 2 años, y nuestras fuentes dicen que llamaron al 911. Nos dicen que una ambulancia llegó, y el niño pudo ser tratado ahí mismo

Nos dicen que Dumontet fue fichado por asalto con un arma mortal, un delito grave. Al momento de escribir estas líneas, parece que sigue entre rejas, bajo fianza de 30.000 dólares. Su arresto fue publicado por primera vez por Page Six.

Ella y Christian han estado casados desde 2019, y él también ha aparecido en "Selling Sunset", aunque, su participación ha sido mínima, ya que está principalmente está detrás de escena. Su boda de diciembre fue bien documentada en el programa en ese momento.

En cuanto a sus antecedentes, Christian viene del mundo de la tecnología, y se ve a sí mismo como un empresario estos días. Él y Christine comparten un hijo llamado Christian.

A primera vista, parece que nunca hubo ningún drama real entre ellos capturado en cámara.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con el equipo de Christine para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Publicado originalmente -- 10:23 AM PT

Jalen Hurts Pays For Funeral of H.S. FB Player Killed In Shooting

Jalen Hurts is lending a big hand to the family of a high school football player who was shot and killed in Texas earlier this month ... paying for the teen's funeral expenses.

The footballer -- 18-year-old Jarvon Coles -- died on March 9 ... after authorities say at least one shooter fired gunshots in the direction of a Houston house party he had been attending.

Cops say Coles was struck by the gunfire -- and despite life-saving efforts, the North Shore H.S. linebacker was pronounced deceased a short time later at a nearby hospital.

Hurts, who attended a rival high school of North Shore, was so moved by the tragedy after learning of the news ... he decided to pay for Coles' memorial service, according to NFL Network's Ian Rapoport.

The funeral was held over the weekend at The Light of the World Christian Fellowship Church in Humble, Texas.

"He was like a light in the tunnel," Coles' grandfather, Braxton, told KHOU. "Everybody loved him. He had absolutely no enemies and it’s just beyond my comprehension that something like this would happen."

Coles, who wore No. 10, was a team captain in 2023. He helped lead North Shore to a 15-1 record this past season.

He had a 4.1 GPA and received several college offers ... but was planning to go to Lamar University.


Alec Baldwin Reportedly Offered 'Rust' Plea Deal ... Lenient & Equal to Halls

Alec Baldwin could've walked away from the "Rust" shooting with no more than a slap on the wrist ... at least, if a new report is to be believed.

According to Variety, new court documents released Friday claim Baldwin was offered a lenient plea deal. However, according to them, the deal was taken off the table before AB could make up his mind.

The actor was reportedly offered a plea deal that was "identical to the petty misdemeanor deal accepted by Dave Halls."

Halls -- who served as first assistant director at the time of the shooting that resulted in the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins -- received six months of unsupervised probation, a $500, 24 hours of community service and a mandatory firearm safety class.

Variety reports Baldwin was offered this deal October 5 and given until October 27 to decide ... but prosecutors allegedly took the deal away on October 17 and informed Baldwin's team they were going forward with a grand jury. Unclear what changed in that short window.


As we reported ... Baldwin and his attorney Alex Spiro filed to get the case dismissed Thursday claiming Santa Fe County D.A.'s office rigged the grand jury against Alec, pointing to biased witnesses and their alleged omission of relevant evidence that undermined the case against Baldwin.

His filing claims the D.A. didn't present the entirety of the testing the FBI did on his firearm ... which he claims would prove it could've been fired without him pulling the trigger.

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Court TV

Baldwin's case is set to go to trial in July, and he could serve up to 18 months in prison if found guilty. He's signaled he's going to fight the charges -- and, obviously is doing what he can to get them thrown out before he has to show up in court and defend himself.

Defense Attorney Mike Cavalluzzi Crumbley Verdicts Might Be Good ... More Watchful Parents


Ethan Crumbley's parents have been convicted of involuntary manslaughter in connection with the crime committed by their son ... an outcome at least one criminal defense attorney sees as both a troubling sign and a great lesson for parents.

We spoke with attorney Mike Cavalluzzi -- a Los Angeles-based lawyer -- about the verdicts on "TMZ Live" Friday, and, while he said he's concerned about the expanding criminal liability ... he's also seeing it as a wake-up call for parents.

As Mike explains it, school shootings in the United States have become far too commonplace, and he says he views verdicts like this as a way to stop people from buying weapons these shooters end up using to harm others.

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Mike also called the potential changes parents will make from Thursday's verdict opportunities rather than consequences -- as in, giving people the opportunity to make good parenting decisions.

Basically, MC says the verdicts will likely keep parents on high alert ... and, hopefully, that will help parents see the warning signs before it's too late.

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As you know ... Ethan Crumbley -- who killed four students during a 2021 shooting at Oxford High School in Michigan -- received life without the possibility of parole back in December, but his parents were also charged in connection with the crime.

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FOX 2 Detroit

Ethan's parents -- James and Jennifer Cumbley -- were both found guilty of involuntary manslaughter for being criminally negligent in the lead-up to their son's shooting ... with prosecutors even claiming James bought Ethan the gun he used days prior.

Jennifer was found guilty in early February while James got his guilty verdict Thursday ... but both are scheduled to be sentenced April 9.

Bottom line ... these verdicts may make some parents a bit nervous -- and Mike Cavalluzzi thinks that's probably for the best.

Subway Brawl Man Shot in Head with His Own Gun ... Altercation Caught on Video


A NYC subway rider is in critical condition after getting shot in the head at the end of a brutal brawl where he was also stabbed ... and the whole thing was recorded by an onlooker.

This went down Thursday in Brooklyn, where cops say 2 men got into a fight while they were both riding a subway car -- their showdown alarmed nearby commuters, some of whom started shooting video as it got physical.

Police say they were told the man who was shot actually instigated things -- and that seems to be confirmed by the video -- as he squared off with the other guy.


While the 2 men were punching and wrestling each other, a woman enters the fray and apparently stabs one of them in the back -- it appears she was with the other combatant. l

The stabbing victim, who was visibly bleeding, started screaming and asking if she'd stabbed him .. and then fumbles in his jacket pocket for a gun.

The man he was originally fighting ran over and tried to shield his woman ... as the gun-wielding man corners them.

At that point, everyone else in the subway car started running in the opposite direction ... desperately trying to get off, because they've seen the gun. It was a tense and terrifying scene ... and as they were cowering 4 gunshots go off.

Struggling To Stay Safe

Someone captured the aftermath of this -- where you can see cops on the scene attending to the man who was shot ... and as you can see it's the man who originally pulled out the gun.

The other man was eventually cuffed and led away, but it's unclear if he's been charged yet.

Rushed Out

NYC officials say it appears the man who was detained wrestled the gun away and fired upon the other man -- no word on whether this will be determined to be self-defense. The man who was shot was eventually rushed away by paramedics, and he's hospitalized in critical condition.


Alec Baldwin quiere quedar libre de cargos en el caso de homicidio involuntario de "Rust", porque afirma que los fiscales manipularon la baraja en su contra con el Gran Jurado que lo acusó.

El actor y su abogado, Alex Spiro, presentaron nuevos documentos legales -obtenidos por TMZ- donde se busca argumentar que el proceso del gran jurado fue completamente manipulado por la oficina del Condado de Santa Fe, alegando que los 7 testigos estaban increíblemente manipulados.

En concreto, Alec dice que tres de los testigos estaban en la "nómina" del fiscal, dos de ellos eran de la Oficina del Sheriff de Santa Fe, uno ya lo estaba demandando en un caso civil separado, y otro públicamente culpó a Baldwin por la muerte de Halyna Hutchins días después... a pesar de que Alec dice que esta persona no estaba trabajando en la producción en ese momento.

Otra alegación en los documentos se refiere a las pruebas del FBI de la pistola utilizada en la escena. Alec afirma que el fiscal no presentó todas las pruebas y que, según alega, demostró que el revólver se disparó sin apretar el gatillo cuando los 6 cartuchos estaban cargados, igual que el día de la tragedia.

"no quiero disparar hacia ti"
NBC News

Recordemos que hasta ahora habíamos oído lo contrario. Básicamente que las pruebas del FBI demostraron que sin lugar a dudas el arma solo se podía disparar si se aprieta el gatillo. Esto es crucial, porque Alec siempre ha mantenido que no apretó el gatillo.

Por todas estas razones, Alec le está pidiendo al juez que retire el cargo de homicidio involuntario. Como informamos, él ya se declaró inocente... esto después de que el D.A. desestimó sus cargos la primera vez.

Alec está actualmente programado para ir a juicio en julio.


The father of Michigan high school shooter Ethan Crumbley, has been found guilty on all 4 counts of involuntary manslaughter ... just weeks after his wife Jennifer saw the same verdict.

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FOX 2 Detroit

The jury reached the decision for James Crumbley Thursday after 1 day of deliberations. His sentencing is scheduled for April 9, the same date as his wife.

With this verdict, Crumbley was found to be negligent for disregarding warning signs exhibited by his son that could have potentially prevented the devastating event. Prosecutors said he even purchased a gun for his son just days before he used it to open fire at Oxford High School in the Detroit suburb of Oxford Township, MI, in November 2021, killing 4 students.

The verdict comes a few weeks after his wife Jennifer's conviction -- which marked an historic moment, as it's unprecedented for a parent to be criminally charged in connection with their child's involvement in a mass shooting.

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Jennifer's testimony during her trial had shed light on the role she says her husband, James, played in the tragic events ... saying he had purchased the gun their son used in the shooting and was the one responsible for hiding it.

She also testified she was aware her son was struggling but had no inkling he was capable of carrying out a mass shooting ... saying if she had known, she'd done the whole thing differently.

17-year-old Ethan was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole back in December.

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Ethan told the court he was "a really bad person" before he was handed his hefty sentence ... adding, "I have done terrible things that no one should ever do."

Alec Baldwin Claims Prosecutor Rigged Grand Jury ... Wants Manslaughter Charge Dismissed

Alec Baldwin wants to be let off the hook in the "Rust" manslaughter case, because he claims prosecutors stacked the deck against him with the Grand Jury that indicted him.

The actor and his attorney Alex Spiro filed new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, where he seeks to have his criminal case completely tossed ... arguing the grand jury process was completely rigged by the Santa Fe County D.A.'s office -- alleging they trotted out 7 witnesses who were incredibly biased.

Specifically, Alec says 3 of the witnesses were on the D.A.'s "payroll," 2 of them were from the Santa Fe Sheriff's Office, one was already suing him in a separate civil case -- and yet another publicly blamed Baldwin for Halyna Hutchins' death days afterward ... even though Alec says this person wasn't working on the production at the time.

Another eye-popping allegation in the docs involves the FBI testing of the pistol used in the scene. Alec claims the D.A. failed to present all the evidence from that testing ... which he alleges showed the revolver did, in fact, fire without the trigger being pulled when all 6 rounds were loaded, just as they were on the day of the tragedy.

NBC News

Remember, up until now ... we'd heard the opposite -- that the FBI testing proved without a doubt the gun could only fire if the trigger was pulled. This is crucial, because Alec has always maintained he did not pull the trigger.


For all these reasons, Alec's asking a judge to drop the involuntary manslaughter charge. As we reported, he already pled not guilty in this second go-around ... this after the D.A. dismissed their charges the first time.

Alec is currently scheduled to go to trial in July.